?-. i1! V nl-nV-iiiaaiMiBi aM5aaaatjttMaaiMMagtaNaa)toaaaitiaaMfirTi-rrr BRIGHTON ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY j ULY 17. 1800 esaizaciEEissiiEtEiiiii FIRE MATTERS. Vw"Jsirr ; BfcateMfcatMfaOBaaUJJ;.ga-T- --'-V--' ..... . ,r. " Mh M The protest of the Astoria fire de partment against the passage by the city council of an ordinance taking away from the foremen of the two companies the appointment of the en gineers, is a just one. The efficiency of a volunteer fire de partment depends upon the enthusiasm and heartiness that its members in fuse into their arduous -work. "With out this enthusiasm it is dead. A lire department is a necessity in our city, and vrhere so much effort is freely given by men without pecuniary re reward and solely from devotion to duty, their earnest wishes deserve re spectful hearing. This is a matter that can easily be settled; a little exercise of good sense; a little mixture of hanno ny, is all that is necessary. All that need be said is that there is a slight misunderstanding, and an un necessary conflict of authority. The council means all right. The mem bers realize that all our interests are identical, and have no desire to be arbitrary or dictational. They simply waut to do just exactly what the mem bers of the fire department want to de: keep up the efficiency of the depart ment "Where all agree on the main poiut. the matter of ways and means is easily reached. The mistake that the council made is this: They forgot that (here is a legally created and competent tribunal before which all fire department mat ters pertaining to the city of Astoria can receive adjudication, and wliich has sole jurisdiction in these matters That tribunal is the board of fire delegates. It is before that body, and nowhere else that such questions come. It is for the board of delegates to decide. That is what the hoard is for. The board of fire delegates, wisely created as a court of equity, hears and determines questions arising in the various companies, and it that board properly fills its functions there is no occasion for any friction between the splendid organization of the As toria fire department and the gentle men in the council chamber who vote the supplies and audit the bills. "We are all dependent upon each other in this matter. "We cannot afford to quarrel; there is no need nor reason for quarreling; there is a way out which involves no loss of dignity on the part of the council, and no loss of zeal on the part of the fire depart ment, and in pointing out that way The Astoria but fills its duty to the public who are vitally interested in the matter. As Laid Out by H. F. L Logan The Coming Seaside Resort of Oregon As Laid Out by H. F. L LOGAN "Wagon Road From Terminus of Astoria and South Coast Railroad to the Resort, Affording a Lovely Drive. B.OBB & PARKER, General Agents, - - The history of the Cunard line of steamships is remarkable. It began operations in 1S10. In its half century of business not a single passenger of the millions who have crossed the Atlantic in the Cuuarders has been lost. Four sealing schooners in Behring sea have each caught 1500 skins this season. The large catch has reduced prices 10 per cent. A. Scrap ol Paper Saves Her tifc . It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by her phj'sicians that she was in curable and could live only ashort time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper siie read of Dr. King's Xew Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it helped her more, bought anoincr ami crew nenor insr. rnntmiiod its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. II. Cola. Druggist. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of I inib wunuiTiui i-Mbcuvury rreu at.j. uonirs Drugstore. A. J. STEELE, President L. O. CIIENAUJT, Vice-President and Business Manager. J. F. 1SOUKX, Sec. .1. 1I..IOXKS, Treasurer IBtlHEEIIEl F 1 & P i& fltHSECEEtS SOME SALMOX STATEMENTS. Fkoji the most reliable sources ob tainable Tax Astokeax believes that the Colombia river spring salmon pack, to date, aggregates 320,000 cases. It is thought that the pack for the season, on this river, will be 400,000 cases. All this is of best quality. There will be no fall fish packed. "Whether there will be any fish packed in August depends a good deal on the action of the Washington canuers. If they pack, some of the Oregon can uers will, loo. The British Columbia pack will aggregate 350,000 cases. The Alaska pack may be set down at 500,000 cases. It is not likely that much "outside1' packing, that is fall fish, in the Oregon and "Washington coast bays and rivers will be done. The noticeable feature of the season ns to sales is that Frazer river is sold exclusively in England; Columbia river salmon almost exclusively in the United States. The Columbia river pack of 1800 has never been excelled in quality. It is absolutely beyond comparison. Never in the history of the river has there been so much care exercised in the selection of fine fish, and the per fection of the superior process by which they are prepared for the palates of those who appreciate a fine article finely put np. The Colombia river canners have the strength of position. Chinook salmon will be caught in the Columbia river when Alaska's fish pockets are fished out The Columbia river salmon in flavor and superior ex cellence will always have the prefer ence, and the way to preserve that pre-eminence is to make a Columbia river label an absolute guarantee of the purity and excellence of the pre pared salmon in the can that it en closes. . George I. Liammox, supervisor of the census for Nevada, estimates the population of the state at 40,000. As complete returns had not been re ceived from the enumerators, the offi cial returns may vary a few hundred from his estimate. In 1880 the popula tion of the state was G2,266, which as suming the supervisor's estimate to be correct would indicate a loss of 17,000 population in the last decade. This loss is wholly attributable to the abandonment of mining camps by reason of the decline in the price of Hirer caused by the demonetization act. The Halifax Herald says that we oght to adopt another name, as it tfoaks the United States of America is abot equal to no state at all. "If r ooBsas," it remarks, without even ttte saggeetkm of a smile, "really intend to perpetuate the misfciko they made a eaRtary ago in separating themselves fnm. tbeir kinsmen oE the Anglo Sami Tace, they should try and give Huaaoolves a name befitting their an oafcj aad the land which British gawaca wa for them." W. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Wixsi.ow's SooTnixo Svrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic, and is the best remedy fordiar-rhoea.Tventy-nvc cents a bottle. NEW TO-DAY. Boss Opera House Three Nights, Commencing Saturday, July 19. Engagement Extraordinary, headed by the World's Phenomena, Master Eddie Abbott, The youngest (aged G) in the world. Possessing the Occult Science of .Ne cromancy, assisted by his Funny and Faithful "Gumbo" (Prof. II. J. Amjott.) The World-Renowned STEEN FAMILY Irof. Clias. JV Stccn, and Martha 13. Stccn, Who are the only people living that give a genuine transmission of thought reading and expose of Modern spirit ualism by the broad gaslight. Clergymen and church people are. Inter ested m these phenomena, acknowledged by press :ind pnblic to la the greatest In the line in the world. Admission Reserved seats to all parts or the limine, 50o; gallon. 'i,l: Sale ol seats nt the New York Joo.tj Store, Sat urday morning at 0 o'clock. Bids for Stationery. JJills will be received by the Auditor and Police .Judge until Saturday. July 19th. for supplying the city with station ary for one year. Bids shall speci fy the price for each of the following articles: Arnolds writing lluid per quart; Sanfords muciliage per quart; X. I'. It. it. pens, pergross; Xo.2 incandescent steel pens, per gross ;Cl'clinsford or live oak 10 lb legal cap, per ream ; Itoyal Par agon, leir.il, ruled typewriter, per ream; Paragon linnen, plain Xo. 3J, per ream ; envelopes, onicial .No. 9, per 500; en velopes ollicial No. 10 per 500: envel opes xxx So. (., per 1000; pen holders, wooden per doz.; pencils, A. V. Faber No, 2; rubber bands, assorted; rubber bands, Xo.'s 10, 11 and 12. The richt is reserved ti reject any and all bids. T. S, .7EWETT, Auditor and Police Judge. Public Nolice. Notice to Taxpayeks Nolice is hereby given that the committee on Ways and Means of the city of Astoria, will sit as a board of "equalization and examine the City assessment roll and objections thereto on Saturday, July 19th, IKK), at o'clock a. m. at the office of the Auditor Ss Police Judge. II. U. PA11KEK, Chairman WWTHJrf II us in Astoria :i: iVn energetic man who iderstands Clothlnir or ailoring to represent md vicinity, us Sales Agent, ftpiemnu lan nnu winter assort ment now re.ndv, WANAMAKER & RROtVJV, IMiiludclpliia, Pa. Tlie Largest Clothing and Merchant Tailoring House in Amerl a ASTORIA AND South Coast Railway, Sunday. Leave Lv. Clatsop Via Steamer Astoria Beach. Thompson c :00 A ji S : 00 A am Potter. y: 00 8:15 " tl Telephone 4:20 pm 3:40 r Mb JTIond:iy. FIcclric 4:10 ' 3:40 r lie Tuesday. Thompson. C:00AM 5: 00 A Ma Electric 8:.30 " 7;50 " e l'ott-r 2:00 P M 1;10 P Md Electric ....... 4:10 " 3:40 " c Wcdnc.sday Tliomnson. G :09am A : 00 A Ma Electric 8:30 7:50 " c Electric 4: turn 3:4opmc Thursday. Thompson 0:00 am 5 : 00 A im Potter 2:00 pm 1:10 1' Md Telephone. 4:20 " 3;40 " b Friday. Thompson. C: 03 A it 5: 00 a Ma Electrics 8:30 " 7:50 " c Electric- 4 : 10 r M 3 : 10 P Me Saturday. Thompson C:O0am 5: 00 A Ma Electric 8:30 " 7:50 " c Telephone. 4;20pm 3:40Pm Totter 0:30 0:00 d a Connects with Thompson for Astoria and 1'ortland. -Connects with Telephone for Astoria and Portland. c Connects with Totter for Astoria and Portland. d Connects with Potter for Ilwaco. c-Connectswith Electric for Astoria, Round trip tickets via steamers Totter, Thompson and Telephone for sale -at Union Pacific and Telephone ticket offices. Baggage checked between Astoria and all regular stations via Union Pacific boats at Union Pacific dock, and on the tram. WM, REID, Frcsfuent. IIENHY B. THIELSEN, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. Paid-up Capital, 8300,000. Frankfort, - - Washington. Correspondence Solicited. ASTORIA OFFICE, Flavel's Brick Building. P. O. Box 701. Warren & Wright, BEAL ESTATE DEALERS. 559 Third St., - - Astoria, GRIMES' ZXOTJ&L, Seaside. Special Bargains in Seaside Property Investments for Xon-Rcsitleiits a Specialty. CHOICE iLOMEmGE IN La Fayeffe Park. Three Miles from the Postofficc and Custom House. Astoria Real Estate Co. 172 CASS ST., Astoria, Oregon. Columbia Bakery FOR FRESH BREAD, Cnlccc, and Fine Confectionery. All Orders Delivered. COOLEY BROS. FLYNN, The Tailor, KEE?S LN STOCK T11E- Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styles lie foujs for Cash at Eastern Prices. lie Guarantees the Kest Workmanship on all Garments. Call and see for yourself. Jfcirth IMock, ASTOKIA. OIL. The Pacific Real Estate Company Sells tickets to or from any part of the United States or Europe "with any line desired. Also Money Order or Exchange on European Countries. Astoria Grocery and. Canned Fruit Co., JOKIXERS and RETAINERS, Carrying a Pull F.inc of Groceries, Provisions, Green and Canned Fruits. No. 518 Second Street. Willamette -: University Graduates Student; in Classical, Literary, Scientific, Kormal, Business, Law and Medical Courses. Also Musical, Theological, Pharmaceutical and Art Courses. It Is the oldest, largest and least expensive institution ol learning in the northwest. School opens first Monday in September. Send for catjdoKue to THOS, VANSCOY, President, Salem, Or. .r'- Neimi & Engross, MANUFACTURING i , " Jewelers and Watchmakers. !AuV8HG8 Tm8SnerS Foot of Morrison St.. Portland, Oregon. Jewelry, Watclicv, and Cloclis Kcpnircrt at l&xtrciiM'Iy JLow Prices. 628 Third St., - Astoria For One Week. A FRONT CORNER RESIDENCE LOT, 50x100 in block 107, OIney's Astoria, next block to residence of A. A. Cleveland. Splendid view of city and river, and rare chance to get a building lot cheap. Lots in vicinity selling for SS00 to SLOOO. Price. $G0D. J. IL MANSELL, Real Estate Broker. JACOBS & PiiHER, . Contractors aM Bniers. Estimates Given on Brick, Stone, r Wood Worlt. Concrete and Cement "IVorlc a Specialty. OFFICE, - 384 Third Street, AND ENGINES, Parm, Olmrcli and School Bells. Inspirators, Injectors and Feed Pumps, Coal Oil Engines, Trahorn Pumps, Kricbel Engines, Koiiersfid Steam Generators Zaumlryirachiiicri.irarinrtracliincrif CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES, Rlacksmlth Forges and Drills, Rest Axle ( raise and Compound in the world. Pow ell s Brass Goods and Iron Pipe. Send for Circular. OSLO F. PARKER. CARL A. HANSON M tgaMBpacwaaraf wwri"eaEaaMi"a""'i""i''i"'i'lillwl '"-: .iiiMi tBhmpi cvrjowBK-caiMwaaiapttnaBiBBBMiBaMMMMB ps noiiin out omri o l uLuoiiu yy ohlc 5 -iSl's? 3?:o::e2 lm Vitil lilt JliAiiiwi 1 Ti 99 Illy If mill II IV T UIl i MillHJ J. H.MANSELL, DCRi ESTATE QDfiE IlLHL LdlftiL UllUIlLfl XOTA11Y PUBLIC FOlt STATE OF OKEGOX. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and- Water Frontage for Sale. Correspondence Solicited. P. O. Eox3C3, Kstah'itiiil isra. INVESTMENTS MADE FOR OUTSTD'i PARTIES. Next V. U. Telegraph Ofllce. 1 hirtl St. Ast.-s ki. On wn. CANDY FACTORY s To-Day-Fine Ice Cream Soda-To-Bay Also Handle None but the Finest Key West and Imported Pleaso Call and Give me a Trial. T1IIKD HTUEET, Next V,'. U. Tclejauph OJlicc in f . L UBLEfflART. Seal Estate Bro OlTicc on Third St., Opp. Odd Fellow's Temple. P. O. Uox 811, ASTORIA, OREGON. Lots in WARRENTON and WEST WABRENT0N For Sale, On Installment Plan. Discount for C.uh. A residence in Astoria since 1872 enables I "STT T TT1-IT T?7$JlPr A ??H3' me to give the best or information respect- t V i-i U Lh lJ SliLM lJ.1. 5.4 A Ing property in Astoria and this vicinity. I AGENT. FRED S AIZ Saddles and A LAEGE STOCK TO SELECT FKOM. GOODS AT SAN FRANCISCO PEICES. I make a specialty of good work and guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Ktaud, Wei Side OIncy Street, Near "Wilson & Ei.siser"s. ASTORIA, OREGON. vS-ifil' 'fei THE Largest s Stock I TI1E.- Lowest aB Prices 1 Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriying Every Steame Tnis WEEK, Dross Goods The Old Stand - Astoria Orecon. s --ja OF FURNITU: J3k Bli CHAS. HEILBOHN. Two car loads received : Jlore on the way. You are invited to see the ilncst display of Furniture, Carpets, eta, in the city. Prices reasonable. THE OLD STAND. ASTORIA, OR. - . y . MERCHANT TAILORS. Dealers in Gents' Purnisliing Goods of All Ends- Suits Made to Ordar at Short Notice, at Lowest Prices, Always Keep New (Joods on Hand. Alo Cleaning and Repairing. G2G Water St, Asoria, Or. ... r. O. Bo.t t210. WHOLESALE XSD RETAIL DExLEIl IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Fe 0 Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. The Largest and finest assortment of rruits and 1?eg Eecoived fresh everv Steamer. Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. We offer for sale our Entire Stock 3EL0W ITS ORIGINAL COST. Surprise Bargains Every Day. Orders from the Country will receive prompt attention and the benefit of the reduction. TERMS OF SALE STRICTLY CASH. New York Novelty Store, 'lavei's Brick Building, Opp. Occident Hotel. Pity book stqr E IOTe,oLci"W.ort:is 3?or Blank Books and Stationery of All Kinds. A Large Assortment of Hovels Always oe Hand The Latest Periodicals and Magazines received as soon as published. & : REED. ine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I havo complotcd arrangements for snpplying any brand of "Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Pa,milies Supplied. ALL OliDEKS DELIVERED FllEE IN ASTORIA. Yonr patronago in City or Conntry solicited. A. W. UTZiNGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. Itockton & Welch, Hsfafe AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sale. M AIN ST ASTOKIA, OK., P. 0. Kox 511. No curbstone brokers employed here e Shading Tailor McDonald. ill and See My Nobby Stock of Spring Goods . Just Arrived. . It comprises tlic latest goods in the market, ami I offer them at prices never before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most comfortable fitting suits in the city. Kext to C. H. Cooper's Astoria, Oregon. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ASTORLV, ONLY OF BOOTS AND 3ROES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SICN OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. TOEcnxr TTAE3?ar. Notice of School Meeting IS HEKEBY GIVES TO TIIE LEGAL voters of School District No. J, tliat a meeting will be held In the school house of said district on Monday, July 21st, 1800. at 7 :30 p. m., for the purpose of levying a tax to support a school in said district lor the ensuing year. Also a tax to pay Interest on the present indebtedness. Also a tax for Incidental expenses. Also a tax to redeem some ot the outstanding bonds; and to dis cuss tho question or establishing a high school in said district, and to transact such other bus!nes3as may properly come before the meeting. By order ot tho Board of Directors ot said district. Attest : J. W . CONN, Chairman. J. G. HUSTLER, Clerk. Astoria, July nth, IS90. OstoinB lowers. Wilson & Fisher, AGENTS. One Horse - - $5U OO Two So. -I - C3 OO " IJisrl - - 75 OO TTTTT DIAMOND PALAGE GUSTAV HANSEN, Pron'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fino Diaio i Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Goods Bought st Thin Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watcli and Cloclc Repairing A SPECIALTY. Comer Cass and Squemoqua Streets Agent. Call and Examine It ; You "Wiil be Pleased. E.R.naweals also Agent ror the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand; FIRE WORKS arj&.ap.A.iKriEssrES a - For All kinds or Fire Works, best Tea, Japanese and Chinese Curiosities and Novelties. Fine Silk Goods, Rare Crockery, Lacquered- Ware. Ivory Toys, Matting. Ladles' Under wear, Etc., go to WINC LEE & CO. 529 THIRD ST., ASTORIA, OR. North Pacific Brewery, JOHN KOPP, - - Proprietor. BREWER OF EXTRA FINE BOHEMIAN LAGER BEER. EXTEA PINE STEAM BEER. :x: SI POHT IE3 h . E-ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. "S -