mmtffffgarngmamam i&patgrvr-? c1--::: VOL. XXXV, NO 30. " ASTORTA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY :L 1890. PRICE F1YE CENTS BUSINESS CARDS. W I. HOWARD, M. D. HOMCEOPATHIST. Graduate of University ol Michigan. Office with Dr. Kees. deutlst. Flavel's urick block, opposite Occident hotel. y I. KAYMOJiD, CIVIL ENGINEER. County Surveyor of Clatsop County. Offlce : Room No. 7. Kinney's Brick, Asto ria, Oregon. c. w. FULTON. a. c. foxton FULTON BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6, Odd Fellows Building. 4l A. CliEVEIiAJil, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Flavel's new brick building, comer Second and Cass streets ; up stairs. p J. CUBTIS, Attorner-at-Law: Notary Pabllc. Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Territory. Office in Flavel's new brick "building, Cor. 8ecoud and Cass streets. TOHJT EL SMITH, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street. 2 doors back of Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. gCT q. A. BOTVIiBY, Attorney and. CoRnseller at Iolw Office on Cneaamus Street, Astoria, Oregon- A R- KANACA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. T II., REiX ESTATE BROKER AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Established 1883. Third Street, next to W, U, Telegraph Of fice, Astoria, Or. X F. TtAFFERTY, ITI. D. Graduate Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Office-5SG Third Street. J P. MULL1KIX, W. D.f rnrsiciAN and surgeon. Office on Fourth Street, bet. Main and Cass. Special attention given to private diseases. Office hours 9 to 11 A. M., 2 to 5 p. si. TR8. A I AND J. A. JFULTOK. Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. Special attention to Diseases of Women and Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A Fulton. 'Office hottislrtm 10 to"l5 a.'M7, andlto4 P.M. JAY TUTTLE, M. P. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Room C, Pythian Building. Office hours : 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, south side of Cedar St, next block west of the Hospital. X E. MILLER. M. E. MILLER. M. I. Graduate of Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos pital College, and Post-Graduate of New York City Polyclinic School of Medicine and Surgery. First and Main streets, Portland. Diseases of Women a Specialty. D R.O.B.ESTE8. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to Diseases of Women via. Surgery. "Ofkick r Opposite Telegraph Office, up Stairs, Astoria, Oregon. TVB. P. A. BEES, DENTIST. Rooms 7 and 8, Flavel's new Brick Build ing. W. T. BURNET, Tu T. It A KIN. J. W. DRAFKR. Burney, Barin & Draper, Attorneys at-JLaw. Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years experience as Register of Ute U. S. Land Office here, recommends us In our specialty of illume and all other bus iness before the Land Office or the Courts, and involving the practice in the General Land Office. E. P. N00NAN & CO. (Successors to) O". :E. Hynes, DEALERS IN- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE KO. 7. - P. 0. K0X 390 (SCGOK5(POJ3FaRlfia IT IS THE IDE AIi MEDICIlfE. It routes the Liver and Kidneys anil Stomach, Cures Headache. Dyspepsia, creates an Appe tite, Purifies the Impure Blood, and Unices Tho "Weak Btrong. Used everywhere JJl abottlosixfor$5 OS P W W CQ Hi Hi hmMr J.l?l:lM.I-.IJIl;lhN;l RflWfliKyf.wriNSrmniii;i 1 IWINGATE & STONE, Astoria, PPXAI POWDER Absolutely Pure, This powder never vanes, A n'arvM o purity, strength and wholesomene-s. iM-r' economical Uianthe ordinary kind, a." n not be sold in competition with the .n ri tude of low test, short weight, alu-i' o S hate powders. Sold only in can. : akino Powder Co. 100 Vall-st.. s. Lkwis M. Johnsox &Co.. Agent . ' ' land. Oregon. INSURANCE- INSURANCE Fire and Marine and Liife VAN DUSEN & CO., Ag'is, ASTORIA, OR., Of the Following Reliable Foreign and Home Companies : Liverpool and London and Glob. .North British and Mercantile. Scottish I'nion and National. Hartford of Connecticut. C unmer- clal of California, London and Lancashire of Liverpool, Commercial Union of Loudon. uuaraian oi ionaon. wonnwesioi i oni.tnu Mutual Life of New York. Prompt,Liberal Adjustments Guaranteed I. W. GAS K Insurance Agent. REPRESENTING California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co. J'nrtl.illll. Home Mutual Insurance Co ,S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial oLmion. - - Robb & Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Marine Insurance With an Aggregate Capital f S7O,O00,000 IMPERIAL, of London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, of OakJait.i LION, of London. FIREMAN'S FUND, of California QUEEN, of London, C. P. Upshur Shipping and Commission Merchant jtTain St. Wharf, Astori.i. Ort't'i ' SPECIALTIES: Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand S.dmon Twine. U'OODIJEKRY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Of all DcriplIon Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE Effected m Firt CLias Companies, Itepreftoutlns l,00O,o0 PIIffiMX,.. HUMF- Hartford. Conn . ...New York, A&encj. I'aciflc Exprcfcs and Wells, Fargo i. Co. T HOLLADAY Blocks 200x200, $300 to $400. Lots 50x100 to" 350 feet, $40 to $100. This Choice Property is now on the market, and is the Finest Summer Kesort on the Coast. It joins the Seaside Hotel property on the south, and has one-half of river frontage, on the jSTecanicum river with fine boating and fishing. THE SENECA FALLS FIRE. Maoy Fiuc Biulngs aui Bnsiuess Blocis Destroyed. ALL Til E XEWSVAl'EltS Ul'ltXEtt. ;.t IllI'A IIKUKITH PKS. Acbukx. N. Y.. July 30. A lire at Seneca Falls last night destroyed half of Falls street, the principal business thoroughfare of the village. The fire originated in the vicinity of the post- ofiice and spread to the Hong house, the principal hotel. The Hoag opera house and other buildings, express, telegraph and telephone offices and poslolHce were destroyed. Assistance was sent for to Geneva and Feven fire companies from that village were sent to help to fight the fire, which is still burning. At this hour no estimate ot damages can be given. rritTIIUR 1AKTIC17LAKS. The Fire is Still Racing-, but rndcr Control. Special to Tin: Astoeiax. Syiucuse, X. Y., July 33. A spe cial to the Herald from Seneca Falls, gives the following particulars of the tiro there. Tho inevitable occurred in the Pew building, against the erec tion of which three years ago, such an earnest protest was made. It ful filled its mission a3 afire trap this morning, and it is feared it has aLo proved u death trap. A few minutes after five o'clock this mormug, the building directly oppo site the Hoag house, on Falls street, was discovered burning in Sutherland &. Soutre's restaurant In a few min utes the entire structure was on fire. Had naught but the shell suffered, there would I have boou trifling cause for regret, but at 7 o'elook tho finest commercial portion of the town is iu ashes or in flames. The Pew build ing is approachable from one side only, and the atmosphere quickly be came so hot that the firemen could not endure it. The splendid Phoenix block, involv ing the electric light plant, electric railway plant, post office, express office, Reveille printing establishment, Courier Sundersors furniture ware rooms and the Western Union telegraph office succumbed to the flames, and within fourliours fifteen stores east of it, to the Sheldon block, were ruined. The flames sprang across the street to Hoag's opera house before an hour had passed, and that was consumed with all of Fall street on that side, cast to Sheldon block, while on the -north- Bido-the-Oooperativo block was the limit. On State street tho flames extended to and included Kellogg's livery stable, but all of his stock was saved. Tho sufferers, with some ap proximate Josses on real property, are given below, there probably being fairly an average insurance: ThePecenix block . . .8 30,000 Electric light plaut(not wholly desrro.ed) 30,000 SjlveslcrPcw.., 3,000 Johnson's block 1G,000 Howe block 12,000 Deaky block 10,000 Sheldon block - 7,000 Hoaghotel, damaged, probably 15,000 Hong opera house and block.". -10,000 Daniel block 13,000 The Mirror block -i.000 Crowell block l.nGO iMc'drln-v block lv00 olilIer'H block '2&)0 Toial $193,000 In Htnto street the fin has :dre.ul Inpj.ctl up the llmteon liou-c and ll:u-k-inii!i shop. Fariirze's J-tore, tin Mascot I l)I.c!;. incititliii Comber' Iiilir store, Ilnrri-.' cigar factory, Hatina'.; siioud hand store, a Chiue-'t lar.mhy, IX'Utiisoifs shop store, Kel In:'.- lit .stable and two rear houses. The lire is now limited among ten ants who lo? hcavtlv. The Journal ofiice, nfuuold Uros.. Nellie Jennings, 11. C. Warriup. Jacob .Ulcn, John JI. Cnr.ell. T. T. L-iwrcnce, Sutherland and all tliree newspapers arc bur,)od out. The telephone and telegraph service is suspended. The Gleasou ic Bailey works were several limes on fire, but the flames were kept down, doing but little damage. Tho West tern Union Telegraph Co. is doing business at the railroad station. Later The fire was under control at 9 o'clock thi3 morning, but soon broke out afresh in Polman & Qlak ie's dry goods store, which is now burning. t A milionuirc Fire. Special IoThkAstouiax.1 AuBuitx, N. Y.f July 30. The latest news from Seneca Falls places the loss at S1,000,000. Fifteen acres were burned over, covered principally by three-story brick buildings. Important f eslimouy. I have had sciatic rlit'umntism for eighteen years. The pains In my limbs and back were unbearable, and 1 could not um my left limb. I was confined to my bed weeks at a time with tormenting pains. Four bottles of llibbard's Rheu matic Svrup entirelv cured me. U. J j. DUSJIAM. Druggist, Avoca, Iowa. For sale by J. V. Conn. ONLY FIVE A Singular nnd Fatal Accident. New York, July 30. What will probably prove a fatal accident, oc curred at the Western Union Tele graph Co.'s building at two o'clock this afternoon, when the tower part of the wooden chute, which had been constructed after the recent fire, to convey debris, gave way and fell with a crash that startled everybody in the neighborhood. Two workmen were buried by tho failing timbers. One was removed to tho hospital in a dy ing condition, and the other is not very seriously injured. Cornering on Copper. Special lOTlIK ASTOK1AN.I New Yokk, July 30. It is rumored that there has been a large movement iu copper in the last few days. One report is that a great stock, controlled by the Seligmans, has been sold out, and another is that Calnmet and Hecla have sold 15,000,000 pounds at 18 cents, for December delivery. Three More Bodies Fount!. Special toTiiK Astosia-. Baltimore, MtL, July 30. Bodies of three more victims of the steamer collision have been found, making five altogether recovered. Eight .are still missing. A Rowing Itlatclt Proposed. Special to Thk astomax.1 Minneapolis, Minn., July 30. Gaudanr, tho oarsman, last night deposited $250 nt the Tribune office to row Edward Hanlan three miles on lake Minnctonka at such timo as may "be agreed upon for from 2,000 to S5,000 a side. A SEALIN& SCHOONER TAKES. Captured ly tie Customs Agent at Onnalasia. . ItKCO I'ERTXK THE 7 AM V MlXEItS Special by Tho U.NiTSl) PuKfti Victoria, B. C, July 30. News has been received here, of the seizure of the sealing schooner George R. White, by the United States customs agent at Onnalaska. The White, like the Haltic Dyer, neglected to keep a copy of the bond filed that she would not tako firo ;rm3 into Alaska. The Victoria schooner 4-l'ifiJ U Ifi" ported to have been boarded by the cutter JiiUih, and warned to keep out of Behring sea, a copy of the formal proclamation therein, being given to the captain. This incident in ji man ner contradioLs the belief th4t the policy of 18S0 will be pursued this season oy tne unitea states. Klelglum Pastes tho Congo Bill Special toTiiK Asiobian.1 BRUS3EI5, Belgium, July 30. The Congo bill which was ratified by the honse of representatives on the 25th instant, to-daj was ratified by the senate. The bill appropriates $25, 000,000 francs. TIIF1IT KXPMISION. iriincr Rescued and 1)3 Bodies Found. Special tuTiiic AKTonM.Nj Paris, Jnly 30. The Pellissier pit at Steinner, at which tho explosion of firedamp occurred yesterday, has been cleared and flfty-uino miners have been rescued. Ninety-eight bodies or victims were recovered. I.iuly Umilo Vindicated. to liiic -r i i w.i JjON'dox, duly 30. Thtjnr today iu the Dnnlo divorce eiiso returned a Verdict in favor of l.idy Dutilo. TJip On. wib of Cities. One of the most conspicuous and uot able manifestations connected with the increase of population throughout the United States is found iu tho growth of cit its. In 1790, the jear in which the federal ccusus was taken, there were only six cities in the country which had ;. population of 8,000 or over. There were 11 in 1810, 20 in 1S30. S5 in 1S50, 220 in 1S70, and 2SG in 1880. The proportion of the inhabitants of the cities to every 100 of those for the whole countrv was 3.3 in 1790, 4.9 in 1810, G.7 in 1830, 12.5 in 1850, 20.9 in 1870, nnd 22.5 in 18S0. One out of every 30 of the people ot the United States lived in cities at the time ot the foun dation of the government under the constitution; one out of 20 in 1810, one out of every eight in 1850, one out of every fivo fn 1870, and one out of overy 4K approximately, in 18S0. The count for 1800 has not yet been pushed far enough to reveal tho pro. portionate growth of the town3 in tho past decade. Sufficient figures are at hand, however, to show that the gap between the total of the urban and rural population of the country has been narrowed at least as much in the 10 years now ended as it was in the like years immediately preceding. Thero'are undoubtedly nearly, if not quite, 340 cities in the country just now having 8000 inhabitants or up ward. Twenty-five per cent of the people of tho "country, or one out of every four of the whole number, re side in cities. MI2TTJTES' TOV&XiS Oregon, AT THE NATIONAL CAPITOL MitcM Malting Progress on tie Free Delivery Bill. PJ: ESlli EXTIA L X031IXA TIOXS. Special by Tuk U.sitko I'rks-i. Wasuikgton, July :i0, -Thesi)eaker laid before the house this morning fifteen requests for leave of absence. Shively of Indiana, asked whether there would be a quorum left, if the requests were granted. The speaker said he was unable to answer that question. Buchanan of New Jersey, thought tho requests had better lie over until it could be ascertained, and this was ncrreed to. MeCnmris nf Man land, called up tho conference report on the District of Columbia appropriation bill, and the house con sidered it. FREE DELIVERY. Important Change Kladc by the Committee. Sp tl.illoTUK AsTOltIAX.1 Washington-, July 30. Senator Mitchell, from the committee on post offices and po3t roads, has reported fa vorably with amendments, the bill to extend the free delivery system. The bill as presented proposes to intro duce tho system into towns and cities of not less than 3,000 population, or whero the postoffice receipts are not less than 5,000 for tho previous fiscal year. The committee changed these figures to 5,000 population and $7,000 in postoffice receipts. A letter from the postmaster-general shows there aro 291 cities and towns that would be entitled to free delivery and the esti mated expense of putting it in opera tion is SG79.000. The committee says an appropriation of 350,000 will be amply sruTcient for the preseut fiscal year, provided the bill is enacted into a law at an early date. Presidential Nominations. Special to Tun astoriax.1 "Washxxgton, July 30. The presi dent to-day sent to the senate the fol lowing nominations, to be registers of land effices: E. W. Roberts of California, at Sac ramento, California; S. Gordon of Montana, at Miles City, Montana. And tho following to be receivers of public menies: R J. Monroe of Idahq, at Iiewiston, Idaho; A. O. Cobbe of "Wyoming, at Bnffalo, Wyoming. The Election Bill. a'pe l.xl to Tue Astoria'. Washington, July 30. Sonator Hoar, ohairman of tho committee on privileges and elections, is still work ing on the revised draft of the Lodge election bill. This afternoon ho was closeted with John Davenport, chief supervisor, ot New York. It is not known whether or not the bill will bo reported before the senator returns from Massachusetts, for which stato he leaves to-uight. Salt Lake City Has More Thau Doubled. Special to Tim: Astohian. Washington, July P.O. The popula tion of Salt Lake City is announced by the census office to bo 45,025, as against 20.7CS ten years ago. The Coffee Exchange Special ti Th k Astouiax. New York, 'July 30. There is some opposition in the coffee exchange to the scheme of opening tho exchauge io dealiug iu Central American cof fees. The matter will be decided by vote on Friday. Tho opposition de veloped at the preliminary meeting this morning. Approved II y the Illinois .Senate. Srecinl to Trrn Astokian. Si'RiNGFiELD, 111., July 30. The World's Columbian exhibition bill was passed this morning by the senate. i The Insurgents to be Pardoned. Special to Tub Astoriax. Paris, July 30. A Buenos Ayres dispatch dated yesterday evening Btatesthat a general amnesty has-been granted by the government to all who took part in the lato insurrection. Itoticc. GOD'S BLESSING TO HUMANITY So Says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety Years Old. Forest Grovk. Or., Mareh 19. 1 have used the OREGON KIDNEY TEX and obtained immediate relief. It is God's blessing to humanity. I take pleasure in recommending it to the afflicted. I am now nearly ninety years old, came to Oregon in 1&12 in the em ploy of the Hudson's Uay Company, and since 1 began using the OREGON KIDNEY TEA I enjov good health. DAVID MUNROE. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's' drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. In 1SS0 there were twenty cities in the United States of 100,000 popula tion and upward. This year twenty seven have been reported exceeding 100,000. FROM THE OCSJLXT BEACH. A SHE IEVIIi. She Tries to Burn a Large Ten ement House. Special to The Astorian.1 New Ygrk, July 30. An attempt was made yesterday to burn down a five-story tenement house in which twenty-two Jewish families live. The back rooms on the second floor are occupied by Solomon Warschauer, a slipper peddler, his wife Hannah and five children. About 4 o'clock Mrs. Warschauer was seen to go out with her 6-year-old son and an infant of ten months. Ten minutes later a young girl living in the house discovered a fire burning in the rooms of the Warschauers. She alaimed the other tenants, who burst open tho door and jrat o,ut the fire. They found that everything had been carefully arranged for a big blaze, as three fires had been started by the in cendiary. There was a bright blaze in the kitchen near the door. Sus pended from a bracket was an ox bladder filled with benzine, with a pin hole in the bottom, and the benzine dropped into tho fire, adding fuel to it. Under the table in tho sitting room was another fire. There was also an other ox bladder filled with benzine hanging near at hand. Around each of the bladders was a quantity of flan nel rags, which were saturated with benzine and hung down to the floor. In the bedroom there was also a fire bnrning in a pile of rags and paper. Near the blaze stood a can of benzine, and benzine was also scattered over the floor. There was also a big fire in the kitchen stove, on which stood a kettle of boiling fat. A detective ar rested Mrs. Warschauer. THE "ALLMCE" SEIZED. Her Engineer was Wlfbont Bib Hb- ' pirei License, A TORTLAXI) CITIZEX IXS AXE. Special by Tho United Puess Portland, July 30. James F. Todd, who for a number of years has been a bookkeeper of the Portland Flouring company, has been acting in a queer manner for some time, and this morn ing he was taken in custody by the po lice authorities upon the complaint of a number of his friends. He has not developed any very vio lent symptoms, but has been drawing up numerous checks in favor of his wife, who died several years since. The deceased lady was a daughter of exchief of police Lappens, of this city. -lotia is aoout 4U years ot age ana a Scotchman by birth. The county au thorities took the case in hand this af ternoon, and he will be examined at once before judge Catlin. THE "ALLIANCE" SEIZED. Her Engineer was not Dulylii censed. Special to Thk Astorlvn Portland, July 30. The Portland and Coast Steamship company's ves sel Alliance is in trouble, charged with carrying an unlicensed engineer, and was seized by oustoms house in spector Metz this morning, on infor mation lodged with the United States district attorney. The officer who is alleged to have violated tho laws governing steamers admits tho charge, and by way of ex planation states that he" has been a bar tug engineer, carrying a first class license for a number of years. lie went on the Alliance as second en gineer, supposing his chief license would hold good there, but in that suggestion he erred, for a wholly dif ferent license is required for engin eers running passenger steamers. F. 11. Strong, president of the com pany, furnished bonds in the sum of 31,000, and tho vessel was released. Tui to tic Overhauled. Spcciul to Tin: astokiax.1 Portland, July 30. The Union Pa cific company's steam tug Escort No. 2 was brought up from Astoria yes terday, to be put in S teflon's yards to undergo her regnlar summer over hauling. She will bo thoroughly cleaned and repainted; besides, her machinery will be improved. A Itlurdcr Case. Special to Tub astorian. Portland, July 30. The case of the state against L. J. Spragne, the man charged with the murder of Thomas Vanghn last Sunday morn ing, was continued until Monday. A Tried Remedy for Biliousness. Those who suffer from disorder or Inac tion of the liver will never get tho upper hand of the unruly organ so Ions as they use such irrational remedies as blue pills, calomel and podopuyllin. But from the tried and noaular medicine. Hostettnr's Stomach Bitter's they may expect relief wuu a ceruumy oi outauunt; it. ine lnnu ence of the Bitters unon the biliarv eland Is direct, uoweriul and sneedilv felt. The relief afforded Is not spasmodic, but complete and permanent. The sallowness of tho skin, furred appearance of the tongue. inuigesuon, cosuveness, ucauacne, nausea, pains through the right side and shoulder, in fact every accompaniment of the obstinate complaint are entirely and promptly re moved by a course of this inestimable medi cine. In behalf or which testimony is con stantly emanating from every quarter, and from all classes ot society. swp Austin House, Seaside, THE REMSBURG MURDER. He AcenseJ Proves an All ana is Dischamefl. TJTliEE STEAMER JLIXES SUED. Succial by Tho U.sitmj Prj&s. San Francisco, Jnly 30. The Chronicle this morning, editorially referring to superintendent Porter of the census estimates of the poptilation of the state of Washington as over 340,000 says: "Our neighbor is to be congratula ted on her prosperity, and the best of it is, she richly deserves the success sho has attaiued. Her growth and progress is not due to any happy acci dent, but are the legitimateresults of zealous, conscientious work. Nor is the growth of the state or its princi pal cities of the mushroom order, as Seattle, Tacoma, and other places less well known, aro doing good and sub stantial work for themselves, in the way of permanent improvements, both public and private." DEMAND roii MONEY. A Woman Sues for Her Drowned Husband and Child. Special to Tun Astokian. San Francisco, July 30. Tho Occi dental and Oriental and Pacific Coast Steamship companies wero made de fendants to day, in two suits. In one, Eliza Smith and her two children de mands S75.G00 for tho death of Henry bmitn, tne Husband ot Jiuza. He was a passenger on tho uitir of Chester. wiucu was suns in a collision witn tne Ocea n ic in August, 18S8. Mrs. Smith is sole plaintiff in tho other suit. The cause of action is tho death ot her child Myrta, who was drowned with her father. The mother demands the additional sum of 25,000 for the loss of the child. Prominent Railroaders in 'Fris co. Special to Tub Astoria;;. San Francisco, Cal., July 30. W. H. Minot, president of the Eastern Minnesota K. R., is lying serionsly ill in this city. C.P. Southworth, contracting freight agent of the Great Northern, with headquartsrs in New York, is in town. Train Wants to Shorten the Time. Special to The Astokiax. San Francisco, Cal., July 30. Agent Crane, of tho Vanderbiit lines, received a telegram this morning from "Globe Trotter" George Francis Train, asking him to see agent Eice, of the Pacific Mail, about postponing thq. China's trip from Victoria on the 7th, in prder to shorten the trip round tho world one week. The Steamer "Wilmington." Special to The AstouianJ San Francisco, July 30. The Unit ed States inspectors of hulls and boil ers have inspected the steamer Wil mington, and found everything in a satisfactory condition. A first class certificate was issued, and the Wil mington ha3 sailed for Seattle and other Sonnd ports, taking many pas sengers and a large amount of freight. The Hew Cruiser. Special to The AsTORrAs.J San Francisco, Cal , July 30. The new cruiser San J rancisco nnisned coaling to-day. She will get up steam to-morrow, and tako her preliminary trip around the bay on Saturday. A Wrestling- Match. Special toTiiEASTOUiAN.l San Francisco, July 30. Evan Lewis, the strangler, failed to throw McLeod, tho Nanaimo wrestler, in fifteen minutes last night, and for feited $23 to him. Dcatli or a Noted Ship Builder. Special to The Astorian. San Francisco, CaL, Jul' 30. A dispatch received in this city, reports the death at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, of Donald Eoss, the leading Nova Scotia ship builder, at the age of 73 years. Fire in the mountains. Special to The Astorian. Nata, Cal., Jnly 30. A mountain firo is raging between here and Berry essa valley on the east. Some damage has already been done in the burning of the crops. It is reported that one or more buildings have also been burned. There is much danger that it may get down into Berryessa val ley, and if it should tho los3 would be heavy. Drowned iu the River. Special to The Astorian. " OuoviiiLE, Cal., July 30. Martin Beily, a native of Ireland aged -17 years, an employee ot tho Golden Gate mine, wa3 drowned this after noon. Ho was assisting som e survey ors in running u line along down the track, and went down to th e edge of the river to get a drink, and slipped into the water. The swiftness of the current and the rough nature of the bank, prevented any assistance. The body was not recovered. He was sin gle and had no relations in this state. For a good shave go to F. Ferrell. PARK NOT GUILTY. Singular Condition, of a. Murder Case. Special to Thk Astorian. Fresno. Cal.. Julv 30. Samuel Hocking, charged with the murder ot j. w. ivemsburg, had a preliminarr examination at Sanger to-day, and was discharged. The defendant proved an alibi. Ho savs EemabnrD-hfitmvpd his wife, and he was in search of him in order to kill him, when he found Ms remains in the monrae. and identified him as the guilty party. The murder is now surrounded in mystery and the supervisors are talking about offering a. reward ior tue arrest ot the mur derer. Central Pacific Dividend. Special to TnE Astorian. San Francisco, July 30. A divi dend of SI per share navabla Ancr. lafr. has been declared by the directors of tne uentrai .faciiic railroad. This is the first dividend since February, 1889. " ENGLISH AND AMEAICAN NAMES. Their Significance on Both Sides of Iks Atlantic Ocean. ?w A donkey in England is called a moke; in America a moktf is a negro. That which is known to Amerioans as a pitcher is called a jug in En gland. The American locomotives becomes engine and the conductors a guard in England. What Americans call sick the. En glishman calls ill; sickness in England implies nausea and vomiting. That which Americans call a bowlis known as a basin in England. In England you ask for a basin of bread and milk. American wheat is called corn and American corn is called maize, or sometimes Indian corn. Pigs' feet are called trotters. The American druggist id called a chemist in England, many of the old er practitioners retaining the old spel ling "chymist." What is known as a hash in Eng land, Americans call a stew, and what Americans call a hash is known as a mince in England. That material known to Americans a3 canton flannel is in England called swan's down, and American muslin is known in England as calico. What Americans call stewing (culin ary term) the British call simmering. American lunch is a luncheon in Eng land, and baggage becomes luggage. A "chil" is called a "rigor," and the eruption commonly known among Americans as "hives" is in England known as "nettle rash." Candy is variously known as "sweets," ''sweet meats' and "lolly." What Americans call a telegram is in England called a telegraph; it wQl probably never be determined which of these usages is tho better. The American postal card is a post card in England. Cuffs become wrists. Brooklyn Eagle. Fashion's Newest Colors. A long time ago people used to think that blue wa3 essentially a color for blondes and angels. Nobody can dispute its being the color for angels, but it certainly is not the one to be chosen by a blonde. The fair skin looks cold enough, and when bluer especially pale blue, is put near it tb effect given is very undesirable, be cause what was clear white before be comes a pa'.or now. Blondes had much better wear any of the rose shades, bright scarlet, warm brown, or dark green, leaving the very trying pale blue to the brown-haired lassie with a bright color, or the warm brnnette whose skin does not know the unsightly touch of sallow ness. Everybody likes a rose-colored lining and, to bo in vogue tnfa season, every hody ought to have a rcse-colored frock in cotton or wool, in silk or tulle, it is always most charitable in bringing out one's best features and ton ing down one's worst. Combined with white, the pink shades are as dainty as a bit of old china, and will suggest the pretty pink and white ladies whom Watteau painted on fads, who played at Little Trianon with. Marie Antoinette, laughed and jested, and yet did not fear when they had to face death on the guillotine for the sake of the king and the queen. La dies' Home Journal. advice to mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used lor children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chohc, and is the best remedy for diar-rhoea.Twpnty-five cents a bottle. )o f MM. 9 rrng xy uuira DMPTLYAHDTERMtfEHU The (THas-AVoGELER Gb-BAiin-MD- T CO Oregon. ifKS$ Chilli s ijo Sw &(& A X