"ts3wr5s ''''" rv--'"- --srjrjwsrJ """"TV?" ;-? CO ffcc gWHjj Storian. ASTOKIA. OEEGOtf : B:2SiEaas!sa:2SES2si::ssa3ZEza e::sesiiiiiiiisiiiiuiiiiiiib 0 - SAI IKDAY., .AUGUST O.IBJOj ''''Ftrirvc ''j&wzi-tr-- B 41 iOk B 11 I .1 VKU1QD OF BUBBLE BLOWING. Neveb -was ti air so full of fanciful ilrlt- by -w&icii to live on that :oiii.r uaSefisad quantity lmowa as 'iix orarame&r as now, says the lioBi 13 Globe. Tbc government is to 1 raoaey to all comers at 1 per craft. The government is to abolish ai? liilordism. The government is to 1 . v ne the guardian of till nnem j.kgr i labor and organize it into an in dttst.ihl amy as service pensioners. In t . ::. there seems to be no end of lb. c cine-, and, what is more as toais .to ' hkxi of reputation for polit ical -au-ty are trilling to let them go upon t.e rxeords of congress as sen- oai repositions or statesmanship. ' lu un-poJkical circles there is also t - pn! fie lmlch of co-operative curios- j itk. The social fad of the period is .... , . . ,, . hit bio blowing. Thore are schemes , ... . . , , by vbich a workmgman can get a ' bow -. for nothing. Tlierc are schemes mv I'viucr Uie credit card system, by Trbi-1' the more a man eats the more ' there . - eft on the table; so that final-' ,., ., , , , - . ' Ij li 1 as. only to lay down bis tools r-tsi i n.oy free board for the rest of his j day. Besides this, it is proiosed to j l,iy op eajutal on the discount system, - I bat. with the same wages now re cvtued by wrkingmen, a man by -mie mysterious magic may soon find u pecpobaal banquet and a suflicient : paid at the opening of the season last wk account ever at his side. ' year. Caililumel Gazette, 8. W few that there is a serious side i It is estimated that Hodgkins & io U oifcerwiae ludicrous display in ' Ja Sffi'0!? " ? nSLS ,. . , , . , , , their seining ground, near (jumn s the poKtical and social atmosphere. tujs seasou. P. M. Warren about The foverumeut, now bent upon uni-' loO tons, and John Fitzpatrick 100 vowd txtion for the jicrpetuation of tons. i:e reigning protective policv, has There is one thing that was verj' re tr -Ufa, 0 vicious example of SSSfS 2lS. S5SS sboweriMg gratuities broadcast, in vio-, laticn of our fundamental principles i of g (Peatmen iutt ike m&sscs Srtimts n&ihe Bellamy Utopia, human ' c cdwlfty it running amuck. Bat aobarer daw are coming, when h " j ta-nwHlreahsc, after sad experience TK-.th dotasiTe hopes, that all graluit- ies and all prise fcchemers, to whatever pleni bard cash is realized from t'-!ent.nmi ultimately be paid out of ?,ta","'.rirn Wbatf -r the government does for the people is cbacged io tiie people, and the burden cratiRftlir afts down and finallv rests upon the aboulders of labor. There is no magical art that can ciiana an honest dollar out of the baselittE fabric of a Utopian dream. We cannot live upon the government, for the government has nothing to give us ezoeut what 'we first give to it. We cannot make more than four by adlintf two and two together and raffing it a co-operative five. We cau nnt get anything for nothing, nor dranr one drop more out of a cask than Hwill hold. T bill snbmiUed to congress by y i the ioaiaaaster general for the purpose . f ebsin? Lite mails against lottery ad-1 vertieements says in substance: ' "NoihwHhstaudmg the declaration that no letters and circulars concern- , ing lotteries shall be carried in the ' mails.jmd thai public sentiment con demns the tiec of the post office fcr lottery purposes, every -railway, postal car, star route, money order, and regis t office is in active daily use by lb. Lotrisiaua Lottery company. The U .tthold of the business seems to lv finder and its operations wider and i-s t 'lU-rpriae bolder than over before. riii? vast business is terribly de .i&rah7.iug to the iwstal service. The f- i.d t-niuioye readily assumes that a 1 Htcr tun.ictod io the lottery company onj'tains meney: that it is in the mails m . !;.; ion of the spirit of the law: i hi : lis Joss wonkl be difficult to trace, ::u tiiat an attempt to punish the oiE :: ier -who shall abstract it will :noT likely fail than prosecutions of r.a cnliaary character. Hence the tca:j: alien to imrloin it is esception atjy jrc.nt' T.iue is said to he no law wherehy eji: "f property can be made to re pair holes in the plankiug of streets in fan i iheir premises in this city. If thi i a fact- and if seems scarcely pcnwble ihere certainly should be sonic isgl provision. At present Iheri are a dozen or wore, probably ttyeaty. holes in street jlanks where horses are i;able to receive broken legs, and the streot superintendent should be empowered to have themre pairad at the expense of the city, or el?o some way should be proildcd to compel properh owners to do it. Excessive exercise of authority on j thepart of non-commissioned officers 1 of the English army, has caused a mu tiny among the British troops stationed at Chatham, London. There are many men in the world who become tyran nical when invested with any petty power or authority, and do uo! seem to be possessed of sufficient judgment to "jrarrant the: holding an j position or power, however small or humble it may be. Gra-TxEtixg indeed, to every good citizen must be the fac' that so many public, improvements are in progress in this city, in reference to the streets. Many are being graded, r number are being planked, and some are being opened, whichhave never been streets, except in name. Money expended in the improvement of a city is a wise investment. A Physician's Opinion. Dr. A.M. SrAVMixa of Grand llapids Mich., saysi "I -prescribe Hibbard's lilieumatio Syrnp in my practice, and unhesitatingly rccommed it. It operates upon the liver, kidneys and bowels, de stroying the poison in the blood and tissues. It is a grand tome and ap petizer, and for a diseased stomach or dyspepsia, has no equal.' For sale bjr .1. W. Conn. L This spirit has seized i conclusively that they had been into and, fanned by such . fo7H ,, .T. Vmw. -rvlm ! As Laid out by h. f. OBB & PARKER, General Age SALMON TIPS. otto Peters of Deer island, is going to fish sturgeon on a large scale this season. The boys got a few fish last night Rome & hfoa reported to have got as high as forty nsh. T ,T . , ,.r. - . J. and V. Cook of Clifton, are fixing np lbeir uet racks and making other ueeded improvements for next season. Elmore and Leinenweber intend to pack fish at Tillamook this fall. The Price, set ?fc five cents for silversides and ten cents for big salmon. T . , . for Warren at Wallace's island, left this week for Yaquina bay, where he goes to fish salmon for the Portland market The sturgeon buyers offer three quarters of a cent per pound for the fish. The fishermen want one cent as fo an(j n,at -was that most of them had lost part of their fins, showing was working at Wallace's island "that ' eight out of every twelve fish that . erc caught had been in gill nets. If the near used at the mouth of the riveerad hfoi anv valne ateVer, very few fish would have got up this far.' i Tom Helgerson has concluded to ?ive up seining on Puget Island for lUSira - Pss ?ss inh , Johnson, the diver, went down and J made fast to it, but the lino parted ' and the job was given np. It is about J "1"? feet in di- least fifty nets and seines hanging on its outlying branches, some of the web comprising whole nets and others just portions. Altogether it would be safe to estimate that this one snag has wrapped around its sunken form hundreds of dollars in coin. NEW TO-DAY. Administrator's Notice. ALL PEIiSOXS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate ot Martin Thompson. deceased, must present the same within six mouths of the d:Uo hereof at my office, in tiipcouaiv court Jioae. H. A. SMITH, Admlnlslrator. Astoiia, Or., Aujj. lh, 1830. SKANDINAVIAN Ooinedy Troupe ROSS OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY, Aug. 14, 1890. Koro You Are ! Prof. Gustave Peterson And His Great Company of Artists. 12 o STARS o 12 A Surpriso For vou all. You may not think so, but come ami see us and he convinced. TICKETS on sale at the usual place. GRAND AUCTION SALE With KIcpanL Spnng Jlattrsses. Ul.-.CK. V:il:iut l'arlor Suits, Lounpes and Easy Chairs, Wankcls and Comforters, Knives and Forks and Crockery, :dso Brussels Carpets, Large Oil I'amiiiu:. and l-irge JIirrors.1 Fine Chick- ering Piano, l Fine Safe wilh Uttrg- lar Proof Vault Sale to be on SATURDAY AT IO A. M. At Olson's Auction Rooms. MARTIN OLSEN, Auctioneer. J. B. "Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binaclo Oil, Cotton Canva, Hemp Sail Twine, Lard ON, Wi ought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements) Sewing Machines, Taints, Oils, Gr-rooeriesi Etc. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances of any kind, on short notice. Transferring Baggage, etc., a specialty. Telephone No, 12. H. TV. SHERMAN & CO. CarnaiLan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. -W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN . &ENEEAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Cheuamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON l. Logan j The Coming Wagon Road From LEWISVILLE 7T X X X (W THE I3ST A Few Th p. Hnmrs W nyaBBBc? a: C3r ,"E3 3ST JEZ EL - Xa i mum i - b - NOTICE T The Season for Sturgeon Pishing will open Mon day, August 11th, and continue until March 15th, 1891. For particulars write CHAS. B. TRESCOTT, Box 477. Portland, Or. Warren & Wright REAL ESTATE 559 Third St., - - Astoria, CHIMES' HOTBXi, Seaside. . Special Bargains in Seaside Property Investments for Ton-Ilesi(leiits a Specialty. The Oregon land Co. Where Property Corner Third ASTORIA, Columbia Bakery FOR FRESH BREAD, Cakes, and. Fine Confectionery. All Orders Delivered. COOLEY BROS. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have this day purchased the entire stock, business and good will of the Cigar and Confectionary business at No. 483 Third street, formerly owned by Mr. N. J. ller man, and will hereafter conduct the same. Mr. 0. M. Celler will manage the business for me in my absence. ISAAC BEI1GMAN. Election Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE annual election of Chief Engineer and Assistants of the Astoria Fire Uepartment will be held on Monday. August 11. l&K). .TAMES AV. HARE. President A. F. 1). Attest : E. Z. FERGUSON, Secretary. Notice. A LL PERSONS HAVING ACCOUNTS jy. against the estate of the Jatc Philo Callender are hereby notified to present the same to me for settlement forthwith. M. P. CALLENDER. Knappton. Wash. August 5th, 1890. Annual Meeting Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the O. F. L. ami JJ. Association will be held at 2 i ji. in Odd Fellows' hall, on Thursday, Aug. 23th. for the purpose of electing directors and at tending to such other business sis may come before the meeting. A. J. MEGLER.Sec'y. For Rent. OFFICE ROOMS, NO. 1SG CASS STREET. VAN DUSEN & CO.. Agents, Fine Property. FOUR CHOICE LOTS IN BLOCK 110 McClurc's, suitable for resident pur poses. Will sell singly, L. F. HODGE UNION MADE CIGARS! Ask your dealer for the following brands of cigars: Australian Ballot, W. E, Krutn & Co., La Pcrfcctos. La Rosa del Vuplta, Innocence and Eight Hour League. The Union Label on each box. Fcr further par ticulars apply to John Hahn, Astoria, Ore gon. Notice. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I will not do responsible for anv debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. Henry Olson. as she has left my bed and board without cause. HENRI' OLSON. Astoria, August 7th, ISjw. Terminus of Astoria and South Coast Railroad to the Resort, X E3 MAEKET Days. Sl. C5- 33 IK 3? S ' ' rrroiracecguj-iAA i i 1 1 i iw ij-pwo FISHE DEALERS. Is Left For Sale. and OIney Sts., OREGON Thompson & Boss ' Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. H. EKSTS0M, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OR. A fine line of Gold and Silver Watches, Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, clc, at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Done. Next to Morgan & ShTinan. Astoria In forte. Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General MacMoists ai Boiler Mates. Land and Marine Engines BOU.ER WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPKCIALTT, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. Jonx Fox. A. L. FOX, J. G. HUSTLER.. ...President, and Supt ......VIce President Sec. and Treas taftae. . C. C. Cooper, - Manager. OPEN FOR THE SEASON, The Seaside House has been refitted and refurnished throughout, and offers unsur passed facilities to all to enjoy a pleasant sojourn at the famous Clatsop Beach. An attentive corps of attaches are employed, and everything done for the comfort and convenience of guests. IR . S P a - - ffi r mm tsiaTfi m Seaside Besort of Oregon, El J. H. MANSELL crrst )!fi! NOTARY TDI3LIO E01l STATE OF OKEGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Correspondence Solicited. P. 0.flox3C3. KstaWMictl 1SS3. INVESTMENTS MADE FOll OUTSIDE PAKriES. Next . U. Telegraph Office. Third Si. Ash t ia. Orrjrm:. HP ill O IKT 3D "" 3?AOTOK.Tc To-Day-Fine Ice Cream Soda-To-Day Also Handle None lut the Eincst Key "West and Imported O 31 S- jGiu SL . riease Call and Give me a Trial. THIRD STREET, Next W. U. Telegraph Ofllce FEED A LASGE STOCK TO SELECT EHOSi. GOODS AT SAN ERAKCISC0 PSICE3. I make a specialty of good work and guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand, We3 Side 0ney Street, Near Wikon & l?ishcrs. ASTORIA, - - - - - - OREGON. The Largest Stock ! i!S&&i8& t iL " Pvr-VV"rfew Tsg Jmmenso Stock .s- JBti"JM" BSi t-iy f - .'.f"iM F XJ IE2. KTXHrBLS CHAS. HEILSOKN. Two car loads received : 3fore on display ot I'umitHre, carpets, etc., in me city, Tho Old Stand, - M , AULa! WnOLES.MiE AND IlETxIL DE.VLE11 IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed, Crockery, Glass Plated "Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of 2Tres& Fsraits a:&& 'S'egatables. Heceived fresh overv Steamer. rminiiwir it. in!rmji-ijL"'jjj--...f.'i...l..).'.'gg Nortk Paciiio Brewery, J0HU KOPP, - - Proprietor. BREWER OF EXTRA FINE BOHEMIAN LAGER - BEER, EXTEA TINE STEAM BEER. is: is: zeoielei J37-ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO."5 TH. OLSEN, Examinerct Dansk Apothcket) Prescription Druggist. I'rcscripllons Acctiraleli Carefully ami Coiiijwitiu'crf Choice Perfumes of AH Odors, Toilet and Fancy Articles. 588 Third St., Astoria, Or. -THE- BIAMGJTB "P&LAOE GUSTAY HAXSEX, I'rop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls t Jewelry At Extremely Lov? rrlces. All Goods Bought at This Establishment "Warranted Genuine. Vatclt aart ClocJc Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets GO TO LARSON & HILL6A0K' -FOR- GROOEBIES AKI) FRESH FRUITS. Orders Delivered Free or Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third btrect, next to Tionccr ofllce. W. F. Bclieibe, CIGAIi SIAUFACTUKER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TTwADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET. - - Astoria, Or B3 cji-" i"Bg 9 9 S AIZ Me-ffiass linv.wwHSiJ 'VLcrn The LoAAest Prices ! the way. You are invited to sec the finest' l'xices reasonaoie. Astoria, Oregon TSTESttC GELO I'. PAKKER. CAKI. A. IIAXSOX s? s SUCCESSORS TO G. L. PARKEi DE.VLEIUJ IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamc THIS WEEK. Dross C3-OQC3.JS, The Old Stand - Astoria Orecon. TilelsBD, Lsster & Andersen, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. Office, Rooji 9, Flavul's Lld'g second street PO.Box813. ASTOKIA, OE. I John 0. Dement. p DRUCCIX. Successor to W E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. Prescriptions Carr.milx Compounded. Agent lor "Mericac Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure B. F. ALLEN & DE,VLERS IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings : PRACTICAL : PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guarantcod. Cor- Cass and Jefferson Sts., Astoria, 73&Zir rS... if5 jF$Ej& r-x m m ' Hi fig r-Kte-it -S--t---'g-iS 6 ;-g.Tiir.:i':-.;:--ffy nH W Km &Wm v&' W lUilOliE As Laid Out Affording - a Lovely Q -" NG &J? We offer for sale our Entire COST. -Surprise Orders from ihe Country - ' and ihe benefit TERMS OF SALE Inlivik w York Novelty Store. Ravel's Brick Building, Blank Books and Stationery of All Kinds. A Large Assortment of The Latest Periodicals as soon as ?KnwaM3rn3W3- Three Miles from the Postofiice and Custom House. Astoria ReaS Estate Co. 172 CASS ST., iliamette - uraunaics auments in Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law and Medical Courses. Also Musical, Theological, Pharmaceutical and Art Couraes. It Is the oldest, largest ami least expensive institution of learning in tho northwest. School opens llrst Monday In September. Send for catalogue to THOS, VANSCOY, President, Salem, Or. Fine Wines. Choice Brands. I havo completed arrauseraents for supplying any brand of "Wine in any quantity at lowest cash, figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL OltDEKS DEUVEKKD FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. . UTZINGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. Asior ia linen ai JOIJZIKKS and RETAILERS, Carrying a Full Eine of Groceries, Provisions, Green and Canned Fruits. No. 5 1 S Second Street. For Desirable Acreage Or INSIDE PROPERTY. Call on or Address Leinenweber & Coodenough, SECOND ST., NcarrostoHlce. SSES59E92Q2ZaK3aSBSE The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN Agent. Call and Examine It ; You "WH1 be Pleased. E.B. Ilawes Is also Agent Tot lie Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Sieam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. 2?li Xaftc3ArL O 231 j- S . ISO. Call and Sec My jT6l)ly Stock of Spring Goods Just Arrived. It comprises the latest goods in the market, and I offer them at prices never before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most comfortable fitting suits in. the city. Noxt to C H Cooper's - Astoria, Oregon. by H. F. L LOGAN Drive. - OUT SALE! 3?ISCE3 Stock BELOW ITS ORIGINAL Bargains Every Day. will receive prompt attention of the reduction. STKICTLY CASH. Opp. Occident Hotel. E K STOR Novels Always on Hand and Magazines received published. iiG-X N Park. Astoria, Oregon. : - University ine House. j P. O. Box 63. ASTORIA, - ONLY OF Tailor, C D Q KT A T- -Tfc CuH Fruit t X