The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 14, 1890, Image 3

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    SilTCpj'-pHeg ' wtg fSKrvvlu:isr
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gwljj stcran.
Publishers and Proprietors.
Term! or Subscription.
Served bv Carrier, per week 13 els
Sent by Mail, per month . Wets
Wnt by Mail, one year $7.00
Free of postage to subscribers
Tun Astouiast guarantees to its adver
:tvcrj the largest circulation of any newspa-ix-r
published on tlic Columbia river.
Deer can now be killed, the close
season having expired.
It's about time to call in those
Fourth of July decorations.
Have you a ticket for to-night's per
formance at the opera house?
The stone front of the Kinney build
iug on Third street begins to show up
The iirst salmon of the season there
was caught in Coos bay last Wednes
day, says the i e'ev.
Kahuna is astonished over eighty
bushels of shelled corn that a Kansas
tnnsi snipped l!.ere.
A flouring mill was. is and will be
till supplied one of the needs and re
quirements of the city.
People over from Gray's river say
that John H. Smith delivered a splen
did oration there on the Fourth.
Steam is now kept up continuously,
so that the big pump on Flavel's wharf
would be ready for use at any time in
case of fire.
It is none too soon to begin the
movement to have Oregon properly
represented at the "Worldsl Exposition
at Chicago.
Reserved Bents at the New York
uoveltv store for the Swiss bell riugers
and Oakes Comedy Sketch clnb this
The Washington delegation has
agreed on J. T. Welty as receiver of
the Olyinpia land oflice in place of W.
C. Bush, declined.
Some of the monuments in the hill
side cemetery are crumbling into dust
kindred with that they are intended
to commemorato.
Our exchaugea from all over the
state reort a big frnit, grain and root
crop. Apples and potatoes are re
ported exceptionally line.
Bogus California "endowment" as
sociations are sending out circulars.
The only members of those associations
who are not fools are rogues.
The Oregon pilot commissioners are
an overworked body of men: so aie the
Oregon railroad commissioners. They
all draw salaries for doing nothing.
Niua, the iufant daughter of J. P.
Weberg, died of whooping cough yes
terday morning. The remains will be
taken to Salem to-day for interment
The Portland World innocently
asks why don't the Portland police
close tho Portland gambling games
and enforce the law. Ask 'em and
find out
X. W, Harris & Co., of Chicago,
bought 15,000 worth of Vancouver
school bonds last Friday and pnid SG27
premium, the principal to draw G per
cent, interest
unless the matter was brought lo his
attention, and to insure oae's life is as
necessary a bit of business prudence
as to insnre one's property.
The Walla Walla volunteer fire de
partment cost 5510,249.01 for the
twelve mouths ending June 30th,
1850. Walla Walla has 57 hydrants
and cisterns, two steam lire engines
and a good department.
The incandescent system of electric
light will be an advantage in many
respects to those who require a large
quantity of light. The electric light
company expect to be able to furnish
the lights at very reasonable figures.
The Telephone arrived down at 3
yesterday afternoon and left up at 7.
She makes six round trips :i week.
There are probably no passenger boats
in the couutry that make so many
miles annual "run as those on the
Columbia river.
In the Oreyonian Dan O'Xeil says
that in 1850 he started from Oregen
city to Astoria "taking in the peo
ple along the river settlements." He
no longer takes people in; having got
ten over those boyish pranks many,
many years ago.
The general cry .ill over the country
about incomplete census returns has
about subsided. In some cases it w;is
justifiable,! ml in a number of instances
it was caused by the disparity between
the figures claimed bv ambitious burgs
and their actual population.
A very large number of p2-p!e
went to the beach yesterday, some to
Ilwaco on the Gen. ' Canby or T. J.
Potter, thence over tho railroad, and
others to Seaside on the Asloria aud
South Coast Railway, all the boats be
ing well filled with passengers.
The effort to have the city pay for the
unpaid portions of the Benton street
sewer is unjust and should not be en
tertained by the council. If the city
proposes to pay for any of it, it must
in justice pay for all of it, and refund
the money to those who havo paid.
Force of habit; is strong, and it was
well exemplified last evening ns post
master llare was seen riding on
Rescue engine, :is of old, when he was
engineer. Engineer Stoner was at his
post, but the attraction was loo good,
evidently for the postmaster to resist.
The dexterity and speed Avith which
the iusides of the mnnnikiu in Griffin
k Reed's window may ho manipulated
is a source of awe and wonder to 1 he
juveniles that there do e tngrgate. A
glance at the works confirms the :is
sertion that "we are fearfnllv and
wonderfully made."
The beautiful Sunday which favored
this section with its agreeable presence
yesterday, brought especial joy to Ihe
household of George D. Jones, for it
welcomed the advent of a 12 'j pound
specimen of humanity of (lie mas
culine persuasion, who is now con
sidered one of the family.
Tho usual fire alarm from the
building, northeast corner Second
and Benton, yesterday afternoon, is the
eighth time the department has been
called out by an alarm originating in
that Chinese nest It would be
cheaper for the city to build a fire
proof structure on that corner for the
Mongolian denizens thereof than to he
constantly paying for repairs to the
department engines. Ever' alarm
costs just so much money.
It has come to the knowledge of the
Baker City Blade that two new ad
ditions to Baker City have been lo
cated in the desert hills southeast of
town, and are out of sight and reach.
Porttand parties arc manipulating
them, and the lots are being sola to
the Willamette suckers on the same
principle that boys swap jack-knives,
"unsight and unseen." The same
game has been tried on here, and is
bad for the town that allows it.
The Astoria?. is in receipt of a cir
cular from au-easteni firm offering a
"machine to set type." That's funny.
The only machine wc ever saw that
set type right straight along is of the
male persuasion, up late o' nights and
early of mornings; a machine that
measures its own strings, jefis for the
driulcs, likes fat and savvies tabulated
matter; that sometimes smokes, and
often hai a headache; that works
while the rest of the world bleeps, and
next to a star galley likes to get "30."
The eastern man's machine may be
.ray ahead ot this, but it wouldn t
snem natural to have it around.
Interesting otcs of Travel from the
ian Vice Consul.
Considerable redwood is constantly
arriving from northern California.. It
finds ready sale in Portland aud tins
city, though wo have better building
wood at our doors.
Except where piling and bent work
makes planking necessary some other
street covering should be used.
Wherever thore is an earth base to
operate on, the streets to be "im
proved" should not be covered with
rotting plank, but with stone that will
make a permanent street
A half inebriated individual walking
on Tliird street yesterday afternoon
stepped upon a loose board laid across
a hole in the walk. Evidently think
ing he was doiug something remark
ably bright, he picked up the board,
and slid it through the hole down into
the water below, then passed on.
Every established local newspaper
receives subscriptions from large
cities which puzzle the publisher to
account for, butlhcJYettJ York Times
lately threw some light upon the mat
ter: "A wholesale grocer in this city,
who has become rich at the business,
says his rule is that when he sells a
bill of goods on credit to immediately
subscribe for the local paper of his
debtor. So long as the customer ad
vertised liberally he rested, but as
soon s he began to contract hi3 ad
vertising space he took the fact as evi
dence that there was trouble ahead
and invariably went for the debtor."
The man who is too poor to make his
business known is too poor to do busi
ness. The withdrawal of an adver
tisment is evidence of a weakness that
business men arc not slow to act upon.
With regret it is learned from the
T I 'mes-21 oun lain cer, regarding The
Dalles, that: "every effort to build up
the municipality ami improve its nat
ural facilities has met determined op
position from our own citizens. The
reason of this is the bitter factional
haired that exists between our busi
ness men. It a scheme is favored by
a certain mau, it will be exposed by
another; and if thought to be advan
tageous it is certain to meet with op
position from some source. In almost
every instance, as regards business en
terprises, The Dalles has pursued a
suicidal policy, and our own citizens
have 'knifed' the greatest factors of
our development" This is a bad state
of affairs. It is different in Asloria.
Here everybody tries to help every
body else, and people sit up nights
trying to think how they can help
somebody else. Whenever anything
of public interest is proposed nobody
opioscs it; everybody helps it along,
ami puts up and never kick3 once.
Sektined, Butte, X. D., )
July Gth, 1SS0. f
Editou Mousing Asteriax:
At 7 o'clock yesterday morning, the
porter called the the passengers for
breakfast. Upon inquiring what part
of the road we were in. the answer
was that we were neariug Paradise.
Imagine tho feelings of one not ex
actly a follower of themeek and
lowly, and having but little hope of
ever nearing such a place. But, be
hold! it was only a railroad station of
that name: a beautiful place in the
Rocky mountains along the Columbia.
The scenery is but one continual
beauty. Passed Missoula at 31 a. ai.,
one of the rich mining towns in Mon
tana. At -1 o'clock p. sr.. we crossed
tho famous Mullen tunnel that about
this place, divides the waters or the
Columbia and Missouri rivers.
The eastern slope of the Rockies is
entirely different from that of the
western slope, being not only beauti
ful, but grand, and each summit peak
stands as a monument of sublimity
beyond the power of pen to illustrate
or describe.
At 450 arrived at Helena, the capi
tal of tho stale. Near a station some
30 miles cast of Helem, a perpendic
ular mountain stands boldly out.
about one mile in length, aud is
known ns Pointed Rock, (also ihe
mine of the station,) which would be
a grand subject for an artist to eopy.
JulvGth, following down the Yel
lowstone valley, the eastern end of
A. G. Hardest has returned from a
visit to Washington, D. C.
Hon. H. B. jParker went up to Port
land last evening.
E. C. Hughes and B. H. Coleman
t returned yesterday from a visit to Port
Town send.
F. C. Norris, the former purser of j
T. J. Potter.
Misses Daisy Goodell and Ella
Brvce arc spending the summer in J
Mrs. Martin, former principal of the
District No. 1 school, is now vice-principal
of the Failing school in Portland.
Her husband is in Iowa.
Thomas Wheeler, of Williamsport,
Pennsylvania, is here on a visit to see
the country, and is already favorably
impressed with what he has seen. I
Mrs. A. F. Stoner and two children !
arrived yesterday from a visit to
Oysterville, and to-day start for their
home on the Nehalem.
CoL Woodford, who delivered tem
perance lectures here three years ago,
is headed this way again. He is in
Seattle now looking for a horrible
Judge Fogg, one of the prominent
attorneys of Tacoma, is spending a
few days in this vicinity. Yesterday
he went over to Ilwaco and North
Beach in company with Dr. Mullinnix.
T A. Stephens, past grand master
of the grand lodge, A. O. TJ. W., went
to Sealand yesterday and back again,
with his wife and daughter, and last
evening they went home to Portland
wmwm mwmmmmm pairs
llnftinnrhom E ono Piiraino
mm mix iinsii oiiie iiiii mum
iliw t iiiibbiiii wmr m wu m civtiiiw
ixty Cen
Just ULeoeiired, at The
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of the City
t it
517 and 521 Third St..
Montana, on the north side of the uu aii:L-r . a. i-uuti.
river, the hills are of leis elevation1 Iof. O. S. Jones and wife, and Mrs
than in other parts of Montana, often
resembling immense bleached stacks
of hay, and smaller oucs like grain
heaps. We now leave Yellowstone
river at Glcndive at 10:15. aud follow
due cast on a straight line several
hundred miles to Fargo, Minn.
in a few miles wo leave Montana,
Nickels, of Seattle, who have been
here for a week, the former as a dele
gate to the grand lodge A. O. U. W.,
leave here this morning for a visit of
a few days to North Beach, after which
they will return here and go to Sca-
With- "tie for a brief visit before going home
to beattle.
steamer Arayo is in
Judgo Bloomfield will open court at
Oysterville this morning. It is thought
that Jno. Rose and the others charged
with murder will get a change of
venue to Clarke county.
Yesterday afternoon the Bay Bail
way company carried 750 passengers
over their line, which shows that peo
ple begins to appreciate the pleasure
of "riding on the rail."
Baker City has organized a board of
lira delemitds and taken the Aastoria
board of fre delegates as a modcL
11rw thnt mean that the B. C. f. d's.
are only going to meet once a year.
The hasp ball grounds on Young's
bay arfl to bo put "in perfect order, and
hereafter on Saturdays and Sundays
punes will bo played there, and pas
:?eugers can go over the Bay Railway,
Tho wiud blow a regular nor'wester
v&denluv, and the usually placid sur
face of the bay. w&s' covered with
green billows capped with foam, over
which sped myriads of white sails.
Wm. Keid, tho president of the As
toria & South Coast railroad company,
his friend, C. J. McDougal andE.
Wilcox havo incorporated the South
ern Portland Property company, with
a capital of S100.000.
To-morrow morning those desiring
to attend court at Oysterville that
ilav can leave uere at o:o on "- ct.
Cdnby and go right through on the
train from Hwaco. The Gen. Canby
or Suomi will also make the regular
trip, leaving here at 8 a. if.
A ladv vho visited the Chinese
irardnns last week says she won't bay
anymore pens from Cbiuaineu. She
might as veil if she eats peas at all.
Tho peas sold elswhere are raised the
same way, only she doesn't see it
Oapt Hooper, of the Corwin, had a
clain bake without any cjams at Port
Townse&d Jast Tuesday. It seems
though that playing "Hamlef with
Hamlet left out, would be a' howling
Buocesa alongside of a clambake with
out any clams.
Every precaution is taken to pre
vent colliflkm of trains on the Astoria
and South Const road, and the dread
ful Msideats so numerously tele-grapKeaSfi'occurringjiU-
eastern roads
will nMtJfe ;daplidated if care aud
attafitKto can prevent it
A fresh batch of Salvationists
paraded the boulevards yesterday.
Take the girl element out of the Salva
tion Army apd the outfit wouldn't last
one night. It's the buxom lasses that
draw the crowd and induce the dimes
to come out of the pockets. General
Booth has a great head and sizes up
human nature pretty well.
The general land olfice has issued a
circular warning travelers, prospectors
and excursionists to the mountains to
be careful with their canip fires while
there. The origin of all fires will be
investigated, and when fire is found to
be the result of carelessness or design,
the parties who are guilty will be
punished to the full extent of ihe law.
Are you in favor of a high school,
or opposed to it? The question comes
up at the school meeting n cxt Monday
night, pon't say af terwa rds that you
wished you'd a known about it If
you read Tiru Astokian you'll know
what's going on. On the 21st comes
tho question of establishing a high
school. What is your opinion about
The litll
Capt .Tno. Benz is running the C.
21. lielshair.
The steamer Gen. Canby brought
over from Ilwaco yesterday afternoon,
800 cases of salmon from" the Aber
deen Packing company.
which at no distant future will be au
imrvirf 3Tif ni1 n Tvnnlflii- cfnlo ln
now has within her boundaries cilies
from 20,000 to 30,000 inhabitants, and
many other towns less in numbers, but
important business points. Her min
ing interests are great, and a small
proportion only ot her broad area, is
nnder cultivation. There is room
enough for millions of people to locato
homes, jis the soil is rich for wheat
and for other products.
Gustaf Wilson.
Tin ISml Flown.
Deputy sheriff J. L. Brown, of
Ellenshurgh, Washington, went to
Gray's harbor to arrest a man who
was employed on the steamer Afiam-e,
out wnen no arrived mere w;is in
formed that the man had left the
steamer when she was in Portland.
Thinking that possibly such was not
the case, and that the man was still
2s Coiistimptiou liietiraMe.
Head Use follewing: Mr. C. II. Morris.
Newark, A rl;., says: "Was down with
AIimvs". of Lungs, and friends and phy
ii:iiis pronounced me an Incurable
CnKtiuu'itivi-. Began taking Dr. King's
NV-.v Divowry for Con.-imiption. am
now on my third bottle, and able to
owisee Ihe work on my farm. It is She medicine ever made."
.Iesc .Middlewart. Decatur, Ohio,
..aj'!: Hail it nnL been for Dr. King's
Xew DLcovery for CoiisuiuplK'ii I
would have died of Lung Troubles. Was
si veil up by doctors. Am now in best
of lieallli. Try it Sample bottles Tree
at .1. W. Conn's Drug Store.
Th.e Popular Boot and Sh.00 Store, 2To. 537 Third St.,
Are receiving goods from the following manufacturers: Heywood & Co., Worcester. Mass.; John Strootman,
Buffalo, N. 1".; Faunce & Spiney, Lynn, Mass.; Mareio & Cie, New York City; A. E Brown & Co., Phila.; and an
Extra Line of California Goods.
IO. Power
Astoria, Oregon.
n i paagmi 1 1 n aranwiw J m,. Minn mu iiiBMBta BMBn
. k Srsap in Real Estate.
C?"5 3
r'i-!tnjfIo(l:riJir llius-.
liiv-it llnUiji town. ICihmih per night
.V.J and 2i ci.. t week ?l-o. New and
clean. I'ii::tc entrance.
cScniiis iviili Hoard.
'aities desiring comfortable
with board, at reasonable rates, can be
! accommodated at. Mrs. E. L. Ilnhlen's.
, ,, i . . i .. i ... ... .... '
on ooarii, ne went away, due just as i wiier .ua'ii aim i-ourin s-ireei.
the boat was starling oil ho jumped on
board and came to this city. Being
convinced before arriving here that
the man he wanted had really left the
boat at Portland on her other trip, the
oflieer left the steamer on her arrival
here last evening, and went up the
river on the Telephone. He will land
at Kalania and thence go home by
mil, having had a long chase for his
man, and returning without him.
The Fire Alarm.
At 3:15 last evening the lire bell
rang, aud tho lire department respond
ed with their usnal alacrity, but their
services were fortunately not required.
The cause was only a little blaze on
the root of the building at 3oi
Second street, corner of Benton, occn-
nicd bv Tn fiin .Tn1iini Sr. Hn.. n Clii-
The Steamship Sittte Of California, noon rTrvorv linnw. Ttnjinlit frnm
Capt. H. S. Ackley, sailed for San svnThs from the chimnev. and the
i iiimnmnn nvrinrmis ipii ir. n wjiw
from a small hose. The firemen, how
ever, laid their hose aud started water,
L. HD&flteU, freight olerk ot the
steamer Geo. E. Starr, is in trouble.
He'dbeee cashier of a bank at Fort
Xc4iU&xhd li out after spending
$57,000 t arda, wine, ladies, etc
He's a.J3eattle under arrest and
wishes he'd been a better boy.
More than tho usual number of life
jaeeraace agents are in the city.
Thoafcjrfeo represent reputable com
paaies, are in a way, benefactors, for
sft&ay a man wouldn't insure his life
The last will and testament of the
late Mrs. Catherine Turk, who died
last March, was filed for probate with
the clerk of Multnomah county last
Thursday afternoon. She bequeathed
$100 to Lillie Turk, and the rest of
her property, apprqx imalcjy valued at j
20,000, to her son JFrank. Jame3
Turk, her widower, is appointed ex
ecutor, PetecEsser, the state food inspector,
who was in Astoria a short time ago,
on an official tour, has made his an
nual report. Peter says the meat in
eastern Oregon is better than the meat
in western Oregon. If so eastern Ore
,gon has mighty fine meat. Ho
couldn't find any oleomargarine in
the state; he says the fish are all
right, but people who buy spices want
to look a lectio owt
The Oreyonian sarcastically says
that as a rule the people who go to
the Seaside "are those who least need
rest. Those who have something to
do and do it, don't go." Well, while
they aro away they cease to bother
those busy people, and thus negatively
benefit the can'tgetaways by letting
them work in peace. The idle bore is
the biggest nuisance on top of God's
green or otherwise earth.
A Pendleton man, who has just vis
ited the Willamette valley, has returned
home and is now puzzling Ins braiu
and the Bast Oreyonian over a prob
lem in relationship. A widower and
his sou and a widow and her daughter
were his neighbors. The father mar
ried the daughter and the son the
mother. Children were born and a
family intricacy lias arisen which a
Philadelphia lawyer could not un
ravel It is somewhat romarkablo that iii
the country of Cowlitz, Washington, a
couutry that has been settled fortv
years, that has 7000 inhabitants, thirty
mile j of railroad and has the socoud
largest courthouse in the state of Washington-there
should be a part of the
field nntrodenby the foot of white man
and less known to civilization than is
the heart of Africa. About fifteen
townships within the county are un
surveyed. A portion of the unsur
veyed tract is . occupied by white set
tlers, but full half or it is dense im
penetrated wilderness.
Francisco yesterday noon with a good
list of passengers and considerable
The steamer Alliance, Capt. Peter
son, arrived from Gray's harbor last
evening at G o'clock, and after a short
stop went up the river. She had but
liltle freight and 112 passengors.
The steamship Oreyon, Capt. E.
Pohlmau, arrived from San Francisco
yesterday, and brought 112 tons of
freight for this port, including a large
lot of empty cans for salmon and boxes
of tin.
The three-masted schooner Jiertie
Jlinor, Capt. Kaymond, goes up to
Portland this morning with :J00,000
feet of redwood lumber from Hum
boldt bay, and will load at Portland
with spruce lumber for Bedondo
Beach, California.
We recollect, says The Dalles
Times-Mountaineer, the time when
the annual run of salmon was un
heeded, and not a dollar was realized
from the millions of fish that swarmed
the river. This season, wc are in
formed, one firm has made $30,000 in
the catch of salmon. Who in the
world of the Columbia river is the
firm that has made $50,000 in the sal
mon business? Genile scriblct tell us
who? What is hi3 name? Where
doth he dwell?
There will be a meeting of the Gran
ite State l'rovident Loan Association
this Monday evening at chamber of
commerce rooms, alTStf) o'clock.
All tin: Choicest Delicacies, made, by
only first-class men at the Seaside
'! to the .San Francisco ('alleiy for
the finest IMiotn'aphs and Tintvpos.
Gluey Street.
(J to the Columbia bakery ice cream
l::rIor and try a dish or their ti:.e ice
UK Acres, dost- to river and street car Hue. Only So00 per acre, for a few days
only. $.",000 can be made on this property within three months.
3FS.oo,X S3stfto Sro3s.ers,
Odd Fellows' Building,
For a good Clean
ilain Street House.
Kooiu, go to the
Tee cream at JelFs new restaurant.
Private entrance.
(Jood Goods and low rates at the Sea
side. Bakery.
Co to
kin Is of.
the Columbia bakery for ail
For a good j-huve go to F. I'errell.
bnt for want of firo to play on, they
gave free baths to some of the
many spectators on the streets
causing a lively stampede in the crowd.
Tho stram was also accidentally (?)
turned upon the roof ot the building,
and two Chinamen there were given
free water. There was no damage
worth mentioning.
I'asxenzrrs to Portland.
A curious fashion has come into
vogue in Paris. In all tho cemeteries
inctal boxes with a slit in the lid arc
placed on the tombstones to receive
the cards of visitors. The relatives of
the deceased" are thus enabled to see
who among the living still cherish tho
memory of their departed friends.
The following is the list of passen
gers having rooms, who went up tho
river last night on the steamer Ti k
vhone :
J. S. Lew. F. O. Congill, W. C.
Cougill, E. H. Amsdeu, S. Miller, M.
Pavne, N. Sampson, t. Morton and
wife, C. H. Warner, W. II. Dobson, 35.
W. Moran, L. Smith, F. Beardley, B.
B. Humbolt, W. W. Spaulding, M.
McDougal, J. F. Adams, II. B. Par
ker, Mrs. Moore, B. II. Levy, Max
Abram, Chas. Vance, D. Martin and
wife, O. Kuox and wife, Mrs. David
son, Mrs. Mayer.
Two Choice Blks in Adair's Astoria
.i.i: wy
His Goods,
Wnicn Are
First Class
And Draws Trade By
1st RATE
Lots in Case's Astoria Are low on Sale
Astoria Eeal Estate Co.
TERMS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
Laser Beer !
is the Choice of the Connoisseur.
Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots.
Lois in Block "8' S200.
Lois in Block "88" SI 50.
Half Cash, Balance in Three
and Six Months.
i: . 11 ioLs staked at four corners.
-It is a fact,' that Hood's Sarsanarilla
does cine scrofula, salt rheum, and other
diseases or affections nrislnjr from im
pure stntc or low condition of the blood,
overcomes Hie tired ffelinsr, creates a
!ond appetite, and Rives jtrenjth to
everj part of the system. Try it.
Weixiharfl-s lier.
And I'rec Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon,; cents.
Iln1:ni:t CiR-ars.
dust received a large tock of clear
Habana c"aiv at V. L. Holms, rt0
Third street.
Dressmaker, first class, wishes, sit na
tion in private family by day or week
Callai Ihisofilce.
Ij!i!1ws LndieV $.".((! Fine Slices;
also lli-xiblc iinnd-ttir:t'.-d Frviu-h kuh
at I. .1. 'oodman & Co.V.
Viiilsard !i:r
At the Sunny Sid;- saloon. Furnished
rooms up stairs.
The lale-,1
Mi-ie-s .J
Abetter from an Imminent Physician.
Me. Editer: At the risk ot indorsing a
proprietary preparation, I havo n few word
in favor of a new laxative principle. Jinx
first, how I came to discover it. A patient
asked about taking Joy's Vegetable Sarsa
parilla. As snrsaparill.-vs Usually contain
mercury or iodides I objected, ami asked for
the formula, which flndingpurcly vegetable
and so mild as to be to my mind almost
iocrt, I consented. Imagine my n&ionlsh'
ment when perfect laxative action was re
ported. It has two prcat points. Finl,hclvis
purely vegetable, it is (unlike mercury) uot
cumulative in tlic system, bcinf- easily car
ried offby the digestive processes ; and f f com?,
it is effective with a less quantity o? tho
cathartic principle than has hitherto been
attainable. It in this respect ranks ai a
discovery, and approaches the ideal, viz.:
the least medicine consistent with the great
est good. It harmonizes natural laxative
action and perfect safetv, and should inter
est both the public aud the profession.
San Francisco Examiner, March 10, 1SS0,
Sea House.
C, C. Cooper,
Orders l'c-Hverod Free of Charge. Country
Orders Solicited. Third street,
nxt to Pioneer office.
S5 Cabinets for $2.50.
Oh! my, it PAYS to deal
Orders for any quantity to he directed to
H. WEINHABD, Portland, Oregon.
Corner Twelfth unci 55.
Telephone 72.
P. O. Bex 405
! New RES
The Reliable!
In Occident Hotel Bni tiling.
(Opp. Telephone Landing.)
Is tie Bon Toil Bestanraut of tie Town
Dinner Parties, Banqets, a Speciatly
The Finest Wines and Liquors.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
M. It. No connection with his old place on
.Main Street.
taoiiiwr'M1 r n ,'
Examiiicrct Dansk Apothckcr)
Prescription Druggist.
ji Carefully anil
jt Cmnjtotmilcd
Atecroiie Mel.
stylo ot t!:i..s IJiKits and
1. .1. Cooim;ak & Cfl.'s.
Talk is choau. Wc It-ad, others fol
low. Try the home made hi cart at the
Oregon liakcry, and judgo for yourself.
Active, widc-awa&e liojs can find
employment at the canncrv of .1. O.
Hanlhorn & Co. tf
Kcmcinhur the Austin houso at the
Seaside is open the year 'round.
For the very hest Photos, go to Sinis
ter. Delicious I'm- Cream
Served daily at the Colnmhia hafcery.
Drink Knicljcrnocker hottled heer.
July 1st, (890.
The Seaside lIono lias hepn rcnttert and
rchtniLshed throughout, and otter- unsur
passed fac.litles to all to enjoy a pleasant
sojourn at tho famous Clatsop Beach. An
attentive corps of attaches arc employed,
and everything done for the com'oit and
convenience ol guests.
Magnus G. Crosby
Dealt r 5u
Iron Pipe aud Fittinps, Stoves, Thi
ware, and
Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron.
Tin and Copper.
Choice Perfume or All Odors, Toilet
and Fanry Articles.
588 Tliird St., Astoria, Or.
Magce, Argand and Acorn
dioves 5 Ranges,
Cooking and Ilea ling,
Practical : Watchmaker,
A fine line of Gold and Silver Watches,
Solid Gold and. Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc,
at reasonable prices, impairing Promptly
Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman.
L. R. Aborcrombio, Prop.
Finest and Most Convenient
Summer Resort
Every Eoom Newly Purnished.
Private Eooms for Patnilies.
Transient Custom Solicited.
The only Abercrombie Hotel at Seaside,
2JT"Enlarged and Refitted to ATecfc tho Popular Demand.3
Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters.
The Oregon Bakery
A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r.
M Bread, Cale and Pastrj
None but-the Best Materials Used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Bread delivered tn any part ot the city.
J. B. Wyatt,
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacic Oil,
Cotton Canvas Hemp Sail Twine,
Lard Oil. AVronght Iron Spike-, '
Galvanized Cut Nails.
Agricultural Implements, Sewing
Machines, Paints, Oils,
G-i-ooerioSi jEto.
j3L push our manufactures on this ground
One of our aaents earned So 200 in 'S9.
uress, i. u. j'i,a,c ,
Prlvatc Rooms Foe Dinner Parties, Etc.
The ireoon Land Co.
Where Property Is Left For Sale.
Corner Third and Olney 8ts.
Call on or Address
SECOND ST.. Near PostotUce. -
& Coodenough,
- P. o. Boxes.
& J
4 w.
i -- '--