f&r jrMjf ci'W-' 1 -rim4pg? Y? f)lJ t Hail ASTORTA, OREGON, SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, ISJ)0. PKIOE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXXV, WO 40. jySjt -R1'" "s" Pj THE MURDER CASE. Tie Fonrlli Day of tie Trial of Join B. Eose, Tilt: VASE S'EAJILXG A CLOSE. F.ur Unrelated Witnesses Couti-adict the PamaInz Testimony of George Koc Asainst His Father. Sieclal to TnE AstoriasJ OrsTEitYn.i.n, Aug. 8, 1890. At tlio evening session of tho su perior court a good sized audience had assembled to bear the evidence that was supposed would conclude tho case against JohnB. Eose, hut were disap pointed. The court, lawyers and spectators are cettincr tired, and are longing for the case to ter minate as soon as it can be done in justice to tho prisoner and the state. Tue defense has had. tour wit ne&scs unon tho stand to-day, who have testified with seeming truthful ness on the question of alibi for this prisoner. These witnesses are Mrs. Smith, MissBellknap, Tom Brown and Abel Darling. These witnesses are opposed in testimony only by George Rose, and none of them are related in any way to John B.Bose, and can have no possible motive for swearing to a lie. The question resolves itself down to this one proposition, that if JohnB. llose was present at the killing of tho Fredricksous, George Rose has made a mistake in the date upon which the crime was committed. But while this is the case, it does not prove but what John B. Rose was the instigator or ac cessory after the fact The remarks he has made at times since the trial indicate beyond dispute that he has had a knowledge of tho crimp either before or since its commission. In the light of tho testimony now in, it looks as it the crime was committed by George Rose and Edwards or George Rose alone. Of course Gib bons has not had his trial, but enough can be proven to raise a question of doubt as to his connection with the crime. The attorneys in the case are getting fretful and are ready to snap at each other at any time. JOHN n. EOSE recalled: stated positively that he nev er made the statement to Mr. Good pasture that George had confessed killing tho Fredericksons. JUDGE HOI-COilB recalled, stated the conversation he had with George Rose in the court house was made on tho 31st day of March. Mr. Minton aud I came up here. Laid to George I heard he had made a confession; wanted to know what it was. I said to him I did not think that story was true. JOHN WOODS was again recalled and testified as fol lews: The dirt was thrown on each side of tho crave near the slouch. I do not think the earth removed would quarter fill the hole. CKOSS-KXAMXXATIOX. Do not thiuk there would be much wash of this dirt by tho tide, as there is considerable clay in the sou." ATj. cjkeen testified: I" Live at Sunshine. Am ac quainted with Ed Gibbons aud George Koso. ns iu company with them from Bay Centre to Oysterville. Geo. Rose said in my presenco and in the presence of Turner that Gibbons was innocent of this crime." 2. S. l'RICKKTT recalled, states: " Georco Rose was on the ranch and when I asked him how the Dutchman's dog came there he said the Fredricksous went on the bay about two weeks ago on a stormy Monday, and never came back.' About three weeks ago in the presence of Tur ner and Ward, George said the key to Fredrickson's hoube was 4 in my vest pocket at home,' and know Anderson talked with him. Anderson said ho had talked with George Rose here in town. CKOSS-EXAMns-ED. Am living on Rose's place. Have been a good mauy cattle killed there. Have seen a good many bullet holes in fences on tho farm. Have taken no particular interest and got nothing for my interest. Mr. Hardesty has ac cused me of accepting bribe for evi dence. There is no shot or knot holo on the board in the pig piu where the bullet hole is. Mr. Hardesty asked me to bring tho board out of the door but I forgot it J. n. 3IEVEK3. Lived at South Bend since February last. Know J. S. Prickett aud Ander son. "While in conversation on tho street Anderson said he could see Geo. Rose anytime. X. S. THORP. Said ho was defending George Rose. Did not know tho date ho was em ployed. abeii ioniiixa. Live at South Bend. Am a com mon laborer. During the month of January last was at South Bend. Know John B. Rose. Went there to board the Gth of January. Stayed two and one-half months. Boarded 32 P m W. P WINGATE & STONE, Astoria, the last week of January. Know J ohn B. Rose. Know he was at home on the" 30th day of January, tho day of this murder. Rose was in bed on that day between 1 and 2. I saw him in the afternoon in bed. A man by tue name of Carter kicked up a fuss that morning. I had difficulty about get ting lunch to take to work, bpoke to Rose about it He said ho had noth ing to do with boarders. CBOSS-EXAitE-ED. Had trouble first on tho 29th abont the lunch. I saw him at noon on tho 29th. On the 30th I just saw him come out of his room. Saw him at noon in bed and setting by the stove in the evening. About 6:30. First thought about this Tuesday, since I came to Oysterville. BAN 1ULLABKET. Testified he wa3 one of the bailiffs during the time George Rose was con fined in the court house. Remember when Judge Holcomb came to see George Rose. They went up stairs. I let Winton out and Holcomb and George Rose were left in the room alone. All. CAERUrnEES. I remember when Judge Holcomb and Winton came to see George. I let them both into the room together and out together. But was gone my self part of tho time. Malarkey re mained. REDIRECT. I cannot bo mistaken. I kept dates in an account book and have it with me. Tho different confessions made by Geo. Rose were introduced m evi dence. STATE BEBUTAIi. James Goodpasture knows prisoner. Talked with him at Bay Centre. Ho said to me ho knew George killed tho Fredricksons. That ho got drunk aud killed them and confessed it to me. It was just after the preliminary hear ing. CROSS EXAMTKED. It occurred at Bay Centre. Mr. Mower was in the room when this was said. PBOF. PBATT recalled. Am acquainted with the Rose ranch. The Fredricksou house is about one-fourth milo from the mud flat Could not see the Fred rickson house in sailing on a lino from South Bend to the Rose ranch, only the roof of the building, while sitting down in the boat I have been to Fredrickson's house. Tho building is on blocks about 4 feet high. From tho channel cculd see nothing without a glass. OBOSS EXAMINATION. From the channel to tho mud flats is about three-fourths of a mile. I found the tide marked logs up beyoud the house. Do not know the -condition of the tide when I was there. It would make a difference about see ing the building if it was a high or low tide. MB. snuiiES. Read the testimony of Pat Connelly in the case against Edwards. He at that time testified that when ho and George Roso went down to tho Rose ranft, he could see a man there. On February 1st ho was within two stone3 throw of tho channel or tho mud flats. ITloriiiiiR- Session. OrsrERViLtjE, Aug. 9. At tho opening of tho morning ses sion eleven witnesses were put under bonds in the sum of 3200 each to up near at tho regular session of the supreme court at Montesano, Chehalis county, on tho part of the defence. And six on the part or tue state. The state then introduced F. O. Fredrickson, brother of Jens Fred- nckson, who tostined as follews: "I know John Rose. Got acquainted with him on the boat, going to Port land. At Portland wo met my brother. A year afterward my brother and mjbeif met Rose on tho Roso ranch; we were looking for laud. Wo went up to the front gate and Rose came out and spoke and said it was too late now. Mr. Green who brought us over was leaving with tho boat Roso said we could not stay all night and called the man, Green, back to tako us away. CROSS-EXAMINED. "I told Roso on tho boat that my name was Fredrickson, not Smith. I went by the namo of Frank Smith while in the army. I joined the gov ernment post at Astoria as John Smith." A. Iu GREEN was the next witness called: "I know John B. Ro3e and Jens Fredrickson. I was with them when they were to gether at Ilwaco and wanted to get to Shoalwater bay. They met at the Rose ranch. Afterwards Jens Fred, rickson shook hands with John Rose. This was about seven years ago. Tho cross-examination revealed tho fact that witness was under the in fluence of liquor when he remembered this occurrence and told Hardesty of it last joight, but said, "My mind was as good to remember as it is this morning." ANDERSON BEOAIjIiED: Testified that he is one of the grand jurors and that J. H. Cornish was called as a witness before thaj; jury. An attempt was made here to prove that tho witness, Dick Cornish was not s ummoned" before this jury, by HOLLADAY Blocks 200x200, $300 to $400. This Choice Property property on Winton, and tho court severely cen sured him for it MR. PRIOKBTT . .nnnlliu? nnrl Vio tafifirfl flinf. lift last Sunday tried to see if he could ( see JbTeancKson s nonse a quarter m. u milo away, and could. Testified that he could see his daughter and nieco from where he stood, in the boat This testimony is to prove the truth of tho statement made by Pat Con nelly that on the Monday after George Rose said the murder was committed that he saw smoke coming out of tho roof and saw parties there. MR. METERS. Was atJMr. Rose's place about 7: 30 o'clock. 'While coming over, the boy could see Fredrickson's house last Sunday. The evidence closed here, and tho case went to tho jury. A. G. Hardesty opened the argu ment for the state. Ho stated that he never felt so embarrassed in the long veara of his oractico as upon this occa sion, as he was prosecuting an old gray-haired man ana an oiu citizen or Pacific county. He said tho prisoner's face indicated his innocence. Hardesty's speech occupied about two hours, and he argued his case in a masterly way, bringing out the details of tho evidence and showing up tho weakness of the defense. At the conclusion of his speech court adjonrned for dinner, after which F. D. Winton will open for tho defense. FREE PASSAGE TO CHINA For Mongolians MM Illegally in Tie Unite! States. XATIOKAL 11AXK VOJt IIOQUIA3r. Special by The Umted Prrss Washington, Aug. 9. Collector Phelps, of San Francisco, to-day tele graphed the department that 25 China men, found to be illegally in tho United States, had been turned over to him by the authorities of the south ern district of California. Tn rrlv lift Tcna lnsf rnrfAd in hrtVfl them returned to China in tho same ' manner as was previously done in sim ilar cases. HURRAH JFOIt IIOO.UIAM. The FIrt National Bank Au thorized. Special to Tn Astorian.1 Washington, Aug. 9. The comp troller of the currency has authorized the organization of a national bank at Hoquiam, Washington, on $50,000 capital, and with the following efficers: C. M Parkhurst, president; George W. Herteges, cashier. JTIizncr Hoard Front. Spccl.ll tO TnR ASTOIt! AN.l Washington. Aug. 9. Tho depart ment of state has received a dispatch dated Libertad, Salvador, fromMiz nor, tho United States minister to Guatemala. Mizner reached San Jose, Guatemala, about ono week ago. The department declined to make public tho contents of the telegram or its instructions in reply thereto. Another Tacoma National Bank. Special to Thk ASTOUIAX Washington, Aug. 9. James M. Bell of Tacoma, and associates have applied to the comptroller of tho cur rency to orgunizo tho National Bank of the Republic at that place. New York's Population. Special to The Astouian. Washington, Aug. 9. A rough count of tho state of Now York's popu lation gives 5,999,463. WITE-CAPS Becoming Rather ITIcddleiomo. Special to The Astouian.1 Albuquerque, N. M., Aug. 9. A gang of midnight marauders, styling themselves White Caps, are terroriz ing San Migual and Santa Fo counties with their depredations. Yesterday they compelled all the em ployees in the coal chutes and on the section at Wallace, on the Santa Fe road just above this city, to strike for 8L50 per day. Tho superintendent granted their demands and they were so elated over their success that they struck again before going to work for $2 per day. Men were sent from here to fill their places at 31.50 per day. Tho strike is still on at other places. It is openly asserted that the White Caps will compel those now at work to throw up their jobs or suffer the consequences. CROPS THREATENED. Frosts Reported In Manitoba. Special to The Astorian. Chicago, Aug. 9. Private reports have been received here this morning to the effect that the temperature in Minnesota fell last night to 30 above zero, or 2 below the freezing point, and that a general frost was probably experienced throughout Manitoba. The significance of tho report lies in the statement that tho wheat harvest has not begun yet, that the wheat thero is in tho milk, and that a severe frost would ruin tho crop. OXTZi? FIVE is now on the market, and is the Mnest Summer Resort on the Coast. It joins the Seaside the south, and has one-half of river frontage on the STecanicum river with fine boating and fishing. K. OF L. STRIKE EXTEMM. COMerCe Of tie State ill MEl Of Beins Paralyzes. MILITIA. JIELlt IS ItEADIXESS. Special by Tho Uxrrro Psrs3 New. York, Aug. 9 Despite the denial of tho officials, the wholo New York Central system is practically tied up by tho strike, and the struggle promises to be long and bitter, as both sides are stubbornly determined not to give in. Every Knight of Labor employed in running the trains has quit work and the whole lino between this city and Buffalo is strown with abandoned freight and passenger trains. The commerce of tho state and -country is in danger of being paralyzed, as tho strikers will leave no stones unturned to carry their point In fact the leaders of the strike inti mate that they will tie up every road in the state before to-morrow night. unless their demands aro complied with, on the other side. Vanderbilt is said to have issued an order to presi dent Webb to crush out the strikers, oven if it cost a million dollars. Many thousands of train men, switchmen and yard men are not in the freight and passenger jards of tho Now York Central in tliis city. They say they will extend the war to the West Shore, tho Harlem Road, Lake Shore & Nickel Plate if they are not met ami cably. Hundreds of thousands of tons of freight nro completely block aded, and passenger traffic is greatly delayed. Tho Blrikers so far have re frained from acts of violence, and have beeu given permission to work in order to save perishable freight Tho officers of tho road, however, have taken measures to protect the men they have hired, and have 200 police reserves scattered about the Central depot and yards ready for an emer gency. A report comes from Albany that tho militia has been ordered to be held in readiness for active duty. Tho strike is already being seriously felt in this city. The wholesale price of milk has advanced from $1.37 to S2 per can, and many people have been forced to fall back on the condensed articla Many trainloads of meat in refrigerator cars are reported stand ing on the tracks between this city and Albany. Most of tho butchers have supplies enough to last to-day. THE CENTRAL TIE-UP. "Western Traffic Interrupted. Special to The Astobian. New York, Aug. 9. The tie-up on the Central road has delayed through mail from San Francisco. This is one of the largest and most important mails that arrive here. It was due at 12:15 this morning, but had not reached hero up to noon. It is feared the lio-up will interfere with the prompt distribution of tho California fruits on route to New England points, but the Now York and New Haven road which connects here with all the western roads directly or by ferry, luckily, has a side line from Harlem, which does not depend on its connec tion with tho Central, and freights are moving by that lino to New England, though with some interruption, while the passenger traffic to New England is still largely suffering from tho in terference. Theemplojesof the New York and New Haven road say that they are not in sympathy with the tie-up, so, prob ably, California fruits by this lino will go forward fairly well. Tho weather is cool, which is a favorable condition under the circumstances. Dentil of a Philanthropist. Special toTiiK Astouian 1 CliEVEIiANDj O., Aug. 9.-J. W. "Wade, a millionaire and railroad president, and ex-president of the Western Union Telegraph Co., died here at 920 this morning, aged 79 years. He had been ill but three days with inflammation of the bowels. "Wade wa3 prominent as a philanthro pist and public spirited citizen. To Resume Service. Special 10 The Astouian.1 New York, Aug. 9. The passenger department of the New York Central & Hudson River railroad announces a complete resumption of through and local train service, both on the main line and the Harlem division, trains for which will leave the Grand Cen tral station to-night as usual at G p. M., 730 P. M. and 930 p. m. Went Out and AVcnt In. Special to The Astobian. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 9. Tho men who went out here last night all went back to work this morning, ex cept two who were refused. Nino baggage handlers struck this morning and they were informed that they would not be taken back. The Carpenters Elect Officers. Special to The Astorian.1 Chicago, Aug. 9. Tho Carpenters' National Convention to-day chose the following efficers: President, M. H. Kliner, of Chicago secretary McGuire was re elected; vice-president TJ. P. "Wellin, of San Francisco, and P. H. Burle, of Brooklyn. t MIMTTTBS' W.&LK Oregon, DRAWING CLOSER. Traffic Almost at n. Stand Still. Special to The Astoiu.vn.1 AiiBANT, Aug. 9. Master workman E. J. Lee this afternoon said if tho Central shipped live stock and other perishable goods over the West Shore road in any considerable quantity, he would issue an order that would cut that road in two. Tho situation of the strikers here is more firm- than last night The. only men at work are the engineers and a few firemen. The only train arriving from tho south this morning was the newspaper express from New York an hour late. The western trams came before noon mostly. The mail and baggage cars are still here. On the first western train was attached a passenger coach, having on board General Alger and a party on tho way . to tho G. A. R. encampment at Boston. Only one train has started for the south. It was made up of mail cars and two passenger coaches. The strikers, .when this train was about to be switched over the bndgo across the river, refused to let the switch be set properly, and tho police had to be called on to disperse them. The tram moved out, but the strikers said it would not get far. It is said that tho West Shore omployes will go out before to-morrow. Over 1,000 men employed in the car shops went out this morning. POISONED THE WHOLE FAMILY. A Seyenteen-Tear-Oli Girl Prepares An Arsenical Breaifast. hevesge foji cuastisehext. Special by Tho U.xitfd Press. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 9. Yester day afternoon Mary Metzdorf, the seventeen-year-old daughter of Catha rine Metzdorf, had some words with her mother, but the trouble had ap parently blown over and been forgot ten by Mrs. Metzdorf. This morning the young girl, who usually prepares breakfast for the family, arose as usu al and had the meal ready. Besides Mrs. Metzdorf there were at the table their seven-year-old son, James, and Mrs. Louise Broadwater, who lives at tho house. Soon after drink ing somo of the coffeo the boy com plained of a burning at his stomach and his mother advised him to let the coffeo cool off. Immediately after ward, however, Mrs. Broadwater made a similar complaint and fell from her chair. A physician was called, who found the coffeo full of arsenic. The daughter, who had not been seen drinking from her cup, was at once ar rested. Before sho reached the sta tion house Mrs. Broadwater had ex pired and lato this evening tho boy's life is despaired of. Mrs. Metzdorf, who was also affected-, vomited freely, and to tins fact owes her life. Sho- is crazed with grief and horror, and acts like one demented. Man Metzdorf declares her innocence, and says she, too. drank the coffee, but was not made sick. Her manner was stoical and hardened. A DISAPPOINTED RK1DE. Waits In Vain For The Crooin. Sp cul t '1 11 c Annuel an.1 Lincoln, Neb, Aug. 9. Tom Meyers, the son of a wholesale liquor dealer of this city, and Miss Laurella Craddock wore to have been married last night at the bride's residence. A great feast had been prepared in honor of the occasion, and many guests were bidden. After waiting until midnight for the groom to appear the disap pointed crowd dispersed. To-day the young man could not bo found, but this evening it leaked out that a num ber of his friends who opposed the match got him intoxicated and shipped him to Kansas City to get him out of tho way. ANOTHER CLYTIi E. His Will Found at Last. Special to The AstorianJ New York, Aug. 9. Word has reached this city within the past two days that search is to be made in Cali fornia for the widow and children of Davis, tho dead Montana millionaire, over whose estate there promises to bo almost as lively and intricate a contest as over that of tho noted Blythe. Davis was supposed to be intestate until tho discovery, a few days ago, of a will leaving practically the entire es tate to his brother, and so throwing out several relatives. Now, however, it is claimed that Davis lived for a' time in California, and has there now a wife and several children, who, if discovered, will come in for an estate valued at S3,000,000. Trains Running Short-IIandcd. Special to The AstorianJ POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., Aug. 9. Everything at tho Hudson railroad dopot in this city is quiet The early train from the west passed through jfrom two to four hours late. All switchmen in tho freight and pas senger yards have gone out on the strike. Tho local trains left hero at 520 and 725 for New York. The lat ter having no employes aboard except a conductor and a baggageman. Travel isnpt seriously interrupted. FS.OM THE OCE.fi.IT BEACH. Lots 50x100 to THE GAUTEMALA CONSUL Has BgceiTBil Ho Aflrlces From-His Government for Five Days. RAXLWA.Y COXFEIZEXCE SESSION. Special By The Unit to Press. San Francisco, Aug. 9. Doniingo Estrada the Guatemalan consul here has received no advices from his gov ernment through tho Guatemalan minister in Mexico for five days past He has no means of knowing tho truth of tho lato reports concerning presi dent Barrillos, or of tho insurgent general Irnngaray. He is quoted of as saying that not a single one of those reports eminate from Guatemala, but that they cauio through Salvadorean sources to Mexico. Ho instances the long delav in the transmission of tho American minister's dispatches from Guatemala, which whe received did not contain a single reerenco to tho state of military affairs in Guatemala. Until the steamer arrives on the 12th from Champerico, which will bring news up to the 29th of July, nothing authentic can bo learned. RAILWAY CONFERENCE Appoint n. Committee to AdjHst Matters. Special to The Astoriax.j San Jose, Cal., Aug. 9. The coast railway conference, having for its ob ject the closing of tho Santa Mar garita gap, met here to-day. Vice-president Crocker, of tho Southern Pacific company, who appeared before the conference, said that he thought the company which had accepted tho con ventions proposition woum require four years to complete the road. On motion a committee was appointed to confer with Crocket and tho railroad company and settle on terms. A mo tion regarding the apportionment of a bonus was tabled. After considerable discussion the convention , then ad journed, to meet at tho call of tho chair. The committee will confer with railroad people of San Francisco on Monday. CALIFORNIA OPINION. Oregon Should Have a Recount. Special to TnR Astoeian.1 San Francisco, Aug. 9. Tho Ex aminer to-uay says: "Oregon appears to have juster cause for complaint against tho cen sus than almost any other part of tho Union. Althogh Mr. Porter's cohorts have succeeded in incurring a copious supply of objurgation almost every where, it seems that the enumerators have been able to discover only 261,-2-12 Oregonians, while "Washington has turned in 339,000 people. Judging from the vote and other indications, tho probabilities are that tho popula tion of the two states is abont equal. In that case, either the enumerators have overlooked 73,000 in one case or they have created that number in tho other. Practical results is as the Portland chamber of commerce points out, that while Washington will get two repre sentatives in congress, Oregon may have to be contented with one, a most miserable ratio, for tho new appor tionment will bo ono member to 180, 000 persons. At that rate, with 270,- UUU people sho might get an extra re presentative, but ono with only 264,000 would be likely to go without. "With a recount, Oregon could certainly scrape up a trifle over 6,000 more in habitants. TIXE AEW V'ORK CENTRAL. Talcing- Trains off .Certain Routes. Specl.il to The AstorianJ Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 9. Orders were issued thi3 afternoon by the New York Central authorities to allow no trains to leavo East Syracuse, going east. A prominent Knight of Labor said to-day that although it has not been generally supposed that Knights had an assembly in Syracuse, it was a mistake. Ho says thero is ono here, and that tho executive board is now in sessiqn awaiting orders. He says such an order would cause an imme diate strike. "Word comes from East Syracuse at 5 p. ir. to-day that the yardmaster thero had requested three stock trains to be taken back to Os wego Junction, but the strickers re fused to comply with the request. Orders from railroad authorities this afternoon were that no trains be taken further east than East Syracuse. An outbreak occurred among tho strikers thero and trains were stoned. Southern California Crops Good. Special to TnE Astorias.1 Sacramento, Aug. 9. Sergeant Barwickhas sent the following crop report to tho chief signal officer at "Washington, D. C: Fruit and grain are favorably af fected by the past weather. The rain storm in San Bernardino did but little damage. San Francisco Shipping. Special to TnE Astoria:?. San Francisco, Aucr. 9. Arrived Bark Templar from Seattle. Cleared: Steamer Jeanie, for Port Townsend. 350 feet, $40 to MS Austin House, Seaside, A WICKED H1ATJE Arrested at the Last I7Iomcnt. Special to The astorian.1 San Francisco, Aug. 9. The schooner Berwick sailed this morning for Rogue river. Among her crew was mate Louis Wflley. While he was getting tho vessel under way a young woman was swearing out a warrant for his arrest on a charge of betrayal. The warrant was placed in the hands of an officer at the wharf. When tho vessel got opposite- the wharf he boarded her and took Wil- ley ofE The woman gave tho namo of Ida Rohen. She became acquainted with Willoy while sho was working as a servant. It was then, she claims, that he botrayed her under promise of marriage. FATAIi ACCIDENT. A Man Killed and Two Women Hurt. Special to The Astorian.1 Jaoksonvii.TiE. Or.. Autr. 9. Peter Berwert, an old resident of this county was run over and Killed here yester day. He was watering his horses when they took fright and knocking him down, the wagon passed over his body. He received internal injuries from which he died in a short time. Mrs. Karewski and Mrs. Hanser, two ladies who were in tho wagon were thrown out and severely bruised. GOLD AM SILVER. Tie Relations of tie TInltea States To England EFFECTS OF THE SILVEJi HILL. Special by The Uxitm Press. New York, Aug. 9. Tho Mail and Express (Republican), which pays par ticular attention to "Wall street doings, has an editorial on the effects of the silver bill. It says tho United States lias for years been playing into tho hands of Great Britain, which, being the largest silver buyer in the world. has had a very strong interest in mak ing gold as dear as possible and hold ing on to it. As long as we are buy ing two million ounces of silver a month, tho treasury was, per force, a seller of gold, and in this attempt had the cordial co-operation of Great Brit- am. JNow tnat we begin to buy more than twice as much the position is changed and Great Britain is a com petitor at a great disadvantage. For many years the farmers of the "United States have been selling their wheat for gold in competition with wheat of India which was bought with silver. Tho British importer bought silver with his gold and exchanged it for Indian wheat. The prico rose to a point at which it became cheaper to pay for American wheat with gold. Now that silver has risen and has regained in seven months what it lost in seven years, the prico of Indian wheat is advanced just that mnch and is handicapped by that percentage in competition with American wheat. A very considerable percentage of in crease in tho price of wheat to-day is due, not to fears of a short crop, but to the fact that Englishmen find In dian wheat virtually advanced more than half way to parity- with Amer ican grain. the last novr. To Virtually Stop Traffic. Special to The Astorun.1 New York, Ang. 9. Holland, of the executive board of tho Knights of Lalor, at two o'clock this afternoon stated that ho understood that all tho engineers had been ordered out and would probably leave work between now and to-morrow morning. The engineers and Knights of Labor havo arranged for a conference. Every thing looks as though the engineers would go out to-night. This will vir tually stop all traffic. Death of an Editor. Special to TnE Astorian. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 9. Harry H. Byram, editor-in-chief of the Pittsburg Chronicle-lelearapi, who was taken ill with typhoid pneumonia a few weeks ago, died this afternoon. He was 45 years of age. GREEN IIAMJS Cause a Slight Paclc When Thcy Worlc. Special to The Astorian.1 San Francisco, Aug. 9. At a meet ing of the council of federated trades, last night, a delegate of the Coast Seamen's union stated that reports had been received that all the Alaska canneries which had taken union men were doing first class and making large packs, while the Commercial company was doing very little pack ing. This was because they had en gaged green hands who had no experi ence. Others who Jhad engaged non union men were doing very poorly. ADVICE TO HOT1IERS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chohc and is tho best remedy for diar-rliQ2a.Tventy-five cents a bottle. ide $100. PAR K VEIATIOUS MEASURES Aiojtei lytic Froyincial Antlorities Against lie Jets WITHO UTTIIE CZ Ali'S SAXCTIOX. Special by Tnc United Press. Paris, Aug. 9. The Estafette says the czar has ordered the application of tho anti-Jewish laws postponed for ono year, probably intending to postpone the putting of them in operation in definitely. It adds that the proving cial authorities have adopted vexatious measures against tho Jews without the czars authoritv. German Naval Movements. Special to The Astoria n.1 BERiiTN, Aug. 9. The German cor vette Victoria and tho ironclad Wur- tem b urq sailed from "Wilhelm shaven for Heligoland to-day. They were followed by a German squadron of evolution. The vessels will partici pate in the taking of the island by Germany from England. Faith and Work. 'Mamma," said Albert, "do you be lieve in the faith cure?" "Yes, dear," said mamma, "and I practice it, too." "Mamma," continued the boy, feel ing his damp hair uneasily, 'if a boy goes a swimming aud then lies about it, can you cure him of lying by faith?" "No, dear," said mamma, sweetly, "that vice is cured by laying on of hands." And in ten minutes thereafter, Albert was tho best cured boy on all Long island, and mamma was putting on hor slipper with. tho air o a woman who knows all about leather and its application to the human system Brooklyn Earle. The monument of Pestalozzi at Yverdon, lately inaugurated, has these inscriptiens: "To Pestalozzi, 1746-182. Erected by popular sub scription, 18S0." "I lived like a beg gar to show beggars how they ought to live as men." "Savior of the poor in Nenhof. Father of the orphans in Stauz. Founder of tho popular school in Burgdorf. Educator of men in Yverdon. All for others, nothing for himself!" WDER Absolutely Fure3 Tills powder never varies, A marvel ot purity, strength and wliolesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can notbesohlin competition witn the multi tude ot low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold mli in carw. Royat. ISAKrNO PowdeuCo. 10G v'all-st.. X. Y. Lewis M. Johnson & Co.. Agents, Port and. Oregon. SKANDINAVIAN Comedy Troupe ROSS OPERA. HOUSE THURSDAY. Aug. 14, 1890. Here You Are Prof. Gustave Peterson And His Great Company oi Artistb. 12 STARS & 12 A Surprise For you ail. You may not think so, hut come and see us and be convinced. TICKETS on sale at the usual place. Homes ! CO H m a 02 Hotel Oregon. o 0 - v . M 'j-. M" trt'