smtgm (1) SlteJBatfy Syrian. BRIGHTON BEACH! ASTOKIA. OREGON: C1II1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU1I1I ess&iEaiit::siaaiaBE!33siiiiaa3 FRIDAY. .JULY 18, 1890 As Laid out by h. f. l. Logan . The Coming Seaside Resort of Oregon. SWUpM1 ' ' ict auwwy 1 1 JU141 f 1 j i -yy "w-Tasr -wwi As Laid Out by H. F. L LOGAN SCHOOL HATTERS. Among other things to be discussed at the school meeting at district No. One next Monday evening is the es tablishing of a high school in said dis trict Before attempting exact discussion of any question it is always best to have terms exactly defined. Just what is meant by "establishing a high school in the district," is too vague a generalization to admit of close argu ment or definite criticism. It may be assumed, however, that the project is to have more advanced grades taught in that building. It is proljable that at the meeting the idea or intention will be elaborated with more exactness, and that it can then be made more satisfactory basis for argument pro and con. It is a ques tion of great importance. Kecogniz ingthe fact that it is cheaper to edu cate a child than to punish a criminal, the state, purely as a matter of busi ness, takes upon itself to give every boy and girl a knowledge of the rudi mentary principles of education. We have little patience with those fine spun theorists who come out of a glass case and say that if the state ed ucates a child, it ought, logically, to Teed it, clothe it, give it a trade, and n start in business. There is no logic in such argument The one does not imply the other, and all practical peo ple recognize the necessity of popular education, and the requisite sustain ing of our national public school system, without which the country would go to pieces. This is not an extravagant state ment Without the public school, this republic of ours wouldn't last one generation. The children go in as in dividual representatives of every country; they have all the inherent elements of the nativity from which they sprung. They come out Amer icans; welded together; homogen eous; no longer Scandinavian or Ger man or English or Irish or French, or anything else but Americans. Nothing else will do that; it is a necessary work, and the most ingen iously devised political scheme couldn't improve on the public school system as a machine for manufactur ing young Americans out of the ma terial furnished. Just how far the state should go in educating the child is a question on which there is considerable difference of opinion. Some think that if the state fur nishes its boys and girls with the rudiments: with what is called an "ordinary common school education," it has done its duty. Others think that the state should do mora They hold that the higher branches should be taught and that when our boys and girls have completed the course, for instance now taught in the public schools of this city, they should have an opportunity to take a high school course. This is believed to be a fair state ment of the case. A few further remarks are in order. It maybe stated without fear of suc cessful contradiction that a public school should give its pupils the ru diments of a common school educa educa teon: that is the vory least expected of it, and that until such result is reached the very first requirements of a school are not fulfilled. It will also be admitted on all sides that these primary requirements may bo briefly stated as follews: A boy or girl after a sufficient time spent at school ought to be able to add, sub tract, multiply, and divide figures cor rectly, read intelligently, and write a legible hand. This, is, certainly, not asking too much, or setting a very high standard of requirements, yet those humble but necessary requirements are what a good many boys and girls haven't got It is the duty of the stite, the city, the school district to see that they have at least a fair chance to attain that and until every boy and girl of school age have an even show to learn the humble butnece3sary "three B's." that school is not filling its func tions. These are the corner stones of the stately edifice that is capped to com pletion by the high school, the college and the state university. Homely duties are none the less im perative because of their humble sta tion. The idea of a high school is a grand ene: it should be our purpose and privilege to have a high school that would bo a "high school," one in fact as well as in name; if our citizens believe that the primary duties of the school are fully up to existing require ments: if the lower rooms are not too crewded: if the primary departments arc not overflewing: if the trained and experienced teachers in those now are getting the salaries they should; if all that ought to be done to insure a boy aad girl a chance to learn to read and write and cipher is done, let us have a kigb school that shall not be out ranked in the slate. Expense in such a case is a secondary object Agcrap el Paper Saves Her life It was justan ordinary scrap of wrap ! paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, toM by her physicians that she was in cwrabieandcoHld live only a short time; ske welcHed less than seventy pounds. Oa a piece of wrapping paper she read Dr. Kings New Discovery, and got a sarnie bettle: it helped her, she bought atarefeottkit helped her more, bought mtthcr and grew better fast, continued fteee ad is now strong, healthy, rosy, ima, weigHiag 140 pounds. ForfulJer MTtfcatars send stamp to V. U. Cole, SriiMttet. fort Smith. Trial bottles of ahteweajerfal Discovery Free at .1. W. Omm's Drugstore. TlefccliegiHg House. JtattDe&iatown. Rooms per night' aa sail 9K ots ner week S1.50. K ew and Private estrance. ROBE & PARKER, General Agents, - - A 1,000 BET. The memorandum of an agree ment made in Astoria, Oregon, this 18th day of July, 1890, by an 'J between Herman Wise and J. Ash, witnesseth: that each of the parties hereto have depositod with Mr. C. J. Trenchard of said city, the sum of 500, and that it is mutually agreed between the par ties hereto, that if the sales of said Herman "Wise, at his clothing es tablishment at 469 and 471 Second street, in said city, shall exceed the full sum of 15,000 within the next sixty days from the date hereof, all of the total sum of 1,000, deposited as aforesaid, shall be paid to said Herman Wise, on his affording said C. J. Trenchard satisfactory evidence that his sales have in said period exceeded said amount and that if said sales do not in said period exceed said amount, said total sura of 1,000 is to be paid said J. Asb. Witness our hands and seals the dar and year first above written. Herman Wise. .1. Ash. Signed in presence of C. J. Curtis, Notary Public for Oregon. seal Herman Wise is not a betting man, but Mr. Ash was bragging so much about the amount of bus iness done bjT certain houses on the Sound, that Mr. Wise offered to bet 500 that he can sell just as much clothing as any retail clothing house on Puget Sound. This is a matter of home pride, and as Herman Wise offers his entire stock at cost, rather than lose the bet, it is safe to say that Astonans generally will help themselves and their town, by helping Mr. Wise to win this 81,000. NEW TO-DAY. For Sale. O NE FIRST-CLASS NEW SEINE. IN- quire of Columbia River racking Co. Reward. A REWARD OF $23 WILL BE TATD by the Scandinavian Benevolent So ciety for the recovery and rirlivery of the body of Peter Brown at Astoria, or., who was drowned oir Scarborough hi'l July ICth. By order of the Board of dirci tors, MARTIN' OLSEN. President. Auo. Daxiklsojt, Rec'jr Sec'y. Reward of S25. WILL BE PAID BY SEASIDE LODGE No. 12, A. O U. V., for the recovery of t lie body of Brother Peter Brown delivered at Astorin, Oregon, on or before Aujr. 1, 1K)0. Attest : L W. CASE. Acting M. W. SPECIAL. AVe have for sale fifty of the finest lots m Gnmes7 grove, beasiue, Oregon. These lots lie between the Necanicum and the ocean, and the Astoria and South Coast trains run through the middle of the tract At the rate this properly is now selling it will be out of the market very soon. Intend ing purchasers will do well to call on us at Astoria or Seaside at once and secure a lot before the inevitable ad vance. WARREN & WRIGHT. 559 Third Street. Three Xfghts, Commencing Saturday, July 19. Engagement Extraordinary, headed by the World's Phenomena, Master Eddie AMott, The youngest (aged C) in the world. Possessing the Occult Science of .Ne cromancy, assisted by his Funny and Faithful "Gumbo" (Prof. II. J. Aubott.) The World-Renowned STEEN FAMILY Prof. Clias. IV. Stecn, and ITInrtlia. E. Stccit, Who are the only neonle livinc that giveagenuiue transmission of thought reauing ana expose or juoaern spirit ualism by the broad gaslight Clergymen and church jieople are Inter ested in these phenomenas, acknowledged by press and pnblic to be the greatest In the llDe in the world. Admission Reserved seats to all carts of the house, 59c; gallery, tsc. Sale of seats at the New York Novelty Store, Sat- uruay morning at y oxiock. CO TO EASTMAN'S AND GET $5 Cabinets for S2.50. H. EESTROM, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA, OR. A fine line of Gold and Silver Watches, Solid Gold aud Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc., at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman. An energetic man who understands Clothing or tailoring to renresent us in Astoria and viclnitv. as Rales Agent. Splendid fall aud winter assort ment now readv, WANAMAKER &. BROWN, JPliiladelpkia, Pa. Tfcc largest Clothing and Merchant Tailoring House in America. Boss House Wagon Road From A. J. STEELE, President L. O. CIIENAULT, Vice-President and Business Manager. Frankfort 13EIIIIIIII1 Paid-up Capital, 8300,000. Frankfort, - - Washington. Correspondence Solicited. ASTORIA OFFICE, P. O. Warren REAL ESTATE DEALERS. 559 Third St., - - Astoria, GRIMES' HOTEL, Seaside. Special Bargains in Seaside Property Investments for Non-Residents a Specialty. La Fayette Park. Three Miles from the Postofiice and Custom House. Astoria Real Estate Co. 112 CASS ST., G-O TO THIEJ Columbia Bakery FOR FRESH BREAD, Cakes, ami Fine Confectionery. All Orders Delivered. COOLEY BROS. FLYNN, The Tailor, KEE?S 13 STOCK THE Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styles lie bujs for Cash at Eastern Trices. lie Guarantees the Best Workmanship on all Garments. Call and see lor yourself. Ilarth Block. ASTORIA, OK. The Pacific Real Estate Company Sells tickets to or from any part of the United States or Europe with any line desired. Also Money Order or Exchange on European Countries. Astoria Grocery and Canned Fruit Co., JOBBERS and. RETAINERS, Carrying a. Full Line of Groceries, Provisions, Green and Canned Fruits. No. 5 1 8 Second Street. Willamette :- University Graduates Students In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law and Medical Courses. Also Musical, Theological, Pharmaceutical and Art Courses. It is the oldest, largest aud least expensive institution of learning in the northwest. School opens first Mouday In September. Send for catalogue to THOS. VANSCOY, President, Salem, Or. Neimi & Engross, MANUFACTURING Jewelers nd Watchmakers. Jewelry, Watclic.-, aud Clocks Repaired at Extremely tow Prices. 628 Third St., - Astoria For One Week. A FRONT CORNER RESIDENCE LOT, Mxloo in block 107, Olney's Astoria, next block to residence of A. A. Cleveland. Splendid view ot city and river, and rare chance to get a building lot cheap. Lots In vicinity selling for SS00 to Price. $C0D. J. H. MANSELL, Real Estate Broker. JACOBS & PLMMER, Contractors aM Bniliers, Estimates Given on Brick, Stone, r Wood Work. CeHcrcte aud. Cement Werk: a Specialty. OFFICE, - 384 Third Street. Terminus of Astoria J.F.I30UIIX, Sec. J. II. JOKES, Treasurer Land Co. atEitiiasii Flavel's Brick Building. Box 701. & Wright N Astoria, Oregon. Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison St.. Tortland, Oregon. Advance Threshers AND ENGINES, Parm, Church and School Bells. In,?P.!r?.tors Injectors and Feed Pumps, Coal Oil Engines. Trahcm Pumps, Kriebel Engines, Roilers and Steam Generators J0atndry Machinery. XTarlnelTachincry CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES, Blacksmith Forges and Drills, Best Axle Grease and Compound in the world. Pow ell's Brass Goods and Iron Pipe. Sena for Circular. OKLO F. PARKER. CARL A. HANSON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steame THIS WEEK, Bress - GoodSi The Old Stand - Astoria Orecon. and South Coast Railroad -to the Resort, J. H. MANSELL, - REAL ESTATE BROKER KOTA11Y PUBLIC FOIl STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Correspondence Solicited. P.O. Box 303. Established 1SS3. INVESTMENTS MADE FOR OUTSIDE PAltriES. Next V. U. Telegraph Office. Third ift. At:-na. Orcyou. u Mika CANDY To-Day-Fine Ice Cream Soda-To-Bay Also Handle None lrat the Finest Key West and Imported OIG-ARS. Please Call and Give me a Trial. THIRD STREET. Next AV. O. Telegraph I . L ILEIA8T. Real Estate Broker Office on Third St., Opp. Odd Fellow's Temple. P. O. IJox 811. ASTOKIA, OREGON. Lots in WARRENT0N and WEST WARRENT0N For Sale, On Installment Plan. Discount for A residence in Astoria since 1872 enables me to give the best of information respect ing properly in Astoria anu tuts vicinity. FRED Saddles and Harness A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAW FRANCISCO PRICES. I make a specialty of good work and guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand, Wes Side Olney Street, Near Wilson & FiMicr's. ASTORIA, OREGON. Immense Stocls. OF- FURNITURE CHAS. HEILBOHN. Two car loads received : More on the way. You are invited to see the finest display of Furniture, Carpets, etc, in the city. Trices rea-sonrblc. THE OLD STAND, - ASTORIA, OR MERCHANT TAILORS. Dealers in Gents' Pnrnishing Goods of All Kinds. Suits Made to Order at Short Notice, at Lowest Prices. Always Keep New fioods on Hand. Also Cleaning and Repairing. 02 Water St, Asoria, Or. P. o. Box 210. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh.' Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh every Steamer. BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. Notice of School Meeting IS HEREBY GIVEN TO TIIE LEGAL voters of School District No. 1, that a meeting will be held la the school house of said district on Monday, July 2lst, 1630, at T3UP. .. ior mo purpose oi levying a tax to support a school in said district Tor the ensuing year. Also a tax to pay interest on the present indebtedness. Also a tax for incidental exnenses. Also a tax to rvdppm some of the outstanding bonds; and to dis cuss the question or establishing a high school in said district, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Bv order of the Rn.inl of nirMnr r said district. Attest : J. W . CONN, Chairman. J. G. HUSTLER, Clerk. Astoria, July nth, IS30. 5 do" FACTORY I "WT T YT - T I?"RJTT A ?rsi TY.JLJ. J JLg.JL-1 U1.S 1 I SJl JL AGENT. SA.IZ THE Largest : Stock ! THE Lowest : Prices I i lEaTcMieJlae Jg Si i i tumii i hiiim aim ii i i ii 1 1' ' jnntmuCT MMmEmmW Ostonu Mowers Wilson & Fisher, AGENTS. One Horse - - s5.-Jl OO Two " No. m . C5 OO " -Bi:rl - - 73 00 -THE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAY HANSEN, Proper. A Large and Weil Selected Stock of Fine Diamonds t Jewelry At Extremely Low Trice3. All Goods Bought at Thin Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Comer Cass and Squemoqua Streets Affording a Lovely j jhw 1HI1111 mil Ii.ju Bona aon cojr-mi i mm rirmn rrrn r ING ..S? We offer for sale our Entire COST. Surprise Orders from the Country and the benefit Mmmmm TERMS OF SALE STEICTJLY CASH. New York Novelty Store, Ravel's Brick Building, Opp. Occident Hotel. ITY BOOK STOR DS!,to2?s For Blank Books and Stationery of All Kinds. A Large Assortment of The Latest Periodicals as soon as GRIFFIN : ale Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I havo completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wino in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL OltDEHS DELIVERED FllEE IN ASTORIA. Yonr patronago in City or Conntry solicited. A. VV. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. Stockton Real Elstate AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sale. MAIN ST ASTOKIA, OK., Y. 0. Box 511. No curbstone brokers employed here 'File Tailor Ghas. McDonald. Call and See My ATobby Stock of Spring- Goods Just Arrived. It comprises the latest goods in the market, and I offer them at prices never before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most comfortable fitting suits in the city. Next to C. H. Cooper's The New Model Eange CAN BE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF IS. R. HA WES, Agent. Call and Examine It ; You "Will be Pleased. E. R. nawes Is also Agent foi the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. FIRE WORKS -A.-t Tlie For All kinds of Fire Works, best Tea. Japanese and Chinese Curiosities and Novelties. Fine Silk Goods, Rare Crockery, Lacquered Ware. Ivory Toys, Matting. Ladies' Under wear, Etc., go to WINC LEE & CO. 521) THIRD ST., ASTORIA, OR. North Pacific Brewery, JOHN K0PP, - - Proprietor. BREWER OF EXTRA FINE BOHEMIAN LAGER BEER. EXTRA FINE STEAM BEER. 3L JS1 FORT jE3 3EI . SSALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. -sa Drive. OUT SALE! JBLtt Stock BELOW ITS ORIGINAL Bargains Every Day. will receive prompt attention of ihe reduction. E Novels Always on Hand and Magazines received published. & : REED. Wine House. & Welch, Astoria, Oregon. jd: . . -. a