The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 16, 1890, Image 1

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WSRRTjra' 9!wfmifJIi!ii! '
:d. li--
Vol.. XXXAr, NO l.
,- t, j.,
rS P ft .x Si" v yl , m j, m,
jH fgk Ks , v . vA . j f . Jr , -,-; -ig E-rzgs-- IRs AimKf nBX &SW4KW Jr Qt,ydin.r
Fire, and Marine and Li IV
VAN DUSEN & CO.. Ag'ts.
or tin I'ullmvlui: Reliable Foieij-n ami
llvini t'-oinjianlfs :
UvTtiul :ml l.oii.lii:i ami ("lube. Ninth
IlitlKIt ami Mercantile. Scottish Union ami
nt:in:i1. Uartl'iul ot Oniner.icut,Ounimer-
of (Xilifniiit i. lm-iou ami lmcasliire of
jcnool. Commricial I'uioii of London.
Ciinnii.'iii of I-omJon. .Ntirlhu'i'M ofl'oill.tnil. 1 ift of New York.
.'rompi.LibC'iil Adjustments Gum anted
.. W. (-ASK
insurance Aent.
K!irKKSi: Jl.NC
California Man e . s. Co , S. F.
Columbia Fir n 1 farine Ins. Co..
Home Mutual lnsmancu Co . S. F.
Phoenix of London.
Imperial of London.
Robb Sl Parker,
Fire and Marne Insurance.
Wit It an Aggregate Capital of
IMl'KRIAI.. or London.
CALIFORNIA. or California.
i iNNKCriCUT. f Hartford.
OAKLAND IIO.M.:. itf Oultl.tuil
LION, of Utmlon.
FIRKMAN'S FUND, of California.
tjUEKX. of Umdoa
Washington Market.
;nln Mrcrl. - tslorln, Orison. v co., ri:oi'KiiTo us,
i linn of tilt; imlilic to the fact that the
jo..- Market ill always leMij)lled with a
Wtilcli nil. be vl1 at lowest rates, wliole-
cueaiid retail.
-p.'ia! uttetitiou given to supplyln
Fmsli and Cured Meats,
I'HK.VAJIl'H Kireot. AstorI, c
Roadway Market.
(Pllnra A: Iiignlls, Propr's.
OpjHsllP Foanl Sc Stokes.
A First-Ciass Meat Shop.
Fresh and Salt Meats.
All Fiirchases Deliveied in any part of ihe
0. E. BAIN,
Manufarttirer Dealer ;n
Sasli, Doors, Mouldings
and Brack ts.
All Kinds iT IEr, U'.im! :.:.!
IIiiiihi I'iitisliii; S.iittiliri'.
Wood Turning
Cor. Genevieve anil Astot .Streets.
Your Money's ffei
Groceries and Provision.
KverjlliiiiKln a First class Store
and at
Extremely Low Figures.
Coods Delivered all ivi-r Town.
n.e Highest Price ':u fr Junk.
The Indiana Paint Shop.
C. M.CUTUIKTH. Frop'r.
Cor. Third and Main Sts., Astoria.
Pper Hanging a Specialty.
Work executed with Neatness and Dis
patch, CO
iWINGATE & STONE, Astoria,
Y m'W g1ra
trt& )&&$ itt
3 WU!Sss3l.
&bsoluih' uro.
This li'-.liriii' it :ims, a o.
!in!v.Mr"nKtli.Hl wliiiii-wut-v.fss. t.n
ei'oii'iiii.l lit..: tin- .irlirtJ '' .a-' r',
not !, -.ill, I in i-ni'iji-i.Ji.'ii t:! it" .: li-:iii--is
:v. :.-.. : n v.isil r i'!4-pli.-Uo
swiloN. .ff.nM if'X. Uy-t
l'.AKi'-i; Fun iki: t'.i.:if v t.s . .
Lu'Vis M .Imivsn:. .1 Co. :,iu. !
laml. ,srecii.
CB P Upshur,
Shipping and Commission Merchant St. Wharf, A-.toi.a. Or" n
Garranery SyppSies
Barbour's Salmon Not Twines.
SF.PYUNK llnuul .Salmon Tv. inc.
WOOIM.KURY Cotton Linos ami Twines
Of all IVscripti-:i FnniMiei! a!
Factory I'nccs.
K-fecteil in F21M C.v& rtiii:uihs.
Keprt'MiiUK I .,
l'IIU-:XIX, Hait foul. Conn
IIOJ1K New York,
Agcarj Pacific Kxprcfcs anil WcIlx.F&rgoAt'o.
(Sucet-bsirs to)
Groceries Produce.
Water Street, Astoiia, Oregon.
TKi.KPiiexi: ao. ;. - p. 0. r.ox :sua
TMelsefl. Later & AiiUbisbd,
Surveyors and Architects.
Okkick, IJofiM i, 111 n'o
V. O. IIox si::. A .lOUIA.OK.
riicn is n. cn.Mnu for Hit i.'.i fa-tidi-i:si.i:ii
elt;'ie l x'U.. S- I'.Tthtiid o;
:tu I niit':s.y fi.;
Iht . I '.'' r 1 1 . :i rk lis: . .ji.i" ." ' - U.. .
?.-. t;s:. 1M1 1 l i v.a.. .: ;,
r-esv Cioo'-ia t vtr, ilenmc-r.
J'.il' n:id Ii.iii .i:tl ..i:t-: jnrsir
J3. J ffleany. i,iaiit imtoi
Seaside House.
C. C. Cooper,
The Seaside House has been loliilcd and
refiiruislicd tliroughniit. and ollrri uiiMir
p:usscd facililus to all to -njo a p'.caint
sojourn at the famous Clatsop 'ifrarti. An
attentive eorjis of attaches an tniiloed.
and ererytliini; done for tin comfort "and
convenience of guests.
etfsaiay -
IT- IS THE I ID.ATi K' DTJi jjii.
It ro e"; the Sjvct anil K'J: nlS'ii-niJi,
Curi ! 1 .: 1 u lit". Dv- si '. 1 n 11. , AptK:
titc, 1'unficj. Uie Ini; jro BIihi.!, a:iJ
MakesThe "Weak Strong.
Used every here 81 abottia;sixfor?3
rf HEALTH tfssrn
?y 8153 B KrtALi3iiaAaKJZt?lsJi5
IvMiieM p ni n n f R'sjsa
tyRaiyTt. 1 r y '.7 - t3 J2j?i&s
Blocks 200x200, $300 to $400. Lots 50x100 to 350 feet, $40 to $100.
This Choice Property is now on the market, and is the Finest Summer Resort on the Coast. It joins the Seaside Hotel
property on the south, and has one-half of river frontage, on the Itfecanicum river with fine boating and fishing.
Before llis House Commutes on
Elections, :;tatj:.v i:xrs oi'.i r,A in;:
Special UyTjirc rxiTtn li:it.--s.
AVajwhnoton-, .TjsIt 15. -Tho Squad
ron of ovolution wliicli s:tiled
from itio Janeiro n days ajo Jtas
not been heard from since, ai naval
Iieadqnnriors. altltouglx admiral
Walker rts especicd io stop sit Per
nnmhnco, 1.500 miles distant from Itio.
No aiixiely. however, is felt for tlie
safety of the Squadron, as this is
uot ihe stormy ieriod on the Drasil
iiin oast, and lhcsltumare all ainply
alik to htke care of themselves.
Agreement F 1 ise Coimnsttcr.
Spct-:al M Tins Aroi:i.:,-.j
Wasuington', July 15. -The senate
finance committee this morning or
dered a favorable report on the nomi
nations of live meinl)ers for a general
board of appraisers recently appointed
b lire president. The only discussion
was over the names of MeVsrs. Sharp
k Jewell, of New York, against whom
there Avas some feeling on the part of
the Democratic and Republican mem
Ikts of the committee, respectfully.
The committee ordered a favorable re
Iort on the bill to regulate National
bank circulation.
A J iir.t Claim an;I Slionli? Ie I'jiid.
Speoi 1 to Tll ASTOKIAN.J
Vtashixotox, .T11I3' lo. lleprcsen
tntives ?.Iorrov, Uarlins and Uerniann
appearJtl before Ibe house sub com
mittee on appropriations to-day, and
argued in favor of paying their respec
tive states the amount paid out by
them, in aid of the suppression of the
war of the rebellion.
Additional I'ensioii Clerics,
special to Tiik Avtokiax
Washington', July 13. The hottse
spent the entire afternoon discussing
the bill appropriating G3G,1S9 for an
additional force of G3G clerks in pen
sion offices. It was used as a test of
the discussion of extravagance on ap
propriations, tbc charges recently
made against commissioner linum and
the civil service question. The bill
was finally passed, and the house then
ftr'orcipii 5Inrticrcr Arrcstcil.
Special to Tiik Astokian.1
Washington, July 15. The depart
ment of state is informed of the ar
rest of Alinas, who assassinated the
wife of llev. John N. Wright, au
American missionary, at Salma,
Persia, on tho Gth day of May last.
Minns was a teacher in tho mission
school, and had just been dismissed
from his place for improper conduct.
The arrest of Minn was mainly duo
to the efficient action of the Uritish
consul-general at Tabriz, Col. O. E.
Stewart, before whom he will b?
brought for trial.
a ciooir,.
Inrrcafcitif; tlie E'uiitl For lite Srri
jalioii Survey.
Special to Tin: Asrom x.
Washington, July 13. Tlie senate
passed the bill granting land in tlie
stale of Washington for a soldiers'
home. Almost the entire afternoon
was spent in discussing the promised
amendment to the sundry civil appro
priation bill, increasing the appropria
tion fur tin; irrigation survev from
S2IMWKW to SG0n,(XK.l. Without voting
on tin amendment, the senali ad
join m-d.
: l.w E2ot:.c
Sp (!! 1. 1 tux Vsr i:i ;..
WASUiNsTrv'a.y I.. In ih.b.r.f,e
today Vnn.Iever, of California, intro
(bleed a biJl granting a Oi'.sinn of
n,K)l a year io ih widow of liu
i:stgener:il John C Fivmoni.
Jloiiv.-went into euminittee of the
whole on ih' bill providing for addi
tional clerical Toree to c,trry into ef
fect i:.e jirovisions or (hi dependent
pension act.
To Satisfy Jlse 'S'tviit Cities.
Special li Tin: Aktowan.
Washington, July 15. Assistant
attorney-general Cotton left Washing
ton last evening for HL Paul and Min
nenpoli ? under order. from the attor
ney -general to investigate the alleged
irregularities in the census returns
from those cities.
. Honors to iici'.ioii.
Sp cial to Tor. Astoiiian
Washington, July 15. -Secretary
Tracy to-day revoked the order assign
ing the 1sjo.v lo convey the re
mains of the inventor, John Ericcson
to Sweden. It is believed that the
new cnuiscr Jiallimorc will be as
signed. The Appropriation I.ill.
Special to Tm: AsTOniAN.l
Washington, July 15. The senate
this morning resumed the considera
tion of the sundry civil appropriation
All Hie patent medicines advertise!,
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet artieh s ete.. can
be bought at the lowest prices at J. XV.
Conn's drug store, opposite -Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Stroxu? Argiimciil.. I'scil Iy ;r
Special to Tiik Astoisian.1
Washington, July 15. The con
cluding arguments in the Glaytou
Breckenridge contested election case,
werebegnn to-day before the house
committee on elections. Judge John
McClure of Arkansas, appeared for
the contestant. Col. Clayton, who was
assassintcd soon after lie had served
notice of his intention to contest for
the Breckinridge peat. Judge Mc
Clure spoke at "length concering the
statements made by Breckenridge, iu
which he attributed the contest of ins
peat to McClure, and not to Clayton.
Judge McClure said that he could see
no purrwsein these insinuations except
that Breckenridge wanted to incite
his partv to do with him, is they had
done with Clayton. At this point,
representative Crisp, of Georgia, a
Democratic member of the committee,
appealed to the chairman io prevent
the utterance of such personalities.
Crisp said he would leave, if more
language of this kind was indulged in.
The chairman cautioned judge ?Ec
Clnre to avoid personalities. McClure
then went on io try and prove thai
other mnrders committed in Arkansas
bore the same relation to Ibe murder
of clayton. lie argue .1 at length that
the mnrder of elayjou was political,
but exonerated the people or Arkansas
from complicity in it, but claimed tbat
the politicians were responsible.
By tie Explosion of Tabs of. Giant
four" JCiLLri) axj ix.iunr.n.
Special ly Tiik Unitkh Pints.
Cincinnati. Ohio, July 15.- -An ex
plosion occurred in a car -containing
several tons of giant powder, on the
Little Miami 11. lv., at Deans station
this evening. The particulars hac
not reached here, but it is reported
that ten bodies have been taken from
the r;uu.- and that thirty parsons arc
I'owclcr ITIill Uxnlosioit.
Sp cia! to Tiik astokiax.
Cincinnati, Ohio. July 15. It is
rumored that 100 or 200 "people have
been killed by an explosion of the
powder mills at Foster's crossing,
Anotlter Race Conflict.
Sjieciai to Tiik Astoi.i x.
Chi:i.hston, S. C, July 13. -A con
ilict between white and blnck, is re
ported k bo in progress in Barnwell
county,- S. C. Reporters have started
fortius scene or the rumored trouble,
which is not accessible by wire.
Concerning toe IJace Conflict.
Spcc'.il to Tin: Astoi.i ax.
CiiAuriUSTON, S. C. July 15. It is
reported that in the riot near Ivears.
Barnwell countv. to-dav. between .t()0
negro armed with "rilles, and '25
white men, one negro was killed and
u number of ier.sons wounded. As
sistance has gone from the surround
ing towns.
CoitKon n a !tilrnjtl.
Sju-c-a! to T11 : AsTom s.
Manspikld, Ohio, Jidv 15. A lud
railroad wreck took place at 1 1 2Jd this
morning, on tho New ) ork, l'nn.s I
vauia and Ohio road, n't a point :,kmt
a mile east ofAshlin.l. The limited
v;.stibnle train of tlse Chioigo and SL
Louis Co., into lie. rtMr end of a
freight train an i both train-? were
badly sms-hed. flir. ivintrloi.1 thai
several p HengV hive h,vn killed
and a uunilter Iwdh injured.
'.Van Is to Wliii Nii.liai.
So- ial in r:ic Asrot'i
NY.w iuiiK, .luiy 15. Win Mitl, who was going to whip John L.
Sullivan on sight, h:i.s left this city.
lie f:ule.l to lenw word with anv of
his friends as to where he could lo
found in case the big fellow wanted to
see him. It was whispered among
ins mentis about the bt. James hotel
to-night, that the wrestler had gone to
his country farm at BelHist, N. 1 .
To Ke Ivc a (iooil C1 ITJagasinc.
Spi-cl il to Tiik Asrom x 1
Nr.w Yokk, July 15. There is a
street rumor to the effect that senator
Fair had been invited to assist in re
suscitating the old Aiding magazine
and that he is considering the proposi
tion. Hop tins nt ess is S.ivcly.
Special to Tine AstokiaXm "
Nr.w Youk, July 13. A tour among
the dealers in hops, bring3 to light
the fact that .3,000 bales were sent to
London the present week. Unfavor
able reports concerning crops in Eng
land and Germany, continue, to bo
ftoing to Seattle.
Special to Tiik Astokiax 1
BniiiiRFONTE, Pa., July 15 Pro
fessor John W. lleston, principal of
the preparatory department of tho
Pennsylvania state college, has ac
cepted the superintendency of the
Seattle public schools.
A Lasting Farewell to tie Victims
of tie Storm.
Til 1: -v um r. 1:1: sti j. n 1 sen k. 1 s i:s.
Sp- cial by Tiik Uxitki 1'krss.
Lakk Crrr, July 15. The lake
shore was made to reverberate this
morning with tho thunder of dyna
mite, which was brought into requisi
tion iu the hope that it would ba of
help iu bringing some of the bodies to
tho surface.
Nothing now has developed along
the lake shore, no bodies having been
recovered up to noon. It is probable
tb:.t no more bodies will be found for
two or three days, and the hope of
Lake City is that not over a dozen
more are in the lake, but at Bed Wing
the number is placed at two or three
times that figure.
Cnpt. Wcrthren, who has not been
seen here since yesterday noon, told a
citizen ot Bed Wing thnt tho number
on board at the time oX the disaster
would not exceed 170. A Bed Wing
man denied the captain's lignres as
over thirty below. the trnth and ac
cn.'ed both the captain and the cw
of being drunk and unfit to have
charge at such a time. There is no
proof of such a state of affairs. There
were those on the barge among the
passengers who had been drinking
and who--e actions drove the women
and cluldreu to ihe cabiu. This fact
may be ground for tlie rumor.
Another rumor that caused great
indignation accused the captain of
ordering the cabin door locked and
keeping the poeplo inside. Miss
Aggie Barton of Lake City, one of
those rescued from the barge, says
all tho women and children were
ordered into the cabin from the barge.
It would bo natural for the captain to
do this, as it was intensely dark and
rain and hail made it extremely dis
agreeable to remain on the barge.
On the other hand both engineers
say that the captain thought the
barge safer than the steamer and sent
an order down to the cabin for the
women and children to go on the
barge. Instead of carrjiug the order
correctly the man told them lo stay in
the cabin and locked the door, which
they did. Previous to that most of
the women had left the bargo for the
steamer, telling the engineer that a
party of men on the barge were drunk
and had been acliug in au objection
able maimer and they would not stay
there. Whether this bo fact or not
it is certain that the doors were shut,
if not locked, when rescuers reached
the steamer and everything indicated
that they had been closed throughout
the irale.
n;'iT3i:rous FiT-vmcAa.s.
Sorrow and Sadness iu If la 11 y a
Special to Tiik AsroniAX.
Bed Wing, Minn., July 15. -Sixty-six
Iwdies were brought here yester
day and laid out in an empty store
room, and lo this place of death came
mourning friends to claim their dead,
or look in vain for the absent. All
day long pine boxes that suggested
heart aches and heart breaking, were
being carried from ihe store room to
the .stricken hornet of the city, and at
many a hearthstone, but one or two
survivors of the family awaited tho
coming of tho mortal clay or their
loved ones. This is a day of funerals,
nearly all of the bodies yet recovered
being carried to "God's Acre,' where
the last words of farewc-'l and conso
lation are being spoken. Tin falling
earth as it. strikes upon the coffin
lid. l;caU also upon Ihe hearts of
many mourner.
Vie'ii'.iH of the Cyclone.
Sj. al .1 111!" sn'tAN.i
nl 1 n.n r-UT'iiis, J uly 15. Another ie
lim or the lake (Servns cyclone died
yiterd:... Mrs. John Clark whose
home at Little Canada was wreeked
and whose left arm was torn oh" and
lung exjiosed died in great agony.
A sliver pierced her husband just
alKivc the heart. It is thought he has
a chance lo recover.
A Strike at Trenton, S. J.
Special to Tin? Astoi.ian.1
TnnxTON, N. J., July 15. Five
hundred iron-workers at tho New
Jeasey Steel and Iron Co's works
struck this morning. The mill is
principally owned by Abram S.
Ilewett, ex-mayor or New York, who
is traveling in Europe for his health.
The strike is the result of a refusal to
sign the scale of tho amalgamated
society of iron and steel workers.
ki'ortis,; m:ivs.
Two Prominent Fights Ilcing
Special to Tim Astokiax.
Nr.w Yokk, July 15.- A London
cablegram to the Police Gazette says
that the Pelican club oilers a pnrso of
600 for a match between Jackl)emp
sey, 'The Nonpareil," and Jack Burke,
the 'Irish Lad." Dempsev will be
allowed .100 for expenses. Ted
Pritchard. an English middle weight,
has decided to come to the United
States and fight Dempsey for the
middle weight championship o the
- ii j..lllll IM
Public Property Sliould be for
the Public.
Special to Tiik Astokiax.
Buffa, N. Y., July 15. The
board of managers & the Lake Car
rier's association, representing organ
ized vessel owners of the great lakes,
met to-day. A resolution was adopted
protesting against the passage by
congress, of bills to graut the use of
any United States pier, wharf or other
harbor property, for tho use o anj
private individual or 'corporation.
They say that all the piers, wharves
or other harbor property, on which
public money had been expended,
should bo held.for the use oE the gen
eral public, and praying congress to
tnke and hold them for such use.
"Winners of Prizes in Tuesday's
Special to Tiik Astokiax.
Xnw Oiutcx3. July 15. At to-day's
drawing of the Louisiana State Lot
ten, the following numbers drew the
principal prizes: 92,501,300,000; 32,791. j
100,000 ;26,7-17, $30,000 ;H.767,S25,000. J
"W.'i.A-., 11 in-? ...i io ieo ccm rvnn
Numbers 42.02G. 51,297, 5G,32i,70,
923 and 73,93G, S5.009 each.
Numbers 2,750, 9,520, 17,483, 20.S93,
27,631, 27,GG3. 29,008, 39,602, 10.60S,
1S.SS3, 51,S62, 56,557, 57,233, 58,266,
38,611, 59,023, 73.1S9, 77,351, 80,623,
80,870, S1.703, 83,689, 90,000, 90.01S and
97,157; 81,000 each.
Prairie Tires in Texas.
Special to Tiik Astokiax
New OniiEAXs, July 13. Tho
Picayune, San Antonio. Texas, spec
ial says: ""Distrnctive prairie tires
have been raging for two or three
days along tho line of the Southern
Pacific B. B., and have not yet burned
out. No rain has fallen for over a
week and the grass is very dry and
readily catches lire from sparks from
passing locomotives."
Silver Is Rooming Now.
Special to Tiik Astokiax.
New Yokk, July 15. The signa
ture to the silver bill by tlie president,
has caused as great an increase in busi
ness at the stock exchange as was ex
pected. Silver certificates have reached
the highest point yet touched, rising
nearly one point. There was also a
rise in silver in London, where it was
quoted at 50 pence and upward.
Philadelphia Co-Opcratcs.
Special to Tub Astokiax.1
PHTJaADETjrniA,. July 15. To-morrow
in the Continental hotel oE this
city the subcommittee on permanent
organization committee of the World's
fair is to meet with those Philadel
phians prominent in the centennial
exposition as to the most feasible
means of assuring the success oE the
World's fair at Chicago.
Woman's cw Fad for "Wearing Shirts.
"Bab," tho well known newspaper
corresppudent, is a woman of sense.
She says: 'It was bad enough when
the masculiuo girl assumed tho shirt
and jacket, but now when she takes
off her jacket, switches it over one
arm and walks in her shirt, she needs
a good strong dose ot ihe truth, and
that is, it's neither decent or gentle
manly. She has proven one thing,
however -she has her shirts made
in the received fashion that
closed in the back, with
proper yoke, and buttoned
all tho way down the front. All the
men who object to washerwomen
making ribbons of their shirts are
adopting this plan, because the lady
ot the lather doesn't drag them over
an ironing board three sizes too large
for them and tear them in that way. !
The shirt wearing girl would like to I
impress on with tho fact that she is
economical, but she isn't. IT she had j
been made straight instead of curved,
she might have worn a shirt a day,
but uaturo having rounded her out,
her shirt front breaks, and unless, she ,
wisues to become an awful object,
demands two shirts a day, and her
laundry bill is something awful."
1 1 is the little tliinj-s of life, the worries of
to-day ami to-morrow, makes the
crow's feet arouml our eyes So the littie
pains of an hour or a minute break down
the constitution. Look after the little ills.
li:ixKKTirs Pills cure dyspepsia, or
liulij-csUon, headache, pain in tlie .shoul
ders. coiiih"f tightness of the chest, dizzi
ness, sour. stomach, bad taste in the month,
bilious attack?, palpitation of the heart, in
llammation of the lungs. Tain in the region
of tlie kidney-, and a hundred other pain
ful symptoms are the offspring or dyspepsia.
One or two pills every night is sutEcient.
Brvxihiktii's Pills arc sold in cery
drug and medicine .store, either plain or
sugar coated.
per fure o
rr ok
&& CTwrsnt
fuF-dGGlSTS At-ulEsSlYEIYWriEf?E
The CnAsMaGEiER GMauq-Md-
- fl 4 . Jti S ttj.Vsr'
arc Austin House, Seaside,
Stanley's Condition Is Minpyci
art He is Very feat
Special by Tiik Uxitkd 1'kess.
London, July 15. The ten days
fete at Brussels in honor ot tho
sixtieth anniversary o Belgian in
dependence and the 25th year of king
Leopold's reign commences on tho
20th inst., with the unveiling of sev
eral statues which complete the his
torical decorations o Sablon square.
The pageant is to cost 60,000, and
represents "The glories oE the six
teenth century.' Five allegorical cars
will be surrounded by a thousand per
sons in renaissance costumes. Tho
whole Belgium royal family reassem
bles in Brussels on the lOtli and many
royal visitors are expected.
The New Hoard Satisfactory.
Special to Tun Astokiax.
Buenos Aykes, July 15. The new
board oE the National Bank satisfies
the commercial community of Mon
tevideo. In view o the improved
situation they have abandoned their
intention to renew the agreement of
the convention of 1875. binding them
selves to receive onlv gold.
The "Standard" is Right.
Special to Tiik Astokiax.1
London, July 13. The Standard
says: ''The death oE general Fremont
deprives the Americans o a romantic
personality which it can ill afford to
lose in these prosaic times. His name
will live in history."
IJigDay atRio.
Special to Tun Astokiax.1
Bio Janeiro, July 15. Yesterday
was a national fete day in Brazil.
The streets of the city were decorated
at night. Thero was a display oE fire
works and the city was illuminated.
Ravages of Cholera.
Speeial to Tiik Astokiax.
Mvdkid, July 15. The Gazette
says that in the last two months thero
have been 1-15 cases of cholera in
Spain, 251 of which have been fatal.
From the Kritish metropolis.
Special to Tiik Astokiax.
London, July 15. The government
has decided to adhere to the proposal
for a November sitting of parliament.
Gladstone is better.
Granted. Concessions.
Special to Tiik astoki.?-
London, July 15. The government
has granted an increase of pay and
other concessions to telegraphers.
Arrived at Cologne.
Special to Tun astokiax
Cologne, July 15. The American
riflemen arrived here from Berlin this
Stanley Very Weak.
Special to Tiik a-touiax."1
London, July 15. Stanley con
tinues ill. Dr. Parks says he is very
weak. "
Slasjc Roulicry.
Special to Tiik Astokiax.
Victoria, B. C, July 15. The
Cariboo stage was held up by high
waymen near Ashcroft last night. Tho
particulars are not yet obtainable.
He Denies the Report.
Special to Tub Astoisivn.I
Victora, B. C, July 15. United
States fcousul Meyers has written to
the American papers, in contradiction
of the sensational dispatcher, regard
ing the Behring sea question.
i Scatiili t pM-O'lt.
Ilnnti in hand they walked along
liesida the sunlit. sta:
They heard tlie wsr.uh fa auiiiiiit-r song
A wondrous melody.
4Oh! how i lovojoii," he si:d,
"How dear you are to r.i!'"
The maiden drooped her pretty hea-l,
tsnt not a word said she.
"Wilt thon bo mine, my love?" said he,
While grasping her soft hand.
'Oh! don't make love jnst now.' said she,
"My shoes ara foil of sand."
liofton Courier.
Victory for an Insurance Co nip y
i. S. Coxovkr, Agt,. Northwestern
Mutual Life Insurance Co.. of Manistee,
Mieh.,say.s: 'l had rheumatism twenty
years; used crutches ten years. From
tlie use of powerful liniments my hip
and knee had lost nearlj all strength.
Uibbard's Ilheuniatie Syrup has cured
me, and I wish to herald to all, the
merits of the wonderful medicine." For
sale l3 .1. V. Conn.
A silver eel four feet four inches in
length and weighing nine pounds and
six ounces was caught at Canaan
Fonr Comers, N. Y., last week.
Children Hry for Pitcher's Castoria
5Vhen Eaby was siclr, wo gavo her Castoria.
SVben she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
iVhen she becanio 3IIss, she clang to Castoria,
iYhcnshoha.1 Children, she gave them Castorii
Tie Officer in Clarie or tie Seal
ing Seizure,
Special by TI10 United Peess
Sax Fiuxctsco, July 15. A letter
from Capt. Mockler, o tho schooner
JIaitie L. Dyer, seized at Ounalaska,
has been received lately. The captain
says that nothing had been done at
the time oE writing, as the officer was
waiting for the cutter to get his in
structions. Tho officer in charge oE
the seizure tried to get the crew to
swear that the schooner had caught
seals, but this they'refnsed to do. It was
not customary to carry n copy of a
bond, for lack of which the schooner
was seized, unless arms were landed
in Alaska. All the captains in port
declare that the deputy collector had
gone too far in tho case.
Ho is a newman theie, having come
from Sitka. The captain says he
does not see where they have a chance
to do anything with the schooner, as
a hunter he took on board at Sanak
named George Anderson could prove
where the last seals were caught by
the schooner, and his word must be
taken, as he is not on the articles and
is the only passenger. He will be able
to swear that no seals were taken in
Behring sea and none less than thirty
miles off the shore in the Pacific
"IVhich Connects Cape Flattery
and Port Towns-end.
Special to Tiik ASTonrAX.
San Francisco, July 15. At a
meeting ot tho chamber oE commerce
this aEternoon, a letter wa3 read from
the chamber of commerce o Port
Townsend, asking the San Francisco
chamber to extend its aid in securing
the repair oE the cable from Cape
Flattery to Port Townsend, for which
an appropriation o S8,000 has been
asked by the congressional delegation
from the state of Washington.
Better Pay is "Demanded.
Special to Tiik Astoriax.
Sax Mateo, Cal., July 15. The
workmen on the Spring Valley dam,
150 in number, s track for a raise o
wages from 1.2o and board, to 1.40
and board, thi3 morning. A compro
mise wa3 effected, and work will be
resumed to-morrow at 1.35. Yester
day 23 rock haulers struck for a raise
to 3 per day, instead of 2,50.
A Life Ended Instantly.
Special to The Astokiax.
Sax Fraxctsco, July 15. James
Curtis, a laborer, 2S years of age, fell
into a caisson oE the sea wall this
morning and was instantly killed.
landing of a Dissolute Life.
Special to The Astokiax.1
San Fkaxcosco, July 15. Maggie
Andrews, a middle aged woman', endeVl
a dissolute life this morning, by sui
ciding with morphine.
. F. D.
Of New York,
Tlie Eminent. Scientific and Practical
I now in Astoria, and will remain a
short time only.
Dr. W. D. Baker, Dr. Jay Tdttle,
Dr. O. B. Estes, and other Prom
inent Physicians.
Take advantage of the opportunity. Call
at once and have your eyes correctly fitted
with proper Glasses.
OFFICE HOURS-9 A. M. to 5 P. M,
Wm. "V. Wiikkrv.
Kiciiard Harry,
Civil Engineer.
Wherry & Harry,
Real Estate
City and Suburban Troperty Sold on Com
mission. Investments Made for
Outside Tartics.
I. W. Case, Banker. Judge C. II. Page.
Office on Tliird Street,
Near Court House, - ASTORIA. OR.
S--Jlja' -jtds& "