The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 19, 1890, Image 1

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Kin siiid Marino. iiiul Life
VAN DUSEN & CO.. Ag':s.
Of the Following KoliaMe Koivljjii ami
Unmet Miiipjnits:
l.H(ri;o1 mil Iaiii.Ioii :uiI Glob.'. Noilli
HrttKli mtil Mi'ic.tiililt. Scottish I'liutii ami
National, llartfiod ot GotiiiccMciit.C-oiiiiiipr-fttt!
t( iVilif.inn.i. (union :i:ul 1. uic.isliire of
JJtori.ool, Conmu' t'nion of I.oiulnn.
Ciiurtliaii of I.omliiii. oij1iwvm of l'
Mulii.ll I Ifi'tif New York.
T,iompt,Lfoeral Adjustments Giuiutiteed
Insurance Aent.
California Min ie l..s. Co . S. F.
Columbia Fin nl Marine Ins. Co.
Home Mutual Co . S. F.
Phoenix of London.
Imperial of London.
Robb & Parker,
Fire and Insurance,
With :u Aggregate Capital of
IMl'KKIAl.. or London.
CAI.IFOKNIA. of California.
CONN ECTICUT. of J lai tford.
1. 1 ON, or tamlon.
KIUKMAN'S FUND. or California.
QUEKN. of tandou.
Washington Market.
ImIii street, A Htorla, Oregon.
iiiriSTi:.vsi:v t co., ritornii'Toiw
sKrEirrFULLY call the atten-
IV uou of the public to the fact that the
MKve Market will always bosupplled with a
Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole
sale ana retail .
tSSppclftl attention Riven to supplying
Krurfli and Cured Meats,
riIK.VTiltH Mfrcot. ANtorln, Ox
Roadway Market.
O'Hara A; Iiifralls, Propr'.s.
OpiHttite Koanl & Stokes.
A Tirst-Class Meat Shop.
Fresh and Salt Moats.
All Purchasfs Delivered in any part of the
Manufacturer and Dealer m
Sils1i5 Doors, Mouldings
and Brackets.
All Html, of Hard Voi :tml
IEon l'I:tK!ii:: t.umlier.
Wood Turning.
Cor. (tcnevicAo ami Aslor Si reels.
Astokia, - - Okp.oon.
is vi: vr yop (;irr at
Groceries and Provisions.
Everything in a First class Store
and at
Extremely Low Figures.
Goods Delivered all nvrrlunn.
The Highest Price PaS for Junk.
The Indiana Paint Shop.
C.M.CUTBIKL'il, Pnp'r.
Cor. Third and Main Sts:, Astoria.
Paper Hanging a Specialty.
Work executed with Neatness and Dis
patch, CQ
Tour Moneys ffortii
Absolute?- Pure.
This Ki'.der nci'er v.irieh, A maivJoi
,urity. ttrength ami wlmltvsonieni'ss. More
economical than tin 0r.i111.t13 sin.t'-.aii.i eau
not be sold in competition with l!u iu:Jli
tnde of low t-st sU -it weight, alum or plios
phnte imwder-. N7il only in cars. Km .vi
IHkini Po;vi:::: ('. !( Vi" t.. N.
Lkwis M. Johnson ( o.. Agents, P''l
land. "reo'i.
. P. Upshur,
Shipping and Commission Merchant
niaiu M. Wharf, Astoria. Oregon.
Cannery Supplies
Barbour's Salmon Net Twines.
.N'EPfUNE Brand Salmon Twine.
WOOmtEHKY ChIIiki Lines and Twines
fif all Description Furnished :it
F.U'toiy Prices.
Effected in Firsl CIjlss Companies,
P1KEMX Uarironl, Conu
HOME, New York,
Agenr Pacific Express and Wells, Farsjo&fo.
(Success is to)
3Tm :E Hynes,
G-roceries Produce.
Water street, Astoil.i, Oregon.
tklitijem: m. 7. . p. o. uox sou
TMelseo, Lsster & Altai,
Surveyors and Architects.
Ofkici:, Koo.m ii, Ki.avki.'s lti.o'o
r. o. Hox aw. a vroitiA, oii.
I here Is no occasion for the i!'o,i r.-isiidi-)itso:
our cl::'iis to ll to Portland or
S:.!i rniiirisco tor
Custom ??3ade Otothes
Vtlti-y t.. c l '.'ft Pits 1 i!.t UorK
II ili!li.'lh lio 'iS.M(li,
P., I.-Mii4 tt.t!. O. tiers M.lfj .Vi :NY
Koyj Good bv Every Steamer.' and -ee h:m and .satisfy jonr-elL
. J Fleany, u-liant Tailor.
beasiae House.
C. C. Cooper, - Manager.
Tli S?ijiilf HoncA line lin.n v..ntii ..n.i
refurnished throughout, and otters unsur
passed facilities to all to enjoy a pleasaut
sojourn at the famous Clatsop Ueach. An
nt.tpntlvf. rnrns nf ntt?iflif. im ..,,. ..!
and everything done for the coinfoxt and
uuincuiciiv-t; ui t;iiU3i3.
It rouses the Liver and Kidneys and Stomach,
Cures Headache. Dyspepsia, creates an Appe
tite, Purifies the Impure Blood, and
Makes The Weak
Used everywhere. $labottle;sIxfor$G.
WglkrpFUMiii 1 gpi;!1,!!
Choice Property
property on
Oportnuity for ArMtralion in Ceu
tral America.
I Special bv Tin: Uxitko rues'.
W.vsursaTox, .Tuly 18. Controller
jralthe;v8 lias rcturneil io tbis city
from a recent trip to Seattle, Wnsli.,
where, according io the general
report, he went as a special messenger
hearing secret orders from secretary
of tlte treasury Wiudom, to the com
manders of the revenue cutters Rush
and Corwin, in relation to the
Uehringsea troubles.
Judge Matthews declines to pay
anything about tho journey. In fact
he refuses to slate that it hsid any
thing to do with the liehriug sea mat
ter. Tie would probably not admit
that he went to Seattle, were it not
for fear Hint he was seen there by a
treasury clerlr, who happened to be
there on leave, and to whom Judge
Matthews attributes the publicity
given to his trip.
Let Arbitration Settle! lie Trouble
and Prevent War. to Tiik AstOKiak.1
Washington, July 18. The threat
ened war in Central America offers a
good opportunity for the test of
Blaine's plan of arbitration, as adopted
at the late international Americau con
ference. The governments of Salva
dor and Guatamala have assented to
the plan last May, and declared in
solemn resolutions that Avar on this
continent shall be no more; but so far
as known neither nation has signiGed
a desire, or even a willingness to sub
mit the matter to arbitration. In fact,
there is no actual difference to arbi
trate. The affair is a revolution rather
than ji war.
The late president of Salvador is a
linn believer in and an advocate of a
union of the Central Americau repub
lics, and signed the treaty of coalition,
which was also signed by Guatemala
and Honduras. "United States minis
ter Mizuer has been instructed to use
his good oflices to preserve peace and
settle the difficulty.
And, Probably, a Coffin for One.
Special to Thk Asiokiax.
Washington, July 18. Congress
man Craiu of Texas was on tho war
path to-day. He was lookiug for
O'Brien Moore, a correspondent of
the St. Lonis Republican. It seems
that Moore telegraphed to his
paper that if several Demo
cratic members, including Crain,
had remained at their post of duty,
instead of driukhig over the bar acros-s
from the Capitol bnildiug, the federal
election bill might have been defeated
in tho house. Crain was infuriated
and entering the house pres3 gallery
to-day, he flourished his revolver
excitedly, and called for Moore. The
newspaper men scattered in all direc
tions, and took refuge behind chairs,
under tables and various other havens
of safety. Crain was unable to find
Moore who was iu New York. When
they meet there may be another con
gressman's death by a correspondent's
bullet to record, as Moore is reported
to be a crack shot, and will not
retract what he has said.
lir. Peters oil Wis Travels.
Special to Tim: astokian.I
Zanzibar, July 18. Dr. Peters the
German explorer has arrived here,
and is in good health and spirits.
Bcatla of a Consul General,
special to Tiik Astow.
Caiko, Egypt, July 18. Eugene
Schuyler, American Consul-General
here, died to-day.
Editor or the He, aid: What is
meant by. ''rushing the growler?"
J. A.
1 11 means trotting the duck, shoving
tho can, rustling for booze, humping
the tin. swinimr the nail. liilHncr th
the groggery, sneaking the lush, or,
.u riuui jjuSiwu, nuiuy niiun jcucij-
tacle for beer to a beer saioon for the
PUrnose of cretthip; beer to drink in
your room. Chicago Herald.
It is the little things of lire, the wonies or
to-day ar.d to-morrow, that makes the
cnv.jj feet around onr eyes. So the little
pains of an hour or a minute break down
the constitution. Look after the little ills.
Bi:aNdi:kth s cure dyspepsia, or
Indigestion, headache, pain in ihe shoul
ders, couulw, tightness or the chest, dizzi
ness, sour stomach, had taste m the mouth,
bilious attacks palpitation or the heart, in
flammation or the lungs. Pain In the region
or the kidneys, and a hundred other pain
ful symptom are the offspring of dyspepsia.
One or two pills eveiy night is sun cicnt.
Huvnoukth's Pills are sold in even,'
drug and medicine store, either plain or
sugar coated.
' y:l LK V&c. !,"u:,e"-lse'i
nerfninerv. anil toilet nrtfoli .!.. .mii
111 IIIIO IKlllUI, K'llUlllUl llll lilt! UIIUlLl'it I
he bought at the lowest prices -t J. W. j iakes a:, nvers of the state with land
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident locked and sea salmon. About C00,-
notei, Astoria.
02TL"2- FIVE
Blocks 200x200, $300 to $400.
is now on the market; and is the Finest Summer Resort on the Coast. It joins the Seaside Hotel
the south, and has one-half of river frontage, on the Necanicum river with fine boating and fishing.
Highly Successful in Its Work
i:i;rs. Special to Thk Astokian.
Buffalo, N. Y., July IS. Peter
Campbell, after two failures, yester
day managed to make his air ship ap
parently perform the feat of aerial
navigation. On the previous occa
sions the large crowds were disap
pointed, and he was called a fakir, so
this time he made no public an
nouncement, and there were bnl a few
witnesses. The ascension was made
all right; the ship sailed slowly south
ward, veeriug to the southeast and
turning to the northeast sailiug to
check towage, where a landing was
effected two honra later on a farm.
"This was the most successful ascen
tiou of the kind ever" made," said
Campbell. "After rising to the height
of 3,000 feet, I worked tho forward
propeller, sending the ship ahead, then
turned tho ship about with the pro
peller, and wheu I got ready to de
scend, worked she under propellcre,
lauding on a meadow, without losing
a bit of gas. After landing I emp
tied the balloon, and the machine v,u
brought back to Buffalo. The voyage
is to bo repeated on Satnrday, when
a test will be made under different
Partly Burnet
Tin: in: was xo j.oss or j,ryj:.
Special UyTiiK United Pi:i:ss.
Nr.w Yokk, July IS. At 7 o'clock
this morning fire was discovered in
the upper stories of the Western Un
ion Telegraph Co.
It was first seen by messenger
Matthews, and appears to have orig
inated under a table in the checking
department on the sixth Aoor.
The operating rooms were, fortu
nately, almost empty, but few of the
operators haviug come iulo the build
ing. There wore not more than fifty
men and women in the operating
room when the lire v.n first dis
covered. No sooner had Matthews given the
alarm than the fire appeared to spread
in every direction. To get to tho
street it was necessary for those in
the operating room to go through the
checking department, and pursued by
the Harass the shrieking employees
ran for their lives. After gainiug the
street they remembered that a few in
the restaurant on the seventh floor
had not been warned, but it was im
possible to return. Suddenly they ap
peared, seven in number, on the roof.
By this time the firemen had ar
rived and by getting ladders on ad
joiniug roofs they got ropes to the
frenzied seven on the roof of the
burning bnildiug, and loworod them
safely to the gronnd.
The Associated Press is the heaviest
loser. It loses nearly all its instru
ments, typewriters, furniture, and all
its books, papers and records, dating
from 1813, and a valuable library.
The loss is irreparable. All of the
material for the history of tho growth
of the press in America, contained in
letters, books and files, was destroyed.
The money value is 150,000, on
which there was no insurance.
Hon. William Henry Smith, general
manager, is personally a heavy loser
by the destruction of the rare" liooks
and papers, many of which cannot be
duplicated. Among those were hun
dreds of pamphlets collected in Eu
rope, which Smith supposed were
secure in this fire proof building.
Extensive corresjioudence of great
value was consumed. A survey has
been made of the upper portions of
the bnilding. It was fouud that the
cables and pneumatic tubes were in
tact, and will soon be available for
General Eckert, the vice-president
of the W. TJ. T. Co., is of the opinion
that the loss of the com pan v will not
much exceed S100.000. He also be
lieved they will be able to employ a
considerable force iu tho main hall
ways, in n day or two. Already new
switch boards are on the way from
Philadelphia. The Assocmted Press
will use the executive room on the
fifth floor, and such other rooms as
can be had in the neighborhood. The
old Baltimore & Ohio Telegraph com
pany's building at 41-1 Broadway, will
bo used as temporary quarters. The
Western Union has a large force of
linemen at work, and one hundred
wires will be ready for use to-morrow.
Tho loss to tho biuldingaud fixtures
is estimated at S250.000. The fire is
supposed to have been caused by an
electric light wire.
She Was Good.
"Have you a good cook':"
"She's very good; goes to church
four times a week. She can't cook
though." New York's un.
The Mmno state fish commission has
'J"""iea iue worK oi biucsing me
L l. 11. 1- . .! II..
uuu Have, been distributed.
A Railroai Coalition Between Two
Big Eoafls.
semi: iiiLLioxs jx Tin: heat.
Special by Til K Usitkd Priss.
CmcAGO.Ill., July IS. The Tribune
says : Tho Northern Pacific and Balti
more and Ohio Railroad companies
arc to join hand3 at Chicago, and
form a continuous line from oceau to
ocean. The purchase of 3S0 acres of
laud in Cicero, marks tho junction
point. There will be erected tho car
shops of the Northern Pacific, and
through the property will run a subur
ban railway.
The purchase was made yesterday,
the consideration being 5,000,000.
The trafiic alliance between the Balti
more and Ohio and Northern Pacific,
contemplate a transcontinental line,
and freight will be run through with
out breaking the trains, and without
bringing the airs into the city.
The purchase of real estate made
yesterday will be used for the car
shops for the Northern Pacific The
company will expend S2o0,000 in erect
ing the shops, which will employ
fifteen hundred men, and be designed
to turn out every class of freight and
passenger cars.
To Connect Russia and the
United States. to Tiik astouian.1
New York, July IS. "They can talk
about my uucle as visionary and a
mild lunatic all they please, but tho
lime will come, and it is not far off
either, when he will be recognized as
a thoroughly sensible though bold en
gineer." So said Wm. Henry Gilpin, of
Pueblo, Col., at the Hoffman house to
day. Gilpin has been for the last two
years with his uncle, Wm. Gilpin, gov
ernor of Colorado, on a tour of recon
noissance on the north Pacific coast
Wm. Gilpin believes there is no serious
obstacle in the way of building a rail
road which shall join the United
States and Russia by way of Siberia,
Behring straits, Alaska and British
The only apparent difficulty is iu
crossing Behring straits, but this diffi
culty is only apparent. The strait is
only -10 miles wide, and in the middle
lies an island about big enough to
hold New York, Brooklyn and Jersey
City combiued. The water nowhere
is more than forty feet deep, and there
will be no trouble in erecting piers on
the hard bottom.
ASIATIC cuor.miA.
A (Pennine Case i:i Kansas. to Tin: AsToniAN.l ""
A'rcmsoN, Ivans.. July 18. -There
was a Case of cholera iu this city yes
terday. The victim was Mrs.'W. R.
Bishop, wife of a well known citizen.
She died within twenty-four hours
after the commencement of the attack.
Two prominent physicians pronounced
it a case undoubtedly of Asiatic
A Well Gioumlnl Fear.
The recent and sudden death of
Capt James Strang, while piloting a
steamer to Astoria, brings homo to us
the fact, that had this accident oc
curred at night, on one of our pas
senger steamers, where generalliy only
one man is in the pilot house, it might
have occasioued a great loss of life.
Before it would probably be noticed
that anything was wrong the steamer
would lc aground, or what would be
immeasurably worse, striko some of
the precipitous banks and drown
every tonl aboard.
Some four years ago a pilot on one
of the Hudson fern' boats plying be
tween New York aud Brooklyn,
dropped dead at his po3t, unobserved.
The first iutimation the passengers
had that anything was wrong was the
banging of the vessel against the slip
and the drowning of several pas
sengers. Other accidents of a similar
nature followed iu close succession
until the New York legislature has
passed an act making it a highly
criminal offense for a pilot to be left
aloneiu the pilot house.
This is a matter that may seem of
little importance to some, but when we
take into consideration the number of
lives that are entrusted to one man, it
is right the law should guarantee the
passengers every precaution for their
safety, while under the care of trans
portation companies.
We would like to see our represen
tative take this matter up and seo if
a bill could not be passed in the
Washington legislature, similar to the
one now in force in New York state.
The measure could exempt all but
passenger steamers from this proviso,
if it were thought necessary, as the
loss of life Jrom this cause on small
tugs and freight boats i3 rednced to a
Taking everything into considera
tion we. believe, that as a preventative
of accidents, that are liable to happen
any time, the public safety demands a
law, similar in provisions to the one
just mentioned. Cathlamet Gaz
ette, IS.
Lots 50x100 to
Xapntlia Carried Illegally.
Chicago, July 18. At the coroner's
inquest in the matter of the explosion
on the steamer Tioga to-day, the city
oil inspector testified that ho several
times found naphtha, on board vessels
in this harbor, shipped by the Gene
see Oil company, of Buffalo, and noti
fied the consignees of the fact, but re
ceived no reply. Agent Morford of
the Union Steamboat company, said
the company had been deceived by the
Genesee company, naphtha having
been shipped as oil. The coroner an
nounced that the agent here of the
Genesee company, could not be found.
The Vice President One of the
Special to Tin: ASToniAN.J
Sabatoga, N. Y., July 18. About
noon to-day sneak thieves entered the
Bliss cottage here, and got away with
310,000 worth of diamonds and
jewelry. The cottage wa3 occupied by
Levi P. Morton, vice-president of the
United States, and his partner Bliss,
and their wives. A reward of S1.000
is offered for the recovery of the
Guatemala Will Protect Salvador
From Herself.
j:zi:tvs i'hoxuxcja. ui:xto.
Special hy The United Press.
City of Mexico, July 18. The
state of Salvador continues in a
stato of anarchy. General Ezeta has
within the past week, raised a forced
loan among thepeoplo of Salvador,
creating great disconcert and adding
materially to his unpopularity, which
tho opposition aro using to their ad
vantage. Ezeta has a largo force massed on
the border of Guatemala and it is be
lieved that it is the intention to invado
that country.
Tho last named republic also has
several thousand men under arms on
the Salvador frontier, ready to repeal
any attempted invasion. It is said
that the armies aro not far distant
from each other, and a conflict may
bo expected any moment.
President Barrilla3 in his proclama
tion issued June 29th, explains the
position of Guatemala Iu speaking
of the refusal of Guatemala to recog
nize the Ezeta government, Barrill as
"He ha3 not recognized the order of
things established in Salvador, be
cause it is tno product of odious
strategy, fit for all dark ages. To the
fate oC Salvador, we cannot be indif
ferent. It is our sister republic. It is
leagued to us by solemn stipulations
of union. The people are the most
honorable and industrious of Central
America. Its destinies are the same
that are prospective for all the Central
Americau isthmus.
"With these precedents, aud
Salvador being the boundary stato
whose events, prosperous or otherwise,
are always reflected in Guatemala,
my government should be watchful
for peace, should be vigilant for our
interests, and should tako measures
as far as consistent, to put down an
anarchy and confusion in the neigh
boring stites, which form a danger
for the generous people of Salvador,
and a menace to all Central America.
"It is for that reason my govern
ment has placed a corp3 of observa
tion on the frontier. It is for that
reason that, acting for the well being
of all, and specially on behalf of the
people of Salvador, who30 real rights
and interests we shall always respect,
that this same government 3 ready
to act as circumstances may demand."
Au Insane Frenchman.
Special toTitKAsrottiAN.
Portland, July 18. Charles Da
pius, the missing Frenchman, has
turned up at Hillsboro, Washington
county, insane.
Victory for an Insurance Comp'y
S. S. Cox over. Act. Northwestern
Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Manistee,
M icli.,says: ! had rhoumatistn twenty
years; use u or luetics ten j'ears. .From
the use of powerful liniments my hip
and knee had lost nearly all strength.
Ilibhard's Rheumatic Syrup has cured
me, and I wish to herald to all, the
merits of the wonderful medicine.'' For
sale by J. V. Conn.
Athlotes Praise ft HIsWy.
656 Minna EL, San Francisco, CaL, May 3, 1SS7.
Some tune ago, while a member. of the
Olympic Athletic Club, I sprained my knee
severely and suffered agony, but was speedily
and completely cured by St. Jacobs Oil?"
Jumped, from Engine.
609 S. 17th St., Omaha, Neb., Bept 22, J8S3.
I jumped from an engine in collision, and
strained my anklo ferj badly. I used canea
for weeks. St. Jacobs Oil completely cured
At Drcgqist3 .and Dealers.
350 feet, $40 to
are Austin House, Seaside,
States His Opinions
Americau Reporter.
to an
r t a o vt liEintixa si:, i th ouhl es
Special by The United Tkess.
Port Townsend, Wash., July IS.
Admiral Charles F. Holhom, who
arrived at Victoria yesterday on H.
M. S. warship War Sprite, to-day
submitted to au interview with Perry
Goldstone, who was sent to this city
by the New York World. Ho told
the reporter, although when he left
England in March, the Behring sea
question had been discussed to some
extent in foreign oflices, he had heard
little or nothing on the subject at the
admiralty, and said to his understand
ing of the matter, tho cause of the
United States is untenable.
This feeling no doubt expresses the
feeling of the government officials at
London. He further said that he was
satisfied that tho procedure of the
United States revenue cutters .in
stripping seized vessels of their navy
was wrong. In fact it was a pro
ceedure without precedent, and that
is he understood that this year, tho
vessels wcro to be stripped not only of
their cargo but of their hunting par
aphernalia, papers, provisions, etc.
He felt sure that was a very wrong
This opinion it may be taken for
granted, it is a reflex of the policy of
the homo department When asked
if any instructions had been received
tosend any vessel to Behring sea, he
said that there had not, that is as far
as he knew, but there was a huge
pile of telegrams and oflicial lettera
unopened on his table, which ho
thought might contain instructions on
the subject
The only order ho had auy cogniz
ance of was one issued about two
years ago, which was to the effect that
it "might be necessary to send a vessel
to Behring sea to protect British com
merce," and he significantly added:
"Vessels of this squadron are ready at
any time."
The reporter says that from his
record for achievements in naval war
fare, and from the impressious of visit
ing newspaper men, he is satisfied the
Victorians, and especially the sealing
men, havo great confidence iu their
new admiral. One said there is no
doubt now that tho rights of Britisb
sealers will bo protected, and it is
probable that in case of the news of
theseizureof a British sealing schooner
either the Amphion or Champion
will bo sent north.
A IJOIiD ;amk.
He Will Inspect no More China
Special toTnEAsToarAx.l
PortijAnd, Or., July IS. For some
time past various Chinese firms of this
city, have been annoyed by a man
who represented himself as being au
inspector in the United States custom
houso service. Ho would walk into a
China store and pull out a long piece
of paper, and show it as his authority;
then he would state that ho had posi
tive proof that some smuggled opium
wa3 concealed about the premises.
Therenpon without further ceremony,
he would wade through the shelves
and drawers, and help himself to all
the opium in sight This he would
carry away, telling the owners that it
would be taken to tho customs honse.
About a week ago tho same indi
vidual entered the store of Bow Lnng
& Co., and took seventeen cans of the
drug, and in addition stole several
dollars from tho proprietor, whom he
held up in regular stage-coach style.
The proprietor called at the customs
house early next morning, and asked
who the bad inspector was, and when
he learned how he had been
worked by a thief he was a very mad
Last night about 11 o'clock, a tall,
slender young man entered the store
of Wah Hing, on Second street, and
announced himself as an inspector.
Ho was not molested, but was at o ncc
recognized by a Chinaman present as
the man who robbed Bow Lung's
store. While the impersonator of the
majesty of tho law was wading
through case3, packages and boxes, a
messenger was on the wing for a po
lice officer, who arrested the intruder.
He was taken to the police jail where
he gave the name of Arthur Hennessy.
His occupation, he said, was that of
longshoreman, at which he ha3 worked
for years in this city. The police bo
b'eve they have captured one of the
most daring violators of tho customs
laws in the country.
Fire in Portland.
Special to The Astokian.
Portland, July 18. A row of frame
buildings on First street, between E
and F, were destroyed by fire this
morning. Tim loss was $1,000, insur
ance 1,500. The fire was probably
the work of an incendiary.
Attempted Assassination.
Special to The Astokian.
PortIuVnd, July 18. A dastardly
attempt to assassinate IM. A. Bread
love of East Portland, last night,
was made by Jame3 Hurlbut Hurl
but was arrested. Breadlove is not
seriously injured.
n.a.w m imiii.Mi.HBra
An Agreeable Party by the Astoria So
cial Club.
The reception last evening at Lib
erty hall, given by the Astoria social
club in honor of Bear Admiral John
H. Upshur, retired list United States
Navy, was attended by the elite of As
toria, weaim, beauty, youtu ana
fashion were well represented, while
amid tho young and the gay were
courtly gentlemen and stately dames,
looking fully as happy as the younger
ones, and enjoying the mazes of the
dance with all the vigor and zest of
tho more youthful devotees ofterp
sichore. Many of the ladies were radiant" in
elegant toilettes of silk, satin, tulle,
nun's veiling, crepe and lace, trimmed
with plumes and ribbon, and some
with beautiful embroidery,
Fine music was furnished, by Par
son's Orchestra, of Portland, and
though excellent, is no better than can
be produced by Astoria's talenfeU
musicians. The floor was in good
condition, and as all that are desired
to make up a splendid party was on
hand, it goes without further remark
that this was indeed a highly success
ful affair.
The reception committee consisted
of A. L. Fox and H. F. Prael, while
the floor was ably managed by W. T.
Chutter, H. G. Smith and W. E. War
ren. Eighteen numbers were on the
program, and dancing was continued
until 130 this morning.
A prominent feature of the occasion
was a. fine collation, served in the ad
joining room at midnight, which was
appreciated apparently by alL
Among those present as invited
guests were the follewing:
A. L. Fox, Eben Kodsrers. Del
Moore, W. E. Warren, M. Warren, E.
a. JNoyes, joun iox, .Kichartt Prael,
W. Sherman, E. Z. Ferguson, H.
Thing, W. Tallant, F. Spittle, Mr.
Harris, Jas. Taylor, Frank Tuttle,
Fred Prael, Otto Prael, C. E. Bain, G.
Trullinger, W. Trullinger, John
Trullinger, FrankBennett, E. A. Weed,
Walter Eidehaugh, Kalph Hanna.
Miss Puss Kees, Mrs. Mackensie
Miss Horton, Miss Sadie Crang, Mrs.
Prael, Mrs. Dr. Trenchard, Mrs. Perrie,
Miss Bosetta Sherman, Miss Josie
Bryce, Mis3 Ella Kucker, Miss Lottie
Levings. Miss M. Barron, Mrs. O. Van.
Dusen, Miss Winnie McKean, Miss
Lizzie Mclvean, Miss Olga Heilborn,
Miss Laura Heilborn, Miss Melrose
Miss Myra Stephens, Miss Jennie
Aram, Miss Aggie Stockton, Miss
Kittie Thrall, Miss Alice Wood, Miss
Whiting, Eben Tallant and wife,
Admiral Upshur, C. P. Upshur and
wife, W.T. Chutter and wife, H. G.
Smith and wife, C. J. Trenchard and
wife, P. A. Stokes and wife, G. H.
George and wife, H. Gv Van Dusen
and wife, B. Van Dusen and wife, T.
Eyrie and wife, W. A. Stine and wife,
G. W. Sanburn and wife, H.Praelnd
wife, M. C. Crosby and wife, J. O.
Hanthorn and wife, C. W.JFulton and
wife, Geo. Nbland and wife, Bert Dun
bar aud wife. A. V. Allen and wife, F.
J. Taylor and wife, E. A. Taylor and
wife, P. A. Bees and wife.
Installation of officers took place
last night in Pacific lodge No. 17, K.
of P. Jay Tuttle, past grand chancel
lor; O. H. Irvine, grand chancellor; A.
A. Cleveland, grand" vice ohancellor;
O. B. Estes and J. A. Ahlstedt, deputy
grand chancellors, were present as
official visitors.
The steamer Fannie, Capt. Groves,
made a flying trip down the river yes
terday afternoon, remaining but a few
Nearly tho entire wool crop of
southern Oregon has been sold. Prices
ranged as 20 cents in some instances.
A big strike is reported from Louse
creek, a miner named Bowe having
uncovered a rich quartz ledge while
washing off gravel.
Practical : Watchmaker,
A fine line of Gold and Silver Watches,
Solid Gold and l'Iaed Jewelry, Clocks, etc.,
at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly
Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman.
Contractors aM Balers.
Estimates Giuen on Brick, Stone, or
Wood Work.
Concrete and Cement Werk:
a Specialty.
OFFICE, - 384 Third Street,
Msimi & Engross,
Jewelers nd Watchmakers.
Jewelry., Waiclacs, and Clocks
Repaired at Extremely
Loir Prices.
628 Third St., - Astoria
- s:ie -
t j jt - -