Kt5?'P,''T"'' n " " "v"" tnfm,ar8F&&Fggzz'rr r"7ii?,?r''riIP5s -$ . 0) VOL. XXXV, WO 41. ' ASTORTA, ORBGOff, MONDAY, ADGUST II. ISfll). I'RK.E FIVE CENTS POWDER Absolutely Pure. nls powder never vanes, A marvel ot uritv, strength and wholesoraeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not bo sold In competition with tho multi tude or low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in cam. Koya i iltKIVO Tow DKB Co. 106 V'all-st.. N, V. Lkwis M. JonNsox & Co.. Agents, Fort and. Oregon. 8 and 88 Two Choice Blks in Adair s Astoria FOR SALE BT Van Dusen & Go Lots in Block "8" S200. Lots in Block "88" $150. Half Cash, Balance in Three and Six Months. 15TA II lots staked at four corners. SKANDINAVIAN Comedy Troupe AT ROSS OPERA HOUSE ox THURSDAY, Aug. 14, 1890. Hero You Ara ! Prof. Gustave Peterson And His t:re.tt Company or Artists. 12 STARS 12 A Surprise For sou alL You may no, think so, but come nou sre us :uiu uc convincea. TICKETS on sale at thu usual place. Thompson & Ross Gurry a I ul! I n of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. H. EKSTROM, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OK. A fine line of Cold and Silver Watches, Slld Gold and riacd .Jewelry, Clocks, ere., at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Ionc Next to Morgan & bherman. C. E. BAIN, Manufacturrr'und Dealer in Sak, Doors. Mouldings and 11 rackets. All Kinds of Iiard Wood and House Finish ing Lumber, Bott Mateti.il a Spe cialty. Wood Turning. lir. Gchctictc and Aslor Streets. Astoria, - - Oregon. CHICKENS! CHICKENS! Frosh, Young and Tender, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AT BLACK'S RED CORNER Poultry Market. xn P m A (2! A This WINGATE & STONE, Astoria, YERDIGT 0! THE JURY. "Guilty of Muraer in the First De gree," as CkaiKBi. AXXOUXCED 8 O'CLOCK SUXD AY. Pacific County Jariei Meet and Hold Business Sessions. Special to The Astouian. bysTERvmciE, "Wash., Aug. 10. Tho counsel for the state closed the argument in the case against John B. Hose at 10 o'clock last night, Hon. O. W. Fulton making a speech of -three hours, full of sound argument, and brilliant in itaeloquence. It was such a masterly effort that it will bo almost certain to have great -weight with the jury. There was a large au dience present in tho court room who listened intently during the speech. Judge Bloomfield delivered his charge to the jury and they rotired to deliberate. Three times to-day they have called the judge for special in structions in reference to points of the case, which were being discussed in the jury room. Later A dispatch from The Astokiax's special correspondent says: "The jury returned a verdict of murder in the first degree at 8 o'clock this evening." This concludes the trial proceedings in Pacific county against the parties indicted for tho murder of tho FredrickBons, and the others will bo tried at Mbntesano, Ohehalis county. WRECKER WHITELAWS SCHEME For Catching Whales In the Gulf of Georgia. Captain T. P. H."wTiitolaw,thQ well kifown wrecker, and owner of tho wrecking steamer bearing his name, has made application to the Canadian minister of customs for permission to hunt and take whales in the Gulf of Georgia. Captain "Whitelaw's venture is a big one and he feels continent there is money-in it lie feels con fident that whaling", .with steam launches and the latest and most im proved patent gans can bo made a most profitable industry. If his theo ries prove correct, he intends to or ganize a stock company to systemat ically hunt the leviathan of the deep. There has been no whaling in tho Gulf of Georgia for seventeen years, as, with the old-fashioned methods adopted,, it could never bo mado to pay in the past Captain "Whitclaw intends to fit out the old and recently purchased steamer Alexander as a floating refinery, for reducing tho oil from the whnles taken on tho scene of their capture. His method of kilHng will be a new and thoroughly scien tific one, -allowing no whale that has been captured to escape, and having received the necessary permit from the Canadian customs ho will at once proceed to carry his scheme into ex ecution. Do it Now. Don't live a single hour of your life without doing exactly what is to be dono in it, .and going straight through it from beginning to end. Work, play, study, whatever it is take hold at once, and finish it up squarely and cleanly; and then to tho next thing, without letting any moments drop out between. It is wonderful lo see how many hours these prompt people-contrive to make of a day; it is as if they picked up the moments that the dawdlers lost And if you ever find yourself where you have so many things press ing upon you that you hardly know how to begin, let me tell you a secret; take hold of the very first one that comes to hand, and you will find all the rest fall into file and follow after like a company of well-drilled soldiers, jind though work may bo hard to meet when it charges in a squad, it is easily vanquished if you can bring it into line. You may have often seen the anecdote of the man who was asked how he accomplished so much in his life. "My father taughtme," was tho reply, '"that when I had anything to do, to go and do it" There is the secret tho magic word now, for God and souls, and all tho duties of life. Exchange. Notice. GOD'o BLESSING TO HUMANITY So Sa'.s an Oregon Pioneer Ninety Years Old. Forest Grove. Or., March 19. L have used the OREGON KIDNEY TEA and obtained immediate relief. It is Gods blessinc to humanity. I take pleasure- in recommending it to the afflicted. I am now nearly ninety-years old, came to Oregon in 1842 in the em ploy ot the Hudson's Uay Company, and .since 1 began using the OREGON KIDNEY TEA I enjoy good health. DAVID MUNROE. Go to the Columbia bakery for all kinds of cakes. HOLLADAY Blocks 200x200, $300 to $400. Choice Property property on A HELENA FIBE. A Brewery Depot Burned. Special to TnB AbtoriarJ Helena, Mont., Aug. 10. An alarm of firo called the department to the lnrrrn rtpnnt of the AuheUSCr JSlloCll brewing company near the Montana lnrrrA nliprt nnd fitnblo was a maSS of fire when tho apparatus reached tho scene. Tho locality is ono whero hy drants were scarce, and much timo ttrnn fvwiKnTTifvI in cettine water. As but two streams ot water wore avail able, for a long time, tho flames soon flnrna1 to n. dwellinc and saloon and for some timo tho conflagration threat ened the large wareliouso or Jbinusay &Co. "Rv stmnf? nflbrts the laroe ware houses were saved. The other build ings wore a total loss. The loss is about S10.000 with an insurance of $2,000. . Movements ef tho Cm Ivor. Scc!al to Thk Astomak San Fbakcisoo, Aug. . 10. It is probable that the cruiser San Fran cisco will take a spin around tho bay to-morrow, when, if everything proves satisfactory she will soon leave for tho Santa Barbara channel. " MUSIC HATH 'CHARMS " And the Charmer Sues for Posses sion of-a Valuable Estate. A WILIi JtUXOJl COXTRADICTEI). Special by The United Press. Peovipexce, R. L, Aug. 10. The last scene in Mme. Lillian Nordyica's marital experience will be in court She sues for letters of administration on her husband's property and in cidentally demands the residue of the estate from G. L. Gower, her hus bands brother, which she claims ho has wrongfully taken. In the early days of the telephone, professor Bell used the circuit between this city and Boston for his first experiment. A young newspaper man named F. A. Gower became deeply interested in the new invention nnd went on a lec turing tour with Bell. Ho mastered tho main points in telephonic science in a short time and secured tho right to introduce it in Europe. Ho went abroad for a few years and mado S30q,000. While in Paris he met Miss Lillian Norton, an American girl who was studying music Unfortunately Miss Norton's funds were about ex hausted. Gower was smitten with the young singer's charms and married her soon as he could, suddenly halt was called. A relative of Gower's sprang up with a demand for $50,000 which had to be met (Here, the line went down some where between Knappa and Clifton."! THE GREED FOR NEWS Evidcutlr Exceed Their Judy . lucnt. Special to The Astoeian.1 Chicago, Nov. 10. A Washington special says the. absurd story that the president proposes sending a special message to congress embodying his views on tho reciprocity question is still floating about political circles, Tho story never had tho slightest foundation in tact The suggestion was a taking one and found many bo lievers. . The evening papers make an an nouncement that the -unusual length of the cabinet meeting yesterday was caused by a discassiou of tho propri ety of the president sending a special message to congress in regard to the reciprocity question. It is had from the very best authority that no such question was considered, nor oven in cidently referred to. A Cowardly Insinuation. "Does your cow cringe nnd curl," asks the New England Farmer, "and appears fidgety when you sit down to milk ber?" Well, not much she doesn't, says Bob Burdette. She isn't that kind of a cow. She isn't ono of your shy, timid, -bashful eows. She just fixes her eyes on vacancy with a glare that will raise a blister on an oak knot, sticks her tail straight up in tho air stiff as a poker, plants three Jeet firmly on the ground, and then feels around with the other for the milk pail, milk stool, milkmaid; finds. them, fires them up somewhere into tho blue empyrean, and remarking, "Ha, bal" amid, the shouting, jumps over a six-rail fence and tramples down an acre of young garden. Don't talk, about cringing and curling to a cow that has to be milked with a pipo lino ana a pumpmg station. Berlin has a RtflnnrrrnnTiAr with n unique specialty. Ho attends all fu nerals of prominent persons and takes down verbatim tho aiMrftRPs nf flm of ficiating clergymen. Then he pre- yuiua xugiuj uijjcuueuuxi copies Ot LUQ addresses and Bells them to the friends of the eulogized dead. His business is so good that he has taken an assist ant and has advertised for another. OXTXV7 ITffE is now on the market, and is the Finest Summer Resort on the Coast. It joins the Seaside Hotel the south, and has one-half of liver frontage, on the'Necanicum river with line boating and fishing. THE C. R. F. P, UNION. Their Generous ContrilnHon to. the Mm MoMers. DISCOVERY OH XATUXAL GAS. Special by Tho United Psess San Francisco, Ang. 10. Last night the iron molders union re ceived a check for $100 from tho Co lumbia BiTer. Fishermen's Protective Union of Astoria to aid in its struggle. A number of strikers have obtained situations in Oakland and the smaller foundries of this city, to which the strike does not apply. Tho proposi tion is again being revived lo establish a foundry which will give einplopment to all the molders that aro on strike. It is claimed that sufficient capital can bo interested in the scheme to in sure the success of the undertaking. - A NARROW ESCAPE. O. T. Oweun' Four-Horse Team Wrecked. special to Tub Astorux . Livermore, Cat, Aug. 10. This afternoon O. T. Owens of this place had a narrow escape- from death. He was driviner -a four-horse team 'and was just crdssing the railroad track about a milo tho other sido of Alta ment whenihe passenger train dashed into mm. Killing -t.no iour norscs uuu completely demolishing tho wagon. Straugo to say, Mr. Owens eocaped without any serious injury. TIMBER LAND TRANSFER. The English Syndicate In It. Special to Thk astoiuan. Eureka, Cal., Aug. 10. -A state ment has gono abroad that most of the largo timber holders in Humbolt have beenoffefed a bond for tho sale of their holdings to an English syndicate. There may or may not bo truth in the statement, but it is probably true, however, that one of the largo com panies here are negotiating a sale and tho bargain may be closed any day. This would bo a transfer of dne of the most valuable properties in tho country- SALINAS' NATURAL GAS. Great Excitement About the "Well. Special to The Astorian.J SaiiINas, Cal., Aug. 10. A natural gas well is being sunk here and a strong flow of gas was struck yester day at a depth of 860 fee't There is 830 feet of water and sand in the pipe. This is the seventh vein struck. Tho people are wild with excitement and hundreds are going to see the new well Almost a Bad Accident. Special to Thk AstoriakJ Boise City, Aug. 10. Yesterday tho rear trucks of the tender of tho eastbound passenger - train- jumped the track near Shoshone, and ran half nail a milo beiore tno accident was discovered. On the same road a terrible acci-. dent was averted by tho opportune discovery of a break in the running gear of tho engine. To Resume Passenger Service. Special to The abtouian.j San Francisco, Aug. 10. The agent of the Vanderbilt lines in San Francisco received tho following tele gram from tho Chicago headquarters last night: "Passenger service on the Now York Central will bo completely Te3umed to-morrow morning." Blytho and Gay.- Sperl.il to Thk Ast h:ax. San Rafaei., Cal., Aug. 10. There is a rumor that the guariian of Flor ence Blythe is negotiating for the pur chase of the magnificent county resi dence of the late Hall McAllister at Meramonte in Boss valley. Too Good for This World. . Applicant I would like a position, sir, m your store. Merchant Have you any references, young man? Applicant No, sir, but I think I would suit you. I have been care fully raised, and my habits are unex ceptionable. I have no vices. I don'trknow one card from another. I don't know what tea, coffee, tobac- twT lirmnr tnsf fa like. Never ffO out night Never saw the inside of a bil- uaru saioon or leu-pm wiv). "MVwhnnf. MihinnsM Til take VOU. young man, but I am afraid I shall not bo able to keep you long, xou win VinvA n Rifnniinn no. n. Rhinincr ancel before many years you're too good for such a world as this. Chicago Tribune. Mr. and Mrs. Navarro havo been making a tour in the midlands of England and have spent some time at Nottingham. They went there very quietly and unannounced, so that, though the features ot the bride are familiar enough to most people, they happily escaped recognition and tho inevitable mobbing of tho" curious which would have followed. 2ffXXTT7TES' TSTAT.TZ Oregon, THE SEAS ROBBER. An Inquest on His Body. Sneclal to Tun Astouian.1 San. Diego, Aug. 10. At tho in quest on tho body of John Grady, the burglar, who was fatally wounded on Thursday night while attempting to rob the Coronado Beach company's office at the point ot a pistol, a verdict was rendered thathe camo to his death from the effects of a shotgun wonnd, received at the hands of a party un known, whilo in the act of robbing the uoronauo .beach company s olhcc. It transpired at tho inquest that two shotguns were picked up by bystand ers utter tho excitement had subsided. but the man who did the shooting re fused to make his identity known. Nathan Earns Fell Scad. Special to The Astorian.J Grass VaiiIiEt, Cal., Aug. ID. This morning at Forest Springs, four miles south ot this place, Nathan Earns fell dead just as he aroso from his break fast table. It is supposed that he died from the effects of tho heat. He was G3 years of ago and a highly es teemed pioneer. Deceased was a na tive of Maine. ADVICES FROM GUATEMALA. Dissatisfaction Among the Troops Canses Bail Ffflns. THE COFFEE CHOP ItUISED. Special by Tho Uhiteo Press. Crrr op Mexico, Aug. 10. A mes senger from tho city of Gnatemala brings" the follewing: "The press, though nominally free i3 handcuffed and overawed. Most of the information regarding tho war with San Salvador comes through the government Tho public receives but little more than tho government chooses to give. The general results of the fighting up to date have been against Guatemala. The Yallavicencio movement is believed by many to havo been a ruso neatly played which coBt Guatemala a great many troops, though there is as yet, no reliable information on tho subject . A great many Guatemala troops are dis satisfied with their officers, and prefer generals under whom tlioy served in former campaigns. Becauso of this, some of them fought badly, two com panies going to the extent ot throwing away their arms and running away at the first fire. A number ot young Americans offered their services, to president Barrillas, especially offering to accompany him to the field as a body guard should ho find it necessary to go. The presi dent expressed the warmest apprecia tion at this generosity of tho Ameri cans, as itis about the only safe body guard ho can havo in these troublous times when his most reliablo officers might prove false If war. continues for a month or two-it will cost tho owners. of coffee plantations in this country millions of dollars. It is just in the midst ot the harvest here and tile crop will bo lost Tiro plantations are completely drained of pickers to supply troops for tho arniy- Not" only will almost the entire crop of this year be lost, but as the coffee tree will not bear for five or six years after it has once remained unpicked, the war will cause the ruin of the coffee crop for several years to come. Teak Wood. So indestructible hy wear or decay is the African teak wood, that vessels built of it havo lasted fully one hun dred years, to be then broken up only on account of their antiquo mold or defective sailing qusdities. This wood is one ot tho most remarkable em ployed in the human industries for its great weight, hardness and durability, its weight varyiug from 4:2 to 45 pounds per cubic foot. It works easily, but from the large quantity otsilex con tained, the tools for working require to be hard, and even thqn are subject tosevere wear. It also contains an oil which prevents the iron spikes and nails driven into it from rusting. The East India teak wood is somewhat lighter and easier worked, and also, from its salicious qualities, a perfect germicide to marine life, so destruc tive to other woods. It requires from sixty to eighty years for growth suffi cient for ship-building purposes. It is largely in use in. English ship building. What Tlxvy Arc Good For. Brandretii's Pilt.s nro the best medicine known. First They aw purely vegetable, in fact a medicated food. Second The same dose always pro daces tho sanio effect other purgatives require Increased do3iS and finally cease acting. Third They purify the blood. Fourlli They invigorate the digestion and cleanse the stomach and bowels. FifUi They stimulate tho liver and carry off vitiated bile and other depraved secretions. Tho first two or three doses tell the story. The skin becomes clear, the cyo bright, tho mind active, digestion U re stored, costiveness cored, the animal vigor is recruited and all decay arrested. Brandreth'sPii,i.s aro sold in overy drug and medicine store, either plain or BUgar coated. TE.OM THE OCE.S.XT BEACH. Lots 50x100 to RUSSIA'S CRUELTY TO JEWS. Puhlic Opinion BecomiJuUronsei To Beiani Justice. Ol'X'JZESSOR'S TTAKXIXG THItE'AT. Special by Tue United Press, London, Aug. 10. Leading mem bers of the Jewish communion in this city and Berlin differ as to tho line of action which it is advisable to adopt in order to mitigate tho sufferings of the Jews in Russia. Unless some harmonious policy is agreed on it is not likely that much good will result from their philanthropic efforts. Letters have been received by them from Russia warning tljem that En glish or German interference will cause Russian vengeance to wreak itself on thousands of miserable beings whose cries cannot be heard beyond the ears of their oppressors. France, too, is aroused by the hardships of the Jews in Russia and the Hebrew financiers in that country havo been made the recipient of an appeal, ask ing them to uso their influence to in duce the French government to make quiet representations at St Peters burg in-favor of the Jews. BALFOUR SARCASTIC. He Scclarcs Gladstone to Be Perverse. Special to The Astoriax.1 London, Aug. 10. Balfour, in his address, at Manchester last night, de clared that Gladstone's insinuation that the government had sacrificed the rights of tho Protestant residents of Malta in order to secure tho favor of tho Catholic ministry, was totally unfounded and a most bare faced at tack from a man who sent Errington to Rome in '81 to enter into direct re lations with the Pope. "It was," said Balfour, " one of the many instances of Gladstone's per versity in attacking tho government through his own reputation. Why was Gladstone determined to repudi ate every act of the first fifty years of his life and accuse the government when they followed his precedent of betraying their trust?" BURNS MUST WORK. Unless the Workingiucn Support Him. Special to The Astouian.1, London, Aug. 10. Lord Dunraven and . cardinal Manning have been ask&d to accept the office of mediator between tho strikers at Cardiff" and their employers. They will assent to this proposition provided both sides agree to accept their decision and cease all quarreling at once. Socialist John Burns says tho fund which has until now supported him is exhausted and he therefore will be obliged to return to work" as engineer unless the workingmen support him. Thu Suchcss of Fife Slclc. Special to The Astoriax.1 London, Aug. 10. There are all sorts of alarming rumors concerning tho health of the Duohess of Fife. It is known that the Queen is, conse quently, much concerned regarding her illness. The duchess left yester day for Scotland with her husband and her physician, hoping that tho bracing air of the' highlands would have a beneficial effect SOMETHING FISHY. Alleged. Disloyalty ef California Fish Commissioners. At the meeting of the California Sportman's Protective association in San Francisco on the oth inst, a mem ber said: "I am inclined to believe," he said, 'that there js J something .radically wrong in the fish commission, and I think that this club should take some measures to bring to light the expose ex-Deputy Commissioner Tunstead has made of other deputies who have been accused of 'pocketing bribe money from Chinese, who make a business of illegal fishing." Another speaker said: "Why, tho public is not aware of half the crooked work that has been going on among some. of these deputy fish commissioners. Ennis and Cal lundan have Been for months enjoying a royalty from tho unfortunate China men, forced to pay 15 per boat, which amounts on an average to S825 per month. These men are paid a salary of S100 a month by the state, and seo how they serve it" This is really very discreditable to tho California fish commissioners, if true, and we ought to bo thankful that such humiliating charges aro not brought against our Oregon fish com missioners. - A Physician' OnmiQii. Dr. AM. SPAurDiNG of Grand Hapids jHicn., says: "i prescribe Jiiubaru's liheumatio Syrup in my practice, and unhesitatingly recommed it It operates upon the liver, kidneys and bowels, de stroying the poison in the blood and tissues. It is a grand tonia and ap petizer, and for a diseased stomach or dyspepsia, has no equal." For sale by J. W. Conn. 350 feet, $40 to MS Austin House, Seaside, A JEWISH OPINION. ThinlCN theJcw Can't Combine. Special to Thk Astoria:?.! London, Aug. 10. The Jewish World, commenting on the proposal which has been put forward that the Jews ought to use the general busi ness solidarity of their race to boy cott Russia and thereby force the statesmen of that country to reverse tho Jew'sh laws and act humanely, says nothing could bo more illusory than tho supposed ability of the Jews to combino for any purpose whatever. They aro thoroughly scattered as a race. In 18S3 Rothschild declined to negotiate a loan for Rus sia on account of the persecutions of '82. Tho czar found no difficulty whatever in obtaining a loan through tho agency of the Berlin Mahsell esohns, another Jewish firm. The London financier Benjamin Cohen, advocates a joint remonstrance by all the European powers but there is little chance of anything of this sort being really attempted. THE OLD, OLD STORY. This thing is getting monotonous, in fact it is terribly trying on edi torial Christian patience, to havo tho wire go down in the sudden and en tirely unexpected manner in which it is of late so frequently indulging. Last night at 850 it snapped between Knappa and Clifton, when only a part of our dispatches had been received. 'PIZEN CRITTERS." The Deadly Centipede or Texas A Va queroTs Fri-;litfal Fate. Texas is proverbial for tho number and venom of its "pizen critters." Every shrub is reputed to bear a thorn and every insect armed with a sting, and both poison to a greater or lesser extent While tlm is not- literally true, tho tarantula, centipede, rattle snake, adder, moccasin, mosquitos, bees, etc, as well as tho mesquite. mimosa, cat-claw and cactus of the chaparral, make it very interesting for a tenderfoot fresh from tho efft to east There is very little sleep for him by the chaparral camp-fire after he.ha3 listened a few huurs -to the hair-bristling stories of deaths, instant and inevitable, from bites of taran tulas, centipedes and rattlers. A frontier stockman related the fol lowing instance of a centipede's sting which camo under his personal obser vation. Ono night in theTO's, he, with a party of cowboys was encamped on the bank of the Neuces, in Atascosa county, Tex., and after supper they were sitting around the camp-fire en joying their pipes and cigarettes. A Mexican "vaquero" had withdrawn his boots, and his trousers drawn up around his knees left his legs bare. Suddenly a look of horror in Ijis face attracted the attention of all, and following his eyes they saw an enormous centipede, perhaps twenty inches in length, leisurely creoping over his unproteced limb. His swar thy face was livid with terror and his fingers writhed in nervous suspense. Every man was breathless in silence, all realizing that any attempt to Brush the monster insect away would . be dangerous, as the chances were that he would imprint every ono of his numerous stings before he could be dislodged. The only chanco seemed to bo to leave him undisturbed until he wa3 inclined peacefully to go away of his own accord. All in vain; he drew his full length diagonally across the exposed limb and stopped, seem ingly content to bask in tho firelight All waited in "terrified suspense; sec onds grew into minutes and seemed hours, until at last a thought struck the Mexican. Ho cautiously drew a revolver from the holster near his side, and placing the mnzzlo against his leg, pointingjt so that the bullet would take away the insect without touching the limb, ho fired, and with a yell of relief bounded to his feet But all in vain; not evt-n tho bullet w .-; quick enough. A led track sw- . I where the venomous in-ict had 1 t i. and the unfortunate cowboy .va a corpse within two hours Nor . s that alt. The bullet .-.track a pick mule in the hoof, and the pofcuu it earned from the inject killed the ani mal also. Detioit Free 1'ress. Meteorite-. From an exhaustive study of the very largo collection of meteorites at Harvard college, the conclusion has been arrived at that many" of the masses of meteoric iron now known are cleavage crystals, broken off prob ably by the impact ot the mass against the atmosphere. It 13 fonnd that these masses show cleavings parallel to the planes of all the three, fundamental forms of tho isometric or regular sys tem. From all that appears, the the ory has come to be entertained, in re spect to the origin of meteorites, that the masses were thrown off from a sun among the fixed stars, and that they were slowly cooled while revolv ing in a zone of intense heat. All the patent medicines advert hcu in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles etc.. an e bought at the lpwebt prices at J. V. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. PAR $100. CATTLE SHIPS. HorriMe Cruelties to WM Cattle are Snhjectei on Shinhoari. j? on ''j'ltiME exgtjISH'' iteat. A correspondent of Bradstreet's says: A great deal of interest has already been excited in this country by Mr. Sanluel Piimsoll's new pamphlet on. cattle ships, and when tho public gen erally come to read his revelation of cruelties, which are a disgrace to the civilization of the nineteenth century, there is certain to be a loud outcry for the prevention of such outragesupon dumb creatures. Having myself re ceived private information from a pas senger in a cattle ship confirming many of tho horrible details given in Mr. Piimsoll's publication. I believe that they aro simple facts, and there is very little, if any, exaggeration in the description of them. I propose to state briefly the conclusions to be de rived from "the evidence. 1. Cattle are commonly packed so closely that they have not room to lie -down; therefore even in fair weather they must suffer severely by being .kept standing for a fortnight or more. Bearing in mind the fact that they are fat cattle and thereforov heavy, it is clear that gross cruelty is involved in such a method of shipping them. 2. In rongh weather the sufferings ot the cattle aro terrible, as, they are thrown down by wholesale when the vessel pitches, and they gore and trample upon each other in the most horrible manner. Moreover, as the hatchways havo to ho closed when tho sea i3 rough, tho animals between decks aro slowly stifled, and as they struggle for their lives they- mutilate each other to a fearful extent 3. No matter how terribly, muti lated a beast is, or how improbable is . its recovery, it is never put out of its misery, because, if not left to die a 'natural death." its insurance money would bo forfeited. Therefore the wretched beast is loft to die in slow agony. L Knowiug that if a beast sinks down from exhaustion it is liable to be trampled to death by its companions, the attendants upon the cattle resort to the most cruel expedients fgr keep ing tho animals on their legs, such as beating them with sticks, prodding them with pitchforks, or pouring parailine oil into their ears. 5. The common plan of loading the upper deck with ctttle. and covering it with the shedding necessary to shelter them, 13 highly dangerous to the lives of sailors, because a vessel so loaded is often top-heavy, and always unmanageable in a storm. Another result 13 that tho boats are shifted out of their proper positions, and are ortMi so placed thatihey j:ould not b9 got at in timo of the event of sudden wreck, such as occurs sometimes when one vessel is run into by another. G. The losses of cattle through tho scandalous system of overloading ves sels are often very heavy, and many cargoes iiro totally lost 7. The meat ot cattle killed on tho American side of the Atlantic and sent to- England in refrigerating chambers is better than that sent over in a suffering coudition. 8. The only substantial reason for sending the beasts over alivo js that English butchers will give higher prices for them than for their carcass es, because if tho animals are slaugh tered in England their meat can be sold a3 "prime. English" or "best Scotch." Therefore there is no reason, from a consumer's point of view, for continuing tho trans-atlantic live stock traffic. On the contrary, it sim ply enables butchers to deceive and defraud their customer. '.). T;f. a- is probable, it would not pivto bnug beef cattle oer-under uuinant I'on-h win. -a'h as are ob vi v.' I viej v it. i tl li'-v a ii iiitnair! iijv-i.1. ic -h il ' iof oo brought alive at all. Dr. Cratliuj, themvon'or of tlie fam ous gm which bears his name, -is .a j most industrious man tor one ot cis I years, and whil lit has dune little in ' the way f inve"ntioii -.ince he w'ave. Iin f.irnons field-niece to the vorld. O has been far from idle a.i Mie e ea s. Eepnriee "I kin lick.jou with both hands tied behind my back." "Yes, you'll die some day wif both ver ban's tied behin yer back. Pud:. . . son Cures Backache. Backache. Backache. Martinez. Cal., Octobers, 1888. I could hardly walk or lie down from Iame b&ck; suffered several weeks. St. Jacobs Oil permanently cured me, other remedies hav ing failed to do so. FRED. HITTMAN. Cloverdale, Ind., Feb. 8, 18S7. rromabad cold pains settled in my back and I Euflercd greatly ; confined to bed and could hardly move or turn. I tried St Jacobs i Oil, which, cured me. I do not fearrecurrence. JSU43. if. ii. .tmaiXHr;mi.iv. Oregon. ?JJyy30 ." Civs 3?q5& ak2ScT i Homes! A - ;- f K- m ts A cq (Jd ..' 2t-