The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 14, 1890, Image 1

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-, -
- ?
Fire, ami Marine and I -ii f-
VAN DUSE'4 & CO.. Ag' s. i
OI tlitr Hollmx'iii, tl.-liahlf Foreign ami
l.iuti (" :
Miericio sni t l.olltlon ami (Jlolif. iNoill;
UtMSIiaiid Meirinlili'. Scott Mi t iiinu smtl '
National, 'lartfi.rd 01 Coinifclicnt. C iiimiT
ciat or O-tlifiinn i. Iiiniciu am! I.iiie,islnrtif
Uxorpool, OominiTcLii Union of Lomlim. .
tttmr.ltaii of London. Norlliwi-sl f I'.uil.tnil. '
initial Life of New York. i
Prompt,Libcial Adjustments Guaranteed
(. W. CASK
Insurance Af;ent.
California Marine Us. Co , S. F.
Columbia Fin Tt Marine Ins. Co..
Home Mutual Instance Co .S. F.
Phoenix of London.
Imperial of London.
Rohb & Parker.
fire and Mar ne Insurance.
i stJ f Aggiu,ite Capital 'f
lilPMtsAL. ol Ui.-tlon.
CA UFOKNtA. ..f California.
CoNXECTlCU r. or liumurd.
mKLv.ND HOMK. of Oakland
I.IOX.of lin.ldii.
KIltKMAVS FUNIJ. of California.
tjUKEX. of London
Washington Market
Mala i !. - 4!orln, Oregon.
'UKiftTi:iM-:v a .. rum it if.toi:.
tt uou al the nubile to the fact tliat the
.iiuivf Market HI always besupplled with a
t i t.l Vlt:KTV .Nl KKST QUALITY
Wliicli Mill be sold at lowest rat, whole
sale and retail.
rSSpi-cial attention iven to supplying
FVitsh mill Cured Meats,
UM'M.-.TK OlVlDRNT 11(11 El,
siC tttt W Mtrret. Astoria Os.
Roadway Market.
O'Hnrn. .V XngiilK, l'ropi's.
Opposite Stokes.
A first-Class Meat Shop.
Frosh and Salt Moats
All I'm Phase Peiheieil in anv part of she
t'itv. .
inning ir Tiiiiiiiiiiiimwrr i
0. B. BAIN,
li:uiuf.ieliirir and D.ral.-i m
Sa-li, iioor. Moulding
and fJrai'k t?.
XI Hi l- !" IE .! Womt -.!
2Iiu- ;; lxit;; !. umber'.
- Wood Tuin n-
('. (Ji-iievicxe :::! .lr "lr-,ls.
.stoma, - Oiiwdx.
Tour Money's W
Groceries and Provisions.
Ever; thing In a First-class Store
and at
Extremely Low Figures.
(cnds Delivered all nv r Town.
Th Highest Prlco I.d for Junk.
Thompson & Boss
Cirry a I till Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call and Be Convinced.
The liicliansi Paint Simp
C. M. OUTCIKTII, l'nip'r.
6or. TWrd and Main Sis., Astoria.
PAINTlR and crainer.
Paper Hanging a Specialty.
Work executed Ne:ilm-ss and Dis
County Ooronor.
First Class Undertaking
New Scries, Caskets aod funeral matcila.
Next to Abtortax office.
Foard & Stokes
(6 royal MWAj s3
Tills powder nevei -.anes, A mam-', at
,mntv, strength ai:d wholesomes-ess. Moio
w oii.'mlcil thouli.'.tr.lina lvi-d-,a:id can
,i-t t xn'.tl in e.i.iip'-f.tioii wtlh the niult:
lade f Sow test. -'v i1 weigiit. ali.m or j.h(
' ie v.Mers. ' "" "Mis in c-jh. i:'Vi.
I'.'.ki-.. r.wirit''. ! V'iO-n'.. '
Lkui t .loits-..N .t CD .jieiito, !'o l
Ja::i!. r-i-Mi
Od P. Upshur
Shipping ai d Cummisiion M.rciiar.i
-t. Wharf, a-Lh.
,iir-z ii
Barbour's Salmon Nst Twines.
NKl'TTXi: Ur.usd S.ilmo'i Twine.
WOO:M:i::.t".tV' tVlton Lin.auilTuhieN
Of all l)'scrip;oa I"unii!'e.l at
Tactttry Piiees.
i:;retted ii 1'irst I'l.iss Conipasii'
Jlatlford, t'im
. N V rk.
Aqcncy I'acitlc I'xjirPfcs and Wells. I'arpo i t'o.
E. P. K008AH & CO.
(Succe.ssis to)
- Ii:LLItS 1N-
Grocerics Produce.
Water -tree:. stnrl:i, Oieon
tei.immiem: v. t - t. o. uox :isw
Lester & iwm.
Surveyors juuI Arclnlccts.
Ornct:, INvit ;, ri.Avr.t.v I'.i tV;
P. 0. !5.x SI.:. AIOIMA.OK.
i h.-re is hi. .fC:tM!i for the m.
llisiifoill ClU7flls . fll.l 1.
i SuMuit
rllaad oi I mtieisc.) '!
Cusroni ft!ade Clothes
v Mn -.. - -t t:i.-i :"i!.n t i..-i .n
i.... lO.ii . ... s.. N ... .
t Jj'.ttn'. !.. u !.:. u ii:: i, NV
ulcw C-.u-. Iv f-vory Steincr.
t'.d -i tl e. h in .:iul s:iti-,!j ymiti'll
f1. u iclcany. 'i-ieiuitt'lai'..!
1MI OSrl
Transacts ;t (knemi Banking Business.
Drifts dntnn avad.rtde in an pan o! t lie
U. . Hint Krope. and on ltoii. Koa. i h:na
okvii k !hiU!:S : W A. M. tort r. -.!.
Oimi - '.t.iyiws r.nwn.vo, AMoiU, Oiej;nn.
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers in
Cannery jijis!
Special Attention Given to Fsilltjg
Of Orders.
And Supplies fundsheU t Sat!
f ACtorj- T- rinc.
Purchases delivered tn anj' part of the c.i;
OfB.ce and Warehouse
In Hume's New Kuildlni; W.iter Mieej.
V. O. Box 153. Telephone No T..
into ii Li. oitr.o;
John C. Dement.
Successor to W. E. Dernci t 4 C ..
Carries Complete Stoofcs .r
)russ and Druggists' Sundries
t'rr-ralpUeas Carerally CoiuponBdctL
Agent lor
Mexican Salve and
Norwegian Pile Cure
5 L . . I
1. 1. i e tiw Xjveranil K.dr
run i i . ii i'i
lit-, I'uufi siiK lai.mrt: Ii.
1. and
Makes Ti'c TV
x St-t.nrr.
Used everywhere. l aUcUlej8lxfor?&
x purs.
Shall Delegates From Territories;
Hold Tneir Seats ;
Special to I'm: Asrouus.l
Washixoto.v, July 13. The ques
tion of the right of Messrs. Carey ami
DuIkiIs. who came to this congress ha
ileleirates from the territories of "Wyoni-
in" ami ItLnho res;;ectivelv, to hokl
their seats as such daligalca until
Wyoming and Idaho send representa
tives here, is likely to be raised very
soon in the house. Iu this connection,
Hairy Smith, journal clerk ol the
house, calls attention to a
that came up in congress years ago. ;
It was the case of Paul Fearing, i
.1rtlrt.rr,to frnr.1 llio 7inrf hwostnni lorri-
from the northwestern terri-
the seventh congress. The
of Fearing's right to a"seat in
nirna micoriiiviynvis. of ICmi.
torj, in
t he Iwnsc was raised by Davis, of Ken-1
iuckv, who, on the 31st of November, I
IS02, offered the following resolution,
-:,. .
"hamlaxl. That inasmuch :u the t
late territory of the United btatcs,
northwest of the river' Ohio, have by
virtue or an act of congress, passed
IMay 1, 1802, framed a constitution
and state government, and have there
by ami by virtue ot r.u act of congress,
after the "said had become a separate
and independent slate by the name of
Ohio, Paul Fearing, a member of
this !wuse, who was dected by the
late territorial government of the ter
ritory northwest ot the river Ohio, is
no longer entitled to a scat in this
That resolution was referred on
December 11, 1802, to the committee
on election, which committee on the
1st ot January, thereafter, made the
following report, viz:
"Jtatolced, that Paul Fearing, a
delegate from the territory northwest
of the river Ohio, is still entitled io a
scat in this house."
The report was not acted on, bnt
Fearing, who had taken his scat at the
commencement of the session, Dec. (!,
1802, held his seat until the expiration
of congrens on the -llh ot March, 18015,
and drew pay for that session. Ohio
was admitted on the 29lh of Novem
ber. 1S02, and yet Mr. Fearing served
as delegate through the second session
of the seventh congress, which began
Dec 5, 1802.
The law in respect to the election of
delegates is covered by section No.
18G2, ot tho revised statutes, which is
in part as follews: "Every territory
shall have the right to send a delegate
to the house of representatives of the
United Stales, to serve during caeh
It is understood that when Carev
or Dubois ask recognition to speak or
to make a motion, the iuisiio:i or
order will be raised :ts to the tight b
mtiKt sucti a motion and wu. iu ie-
refcrrcd to tho committee on judiciary
S'rolKibilities in the Scnuie.
P ei ii t Tit:: Astoki ..v j
"W.wiinoto::, July 13. There is
only one thing certain about the pro
gramme of tho senate for the coming
week and that is that the suudry civil
appropriation bill be taken up and if
possible disposed of before adjourn
ment Yesterday afternoon the tariiT
bill was made the unlhushed order of
business of the senate, which inaktts it
preitx certain that the measure will tie
taken up for discussion, whe.i the
sundry nvit bill is out of the vn, but
there is no eetiaitity that the
crisiic member.' or 1 lie s-enato will per
mii the .Mindrv civil bill io :k
through within .t week. It :s geiier
ally recognised as a fact that th.'Dein
M'ttdie poiiex in the Mnn!i is to be
uie of ik-hsx uiitU i! ss dt!ernutiid.
that Ihe fiitt-r.! rJVolums hill is Jo ijo
over Li i:evt -ej.sion or until that
measure iw ; aased.
2'rfil 12R:i:ijr Captured.
SH'e ,t .4i:i!c srm:n.
Dai.t,s, TVas, July J:J Temple, a
bar t:T..ler al Fort Wnrth.was brought
he' efe.-day by United Sta'c; mar-j.-l-ul
iCiiight. on u-?pieion of bring
1 connectV-d with .'. train mblwrv .:t
Prior s creek, in Jndian Tcrriton last
November. He hsul :n examination
before commissioner J'jecmt, at whic!i
he made a statemeu'. under oath ihar
hf w.ns one Tf the two parties con
cerned in the robbcty. Tue other was
a man named Mitchell, alias West,
who is known to the authorities to be
Turlington, now under arrest at
Uouaville. Mo., for the murder of a
sheriff. Temple says that ho and his
partner secured three revolvers each,
by robbing a store at Dennison, and
they proceeded to Prior's creek and
held up the train.
Kisletl !;; a.
Special toTiiK AsroniAX.
Battle Ciiik, Mich., July 13.
While two young ladies" were out
driving last evening, their horse be
dme frigluencl, threw them out. and
so seriously kicked one of them. Miss
Jessie 13cneh, a school teacher, that
she will die.
Ritiirond Porters? Convention.
Special to Tit:: AsToniAN.!
J3xVi.TiiioKn, July 13. The conven
tion of railroad porters came to au end
to-night The next convention will
be held at Philadelphia, July 10th,
189L J.E. Taylor, of Philadelphia
was elected grand master porter.
Destructive Crclone. to Tur. Asroitt K.l
St. Pali., Minn., Jnly 13. Jt is
rciorted that a cyclone struck Lake
Colemann and suburbs of this city
this eveniug, killing and injuring many
people. Particulars later,
Ko Land ou Which tho Sou Shines
IVsesics neater natur.U a.1 vantages thai
our own but there arc rortio-isof theprct
jiniln tiiatin-: Wc-st and fertil-Somh whic
atinniiherici:illi.ence? prejudicial tohtalth
in luaie as.iujst thein. in seme decree, :is
places of resideno-1. Ho vr nilnLilljanil the
overflow of rivers, which upon their
sub idence leave rank vegetatl-.u exposed
to the rajs of tliesu-i. there heget malarial
fevers, and there also the inhabitants a-e
periodically ib!Igcd to use some medicinal
' safeguard t'ne .scutRre. he most
I popular is Hosteller's Stomach litters, a
' preventive that has over a third of a cen
tury afforded reliable protection to those
wnom experience in me xuiiuiy oi oraumry
subst tutc for them. Whether IntermTttent
or remittent, nilasinat Ic f- x ers arc conquered
anu ax-ertea t.v the supero aiui-iienoaic anu
fortlfyinu medic no as they are by no other
tueparation in use. Uss it, and abandon
impure local hitters.
lis Coirancemeni HohoM by An
International SalotiS.
Special by Tiik Unitkd 1'ks'.
BiiowxsviiitiE, Texas, .Ttily 13.
Tlie lirst step towards the great Pan-
American railway from north to
isoulh America has just been talicn
here. Ground was broken for the '
Corpus Christi and South American
railway, first division is l."i mile$ long
and extends from the Eio Grande to
Corpus Christi, at which point it con
nects with, the railway system of the
United btatcs. The liio urauuc is to
ue onugett irom jiero io iu.iuiioraa
d lie extended to the city of
McXICO. Over the route Will be SCVOral
Mexico, uver me xouro via uu ---;r.ii
hundred miles shorter from bt. i.o;ns,
I Chicago or New York than any exist-
ling line from Ihe city of Mexico, and
infjlins from the city of Mexico, and
continues south to the Guatemala line
and beyond. V.ork is n.wm progress
r.t both ends of the first division
which will be completed in about mae
months. The Mexican and United
States authorities participated and an
international salute was fired across
the Kio Grande.
i:xTi:r:s3 vi: fski:.
Inar.cns: ..:aoinit o
Spe :a! to rut. -to::jxXj
PinnxDniiruiA. .7 ill y
.. tire
in II.
xx-hich originnlcd about I
a. :
J. Atkinson's turning and pltuing
mill, at Tcntli street and Sasque
lianna avenue, destroyed that struc
ture and most of Alkintou's lumber
in the yard opiosile, and then snrend
to and destroyed Carey Brothers live
story wall paper factory, occupying
an entire block, 300 by 120 feet
The lire spread so rapidly that no
attempt could be made to s:t-e the
factorx and all efforts xvere concen
trated upon preventing the spread of
.onprovennngine spnatio,
cs among the surrounding
s. These were saved, though
them xvere scorched and I
the names anion
many of
some roofs crushed bv the Tallin
xvalls. The factory occupants escaped
by hurried ilight
Care' Brothers C3lim:iu; their loss
at $3'.)i0,)i) on building. Insurance
200,000. Mr, Atkinson places hi3 loss
at SS0.000. Tho origin of the fire is
uukuoxvn, but Carey Brother's watch
man alleges that it was strrtcd in
Atkinson's stable, where several men
had been carousing during the night.
John Tramphy, foreman ot Carey
Brothers designing department, was
ovetcomc by the smoke, while at tempt
ing to save some valuable designs, ;.nd
had a narrow escape. John liieks,
one iu the plaining mill employee,
w;is badly injured by a ki.'k Troni si
mule, xvhile rescuing nniuni from
the stable.
vivmvr iiiv2i5:?cs.
Inttcnetiileiil Order of S::i!rity
Special to TatK astokian
Nkw York, July 13. -The (irt an
nual session of the Independent Order
of Bailxvay conductors, was held iht-; j
afternoon at the Coleman house. T.'i
organization is an ollshoot from ti.e Inss,tk drix'iin this afternoon
old national organization, xvhich. tilth: th.i Ir.-high Yallev railroad connec-
its last convention, hold ;if Iiuchester, tion betxveen tho Sehiiylkill and
N. Y . decided lo adopt a clatisr in its I-high vnllexs in the presence of a
by-laws that forbids its moaihcr : nunilser of invited gue.-ts an I ji nttm
participtite in any strike. her of prominent officials of the Le-
(.'. S. Whestoii. r Eintira. presi!.-.i! biu'ii v.tltey nmd.s tx-.n gold spikes
oH!i:it.urgaMZ.Uio:i. sireau r.-lv , . v.rre driven amid lh cheers of the
l.:iod the passage of th rae.tMi.t', aild spetalon. Thtsline will bring Potts
upon seeing that ho defeated, ho , viIIp uilhin four hours journey of
resigned, and exvretl his connection i tMA ork.
that organization. Ac ih
ie .-e
of th-' di-eordant ones to-dti.
th ro v.vf-i! doleg iUm p:-. .cii, rvpio
s"iting conductors of ti.o JXilaxraro
I iiifknu'nnifi stnil fitnrti in'lpriil
the Grand Trunk and New Yorl:, New , , vlU ft"r vvor'"' JnI' , ,"---Joli!i ?
Haven and Hartford twuK i Muelle.-. secretary ,t Uio Germania
T-.e unlv material u:ffiws:v bo- i!iK company committed suicide
iv.Myi ihc ciiiHliitilion or tae new olay. He loaned K O. Jvoessel 20,
oigamzation as: i that or the old h on , ffi n:ul K ran away last week.
th.o ti.iii nf Mm Htr.bA olnnt... :m; in. ll'lS IS ?UppOCl to be lllOCaitSC, as and in-
will' -uiiiMfc '
on omc vy"
snrance- lne new orte
n.i mti1tiifrr w1.. line
in service in tho United States. Canada
or Mexico. Strikes v. ill not b per-
milled, and insurance will bo run on
assessment plan, paving S1,00D upon
death or total disabilitv.
The following officers xvere elected:
President, C. S. Whenloh, vioe-prcs-1
ldcnt. Ed. Hash: chaplain, i'. A. lliat -
nann; marshal, A. Holdridge; first
conductor, L. B. Wood; second con-
duct or, V. Pidgcon. The next con-
vention meets at St. Albans, Yt. dune, j sent lo. - -acKay to-iiay Her weak
1391. . . i est point is p. craze for notoriety and
T2ii: sTSAirts53Si 3i:xta;i:iit.A
J.ost its Use Central Atlantic.
New Yori:. July 13. The agents or
the steamship lienyucUa hax-o ro-'
ceived d'.spntchea from their Snanish i
agents tunttuo vessel was lost alter
passengers, inciuutng twelve saloon,
nasen?ors rind lmil n nrpr nf r.lmnr.
--t -
twenty men.
On June 2s, the Jto.guella ran into
stormy weather and the dangerous
effect of this was that early next morn
ing the shaft broke a hple in the stern
and admitted in great volumes and
flowing in through the shaft tunnel,
tho sea soon drowned ont the fires.
Pr ailfl thf Jfimwimnc
Foremen and Sii'itcnn:c:z "Will
Iteccivc More.
Special to Tue Astoiuan.
Indunapoms, Ind., July .13 Tho
differences betxveen the Big Four
company and its yard employes here,
havo been settled by the company
meeting the demands of its employes.
Under the new scale, tho foremen re
ceive fifteen cents more a day for day
work, and twenty-five cents more for
night work, and tho switchmen re
ceive tho same raise on their old
All the patent medicines adxrertiseu
in this paper, together xvtth the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articli s ete can
be bought at the loxvssl prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
iov lflcf. Tnn?irn-iirrt ?r,- 41 .? r.-rf 'Plm I
i. ii l , "-"-""i"' "" ncenseu nnuor pjace allowed to the
engtulla .captain Deros sailed from I mt!o iovu'of DJacut Jmtl g
S5h V't5' nnd 1lb0Aswrei i' "ey fined hhnS53 and costs
with a valuable cargo ol general for scWmr i1U0ra uud2r
merchandise. She earned iifiy-six ,rrailloa to him bv the lt J,f
sla:vsskiw itirs. piackay.
Jler 6I:;sln::l Oi-Tcr. a Little
i'ptfoJal to Tiik AsTOntis
LoxDoy, .Tulv 13. An advertise
ment whereby John W. Mackay offers
a reward of V200 to any one giving in
formation to prove the identity of the
person who is circulating slanderous
reports about Mrs. Mackay, promises
to lead to some interesting details con
cerning the methods of Americans of
wealth and social ambition in London.
On Monday most people, both En
glish ami American, on Mrs. Mackav'3
visiting list, received by mail a cutting
from a Washington, D. C, newspaper,
m which a airecs nttacK was niaue on
the ladj's character. The envelopes
contained only the newspaper clipping.
The address was written by a typo
writer. Jliiey were uolmniled in London.
Mre. Mackay "s friends attribute the
circulation of Ihc newspaner article to
au American family, the members of
which are jealous of her social suc
cess Her solicitors feel confident
that they will 1m able to detect tho
guilty persons, and a suit for criminal
libel will then be at once instituted.
Sloir the Ncrxl Ziubrsglio Lcok to
n Canadia::.
.Sin'v Mi to TltK AiTOaiAX.J
CniCACto, July 13. "We in Canada
are awaiting the outcome of tho
Bullring sea difficulty xviih no little
anxiety." j-aid Frederick Nichols, a
prominent resident of the Dominion
xvho U stopping in the city. "In fact
T think we rre more anxioas about it
than either oi Americans or Eu-
gli h. Our brothers across the xvatcr
are too far away to appreciate the
situation and eu: well, you generally
have to get a licking beforo you be
lieve that any danger exists. I can't
see how tronble and trouble of a
serious kind, loo, can bo avoided. A
lleofc of our scalers has set sail for
Behring sea, declaring that the;. will
ipke all the seal they cm iind, and to
soihal they arc not molested. The
British government sends six large
armed vessels to- protect them. It is
noS llkc, thnt ho
war ell- r U1 u
fc thcir fl ,
see:: lo carrv on tlic. basi:
not likely that the commanders of
will fail to
The scalers
ncss. Your
txvo war ships seek t j force them to
stop, and the britfch war ships say to
yon 'hands off!' The only possible
avoidance or trouble to my mind lies
in the two war tleets not seeing each
reiti: kt-ukes F3:.ikz:d.
Sleu Jn 2l:ice
-;pee:il.o Tim AsTOUtAX
ToT.uDOtDhio, Jrily 13. The freight
handlers triker took oti a new phase
votcrday. Thr men of tho Lake
Shore t.nd Wabash lxiads, the only
ot yet out, joiucd the federation of
lnl)or. Tins Lt believed will lead to a
strike of the brakemen and switch
men of the txvo roids. who belong to
the iVderations. Ts:o roads have se
cured about ninety men, to take the
places of the Uh) strikers.
DK!'S5 'rss:: r.A.N'r .si2ii:.
Tii' I.eJiitrli a::tl;: :;:ill C'ou-
.-j.ei i ti :i Tiik As: :pi x.v
iils-MMU:inii,P.i,. Tuly 13. The
fivss: OF MTSJJiDi:.
.1Ioi:raeil :i Friend's :
i S clal to Tun A.t -iiiax.1
l"' ?llci to 'e me cause, as
l:o !jIU Rn"l'VOt11 over ingratitude of
1',1 "stm "'Ier v-:is worth 875,000,
a,,il '1"-
.. .. ,.
. ?": ',,G dti scccd.
llxl Ul Aktokiax.J
o k;v ionic, ,mly lo.-Charlotto
?"""'. l0t editor of a paper called
iw ii'oifiCTi,puDiBUetlin Wash-
1 "'B '." , iwim on uus siue ot
' ftc Yalcr J lias Tce,V stacking Mrs.
Mackay. Of her, Nathan Bijnre, an
attornev says: In a cable dispatch
a pititui delusion as to her own un
i portauce. Any proceedings against
her would merely intensify thi3 craving
j and still further injure her weakened
I intelligence.
A Costly Xjiquor
t' to T:tK AsTOttr.XN.i
Ln'.UT.T, "iXlMOe Tl,. lo rj. .. .t
.w. ..., ..AIJ . , ! XJ tL I'ilSt.
Tni, T:nn oqiwi ., ,i. ,
w -w -vjvwv fcw vAl UlUCtWilU
the town. In tho carelessly written
m n. . ' ""-"
jicchssu me papers given to .Lennon
for go orvx f hl ' " F m(H
' lwo words. "ole..Knn ,lnx- 7ZZ" ,
1 i-i. i -.T ' . " i'cixi.
xvmuu uruxiues lor tue P. nsinrr nf
liquor saloons on those dax-s.
Suicide at Seventy.
Special to Tin: Astorian.i
Grand Bat-ids, Mich., Jnly 13.
Anais Wordeu, a prominent citizen of
Cannon township, Kent county, com
mitted suicide early this morning by
shooting. During tho war he was a
partner of Wm. T. Storx-, of the
Chicago Times, and was "the next
younger brother of commodore John
L. Worden, ot the ICearsage fame.
Financial reverses brought on a fit of
despondency. Mr. Worden was 0
years ot age; he is r. widower and
leaves no children.
Want Too 3Sucli Profit.
Special to TlIE Astoriax.1
New OnnEAXs, La., July 13. The
ice trust of this city has given notice
that after Monday next the dealers
will be charged S7.50per one thonsand
pounds for ice. As western ice can bo
delivered here for about 5 per ton,
the probabilities nro that these exorbi
tant rates will be short lived.
The "PatliMer" Has Crossed, to
tie Mnown Shore.
Special by TiiiS 0ited Pukss.
Nex' York, July 13. General John
C. Fremont is dead.
For several years he has resided in
Los Angeles, Cat, with his wife, for
merly Miss Jessie Benton, daughter
of the noted senator, Col. Thomas H.
Benton. Gen. John Charles Fremont
was born in Savannah, Ga., Jan 21,
1813. His father was a French immi
grant. He received a good education,
though left an orphan when four years
old, and when seventeen years old
graduated at Charleston college, S. C;
taught mathematics; turned his at
tention to engineering, and was rec
ommended to the government to be
employed in the Mississippi survey.
Ho afterwards served at Washington
in constructing maps of that region.
Having received the commission of a
lieutenant of engineers, he proposed
to the war department to penetrate
the Kocky mountain region. His plan
was approved, and in 1S12 he explored
the South Pass. Soon after he
planned a new expedition to Oregon.
He approached the mountains by a
new route, examined the region south
of the South Pass, turned aside to the
Great Salt Lake and connected his
expedition with that of Wilkes's ex
pedition. He also conducted another
party, which discovered new and
grand features in Alta California, the
great basin called by his name, tho
Sierra Nevada, tho San Joaquin and
Sacramento valleys, and determined
much of tho geography of the far west
ern regions. In 1815 he was again on
the road to the Pacific to examino in
detail tho Pacific slope a journey
which resulted in giving many new
facts of importance to the world, and
indeed gave California to the United
States. After the conquest ot upper
California, in xvhich ho bore a con
spicuous part, he was involved in a
quarrel between two other officers,
and was deprived of his commission
by sentence of a court-martial. The
president offered to reinstate him, but
he declined. He retrieved his honor
by the survey of a route for a great
road from the Mississippi to San
Francisco; pierced tho hitherto un
known country of the Apaches; de
feated or terrified the hostile savages;
and in ono hundred days after leaving
Santa Fe, stood by the Sacramento;
was sent as one of the first United
States senators from California, serv
ing 1819-51, Ho was in 185G the first
Bepublican candidate for president,
in opposition to Mr. Buchanan, the
Democratic candidate, and though he
received a largo voto (111 electoral
votes to 171 for Buchanan and 8 for
Fillmore) ho was defeated. In 1SG1-C2
he served in the Union army as a
major-general, and by the Cleveland
convention of 1S61 was again nomi
nated for president, but soon with
drew his name for the candidacy. He
was made governor ot Arizona terri
tory, Juno 12, 1878.
AVas Honorably Acquitted.
Special to The Astouiax.1
Yakktox, S. D., July 13. The state
corrections and charity, yesterday an
nounced the full exoneration of direc
tor H. F. Livingston, superintendent
ot the Yankton insane hospital, who
was on trial, charged with immorality.
Dr. J. A. Potter, who has been hospi
tal stewart for ten years, resigned his
position shortly after the decision of
the board was announced.
The ITXills Agree to the Scale.
Special to The astokiax.1
C&rarEnAND, Ohio, Jnly 13. The
proprietors of three rolling mills in
the Mahoning valley, txvo at Yroungs
toxvn, and one at Mile3, have signed
the scale and will resume operations
Seizure of a Breivcry.
Special to Tub Astokiax.1
Huron, S. D., July 13.-C. P. Van
Tassel, of tho United States internal
revenue department, took possession
ot tho Benm brewery yesterday, by
directjon of the government. The
violation, ot revenue laws is the alleged
An Orange Anniversary.
Special to TlIE ASTOKIAN.l
New York, July 13. The various
orange societies celebrated the 200th
anniversary of the of the battle Boync
with a parade this morning followed
bv a festival at the Empire" colosenm.
Sold to a Syndicate.
Boston, July 13. The Blake man
ufacturing company, builder of steam
pumps under the Blake & Knowles
piteut has been sold to an English
syndicate at a price said to be 300.000.
Speaking of brief names, there is a
family in France named B, ono in
Belgium named O, a rix-er iu Holland
called the Y, and a village in Sweden
named A.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
PThen Eaby was sicfc, "we gavo her Castoria.
iVhen she. was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
vVhcn sho becamo 3Iiss, she clung to Castoria,
iVhcn she hau Children, she gave them Castorii
rj&eoss on
Violent Pains in Xeck.
Friendship, Wis., June 14.18S8.
Mr wife had violent pains in her ncclr,
xvhich was very sore and stiff. Sho was cured
entirely by St. Jacobs Oil. JAMES STOWE.
In Terrible Pain.
Ames M'fg. Co., Chicopec, Mass., Juno 18, 16SS1
From over-exertion every bone was nittdo
stiff and sere: in terrible paid"". Ixfas'curcd
promptly by SL Jacobs Off.
J. C. BUCKTJ3Y, Paymaster.
At Druggists and Deaiecs.
FiM tie Heat UneuflnraWe AM
AMMoi! Their Horses.
Special by Tho United Press.
San Fkaxcisco, July 13. Dr. Ed
ward Canby, of Wilmington, Del., and
M DeWitt Bntts, ot Rochester, N. Y.
arrived in tho city yesterday after an
adventurous trip from tho Columbia
river region. Ou the 5th of June
Messrs. Canby and Butts left Port
land, Or , on horseback for San Fran
cisco. They intended to make tho trip
overland for health and pleasure. Af
ter numerous exciting adventures they
arrived at San Francisco, in this state,
where they were compelled to abandon '
their journey, owing to the intense
heat, their horses being unable to
travel. During the hot weather
horses, baggage and other portions of
tneir outnt xvere senfhere by rail, fol
lowed by the two gentlemen, who last
night prononnced thcir trip an un-
quannetl failure. They state that tho
scenery on the oerland journey was I
something wonderful
Mrs. Siolincs iu San "rancisco.
I Special to Tin: Astoiuan.!
San Fkaxcxsco, July 13. Daniel
Holmes and wife, of Brockport, N. Y.,
registered at a down-toxvn hotel ves-
terday. Mrs. Holmes is none other
than Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, the famous
novelist, whoso story, "Lena Eivers,"
has been read till over txvo continents.
She is the authoress ot twenty-six nov
els, many of which have been trans
lated into foreign languages. Mrs.
Holmes has just returned from Alaska,
having gone as far north as Chilkat
This is her second visit to tho coast,
having sojourned for several weeks in
San Francisco five years ago. She
will write a series of letters on Alaska
and coast for some eastern nexvspapers,
and has about finished her new nox'el,
Broivzicil AVSiile Swimming.
Special to Tits AsTJia xx.j
Comm, Cal., Jnly 13. Wint Napier,
a young farmer, about 25 years of age,
unmarried, was drowned" at Grimes,
about twenty-five miles from here, to
day, whilo swimming. He took a
cramp. The body is not yet recox'ered.
A Tet Cat Named Tom.
The United States revenuo cutter
Woleott has a pet cat named Tom.
One of the lieutenants picked Tom up
in Seattle six years ago. As tho lieu
tenant was walking along the street
one night in it driving rain storm he
heard tho plaintive cries of a little
kitten straggling in a gutter with only
its head above water. He rescued the
kitten and carried it aboard ship. It
became a great favorite among the
men and officers, and thdy taught him
many tricks. Ho always shook hands
when invited to do so by his friends.
Tom has displayed considerable in
telligence for a cat. Three times he
has been lost from the steamer, but
he always manages to return in good
shape. Once he was left at Port
Angeles and w;is not seen for six
weeks, when the ship calling at the
wharf, ho demurely walked aboard
and commenced shaking hands with
the men. He was also left at lrondale
and at tho Seattle coal bunkers, but
he invariably wailed near the xvharf
and returned to tho ship at the first
opportunity. -Seattle J'ress'.
The Tia Plate Monopoly.
The rumor that an English syndi
cate has raised a fund of nearly" $1,
000,000 to defeat the tin plate clause
in tho Mclvinley bill is plansiblo.
The importations of tin plate into tho
United States amount to ox-cr $20,
000.000 annually. To manufacture
that tin plate gives employment to
something like 30,000 people. What
is sold hero for tin plato is nine-tenths
iron and steel. The men who can
make it and sell that much iron and
steel for tin can certainly afford to pay
liberally to fix the laws "or the United
States so that the generous workers
of tins country, xx'ho are accustomed
to living wages, cannot compete with I
the poorly paid female labor of Corn-1
tin plate in England and Wales is
carried on principally by machinery
ran by women and little" girls. Halt
Lake Tribune.
A IUx tjtiek of Timber.
Captain L. Farnham, a pioneer
lumberman of Seattle, who landed
there thirty-one years ago, direct from i
China, says: ''The biggest -tick of '
timber ever cut on Paget round was
gotten out at the Port Gamble mill
ten years afio. It xx-a- li' ftvt in
length, and 30x3(5 men:1- .ic,Hr. It
i was shipped to China, xxhi-.v- t xxas
enc up into spans lor Dr. i-o . i
on board the vessel om xvt.ich it
a as
shipped. The timber prolru led over
both the bow and the stern. I think '
that it might be possible to get out
one perhaps ISO feet long, 30x30 inches
square at tho small euu. bucn a stick
could not be found near the coast,
however. One would have to go into
the interior for it. A great deal of
care would have to be exercised in
cutting it, to prex'ent its breaking
when it fell. If such a stick were cut
I have no doubt it would be the
largest piece of timber ever cut in the
The occupants of New York tene
ment houses spend the hot nights
upon the roofs, and so many of them
have rolled off and made bad messes
of themselves on the sidewalks that
there is talk of a city ordinance re
quiring landlords to erect railings
around, the roofs.
It Ls the little things of life, the xvonies of
to-day and to-morroxx, that makes the
croxx'i feet around our eyes. So the little
pains of an hour or a minute break down
the constitution. Look alter the little ills.
BraXDUktii-s Pills cure djspepiia, or
indigestion, headache, piln In the shoul
ders, couslis, tightness of the chest, dizzi
ness, sour stomach, bad taste in the mouth,
bilious attacks palpitation of the heart, in
flammation of the lungs. Tain in the region
of the kidney?, and a hundred other pain
ful symptoms are the offspring of dyspepsia.
One or txx-o pills exery night is sutnclent.
Bux-NDRETH's I'iils arc sold iu exery
drug and medicine -store, either plain or
sugar coated.
Regard M Aierican foaei
VisitiM la Lonflon.
Special by The TJsitxd Press.
London, July 13. Just as the steam
ship City of Rome was pulling up
anchor to leave Liverpool for New
York to-day Mrs. Frank Leslie sent
ashore- the following despatch : "I am
not engaged, but am starting,, for
home to-day to attend my work and
prepare for my lecture season."
Deluve's attempt this time to force
Mrs. Leslie into marrying him was an
actual sensation. The new snrjerin-
tendent register of Hanover square,
St George's district, was ready with a
license waiting to marry them this
morning at 9 o'clock, but when Deluve
went to Mrs. Leslie's nnnrrmfint in
the Burlington hotel, to his chagrin
tho marquis found that Mrs. Leslie's
trunks were on the hotel omnibus, and
just starting for America. He wanted
to get into the omnibus with her, but
she would not let him, and he followed
ner m a nansom cab to Eustan station,
and went on the same train to Liver
pool. - His persistent persecution ef: Mrs.
Leslie this season has been more
marked than ever. A short time ago
he gave a reception at his apartmente
and was in straits how to decorate
them. He sent to Liberty, the cele
brated art fabric dealer for specimens
of decorations which he said he want
ed to purchase. This he spread over
his apartments in fine array just as
the guests had assembled. Then
Liberty's man came along with an
order to take the goods away unless
the marquis purchased 1CX) worth.
The baffled marquis purchased this
amount for cash and the goods 'were
allowed to remain over night The
marquis had previously worked tins
game with success, but Liberty was
too much for him the second time.
Canadian Coast Defenses arcBc
inpr Strengthened.
Special to Tub Astokian.i
Ottaxx-a, Ont, July 13. Within the
last month there has-been a great deal
of correspondence between the British
and Dominion governments regarding
the defences of Canada. Fortifications
at Halifiax are being greatly strength
ened by tho British government, and
the strictest injunctions have been
given to prevent any outsider gaining
admittance to the forts or knowledge
of the improvements that are being
carried out Tho naval defences of
the Atlantic seaboard have been
strengthened by the arrival of two
large torpedo boats at Halifax from
England. This week on the Pacific
coast the defences of British Columbia
are being strengthened, and several
pieces of modern and heavy ordnance
will arrive there from England for the
defence of theprovinces shortly.
The tleet congregated at Esquimalt
is the largest ever in that section, and
the idea of establishing a naval reserve
at Esquimalt, recruited from the
British navy, is revived from head
quarters at Ottawa. An order ha3
gone ont to several deputy adjutant
generals to furnish full information
regarding the condition ot the forces
and the defences of their respective
districts. That the British authorities
arcawakening from that state of
lethargy which has always character
ized their sympathies toward Canada
is most apparent, whilo the local or
Dominion authorities are showing no
less activity in preparing for any
Tii Im It Before Breakfast.
The meat appetizer, tonic and liver
reaulator. In use for more than 50
j ears in England. Positix'e specific for
lix'er complaint. Bad taste in tho
n:oatIi on arising itrthe morning, dull
pains in the head and back of the eyes,
tired feeling, dizziness, Iangour symp
toms of lix'er complaint. Remedy Dr.
llenlex's English Dandelion Tonic. Re
Iiex'es constipation, sharpens the appe- .
tite and tones up tho entire system. Get
the genuine from your druggist for S-l,
atul take according to directions.
Of New York,
The Eminent. SsientlQc and Tracticat
Is now in Astoria, and xxill remain a
short time only.
Dn. W. D. Baker, Dr. Jay TtrrniE,
Dr. O. B. Estes, and other Prom
inent Physicians.
Take advantage of the opportunity. Call
at once and have your eyes correctly fitted
xxith proper Glasses.
OFFICE HOUR 2-9 A. M. to 5 P. V,
Wat. AV. Wiinnnv,
S. A. AYhekuy.
IticitAitn Harry,
Civil Engineer.
Wkerry & Harry,
Real Estate
City and Suburban Property Sold on Com
mission. Inx-estments Made Ton
Outside Parties.
F. I Sewara
I. W. Case, Banker. Judge C. H. Tage.. ""
Office on Third Street,-
Near Court House,. - ASTORIA, OK,.l '
.-. i, -
-- r -- -- -