-5-w-- r- r?j rnnmnmn wnrirYrr- rit SiBBttttMdttetti BteafafcfiiHiUliliM $fte gjiiltl storan. vJTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY ..JULY IT, 1800 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors. ASTOUIAK IJUILDI.NO. CassStkekp. Terms of Subscription. Ser cA uv Carrier, or week ............ IB els Sent by Mali, per month .. cocts ont b Mail, one eir .... .. 7.00 Five of X)staj;e to Mihscribcrs, Thk Astoria? KunnmUit's to its adver tiser, the largest circulation of any newspa Mr pubhslietl on the Coluinbu river. To-day's excursion to the Sea side promises to be a very pleasant affair. A Pair o Jacks" is billed for the opora house next week. Not three ot a kind: jnst a lone pair. The circuit court convenes at 10 o'clock this morning, having been ad journed from last Friday. "The coming newspaper will not print am advertisements." If this is so, the coming woman will not read it. c. "HAMS OFF!" Last Eyeuiifs Meeting of Astoria Eire Department. Tie A General Opinion That the I)riitmcnt Should lie Allowed to Rrptlate j J, 1?. Halloran, being called on, said j uiac mere were two umigsio ue netea: with all responsibility should go an accompanying degree of power. The foreuiau of the company was made re sponsible for the apparatus. If to I him -was delegated that responsibility, ito him also should be granted the power to appointor suspend an en I1EXEATII THE WAVES. Drowning of Peter Brown Noon. Yesterday Jnst before noon yesterday as Peter Brown and his boat puller John Jnr genseu, were down the river opposite bcarborongu hill ana had started to re- lis Own A Hail's. make a foreman responsible and then lie his hands as to any interference re garding the man or men in daily I charge of that apparatus. He also .speecbe, isolations, Etc. The .Major AVcd deprecated the possibility of bringing :rt- Tl- wnr. vfiM. oml ....'..ft- fs UU"UU1UUJJU 1UUUUUJJUUSU UlWl lO a S:rJL"BlnS5!tiini.liome1pnoor the oats fell over To Veto the Obnoxious Ordinance Not since the champions relumed from Tacoma in triumph last Septem ber with the eagles of victory perched politics into the department, and while it was likely that the council intended for the best, and should not I be hastily blamed for their action, yet, board, and in reaching for it Brown fell into the water. As quickly as possible, considering the strong wind blowing, and the rough state of the water, Jnrgcnson threw out two oars, and then brought the boat back to his struggling companion, and managed to catch hold of him by the collar of his shirt, but was unable to hold on, the effect of the orifcianrc it enforced, j aml BrQ beneath the waters wuiuu in. tu liiiimiuauy iiuruiu iu uiis J ,i . - w f- .u; . ! "I I . 4. il i- l ..1 T 1 " McUSDVtll 11V llIAJiU. .XXLIAJL till IIU upon their banner-, was mere so large ui-jianmwii, iu,n u)iquof ju.mu- - h j-jy u Jnrgenson a meeting of firemen in this city as that which assembled ::l the call of the board of foremen, in the handsome parlors of Rescue No. 2, last evening to discuss the ordinance passed by the council last Tuesday night Every seat was filled, and Iho iioor w:is covered with mcmlx?rs of the fire department, mostly members who are first to respond at the sound of the fire bell. i iiuiuiuu w.is an iiuiiiiu necessity. :i.i i.: :.. ,t . ri i. C. J. Curtis said that the council a " n.. - had been in somewhat of a dilemma , ' B ' ' , d rcaidc(1 bero - 1S77 regarding this matter: the whole trou-wasa Nortregiail and leaves n ble had arisen i regarding Jas. Scott ,; and fivc chifArc to' mourn his loss, he engineer of No. ones, the council jonoo the latter an infant, onlv n few thought that matter needed invesh-1 davs M He was about 37 vears of gallen: they didn t desire to take away , ter of g Lodge, No the appointing power from the fore-, Q yj d - d f man, but they did, want to have mat-, Jluw i.nnm, 'it;., p,.rffn wi.mi tens so ;irraii"'.u uu;l il a iorcma:i wouldn't discharge a man for incom I the body will be found, if ever, for it potency they ceuld: the committee on liie meeting was caiieti tooripr m 1re aacl Wltcr aidn't want to hurt the L .J. Trenchard, foremau or jo. Unes, ' je) Cttrimhan fc Co. have the contract to daltver ."i 1 o.mV spruce limbs at 4.iKi pr turd.JiU"l 2-" cords fir at 1.2") jnl euro, to s-cli.ol district JNt. J. The work ot replanking Third street has now leached "West Ninth street, and the crossing at the intersection of those two streets is being lorn up. F. IJarloldes was thrown from a hay rack on Tuesday evening and severely injured. Dr. Pulton attended him and found that two ribs were broken. Probably nothing so emphasizes our rapid growth as a country more forci bly than a look at the maps in the geographies that the school children use. Fred Hartin, son of Louis Martin, fell overboard yesterday afternoon near Kinney's cannery, but was pulled out, uninjured, onlv he received a cold bath. The city wants bids for stationery. It ues asiiigh as $20 worth in a year, some years. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office ot llpn. T. S. Jewell. Tickets for the excursion to-day can be found at the stores of Parker A- Hansen, H. 3L Thatcher, Thompson & Koss, also can be purchased on ltoard the steamer Electric, which will leave Wilson & Fishers dock at 9 o'clock a. M. sharp. The fall tcrmot the "Willamette Uni versity at Salem opens first Monday in September. Intending students who desire proficiency at a home in stitution of prestige and acknowledged worlh should write to President Van Scoy, for catalogue, etc. Quite a number of remarkable tests were given by Prof. Steen yesterday, iu this office and in various stores, showing his wonderful power of inind reading. Madame btecn, the boy magician and the balaucc of the com pany will arrive here this morning. The "Annual North Pacific Almanac and Statistical Handbook for 1S90" is received. It is full of valuable infor mation about Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska, and British Columbia, and will be sent for 50 cents. Write to David Steel, the publisher, Box 151, Portland, Oregon, for a copy. A pleasant time is assured to all who attend the excursion and basket picnic, over the Astoria and South Coast Railroad, to bo given by the ladies of the Presbyterian church to day. Tickets for the round trip, one dollar; children, halt fare. Steamer Electric will leave Wilson & Fisher's dock at 9 o'clock sharp. If a olicemaii on the night force, or a newspaper reporter, were to tell all the fnuny thiugs they nightly see go ing on what consternation would oftimes be created. There was a racket on Third street at one o'clock this morning in front ot Griffin & Reed's, that if given away would re sult in a suit for divorce, p. d. q. People complain, unreasonably, of the high price of fruit in this city. As a matter of fact fruit retails here cheaper than "any xlace in the state outside of Portland. And it is ot bet ter quality than the average. Eggs, butter and meat retail high, compara tively, bnt fruit in Astoria is cheap, considering the excellent quality. Prof. F.D.Seward of New York, the emiueut optician, who has been so successful during his brief sojourn in this city, will be here bul a few days longer, as he leaves for Alaska on the steamer (Ito. W. Elder, on Sunday. All who need correct glasses" for their eyes should not fail to call on him this week, at COS Third street At 1:30 yesterday afternoon Wherry .t Co.s horse attached to a delivery wagon became frightened at the shrill whistle of one ot the little steamers, and started up Olney street at a live ly gait. A quantity of beef was thrown out, and a large lot of straw lerries were scattered all along the street The horse went direct to his stable aud no damage was done except the loss ot the berries. who moved that chief engineer Slock ton take lhl chair: carried. C. J. Trenchant was appointed secretary. The chair staled, the object o the meeting: the secret in read the ordi nance which lormeii the subject o discussion. B. S. Worsley, foreman of No. 2V, said it was desired that there be a thorough expression of opinien: q thought, for his part, that the polie indicated by the passage of tliat ordi nance was not for the best interests of may 1m? swept out to sea PERSONAL MENTION'. department: such was not their inten- mayor had signed all the oilier ordi-j Kd. Wright returned from the Sea nances nafssed last Tuesdav, except iPt51"""- this one, which he still had under ad- F. T. Merrill, the well-known bicy vsemciit. ! !? rider and dealer in Portland, will C. J. Treischard, foreman of No. One's J be here this morning, slid thai engineer Scott had handed ' Sheriff Smith started for Yaquina him his resignation that merning: , last evening, and will attend a meet that whenever complaint was made 'iug of the sheriffs ot the state at Salem regarding an engineer it should be to nextMondav. ti foreman of the company, whose James ScoU en,,incer of Astoria mismess it was to see mat ever imug i eagme comi,ai,y Umberone, resigned iJwuuiuuK u iuu ."ii'iu.v v.u veaierdav. Foreman Trenchard i. A:-,io,i- 'r!,n,,.t ir..."". v- i- -..-,"-, yesieruav. .foreman xrencuani ac- lu1,aiiauiuu-.1uuuu.u "M"-"!" sinugut ana in accordance wnu me of Astoria were promt ot the record Jemauds of the public service. or that denartmcut and endorsed lis n if T!.,.,,.:.,.,, -.o i. M4 - - . i. JL1IU1II 'OVU lltlO LUIS AI.U -. ... , . . -. , . triumphant and successful career. .u. ir0 tiinulif, flmt m rni. L- --irKer and his daughter, REAL ESTATE TRAXSPEDS. Deeds filed or recorded on July 1G, 1S90, as reported for The Mousing Astoriak by tho Astoria Abstract Title and Trust cempany: United States to Ed.C. Lewis, - N.RifofseclS.T. 6 N., R. 10 W., 160 acre3. Patent. J. C. Dement and wife to W. A. Stone, lots 1 and 2, blk 1, Dement's S 145 Mary H. Leinenweber to C. TT Hnnner. lots 5 and G. blk 11, Adair's 200 J. C. Dement and wifo to James Farringtou, lot 12, blk 19, Dements 80 John Bryce, Jr., to John Bryce, lot 2, blk 37, Mc- Clure's ... 1 Total deeds filed, 5; total amount .$ 426 Previonslv reported this year. . ......- 1,501,197 Total to date $1,504,623 How He Finally E-enned. Si m m niss WIUL Nottingham Lace Curtains NEW DESIGNS. FROM Sixty Gents per Pair, to Five Dollars i cepled the resignation aud James Mc- Combor was temporarily appointed. his With no hone of necnuiarv reward. '1,f .,"! ..,f0,ff rn :,'. Miss Mabel Parker, went up the but actuated solely by a sense of duly, ;Vould' always have an efficient and j river iast evcmn? on lll Telephone. competent engineer: the one liisured "" t- ir i , -, S ;, the members of the department re sponded to the call of the fire alarm bell on all occasions, risked their health, ofttimes their lives; had done that again and again, and would do so but they declined to be made serfs. They wanted to have a voice in who should be their engineers, ;uid to have the feeling that they were free agents and not controlled. If this the other, and so long as the com panies composing the Astoria fire de partment preserved their present high standard, so long they could be safely dejcnded on to employ none but com petent engineers; therefore the em ployment of engineers could and should be entrusted to them, and un less thev were satisued the best re- were a paid fire department it would . fii;lla coul(1 0t be obtained oe duierenr. xnen every man woiuu work solely for what he was paid, but no volunteer fire department could be expected to preserve its efficiency it refused the privilege of naming JLs own engineer. There was no dividing line; either make it a paid fire depart ment and take full charge -or allow some latitude in the matter of saying how the affairs of the department should be administered. Tho ordinance in question look away all power from the foreman; made him on.' a figurehead: he couldn't control the engineer couldn't suspend him, and the point was no self consciousness, no glory, but that to carry out the provisions of the ordinance destroyed the discipline and organization that was the pride of the department. A fireman de served the same meed of applause awarded a soldier; as much heroism was deserved by daring firemen at the scene ot action as ever shown by valiant soldiers on the battlefield of victory B. S. Worsley here read the follow ing resolutien: Jicsolceil, That we. the volalccr fire men of tho city of Astoria, respectfully ask the common council to repeal the or dinance amendatory to ordinance No. 11, and also ordinance No. Ste, of the city of Astoria, in relation to tho ap pointing of engineers of the fire compan ies r tho department. Postmaster Hare was called on; he was not in favor of the resolution. While he didn't favor taking the ap pointing of the engineer out of the if he i hands of the company, yet he thought that it was necessary to have some fountain head; some source of author ity. There was no need of making any disturbance because one man had been asked to quit. B. S. Worsley thought that the law creating the fire department was am ple enough in its provisions to cover all cases possibly arising. If there but Miss Mabel will spend a month in Albany, on a visit to friends. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. On their way to this city arc Si. sail ing vessels from foreign and domestic ports. The steamer A Ilia me, Capt. Peter son, is due from Portland this morn ing, on her way to Gray's harbor. The steamer Signal, Capt M. Bcudegard, sailed yesterday for Seattle with a miscellaneous cargo." She look from here GO barrels of oil. The steamer Telephone was much later than usual yesterday, as she did not arrive until 50 p. m., having been detained all along the river at the various landings. The Roscburg Jiecicw tells this story of a gentleman who has just escaped from Grant's Pass, where he has been in search of a business loca tion. Being asked what he thought of the place, he replied: "Think of the place? why it's the liveliest town on the coast. Yon see I was unwary enough to tell a fellow that I had So500 to invest where I could do the best with it, and what do yon think ho did? rushed right out and called a special meeting of the chamber of commerce la board of trade is too slow for Grant's Pass) and absolutely dragged me over to see it. They offered me every inducement to invest; told me I could have a certain lot for $1200, then showed me another pre cisely like it for only $600. A delega tionfrom each church and political faction called on me formally and pleaded with me to settle among them, and invest my little $3500 where it would increase 500 per cent in six months. The chamber of commerce sat in constant session three days aud nights, and I was feted, fed on the fat of the land and given free excursions to inspect every acre of arablo laud in Josephine couutv. But I clung with a death grip to my $3500." P:i-en:cis to Portland. Just Received at The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of the City . II COOPER'S 9 KnUlds of Pythias. Installation of officers for tho bal ance of the year took place last night iu Astor Lodge, No. G, IL of P. The services were conducted by Dr. O. B. Estes, deputy grand chancellor. The new officers are as follews: Chris. Evenson, past chaucellor; A. W. Utziuger, chancellor commander; Martin Olsen, vice chaucellor; Her man Wise, prelate; A. A. Johnson, mablcr-at-arms; August Ripetz, msido 517 and 521 Third St., Astoria. LAMES, ATTENTION ! Th.o Popular Soot and Sh.oe Store, XTo. 537 Third St., Arc receiving goods from the following manufacturers: Hey wood & Co., Worcester. Mass.; John Strootman, Bnffalo, N. Y.; Faunce Sz Spiney, Lynn, Mass.; Marcie Sc Cie, New York City; A. E Brown & Co., Phila.; and an Extra Line of California Goods. 3ES.. jE5. IEO"75T03? Cfc OO, Astoria, Oregon. TAKES The city was loo young, too small, for a successful naid fire denartment. and in his judgment the council m ours was a paid are would disnlav cood iudnment in ' bul is not applicable lo was any discrepancy or omission in nt n.n ,n,;i i.. ..nmK. n,nir guard: A. C. v,arlson, outside guard. .. till XWt.WV. J. ..' . ....W -.... . .. disciplinary regulations. The ordi nance in question would be all right department, a volunteer rescinding their action or lue previous evening. C. J. Trenchard was the next speaker. He thought that the council should consult with the firemen before taking such final deliberative action. The Astoria fire .department had so splendid a record that it would be a pity to invalidate it; the department should be tampered with as little :is possible; it was belter to go low; he believed that in any proposed change the firemen should be consulted; they fire department Our department should be regulated solely by the laws . enacted regarding the management, i government and control of the de- I parlment G. C. Fulton thought it would be better to confine the attention ot the 1 meeting lo the ordinance passed last Tuesday evening, and moved that a committee or three be appointed to draft a resolution and appear before the mayor as thus voicing the senti ments of the department; seconded should have something to say about i It was amended by making the num- it; there should be no dictation from her live aud passed, unanimously, any quarter; let us reason together, The chair appointed as such com and allow all who rightfully have a i mittee Messrs. Fulton, "Worsley, voice in the matter to fully and freely Weeks, Trenchard and Green The following is the list of passen gers having rooms, who went up tho river last night on the steamer Tele Tele peone: Sheriff II. A. Smidt, W. Smith and wire, II. Erlich, J. F. McGoveru, M. McKay, J. Alexander, John Adair, D. E. Jones, H. S. Flood, M. Judkins, J. Wntsou, Anna Nicholas, Mrs. B. Cooper. J. Ash, C. E. Stone, P. J. McGowau, J. Crawford, J. IL Hall, D. Poller, R. Brodie, J. E. Laforce, Mrs. Capt Brown, Mrs. R. M. O'Dell, C. B. Frcscott, J. J. Peake, W. I. Ball, F. C. Morgan, J. C. Havelly, Mrs. Stark, P. V. Parker, Miss Mabel Parker. express themselves. Ex-chief engineer Weeks was called, on but declined, as being a member of the Hook and Ladder company, and The committee immediately met and drafted the following. 7Vs?m, That we, members of the As toria fire department, do hereby respect- not in his opinion called upon to take fhy sk your honor, mayor of tho city nnrf. i ui iuiju, iu wximiuiu )uui niiiiuuu- nr Vnlni.,1 I l.mi.rl.Hliflf -TV:r !l Ordinance I P"" Vl.u&fv -mw. ... ...vr..,.. .... ....... -... lv tho com Worsley and Trenchard were right, , , iboamwintment of cmnncexa of tho department, as we denin it a blow at the ho had alwavs noticed that whenever tne council in any cuy uimertooic 10 i eflicioncy or the department, interfere with a volunteer fire depart- j '9' li'fox,TON- ment, it always injured the depart- I U" w"v?1:SI'1JY" ment The council might say "dis- " r )l A "f band, and we will organize a new de-' "t 'is'ti. Next Saturday evening Astoriaus will have an opportunity to see some thing they never saw before and which will bo worth seeing. The Steen family, mind readers, will give evidence ot their wonderful powers, and Master Eddie Abbott, the boy wonder, in his famous specialties aud occult demonstrations will delight the audience. The sale of reserved seats will begin at the New York Novelty Store Saturday morning. nnrffnnt-i!.". linf. if la lnwwl 4limr power to get together so experienced. , ih moHou pnssof ":lim0U3 so valuable aud so thoroughly drilled ' Go- H'1 ,"OVC(1 ,ihaii ,n a body of men as that composing the I the mayor iledmo to veto the ordi present fire department of the cilv of ! ance; tuat the sama committee of five Astoria " be authorized to make proper repre- Tho department was making no -1 ?nbilion to ihc city council. This, reasonable a demand.it onlv asked the Jll?j W;LS IsfU unanimously, right to appoint its own officers; this Chier. engineer Stockton made a i.f -mo n,ioi .,11 rni.,,,1 r. srKcial request lo all members of the departments, anvwherc and every ! department that inuring the issue of where. To do as the council in the ordinance in question was doing, brought in politics; it hut I the depart ment; politics above all thiugs should be kept out of a city's lire department. When the city council had the ap pointing of the when a man was is he?" but, "who is he for for chief of i AVIufc, n.ou Mayor Crosby the prent question, let every fireman turn out in case ot a fire alarm, and bend every energy lo lend assistance in subduing the common enemy. On motion of B. S. Worsley three rnnsimr chcer.s and a tig-e-cr, were Among the distinguished visitors present were C. F. Irvine, grand chau cellor, and J. A. Ahlstcdt, deputy grandchaucellor,Portlaud;Jay Tuttle, past grand chancellor, and A. A. Cleveland, grand vice chancellor. Under the head of good of the order were interesting remarks from the grand visitors. , To-morrow evening grand chancellor C. II. Irvine will pay an official visit to Pacfic Lodge, No. 17, when there will be work in the amplified third rank, and installation of officers. I iif.imin PawMiscrs. The steamship ( 'olambia isdue from San Francisco Ibis morning, with the following prssengcrs: Mrs. Lyons and child, Mrs. S. T. Dewey, A. C. Eadv, Miss Grcssie, Mrs. M. O'Connor, Frank Bach, May Boltlemiller, W. F. Dixey, Miss N. Boone, A. Y. 1-ol.son and wife. G. D. Green and mother, Miss Goodhue, Mrs. G. D. Green and daughter, Mrs. Grcame, Mrs. S. P. Cauness, R. Crocker. Miss E. C. Slingill, W. Bigelow, Charles Garside, J. Sirkis, Mrs. J. Sirkis, Mrs. Haai akos and two children, E. J. Holt, George Marshall, W. A. Dewey, R. C. Mitchell. J. D. Hayes, N. AV. Gallant, F. Sheafer, J. J. darais, A. Wilkcman, Miss C. Colboni. Giild Kir.'j; in a Salmon. L;ist evening Capt Staples or the steamer Improvement, brought to tho office of TiruAsTOitiAX, a plain gold ring which he had found in a salmon that was being dressed ou the steamer. How long it has leen in the stomach of the fish or where he swallowed it is a mystery. Who has lost a gold ring overboard? The fish was caught yesterday in the river near this city. TlIIJiTV TEAKS' VRACTXCE Eupeysy. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have ir, to fully enjoy life, Th'iiisjiuls are searching for it daily, and. mourning because they find it not Thousands upon thousands ot dollars are spent annually by our peo ple in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may he had by all. Wo guarantee that Klectric Hitters, if us 'd according to directions and the iwe por-isti'd in, will bring you (ood Digestion and oust the demon dyspep sia and instead Kupoiy. We recom mend Kleclriu Hitters for Dytpepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidni, s. Sold at .V)c. and $1.00 per bot tle by .!. "W. Conn, Druggist. "iVeiii!i:irl". Itccr At the Sunny Side saloon. Furnished rooms up stairs. First Prize f'i'iiiis Icn Cream Served daily at the Columbia bakery. Active, wide-awake boys van find umplnyim-iiD at the c.iniH'ry of .1. O. Matitlhirn & Co. i ..tf.iti ? 41s Af.Uwi 4we s?mntfitmil- ollicers, the question -"" "iyiw. "lo i-i " up for election to the niV,Vuc "5ckuB aujuuniuu. 'imf i-;,i r ., ,v. ' The committee was instructed to wilh the A young lady in this city who is a light "sleeper, and who is upon that account depended upon tonwakenher brother, a fireman, in case of a night alarm, was badly left on the morning of the 4th, on the occasion of the alarm at Japlin's barn., hearing which she arose and proceeded as usual to about for her brother. Having done thk to her satisfaction she returned to her bed and sleep. On awakening m the morning she ascertained that she had got out of bed on tho wrong side, and had been shouting into a cJoset .instead of through the usual door, and her brother, tho fireman, had not heard her at all. Go to the Columbia bakery for all kinds of cakes. All the Choicest Delicacies, made by oaly first-class men at the Seaside Bakery. Go to lite San Francisco Gallery for the finest Photographs ana Tintypes. Olaey Street police? or street superintendent?" etc When we light lire let us light it m our own way, unframmeled by any possible incompetency of possible political favorites. Tho department had been uniformly successful in the past, aud would, doubtless, continue to be, if it is lot alone. The depart ment were champions at home and abroad, they were not beaten wherever they appeared, and when fire broke out it was a common remark by strangers that the brave way they worked compared favorably with the work of any paid fire department on the coast G. C. Fulton was called upon, and said that there could be no two opinions on this subject, the question was, how to avert the evil. There was no jealousy and should be none. When Twos won, Ones applauded; Unes re joiced in their brother firemen's suc cess; they would fight for them and fight fire with them, He thought a committee of three should be ap pointed to go to Mayor Crosbv and ask him to consider tho matter, to give the boys a chance to have some thing to say as to who shall be en gineer. Too much is at stake; there should be no hitch in tho workings of the department, and there need be none if a wise conservatism were dis played, and some regard shown tho active members of the department He then moved that a committee of three be appointed to draft a resolu tion and submit it to the Mayor who had not yet signed the ordinance. It is for tho department to dignifiedly present Its case, confident that deli beration on the part of those inter ested with the city's interest would show the correctness ot the position j that the department assumed. resolution embodying the sentiments ot the meeting, at noon to day. 4Viiili:iri.N And Free hunch at the loon,.! ecu's. lirvr. Telephone Sa- (!i to the Coliunnla bakery ice cream purlins and tryndhdiof their fn:e"icc! cream. Two Choice Biks in Adair's Astoria rei: sai.i: nv FOR DISPLAYING His Goods, Which Are First Class And Draws Trade By 1st RATE TREATMENT ! A Snap in Real Estate. 11 Acres, closu to river and street car line. Only 500 per acre, for a few days only. Si,000 can bo made on this property within three months. Wlngrato M S)tom jEieal 3Q3tvte Odd Fellows' Biiildin; 3Brols.ersT ASTORIA, OR Lois in Case's Astoria Are Iw on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Eeal Estate Co. PRICES FEOM Si 50 TO $250 EACH. TERMS Onc-IIalf Cash; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. Weinhard's Lager Beer ! Is the Choice of the Connoisseur. Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots. Orders for any quantity to be directed to H. WEINHAED, Portland, Oregon. Corner Twelfth, ami IS. Telephone 72. P. O. Bex 405 Oh! my, it PAYS to deal "W ith Lois in Block "8'' S200. Lots in Block "88'' $150. Hsilf Cash, Balance in Three and Six Months. That tired foehmr is entirely overcome bv Hood's Sarsaprilla, which creates an J appctlte.ronsis the liver, cures headache, and jti es renewed strength and vigor to the whole body. Be biire to get Hood's Sarsanrilla, which is peculiar to itself. Sold by all druggist. Steamer for Sale. The steam schooner Francis Cutting, now lving In Port Townsend, is offered for sale on reasonable terms. Said steamer was built in spring of 1880, has a net tonnage of CO tons, will carry about ninety tons of merchandise be low deck and is guaranteed in first class order in every respect. For further particulars apply to F. P. Kexdaix, Columbia River Pkg. Co., Astoria. Grand excursion and basket picnic over the A. &S. C. K,ll. to Clatsop lach, Thursday. July 17th. For the benefit of the Presbyterian church. Tho steamer Electric and barge leaves Wi lon te Fisher's dock at 9 A. m. Tickets one dollar, children half price. Choice fresh smoked eastern sugar cured hams at Thompson & It ess. In daily receipt of Oregon cherries, berries and all other seasonable fruits. Thompson <oss. A Letter from nn Eminent Physician. Hit. Editer: At the risk of indorsing a proprietary preparation, I have a few word iu favor of a nci.7 laxative principle. But first, how I came to discover it. A patient asked about taking Joy's Vegetable Sarsa parllla. As sarsaparillas usually coutaia mercury or iodides I objected, and asked for the formula, which findingpurely vegetable, and so mild as to be to my mind almost Inert, I consented. Jmagino my astonish ment when perfect laxative action was re ported. It has two great points, rirtt, being purely vegetable, It Is (unlike mercury) not cumulative in the system, being easily car ried off by the digestive processes; and tccond. It Is effective with a less quantity of the cathartic principle than has hitherto been attainable. It in this respect ranks 03 a discovery, and approaches the ideal, viz.: the least medicine consistent with the great est good. It harmonizes natural laxativo action and perfect safety, and should inter est both the public and the profession. A city rnvsicux of TninT v years rrtAcncK. San Francitco Examiner, March 10, 1SS0. TelcuhtutcS.ortJciii-r iSous1. Best Hcds in town. Kooms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week S1.50. ew and clean. Private entrance. Rooms nitli Coanl. Parties desiring comfortable rooms with board, at reasonable rates, can be accommodated at Mrs E. C. llolden's, comer Main and Fourth streets. Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes; also flexible hand-turned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s. HermanWise The Reliable I In Occident Hotel Building. New RESTAURANT SECOND - STREET (Opp. Telephone Landing.) Is the Bon Ton Restanraut of tie Town (ASD THK TINKST OX THK COAST.) Dinner Parties, Banqets. a Specially The Finest Wine ami Liquors. Private Entranco and Rooms. N. 1. No connection with hi-t old place on Main Street. ,-t, 1 II Hll" MilKl'll ill Ullll curling. II J L.. K Cooldng and Heating, EVEUYONE FULLY WAltlt ANTED lVATKIt CLOSSITS, riiUMBIXG (500DS, PUJIl'S, SINKS, AXI) IUTH TUBS. SToo c$2 Scully, CriENAMDS STKEET. NOTICE. Having secured a commodious office at Gnnres' HoTEii, Seaside, we are afforded splendid facilities for hand ling Seaside Property, and parties lcaviug property- in our hands are guaranteed thabest possible figure.- WABREN & WEIGHT. 55!) Third Street. The latest nIv'i of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodmak & Co.'s. Talk is cheap, Wc lead, others fol low. Trv the home made bread at the Oregon Bakery, and judge for yourself. Remember the Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. Zlnlmna Cigars. Just received a large stock of clear Habana cigar? at W. L,. Iiolm, 640 Third street. For a good Clean daiii Street House. Room, go to the Good Goods and low rates at the Sea side Bakery. Ice cream at JelTs new restaurant. Private" entrance. For a good shave go to F. Fcrrcll. For the very bast Photos, t;o to Sinister. Drink Knickerbocker bottled beer. H. EKSTR01H, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORIA. OR. A fine line of Gold and Silver Watches. Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc, at rcasonahlo prices. Repairing Promptly Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman. Notice. BIDS WILL HE RECEIVED UXTIL10 o'cloc'c a. si. Friday, July istli, 1890, at the oDice of county clerk, lor printing, notices and blanks, or other printing ordered for Clatsop County, said contract to expire Tee County Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. by order of the Countv Court. Attest: C. J. TRENCUAD, Clerk. Abercrombio, Prop. Finest and Most Convenient Summer Resort IN SEASIDE. Every Eoom Newly Purnished. Private Booms for Pamilies. AND TOURISTS. Transient Custom Solicited. TERMS, REASONABLE. The only Abercromble Hotel at Seaside, Oregon. . The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. M Bread, Cale art Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Broad delivered in any part of tho city. Re staurant. jjgJTEularged and Eefitted to Meet the Popular DeraaTid.,3 FINEST RESTAURANT SN THE CITY. Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters. Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc. 3TEAI.S COOKED TO ORDER. THIRD STKEET, ASTORIA, OR. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil. Bright Varnish. Binacte Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp bail Twine, Lard Oil, "Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Ajrricnltural Implements, Sewing Machines, Paints, Oils, Grrooerle Bto. Salesman. A N ENERGETIC MAN WANTED TO A push our mauufactureson this "ground. One of our agents earned ?ooo la '89. Ad dress, P. 0. Box 1871 , New ork. The Oregon Land Co. Where Property Is Left For Sale. Corner Third and Olney Sts-, ASTORIA, OBEGOX For Desirable Acreage Or INSIDE PROPERTY. Call on or Address Leinenweber SECOND ST., Near Postofllce. - - & Coodenough, - p. o. Box 63. sl --. (- v . j V -1 n J -ST" T&? i&f ..