The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 06, 1890, Image 3

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. - V.f"
at!g .
F. BALX4?.&2t & COMPAKY.
Mli4ir aud froprio.ore.
:i RtmiN:
f aw Snujtr
:cn T SatantpflaN.
Jliv -. : i wwJ J5CU
fcy Mai . jr tw.U Co els
v r.i rv Mji. oae year . f7.w
KM f MUfe le Mtacribcn.
ftt Ajwomax cmaate to Its "
JwaiMw ! aimt diea'atta of any n-wsp&-fnfMi.lii
i Hi the Columbia river.
JA Gampany Has Been ImoraM
9hiiiiNg Frar. Columbia Hirer Stwrgowi
to Nw Yrk.
Ghat. 13. Treaooll vho has been ou-
j,ragad for the last two voars in ship-
mag sturgeon for the Xok York innr- J . 0 Tifi; COLUjntIA.
ket, lias made an exjwnmeui in ship-,"--"
Einff tie frozen fish eat during the j
ot weather of summer. I The Frankfort Pacific and Eastern
1 ,,h72ml.of J"Jv Uie first car" ' Haiirnv enmnnnv has been incorpor
loaaof fifteen-tons of frozen sturgeon x ., . - . 'T e, . . .!
stalled from Portland over t.e Union ' ted by Hon. . J. Steele of Helena
Pac'le. Mr. Trecott has hist received Montana, .Judge C. b. 1 o of Tacoma,
of Astoria, Capt.
. li. P. Mulliuix
a telegram from the consignee in xew Cunt. J. i. D. Grav
A. largfc Hbipo'nt of saimoit oeb owl
M ttu sJrjjrr for Su r'raacisico to-
IHbe lfria minstrels go Port
tmH to kv 0:1 th.i atomer T. J. l'nl-
Tfc5lwiaitt3ti had a gootl
.MMe la fvvnsag. a& gave an excl
5 ad eviMlainment.
Oap'.. Gr jye horse ran away aaiiu
tedbgr,lml time lo smashed
ile awt utta kindling irood.
iL teat Ikvs UtH trebled en West
imAk tire '. whore the Seventh Day
iari -.1 iwW reJision niet-
. t i uly.
A iargt Member of men wait to Sea
ttle yesterday to work ou the new
MB " fr iae? to Seal
iltedk teach. .
maWaa Kacbooea was yesterday ex
nm&mA by Dr. Baker aud Judge Mc
CtaaMs,aitd ordered to lie comuiittod to
tke iawiiir asj !bt.
The eonndlmen who are in Uie city
niarr ut preeent at the meeting
fttfei rreani$E. will iiad jtolice oBicers
Ikvntiag them up.
iVantiier couple are snpiiosed to have
Dmom made happy for life, as yesterday
SMartiage license was issued for
Qjfcar Maki and ilaiy Inkman.
The fticn on wlvicli are iiainted the
Mans of streets, and which arc to le
Md m on the street corners, arc all
o ndlctnl ami await some one to have
uaceti in osiiK)ii.
a- l. r -1..1! ii..i ii.. w-i--
,1-. -JuZr?Jl: L. 0. Chonault,
first claas condition lat MoikIbv. d Hon. A. H. Jones 01 Iraukfort,
Mr. TreecoLt is well pleased with tlie Ool. J. C. Bell of Astoria and Capt. J,
complete success of the expcnmi'nt ' T. Grav of Portland.
anl he will disnaech a carload or "rnh ,..,,.. sfet'l: is Sl.500.000.
more of t44irgoon every week during ' dirkied into 15,000 shares of the par
be summer. vaic f)f uk) eaeh.
Tims success of Uiw exrime:it 1 a iito object of the company is to
matter of great importance, as it wiH ln;id. equip and operate a troad
runiwh profitable emplm uuiil to a tfaUge rndioad line from Frankfort,
large immbej of iishermfn on the ! VaHhiu"tonJ westerly to the shore of
river who otherwise would Ikoii1 of tlie i.,ciGc ocean in Pacitic couutv;
employment after the clw of the aiK,uier jUie northwesterly from
salmon fishing season. The large i?ranifort to Spokane Falls, Wasb
ciues of the east will furiiMu zn nn- iiOIJ, :io a line from Frankfort or
limited market for all the fch Dial ' m iwiut on the main line, north-
can le taken rrom tiie great Columbia , or o xorL Townseud, Washington,
river, so soon as it becomes generally i ij WnniMmv is also empowered to
known tliat it can be delivered inmij anj oiJersdc telegraph lines,
good condition and flavor. lm-lW piireliaM or eharter steamboats
Tin.; Pturgeon that Mr. '1 aiul stimJiis and operate the same
ships to Iscv: lork is taken from the bv Jt.ase uoi(1 alM n rcjll 1 slate,
car and put in a largo apartment with w irvV, w.ire!ion-e, etc., and carrv
brick walls that combines the qualities t ,. K rlIt.rai ininnorlnlion business,
of a smoke house and oven. F-rst the TfcJ cllarlor for firiv vcaKS.
fish is smoked and wlien Uinrpart of 'iw cowpanv propose to li ive sur
the process is completed the heat i VCVJs made as "soon as a competent
suddenly inereasedsuilicieutJy to cxc l )3 of cngj,iCers can be placed in
the fish. It is then taken out aiia.tno fidd auii liope to begin within
while yet warm, is delivered 3:1 nuan-; ij.;,v djiys.
tilies as a b;d:cr would deliver bread, j - -
On the river, sturgeon has heretofore 7I1K SAhUON' 11 VTCHKItY.
been lookctl upon as an inferior fish. 1
but perhaps it is because tlw proper , ,, iirTI 1o ,Iave VtoAnceA (;0li Results.
way of cookiug it was not generally j
known. "With many, this fish proper-.
lv annkoil i? reiffnird a. "roal deliejev. . Tlie mairuificcut run of Sllmou m
ana tne roe 01 me sturgeon, me caviar
of commerce, has an important place
in even- market Air. Trescott. last
season, distributed $lo,0D0 on this
river, through hss sturgeon business,
and expects to distribute S30.(tK) this
Deeds filed or recorded on August
5, 1890, as reported for The Morkixq
Astokian by the Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cempany:
L V. Case, trustee, toH. F.
Prael, lats 16, 17 and 18,
tract 1, Case's sub. blk. 21
inH.&A.add S 300
C. E. Bernard and wife to W.
Y. Thornburv, lots 7, 8 and
9, blk. 26, Columbia sec
ond ndd 300
D. H. Welch et al to 3L M. .
Mborhcad, lots 1 and 2,
blk. 50j Astor add CO
P. S. Cook and wife to J. 3L
Johannseu, undivided 4
of lots 10, 13. 11 and 17",
blk. 2, Long Bratfbli, .... 150
United States to Thomas
Parker, E. ,' of N. E. Yx
ot Sec.-19 and the W. K of
N. W. If of Sec. 20, in T.
7 K, Pv. 0 W., 100 acres
United States to Adam Sat-
tor, for the S. E. if of Sec.
23, in T. 7 X., B. 8 W.f 160
Total filed, 6 deeds, Total
amount S S10
Previously reported this
year 81,&i7,S6
Total todate Sl,niS,700
Eight Words ami All the Letter.
Half a dozen members of the Press
clnb were discussing the peculiarities
of the English language the other
evening, when Dr. F. E. lfc'ce took the
Argus to task for printing a para
graph which read as follews: 4:The
following is said to bo the shortest
sentence m the Imglish language con
taining all the letters of the alphabet:
'John P. Brady gave mo a black wal
nut box of quite small size.' The en
tire sentence contains less than twice
the number of letters in the alpha
bet'' ''That's a good sentence of its
kind," Eaid the doctor, "but I think if
yon will carefully study tho sentence,
Pack my box with live dozen liquor
jngs,' you will find that it? contains
less letters than the sentence yon pub
lished, and yet omits no letter in the
alphabet" Albany Argus.
Stnollirrn! Her Ilabc in D;In?.
Boston, Aug. 3. Airs. ATary Leon
ard, sister of John L. Sullivan, the
pugilist, was found insensible on tho
tloor of her house, on Saturday. In a
few minutes after tho physicians ar
rived 3rs. Leonard was dead. As the
lwdy was moved from the spot where
the woman had fallen, the body of
her infant was discovered. It had
been suffocated while nursing her.
1'avspnspr from Califtmii.!.
rc Ciipircttc-. Injurious?
as to the injurious
a innntrv
The steamship Oregon is due to ar- effect of ciirarcttc smokinir tho Chi
rivt horn this morninir from San Fran-! i t rrt.ml7 ro1fns n if n 1orn r'pli
; cisco with the following passengers: ' vefn 0r disgust had been tapped iu it3
J. B. Clenowelh, A. G. Bradley, W. S0JIi: 'fiiere is but little evidence
W. bonu, II. Uoughtalmg, A. L that cigarettes arc made of tobacco.
Blackler, H. Van Wagner, Joseph ; Thev don't look like tobacco, don't
Lawrence, W. D. Chiles, J. Ward, W. taste like it. and certainly don't smell
C. Trim, E. H Trim, Mrs. J. J. Post, ' c Tobacco smoke has a pleasant
Mrs. K. Waugennan, Miss 3v. Graham, 0dor, but if there is anvthiug on the
Mrs. A. Graham, F. A Lehy. jr., carth or in the waters under the earth
Emily Marx, M. Bosenbaum, Airs, j that has a more disagreeable, nan
Brown, Tes3io Bogers, Miss L. Roger., 'seating, noisome, disgusting, loath
Mrs. A. Reed, Mrs. M. F. Blanconrr, soaiC pernicious and nastv smell than
Mrs. J. R. Richards, W. H. Hunt, E. cigarette smoke it has not been dis
L Merrill, W. R. Culkcrtsom E. Tyson , covered.. It is said that bed-bugs will
and wife. F. Gerstly. M. W. Jaw, linh i,;to oionrnHn smnkor.
s past few rR- A-J Morchead, Mrs. B. H. Ful- aro (bo materials used for the manu
boratcd bv ton nnd two children, 1. M. Gray, ' faclurc of cigarettes? We give it up.
vears after I William A. Aiokt, Airs, and Aliss lop- ilQ iniagiuation is staggered at the
TT"lIf flllfl 1 T IT. -1 1 T
Advance Styles
I will open on or before August 1st, the Grandest
Line of Clothing Ever Shown on this Coast, which
Lwill sell for LESS MONET than the trash which,
is now. being faked off on the. Public as Rare
C. H. Cooper.
WWielaw. the wrecker at Victoria,
15. C, fe taking preliminary steps to
wurd reopening the whaling Industry
iu tibe Glf of Georgia on scientific
principles aiKl a big scale.
A Truthfnl Viston" is the title of
mm artaeie on the first mge of this issue,
from the facile icji of Frank Scott, in
wfaach is anticipated llie rcalizatiou of
Um prophetic qnotatkm, -'Westward
Ike star of empire takes its way."
Im nafaer an unfortunate prcdica
maul is QfScer Hendrickson, who has
JMstltwik a nice residence, but now
ilas Unit it is outside of the city- lim
sss.smn3 he cannot reside there if he
4esuro to rencaiu on llie police force.
flm c(iiuir Willnvetntlf t "lit At rill 1
take up to Portland a large load cf j ply of salmouiutheUolumbia. llierc
salmou. have been inquiries made as to what
is being done at me nnicucry mis
llie Columbia this season is generally
credited to the work done at the Clack
amas hatchery within the
years. This idea is corroborated
il. fi II. ot- nlwinf. flirnn vonrs fi
, . i'..ic.i. ' . .,. r.i ,-n -.t;nn ' non. J. A. Cnuniucham.
therewagrejitrnuorsalmoninthe child Mrs. J. Li Nermand, Miss L.
rher, and fromJUiese facts cannery La Xermand, IL Roscnbloch, Mrs.
men Have conciuueu mat oy Keeping .,,"".. : t if n
fhc hatchery in operation there will be el, wife and two boys, Rev. Dr. C,
no trouble about keeping up the sup-1 ? Stra ton, wife and niece. Prof. E.
conundrum, and tho stomach becomes
unsettled when the mind grapples
with this problem.
Tim fifonniRhin State of California.
Capt. H. S. Ackiey, saik'for San Fran-1 lt fa learncd
Cisco to day. tia. rr w Hubbard is in charge of
The steam schooner lif. Capt. . the place, and that a rack was put
Paul Schrader. arrived from Tillamook ' across the river some two or three
yesterday morning.
A. Smith and wife.
Stnrgeon FWiins.
Rich deposits of gold have been dis
covered in an alluvial bed near Ash
burton, Western Australia. The bed
is twenty-five miles long and twenty
miles broad. Over 1,0C0 ounces of
pure gold have already been found.
Lots in Case's Astoria Are if on Sale
Astoria Eeal Estate Co.
TERMS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
Weinhard's Lager Beer !
Is the Choice of the Connoisseur.
The steamer General Mile b due ,
here from Portland this morning, en
her way to Shoalwator bay. j
The barkic;, Capt Gardiner, came
j down the river last night at y o clock,
I and will load with lumber here-
l The steamer S. G. Jleed, Csipt. Kin
dred, came down to luuney's cannery
last evening and look on five car 1 jads
of salmon, to go to this
The steamer Willamette Chuf
came down the river last night at 9
o'clock, towing the bark Ivy, and r.ko
Several families are going to Seaside j a barge, on which is a locomotive for
te-day to camp on Dr. Est lot, in i the Astoria and South Coast railroad.
Use invw between the Grimes house The engine was needed, for the one
ihsmI the beach. Some of the families j now in use requires several repairs.
those of Dr. Estes, W. W. Parker. .
And now New York complains of too
much water. The new aqueduct pres
sure is so strong that service tap-plugs
fayed on account of high water in llie Occasional v a liarent
Clackamas. Owing to tuis a very ' a real liar, of course,
lanre number of salmon have gone up i;nn. .nnntpurish. tinnier
X T. McKea and Mrs. J. T. Ross.
At West port a few days ago a val
iRnUfe team of horses was suddenly
lkWe4 by a free falling across the road
mh as they were passing by with a
Ipwied wajcott. The driver narrowly
&soped being struck by the tree.
.T. "W. Hani -m. who a sIirt time
. broajit a numur t pinie? and
!kc4sfram Klickitat ccmnrj-.,
to ttns ok. f-aad ready sale for his
ttttdk. imd starts for home to-day. lie
wiMsbnrtly return witkamther supply.
N. A. Ebermau is still seriously
J ill al his home.
Capt. and Mrs. J. G. Hustler and
family arrived yesterday.
j Fred. Haybergis building a oab'n
on his homestead near here.
1 Al. Beard and lamiiy are cs-inpiag
iug liere for a couple of weeks.
The fanners have had a good season
for liay and nearly every oap lias it
under cover.
F. Beerman will gather a good crop
of fruit and berries from hi: farm,
this season.
Mr. Bradbury is burning bruh on
place, v.ere ho
TkeiOTAt tru'!rt in trnveiing iu
JJaisrimiiity is that t'i" boats and trains
donat Kkle vcr close connecuons. lhe ,, gi(le or lli8
1 imd User arc generally rery ilistatil llB linBn .1..;,,
aadaot close 'enough to I , , , ,, .
xney win un Gn&s aml ebiidren are here for a
1 summer vae.ttiou.
Goo. V. Healdaiul family have gone
v.. -m zy
mother h.ivinj;
iMereK firt cousins.
Hwe in time.
Xatst evening at theuiia4re!H Ca)t ,
WMteomb. T Jlic frteamer f'auiul,
mm so owtrcotiie with Uttghter that i
lie knd to lie led out of the hall. He
ssd C. J. Trendiard arc two :non who
to Uu'ir itnutead about two mil: to
the south of this phice.
Mws Ilo-a Wicgaud and Mr. Annie
Wnir.uid if Portland are guests at
m'tar hutghing belter than any other n. U. Parker'b cottage.
MMirmig.stloa3linUu4vicimty. IL B Parker U making extensive
" ' intprovciivuts iu and abouUiis collage
'Tfcere was n s ?-. of the council j in Eluding a siiacions veranda and well.
hmL evdHitig for aut of a quonuM.i Tlie-hotel are well patronized and
asst after waiUng tdl : oeloek the fhp !,! ; iacreaiunir. as lie-
was called to order by the , . k,j ,mi u.f wn i,17. tw m
c, wtijr Mmsts. Welckand Porker ' riewat aua nicluresque seiside re
sort on the northwest cjast. Xne even
and mild temperature of the air here
is a matter ot favorable comment and
comparison by those who have visited
other places.
k roll call, and aJjonrnod
mttit Oak Wodicsdv ccnhiLT vi I'M
ftiiak. "
QaWesi Eiglith strcH there are
is holes iu the planking whiali
it d.uigcrons Irnvehng for
Yesterday some wag laced a
Jias in one of the holes, on the side
of which was a poster on which was
jpnirted the words "This property be-lex-s
to a member of ihe Chamlxir of
The season for sturgeon fishing will
open on Monday, the 11th. Fish can
be delivered to any of tho day boats
mnrnrif hntwnon Astoria and Port-
wwlr: .shire, but :m to the number otl.ind? nlsnllirt7V?io'irinkijif'TMi?hfc . have been forced out of the
salmou in the pool, or what tho pros- trijis. Write to Chas. B. Trescott, box causing little rivers in several streets,
iects a-e for young fry, he is not ad-1 477, Portland, Or. and water pipes have been burst, re
vised. ! l suiting in the Hooding ot a number of
The nutting iu of the rack to stop j Rather Hard on Senator Sherman. houses.
the fish at the "hatchery has been do
ers Wall street
not an imita-
macho liar-
the river, and as there lias been no Knt. mm rhn Hps with n seriousness of
fwhing up the river, they have gone j expressi011 ai)Q attention to detail In-iiinisig Sores Covered HislSodr
on up to their breeding grounds, and , tt commands respect Not one of ! a""- Head. Konci Affected.
will douuuess ami largely 10 me num- ( those "in the winter of M9 ' chaps, nor j crci nr timcuni ncmcuics
JLTiVffilS bSni!rfcOU,0?f thC en Ira nboyfd- uhcasix nonttaoWUh; loft handof our
mg to llie f.ict tnn logging IS Ueilig j0WSj i,ut a rea iiai.f on0 wjjo lies skill- j imio srundchild bcsantosivcll.and had ovcry
carried on quite extensively on the j fuiiv aboufc current events. l.-ippccrancoofalarso boil. We ioulticcd it.
Uiackatmis, ic nas oeen necessary io j K0Centlv Wall street, from Nassau
put a gate in the rack at the hatch- to William, was repaved. A smooth
e:y to allow the logs to pass down and lmvCment replaced tho old granite
this may allow some of tho salmon, lo(0"occs. The old granite blocks were
pa.s up. It is probable that enough,) too no;sv? aua "n0ise," the complain
salmon can be kei)t m the pool to sup- j ju? "promoters" said, "interferes with
p'.y ;U1 the eggs needed by the hatch-, the puc-jius, Qf lambs." Tho hot
ory; but the chances are that it aviII be , wave ma(ie u,e new pavcment soft and
neeeHsary to cbtablisb a station away yielding. You could, as the ancient i
up tins river where eggs can be so-1 nd ln;m wonid obsen-e, hear a tree ,
enred for sniiplying the hatchery. It' bark, even though a Fifth avenue!
is not likely that this will be done tins sWc l)asscti aovni the street
year. Oregoniun, j -Xhat pavement is sort," said a
- - , prospective millionaire the other day.
Eight Haar? or Ten? or Twelve ? "Soft," said the liar; "you call that
. . i soft? Why, that's hard compared
"By far the most important point in , vjlu tj,0 Washington pavement Yes,
eonocriiun with working eight hours , s5n Ever been in Washington? No.
itrttcd-l of Urn is: What will be the ' Well, Washington is paved with
m.ral influence on. the worker? ill ( asphalt, same as that. It gels vcrv
fewer hour-, add eclat, spirit vigor to j,(lt ,- Washington and the pavements
the Jaboior. and enable hnn to aceom- r. vorv poN. Onite lilrn molasses, in
4li-h a full day's work in eight hours? , f.ic Ami j ,ao seen in the middle
iriin net) im- iuiuu ''. """.--. ot a Hot dav. liltv people stucic in me cnroiL.-iid i'lMiir. d tho neo cf six yean, a
lr.i wr? Marl: B.'aufoy or London pavoment Thcv stand like animated ' strons and healthy child. , nlMr.,.0
replies: I am glad to be able to say slnilics. They 'can't release them) ... ,. C1 l t liiwmin "on, ill.
thalnn espenence of Hie eight hours elveSj M lbc slaml nud en-, 'help! Mav,i-, u,--tte"t-1 ,oom,n-lon-svstcm
has been most satisfactory. So j i,einr Pcoiile cannot iro to their aid. -My prandon remains perfectly wo'.l. No
far from reducing the amouut of pro because if they do they will get stuck, ! lA - and " J?. R
Unction nave lncrwisixi it wiiwiunu- too. ' ' Feb.
bly. 1 attribute tins entirely io uie "And Avhat," asked the prospccUve
increased amount of vigor with which ! millienaire: "and what becomes of I Cuticura Resolvent,
my men have been able to work in UiCmv I Tho new inod l'lmficr. internally (to
consouuence f the shortening ot tneir "ireit v .wnn ser.nfnr John
lioura of labor. The number of men a,me3 nionft-' replied the liar.
m my emp:y is not uirge, out au toi w paVements harden as ho passes
ot irnue-5 are reprcoemou, ami a ic-u-i
eonviuoed that if employers would
only give the eight hours system
a fair trial very many or them would
permanently adopt it The ad
vantage to the men is enormous, the
low to the master very small; and u
the organization i good, and the
morals of the men high, there will be
an absolute gain." This is as favor
able a report as has ever been made,
and it deserves full consideration. It
must bo noted lhat he speaks or a
small loss to the master, although he
hut nit to no uurnoso. About five months
after it becamo a running ''oon other
sores formed. Ho then
hud two of Miom on each
hand, and as his blood
became moro and moro
impure, it took less time
for them to break out. A
.coro camo on tho chin,
beneath tho under lip.
which was very offen
sive. Hi? head wasono
solid scab, dichargine a
prcat deal, 'this wasnis
condition at twenty-two
months old. when I un
dertook tho c.irc of him.
died when ho was a
littln mnr th:in a vcar old. of consumption
' (crofula. of course. Ho could walk a little,
lint em-.Id nut -ret im if ho foil down, and could
i not movo when in bed, bavins no "so of his
, hind. 1 imincdiitely commenced with tho
i Ci"Ti ui:a lii'.wi'.mr.-., ning alt freely. Ono
soro aflor another healed, a bonv mnttcr
forming in each orof iheso fivo deeponc3
jut heforo healinff. which would finally
rtow loo 'o an J wvr ta en eut: then they
weiild heal lapidly. t'nc of these ugly bono
formation 1 j:e-c-rvci. After taking a
do n and a half b ttles ho was completely
Dloominston, III.
II. W. Tompkins, of Westport, was
I iu the city yostordaiy.
Edward M. Doady, of Portland.
came down yesterday on the Potter.
Perrv Trullingor, a brotlier of J. C.
TrulliagorjOt this city, passed through
get back to their proper state, and tho
victims are released." N. Y. Times.
Soiiip Frrtirliy Macim-.
Let us begin by admiring what God
shows up nud wo shall have no timo
left to hunt for what he hides from
There are people, and many ot them,
wlio really repent only their good!
It is easier to bo good to everybody
Sherman 1 cleanse tho blood of all impurities and voison-
,.mi ous elements and thus romo c tho cause), und
ar. llie ; cltuu n . tho ?rcat kin Cure, and Ci ti-
1'iritA ftOAi. an oxmiisito Skin lleautiucr,
externally (to clear tho skin and scalp, and
rcstoro tho hair) euro even- dtscaso and
liumnr of the skin and blood, from pimples to
Fold everywhere. Prico. ClTH'UKA, oCc ;
Soai. 'Jee: 1C!oi.fnt. Si. Prepared by
tho 1'eTxiy: lint'o and Cusiui'.vi.Coai'OK
ation. l!o-ton.
eo-rfend for "Haw to CureUlood diseases."
To tike the last argument from
the croakers and In order to show
the public that it is not the money
alone that 1 am after, but that 1 am
anxious to make a
I hereby voluntarily offer to mako
an equal division of the winning
and of course I'll win among the
different Benevolent Societies of
Astoria, as follews:
Astor Lodge No. G, K. of P.
Beaver Lodge No. 35, 1. 0. 0. F.
Gushing Post No. 14, G. A. R.
Finnish Benevolent Society.
Fishermen's Protect ive Union.
Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P.
Scandinavian Benevolent Society.
Sea Side Lodge N,o.U2. A. O. U. W.
Temple Lodgft No. 7, F. A. & A. 31.
Young Men's Christian Association.
Woman's Relief Corps No. 3,G.A.R.
Carpenters' and Joiners' Union.
Astoria Typographical Union.
Young Men's InstitntG No. 106.
Mediterranean ilutual Society.
And any other similar organiza
tions 1 may have left out in this list,
hut who care for the sick and assist
the needy.
Now for a Grand Rally !
And lets show to the outside world
ASTORIA, can't he beat anywhere.
To all who stand by me in this
fight, I assure more than full value
for their money.
Yours, anxious to win,
Herman Wise,
The Reliable Clothier
and Hatter,
In Occident Hotel Buildint
Superior Facilities" for Shipping in Car Load Lots.
Orders for any quantity to be directed to
H. WEINHARD, Portland, Oregon.
Corner Twelfth ana B. Telephone 72. P. O. Bex 405
(Opp. Telephone Landing.)
Is tlie Bon Ton Restaurant of tbe Town
Dinner Parties, Banquets, a Specially
jT7ic Finest jriiic. ami Liquoiia.
Private Entrance and Rooms
N. K. Xo connection ith lih old place on
Main Street.
DADV'O SI"n and Scalp purified and besu
DADT 0 tiGedby CirricuK.v Soai Ab
solutely pure.
has previously asserted that he had ' than to somebody.
himself gained. Nor is he able to j Often woman, who inspires us with
suggest the result when the organiza-, great things, prevents us from nccom-
tion ot the men is nan ana tneir tone piisumg mum
J- Jt4MMi jiifiniifixti T
cwu uie . .u...mi .- ,ere egterdav, with his family, on
Avm hew next wodcthe st reels should 0j0 WgV rom (jrav's harbor to Yam
h dawned tra. as it wonid Ixj a dis- ..,, -
STVlSi S SSS; M;.g. T. Edbcmid family of Paw-
!. carts and other material nee City, hob., arrive, in this city
JSTbow partially obstructs the yesterday, and will make Asiona their
:Trr ri ii!. . , u r n, future home. Iilr. Edce was former
Tlie proposed Union Pacific bridge
morass 'be Columbia will be of steel.
-rotfe an upper roadway for wagons,
nod will ho mnch the largest west of
the Kockies. The draw vill be one
f the longest in the world, being -170
ei ioap, 60 feet high and 22 feet
wide. Tho draw openings will 200
feet wide in the clear. The cost of the
fcridRe will be S7,000.000.
Im starting from here it is very un
certain how loug it will lake a person
to roach Sealnnd, for low tide and a
shallow channel near Sand island as
the boat enters Hwaco bay, often de
lays a steamer. The cars make good
time between Hwaco and Nahcotta or
Sealaad, and when the latter place, is
reached, it is s satisfaction io know
that a fine meal can be hail at Morri
son's hotel.
Nearly all of Third street from
Mala to Wast Ninth is completed
now, except about sixty feet of side
walk on llie north side of tho-street,
lust east of "Mayor Crosby's store.
That is onlv oisht feet wide and
.should bo ten. The street planks.
are in ihe proper hue and a hole
about two feet by sixty is the resnlt
It is only loosely oovered with
planks and some horse is liable to
runawagoa against them, and leave
a dangerous holo. Then if any one is
injured it is a question whelhor the
city would bo liable for damages, or
the owner of the property, whoever
jie may be.
nresident of lhe Farmers -National!
bank, Pawnee City, Neb., and also
president of the Eeaver City Natioind
bank, same state, and now assumes the
presidency of the Second National
bank in this city. It is such additions
to our population that are desirable as
an advortisement of Astoria's commer
cial standing.
Xo Ticket, "So iloney.
- Mr. I. W. Case yesterday received
the following tolegram from Chicage:
"Joseph Nyman's wife arrived here
Saturday without ticket or money.
A. Mobtexsex."
Mr. Case, though agent for the
steamship lines, kno-vs no agent of that
name, and has not sold any ticket to
auv one ot tnat name, nor can ne upon
inquiry, find any othor agent here who
Tliis is published tolotNj-manknow
of the condition his wife is in at pres
ent She evidently hails from Astoria.
Forts. FcercII
Will have Ids new shop, next to Tiiil
Stokes, toady f r hnsinev next Satur
day, when he will he plwd to serve
his friends who want a nice shave,
shampoo or hair-cut.
low. There is; however, no doubt
about some classes of labor that more
can lie done in less lime by going at
the task quite fresh, and not adhering
to it so long as to produce ncrvo ex
haustion. Literary work should
nnvpr he nrotracted beyond three
hours at a sitting, if one desires to do j
the best work and the most or it ine
real point concerning fewer hours is
this, that the whole task can be ac
complished with a clear brain and un
tagged nerves. There seems to be good
reason for applying this rule to all
classes of uuintcrmittent labor. But
when labor is of such a character as
to permit of relief by alternating from
one task to another, the end is secured
without altogether leaving our work.
In fact, most of those who work for
ten hours in factories pass after that
to their little gardens or to other do
mestic duties or to games. Thero
might be in tho large majority of em
ployments far more consideration of
this demand ot our nerves and mus
cles for change of exercise. A brain
worker's best work is done with great
speed, but not at great length. It
seems, by parity ot reasoning, prob
able that all work should be done on
the same basis anl under tho same
conditions; that is, we should keep
ourselves in as thoroughly good worK
ing condition as possible, and work
will be a pleasure. "J?. 2. P." in SL
Louis Globe Democrat.
There are a number of people, es
pecially in politics, who aro like bot bet
tles: thoy have no value except that
which is poured into them.
Lifo is the last'habit which wo wish
to lose, because it is tho first ono wo
Friendship ends where sorrow be
gins. He who causes his own death is a
victim who meets his executioner and
kills him.
Never discuss: you will convince
nobody. Opinions are liko nails: the
harder you hit them the deeper they
They deserve theirjiisforttmes who
know not how to profit by them.
.Brunettes deceive; blondes betray.
If you wish to become acquainted
with Divinity do not seek it in the so
ciety of the illustrious, but in tho in
tercourse of the good. Genius does
not explain God goodness proves
him. Alexander Dumas.
!n one minute theCut'
cura. Anti-I'niii llastcr
relievos rheumatic, sciatic, hir,
kidney, chest and muscular pains
and weaknescs. Price, 15c.
The Hear Discovery.
A lads diamond breast pin.
with Dr. Estes and leceive rew
A special meeting of Alert Hook and
Ladder Co. is hereby called for Thurs
day, August Tin, ac s au r. zu Jiusmeis
of Importance to he transacted.
Secretary. President
T:tlc It Before Breakfast.
The great appetizer, tonic and liver
regulator. In use for more than 50
years in England. Positive specific for
liver complaint. Bad taste in the
mouth on arising in the morning, dull
pains in the head and hack of the eyes,
tired feeling, dizziness, langour symp
toms of liver complaint. I'emcdy Dr.
Henley's English Dandelion Tonic. "Re
lieves constipation, sharpens the appe
tite and tones up the entire system. Get
the gehuinc from your druggist for 1,
ami take according to directions.
You have heard your friends and neigh
bors talking about it You may your
self ! one of the many who know from
nersonal experience just now good a
thin!? it is. J f vou have ever tried it. you
are one of its staunch friends, hecause
the wdnderful thing about it is, that
when once given trial, Dr. King's New
Discovery ever after Holds a place in
the house. If you have never used it
and should be afflicted with a cough,
cold or any Throat, .Lung or Chest
trouble, secure a -bottle at once and give
it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every
time, or monovrcfunded. Trial Bottles
Free at J. W. Conn's Drugstore.
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
Jctrciry. Watclie. and CIoi
RlaireI at JGxtrcmely
Juow Prices.
628 Third St., - Astoria
Wat. TV. Winmnv.
S. A. TViiKitav.
lticiiAni) Harry,
Civil KiiRinecr.
Wherry & Harry,
ReaS Estate
8 and 88
Two Choice Blks in Adair's Astoria
above Restaurant is Jnt Opened,
with everything New and
First Class
This is the Cleanest and Quietest
Place in the City.
BARLOW & HAYDEfi Prop's.
No Chinese Iniploycu.
Van Dusen & Go
Lots in Block "8" S200.
Lots in Block "88" $150.
. and Six Montlis.
"5P"Enlarged and Eefitted to Meet the Popular Demand.g3
23FAH lots staked at four corners.
Magee, Argand and Acorn
City and Suburban Troperty Sold on Com
mission. Investments Made for
Outside l'artles.
Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes;
hand-turned French Kids,
also flexible
at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s.
Go to the Columbia bakery for all
kinds of oakes.
ah tim Choicest Delicacies, made by
only first-class men at the Seaside
Wcluliartl's liner.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
V. Case, Banker. . Jtulgo C. II. Page.
Office on Third. Street)
Near Court House,
Innocence and Etaht Hour League. The
Union Label on each b vc. For further par
ticulars apply to John Hahn, Astoria, Oregon.
Cooking and Heating,
Xoe cfe Scully,
Even-thins In Season.
Next to Central notel,
TVill Sail from Sau Francisco for
Astoria about July 30th.
For freight apply to captain on board.
Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters.
Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc.
Carpenters and Builders.
Holt & McCurtrie's old stand, have over 200
nlntpq tmft iira.winiranf all kinds and styles
fof dwelllnE-honaes. ranjdDg om ?900 to
Astoria, Oregon. 1 915,0rT&ll and see fcem.
Frankfort Real Estate Co.
iwaimta J Cor. Commercial and Tearl Sts., Frankfort, Wash.
UfftflOiSH -j navei'3 Brjck Block, 435 2d St., Astoria.
Investments Made for Non-Residents, a Specialty.
o n nnv ro J Correspondence solicited, aiaps, uircuiars ana an lnionnanon
cheerfully furnished.
FLYNN, The Tailor,
Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. Ail the Latest. Styles
Ha bays for Cash at Eastern rrlccs. 'Ho Guarantees the Best Workmanship on all
Garments. Call and see for vourse.lf. Barth Block, ASTORIA, OK.