The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 06, 1890, Image 1

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."" ,
: r - -, - , - - I - i - r !
Ssas si tic Iimtei fitnesses M
L- c Li Hs fe
til ssssrsw -L
Bf Ie3 -
: ssnid tzsT i) r r in: r .: ttack i:i
AfssoCutely ure3
HInk " never vane, A iarra o.
jmdue. ttiea id wholewMweaeas. ?.lrc
r-tral stent tiie oniinar kHMKmxI can
uw -old tn oomiet.Un with Jhe mnlti
J - fcrst. liert weight, alum or pho
' im:r. 5W imly in fcn. K i.
"t- rfHiHCKOf. IW V'H-t.. xi. 1 .
1. vim M Joii.wjn & Co.. Agent. i'or-
Ttiev Should Iot ;c Tolerated in
This e'ciiiUry.
j s, eri.i to 'I UK '-TOJC ..I
EwzAKimr, N. J., An-. Z -A le?-
' lt?nte fight oecured a the piesi" .f
the Arbulei Turn Vereiu at Eller
Crmo ht liitfl.t, nearly 1W men
, i::k:is ic-.rt in he fray. Six pohec-
Jjih'u were lwilly h:iml!el hyihom'wtal anarchists. Dnrins the iot
' .. A itifir ill Hflfr fliVltilirr ffDin lljO
iwr. Ma,u'11 stiff :li Hip cnlnmce of the groniul
oU' ii-ay . 0n a:u irRmpiea under
S.wciul HyTiix U'iTn i'ltKrts.
A.uiwr;c, .'. .. A
Dnrvton received .i
from ex stnte senator D.tu:el xi- lc foo. Warrants are out lor a tlocsi or
Milieu of Buffalo, wlff. inlnhliiCM1. tle Ibn iotei.
electric bill in the state legislature. I Ea ot A C5USY iiFi:.
saving that he would be in Washing j .
Ion to-day and lo-niorrow, and there- j rs.-ath o iZcv. Adam nallan.
fore could not attend the execution. jS.nfUoTiiK srouiAX.l
This- as the only declination t IIr'0" jA!Uf' ilJ?' J1'" xr7:
" , TJ , n, M, - Ailnm Ballon, pastor of She Hopedalo
onered up to noon. Judge Chik of xjniversaljst church died to-day. aged
the slate supreme courh dinhicl K7. He iva-; a lineal descen iaut of
Attorney Quintan, of Buffalo, Dr. J. rarclial Gnncbond Ballon, one of
D. Soulhvriclc, of Buffalo, and I)r. villiam The Conqueror's generals,
Charles FowlCr, of Buffalo, arrived j wiiU jjoa ju 1091. Purhig his life he
during the forenoon and registered ai married 2,30S person.", conducted
the Osborne house. Warden mrst ; 2sm funerals, delivered nearly bU,lMJ
said this afternoon that Ivemmler did j addresses and sermons and wrote five
not receive a letter from his brother . jmndred books and pamphlets. The
yesterday. A registered letter ad-1 deceased clergyman leaves a widow
dressed to him, which was received at J aiJli :i married daughter.
the pnson, contained a cranks request -
for Ins autograph. .Many pucii re-, skvi:s TS5E3I Kitssax.
quests are received every day. j
ArpMnt Relating to llic Snlject
of Tariff Legislation.
.i -YiJH'.ST.-i ;: an. i sans n.ixns.
special by Tuk Usirm rua.
Washington, Aug. 5. The penale
met at 10 o'clock aud immediately pro
ceeded to the consideration of the tariff
Nominate a State. Met for California.
, os . i x: el r.s l'Jhsti:i:s stjukk.
vial by Thk Umtkh !i:is.
San Fkvnowco, Aug. 5. The Amer
ican party, m convention here, nom
inated to-dnv the following state
bill, the pending item being the para- i ticket: Governor-general, John Bid
graph relating to cylinder aud crown i well; lieutenant-governor, Benjamin
glass polished. Berry addressed IhetTorgan; secretary of stale, AV. S.
senate on the general subject of tariff Lyons of L03 Angeles: treasurer, Guy
legislation. lie denied the correctness E. Grosse of Sonoma; controller, M.
of Hiscock's assertion that the. cjixes-jc. Winchesterof Yolo; a ttomey-gen-tion
had been finally settled at the last cral, Chauncsy IT. Dunn of Sacra
presidential election. The majority ors mento; surveyor-general, Wm. L.
i. Amn-nnn ,innnin Tinrrv r.caorf.1 Dixon of Kern: siinerintoiulent of
lin.l nrf. ihnn f1vlnrri1 ill fnvnr nf ilm! pUOlIC
"" VU VU V. W....W.- . - -- ,
protective theory, but rather in favo
tire :;iii Marine raid Life
VAN DUSEN & CO., Ag'ls
Of ll FollowJnK JtdiaWe Foreign and
!.'-vrnoI Mid Inln and C!u)e. Isortli
IMttah mid U'rantu. Keotth Utiiou mid
XatinM. Hartfonl ol CoHWotici;t, (iiu:icr
cutf wf 0Uf.w. 1ahmI(m ami Lancashire nf
ijrvtwrwtf, OrfMMWHTrial I'MiOH Of LOHtttMS.
Twiiijiii M I.MHhn. Kwthvvetof 3'ortljad,
Msnul life ol Xc YtV.
Tliif. in Read, 13c WtU Be
Spcrml to Thk Astokiax.J
Aubukn, X. Y.. Aug. 5. Tili l)33t
jotficcr. n it SSuscallj Concern
Are Arrested.
Specs teTiu: ASTOIUAX.
PirrsnuKG. Aujr. 5. Saf ton & Duln,
with two of their clerks and all the
agents of the National" Capital Bnild-
of the party that advocated tariff for
revenue onlv. booner or later tue
right would prevail, and then, and not
till then, could it be said that tue ques
tion was finally settled.
Senator SriccJs Paper.
Special to Tuk Astokiax.i
Washington, Aug. 5. Ic is staled
upon excellent authority that Calvin
S. Brice, United States senator-elect
from Ohio, has bought the Indianap
olis Sentinel. The sale of the Sen
Unci was made auont two weeics ag'.
insinuation, Daniel Lambert
of San Francibeo; clerk of Ihe su
preme court, W. A. Bealty of San
ts:s: i:ssrTi"its strike.
On All the Lios Angeles Kally
Sptvial t.i Tun Astokian 1
Los A:;cniiis, Cal., Aug. 5. This
afternoon every compositor iu the
four ilnily newspaper ofiices of this
city, the Vimis, Tribune, Herald nun
Ea'iirttt. went out on a strike. The
trouble is on account of the failure oE
A Train Precipitated Into the
Special to The Astobmx.
Needles, Cal., Aug. 5. A cloud
burst in the mountains in the eastern
part of Mojave county, early last night.
washed out the bridge two miles west
oE Yucca. The east bound freight
train, due at Yucca at 8 o'clock, was
precipitated into the river, killing fire
man Wm. Neil and slightly wounding
engineer Hursher and seriously scald
ing Brakeman Sutton. The San Fran
cisco express, due at Needles last
night at 6 o'clock, was delayed
by washouts near Williams, Ari
zona, and only reached Yucca a
few minutes after the freight accident,
having a narrow escape. After the
bridge was fixed up the train came on,
closely followed by the Los Angeles
express, which had overtaken the hrst
one. When near Needles at 1230,
aud running fast, the Pullman car on
the San Francisco train left the rails.
throwing the tourist car just ahead
over on its side. William Henault, of
San Antonio, Tex., received severe
bruises, but the other passengers on
both cars miraculously escaped with
nothing more serious than a rough
shaking up.
Newspaper Comment on the- Crisis
. ForMien.
Franifort anfl tie Star of Empire.
judgment possible to be formed, with - :ngand Loan association, were re
the information at hand, U that snaadeu to jail last night n default of
vrtn,mnr,r;iiiomWnfnii in.iru.mnv S1.000 bail each. Ihe charge was a
Ki;:; Gtjrt.
J conspiracy to defraud, made by a scoro
! of persons of all ages, who were their
victims. There are plenty more to
i hear from.
DritisS Vessel Mivcn Up.
rimmpL,LiUora! Atijjtsimenis Guaranteed
. Y . KJ.
California ifiarhe Ins. Co., S. F.
Coiitfabia Fir 3 r.S Marine Ins. Co.,
Kvme Mutual lasmanco Cs., S. F.
PiKB.nix of London,
impeita! of London.
ZSc Uas But a Few Short I!-iir-
to E-iivc.
Special to Thk AsTOixiAN. j s,wial . TB stoki.a1
lUBUi-,.N.X.,Angr.o. J-neivemm- y A 3. The British
lor electrocution will not occur bewre . f j ia.flatt j
7 o clock to-morrow monimg. lc jViliie EscheHge r
exact hour has not yet been lisc 1 upon. ;iiecl froni Snn Fni
is posted on the
s missing, bhc
nmcisco for Cork,
' Irelnud, on February 2Gth last, and
i has not since been heard from. The
! owners itave about given her np as
n llic President of Pern
Special to Thk Astokian j
New Yokic, Aug. 5.-The IentW j A Slcasacr Co.ilsion
correspondent from Lima, under date a .
at JulvJJlst. says that the struggle for ,r ....
the presidency of Peru is still eugag- j i I lt'Xh
ing public attention. It is fearcVi that ! Umle.1 btatos f;!
JZ-, t i,i f m,lf Ti...r '. r.ux into the Dm pit :ii wm
He secured a controlling interest from tc pui.Jishers tu accctta to tue request
(imuMnnF b ln Wm. T?li:nin.' ol Me Typographical umon, and to
ex-slate a
on Time.
Special to Thk Astokian
PobtiiAnd, Aug. 5. This is the day
for the second semi annual convention
oE the chiefs of police of Oregon and
Washington, but as only a few of the
members have arrived m tune, the
Special by The United Pkes.
Bueno3Ayres, Aug. 5. Great ex
citement still prevails here, notwith
standing the termination of ihe insur
rection, and the disquietude contin
ues to increase. Senor Lastra, who
heads tho party supporting General
Mure, formerly president of tho Be-
public, has been tendered a cabinet J
position and declined. Fifty million
dollars oE paper currency will, it is
said, shortly be issued. A bill has
been introduced in tke chamber ot
deputies, providing Cor forced cur
rency. Payment has been resumed by
the national bank, but the bourse re
mains closed and a panicky feeiing
still prevails in commercial circles.
Comments on the crisis by the press
are strictly forbidden. The rate of
exchange is falling, but the premium
on gold is up to 209.
uditor. isiKiuuBwuuioruuB jwu hi iuc whu meeting was put off till to-morrow.
Ot ill'y cents per tUOUSand ems. fihiflfs Ttnss nf Salmon. "Rnms nf Oro.
:cr City Over t lie iTEillion ; njue trouble first arose over the pub- niK- TTnfTmnn nf Alhnnv T?nra nf
apcciaiw in k astokian Ushers asKmg the union to accept a
Washington, Aug. 5. The official reduction to -10 ccuts, during the dull
but rough count by the census bureau ! season. This was refused by the
' nninn nit -in rohipti lr ncl.-rwl tni
llULKJli. 4.b A wbllli tW t0.fcV.Lb .V.&
shows the population of Philadelphia
to be 1,014,89-1, an increase during the
last ten years of 197,721.
Sclentillc ant! Ut-fu!.
For moths salt is the best estcrmi
mitor. The exiierimcut of treatiug typhoid
fever by prolongetl immcreiou of tho
patient in water, ha3 been tried with
gratifying success.
Experiments are to be mads at Hav
re to see if telephoning between ves
sels at anchor aud tho offices in the
, ! city cannot be accomplished.
hile Ihe latter I The percentage ol light lost in pass-
;. o.-xue,-.f
serious trouble may yet result, mere ";'"", - ' .m1nv ,,,! m.lf1v ? iUg tLrongh window glass is, through
f 1! 1 .. 1 a I.' .. .ma.. k. .. Il. aLlIljiIUl ljdki1 .. . .. .i.-.iw - - - . -
Hl I1IU ...v....., -.. -- , , .!..,
, n;: utu
Bosas, president, and Colonel Bcmigo :
Morales Bermudez, who is ravorcti) worlds Fair.
?' tb-erUe"L. 0T ,re? ! W lO THK A..TOKIANJ
UilVU iinetiuv WCUIICU. o-n mi l
-m rTr" 1.1 1 U...1 I'RIMOFIKIi.. All.. AIliT. .
sirceisoLXJiiiiii uiuiupui.ii;i;i".t-ui ii i --- . - .. -, ti,i0
Bosas and his friends when i.v;..: j ornor 1-ifor h:cs signed the Worlds
tho .-. n-! ar ""
retum it asxed lor a
years contract. This tho publishers
refused to sign, and as a consequence
tho printers walked out. They started
for non-union men, and to-night the
papers arc working with half the force,
but oxpre?s a determination to have
their issues at the usual hour in the
Boseburg, Delaney of Port Townsend,
and Barry o Astoria were the only
gentlemen to arrive before noon.
Tias: ivi:im casc.
CP-J Mi Sca?i
ffuyw w er cic i-st .7
Fire ai.d SSarne hisurance,
ldtIMUtlA:..o.r In Hto'.
GtM.U'OKNiA. -l r.ilifti-n:.
QOXNIftTlfi"! . f iirtt!L
O A KICK'S I ! it M i . 4 ukt.i!Mi
JIKCM N'. V I V:f.n:ia.
from preliminary sessions xf
ale, being opposed in their vi.h'ii' j
by the police. One man was killM Wwt.lcis f the l)pci.--Tlie Tra-k .f tae
and several wounueu. iu uis oineiai
report the chief of police lays all the ,
blame on the friends of Bosas, who ;
armed thcmelv&s with revolvers iukI j
r.el them, but he omits to state that
they died in defending their lives.
to Procure
Special to TlIK ASTOKIAN j
San Fhancisco, Aug. 5. The
fonndrymen and engineers h.nve de
cided to adopt new ways to obtain in
formation as to who the parties are
that have been assaulting and beating
non-union men. Thev have had diffi
culty in procuring witnesses who arc
! not afraid to t-11 the irnth about as
saults. Th"v ben particularly un
fortunate in securing evidence iu tho
Summer Rain in Southern
Special to The Astokian;!
Loi. AngeciES, Cal., Aug. 5. A
heavy rain fell to-dav ut 3 o'clock.
followed by slight showers the bal
ance oE the afternoon, doing great
damage to green and dried fruits.
At John H. Leslie & Co.'s dryer the
damage is estimated at about three
hundred dollars. Most of the dry
fruit in trays In the yards was saved
by the large force of hands being put
to work gathering up the fruit before
it was damaged by the rain."
At the depth of
tTufartiinatc Weather for fc'ao
Special to Thk Astokian. J
Brri'AT.o, N. Y.. Aug. 5. The grand
circuit races which were to h:te com
menced to-day have been j-tKmed
until to-morrow. The heavy ain
which set in last niirht still e intitin.-s.
The track is muddy, and even under
waves Hre noi
clear glass, 12 per cent: slightly
ground, 21; lialf ground, 3o, all
ground, 10; opal glass, CO.
Uerr Krnpp, ihe great gun manu
faclurer ol avnsci!, has submitted a
plan to the
placing the city
i rtr.tKrt? nf 1t ! itrlL-v nonnlfn1
I ir- i v. rn -r r rn . uwiiwwii ui wk "'" -.i. ""'"
l Autaiunanua x. ouuea 01 uics o. J: Causscn, list- molder who was
lis Me inventor ot a new process ol; .lttacl:cd ami iwalen bv Tiniou strikers
OI1U lliia BUUXUU.-U 111 Wiu-l f ii, lirrt lvnrl-i Ifwl I.Mnrfinl rlnrrnii
,'Knrs ! , .; ; t..-i. i.- - , '
Austrian government for I "n i ,..". ....- i.ij
ot Vienna iu wnnec-U'l1 , :crncB-..a rerfa,ru
,..i,., i. n.,oi SjOO will ba paid for tho arrest and
. canning.
is t!ie same, varying only a Intlo from j
the iceol the po:e xo use unriung sun
C the equator. A mile down the
water has n procure of over a ton to
the SHunre inch. If a lxx six feet
about 3,50;) feet :. serving fruits, vegetable and oysters ; mul snUuble rowi;rtis i bo given f
The temperjiturei"30hitcly without cooking and witn-fiutonnation conccring the other j
-:lv :: ir:in frnm Ollt UiC USC of chemicals. cli.
allowe.I to evaporate under tho sun.
there would be two inches of salt left
on lit
2:)0 feet thick on the bed of the At
htniic. Th'1 water is colder
bottom than ai the biirfa
The result of a large number of ob-
scrvatious made in England tends to
:hov that fair hair is rapidly disap- J
pearing in the British Lsles, and that' The Young 3c:is institute Hits
Idjsep were filled with sea water -mdj this darkening of hair is more marked1
J Special to Tin: Astok i n.1
: i, il :. f.-..l
1X1 llllli.'i L11.L11 111 lUlAltllUS.
i- n.ut ii.n m;nAi.t ..tni.tii S.vx 1 n VNCisiV, .insr. o. -His brand
.. uuLv, iw ...wi.- .....w .- i....:i r n.. a.', "r.-. t,i:i,,i
B -UClltlltC
proposed amendment
changing repre-
couucil from two
e bollora. Taking the average at lifc i,ead or the Saltpetriere hospi-1 Council of tjie ouug Men s Jnsti
i of the ocean to be three. mile,! , i;,rLs, has finished a long ivriesof as called tou.-Jer at 10:1, to-
would be a layer ot pure salt0xperimeilts in hvpnotism and gives it llie foren-ion wa; occupied with a
d ol tue At- j his opinion that not more than onoi0"3?0'1 "." 2roP,S
older at the j pCI80n jn 100 099 is Mibjert to the in-'to the ejintitation, cl
ace. In the ii,ip,ip sentation m grand cou
IVeiv.s From Victoria.
Special to The Astokian.
San Francisco, Aug. 5. News re
ceived from the mines by the steamer
Walla Walla, which arrived from
Victoria this morning, is very indefi-
-nite, save that the strike has been
settled, tho men acceding to then:
employers' terms. The cause ot the
strike was that the men demanded
that their wages commence from the
month of tho pit, instead of waiting
until they were in the shaft. The
steamer (Josla liica is now loading at
the mines, and will be here in a day
or two with tho first lot of coal.
The Salvadoreans are Victorious
Special to The Astoria?.
Crrr of Mexico, Aug. 5. A dis
patch from San Salvador, says that be
fore any effective battle can be fought
by Gnatemala, she will be obliged to
concentrate her army again, as vnfoi -mal
dissentions have broken out in
the departments oE the east.
The insurrectionary movement is
headed by General Alphonzo Irnn
garay, son oE a once prominent mem
ber oE that name, who was declared a
traitor by Barrillos two years ago, and
has been u refugee ever since. Young
Irnngary issued his pronunciamento
in the department o Chigmalo, and
has drawn to his banner from 1,5UU to
2,000 disaffected Guatemalan troops.
The socalled army of frontier in
spection, the dispatch continues, is
torn by dissentions and demoralized
by attacks o the army, and time
must be taken to reorganize it, so that
it may bo able to cope with tho Sal
vadorian army.
The great victory oE General An
tonio Ezeta over General Bivas, con
tinues to interest men here, who, m
their personal capacity, express an
opinion that tho Salvadorian forces
will now have no great difficulty in
gaining all the prospective battles
with Guatemala.
The Americans who are here offered
to bet two to one that the Salvadorean
forces will, if peace is not arranged by
the United State3, capture the capital
of Guatemala without losing a battle.
The Guatemalan legation here is rc-ceiving-and
dispatching-numerous tel
egrams every day, and still nothing is
heard from Minister Mizner at the
United States legation here.
Codfisli From Bearing: Sea.
Special to The Astorian.1
San Francisco, Aug. 5. The
schooner Vanderbilt, hence April 13th
for Behring Sea, returned to this
port yo3tcrday, with 48,000 codfish.
This makes the fifth cargo of the kind
this season
A little while ago I gazed "into the
mirror ot time. 1 saw in the canopy
and constellation of lnnn&n events,
the Star oE Empire as it majestically
rose over Plymouth Bock."1 I beheld
its westward course from the rolling
Atlantic to tho tranquil Pacific. I saw
in its pathway the dissolutiotf-'of vir
gin nature by tho mighty flood ot hu
man generations. I saw. her every
where wield her magnetie force in na
ture's adapted channels from the chain
of lakes and the great Mississippi, to
tho golden shores oE the broad d?arific
then,.Isaw her hover and set like a
jeweled monarch on tho verdant hills
and evergreen shores o the'smighty
Columbia, where the resUesa Pacific.
dnnks the now of her perpetual foun
tain and there to sit enthroned as
a signal light to generations-Jonborn.
I saw on the gentle slopes of it3 foot
stool bordering the tranquil, bay oE
Frankfort, an infant city born and
christened; I saw it struggle in its
tender age, then leap forth Jby the
magic o its guiding star to? an ex
istence o eternal greatness and
magnificent beauty. I crowded
with the commercial supremacy and
metropolitan greatness oE' the-Pacific
northwest I saw in its" train the
realm o an empire, in its virgin purity
yet undefiled and untrodden by man.
I saw the precious gifts of lavished
nature yielding to the touch of human
effort and ingenuity. I saw.the teem
ing flood o commerce-' roll down
through nature's adapted channels as a
mighty river rolls down to thesea.
saw generations pass- away, and
the somber hills bow their hoary
heads and tho flow was ceaseless as
the restless tide. I saw the pages in
the history o human progress re
written. I saw the Pennsylvania oE
the west clothed with the garments o
greatness and excellency, nnd a new
Philadelphia spring forth, like the
approach of morning light, which,
made the continent shake with the
tramp of advancing civilization; and
the mountains shook from base to
center in yielding up th'eir precious
stores, and the towering forests bowed
their lofty heads in sacrifice To avari
cious humanity, and the canopy of
heaven was burnished with the blaze
of enterprise and progress.and the
tidal wave of commerce crowned the
Columbia, the gateway of "the. golden
west under the beacon lighj; of the
empire star. -
O, Star of Empire, now thou must stay,
For westward thou hast takexrthy way.
Hose not thy lostor nor growwan,
Bat guide thee still to the promised land.
O, hover thee o'er oar verdant hore,
For westward thou canst go no more.
O, sit thee on thy jewelled throne,
E'en Bethlehem thou hast outshone.
the most favonible circumstnncif; now, ;wa;jV bms on thceast of Noiway the mj.- ftf ...,,. ; ,',f i,i ! delegates tu one irom each insti
lls condition cannot be good, so that Crater often freezes at the Ix.ltcmbi-' "tosraPj" of .ont. -ei,;,it old uo The amendment was lost. In
am hope .t record-lowering tlut nviy Je it dfis alSve. Waves are verv.coui.les aud the same imniber of pict- lhe attcnsoolI aM exemplification ot
hae been enlortaiaeJ. must lx- alma- w " .r brothers and Mstors ot an age fl ritlvll wa3 ivciK
i;,,-' - .,Hi.f in inwr l'-pi- -"- uo.u.i luuih. u.. wu.i -'' ,.n another iu nppjaranee than lhe special to Tin: Asror.iv.-.l
hn are to attempt to lower ie! c,- Water slavs m the same place, but tjie i , ., . 1 -'i. !.-.-. - n
..n.iwm-Ji.iira.iir . nl ilm i.mmKwL of Jl'it ...:.:"".. c' .:' , :.. brothers and sistcre. I San Francisco, Auk. o.-On tho
their doing j is Hot encon-agmg.
The rep rt that "Belle Hamlin" would
Kii op sent agains. iiair i d.n:ed !
storms Uses waves nr? forty feet high,
antl travel iiftj mi!e an hour more
than iwica :v fast a: ihe swiftest
nr wer. who says aim ::u m.m i ..W1.slun mm., d:filanee from vallev
v.-.h m:tk" Ute atiompl. i iti Vtt..v u wllnntllv fifteen times the
i. t .t.i n.. r...t i.:..i.
a -rrptf -M.'5r.-e. neujii', nu:ice n "inuiivi- hxu ;i.
V-J' ----.---- . .,," . ....
i will eiU'.'ui over seventy loft oi waior.
52e i te Itearrr an AasorieAii ;:, f;fe Qf the ne.l d.i.hl.!' on Bell
vircsit, rH'u is said to be sctviJ.'een Ions
sil t iT-.k AsruKJAN.' J for ifh iuare s:rd
Aii English engineer propose mak- nignt of the J 1st of last March, Michael
ing doubled shell boiler., maintaining Chebuker entered a saloon and be
n prejssure belwcen them. Bv those ; came involved in a row with the pro
means he calculates that a" much prietor, Philip Martin. During the
higher pressure can be carried lhan is .-cuflb Chebuker fatally stabbed Mar
lossible even with the coil boiler.; al- J tin. Tlio trial for murder commenced
readv in use. ! to day.
Ol" Best Ctuality", antf at
n J.ifranU K.div
Through the medium of thulocomo . Rai.i in San Bernardino.
live telephone signal two Iraius an ' S.t tTin: Astoi:in
Evap-j preaching eaoh other ostablisli com-1 San Bcp.naudino. Cal., Aug. 5. -A
A-er in draw- son uy cl s:ng tho circuit J thunder storm, accompanied by strong
Svcry ycarn.wlHKi two miles apart. The ringing i .:,! an,i ,;,, liesan in tbisTallev at
Htrleen : of a troug warns the engineers, v.-tio, by i ,.inr!.- Hu" nrfnninnii "Ruin lm
legation iu this ooiintry, to Mm- Ah- J fet thiek, is taken up into the clouK, means or the telephone, can tall: t!mi!en steadily during the entire af
Jennv, daughter of a inilHonafr ol Th j m :jh1 bcir their burden into the -each other. ternoan. and it is feared the heavv
Boston. Too match has :)?! 1 m; i jim! and the water cjmes down in
He- YUi, Aug. 5. The eugrui' j ..ration is a wonderful power in
meat is nnnouiieed of Izaigi !5y. for-! ing -water rroni the se:L Every
merlv connected with the Turki.-Ii j laver the euliw sea. fo
ojipood by the giri's parents, and or- ram upon the fields to flow back at
rcsuondencc between the two lovor.s ia,t Ilirough rivers, j neueptn oi inc
.i. German named Lihenlhal, after fmit ron of Hn vnllev will besfiriona-
Memocrats in Council.
Spc cul to The Astokian.1
San Jose, CaL, Aug. 5, The demo
cratic county convention met to day
and nominated delegates to the state
convention. A platform which was
adopted, endorses the re-election o
congressman Clunie.
Cngland "Will Not Interfere.
Special to The Astobian.
London, Aug. 5. In tho house of
commons this morning, Sir James
Ferguson, under secretary oE foreign
affairs, announced that the govern
ment could not interfere with the
czar's treatment of the Jews.
Negotiations for Settlement
Special to The Astokian.
Crrr of Mexico, Aug. 5. A special
dispatch from Guatemala says that
the diplomatic corps have offered to
negotiate in the interest of peace and
that the offer has been accepted, and
that it is expected a settlement will be
arranged within a few days. Presi
dent Barrilles says he will not resign
and that he prefers death to surrender.
And Still Another Defaulter.
Special to The Astokian.
Montreaii, Aug. 5. Licensing in
spector Bae, of Minneapolis, charged
with the embezzlement of S20,000,
was arrested in this city last evening.
He has waived extradition papers and
left for Minneapolis this morning in
charge oE two detectives.
u- It. i ' i V. D'V"
-v it c ,n Apc-
K-.V fs 1V& vcc., crpnr-
Uced overywher
has been carried on clandestinely, but
recently the stern parent have con- j
sonted and Ui3 marriage will soon take
aric::t WorScer. sss CoijhciI.
S'HH-i il to Tun Asi oki an.
Rochester, Aug. 5. The fifth an
nual convention of Garment AVorkcrs
of the United States and Canada,
opened in this city yesterday. Since
the last convention was held at St
Louis, the membership has increased
from 3,800 to 10,000.
Xo Not War.lGraMt Removed.
Special to The Ast ih:ax.
New York, Aug. 5. The Grant
familv do Eot apjirove of Senator
"Plumb's resolution for the removal of
ihe guieral's body from llivcrside to
jea )reaents an interesting problem
If the Atlantic wero lowered from
0,501 feet the distance from shore to
shoic wouldbe halt as great, or 1,300
miles. If lowered a little more than
three miles, say 19,050 feet, there
would be a road of dry land from
Newfoundland lo Ireland. This is
the plaiu on which the great Atlantic
cables were laid. The Mediterranean
is comparatively shallow.
A drying up of GG0 feel would leave
three different sea3, and Africa would
ho joined with Italy. The British
chaunel is more like a pond, which
accounts for its choppy waves.
experimenting for twenty-three yeora ' v dnmn"cd.
with artiiicial wings, has succeeded m
raising himself, weighing 1G0 pounds,
with the aid ot a counter weight, lift
ing eighty pounds. How to raise the
other eighty pounds is still beyond
Ccnrral ESititvcll Did Well.
Special to Thk aktoki n.
San Francisco, Aug. 5. Gen. John
Bidwcll of Chico was nominated at
tho state convention by the American
party this afternoon for governor.
General Bidwell is also the nominee oE
the prohibition party.
class m
2u!ieus 2c- Cream
5?1 u o Ic ; s,!i fcr?S Served daily at the Columbia bak ry.
Mil:-. '.Vinxlow's Soothing
'.!. !i!l aiwnis 1 !isJ rir rhildren
tec:h;mj. It othes Or teps ' and liann'ess.
tilts all pa!, eur' wni j
cholic and is fhubest rmwlv fonliar-? Itcincmber the
rlinja.Twcnty-five cents a bottle.
A Sensible Precaution.
Though cannot always be con
nucrcd.itsllrst niipmacli cm be checked.
If. if ititr ki1t i 1 1 1 tie tif ttnf1i Attil . fi
KuaM to be leconunculed t'. the llrbt! t Pliy&i&inn'n On:uioi:.
crim:-. ttloa -liould be excreted iu theehulcu ?' A-H if.V'Jl.llN(; of Grand Jvapuls,
or a re.ii.-ily. Tor thirty ir r.iurv Mich., .says: ''I prescribe Ilibbard's
HiKtett'T"- Moin.ich Hitters lias boon th. Sllheuinatic Syran m my praetice, and
relga u,: bpeIilB for dyspepsia, fever and uiilie-itatingly reconimed it. It operates
aUC. il IU1Ui III)SlU.ll SUXilli:i.l, I1VIT
a wise precaution to use this soercjjni ' pctizcr, and for a diseased stomacli or
fortify hu; aent and alteniii vein tin early ' dyspepsia, has no equal." For sale by
stagCiOf die.ise for it effectually counter- ,1. V. Conn.
acts it, u iuc inaiauv ocio'is in urn i.irgc
u bpc-iiiu ur MypcpM.i. lever ami u!ine-itating;y rccouinied ii. it operates
alo-aoriihyateil suinhio, liver cim- ;lpjUt!ie liver, Ici.sne sand lMiils,iIc
tana other dionl-,r,aiM has been Kv.t :..,.;., !, ,, in tho blnml and
idticillv indorsed by medical men as u ' ""'i'K U 1oioh in tue Diomi anu
UtinilstwiiRHiiertorathe. lth, i.uleed ; tissues. It is a ffmiul foaic ami-up-
vair Praise.
Self praiso is no recommendation, but
there are tunes when one must permit a
person to toll the truth about himself.
When what he says is supported by the
testimony of others no reasonable man
will doubt ms word, riow, to say that
At.lcocks Porous Plasters arc the
only ejenuino and reliable porous plasters
made is notsolf praisein thoslightest de
gree. They have stood tho test for over
thirty years, and in proof of thoir merits
it is only necessary to call atention to
tho cures they have effected and to the
v olunhiry testimonials of those who have
used them.
Bownre. of imitations, and do not he
deceived by misrepresentation. Ask for
Allcocic's, and let no solicitation or ex
planation induce you to accept a substi
tute. Allcock's Corn and Bunion
Shields effect quick and certain relief.
The Revolutionists Victorious.
Special to TnE astokian.j
Crrr op Mexico, Aug. 5. A dis
patch from San Salvador says: Gen
oral Trnugary, at the head of the
Guatemalan revolutionists, has taken
Chigumales, near the capital, and the
loss of this place has obliged the
Guatemalan government to concen
trate its troop3 toward the capital.
Crciuationists in Council.
Special to The astokian.j
Berlin, Aug. 5. The international
conferenco of cremation opened to
day. Tho conference resolved that
the governments oE the world ought
to recognize the pernicious effects ot
the present method o disposing of
the dead and ought to consent to
Thy brilliant course and race ignm.
Eeflect thy sparks on the sotting sun.
Sit tlieo enthroned on Frankfort height,
Till kingdom como, as a signal light,
To euide thv thralldom for ovcrmoro
j From Plymouth rock to "the golden
Sit theo enthroned as wisdom'rfgnide.
At Frankfort harbor, the ocean's pride,
Whero Columbia's fountain roHs down
to the sen, ,.
Damo nature ordained thy throne to be;
Whero an infant city leaps' forth with
pride . -
On Frankfort bay by the Colombia's side.
The Star of Umpire has taken its way
From Plymouth rock to Frankfort bay,
To sit t-nthroned till thno slfalTend
It's magnet force to FrankfprWend.
Liko ancient Home thy nemo Was given,
By Frank and Frank thy stakes were
With wisdom'3 eye they saw arar
Tho guiding of that brilliant star.
"Where graceful slopes and scenes sub
lime, Tiiko Frankfort on tho nlacid Khine:
"With tranquil bay both deep "ami wide,
"Where commerce fleets with ease may
ride. .!
Whero Natnra's gifts in profusion lie,
In virgin stato and eternal qpply;
An inland empire all at her bak,
Fruitful and rich, what nftwe does she
lack ? i ah
Biieli3en"i Arnica
which lh'3 sterling medicine is
Xot only is it efile.ujmis, but pure
Vitstin house at the
Sct-ide is open the year 'round.
Fine, 'i'ablc Vi
Delivered at tVD cents a gallon, to any
part uf the city. A line line of pure
California wiaea at low prices, ac A.
W. ITtzinger's Oo-auo'iolitan saloon.
All the patent medicines advertiset
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articlt s etc.. ean
he bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria-
Thi: Best Salve in t!?eVrworld for
Cuts, DruibCo, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhe
um, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively enres Piles,
or no pay i equired. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded. J rice 25 cents pet-'Lox. For
sale by .5. W. Conn. o
That tired feeling is entirely overcome
by Hood's Sarsaprilla, which creates an
appetite,rouses the liver, cures headache,
and gives renewed strength and vigor to
the whole body. Be sure to get Hood's
Sarsaprilla, which is peculiar to itself.
Sold by all druggist.
(Crain Crop ot the Northwest.
Special to The Astokian.1
Montreal, Aug. 5. E. Shaugh
nessy, assistant president of the Cana
dian Pacific, estimates that the
northwest grain crop will amount
to 17,000,000 bushels, ot which 12,000,
000 will be for export.
To Keep Out tlic Claolera.
Special to The Astorian.1
Cairo, Egypt, Aug. 5. A commis
sion of leading physicians has been
appointed by the government to con
sider means to prevent the introduc
tion of cholera into Egypt.
Good (loods and low rates at the Sea
side Bakery. .,.
tes . -- -T-ur poraT - M k. I
-Tur pbciit
Cubes Pbomftlt and Pebjianestly
Rheumatism, Headache, 'Toothache,
Nouralgia, Swelllnjrs,'r31?ost-blte,
THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO..' Balilaore. H4.
e 1 1 i i -- i ! i ii rnTiriwi -- --- . - - - .. J- - - r
Q2 I
eJL-C 2S5 TSg$S3S& CV4 fe ESsfca gfeg mJU JU hAb
r5Fs8vc,J,vi a irts
;.i3 afl". i. '
Blocks 200x200, 800 to $400. Lots 50x100 to 35Q feet, $40 to $100.
This Choice Property is now on the market, ' and is the Finest Summer Resort on the Coast. It joins the Seaside Hotel
property on the south, and has one-half of river frontage, on the iecanicum river with fine boating and fishing.
I J.'
wjfl JH-r
ONE, Astoria, Oregon,
shd Austin House, Seaside, Oregon
jMw3JCQ-at tgj.fe-vi'v.