M k m Syrian. TOKIA, OREGON: Fill DAY -JULYiS. IKK) ISSUED EVERY MORNING. J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors. ASTOHIAXP.UIUIG. - t'ASSSTKKB Terms or Subscription. Served by Carrier, jer iveeX ...... Sent by Mail, per month............. Vnt by Mall, one year ... Free ol postage lo subscribers. 15Ct3 . GO CIS .S7.00 The Astokiax guarantees- to its adver tisers I he largest circulation of any newspa n?r published on the Columbia river. Summer travel to the Seaside h in creasing. Tbere will be an inquest on the i boJv of Geo. "Wade to dav A cannery at Salem is putting up G,000 cans of i)eas per clay. W. V. Sachet t gets $400 for inform ing on the steamer WallusJii. The railroad bridge across Necan- J icuin creek will be finished to-morrow, j - i Sevenil young married folks will I have a pleasant dance at Liberty hall to-mght. The .1 nne term, of the circuit court closed yesterday, and the court ad journed sine die. Warren & Wriirht have fiffv fine i lots for sale in Grimes' grove, well located, bee them about it J. W. Kobinson was brought down from a Wcstport logging camp with his foot badly cut, last evening. Judge Deady has ordered $300 paid to A. Ii. Porter for information given to the custom honso officers which led to the seizure of 230 five tael cans of opium. A power of attorney was yesterday filed for record, by which Mary J. lieu authorizes George W. Bell to sell for her any andjdl lands she may own in Oregon. It looked like rain when the Pres byterian excursion was about to start yesterday. "Tho wind is from the northwest; we'll havo a fine day," Baid Hon. .Tuo. Hobsou, "let us go." He was a true prophet Judge Jewelt yesterday in the po lice court had four cases. They were Mongolian vegetable peddlers charged with obstructing the street, and were fined $10 each, for want of which they were committed to the city jail. A fine party will be given at Lib erty hall this evening in honor of Ad miral Upshur, of the United States Navy, who is here on a visit to his son.C P. Upshur. It will bo a select social, attended by some of the best people. The libeling of several passenger steamers in this vicinity results in the placing of sundry advertisements in the Oreyonian; the Harvest Queen, H. Q. Iked, Wallu-ski, Qen. Uanby and Lilt tan are advertised by the United States niurshal. Iu removing some of tho old furni ture and distribution boxes in the postoflictf yesterday, postmaster Hare came across a package of about forty letters addressed to parties iu Seaside, which were mailed in August, 1887, aud had never reached their destina tion. The New York Etcniny Sun, of the 10th inst, has nearly a page de voted to Astoria. Several letters have already been received here, the most of them from young meu who labor under the idea that there are several good situations here awaiting appli cants. At a meeting last Wednesday qf the Portland federated trades assembly, u proposition of tho Columbia Fisher men's Union, numbering 1,500 mem bers, asking incorporation with tho federated trades, was received and favorably acted upon, and tho presi dent was instructed to confer with tho fishermen's union as to tho number of delegates that .union was entitled to in the trades assembly. Seven years have rolled away since the salvation army was introduced on the Pacific coast, and the members in this city will celebrate the event in one of their peculiar programs. Sat urday evemug they have a jubilee: I - Sunday morning at 7 o'clock a short j A forfeit of $500 to any charitable chop, a holiness meeting at 11, a free institution or hospital in Oregon is and easy at 3 and Avar memories at 8 offered by Fred T. Merrill, manager fc, m. Adjutant Parker and wife, of of tho Steen-Abbott-Merrill combina Pqrtland," and several qlher prominent tion, if the Steens, iho appear at the warriors will be present J opera house to-morrow evening, can- Two women and a man last evening talked, sang aud prayed at the corner of Third and Genevieve streets. They wanted everybody to be saved, but did not manifest much Christian charity, for tliev denounced tho ministers, ridiculed the prido of the W. 0. T. U., and said halt the Salvation Army people were hypocrites. One must infer that they were tho only good people. They went up the river last evening, leaviug Astoria in its wicked ness. H. F. Sloan, a real estate dealer and hotel keeper of Gray's Harbor, has jumped the country and left a number of mourning creditors to get what consolation they can out of his few remaining effects. Sloan was last seen at IJoquiatn on Juy 4th, an4 it is sup- 8 used ' hp wont to tlje Sating and jence to British Columbia or to Cali fornia. Sloan collected together as much monev as he could get, by some supposed to be $5,000 or $0,000, before skipping. Postmaster Hare has been making Mnne radical changes iu tho boxes for distribution of mails to surrounding towns, which will expediato the work very materially. He now sends separ ate sacks to most of the towns from Bwaco to South Bend, which will bo a great accommodation toall those offices, and prevent the delay of mail as heretofore, when it went throngh in one sack, and each postmaster had to overhaul tho whole, to pick out the mail for his office. Tho picnic of the Presbyterian peo ple at Seaside yesterday was very pleasant and successful. There were about 125 persons who went from here qn the steamer Electric and a barge iq'wed bv the steamer to Young's bay, TFhere the train met thein. and at 11 o'clock the- arrived at Grimes. Five hours were spent in tho grove, at lunch, in games, on the beach and in the water making a delightful day tor the participants, who returned to this city about 6 p. j. Astraclian apples, ripe tomatoes and cucumbers at Thompson & ltbss'. Dnnk Knickerbocker bottled beer. SHOT IN THE STOMACH. Saiieinary Encoanter Fatal Effect. Witt STsLTJl.V EXTS OF ALL J'AllTIES. Oscar Delgarde shot Geo. "Wade in the abdomen with a No. 38 revolver in Dament & Sinnetfs saloon on Water street at 7:15 last evening. The wounded man was carried to the hospital. He died at 9:23 last night The man who did the shooting was promptly arrested by officer Heu drickson and locked up. The particulars are as follews: Sinnett, one of the proprietors of saloon said: "1 was sitting there," (pointing to a table near tue oarj "talk ing to a friend, when the man who was shot, and whose name I don't know, came in and sat down near by. About ten minutes after another fel low dressed in a light suit of clothes, came in and as he did the one with the big mustache, who was sitting there, jumped up and said, 'give mo them 2 now.' As he said that they both clinched, and backed and strug- gted toward the door. I heard a shot ' hred: one of them started out the ; uoor, the oilier, tue man who uau come in first, started for the back part of the roem: then he turned and cainc back and said, 'that fellow has shot m in the bellv.' I thought he w,-is fool- r.12 and asked him, he said, 'yes, I'm shot.' Then 1 run to the door aud said 'arrest that man.' Officer Hen- dricksou was close by and caught tho fellew: then I called in assistance raid had the wounded man helped to the hospital. That s all 1 know about it. The wrmnded man was the next one ! interviewed. He was lying naked on his back writhing in agony. There was a round hole about an inch to the left of the navel. Officer Beasley was helping Dr. J. A Fulton, who was busy giving what relief he- could. The man said: "Mv name is Geo. Wade, and I am going to die, goiug to die. Doctor, for Christ's sake, give me somethiiiL' that'll kill me. I'm going to die. We had a row about a little inoney, and now I'm shot and I'm going fo die." It looked very much as though he was telling the truth. The doctor probed for the bullet aud found that it had gone in clear through, aud ranged downward. "What are his chances, doctor?' asked the reporter. The doctor shook his head ominously. "I don't think he'll live," ho said finallv. It looked I as though his case was a desperate one, but the doctor was bandaging him and telling him to lie as si ill as possible. "I don't know the name of the man that shot me," said Wade to the re porter, as he turned with a groan and again asked for something to put him out of his misery. This was at eight j oclock. The man who did the shooting was next seen. He was peering through the little square opening in tho iron door of his cell. "Pll tell you all about it," said he. "Pm awful sorry it happened. I did not mean to kill him. How is he?" He was assured that Wade was rest ing easv. He was all right. "I'm'glad of that" said he. "I don't even know his name. Me and him j played seven up last night; I didn't like his game; ho was always nlannnig more points than he made. We was playing for a dollar a game. At last, when I was a couple of games ahead, he said he could lick me. and 1 got out as quick as I could. Later in tho evening I met a friend of mine named Charley Meyers; he said he'd been stood up for $18, and that I w;is likely to be, too; so I went and borrowed a gun; that's the first time in my life 1 ever packed a gun, and I wouldn't then, but 1 was afraid them fellows would lay for inc. "This evening, withont thinking of anything in particular, I walked into Dament & Sinnett's saloon, and that fellow jumped me the minute 1 got in side the dqqr. He insisted I'd beat him. out Qt $2 and grabbed me. I'm afraid of being thumped, for I have consumption, and a little makes me bleed at the lungs. I backed away from him. aud thonsht I saw some thing shine, and tho gun went off. Whore did it hit hnnr Then ho askod for some one to bring him his bottle of couch medicine, and ! he was given a mattress and a blanket for the night Wade died at 930 last night The entry in the police register is "Oscar Delgarde; murder." He will have his preliminary examination to-daj j not duplicate by human agency any an! all things done by Spiritualist mediums claiming to be done by su pernatural power. All the spiritualist manifestations Prof, Steon performs and calls them tricks, by their right name. One of tho leading attrac tions, 'of their entertainment is the wonderful magician, Master Eddie Abbott, only six years of age, who has been such a great favorite in the cast One lady was so infatuated and charmed that she followed them for weeks, and finally rau off with the little boy. Yesterday morning as the Electric and barge arrived at the railroad pier iu Young's bay, the barge struck one of the loose piles so hard that it was pushed over, pulled p and thrqwn across the inclined way. Fqrtunatolv no one w'as injured, only the guard rau ol me uargu uuumu uamageu sightly. Iurilniioii. Hon.M. C. Crosby, Mayor of Asteria: Dear Sir: With pleasure i extend lo yourself and fainilytliis public invita tion to attend the Moral, Scientific, In structive, Amusing and Wonderful Entertainment of the Steen-Abbott-Merrill combination at Hoss' opera house to-morrow night. A bo is at your service. Postmaster-General Wananiaker.over his own signature, pronounces Master Eddie Abbott a phenomenon and a wonder of the 19th century. If you will accept I w 11 promise you a raro treat, and one long to be remem bered. Your obedient servant, Fred T. Meuuii.i,, Manager. Whosays they can't find any nice fruit in town I Call on Thompson &, Koss and see their assortment of fine Qregon peaches in bocs and; baskets; also peach plums, haqana'j, apples, pears, ctc etc of every seasonable variety. Go to the Columbia bakery for all kinds of !.ikes. Remember tho Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. For fine fresh plums go to Thompson & Ross'. Talk is cheap. We lead, others fol low. Try the home made bread at the Oregon Bakery, and judge for yourself. VERY DIFFICULT NAVIGATION. A rcrilons Trip From Tillamook Hock. The surf beaten sentinels who keep watch in the lonely light house on Tillamook rock havo a hard time of it Their isolation is made doubly hard when, as at present, the Manzanita is away. Then they are absolutely with out communication. "With desire to bring some mail ashore, and get a bundle of old news papers from The Astoriak office, keeper Peterson started last Wednes day morning in a crazy old skiff, to pull to Seaside ten miles away. It was a liat Dottomeu Doar, open at tue - ,tv.0 l,f 41,rt lir nna flwilf one man could handle. All went well till about two miles from shore, when the waves rolled so high that the seams began to open, the flat bottomed boat slid up and down the hills and hol lows of the sea, and keeper Peterson buiuuii iuu iJiai;r uv miuu ua uv -1 11 21. .. l. l. 1 ' in.id,ih?Jii.r5ei.C! Tillamook Head. "Any port in a storm.' He had given up all hope of making Seaside, but hoped to get inshore somewhere utiuii; iiiu juiu ociiu mm iu u jjui c ui the sea where light houses would be ' of no avail. He had got within half a mile of shore, nearing Tillamook Head, when a wave swept him on to some jagged rocks that crunched the ribs of his and lie and the boat rolled over and over, sometimes farther out, sometimes closer in, till at last, quite beat out, Peterson managed to get to shore, and nulled his battered boat beyond the reach of the breakers. He dragged himself to a ranch close by, dried himself, and, with the precious mad that he had preserved in an oiled silk sack, started for Astoria; he got here at eleven yester- day morning, and started last evening for the spot where his boat is. He proposes to repair the boat aud trnst himself in it on a return trip to his brother keepers on the rock, who eagerly await his arrival. .Life insurance meu would consider keeper Peterson an extra hazardous risk. I'EIKONAIj JIENTIOX. John C. Lewis is in the city. Herman Wise has returned from Aberdeen. F. P. KoDdal and wife leave for Alaska to-night D. A Mcintosh left for Spokane FalLs last evening. N. W. Tallent arrived yesterday from San Francisco. D. H. Welch is quite ill with a se vere attack of Bronchitis. Miss L. Horton of Victoria, B. C.,ip in this city, a guest of Mrs. Perrie. Mrs. Nellie Thompson, .a former resident of this city, is now in Port land in very poor health. George Tnttlo has just returned from a visit of a week in Yictqrja, B. C, and roporls business very lively there. Mrs. aud Miss Gillespie, who have been guest of Capt and Mrs. Howes, went to San Francisco yesterday on the steamer. Mrs. Geo. H. Mendell and two sons, and Capt. Hubbard were amoug the passengers to San Francisco yesterday by the Oregon. Prof. Q. S. Jones and wife and Mrs. F. E. Nickels returned from Long i . , " JxVf. ,. f' . J ..... CH" ing for their homo in Soattlc, going up tho river on the steamer Tele yhune. Fred T. Merrill, of Portland, mana ger, Mrs. Martha Steen, Prof. H. J. Abbott and master Eddie Abbott, the young magician of the Steen-Abbott-Merrill combination, arrived hero yes terday morning, and will remain until next Wednesday. Harry Bees of Portland, a promin ent real estate agent, came down with his wife yesterday morning on the Thomjteon, and went to Ilwaco on tho PotUr. They will return here to morrow and his wife will remain for a few weeks visiting the family of his brother, Dr. Bee3 qf this ojty, A Vagrant Whirling Btjoy. Tho Yaquina Republican relates the following story of a vagrant whist ling buoy, which will bo road with in terest by all navigators who read The Asterian: "Several months ago the large whistling buoy that was anchoied off the mouth of this harbor went adrift and stranded on the beach three miles north of Cape Foulweather. Mayor Case contracted with the lighthouse department to bring the buoy to the government wharf iu this oity. Tues day morning he commenced moving the eight-ton mass of unwieldly iron, using J. S. Copeland's three yoke of oxen as a motive power. He handled tho buoy by rigging a bridle to two hoops of iron., one hoop being more than twice (ho diameter of the other. The buoy was rolled along tho beach and rpad without much trouble and was landed at tho dooks last evening a distance of oight miles in less than two days. It was a good job, skill fully performed." Passengers to Portland. The following is the list of passen gers having rooms, who went up tho river last night on the steamer Tele phone: A. Hrilborn, A. Merrill, H. L Flood, J. Kohn, F, M. Gilmore, J. E. Poyton and wife, Capt J. H. D. Gray, M. E. Morgan, J. Ash, W. W. Padlar, R. P. Waldron, Stoltz, Dr. Mullinix, J. Kra'cb, A. J.Cady, Corbet, J. Steiuer, D. Nash, E. E. Bethwick, H. Hoyes, Mrs. Bernhardt, Mrs. F. E. Nickels, O. E. Jones, and wife, C. Knowlest H. Gillette, J. Corbett, A. Farnor, D. A, Mcintosh, F. Kinney, T. Hennsey," IL E, Burns, J. McDonald, Geo. Shields, J. McGuire, To be Takeu With a Grain of Salt A diver who was working at the foundation of a railroad bridge near Boise City. Idaho, gave a signal to be hoisted quickly. When he got to the surface he held fast a sixty-five pound salmon that ho had caught by the gills. Toils and Pimples and other affections arising from impure blood may appear at this season when the blood, is healed. Hood's SarsapariJIa removes the cause of lhe$c troubles by purifying, vitaliz ing and enriching the blood, and at the same time it gives strength to the whole system. "" Choice fresh Oregon Thompson & Boss'. peaches at iron froir, :mn nrnntrrwi n rin inr iia .r i.,.i..n ... .1.. ,..i 4i. n?;in.-. r : hardy mariner. He felt no fear for the court being present. iTPonfWliiv en: himself, but stuck to tho upset boat, J. .T. Stokes vs. P. Brewn: entrv toono.- , " SiU AH the Choicest Delicacies, made by only first-class men at the Seaside Uakery. Go to the San Francisco Gallerv for the finest Photographs and Tintypes. OIney Street For a good shave go to F. Ferrell. THE FIRKSffiN AN'D THE 3IAYOR. A New Ordinance Drafted and Submitted. Messrs. Fulton, "Worsley, Weeks, Trenchard and Green, the "committee delegated to wait on the Mayor rel ative to the ordinance regarding the appointment of engineers in the As toria fire department, had a confer-' ence with him yesterday, which re- suueu in tue committees itraiting a new ordinance yesterday, and submit ting it to the Mayor. He has not signed the one passed by the council last Tuesday night, but with such modifications as he mav nnn u uiii witrruij in iiit-" i-iiiiihtii inr see fit will present to the council for .-:. i -r"i7Z"l iiJBU.ulT""'u V WNUMUUUUJlBlt Tuesday evening the ordinance drafted yesterday. It differs very little from the old or dinance relative to the same matter. It gives the foreman of each fire com pany the right to appoint the engin eer. Such appointment must be con- j i. i. " :i In addition (and in this lies the only change) should the foreman at any time neglect or refuse to dis charge or suspend an engineer for j cause, the council can do so. THE CIRCUIT COURT. Sixteenth Day of the June Terra, Thursday, Jniy 17th. The com t opened at 10 o'clock, show the mrtv is entitled to amend. Mary K. Adair et al vs. 13. A. O wons; demurrer sustained, and 30 davs al- i lowed plaintiff to amend or defendant nlaintiff to amend or defendant in fnl-n iiulfrpmont nf flicmienl Harry Haslam, a native of Great Britain who came hore a minor, was . admitted to citizenship uuder seotion 1 2167 revised statutes of the United States. , G. F. West, a native of Bucsia, was admitted to citizenship. A Kallnnki vs. E.Mattson aud Otto Lundquist; confirmation of sale asked for and argued before the court and allowed. There being no further business on hand, the term of the court was closed, adjournment being had sino die. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The steamship LaJcmc, Capt. S. F. Graves, arrived from Port Townsend yesterday, with 20 cases of egus, S6 sacks of wool and 1,000 barrel of Jime. Tho steamship Columbia, Capt. F. Bolles, arrived from San Francisco i" -;' I.:: ."r"i" """ . . rr; ...nt...i... .:t. si .i.: l no i ilU ILiaaUilKUlP, .lUll 1 1U11JO illUUUtIL UL freight Of the latter thero came to this port 102 barrels of sugar, 167 cases of fruit, 519 packages of miscel laneous freight and 767 casc3 of salm on cans. The steamer Alliance, Capt Peter son, came down from Portland yester- ! day and sails this morning for Gray's harbor. She lias 18 passengers and a miscellaneous onrgo of freight, amoug which is an engine and planing ma- I cliiue for a mill at Montesano, a large furniture wagon for Jdoqumm, a lot of railroad iron, oil in cans and barrels, and 25 fine fat hogs. The steamship Oreyon, Capt E. Polemann, sailed for San Francisco j ycsieruay wnn a goouiy nnmuer ot passengers and a large load of freight, j Among that from Portland were 290 sacks ot wool, 425 sacks of oats, 55Q bundles, or Hides, i,iM) sacks ot wheat, 1,600 sapks of (jour. From hero wero ! shinned 129 iinaknoes of .snndrins. 1H0 r . . A i ...r . -. - : sacks of oysters, 398 bundles of lath, and 2,379 bundles of shooks. They Killed the l'car. The party sent down by Major Handbury to make a hydrographic survey of the Columbia from Tongue point to Cathlamethavo been working for some time in the vicinity of Three Tree point, and every day they no ticed a big black bear come down to the shore of the river to eat berries. They concluded to have a try for the hide of the animal, and sent dawn to captain Brown, of tho steamer Men dell, for s.omo ammunition suitable for boar. The ammunition was sent, with some joking comments in regard to the improbability of any bears be ing killed. The next evening after it was received tho man who attends lo the light at the point met the bear and bowled for assistance, aud A. L. Up son, who had loaded his gun for bear, rushed out and shot the animal. The head has been sent to this city to be mounted, and as nothing has beer, heard of tho hide or carcass, it is sup posed they were blown to smither eens. Oreyonian, 17. TITTRTV YEA11S' PRACTICE A Letter from an Eminent Physician. Mn. Editer: At tho risk of indorsins a proprietary preparation, I hayc a tew wordi in favor of a ucr laxattvo principle. But fiist, how I camo to discover it A patient asfced about taking Joy's Vegetable Sarsa parUIa. As sarsaparillas usually contain mercury or iodides I objected, and asked for the formula, which finding purely vegetable, and so mild as to bo to my mind almost Inert, I consonted. Imagino my astonish ment when perfect laxative action was re ported. It has two great points. First, being purely vegetable, It is (unlike mercury) not cumulative in the system, being easily car ried off by the digestive processes ; and recond, it Is effective with a less quantity of tho cathartic principlo thou has hitherto been attainable. It in this respect ranks as a discovery, and approaches the ideal, viz.: tho least medicine consistent with the great est good. It harmonizes natural laxatiro action and perfect safety, and should inter est both the public and the profession. A CITV PHYSICIAN' OFTHIRTT YEAUS PHACTICE. San Francisco Examiner, March 10, 1SS0. Choice fresh smoked eastern sugar cured hams at Thompson & Ross, ADYI0E TO MOTHERS. Mns. Wrxsi.ow's Soothiko Syrup should always bo used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chollc, and is the best remedy for diar-rhoea.Twcnty-fivc cents a bottle. The lateM stvl or Gents' Roots and Shoes.it l.l.GooDMATifcCo.'s. Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes; also flexible hand-turned French Kids, at P. .1. Goodman & Co.'s. Slcnmcr Tor Sale. The steam schooner Francis Culling, now lying In Port Townsend, is offered for sale an, reasonable terms. Said steamer was built in spring of 1889, has a net tonnage of CO tons, will carry about ninety tons of merchandise he low deck and is guaranteed in first class order in every respect For further particulars apply to F. P. KisxdaTjT, Columbia River Pkg. Co., Astoria. For a good Clean Room, go to the dain Street Hou-tc. , Good Goods and low rates at the Sea side Bakery. Ice cream at .Jeffs now restaurant Private entrance. For the very best Photos, so to Shus- A. ... , . .... i . ' -, 1A u.uo pur UVX il3 ter. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed or recorded on July 17, 1890, as reported for The Mobstko Astobiax by the Astoria Abstract Title and Trust company : M. J. Kinney et al to Albert Henshaw, lots 33, 34, 35, 3G, blk 31, New Astoria S 823 United States to Anton Huber, the N..W. U of sec 2-1 in T. 7 N., B. 10 W. Patent. Annio Eeidt and husband to John Rice, lots 7 andS, blk 30, Eosedale 50 M. J. Kinney et al to E. L. Naylor, lot 11, blk 20, New Astoria 1GG M J. Kinney et al to John and Nils Wallgren, lot 35. blk 25, New Astoria 1G6 Total deeds filed o; total amount S 1,205 Previonslv reparted this year ..'. 1,504,023 Total to date 81,505,828 The Dnty on Tin Nate. Following is a list of duty imposed on tin plate. The first column is the recent duty; the second that imposed bv the McKinley tariff bill: 1014x20 per box 108 243 IX 14x20 per box 136 306 1XX 14x20 per box 157 354 IXXX 14x20 per box 178 401 450 486 612 70S 802 900 IXX 20x2S per box. .; 314 IXXX 20x23 per box 356 TVVYY OfWOtI nn. 1, itV ' l "" BOornfG i-lates. , 10 14x20 per box 10S IO 20x28 per box 216 i IX 20x28 per box 272 ' 243 4S6 012 Tliii is what you ought to haw, in fact, you must .have it, to fully enjoy life, Th iiis.mds arc searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our peo ple in the hope that they may altiin this boon. And yet it may be had hy ali. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if iim'-1 according to directions and the u-.e persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion aud oust the demon dyspep sia and instead Eupepsy. We recom mend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidncj.s. Sold at 50c. and Sl.00 per bot 1 1 hy .1. W. Conn, Druggist. WttiiilsnrilVi licvr At the Sunny Side saloon. Furnished room up stubs. Delirious Ice Cream ! l dally at the Columbia bafce-rv. Active, wide-awake boys can find emplnymant at the cannery of .1. O. llanthorn & Co. iEonms iritli Hoard. Parties desiring comfortable rooms with board, at reasonable rates, can he accommodated at Mrs. E. U. llohlon's. eorner -Main and Fourth street'. Wcinhnrct's Uocr. And Free Lunch at (he Telephone Sa loon, ."cents. (Jo to the Columbia bakery ice cream parlors ami try a dish of their fine ice cream. Who Gets That THOUSAND DOLLARS! OP COURSE HERMAN lift oilers to soil anything and everything- in his Bir Clothing' Store at Cost. BECAUSE! Everybody who is in need of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Furnishing goods, Etc., will buy of Herman Wise, for the reason that they can now for the next sixty days secure Real Rare Bargains -n: AT :o- Herman Wise's, Th(i Reliable Clothier and Hatter, In Occident Hotel Building. War. AV. Wiikruy. S. A.WlIKUKY. ItlCUARD IlARRY, Civil Engineer. Wherry & Harry, Real Estate AND SURVEYING. TOWNSITE WORK A SPECIALTY. City and Suburban Property Sold on Com mission. Investments Made Tor Outside rartles. REFERENCES I. W. Case, Banker. Jndso c. II. rage. Office on Third Street, Near Court House, ASTORIA, OR. T Nottingham Lace Sixty Cents per Pair, to Five Dollars Just Received, at The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of the City . II 517 and 521 Third St LADIES, ATTENTION ! Tlie Popular Boot 'and Sh.o Stoye, Wo- 537 T&irdSt., Are receivinc jrnnfls fmm flm frllrtTt-nr -mnrori!...,M.. tt.;i p n -m- - m - , .-. . n.,roi wv ? ,;t "" '""""o luiujuiuuuuma. uujrwwu a, Worcester, mass.; joun atrooiman, F?E T rr n - r Ty' LynD' Mass-; Marcie&Cie, New York City: A. E Brown & Co., Phila.; and an 8 and 88 Two Choice Blks in Adair's Astoria for sat.k m Van Dusen & Go Lots in Block "8"1 S200. Lots in Block "88" $150. Half Gash, Balance in Three and Six Months. STAIl lots slaked at four corners. Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves $ Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WAllllANTED WATKlt CLOSETS, PLUMUISO GOODS, PUMPS, SINKS, AXD BATH TUBS. UCTcdo cfc Scully, OHENAMDS STREET. le L. R. Aborcromblo, Prop. Finest and Most Convenient Summer Resort IN SEASIDE. Every Room Newly Furnished. Private Eooms for Families. AND TOURISTS. Transient Custom Solicited. TERMS, REASONABLE. Tho only Abercrombie Hotel at Seaside, Oregon. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEYELA'D, Prop'r. Goot Bread, Cate and Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered In any part of the city. ASTORIA AND South Coast Railway, Atacroi Hotel Sunday. Leave Via Steamer Astoria Thompson G :00 A M Totter. 9:00 Telephone 4:20 pm Monday. Electric. 4:10 " Tuesday. Thompson.- G :0O a m Electna. 8:.30 " rottr r. 2 :0O i m Electrie: 4:10 " Wednesday Thompson..- 6:00 am Electric- 8:30 " Electric-.. 4: lor ii Thursday. Thompson 6 :00 a m Potter 2:00pm Telephone. 4:20 " Friday. Thompson. G:00am Electric 8:30 " Electric- 4:10PM Lv. ClalMp Beach, 5 : 00 A Mn 8:15 " d 3:40 V M 3 : 10 P MC 3 : 00 A Ma 7;50 " c 1 ; 10 p Md 3:40 " c 5:00 A M 7:50 " C 3:40 P MC 5 : 00 A Ma 1 :10 i Md 3;40 " b 5:00 a Ma 7:60 " c . 3 : 40 P Me Saturday. Thompsou 6 :00 A m Electric 8:30 " Telephone. ..... 4 ;20 p m Potter G:30 5:00 A Ma 7:50 " e 3 : 10 P ii h 6:00 " a a Connects with Thompson for Astoria and Portland. 7i-ConnecLs with Telephone for Astoria and Portland, c Connects with Potter for Astoria and Portland. d Connects with Potter for Ilwaco. e -Connects with Electric for Astoria, Round trip tickets la steamers Potter, Thompson and Telephone for ?ale at Union PaciQc and Telephone ticket offices. Baggage checked between Astoria and all regular stations via Union Tacific boats at Union Pacific dock, and on the tram. WM, REID, President. HENRY B. TIIIELSEN, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. Notice. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL 10 o'clock a. m. Friday. July 18th, lSoo, at the office of county clerk for printing, notices and blanks, or other printing ordered for Clatsop County, said contract to expire June 30th, 1891. The County Court reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. By order of the County Court, Attest : C. J. TRENCHAKD. Clerk. BIEW DESIGNS. FROM COOPER'S 3a. :b. 3E0"K77'OX A 5$ a map in UK Acres, close to river and street car line. Only So00 per acre, for a few days only. 55,000 can be made on this property within three raontlis. Wlnijg&te & tom Odd Fellows1 Building-, Lots in Case's Astoria Are Sow on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Real Estate Co. PRICES FKOM Si 50 TO 8250 EACH. - TERMS '-One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. Weinhard's Is the Choice of Superior Facilities lot Shipping in Civ Load Lots. Orders for any quantity to be directed to H. WEIKHARD, Portland, Or.egon. Corner Twelfth and 15. Telephone 72. New RESTAURANT SECOND - STREET (Opp. Telephone Landing.) Is the Boil Ton Restanraut of tie Town j (A3J1 THE FINEST OX THE COAST.) Dinner Parties, Banqets, a Specially Tjc Finest Wines and TAquors. Private Entrance and Rooms. !N. II. No connection with hl-5 ohl place on Main Street. ESPEnlnrgeil and Refitted to Meet tho Popular Demand.,3 FINEST RESTAURANT IN THE CITY. Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters. Private Rooms Fo? Dinner Parties, Etc. MEAIjS COOKED TO OltDER. THIRD STKEET, - ASTORIA, OR. The Oregon Land Ce: Where Property Corner Third ASTORIA, For Desirable Acreage Or INSIDE PROPERTY. Call on or Address Leinenweber & Goodenough, SECOND ST., Near Postoulce. - - - - - P. O. Box 3,, Curtains 9 Astoria. cfc Oo, Astoria, Oregon. Real Estate. - - ASTORIA, Oft Lager Beer ! the Connoisseur. P. O. Bex 105 estaurant. Is Left For Sale. and OIney Sts-, OREGON . .1 :