--'r",,sesi?v wy? f5pa j i-" rppa :t'L '-v ?' ASTOE.TA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14. I-S5M). '(JL. XXXV, NO. 44. PRICE FIVE CENTS am & N i II IT Jl P III lis R"4ig2 M inH E 1 i B I I I I I "" "7 POWDER Absolutely Purs, Tilts powder never vanes, A marvel ol ,rity, strength and wholesomcncss. More .mica! tlian the ordinary kinds, and can mk l xiltl in competition with the multi-Ih.1- r low t'st, short weight, alum or iihos nHn i.iw.lers. Sold mlv in cans. ItoYAl. Haki: nmiiBR Co. 10G V'all-sU N. V. I.rwis ai. Johnson & Co.. Agents, I'ort n:id. Oregon. 8 and 88 Two Choice BIks in Adair's Astoria FOK SALE BY Van Dusen & Go Lots in Block "8" S200. Lots in Block "88" $150. Half Cash, Balance in Three and Six Hlonths. t5T"All lots staked at four corners. o O T T N A T- Life Size Portraits -roit 35. OO You may during the next 30 days get a GENUINE CRAYON PORTRAIT Which wc guarantee NEYF.lt TO FADE for the greatly reduced price ol :-: $5.00 ONLY :-: "I"fcve pictures have bofnn been sold everywhere, from $10.00 t $25.00. but we will nuwhe Every Ono a Chanco To obtain a good piece of work for the small sum mentioned. U ordered within one month. We can mal:e a i-icturo of any photograph, tiut pe. or tlasiKrrrotype. tcae vour orders w ih Air. IF. A Derhy. ..r Nend direct to Mm. Ma. 1). ujtmt, l;il iViitiT9tr"et, Chicago. Hi.. foniHMiy l Sui Francisco. Cal. if esisli awomp.intes order we will allow you a. discount of M per cent Neimi & Engross MAN I' l OTU HI XO Jewelers and Watchmakers. Jewelry Waclii. :tni 'Ioc-Us CCairl :t ".vtr"-ly t.uw fi'i Im'. 628 Third St.. Astoria CHICKENS! CHICKENS! Fresh, Young and Tendor, WtlO'.liS.Vl.K AND KUi'AlL. AT BLACK'S RED CORNER Poultry Market. FERD FERRELL'S JTew Barber Shop :-: IS NOW OPEN :-: And lie Is ready to serve his fricmls to their satisfaction. GIVE HIM A CALL. SHOr-NeU to rhil Stokes' store. Magnus 0, Crosby liealer in RAEDf ARE, BUS, STEEL. Inm ripe and IFIttlngs, Stoves, Tin ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet F.cad. Strip Lend. Sheer Iron. Tin and Copper. 02 P w ft I r iWIHGATE & STONE, Astoria, A FIREMEN'S STRIKE. Hen on tlie Central ani West Shore Roafls OrJereu Ont. YOI.ICE 2'llOTECT XOXUXIOXJ.STi Special by Thk United Tiiks. Albans:, N. Y., Aug. 13. Ecod of the Locomotive Firemen's Brother hood is authority for the follewing: "Wo are all ordered ont by an order from headquarters." Reed is division " chief of the Brotherhood. The strike is ordered by Sargent, general chief of the fire men's brotherhood. It is understood that the order applies to the Now York Central and "West Shore roads, and it is reported that the firemen on the latter have struck and the road is tied up. It is probable the strike may extend to other roads to night. Yice-president Webb was in Albany late this afternoon, and after a hur ried consultation with the officials iu the New York Central office he re turned at once to New York. No hour has been fixed for the firemen to go out. Three carloads of Pinkerton men have just loft the depot to pro tect the non-union men in the West Albany yards. Serious troublo is an ticipated. THREATENING STRIKERS. Say tlie Officials Violated Their Promise. Special to Thk Astokiax.j AiiBAKX, Aug. 23. The Delaware and Hudson men -who went out to-day ctaim tnat tney detected tne JJelawaro and Hudson officials endeavoring to Minneapolis, Aug. 13. A telegram Snirfnf'LS1 WS'V Tottase. Ontario, says the violation of a promise made to the j . ,. , . . ,- ,. , district assembly. They say tho Canadian and American Indians have Btrike "will extend the whole length of taken possession of Gordon island, in tho road before night , Passenger i Lake of the "Woods, and havo ordered Knights claim that the action of the section within four days. Tho pnnci- Central people in bringing on a large number of switchmen from the Michi gan Central yards at Chicago will at once extend the strike to western lines of the Vanderbilt system. More Railroad. Strikers. Special to The Astoeias. Albany, N. Y., Aug. 13. At neon the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.'s freight and yard men, except the en gineers and firemen, quit work as though the signal had been giveu on that road. It is said the Boston & Albany & Fitchburg freight depart- j ments will strike. Trouble is feared here now. General Manager Young, of tho Delaware & Hudson railroad, said the strike only included the freight handlers, switchmen and yard men in the Albany yards. The Strike Unchanged. Special to Thk Astouiax. Nr.w York, Aug. 13. Tho strike situation remains practically un changed, except that the officials claim it is practically improved. They say that they arc running passenger trains and everything has resumcifiis nor-1 mal condition. t. - ; A strange FWi. A mm and peculiar 1I2I1 was cjipt u red by Mr. John B. Parsons, Jr., intinent was at tho Milk island trap on the 3d mst. It j is provided with a sucking disk on the back cif the head. At first there vriv much conjecture as to what it might be, but it wjis soon found to be a . ... .1 J uu iljr, ramora, or sucking lisu, a speci03 found inostlv in tho souUi Atlantic, JlmtoccaBionallvfuiindasfariiorth asi80"0.116"?? an nng. ab tucywere ! the Britih coast. They aro said to 'attach themselves to vessels, and in oldc-n times were leported to 1 be iiiilmmental iu sinking them; 1 but tho sinkinir nart of the , story is now relegated to tho domain j of fable. On the coast of Mozambique they aro usedfor purpose of capturing turtles. A ring is fixed around its tail with a long cord, and the fish, placed in a vessel of sea water, is car ried out in a boat. The fishermen row gently towards a sleeping turtle and throw the ramora towards it, and the fish seldom fails to affix itself to the tnrlle, which is drawn in by tho cord, becoming an easy prey. Mr. Parsons has taken this curiosity to the Peabody Academy, Salem, for preservation there. Cape Ann Jireeze, 5. IN'oiice. GOD'6 BLESSLNG TO HUMANITY So Says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety Years Old. Forest Grove. Or., March lfl. I have used the OREGON KIDNEY TEA and obtained immediate relief. It is God's blessing to humanity. I take pleasure in recommending it to the afflicted. 1 am now nearly ninety years old, came to Oregon in 1842 in the em ploy of the Hudson's liay Company, and since 1 began using the OREGON KIDNEY TEA I enjov good health. DAVID MUNROE. All the patent medicines advertiseu in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet artich s etc -nn he bought at the lowest prices nt J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. HOLLADAT Blocks 200x200, $300 o $400. Lots 50x100 to 350 feet, $40 to $100. This Choice Property is now on the market, and is the Finest Summer Resort on the Coast. It joins the Seaside Hotel property on the south, and has one-half of river frontage, on tlie jSTecanicum river with line boating and fishing. A PAYING ROAD. Has Hauled a Largo Amount of Wheat. Special to The Astojuax. New Yokk, Aug. 13. President Oakes says the gross earning3 of the Northern Pacific for the last year aro S22,G00,0K), and the surplus after pay ing 1 per cent dividend on preferred slock at nearly 1,000,000. He expects the gross earnings to bo 3,000.000 more for this year than last, and the net earnings to be S1,000,000 in excess of last year. He estimates that tho road will haul 100,000,000 bushels of wheat to Tacoma and 20,000,000 bushels to Chicago. THE G. A. R. General Alffcr Delivers Address. the Special to Thk Astoiuax.1 Boston, Aug. 13. The convention of the 24th national encampment of the Grand Army of tho Republic camo to order in this city at Music hall this morning at 11 o'clock. Prayer was offered by Past Chief Chap lain. L M. Poster, at tho conclusion of which Commander-in-Chief General B. A, Alger delivered tho annual address. THE REBELLIOUS RED SMS. Canadian and American Indians Mine in an UprlsiHg. AX AYFEA.lt 3fA7E FOE TJIOOYS. Special hy Thk Uxiteo Fhess. pal company is tho Baltimore Packing company, which has branch houses in Denver, Omaha, Salt Lake City and other places. Tho governor has been appealed to to send troops and they will probably be sent to day. The company's manager here fears tho In dians may in addition destroy the fish ing plants and massacro the men in charge. It is not yet known what caused the uprising. SIR CIIAS. HALL. Wants Something- In licltcrVcin Special to Thk Astokuk. New Yoek, Aug. 13. It is reported here on the authority of a private letter from London, that Miss Leiter, tho daughter of Levi Z. Leiter of Chi cago, is engaged to bo married to Sir Chas. Hall, privato attorney of the prince of Wales. Miss Leiter has a large fortune in her own right John Boyle O'Reilly's Funeral. Special to Thk stow tx.j Boston, Aug. 13. The funeral of John Boylo O'Beilly occurred from St. Mary's church at Charlestown. Vast quantities of costly floral offer- ings lined tho church. Great crowds lot people were unable to gain admis- 8jOI j0 fno cliarcli- The services con sisted of a requiem hish mass and a sermon by Father Fulton. Tho intor- Monut Calvalry ccm- etary Old and Young Killed. .-pecial to Thk Astouiax. Oraxge, Mass., Aug. 13.--Joseph A Ni.nfmiiM M-rt.vi. rmi j . rn.v. vi.n ., ; . ' , ,, . "'b,'.uituii ,,' utV4 " j"io i" morning too his four-year-old grand- crossing the track of tho Fitchbnrg railroad near the station, the pay train dashed by it and struck tho two and instantly killed them. hTviicTiinen nndBrakcmcn Strike Special to The Astoriax. AiiBAxr, Aug. 13.- The Delaware and Hudson switchmen and brakemen havo gone out and the road is tied up. One hundred and fifty Michigan Cen tral men were sent to west Albany at 11 o'clock to movo freight for tho Now York Central. "Do hens pay?" asks a poultry journal, Mrs. Panzie, who had $10 worth of garden flowers destroyed by her neighbor's chickens, says that if tho hens don't pay she will sue their owners. Norristown Hearld. Everything Goes Wrong In the bodily mechanism when the liver peti out of order. Constipation, dyspepsia, con tamination of the blood, imperfect assimila tion are certain to ensue. Rut it is easy to prevent theso consequences, and reniovo their cause, by a course of Ilostettcr's Stom ach Bitters, which stimulates the biliary oryan and rejjulates its action. The direct result Is a disappearance of the pains be neath tho ribs and through the shoulder blade, the nausea, headaches, yellowness or the skin, furred look of tho tongue, and sour odor of the breath, which characterize liver complaint. Sound digestion and a regular habit of body are Westings also secured by the use of this celebrated res torative of health, which imparts a degree of vigor to the body which Is Its best nuar anteo of safety from malarial epidemics. Aerve weakness and over tension are relieved by it, and it Improves both appetite and sleep. WcIuharri'A Siecr. And Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. OITLTT FITTE CONSUL. SEWAIilj'S REPORT Kept Secret hy the Government. Special to The Astoria. "Washington, Aug. 13. The report of consul-general Sewall at Apia, was received at the state department to day, but it is being kept secret by act ing secretary Wharton. It is learned, however, that it corroborated the re port that tho natives are dissatisfied because the dual government na3 not been formed, and there are fcar3 of trouble. It also intimated that Sewall, in his well-known blunt manner, raps tne foreign rep resentatives pretty severely m lus report of some of their actions. Locomotirc Engineers Will IVot ! Strike. j Special ta The Astoria.! Terrs Hatjte, Ind., Aug 18.-3:45 r. m. TJp to this hour it has been im- possible to obtain any information I from srand master Sargent as to his ' ordering out tho New York Central ' faremen. In an interview yesterday lie lam its supply from that section. It said in answer to a question whether has .also the largest coal fields on this tho firemen would go out, that many coast, with iron, limo and building of them -who were Knights of Labor stone. It is not a good agricultural undoubtedly would, but that the region but for fruits and kitchen veg Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen ctable3 it cannot bo excelled, Its would tako no part in the strike. climate i3 like that of Great Britain. It has 150 rainy dnvs in the vcar. Want to Keep Clear ol Politics. While San Francisco after twentv Special to Thk Astoriax.1 j ycar3 has failed to obtain ono compet- CoiiTjinjus, Ohio, Aug. 13. Four J iug railroad, Washington has already hun dred and fifty farmers met here in three advancing to compete with the tho state convention to-day in re-, sponso to a call by prominent agri culturists, to take action toward pre senting their interests to congress and me legislature. j.uuru is u sirou ul- fort to keep the movement out of po- litical channels. ON WORLD MAKING. , 't Tho "Fat Contributor" Speaks to a Toat ' for Coloaol Bob Ingcrsoll. ; J 11.- T ?1-L- mi Z 1. r I Tho following imitation of Colonel Ingereolls stylo of address was given at a club dinner not long ago by A. Miner Griswold, -witty editor of 1 exas Sittings: "I am requested," said Colonel In- gersqii, "to give my laeas aoout maK- ing this world of ours. But you must remember, was not consulted about the making of this world. I don't even know why it was made in tho first place, and I don't know why it was made in tho way it was. There was really no call for tho world wo live in. "The universe teemed with worlds already, many of them lying idle for the want of business. Over production had laid its paralyzing hand on the world-building industry even before ours was placed on the stocks. "While there were millions of worlds under a high state of cultiva tion and densely populated, thero were millions more almost deserted, not paying running expenses. Why, there aro myriads of dead worlds floating in the starry ether, celestial tramps headed for nowhere, drifting aimlessly about ottthc.sjja of illimit ablo space! "Why did they die? Because there was absolutely no call for them, not even a call to repentance. Worn-out worlds to bo had for a song. BHlious and billions of starry acres wailing to be taken up under the homestead Intp. ninnsinns in tlift skips in ir hnd for tho asking, and yet they go to work and make another world! "I tell you, my friends, the waste of I lugeison iiutci ana ine x-ogson uiock raw material in the construction of row of one-story buildings, was de this universe is appalling. Congress ntroyed by lire at 11 o clock last night ought to look into it. "But I am digrcssiug-and if I die grossing I have arranged for a stenog- rapher to take down my last words so uiubiufj iii.iji.utuu K.UUH.-U u n.u relisrious and sporting press " Now, had 1 been consulted about the making of this world, which I was not you all know that there arc several improvements that I might have suggested. In the first place, in stead of making tho world round like a globe I would have made it diamond shaped, the belter to accommodate base balL That baseball was des tined to become the universal industry of this world ought to have been fore seen from tho Big Inning. "I would havo arranged tho seasons differently, so that we could have snow storms in the dog-days and the heated term in mid-winter. "I would have reversed the laws of gravitation, then when a man fell out of a six-story window, instead of com ing down to break his neck, ho would fly up into tho air, sail about like a balloon and come down easily at his leisure. "As I remarked in a former lecture, I would havo mado health contagious instead, of disease, and then a man laboring under a well-developed attack of good health might go around and give it to tho whole neigh borhood. 'Finally, what a boon I would be to old ago. In old ago a man sheds his teeth, when he needs them most, and keens his corns, which aro really of no service to him whatever. I would havo him shed his corns and hold on to his teeth. "In conclusion, I must say I see no uso for tho making of this eartn, unless it was foreseen that a day would come when Jay Gould would want it!" A fine lino of Cigars anilaCigareUes nn 1m fniinil if. tlin fVilmnhia R.iknrv. 1 59G Third street. MSXTTJTES' TSTAI.K Oregon, JOHN S, HITTELL'S ADDRESS, He Eulogizes tie Glorious Pacific HorDiWBst. VXEQUATtLEU XATUJiAZ, JilCIIES Sp ciat li The Uxrrr.D Funs-. Sax Fraxcisco, Aug. 13. At meeting of the Geographical society I of the Pacific la3t night, John S. Hittell delivered au address entitled "YTest- era Washington, or Washington west of the Cascades." The lecture stated that western Wcslmlgton iiad facilities uncqnaled . ,. e ., , , J m, m an3' Prll0n 0t tll Slobo. The largest spars come from Pnget sound and for a century California will ob- Northern Pacific, leaving out the re- ported advance of tho Southern Pa cific toward- Puget sound. Tho mam attraction is to have a terminus on - n . I m, T-r - -,-v - . x'uget sounu. xuc union Jtracuic is going there under compulsion, and the Great Northern also, the new line of tho 48th parallel. The Northern Pa- cific is looking for feedera in all direc- tions, and to reach a seaport where commerce can be carried on at the Jt Pefff- ,Scat", bas "dy 3o,000 inhabitants and Tacoma 30,000, while Port Townsend anil Olymma navo 4,590 each. Tho contest between thosc cities EUCS aa nunsUal activity consequent on the advance of these competing railroads. Tacoma is tho only terminus of a railroad at this tjme bufc otuer 1 are 0flering jn. aucemenls to make their uoiuts ter mini of other roads." The address Avas very interesting, and full of facts and figures, -which show tho reason of the great activity displayed by the people of western Washington. XfllNISTER 3X3ZXSU Scars Important BivpatcJic;. Special to Tun Asiom.vxl Sa SaiiVadok, Aug. 13. Minister Mizner camo ashore at La Libertad j on Saturday and on Sunday arrived here. The provisional president, Fzetn, entertained Mizner at a ban quet to-day, and the best of feeling prevailed. Minister Mizner appeared disposed to act in the interest of a set tlement of the difficulties between Guatemala and Salvador. When he arrived hero minister Mizner brought a copy of President Barrillos' formal declaration of war against this repub lic. This was tho first information on the matter received at the capital of this country, and tho first official in formation Hint tho government or San Salvador had on the subject. A $10,000 Fire. Ri-ecl.-.; toTitr..Toi:iAs.i j Jurciawrrsip, Lai., Aug. Jo.--J.nc J-ho hro originated witli an exploited j Jarap m a mimyery store. J-uu juss j v.'as about 310,000. one" ciTinTinaTr i,c... Sneria. to Thk ASTOKi I Sax Fit.YKCisco, Aug. 13 Woo You, a Chinese domestic, while going to worn this morning, was fatally shot. In Ids dving statement You acenses Ny Iloy, a highbinder, with doing tho shooling aud lie lias neen arrested. An old feud, it 13 said, existed between them. ALL SORTS OF ITIJMn. An institution for tho blind Mar riage. Pud:. The limo that is money mn&i be time and a gain. Pack. "Do yon dictate to your type writer?'' "I used to do so, but I married her, and now she dictates to me." Hostoii Courier. Never do anything you aro ashamed of. or tho kodak man may tako your Tiictnre whuo yon are doing iv. Boston Globe. Choking Him Off Mr. Goodolo Tymes Now, my mother's cooking Mrs. Tymes (interrupting) Hush! It's horrible to speak that way of the dead! Puck. There is always room for ono nioro in tho waste basket. Dallas News. If, in tho heat of a family quarrel, tho angry wifo makes a move to pick up a flatiron, by no means is this to be taken as implying a willingness to smooth things over. Detroit Free Press. The confidence of people who have tried Hood's Sarsaprilla, in tins prepar ation, is remarkable. It has cured many who have failed to derive any good whatever from other articles. Por dis eases caused bv impure blood or low state of the system it is unsurpassed. Go to kinds of tlie Columbia bakery for all jakes. FROM THE OCE&2T BEACH. CALIfc'OKSIA REPUBLICANS. An Extract From form. Their Plat- Special to The AsroniAX. Sacramento, Aug. 13. The plat form adopted at the Bepublican state convention to-day states that the Be publican party has successfully con ducted the government of the nation for nearly thirty years, performing deeds of statesmanship and military achieve ment worthy to live forever upon the brightest pages of history. It has contributed to our conntry statesmen suchas Lincoln, Seward, Chase, Sumner, Garfield, Logan, Conkling and Blaine, and such soldiers as Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Thomas, names whose fame will livo in tho world's galaxy of heroes so long as the love of liberty survives in the hu man heart. It has preserved the unionof states against the attack of a million of men in armed rebellion. It found the nation without credit at home or abroad and it organized a financial system under which we have steadily advanced until our conntry has become the most power ful of all the nations of the earth. Better than all it has not only been time to its original purpose of pre venting tho establishment of slavery in any of the territories of the United States, but it has also destroyed slav ery in all of the states. " H0 fALKER TO SHOT. Powers' Carelessness tie Canse of Tlie Sal AcciSent. AXOTJIER DEATir OX THE KtUL. Special bylho Usitku Press. Eugen-e, Aug. 13. It transpires that W. H. Walker was not shot by his companion, from whom he had separ ated, as at first reported, but that ho went out hunting with Frank Witter, of Eugene, on Monday evening, taking a pony, blankel3, provisions, etc., with him. The next morning (yesterday), about 7:30 o'clock, the two hunters were returning, and were about a mile and a half from the bridge, when a shot came from the brush and Walker fell, the bullet having penetrated his head. The shot was fired by a young man named Glen Powers, who live3 in that vicinity, and was out for a morning's hunt Neither Walker nor Powers knew the other was in tho mountains. Walker wore a light colored hunting coat which Powera mistook for a deer and as soon as ho saw it through the brush ho fired The body was carried to tho camp and soon started for Eugene. Mrs. Walker procured a team and drove with all haste to Eugene, arriving hero at 10 o'clock and took the -1 o'clock train for Portland this morn imr. Tho bodv arrived here at 8 this morning where it was embalmed and packed in ice and shipped on tho 10 o'clock train to Portland. No inquest was held and no charge is made against Powers except that of care lessness. AN UNFORTUNATE IVIAN. The Remains Identified oy the Krother. Special to Thk Asto::ia.I PohtijA3.d, Aug. 13. This morning coroner Biver received a telegram stating that a man had been killed on tlie Union Pacific track, near E. J. .Teffrey's brickyard, in the rear of Mount Tabor, about six miles from this city. The accident must have oc curred last night, as tho first TJnion Pacific train coming this way this morning discovered and picked up the remains. Coroner Biver found upon the person of tho deceased, several empty envelopes postmarked Astoria and "directed to Strachan Bros., St. nelens, Columbia county; also a letter from Vincent & McCnllough, dated Astoria, and then thero was a short business communication in one pocket written by E. J. Jeffrev, dated August 8th, 1S90, addressed to George Strat ton. Later in tho day a stranger visited the morgue, asking to bo allowed to view tho remains above referred to. The visitor, who was greatly affected, identified them as those of his brother, George Strachan, a paving block cut ter and a resident of St. Helens, who leaves a wife and four children. IVIiat Tliey Arc Good Z'or. Braxdrkth's Pn.iiS aro the best medicine known. First They ar? purely vegetable, in fact a medicated food. Second The sanio dose always pro duces tho same effect other purgatives require increased doses and finally cease acting. Third They purify the blood. jFburWi Thoy invigorate the digestion and cloanso tho stomach and howols. Fifth They stimulate tho liver and carry off vitiated bilo and other depraved secretions. Tho first two or threo dosos tell the story. Tho skin becomes clear, the eye bright, the mind active, digestion is re stored, costiveness cured, tho animal vigor is recruited and all decay arrested. BRAXDRETii'sPiiVLsanssold in every drug and medicine store, cither plain or sugar coated. All the Choicest Delicacies, made by only hrst-class men at the beaside Bakery. ahb Austin House, Seaside, FAME ffl IRELAND. Tie Potato Crop a Total Failure iu Tie Eierali Isle. JITSlSTEIt 2I1ZXEH uaxqvettei JTpccial by Tun Umtkh Pkess. Lootox, Aug, 13. Michael Davitt returned to-day from his hurried visit to Ireland whence he was called late on Friday, and in reply to a query of a reporter said: "I have made a brief trip through Ireland for the purpose of inquiring into the facts concerning the impend ing famine. My inquiries fully con firm tho fears that have been ex pressed as to tho probability of the disastrous consequences of a famine and I find that tho potato crop is almost a total failure. In addition to this, thousands of smaller fanners will suffer. A SEA JIOIVSTEIX Refuses to Lower a Coat for Help. Special to Thk AstoktaxJ Paris, Aug. 13.-tA telegram from Fecamp to the Temps reports tho ar rival at tnat port of tho crew of the Christopher Colombo which was re cently run down and sunk by tho Netherlands American Steam N'avioa- tion company's steamer Ob dam on the banks of Newfoundland. The crew declare that the captain of theObdam refused, although asked to do so bv the captain of tho Colombo, to lower a boat and aid in picking no tho crew of the French vessel, four of whom were drowned. Tho passengers of the Colombo have also signed a statement attesting to tho same fact and assert ing that the Obdam showed, neither its port nor starboard lights. THEY AHE AWFUL GOOC. They Won't Let the Women Worlr. Special to Thk AstomajtJ DuEfDix,N. Z., Aug. 13. There is-a general strike of the men employed in 4.1.. i.r : i -t .1 ! iuu biujjijiujj iruuu uuu railways immi nent. Tho troublo arises from the ac tion of a firm in Christ church which employs a number of women. The dis charge of tho women was demanded by the unions, and upon the firm's re fusal a boycott was declared against them. The shipping and railwav companies continue to handle the goodsof the firm, and the men declare that if this is not stopped a general striKo win oe inaugurated. Review of Naval and S,autl Forces. Special to Tin: a.stokiax.1 JOAIiIPAX, IN. O., AUg. Jo. A rCVlOW on an immense scale will take place here before the lteet leaves for Quebec. The war ship3 will tako an active part, The fleet will attack the city. The military are making extensive prepara tions to repel the attack. Prince George will havo charge of the ships. All the forts, from tho mouth of tho harbor up, will bo tested to their full est capacity. S300,COO,000 Passed Through the Elands ol Cc 1 111 mi. Special to Tin: Astokiax.1 Loxdox, Aug. 13. A dispatch fiom Bnenos Ayres states that the financial statement to be issued by the govern ment will show that 300,000,000 in currency passed through Celman's hands while ho was president, and that tho country derived but little real ben efit from it. Will Have a ISctluccil Porcc. Special to Tit r Astouiax. Loxdo:,, Aug. 13. Tho postmaster general has given a final decision in tho matter of applications for rein statement made by postmen who wero discharged for taking part in the recent strike of 400 men dismissed. Ho decides that only fifty shall be again employed. A number ot men who wero discharged are emigrating. 60,000 Idle Men. Special to Tin: Astouiax. j CARDiFF.Aug. 13. Negotiations be tween the railway directors and the strikers were resumed and the out look for a settlement is good. Sixty thousand men arc idle in consequence of the strike. Shannon Ifas Showed Up. Special to Thk astoriax.! Dnnmx, Aug. 13. Shannon, the Dublin editor of the London Times, who was connected with tho Pigott letters scandal, and who mysteriously disappeared several months ago has returned. Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens that for years we have been seltnu: Dr. Kinc's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Buklen's Ar nica Salve and Electric JJitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such univer sal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not fol low their use. These remedies have won the:r great popularity purely on their merits. J. "W. Coxx, Druggist. Seaside Momes I a PARK w CONTENTION BETWEEN RAILROADS. The Race Between the Northern aad Union Pacific Becoming Lively. CnT.iTAT.TS, Aug. 13. Besides a de sire to build railroads,the companies at work in this locality seem quite will ing to do a little spitework. Some two miles southwest of Chehalis the lines of the proposed TJnion Pacific, from Portland to the Sound, and the North ern Pacific, from Chehalis to Willapa harbor, cross almost at right angles Each company have strong crews o men at work, with the intention of completing their grade first, as there is a difference of four feet between. the level of the grades, and tho company last to get finished will have to con form to tho level of the other crrade. The TJnion Pacific's grade is here nine feet high, and the Northern's only five, so it will make a big difference to tlie company that gets left. Tho Northern's work is being done by the contractor, while that on the Union grade is being done by a force taken from Hunt's graders on his line to Gray's harbor. This fact seems to confirm the opinion, which is gaining ground, that the TJnion Pacific is really backing Hunt in his building toward the harbor. Bight-of-way agent Herriot said hero Saturday that his company, the TJnion Pacific, had not yet secured the right of way through Winlock and Centralia, and that it was not improb able tho former town would be missed. Chehalis has given a guar antee of a free right of way, and it is about all secured. The company paid Mrs. Barrett 1,700 cash to pass through her unplatted grounds, and is paying liberally for passing through adjoining farmlands. Of course the work they are now doing here is only to "hold the fort" so that the North ern Pacific will have to conform, to their grade. One of the engineers said yesterday that this would cost the Northern nearly 20,000, and is being done in retribution for the lat ter's obstructive policy with Hunt on the way to Gray's harbor. The county commissioners sitting as a board of equalization, have de cided to raise the assessor's valuation on railroad lands in Lewis county, and to-day sent a telegraphic notice to Paul Schultze at Tacoma, to show cause, if there is any, why it should not be done. Their lands have been valued at from 1 to 3 per acre. Some of the lands assessed at 1 are held for and being sold at from 6 to 8 per acre, and some of their lands are held as high as 20, or refused for sale at any price. A stream of men are constantly coming and going between town and the Northern Pacific camp, about four mile3 out. About 200 men are at work on the grade. Horses and supplies como on every freight, and from twenty to thirty new men go to work every day. The TJnion Pacific have a camp and a large force of men about a mile sonthwesl; of here on the Gates' farm, on the grade, between hero and Win lock. Orefjonian, 13. corrcii river Indians. Women 3Ieio Beasts of Barden The Region Littlo Known. A permanent water-house occupied by the aborigines of Copper river is constructed of poles, slabs and spruce bark. It3 plan is similar to the na tive houses in southeastern Alaska, but is not so substantially built It is about eighteen feet square and four feet high. Around the inside is a platform five feet wide and three feet hih, which serves for a bed at night, where all their household goods arc thrown down promiscuously. In tho center of the house is an open fire-place, directly over which is a largo hole in the roof for the escape of. smoke. Overhead are poles for smok ing and drying fish, while inmates and all present a dirty, smoky, dingy appearance. They build their houses without lumber and with no pur chased tool save an axe. Bawhido thongs and withes answer the place of, nails and mortised tenon. "Necessity is the mother of invention." Most oE their belongings aro home made. Their wants are few; their means scanty indeed. They havo not come in contact with the whites very much and they have not the native ingenuity of the Thlik nets. They know little of the arts of living" "Useful things beyond their pressiug needs are not thought of, and luxuries of any kind are uever even dreamed of. Their clothing is made of skins; they have no furniture, tho ground or slab floor answering every purpose or, conven ience and comfort. Although they have procured shot guns from traders in exchange for furs, yet the old-time bow and arrow is yet in uso. Each member of tae family is the owner of a faithful dog, their only domestic ani mal. However, this is true of all the na tives of Alaska. None have cows, pigs, or even chickens. The Copper river natives do not ornament as much as tho Thlinkets. The nose and ears aro usually pierced and are ornamented with rings. Most of them paint their faces, but this is about the extent of their personal decorations. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mr3. Wixslow's SooTmxa Strut should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the eums.allavs all pain, cures wind cholic. and is the best remedy for diar-rhcea.Twenty-five cents a bottle. Oregon. i l rn m b 2 3J5) -