The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 20, 1890, Image 1

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Fire and Marine and LifV
VAN DUSEN & CO., Ag'is.
Of the Following UrluM- Foii-ij-n and
Uxeruool :uiJ London :il Clou.-. Noith
Htlllshaml MtMiMiiIile. Scottish Union and
National. Hattford oi Connecticut, (.niint.T-t-ial
of C-uifonitn. I.0110011 ami lincxslilre of
laxeroool, Comir.t'iclal Union of London,
t'uanmn of Umdon. Northwest of Portland.
Mutual IJfi tif Now Vork.
Fiompt.Liboal Adjustments GuaianteJ
!. W. CASK
Insurance Agent.
California Manic Ins. Co , S. F.
Columbia Fire n i Marine Ins. Co.,
Home Mutual Insuiance Co , S. F.
Phoenix of London.
Imperial of London.
Robb & Parker,
Fire and Insurance.
With an Aggregate Capital of
I.Ml'KKIAL. of London.
CALIFORNIA, of California.
CONNECTICUT, or Hartford.
OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland
LION, of London.
Fl NEMAN'S FUND, of California.
QUEEN, of London.
Washington Market.
Unto Mi rrl. - IMorlit, Oirxon.
iiKivtt:M:v v co., ricoruiirrouH.
llon of tlie public to the fact that the
.iimu' Markot w fllalwa) sue supplied with a
rui.i. wu:ety and hhst quality
Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole
vile and retail.
E35r"Spicial atUMitlou given to supplying
Fresh and Cured Meats,
"Vo gotalDlos ,
I1IK.N DICS K.rcrt. ANtorln, O-z
Roadway Market.
O'Haru A: Ingnllq, l'ropr'.s.
Opposite Foanl &. Stokes.
A first-Class Meat Shop.
Frosh and Salt Moats.
All Purchase. Doiiveicd in any part of Hie
MaiiiiLiulutcr an.l Dealer in
Sash, Doors, Mouldings
and Brackets.
All KiiiiN oi" II.irl M'oo-1 :intl
iIui- I'lni-kliiii Lumber.
Wood Turning-
(ir. Geueview anil Aslnr SlrvHs.
Astoima, - - Uiticnox.
Your Monef s ffortli
Foard & Stokes
Groceries and Provisions.
Everything In a Klr-l eias. Store
and at
Extremely Low Figures.
(Soods delivered all over 1 own.
TheHlghost Price 1-aM for Junk.
The Indiana Paint Shop.
C. M.CUTBIKT1I, l'rop'r.
Cor. Third and Main Sts., Astoria.
Paper Hanging a Specialty.
Work executed with Neatness and DIs
patch, m
Absolute! Pure.
This powder never varies, . mnrvn ol
, iiirity, strength and whol-womenes.. More
economical than the ordinary kind-, and -iu
not In- sold hi rnmpelitioii with the mult:
tilde of low lesl. sli-rl weiglit. alum or plm.
filiate powders. Suhlonlu incaii. !i i
UiciMi lowni:n(. M v-ill-si.. N
Lkwis Al. ."uun & (.. Agent, '.t
land. ' tregon.
C P. Upshur,
Shipping and Commission Merchant
main St. Wharf, Astoria. Oregon.
Cannery Supplies
Barbour's Salmon Net Tyines.
NEl'TPNE IJrand Salmon Twine.
WOODl'.EItlSY Collon Lines ami Twines
Of all Description Furnished al
Factory l'ruvs.
Eireeled in First Class (mip.inie.s.
Kepmsenting Si:i.O0,(riM
I'IKENIX, : Hartrord. Conn
HOME, New Yoik,
Agency Pacific Express anil Wrllx. Fargo A Co.
E. P. N00HAN & CO.
(Suce-essiis to)
J". 3E 3SIyj3LOS,
Groceries Produce.
Water tre.J, Astoria, Oregon.
TUelsen. Lsster & AadeiseD,
Surveyors and Archiircls.
Okfick, Koum i, Flavkl's ISlu'ii
I. O. Iiox Klo. A lOltlA. OR.
There is no u'c:imoii for the imi tastidi
oiih of oiir ctri7fiis in scn.i to 1'nril.ind 01
San I raoeiseo foi
Custom Made CJothes
Vs lli-i .;.. f.l . .-tlr Flis iMirt U'.irV
n.ilisiiii. .mi loi V-s .Minn j.
:$, tj'nvnis 1 1. 1 tr unlfr- unn Mi .N
Wevv CoocSj- bv Every Steamer.
Calt a:id ee and satisi ymiiself.
. J Meany. MnH ant Tallm
Seaside House.
C. C. Cooper,
The Seaside House has been lelilledand
refurnished throughout, and otter unsur
passed facilities to all to enjoy a pleasant
sojourn at the famous Clatsop I'.eaeh. An
attentive corps of attaches are einp'ojed.
and everything done for the comfoit and
convenience of guests.
It roucs the Liver and Kidneys and Stomach,
Cures Headache. Dyspepsia, creates an Appe
tite, Purines the Impure Blood, and
Makes TheWeak Btrong.
Used everywhere. $laboUle;sixfor$S
This Choice Property
property on
Teller's Bi-Melallisi Resolution
Favoraly Impresses Congress.
Special by The. Uxitkii 1'kkss.
Washington, .Tttly 19. There is a
friendly disposition in congress tow'ard
the resolution of senator Teller of Col
orado for international conference
with a view to the re-ejiablishnient of
hi metnllism throughout the world,
and he is hopeful of its early consid
eration. The senate committee on
finance to whom the resolution was
referred, intends to obtain the opinion
of the secretary of state and the secre
tary of the treasury as to whether it
will contlict with the objects of the
monetary convention to be called in the
winter lo carry out the recomendalions
of the pan-American conference for au
international silver coin.
i:koa3iii:as aucimiot
Itejuriliiifj the Forfeited ill or
mou Church Funds.
Special to Tin; Astokiax.?
Washington, July 19. -The house
judiciary committee listened to an ar
gument of judge James O. Eroadhead
of St. Louis, to-day, in opposition to
the senate bill, providing for apphca
tion of the forfeited Mormon church
funds to the support of the common
schools of Utah. Judge TJroadhead's
contention was that the bill was in
violation of the general law respect
ing charities, inasmuch as it proposes
to divert from its legitimate purposes,
money subscribed to and
for certain charities con
nected ' directly with a specified
denomination. He held, that al
though ,it was certain that these char
ities had been declared illegal, yet
there were others among those speci
fied, such as the support of the Mor
mon schools which could legally re
ceive the funds. An the property is
now in the hands of a receiver," he
held that the passage of the bill was
unnecessary and would prejudice
the decision of the court.
co.;ii:ssio.VAi. doim's.
I.iCisI:i(ioii ECegurdluglCiiilroails
Special toTiiK AsrouiAX.
Washington-, July 19. This morn
ing from the select committee on Pa
cific railroads was reported back the
senate bill, authorizing the secretary
of treasury to settle the indebtedness
to the government of the Sioux City
Jc Pacific railroad.
Mcllae, of Arkansas, to-day intro
duced a joint resolution directing the
secretary of the interior to suspend
the issue of patents for lauds to the
Union Pacific until the adjustment of
the debt due the United States .from
said company, and authorizing the
attorney general io institute such
legal proceedings ti3 may bo in his
opinion necessary to the subject lauds
granted lo and held by said company,
lo the payment of the debt due the
United States. It was referred to the
committee on public lands with in
structions to report thereon.
jrsx hi: aui of it.
IVcws of the "Elder's" Disaster
In Washington.
Special to The Asiokiax.
Washington, July 19. Lieut, com
mander C. W. Parenholt, commanding
the United Slates steamer Pinta, in a
dispatch to the navy department, dated
July L, at Sitka. Alaska, says: The
mail htctimer Uvo. W. Elder ran
aground in Whitesone narrow, a dan
gerous and intricate passage, fourteen
miles oil" Sitka. She had on board sev
eral hundred Alaskan tourists. The
Pin la went to her rescue and suc
ceeded in towing her into deep water.
She subsequently went lo Sitka. The
ofier to convoy the Elder to Port
Townsend, "Wash., was declined with
thanks. The captain promised he
would go back by the inside passage
and leach the vessel in case of danger.
The Federal Election Rill.
Sperial iuTiik AstOkianI
Washington, July 19. The Repub
lican members of I he senate commit
tee on privileges and elections have
resumed consideration of the federal
bill. They desire a complete prepara
tion of the measure to be submitted to
the caucus early nest week.
Mauglitcr's National Clan It.
Special to Thk ASTOniAN.l
"Washington, July 19. Messrs.
Thompson and French of Slaughter,
Washington, and associates have ap
plied lo the comptroller of the cur
rency for permission to organize the
First National bank at that place.
Oregon (ains in L'o.stoff ices.
Special lo Tin: Astoi;ian
Washington, July 19. A state
ment has been prepared in the office
of the first assistant postofiice general,
showing the number of postoffices
established and discontinued in vari
ous states during the fiscal year. The
Pacific coast makes a good showing.
In Oregon thirty-three offices were
established and twenty-three discon
tinued. OXT-C2" FIVE
Blocks 800x200, $300 to $400.
is now on the market, aud is the Finest Summer Resort on the Coast. It joins the Seaside Hotel
the south, and has one-half of river frontage, on the Necamcum river with fine boating and fishing.
It AVill .Soon Conic EXcfnrc Con
gress. Special to TlIK A3TORIA5.1
Washington, July 19 It is stated
at the state department, that the
Behring sea fisheries correspondence
will undoubtedly go to congress next
week. It would have gone before but
for a desire on the part of secretary
Blaiue that the correspondence should
include his answer.
Striking Switchmen.
Special to Tin: astoki ax.1
Chicago, July 19. Two hundred
switchmen employed by the Rock
Island railroad iu this city struck to
day because of the discharge of one
of "their number. All business on I he
line is at a stand-still.
Denied by I'ulsirer.
Special lo Thk Astokiax.
New York, July 19. Pulsifer de
nies the story thatthere will be sweep
stakes between "Tenny," "Salvalor"
and "Kingston."
Narrow Escape of a Vessel From
Collision Wilh au Wen.
Special by Thk Umtkd Pkks.
Philadelphia, July 19. The Allen
steamer JFibernian arrived here yes
terday from Glasgow, after a trip of
ten days, during which she had a nar
row escape from being smashed to
pieces on an iceberg. The vessel ran
through a fog with her speed reduced
to five knots an hour, under a slow bell,
for two days. But for thi3 she would
surelj have been lest. The berg was
sighted just before 8 o'clock in the
evening at a distance of fifty yards.
The engines were reversed and the
man at the wheel succeeded in slightly
changing the course of the vessel, so
that the berg was struck just as Ihe
vessel was brought to a stand. The
iron plates grated alongside of the
hnge pile and the vessel careened
until the sails touched the water.
There was great excitement on board
and a general sense of relief at the es
capo of the vessel from destruction.
Among the fifty passengers one pas
senger, a woman, was thrown from a
high bunk and slightly injured. The
Jieru was 50 feet above the water and
long. After the collision tho Hiber
nian remained hove to till Saturday,
all the while enveloped in a thick fog.
During this lime the passengers suf
fered intently from cold, and thev
paid mauy visits to the engine room
which was the only warm place on the
a km: Fiitn. '--
IIoiv the Telegraph tiusiiie.-js is
E.eiiijj Arranged.
Special to Thk Astoki ax.1
New York, .1 uly 19. Thousands of
people who came up Broadway this
morning, slopped on the pavement
long enough to survey the ruins of tho
Western Union building. The in
terior of Ihe structure took on the a
pearanec of a bee hive. There were
several hundred operators in the
office in the basement, who had come
to be assigned to different temporary
stations throughout the city or neigh
boring points, where a large amount
of telegraphic business was leing
The Associated Press is .slill located
in Jersey City, tho guests of the Penn
sylvania railroad, and will probably
remain there until some lime next
week. A large gang or workmen is
busy sit 4. in Broadway, prepariug a
temporary home for the association,
which it will occupy until the burned
building is repaired.
The Urnsh Company Enjoined.
Special to Thk Astokiax.
New York, July 19. An introduc
tory decree signed by judge Cox, of
the United States circuit court has
been filed in the suit of the Brush
Swan Electric Light company against
the Brush Electric company. The
decree enjoins the defendant from in
terfering with the sales of tho plainlitr
and restrains the defendant from seTT
ing electrical appliances in tho states
and territories held under contract
for seventeen years.
The plaintiff by the decree, is or
dered to take testimonv aud report an
accounting of defendant to plaintiff
regarding the sales already made.
The Hop ITlarl'et.
Special lo Thk astokiax.
New York, July 19. Cablegrams
report continued showery weather in
England and a very firm market for
hops. Local business is on a very
moderate scale and holders of choice
quality of stato hop3 are inclined to
keep them. But few samples aro
mi! Fortune ol a l.unti ISroIter
In February, isssi, L commenced lo
use llibhard's Khcumatic Syrup and
Plasters for inflammatory rheumatism
frm which I had suffered for three
I year--. My joints were swollen so flint
. 1 could hardly waK, hat three bottles
of the Syrup, and the Plasters applied
to my limbs, have cured me.
' O. IL Nicholson; Hanson, 'Iowa.
For sale by J. V. Conn.
For SwitcMiffi Charges Refused ly
lie Anaconda Mining Co.
Special Iiy Tho UsiTEn 1'ukss
Utiov, N. Y., July 19. Christian
Henry Peters, the tistrouomer, was
round dead in his bed this morning.
A Drcadfnt Explosion.
Special to Thk astokiax.
New York, July 19. A frightful ex
plosion took place this afternoon at
the foundry of Caisidy & Adler, 525
West 55th street. Shortly before 2
o'clock the lioiler exploded creating
the greatest havoc. Twelve men were
taken to the Roosevelt hospital, and
several to Bcllevue, and it is believed
several have lieen taken to the New
York hospital.
Trouble ISctivccn a It. IS. and
Snicltinpr "Works.
Spi cial to Tn k Astokiax
Butte, Mont, July 19. Tho Mon
tana Union Railroad to-night discon
tinued delivering ore from its yards at
Anaconda, to the Anaconda smelters.
Trouble has been brewing between
the Anaconda company and the Mon
tana Uniou, over the question of
charges of switching in the smelter
yards. The Union claims to be haul
ing ore for the Anaconda at an actual
loss, aud that it cannot be continued
unless the actual expenses of switch
ing are paid. On the other hand the
mining company contends that if tho
road is losing money, it is through, its
pro rata with the Northern Pacific.
The matter culminated yesterday,
when a bill for some switching
charges was presented for payment.
It was promptly refnsed and the rail
road company served notice that it
would stop delivering at G o'clock to
night. The smelters aro still running
on the surplus ore in their bins, but
this surplus will soon be exhausted.
Unless the difficulty is adjusted both
the mines and the smelters will be
compelled to close down, aud all their
men will be thrown out of. employ
ment. TltlTi: IF IMPORTANT.
No Immediate Probability of the
Ilig Race.
Special to Thk Astori n.1
New York. July 19. Yell informed
racing men discredit the report that
'balvalor, 'Tenny' and Uungston"
are to meet soon in a race for 85,000,
with 1,500 added by the Monmonth
Park tissociation, if Pulsifer will agree
to liaggm s proposition to mako the
distance one and one eighth inile3.
Such a race is improbable, unless
Haggin and Dtvyer have changed
their minds recently. ITaggin said a
short lime ago that he would not
match ''Salvator" again this year, and
Dwycr baid he would not match
"Kingston" against "Salvator" as
"Kingston" ha not lieen in condition
to appear on the traok this year.
The Gerjpysos Oil Company
Spci'ial to Ins AsroEiN.l
Chicago, July 19. -The United
States authorities this afternoon seized
2o0 barrels of Naphtha, belonging to
the Genessee Oil Co.. of Buffalo, and
shipped here on the steamer Tioga.
The seizure was made because of the
violation of law, regarding the ship
ping of fluid by a steamer. The
statute under which the seizure was
made, provides for the sale of the oil,
the sum derived therefrom to be ap
propriated by Uncle Sam. Tho sec
tion also provides for criminal prosecu
tion. hi: goes HinisEi.F.
Gc:i. Mile. Looking After Indian
matters. lo 'I hi AsroniAN 1
Phoenix, Ariz., July 19. -Geueral
Nelson A. Miles, accompanied by mi
aide de camp, arrived here to-day, lo
consult with Governor Wolfley in
reference to the Indian depredations
and troubles on the border. The
general leaves Tor Nogales in tho
morning, where he will meet the
governor of Sonora, Mexico, for a
general consultation, "with special
reference to the recent treaty, relative
to troops crossing the border in pursuit
of Indians. He declined to speak on
Indian affairs or the presidential
Death of Mrs. Fargo.
Special to Thk Astokiax
Bdfi-a-lo, July 19. Mrs. F. F. Fargo
died this morning after an illness of
long duration. Deceased was the
widow of Win. G. Fargo, the well
known express manager. Some years
ago she married F. F. Fargo, no rela
tive, at one time well known in Cali
fornia politics.
All the patent medicines advertiser
in this paper, together with the choicest
nerfumery, and toilet articles etc. can
he bought at the lowest prices at ,1. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Lots 50x100 to
Almost a. ITIurder Over a. Prosti
tute. Special to The astoriax.J
MaetsveliiE, CaL, July 19. Marys
villo came near being the scene "of
another tragedy this morning, when
John McDermott took three shots at
John Sullivan, who is more familiarly
known as Arizona Jack.
The shooting occurred in a house of
ill fame, run by a woman named
Minnie Steel. McDermott had been
living with this woman for some time,
and when a dispute arose between
Minnie Steel and Sullivan, McDer
mott .interfered. Trying to avoid
trouble, Sullivan started to go up
stairs, when McDermott followed,
took three shots at him with a rovol
ver, one shot going through his coat
McDermott was arrested this morn
ing. He had a hearing iu the police
court, and judge Gardener bound him
over to answer to the charge of assault
to murder, before the superior court,
and bonds were fixed at $1,000.
Lyflia Bete, Leader of Woman's
Suffrage, is Deal
Special by Thk United Press.
Loxdox, July 19. Lydia Beeker,
the leader of the woman's suffrage
movement, died to-day at Geneva
from diphtheria.
Gold at a. Big- Premium.
Special to The Astoriax.1
Paris, July 19. A dispatch from
Montevideo states that the financial
situation is becoming worse. At the
close of the bourse yesterday gold
was at 230 premium.
Death of mi English Official.
Special to The Astoriax.1
Loxdox, July 19. Sir Alfred Slade,
chief of the inland revenue depart
ment, died to-day.
Shooting nt the Guards.
Special to The Astortax.1
Pesth, Hungary, July 19. In addi
tion to the customs guard nt Kubin
being fired upon by unknown persons
from the Servian bark Danube, shots
wero also fired at tho postmen.
An Attractive and Wonilerfal Entertain
ment. Last evening at tho opera house the
appreciative audience was delighted
with the S teen-Abbott-Merrill combi
nation. Master Eddie Abbott, though
only sic years of age performs some
very wonderful feats with all
the coolness and oase of
tho famous magicians of the day,
and will yet occupy one of tho proud
est positions ever attained by the
most renowned magicians of tho
known world.
Prof, and Madam Steen are un
rivalled and tho latter has no equal in
all this broad land. Sitting on the
stage blindfolded, sho faces the au
dience find apparently reads the
minds of those around her like an
open book. Messrs. Fox, Loeb, Noyes,
Goodcnongh, Whittemore and Conn
were upon the stage as a committee.
She told each one of them tho year,
month and day when he was born,
told the footings of a sum on the
blackboard, told each figure any ono
touched upon the board, and gave
many other marvelous manifestations
which must be seen to be realized.
The performance closed with a
black art scene by the boy magician,
rivalling the renowned Hermann's
best work. To-morrow and Tuesday
evening, there will be an entire change
of performance, and on the latter even
ing, they will imitate the materializa
tion nets of famous mediums.
The Incandescent Li-rlits.
Active work is in progress at the
electric light works to arrange for the
system of incandescent lights a3
speedily as possible. The machinery
is nearly all in place, but it will be
two weeks or more before tho system
willbe in operation, owing to th'o de
lay in the arrival of the wire, which
had to be procured from the east, as
it could not be had on this coast.
AieanwHiie tuo rates ior service are
being prepared, and in order to secure
proper prices, the rates in all other
cities on the coast where incandescent
lights are furnished, are being care
fully considered. As soon as tho peo
ple of Astoria find how convenient
these lights are, they will be ordered
in nearly ovory house, store and of
fice. Spinal "WcaltucsN.
Henry J. Gallagher, 50 Pine street, N.
Y writes:
"Having been troubled with pains in
back and chest during the Inst Winter
I was compelled to remain at home un
able to attend to business, until 1 was
advised by a friend to try "one of Aw.
cocic's Torous Plasters. After ap
plying one to my chest and one to my
hack, in three hours I found relief
which I had not got in over three montlis.
I cheerfully recommend them to per
sons having spinal weakness and lung
350 feet, $40 to
MS Austin House, Seaside,
From Hong Eoug and YoMama,
By tie Sir. "Clina."
hew aiids j? on the mviiver i:n.
SpeciaLby The United Press.
Sax Francisco, July 19. Tho
steamer China, which arrived from
Hong Kong and Yokohama this morn
ing brings the following advices:
Two Japanese steamers collided at
Jizosakion the 28th nit. and fourteen
people were drowned.
In consequence of the partial fail
ure of the wheat and barley crop3 of
Japan, American Hour is at a high
Four police and three traders in
North Borneo were murdered recently
by natives.
The Cholera ha3 broken out in
Nagasaki, Japan, and there have been
a number of fatal cases.
On June 21st, a fire at Tokio de
stroyed nearly a thousand houses.
John Riley and Henry Green, who
set fire to the American ship John
Currier at Kobe, have been sentenced
to five years imprisonment each by
tho United States consul at Yoko
hama. Riots are indulged in by tho poor in
Japan, and have been frequent of
late. The houses of the merchants iu
many places being demolished.
The steamer Yangstze, while on the
way from Hong lvong to Shanghai,
was wrecked on Heishan island on
June loth during a dense fog. The
passengers and crew were saved.
Heavy rains in the vicinity of Foo
Chow have resulted in tho overflowing
of the river Min and the submerging
of several villages.
Another engagement has occurred
between the Dutch troops and the
Chinese, in which eighty of the latter
were killed and twenty of the Dutch
were wounded.
Rewards Reing Offered for the
Special to The Astokiax.!
5LutY3vrLt.E, Cal., July 19. The
board of supervisors of Yuba county
have offered a re'ward of 300 for in
formation that will lead to the arrest
and conviction of the parties impli
cated in the murder of George Ball,
which occurred in thi3 city on tho
morning of July 16th.
The citizens are also raising a purse
for the same purpose, and owing to
the atrocionsness of the crimo and
the lack of a clew, the governor has
been requested to offer a liberal re
ward at once.
Released Iy Rein-; Drowned."
Special to The Astorian.1
FoiOM, CaL, Jnly 19. James
Madison, a convict serving a five
year's sentence in Folsom prison, hav
ing beon sent from Sacramento on a
charge of burglary was drowned in
tho American river yesterday after
noon about 5 o'clock. Madison was
engaged in repairing the rigging on a
derrick stationed about midway of the
dam and lost his footing and fell
about 15 feet into the river and was
carried over the dam. He rose to the
surface and efforts were made to
rescue him but before he could be
reached he went dowu and was seen
no more. His body was found this
morning 300 yards below the dam.
Glass IVorks to Re Taken by a
Brewery Syndicate.
Special to The astokian.i
San Francisco, .Tidy 19. A rumor
is rife that a deal is in progress be
tween the San Francisco Glass Works
and a new brewery syndicate which
has been recently formed in this city.
The bottles used in bottling beer are
now imported from Germany, the duty
amounting to one cent a pound. If
the McKinley tariff bill is passed this
duty will be increased. Tho San
Francisco glass works has made a
proposition to transfer its plant to the
syndicate, and the proposition, it is
said, has met with very favorable con?
Crops In California.
Special to Thk Astokiax.
Sacramento, July 19. The follow
ing weekly crop telegram has been
sent by Sergeant Barwick to the chief
signal officer at Washington, D. C:
"The grain harvest is about over. The
yield and acreage are mnch below the
average, but the quality is good. An
abundance of fruit crop, except peaches
is reported from nearly all portions of
the state fruit belt."
The Snag Boat is AVnuted.
Special to The Astoriax.1
San Francisco, July 19. The pro
duce exchange sent the following dis
patch to-day: "Thomas J.Clnnie, "Wash
ington, D. 0. Please see the proper
authorities and request that the
United States snag boat be imme
diately set to work in the Sacramento
river, above Butte City. Unless the
boat goes lo work at once, all the
freighting above Bntte City must
Alice Same Melican Ulan.
Special to Tns Astokian.
San Francisco. July 19. The
steamer China brought Yee Chung, a
Chinese laundryman, who suicided
this morning with opium. He left- a
note stating that he took his life be
cause he wa3 out of work, and had no
money to pay his debts.
Sporting- Events.
Special to TnE Astorian.
San Francisco, July 19. Parson
Davies arrived to-day, accompanied
by Evan Lewis, tho far famed
strangler, and Tom Mclnnery, the
champion wrestler of Ohio. The Cali
fornia club last night telegraphed to
.Liu wrnjjuis, permission ior uimmy
Carroll to meet Andy Bowen at the
Olympic club of that city for a purse
of S2,500.
A Mining- Accident.
Special to The Astokiax.!
OROvniiiE, Cal., July 19. Sam
Downing and George James, two min
ers at Golden Gate claim wero pre
paring to put off a blast in the rock
yesterday afternoon, when the charge
of powder exploded, wounding Down
ing in tho arm and hand. It is feared
that he is blinded in both eyes.
James had one eye seriously hurt.
Killed by tkc Cars.
Special to Thk Astokiax.
Castrovh,i.e, CaL, July 19. "S. A.
Clark, aged 25, recently from Tacoma,
who was fatally hurt by a train yes
terday, died this morning. Clark
noticed something wrong with the air
brakes, and stepped in between two
coaches, and while in a stooping
position, the train backed up sudden
ly, injuring him about the head.
A Ltibcral Donation.
Special to The Astokiax.
Sacramento, July 19. Mrs. E.B.
Crocker has given 1,500 to the
Woman's Christian Temperance Un
ion of this city, toward the erection'of
a building here for a kindergarten,
iieu nurarj uuii evangelistic wont.
Editor Choyuski Out on Bail.
Special to The Astokiax.
San Francciso, July 19. L N.
Choynski, editor of Public Opinion,
who had been convicted of" attempted
extortion, wa3 released from the
connty jail last night on 5,000 bonds.
A Closely Contested Game.
Special to The AstoriAn.
Tacoma, July 19. The cricket game
between tho Tacoma and Astoria elev
ens was closely contested to-day. The
score at the close of the game stoed:
Tacpma 82, Astoria 7S.
Forest Fires Near Orovillc.
Special to The Astorian.
OrovhiIiE, CaL, July 19. Heavy
forest fires are raging in the foot hills
east of here, and much damage is be
ing done.
Strike of Scotch Cabmen.
Special to The Astokiax.
Edinburgh, "July 19. The cabmen
of Aberdeen have struck. Not a sin
gle cab in the city is running.
Yesterday morning the county
court opened at 10 o'clock, Judge Mc
Guire and Commissioner Carruthers
being present, and the clerk and
sheriff in attendance..
The bills and transcripts of justice
of the peace were examined, and the
elerk instructed to compile the same
in accordance with the decision of
Judge Taylor, and draw warrants for
the same.
John Smith, a native of Finland,
was examined and duly admitted to
citizenship. ,.
The court then adjourned to Tues
day, July 22, 1890, at 10 a. m.
Practical : Watchmaker,
A fine lino of Cold and Silver Watches,
Solid cold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, eta,
at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly
Done. Next to Morgan & Slierman.
Contractors aM Bniliers.
Estimate ; Giucn on Brick, Stone,
Wood Work.
and Cement
l Specialty.
384- Third Street,
Neimi & Engross,
Jewelers nd Watchmakers.
Joivelry, AVatclxcw, ami Clocks
EJtiaircl at Kxtrcmely
X.ow Prices.
628 Third St., - Astoria
Homes t