The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 10, 1890, Image 3

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    gfygSsN ij'qtguMBBawwsiWT ? Jy'TISvyjy: W iM,.i afe! w app
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3lu gaffi gWwfew.
SUNDAY .!. AUGUST 10. 1890
Publishers and Proprietors.
Terms of Subscription.
Served bv Carrier, per week 13 ctg
Sent by Mall, por moiilh. GOcts
ent by Mall, one ear $7.00
Free of postage to subscribers,
The -Astokiax guarantees to Its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
Scandinavian Benevolent Society's
excursion to Seaside to-day.
There is talk of organizing a fisher
men's union at Cathlamet.
"Rnv. R. "N". Pondit will ocnunv the
Presbyterian pulpit this morning and
There -will be fancy skating and lots
of fun at Seaside to-day. Go with the
Scandinavian excursion.
Quite-rapidly the fishing boats are
being taken out of the water, and
stowed awav until another season.
Ferd Ferrell 'will be glad to see and
shave his friends at his new barber
shop, next to Phil. Stokes' store.
There will bo fine music by TJtzing
er a band to accompany the Scandi
navian Benevolent Society's excursion
V. H. Coffey has opened a store at
372 Third street, where he keeps gro
ceries, butter, eggs, and a variety of
family supplies.
The British bark Norfolk Iijiand
is outsido with pilot on board, She is
loaded with coal for this port
The steamer S. Q, liced, Capt. Kin
dred, went up to the Scandinavian
cannery last evening, and took on 4,000
cases of salmon, which -are to go to
San Francisco to day on the steam
ship Oregon.
The British ship Slieve J)onard
OapL Campbell, 1788 tons register, 67
days from Sydney, N. S.VM arrived at
9 o'clock last evening. She brings
2,700 tons, of coal, part for the Astoria
The three-masted schooner Norma,
Capt. A. E. Small, has finished tak
ing on lumber at the West Shore
Mills, and yesterday cleared at the
custom house. She has a cargo of
439,000 feet of lumber, bound for San
The steamer Danube, Capt. John
R. Hill, arrived yesterday from Van
couver, B. 0M with a. miscellaneous
cargo, mostly goods irom China for
Chinese merchants in Portland. After
reporting at the custom house, she
went up the river.
Oregon National Guard.
Kcv. J. McConnac will hold divine
services in the Scandinavian Metho
dist chureh at Upper Astoria to-day at
tho usual hours.
Yesterday in tho recorder's office,
there was filed a bond for a deed from
A. Kinnev et al., to Alex Jones, of lot
10, blk U, New Astoria, for 3175.
llev. Olfsen of Minneapolis, Minn.,
will conduct original Lutheran service
to-day at 10:30 A. m., and 730 P. ir., at
the Y. M. C. A. hall Everybody in
vited. llev. G. M. Irwin, president of the
Indian training school at Chemawa,
will address the Y. M. 0. A. to-day at
3 r. m. Gentlemen are cordially invited.
Tho exercises at Rescue hall last
evening were quite interesting and
there was a good attendance, the in
terest in these meetings continuing
Tho beckonings of the goddess of
Liberty yesterday proved sufficent to
entico "Edward J. Murphy from any
further allegiance to Queen Victoria,
for ho took out his first papers of
American citizenship.
"Chips From the Old Block," the
final lecture in the series "Behind the
Bridal Vail" will be delivered by W.
E. Stewart in the Congregational
church this evening. Morning theme,
"Unconscious Influence."
In tho M. E. church this morning at
11 o'clock, the pulpit will be occupied
by Bev. G. M. Irwin, superintendent of
the Indian Industrial school at Che
mawa, and at 8 p. m., Rev. G. "W.
Grannis will preach on tho subject of
a "Personal God."
Last evening there was an inspec
tion and muster of Company H, First
Regiment, O. N. G., at their armory in
this city on Second street.
CoL C. F. Beebe, of Portland, com
mander of the regiment, was present,
accompanied by the following mem
bers of his staff: First Lieutenant J.
A. Fulton, assistant surgeen: First
Lieutenant G. F. Telfer, adjutant;
First Lieutenant E. Bemheim, quar
termaster; First Lieutenant L. C.
Jones, superintendent of rifle prac
tice; First Lieutenant D. J. Moore,
signal officer; Captain B. E. Smith,
commissary; and Sergeant E. T. Chase,
regimental general guide.
Company H made but a poor show
ing, in consequence of so many being
absent, mostly to the seashore. They
expected tho inspection would have
taken placo a week ago, and wore
ready then, but since that time most of
the company have gone away. GoL
Beebe speaks very highly of tho cour
tesy or Uaptam Whenty m doing all
in his power to make the visiting offi
cers cordially welcome. CoL Beebe
and staff go to the seashore this morn
ing to spend the day on tho beach,
and will return to Portland this even
ing. The Iron Industry.
An Astobian reporter was an inter
ested spectator at the Astoria Iron
works this afternoon whilo the foundry
department was in full blast Few
people, perhaps, ever give a thought
to tho magnitude of this enterprise,
located as it is in a place of no greater
pretensions than the city of Astoria.
Tho number of mon it employs and
tho multitude of machines, fixtures
and appliances it turns out, show tho
value of such institutions to a com
munity, and suggests the great ad
vantage which Astoria would derive
from having a great many moro fac
tories of every description. The
foundry hero uses iron that comes
from Tennessee, from California and
from Scotland. The latter produces
the best quality now in use there.
Oswego, Oregon, iron has been tested
and proved the choicest article of all,
but Oregon's iron, like most of her
other products falls far short in quan
tity and the works at Oswego cannot
supply their own demand.
Indian Industrial School.
Seaside, Aug. 9.
Miss Myra Stevens, of Astoria, came
down yesterday.
A great many persons camo down
from Portland yesterday.
N. A. Ebennan, who has been quite
seriously ill, is improving slowly.
Mr. and "Mrs. J. N. Griffin, of As
toria, are guests at the Austin house.
Mrs. Goodell was up on her place a
day or two ago, and says it is a de
lightful location.
The material for P. W. Parker's
new residence on Pleasant hill arrived
yesterday afternoon.
There was more travel yesterday
over the A. & S. C. railroad than any
day previous this season.
The A. & S. C. railroad is putting in
a switch near the station here. The
tics are nearly all laid for it
J. F. Halloran, of The Astobian,
paid the Seasiders a visit yesterday.
His family will be down next week.
Judge Bowlby camo down yesterday
to spend a few days with his family,
who are campihg in Grimes' Grove.
Ed. Cros3 came"very near meeting
with a serious accident yesterday by
falling off a car loaded with lumber,
which rolled under him quickly. He
fell in a sand bank and escaped with
slight bruises.
The managers of the A. & S. O. rail
road yesterday bought and sent down
a now buck-saw for Superintendent
Thielsen and President Reid to saw
wood with at the present terminus of
tho road, or at least, that is supposed
to bo what it is intended for.
Mr. Hooper, who has had to do
duty both as agent and baggage
master, Mr. Philbrick being sick, met
with a painful mishap yesterday.
"While handling some tin for roofing,
tho middle finger of his right hand
came in contact with the edge of tho
tin, which was so sharp it cut off tho
end of it It bled profusely, and was
painful for a whilo.
Tie Impressions of a Lady Corre-sjonlent
John Dockar is reported to have
sold his ranch of 160 acres at Cath
lamet for 20,000. It comprises
nearly two miles of waterfront and
will make a fine mill site. Largo
quantities of timber have been bought
near there and a large mill business
will probably soon be established.
On Friday evening the young peo
pled alliance of the M. E. church
elected the following efficers: E. Ji'
Liddicoat, president; J. Flynu, vice
president; JMiss Nellie Busey, secre
tary; Joseph Sicklor, treasurer. All
the above, and A. R. and Max
Belan constitute the executive com
mittee. The fire bell rang at 750 last even
ing, and the immediate response of
the fire department reaffirmed its ex
cellence, and water Tvas quickly forth
coming. The alarm was caused by a
fire in the chimney of the Occident ho
tel, and no damage was done except
tho burning of numerous quilts which
were held on top of the chimney to
smother the fire. A large number of
people were on hand.
Last night at 11 o'clock a man was
so much overcome with tanglefoot
that he had lain down on a pile of
lumber opposite Rucker's restaurant,
and was sound ablecp. It was almost
impossible to wake him up, and a
truck was procured, a plank laid on it,
and on this the sleepy drunk was
rolled to the door of the city jaiL
Jolting over the planks aroused him,
for he started up then and staggered
About GOO people came down last
evenimr on the steamer T. J. Potter.
The fine band of the First Regiment
was on board and discoursed most ex
cellent music while the steamer was at
tho U. P. dock. A number of passen
gers got off here, and fully as many
stepped on board to take tbeir places,
so that at 720 p. m. as the elegant
steamer passed on down the river she
was well ioaded. Most of tho people
wero bound for Hwaco and North
Beach, and the balance for Seaside.
Yesterday morning H. A. Hansen,
while employed at Johnson's logging
camp on the" Lewis and Clarke river
met with a singular accident He was
standing on a log cutting down a tree
and, as it fell it struck on the log upon
which ho was standing, throwing him
up in tho air. As he went up with a
sudden jar, his tongue was caught be
tween his teeth and nearly bit m two.
Then as ho fell ho struck on his
shoulder and chest and was badly
bruised. He came here last evening,
and Dr. Estes sewed tho tongue to
gether, but it will be sore for many
CoL Beebe, commanding the First
Regiment O. N. G., in conversation
last evening with a representative of
TKE-AsjpniAX, states that he is very
dMirpus of having the regiment go in
b&sap ior .four days at Riverside, on
tho Willamette a few miles below
Portland. He is not certain that it
can be arranged, but will try hard to
secure that result There will be a
meeting of the officers of the regi
ment in Portland in a few days when
the wibieot will be discussed. It is
hoped that CoL Beebe will be able to
make necessary arrangements, as a
regimental encampment for a few days
k a most excellent school for the
militia. . California has her regiments
camp every year and the state pays
the expense.
Rev. G. M. Irwin, escorted by Rev.
G. W. Grannis, gave The Astobiak a
pleasant call last evening. He was at
Seaside yesterday, and this morning
wilbioccupy tho pnlpit of tho M. E.
church. Rev. Mr. Irwin is superin
tendent of tho Indian industrial
school at Chemawa in tho "Willamette
This is one of the three schools es
tablished and conducted by the gov
ernment, for tho education of Indian
boys, who are received from all parts
of "the country. Tho other two schools
are located at Lawrence, Kansas, and
Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Tho school at Chemawa, has a largo
tract of land, embracing 270 acres, of
which 80 acres have been cleared.
The balance is mostly timber land, and
is being cleared by the pupils, and
the wood is sold for the benefit of the
school. Mr. Irwin returns to-morrow
to his post of duty, but is much
pleased with his first visit to Astoria.
Tho Misses Winton came down from
Portland last evening on the Potter.
Miss Mollio and Agne3 Burke .of
Portland are spouding a few days in
the city visiting their many friends.
John H. Barrett, formerly city edit
or of Tun Astobian, who left here
five months ago, camo to the city last
evening, on a visit
George M. Cornwall, who pilots the
Cathlamet Oazette, paid this office a
visit yesterday. He talks hopefully
of tho prospects of Cathlamet and
E. L. Smith and wifo, of Oakland,
OaL, parents of Harry G. Smith of
tho custom house, aro expected to ar
rive this morning, on a visit to their
Mrs. Deady, wife of attorney Ed.
Deady, arrived from Portland yester
day to spend the summer in this city.
The lady is accompanied by her child
and nurse.
WalterS. Geary, of Portlandleft
for home last evening nfter a pleasant
visit of ten days. S. H. Maddock is
entirely inconsolable because of Mr.
Geary's departure, but will be him
self again in a few days.
Fred. Newell, W. A. Sherman, H. B.
Thielsen and John H. Smith and wifo,
were among the passengers who went
down on tho T. J. Potter from here
last evening, bound for a visit in close
proximity to the rolling surf of the
grand old Pacific.
Good Prospect for Coal.
Messrs. Jacob Arndt aud Joo Davis,
who aro sinking a coal shaft on tho
John Day river report their work pro
gressing with satisfactory results.
'Uhey have now reached a depth of 115
feet and are going down at an average
of 15 feet per day. They have a steam
drilling machine which they procured
at a cost of $1,400 and which is doing
excellent work. The material thoy
are penetrating is of a hard sand rock,
"gritty enough for grindstones,"
Arndt says, and tough on the drills.
Liberal quantities of genuine coal aro
found at intervals, and the signs are
flattering of a rich ledge when the
right level is reached. The prospect
ors expect to descend to tho depth of
600 feet, and are quite sanguine that
their highest hopes will be realized in
the opening up of a large and valu
able coal interests.
lVwengers From California.
Deeds filed or recorded on August
9, 1890, as reported for The Mobkiko
Astobian by the Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cempany:
E. A. Taylor et al to Mary
E. Lowe, 21.30 acres in
sec. 10, T. 6 N., R. 10' W. .. $ 370
Ida W. O. Hegelund to
Addie Rappleyea, lot 7,
blk 134, McClure's. GOO
W.L-Robb and wife to P.
E. Gerould, trustee, lots 5,
6, 7, 8. blk 15, East Astoria 240
Total filed, 3 deeds, Total
amount. S 1,210
Previously reported this
year 1,553,899
Total todate 31,555,109
Justice Cleveland yesterday had
criminal business exclusively.
William Scott, Harry Whalen and
Thomas" Kearney were charged with
larceny in taking $35 from a man
named Nelson early yesterday morn
ing. They were examinea and each
bound over in tho sum of JS250 to
await the action of the grand jury.
Some time last December a watch
was stolen and yesterday Minnie
Laven was arrested, charged with
having stolen it Her case was con
tinued over until to-morrow.
Tho projected railway up tho Jung
frau goes to a height of 13,000 feet,
far above the lowest limit of perpetual
snow, and it is proposed tunneling the
mountain the entire distance.
The steamship Columbia, Capt F.
Bollea, is duo from San Francisco this
morning, with the following passen
gers: A. G. Morrison, H.G. Fnzielle, A.L.
Dougherty and wife, C. S. Tound and
wife, George Dubois and wife, Mrs. N.
Schroeder, Wm. Kelly, D. K. Dona
hoe,"J. W. Blackman and wife, F. L.
Lone. J. A. Schmidt P. Towne, L.
"Griel, G. F. White, T. H. Witt, W. H.
Poole, H. A. Class, tL G. Strattie, a.
S. Nelson, G. H. Roach, A. G. Hovey,
Jr., Daniel Cochran, wife and son, J.
D. Cochran, Ira E. Blood, E. L.
Smith and wife, Mrs. W. H. Gruenfell
and two children, N.Hennes and wife,
J. "F. Atherton, Miss Menzdes, Miss M.
Nelson, Miss. J. H. Munk, Mrs. Vokes,
Mrs. Lamson, Miss H. Sameler.
Brief; But to ike JPoiut.
Iliad rheumatism .all over my body
for two years. Doctored with eminent
physicians, and spent three months in
Reed City Ko9pital. Four bottles of
Ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrup entirely
cured me. The greatest medicine in
the world. Chables Bowk, Baldwin,
Every word of the above is true.
T. Hkffbbn AN, Druggist.
Baldwin, Mich.
For sale by J. V. Conn.
in Astonishing Offer Some of the
Tho San Francisco -papers of recent-data
contained the following oflten
"As an ovldetfce of tho abllltr of Joy't
Vcgetablo Sarsaparilla to prevent sick head-
kcucs, -kb -wm give to me nrsi iweive re-
.Telepkene liecUrutK JBemse.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
CO and 25 cts per week $1.50. Mew and
clean. Private entrance.
Wcinhard's Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents. .
bood'Goods and low rates at tho Sea
side Bakery.
flponslble persons who will apply at onr office
a bottlo free If they will agree that after
they havo been c!ured that they will admit
ine lact over thou- signatures."
This offer so startllngly asserted tbo'efla
cfency of the remedy .that many accepted,
and tho letters of the parties, nearly all of
whom responded, are probably tho most
convincing attestations that any remedy
crer rocel red. Tho following Is a sample ei
thoso received:
I have been subject to bilious headachei
and constipation for sevoral years past; In
fact, havo been compelled to take a physio
ererr other night or els I would bare
headache and dull, mean fooling. I hT
taken that bottle of Joy't Vegetable Sarsa
parllla, and have derived great benefit froia
It, and Intend continuing It After my Own
experience I can heartily advise thoso trem
bled with biliousness and constipation to try
125 Locust ATonut, 8an Francises.
Boston Browa Bread
At the Columbia Bakery to-day.
Booms Fitk Beard. J
Parties desiring comfortahle rooms
with board, at reasonable rates, canl bo
accommodated at Mrs. E. C. Holden's,
aorner Main and Fourth streets.
Wcinhard's Beer I
At tho Sunny Side saloon. Furnished
rooms up stairs.
In the cars of tho undersigned a
purso of money, etc. The owner can
have the samo by proving property and
paying for this advertisement
Remember the Austin house at tho
Seaside Is open tho year 'round.
-All-the Choicest Delicacies, 'made by
only first-class men at the Seaside
Editob Asteriax: I started on the
Electric for the seaside last Friday at
8-20. The morning was still, and so
was the water, but when wo got to the
landing at the trestle work on Young's
bay it was very rough. I think it is
ridiculous that Astorians, after sub
scribing the money to build the rail
road to tho seaside, haven't got the
road into town. Here you havo to
take a trip on a steamboat away from
Astoria to begin a journey on the cars,
when one ought to be able to get in
the cars at Astoria. Then it would
help Astoria more than it doe3 now.
Just as wo got tied np to the poles
at the end of tho road tho T. J. Potter
camo along from Hwaco and tied up
at tho other side. Sho looked very
fine as sho came along. There were
some nicely-dressed iadies on tho
deck, but the trouble was they seemed
to know it themselves that they were
good-looking, and they kept posing
aud putting themselves into pretty
positions all the time, as if they were
saying to themselves, "How sweet I
am." '
Tho passengers from tho Potter
and tho Electric walked up the steep
incline and stood around in each oth
ers' way while a funny little engine
pulled up some plates and cigars and
fishand butter and boxes of candy and
planks and other freight, from the
landing to where tho cars were. I felt
all the curl coming out of my front
frizzes, and whenever I get cold my
nose turns red, and so I know that as
I stood there in the cold air the young
men thought that I was no beauty. I
think Mr. Stroud, the conductor, is a
real nice old gentleman. Ho is so
courteous and careful of the comfort
of alL The brakeman with tho dark
and. roguish eye flirts with some of tho
girls, but keeps a good look-out to
mind the engineer's whistles, for there
is nothing but hand brakes on the
We got away after a long wait and
were going along at a rapid gait in a
funny kind of car with very narrow
seals without any cushions on them.
We stopped a good many times, and
once waited ever so long for the en
gine to take water with something .1
think they called a cipher or a siphon,
though it seemed to me they could
dip it up faster with a tin dipper.
Tho houses and farms along tho
road looked homelike. It seemed as
though everybody was out maldng
hay, and the air smelled sweet At
last wo got to the Necanicum. Just
before crossing the bridge the train
stopped, and nearly everybody got
into wagons that 'were waiting and
started down a road, where clouds of
dust showed that when they got where
they wero going they would have to
brush their clothes good.
Some of them went to tho Seaside
and some to Austin's. Went first to
Grimes but he didn't seem to want
any one there. Tho ladies were talk
ing abouf some woman who had a
baby with the whooping cough, and
wondering if their babies were going
to catch tho whooping cough, too. I
walked around looking at the people
who live in tents in Grimes grove.
Tne nrst tent x saw naa a woman in
it working real hard, cooking. She
was warm and looked weary, but her
husband sat outside as cool and com
fortable as you please, smoking nnd
reading. I know he was her husband,
for if the two bore any other relation
she would bo taking it easy, and ho
would be doing the walking.
Mr. Ohler has a barber shop and
news stand near Grimes, and Will
Warren is selling real estate. Geo.
Goodell and Pete Grant were disport
ing themselves showing a bevy of
Portland damsels how to catch clams,
anu a lew oiner tilings.
The people in the tents seem to have
the best of it There is a sort of go us
you please about the life that struck
me a3 tho way to rest, if it is rest one
Only I wouldn't cook in a tonton
tho beach for the best man living.
I found a very large number of As
torians there, domiciled for the sea
son, they had apparently como down
to get warm. Ton may believe mo or
not, but it is actually warmer here
than at Astoria. I'll stand it Hero as
long as I can, aud then come back to
Astoria to cool ofE
After dinner I went down to the
beach. Tho magnificent lino of blue
water came tumbling in, breaking
along the fine sand and sounding so
crloriously that I stopped again and
again to see and admire. The young
man that I took along to carry
my parasol told me that
he didn't see anything very
wonderful in tho waves rolling in from
the ocean tho way they did. He said
they couldn't help it; that they just
had to. He hasn't a bit of sentiment
in his make-up, and said if I didn't
look out I'd catch a lot of fleas; that
every girl on the beach had fleas. I
found later on that ho wasn't mis
taken, as far as I was concerned. But
then there is nlwaj's fleas at every sea
I think it is ever so much nicer hero
than at Long Beach, on the other side
of the Columbia. There is no beach
in Pacific connty as nics as this one.
The water is warmer, and the bleak
wind is absent, but I don't think the
folks are quite as sociablo as they
might be.
I think if there were more men and
horses here it would be an improve
ment Male escorts are scarce, and
one gets tired of walking, when tho
beautiful stretch of glistening sand
lies inviting tho gallop of a horse's
I was amused this afternoon at the
antics of a spooney couple. With him
he was not able to fully express his
love, and the glamor of his amour
checked the stammer of his grammar.
Afterwards he went bathing, leaving
her on the beach, and as he clanked
his lank shanks in the cold wave, she,
disillusionized, gazed pensively at the
guUs. Amanda.
How to Make Boys and Girls Like the
Many ways are proposed for attach
ing tho farmers' sons and daughters
to the homestead, and each has its
own advocates. One recommends
that more attention be paid to the
kitchen, garden and orchard, and
hopes that a variety of fresh vegeta
bles and savory fruits may keep the
young people around the domestic
hearth. Ho would appeal to their
Another writer with equal earnest
ness, asks, that the flower gardens bo
made moro beautiful, that climbing
vines be trained over tho porches of
the paternal mansion, and that it be
made so lovely a picture that nono
would leave, savo to return. Others
again would ornament the interior
with exceeding taste, and provide it
with illustrated books and magazines
on natural history, a knowledge that
adds so much to the charms of rural
life. -
Too few seem to realize what an at
traction to the young people is the live
stock of tho farm, and how, through
it, farm life can be mado most enjoy
able to them. Poultry, especially if
two pure breeds aro kept for compar
ison, each in its separate spacious
house and yard, may be made to con
stitute ever-reourring features of deep
interest to all the young members of
tho farmer's family A lamb, if an or
phan, and brought up by tho hand, is
a pet when long past her lambhood.
A Jersey cow, almost as beautiful as a
deer, and her calf, are objects of affec
tionate interest, surpassed only by one
the colt and to keep up this attrac
tion, there ought to be a now one every
year. It is a mistake to suppose that
he interests only the boys. All the
family aro delighted with him if ho
has been well got, and should he ap
pear with the other livo stock, thoy
will single him out and bestow, as far
as they dare, their caresses upon him.
And why has not every farm such an
attraction? A good colt will earn his
living on a farm by the time he is two
and a half years old, and when five or
six, he gets well seasoned for heavy
work. Pacific Farmer.
The Jittery.
The body is to die so much is cer
tain. What lies beyond? No one
who has passed the charmed boundary
comes back to tell. Tho imagination
visits tho remains of shadows sent
out I from some window of the soul
over life's restless waters, but wings
its way back with an olive leaf in its
beak as a token of emerging life be
yond the closely bending horizon.
The great sun comes and goes in tho
heavens, yet breathes no secret of the
ethereal wilds; tho crescent moon
cleaves her nightly passage across
the upper deep, but tosses overboard
no messago and displays no signals.
The sentinel stirs challenge each
other as thoy walk their nightly
rounds, and we catch no syllable oE
their countersign, which gives passage
to the heavenly camp. Between this
and the other life is a great gulf fixed
across which neither eye nor foot can
travel. The gentle friend whoso eyes
wo closed in their last sleep so many
years "ago, died with rapture in her
wonder-stricken eyes, a smile of inef
fable joy on her lips nnd hands folded
over a triumphant heart but her lips
were past speech, and. intimated noth
ing of the vision that enthralled her.
Advance S
I will open on or before August 1st, the Grandest
Line of Clothing Ever Shown on this Coast, which
I wiU sell for LESS MONET than the trash which
is now being faked off on the Public as Rare
O. xi. O
lJQianfrtrCfcJrVllB"Cr:Ka3BMJa 'JTrssimmVYiWlSWlmTtVRfmWmVmmWmmmmWmm.
this Lots in Case's Astoria Are lew on Sale
Astoria Eeal Estate Co.
TERMS'-One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
Weinhard's Lager Beer !
Is the Choice of the Connoisseur.
A Hirer of Int.
Among tho wonders o nature in
Algeria, there is a river of genuine ink.
It is formed by tho junction of two
streams, one flowing fiom a region of
ferruginous soil, and tho other drain
ing a peat swamp. The waters of tho
former are, of course, strongly impreg
nated with iron, thoso of tho latter
with gallio acid. On meeting, the acid
of one stream unites with the iron of
the other and true ink is the result.
Tho banks of the united stream
would be, of all places in tho world,
the one for a colony of authors. Fields
of spartograss, for paper making,
might be sown "in tho neighborhood;
the paper mills might be turned by
the inky fluid, and geese might be
raised to supply quill pens. The
members of the republic of letters
would there do nothing all day long
but sit dangling their feet in tho water,
and occasionally dipping in their pens,
a peaceable crew, except, perhaps,
when they would plague each other by
reading long extracts from their un
published works.
"Weak and weary" describes the con
dition of many people debilitated by
warm weather, by disease or overwork.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is'just the medicine
needed to build up and strengthen the
body, purify and quicken the sluggish
blood, and restore the lost appetite.
- Fino Table Wine
Delivered -at 60 cents a gallon, to any
Eartofthe city. A fine line of pure
alifornia wines at low prices, at A.
W.Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
liclicioiiH Ice Cream
Served dally at the Columbia bakery.
Ludlow's Iiadies' S3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s.
A-fino line of Cigars and Cigarettes
cW-"be found-at tho Columbia Bakery,
596 Third street
tho uso of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Scvero
cases of scrofula, upon which other prep
arations havo been powerless, yield to tho
peculiar curativo powers of this medicine.
Distressing cases of dyspepsia, excruciat
ing complaints of the kidneys and liver,
an-tf-pain of salt RSlLI l"t
rheum, disagree- -
able cases of catarrh, and aches and pains
of rheumatism, aro cured by Ilood's Sar
saparilla. It purifies the blood, and at tho
same timo tones the stomach, creates an
appetite, and gives strength to every func
tion of the body. Give it a trial.
General Debility
"For four years my wifo suffered with
large tumor hunches on the glands under
the arms, and general debility of tho wholo
system. Sho became- so poor in health
that wo wero on tho verge of despair
regarding her recovery. Physicians did
not seem to understand her case; at all
events she never derived any benefit froci
their treatment. Sho finally concluded te
try Ilood's Sarsaparilla. The immediate
effect was so marked and satisfactory that
she continued to take it, and this is tho
result: Sho has gained In weight
From 84 to III Pounds
and Is stronger and in better health than
she has been for years. The bunches uudcr
her arms have diminished, and we bellevo
Hood's Sarsaparilla will be too much lot
them in time." J. J. Noncnoss, 22G Conn
mercial Street, Boston, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by druggists. 81 ; six lor g5. Prepared bj
C. 1. HOOD & CO., Apothecarioa, Lowell, ilasi
IOO Doses One Dollar
To take the last argument from
the croakers and' in order to show
the public that it is not the money
alone that 1 am after, but that 1 am
anxious to make a
I hereby voluntarily offer to mako
an equal division ot the winning
aud of course I'll win among the
different Benevolent Societies of
Astoria, as follows :
Astor -Lodge No. G, K. of P.
Beaver Lodge Jfo. S3, 1. O. O. F.
Gushing Post No. If, G. A. It.
Finnish Benevolent Society.
Fishermen's Protective Union.
Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P.
Scandinavian Benevolent Society.
Sea Side Lodge No.12. A. O. U. V.
Temple Lodg No. 7, F. A. fc A. 2T.
Young Men's Christian Association.
Woman's Relief Corps No. 3.G.A.B.
Carpenters' and Joiners' Union.
Astoria Typographical Union.
Young Men's Institute No. 10G.
Mediterranean Mutual Society.
And any other similar organiza
tions 1 may have left out in this list,
but who care for the sick and assist
the needy.
Now for a Grand Rally !
And lets show to the outside world
ASTOHIA, can't ba beat anywhere.
To all who stand by me in this
light,"I assure more than full value
for their money.
Yours, anxious to win,
Herman Wise,
The Reliable Clothier
and Hatter,
In Occident Hotel Buildini
Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots.
Orders for any quantity to be directed to
H. "WEINHAED, Portland, Oregon.
Corner Twelf tU and. B.
Telephone 72.
P. O. Box 405
(Opp. Telephone Landing.)
Is tie Bon Ton Restanraut of the Town
Dinner Parties, Banquets, a Specially
The littlest Vines ttml Tiq:tors.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
N. B. No connection with Ills old place on
Main Street.
I !! i
War. W. WiiKimr,
Civil EiiRineer.
Wherry & Harry,
Real Estate
City and Suburban Property Sold on Com
mission. Investments Made for
Outride 1'arties.
I. "W. Case, Banker. Judge C. II. Page.
Office on Third Street,
Near Court House, - AST.ORIA. OR
"Will Sail from San Francisco for
Astoria afeout July SOtli.
For freight apply to captain on board.
J. B. Wyatt,
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
ruro Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil,
atton uauva?, iicmp sau iwin
Lard Oil. Wrought iron Spikes,
The above .Restaurant is Just Opened,
with everything .New and
First Class
This is
the Cleanest and
Place in the City.
Quietest 1
BARLOW & HAYDEfi, Prop's.
No Chinese Employed.
E"Enlargecl nnd EeSttecl to Alect tho Popular Demand.J2J
Cotton Cauvas, Ucmp Sail Twine,
Galvanized Cut Nails.
AtjTieuIlural Implements, Sewing
Machines, Taints, Oils,
Neimi & Engross
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
Jewelry, Wntchev, and. CIoclis
Itcjmirctl at Kxtrcmely
JLow Prices.
628 Third St.. - Astoria
Fresh, Young and Tender,
Magee, Argand and Acorn
toves Ranges,
DNToo c3 SouUy,
Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters.
Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc.
n. B.HALL.
Frankfort Real Estate Co.
nvmnva J Cor. Commercial anil Tearl Sts., Frankfort, "Wash.
OJsilWib -j players Brick Block, 435 2d St., Astoria.
Investments Made for Non-Residents, a Specialty.
' "i cheerfully furnished.
nnw,nn.?onn cniinitar "Mm r!irfni:irj p.Tiii 11 inrorm.ition
. v. aaa 1 I llll 1 rUJUUCULU .lUlllflltfUf M...J. W". w-- --
. Ej.t .E.v j rr - -
FLYN3VT, Th Tailor,
Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styles
He buvs for Cash at Eastern Prices. lie Guarantees the Best Workmanship on all
y Garments. Call and see for yourself. Barth Block, ASTOBIA, OR.