$ gaiUt gtfforatu vSTORIA, OBEGON: SUNDAY- .IULY13. 1890 ISSUED EVEEY MORNING, J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors. AsrOHlAN BCILDINO. CASsSruKKr. Tcrai of Subscription. Served by Carrier, per week 15 eta Sent by Mall, per month . . cocts ent by Mail, one year ... $7.00 Fice or postage to subscribers. The Astoiiiax puarantets to its adver :iscri the largest circulation of any newspa per published on the Columbia river. The seven looping camps at "West port are all putting in logs. Bead R. B. Power, the iopular boot and shoe man's ad. on third page. So rainy a July as the present one has not been seen since the last one. Fish are reported running light in the vicinity of Cathlamet at present. Bev. F.T.Howell -will preach this -doming and evening at the Metho dist church. Warren & Wright, the live real edtftfe- rustlers, now have an oflice at Iho Seaside. Reserved seats at the New York Novelty store tor to-morrow nights erfonnauce. A t'LlMSANT EXCURSION. I THE STATE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION. TIIE NA31ES OF THE STREETS. And a DelU;htfu' Day to the Parlicipanls. Afino hundred dollar desk arrived at the court house yesterday for Judge Taylor's private office. The funeral of the late Heinrich Hegglund will be at noon to-day from F. H. Surpronant & Co.'s. Three days have elapsed without any telegram from Wm. Beid, and the absence of those bullletins is noticed. Reserved seats at the New York noveltv store for the Swiss bell ringers and Oakes Comedy Sketch club to morrow evening. To-day's services "in the Congrega tional church. Morning theme, "How Blessings Come." Evening lecture, subject, ""Babylon." Sheriff Smith sold the Vienna res taurant, furniture, fixtures, eta, yes terday afternoon. It was bought in by judge Page for 8S00. From county clerk Trenchard yes terday Oskar W. Compo and Ida Wittanikeinii received official permis sion to commit matrimony. In tho police court yesterday Mons. Germain vras charged with drunken ness and abusive language and assessed ten dollars on conviction thereof. Tho Bay Bailway company will run cars over Its line to-day, leaving Wash ington street cannery every hour from 9 to 11 o'clock a. m., and every half hour from 1 to 5 o'clock p. m. Fare fivo celits. New residence and business houses are going up in every part of the city, lots are being put in readiness for buildings, new streets are being laid out and old ones regraded. The number of stylish buggies and carriages monthly increase, and there are moro horses in Clatsop county by far thaa -there used to be. A few good roads would occasion a wonderful in crease iotbe amount of fine horseflesh displayed here. - On Tuesday morning those desiring to attend court at Oysterville that day can leave here atfi:45 on the Qen. Canby and go right through on the train from nwaco. The Qen. Canby or Suomi will also make the regular trip, leaving Tiere at 8 a. m. In the hose ' race- at Salem on the 4th, running lOff yards and laying 100 feet oJMiose. the-Corvallis team won SlOOfime 33 seconds. In tho engine raoa,-&xgine to set at.cistern, run 100 vary and lav Iflftfeefc of liose, Corval- lk -won atain--prize' SoO, tune 2 There was no session of the grand lodge A. O. TJ. W., yesterday: the busi ness having been closed up the even ing before, yesterday was given up to pleasure. At eight o'clock 122 members of the order and their friends, started on the street car line, thence, via. the Bay railway to the wharf at Young's bay, and were ferried across to the Astoria and South Coast train which whirled them over to the beach. Dinner and a stroll on the sand, and then back they came, to bo transferred to tho Gen. Canby and Stlomi, to the jetty where every provision was made to" enable them to see the building of the giant mole that makes the Columbia bar a thing of the past. Then a hasty visit to Fort Stevens and back to Astoria. While returning, the following was drawn up as a slight token of appre ciation by tho visiters: Resolved, That we, the undersigned members of the grand lodge A. O. TJ. W. of Oregon and Washington, having tho pleasure of participating in the excursion especially provided for us, wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the committee of arrangements of Seaside lodge No. 12. and through them to Col. Jas. Tavlor, Judge Frank J. Taylor. andE. A. Taylor, of tho Bay Bailway company, the directors of tho Astoria and South Coast railway, P. G. M. L W. Case, and G. B. Hegardt, Esq., superintendent of the government works, for the delightful trips, their uniform kindness and generous care for our comfort and pleasure during the entire day, and we assure the members of Seaside lodge and the citizens of Astoria that the uniform kindness wo have received from your hands, shall always remain green in our memories. Thanking you one and all, and wishing your beautiful city a prosperous future, we remain. Respectfully and v raternally, C. A. Wheeler. T. A. STEPHEN'S. P. G. M. H. D. Bamsdei.Ii. Committee. D. M. O. Ganet, Max Muller, W. J. Plymale. B. M. Davis, John A. Child, G. P. TiL; Wm. Halfpenny, John Gwilt, B. T. Durham, G. R; James Browne, G. M. D.; A. W. Witherell, JohnEdington, W. H.WU ton, W. H.Barr,W.T.G.Witlock, O. G. Boot, T. C. Martini, J. F. C. Abel, J. J. Daly, G. M. W.; Newton Clark, G. B.; James Mitch ell, G. W. Boardman, F. A. Blank, James Griffith, J. H. Latz, C. Hallo way, James Mitchell, E. H. Stolte, Gideon Slotz, J. W. Hanricker, C. D. Thomas, S. S. Jones. Seldom has an excursion been held under more favorable auspices. Tho day formed a fitting close to an occa sion that will form to those who par ticipated a pleasant retrospect to hang upon the walls of Memory's picture gallery. The editor of The Astomak yes terday received an answer to a pre vious letter from Edward Casey,' the chairman of tho committee on arrange ments for tho coming session of the Uregon state editorial association. . At last years meeting it was de cided, to hold the session of 1890 in Portland, but it is the wish of the as sociation to devote a large part of their time to Astoria. Mr. Casey says there will be from 100 to 150 in tho party, including ladies. They will bo here on the afternoon of August -15th. He sug gests a fish dinner at 5 p. M.; a meet ing and social reunion in the evening; a trip to the jetty the next day. He says they havo a proposition to go to the Sound but prefer to confine their visit to our own state. They will bring a special boat and band from Portland, and will only expect enter tainment while here. The writer took it upon himself to answer the letter last night assuring the chairman of the committee of ar rangements that the Oregon editors and their wives, eta, would be wel comed here on that day, and made the guests of the city while here. Astoria appreciates the preference accorded this city, and will endejiYor to make the occasion a pleasant one for the newspaper men of Oregon. The Astoriak is asked to explain why the names of the streets in the street notices now running in these columns are printed 'Concomlv," "Squemoque," etc., instead of "Firs"t," "Second" "Third rtn 'Phn ma The Jilan Who Lost the Sturgeon. oeconu, "xinrd." etc. Tue reason is this. Those first mentioned, and which are used to designate the thoroughfares, are the regular names as used in the charter and the or dinances. About two years ago The Astobian, tired of calling them by uncouth names, and announced one morning that hereafter it would talk United States and call them "First," "Second," "Third," etc. Accordingly the most of the people now know them by no other names. When we have thegcharter amended next winter we can have the names changed so that will be their legal as well as their popular designation. Dangers to Navigation. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed or recorded on July 12, 1890, as reported for The Moriong Astoria- by tho Astoria Abstract Title and Trust cempany: Michael. Lawler to A. P. Oliver, all SWlf of sec 1, T. 7 N., B. 9 W., excepi 30 acres.., 5 B. D. Church to David B. Colo, 20rds x 40rds, from SW corner of NW of SEJ4' of sec 22, T. 8 JS., R. 9 W., containing 5 acres. . Charles Henry and wifo to Geo. A. Bewy, lot G, blk 20, of Laurel Park addi tion Herbert F. L. Logan to Samuel Harris, lot B.block 17, town of Brighton Beach, sec. 31, T. 5 N., B. 10 W Previously reported tliis year $1,493,395 150 120 200 PERSONAL MENTION. yes- Geo. Noland and wife returned terdny from a visit to Eugene. Fred. Strong, president of the P. & C. S. Co., is in the city on business. W.L. Bobb andJ.W. Hume left last evening on the Qen. Miles on a trip to the sound. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The steamer Qen. Miles left last evening for Gray's harbor. The four masted schooner Qaulncr City arrived at the Knappton mills yesterday to load lumber for San Francisco. The A. O. U. W. Excursion. seco3The faamial tender team won he tender race 100 yards, lime 13j seconds. Judjrt &;afoore, of St Helens, has ba offered Byhe Union Pacific Bailrped' Co., the -position of right of way Taffeni 'on their tnew line from PoHAad'to SoaWe, to have charge of that part ot the Use from Portland to Centralis. 'Hip acceptance, with a charge ot$500.?por jnonth as salary, has Ueienjtorwardedjto the head office at Omatnf for the company's approval. The employment ot the 333 convicts at the state penitentiary at Salem is as follows': With .contractors, 216: The visiting members of the A. O. TJ. W. grand lodge, to tho number of 122, and a local delegation, left yes terday morning on the extensive ex cursion mapped out, and had a splendid day aud a gcod time. That they enjoyed it goe3 without saying. It was a day of sight seeing and pleasant experience, and when they returned from the jetty at six o'clock last even ing they, one" and all, agreed that for variety of travel, unique views and general jollity, the day as one of pleasure was unsurpassed by any in their remembrance. There was a general farewell last evening, and by to-night the most of the visitors will have separated to meet again in Victoria, B. C, next year. Under the caption "Who has lost a sturgeon?" The Astoriak of tho 1st inst, had an item about the finding of a sturgeon in the last trap at the mouth of tho river the day before with a chain nearly five feet long, showing that he had been caught and staked out somewhere, and had got away. Dave Upton, of Deep river, was in town yesterday, and says that's his sturgeon. He got away from him one night in March, '89, and he did think some of advertising for him in TnE Astoriak. Ho know if tho fish was ever heard from again it would bo in The Astoriak, and on reading the item told his beys: "That's my stur geon." He makes a business of catching sturgeon, and to keep them fresh ho puts a chain through the mouth of each fish when caught, and ties the chain to a log. The fish flounders around in shallow water till Upton is ready to remove the works from the inside of the fish and send the raw material to be worked up into bone less codfish. This particular sturgeon got away, and has been shassaying up and down the river ever since. Upton thinks that the incident shows that the sturgeon go out of the river and come in again, all same salmon. Passengers to Portland. Tho following is the list of passen gers having rooms, who went up tho river last night on tho steamer Telc pJione: 0. E. Bain, H. F. Donohoe, M. Mul ler, W. J. Plymouth, B. L. Durham, A Hnlbert and wife, B. Williams, Thos. Wilson, . Strang and wife, J. W. Bordman, Miss Bordman, Mrs. Sears, J. A. Child and wife, L. Sam uels, Miss Davidson, B. Sloth, A. D. Baker and wife, N. Clark and wife, N. J. Thomas, C. A. Peters, A. W. Cook, O, G. Boot, B. Marrion and wife, A. G. Coleman, W. G. Stuart, M. C. Gault, A. G. Barker, F. B. Beed, A. P. Oliver, C. H. Warren, Mrs. Gus. Taylor, M. Dooney, IL Beversdorf, J. N. Plymull, Mrs. Thorn, Max. Millar aud family, O. li. Simpson, A Cx. Rarr. UIioh. Strang, Capt. Snyder, W. S. Bay, L. W. Lawless. The County Ases-inciit. County assessor Lindell came in 3'esterday, and got a big bundle of assessment blanks. Ho says that he has finished up Clatsop and Skipanon, aud is now through assessing all the county outside of the city. He and liis deputy, D. H. Welch, will began assessing the city next week. We always havo an assessor or two assess ing for something. One month it is school district, the ni'xt it is city, then county and so on. It would bo better to have one man do it all; pay him a good salary, give him work the year around, and make one job of it. There has been considerable discus sion among ship captains and owners in this city in regard to dangers to. navigation that are now known to be floating around off the coast. Last week the schooner Napa City cap sized off Point Reyes, and i3 now drifting arouud bottom up somewhere to the southward of the Farallones, right in the track of steamers and sailing vessels bound up the coast or to this port. On Friday last the steamer Southt Const lost off Mendocino nnrfc of n raft of logs she was towing down from ' Fort Bragg. These logs, like those of J the famous Joggins raft, which broke adrift on the Atlantic coast, are now ( floating around, a menace to passing . vessels. Said one old ship captain: ' "It is impossible to see an upturned vessel or a log in the water at night, and if a vessel going at a good rate of speed should strike a log end on it would probably go right through her. There are hundreds of lives and mill ions of dollars' worth of propcrh at stake, and it certainly is the duty of the government, which exacts heavy taxes from shipping, to send out a vessel to remove these obstructions to navigation, to tow the logs into some port and to tow in or blow up the derelict If they do not we shall cer tainly hear of some accident occurring by their agency." S. F. Call, 9. 1 hey Were Not AH So! J. Total to date 1,498,165 Oysters all the Year Ronnd. Fine oysters are daily served up in Astoria restaurants. It doesn't make any difference in this favored clime whether there is an "B" or not in the name of the month. The oysters are eaten in July or January, and are good all tho year round. It appears that all of the plans and drawings of the Astoria & South Coast railway were sold under execution a few days ago for S2.50. Mr. Cooper, who came out from Portland to pur- chase the chest containing them, I yspepsia Makes many jjeoplc miserable, and often lends to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heart burn, loss of appetite, a faint, "all gone" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irrcg . ularity of the bowels, aro DiStrCSS n;e more common syin After t,,,s- Dyspepsia does not ." get well of itseir. It ic- Eciting quires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sursa parilla, which acts gently yet efficiently. It tones tho stomach and other organs, regulates Hie digestion, creates a good ap appetite, ar.d, by thus Sick overcoming tle local . . symptoms, cures thcHeadaCn headache, ni.il refreshes the tired mind. "I have lecn troubled with dyspepsia. I 1..-.U hul hltle appetite, and what I did t!,0 . cat distressed me, or did ,T nic little good. After cat- s3Um jug i would experience a fciinti:c-s. or tired, all-rrno feeling, as though 1 !-:d ixt eaten anything. My troul le, 1 tl ::.!:, was aggravated by my Lu?!iic- s p-.;.il::., ar.d from being more or lcss.tilu:inaroon with !- mmmttm Nottingham Lace Curtains NEW DESIGNS. FROM Sixty Cents per Pa to Five U Ti ill Dollars Just Received, at The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of the City . II . COOPER'S. 517 and 521 Third St. Astoria.. LADIES, ATTENTION! rJ quietly remarked as be closed the lid, , ," ".,', j f ' , sour I would not have allowed it to jjo for $1,000." This snrely means that some-, thing is intended to be done after .nil j on the site of survey, otherwise Mr. j Cooper would not have troubled him- J self about coming to Hillsboro to see 1 after tho pnrcbase.-Y7.s&oj-o Jncle pendent. WoinIiaritVi Ur. Ami Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, . cents. Drink Knickerbocker bottled beer. T ln.t- l!r.x.'-s fi.irMR-rill OlOHIdUH and it did mo an Immense amount or gcod. It gave me an appetite, and my ft,d u-1-Lshedand satbfied the craving I Lad i re ii.Ui!ycrcriir.ccil." Geoi.ue A. Tack, Wateitc.v.-n.Mass. X. R. i f you decide to take Hood's Sar, Eaparilla '.o not le induced tobuyany other. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold!iyilrii5fsist3. ?l; stxforf:;. J'rcparedbj CI. HOOD it CO.,.A,uM.li.i.rlo,3.ottC.ll,Xass lOO Doses One Doila? Th.e Popular Boot and Sko Store, 3To. 537 Tkird St.4,; Are receiving goods from tho following manufacturers: Hey wood it Co., Worcester. Mass.: John. Strootman, Buffalo, N. Y.; Paunce & Spiney, Lynn, Mass.; Marcio&Cio. New York-City; A. E Brown & Co., Phila.; and an Extra Line of California Goods. JELm -E3. DE0"?Cr03? cSs Co, Astoria, Oregon. -T TAKES First Prize o&re 6T jinsahy.Vj convicts' katcuen, 7; offioera' lalcbcn,75f in ilie yard, 11; laundrv.G: trardebsv'j: farmwork. "10: A Very Fine Instrument. One of the finest instruments, if not the finest in that line ever brought here, is at surveyor Raymond's office. It is a telescope theodolite, and is a model of ingenious mechanism. It cost $425. It Cannot Be Collected. Wc Will Now Have Fine Weather. brickyard. 27:-caraof steckl'3: team Bters,; bakery 2j teilors, 3; hospital nureesf 2: one each, shoemaker, black smith, plumber, carpenter, butcher and soapmaker; Biok, maimed, aged and decrepit, 12. If you have made up your mindlo buy Hood's Jsarsaprilla do not be induced to take any oilier. "Hood's Sarsaprilla is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by -virtue ot its -peculiar coinbiuatfy n, proportion and preparation, curalivf i.mvcr su perior to any article of the kind. JefLtf iH give another n his famous Suftdaydlnners in" ifis 2Tev Restaurant to-day. from 3 to 7, Tamo ro:ut duck and alljthe delir-aciesj of the s2ason. Grand - concert durinir dinner hours. The la&tr restaurant on this coast or any other. ' , For a 6odliavejgoJto-F:Perrell. Apply Ja.TJ.--'b2af)'A Hesidence, northeait" corner JTif Ui and Cass itreeta. Now that the grand lodge A. O. TJ. W. has adjourned we may expect cloudless skios and brilliant weather till the next association or organiza tion meets here. Then it will rain again as usual. Is Consumption Incurable? Head the follewing: Mr. C. 11. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and pliy sieians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee Uie work on my farm. It is the flnest medicine ever made." Jesse Middiewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: Had it not been foi Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumplien I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. The city asssessment roll has few to say a good word for it, except those who are not assessed on all their prop erty or get off with a low valuation. The roll is unequal and unsatisfactory. The assessor shonld be paid for his work, as he did tho best he could. Then the city auditor or some other competent person should be paid to go over it and compile a new roll. With the erasures and multilations, the roll as it stands cannot be col lected and is of no legal value. Women's Ways are Winnin C (St1 v tZ?r4fr, WJSmi FOR DISPEWg" A Snap so Real Estate. 11X Acres, close to river and street car line. Only 500 per acre, for a few days only. $5,000 can be made on this property within three months. Winn i Hiiiife Odd Fellows' Building, ASTORIA, OR His Goods, LOS I'M Incoming Passengers. Tho steamship Orcyon is due from Sau Francisco to-day, with the follow ing passengers: G. W. Spencer, W. J. Howard, li. A. Howe, Capt. A. J. Lowell, wifo and daughter, Eev. A. Dowsley, Mrs. Victorian, F. C. Mor gan, John Laradijaf, J. II. Sargeant, Leon Sweet. Mrs. J. D. Curtherbert and child, Miss C. J. Watson, Miss L. M. Mclntry, Miss Bay Frank, E. Mc-Gowan. Postponed Till Next Sunday. MMiii Siicce-eils Lite SUCCESS. So said I'ulwer. that greatest of norolists, nml ho never spolto moro truly, and lio might havo added with equal forco, that Merit Is tho llsscneo of Success. WisJom's Itobcrtine is tho syno i-ym of merit, and its hibtory is success. 'Iho magical effects of this lire cription havo been attested by thousands of tho leading ladies uFfocioty rnd thotaga. It is the only article over discovered which gives a Natural and Beautiful tint to the complexion, rcmeving all rouzhcefs of the faco and arms, and leaving tho skin soft, smooth and velvety. It has long been tho study of chemists to rroduco an articlo that, whiles it would bcau- 1 U RE AS UHILDH00D bavo tho merit of being harmless, but these two important qualities M. N. L) riO were never brousht together until combined in "Wisdom's Uobcrtino. Harmless as Dew Drops Wilncs3- WHAT SOME PEOPLE SAY PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE. Thoabovoarobutafewof thoinanv like testimonials which wo havo from prominent pcoplo from different sections of tho United State, but lack of spaco forbids our pub.ishinp: moro hero. Sufllco to say that thoso given cinbraco tho opinions of every lady who has used this delightful preparation. Wo court correspondence from any who may question tho gen uincnojs of tho testimonials hero given, i nd solicit it from others who may wish any further information regarding WISDOM'S RTOBiIH POWDERS. VIOLET CREAM. li ico Ui cents each. Thcso Delightful Toilet Articles aro sold by tho following drugtaats : J. W. Conn. J. C. Dement. H.W. Strieker. Th. Olson. Which Are First Class And Draws Trade By 1st RATE TREATMENT ! Messrs. Wisdom & Ce: Gentlemen Al though it i3 very unusual for me o use any Iotious or washes, still in answer to your re quest. 1 havo trio'l Wisdom's Violot Cream and Hobertine. Tho former I consider cs September 4, 1S37. bear Mr. Wisdom Many thanks for tho boxof'M'obortiiio I'owdcr." I havo used it for tho stage, also for tho street, and find it almost impossiblo to detect. Tho Kobcr l.pcially mcaeious in cases of roughness of fino" and Kobertino Towdcr" aro requisite Gl io .the. Coluiiibia bakery for all kind of sakes Gorto "UieiUoJmuuia bakery ice crfnm parkro iBil try a ttisli'or their tiie ice cream. For the very best Photos, go to Sinis ter. IN fc; clean' eLB&irtHfc Huuse. liTtownr Roanirf uer nicht FctsriorietO. New and itTr1 vtde "entrance. ,rmrwftl:Pera. Puti?ijHBttrUuIe rooms mUfcraEta2bnablo rates, can be acceiiWWaWaattIrs: . C. Holden's, rornerTJaln and Tour Ui street. Talk is cheap. We lead, others fol low. Trvtlie home made biead at the Oregon liakery, and judge for yourself. All the Choicest Delicacies, made by only first-class men at the Seaside xJakery. Go to the San Francisco Gallciv for the finest Photogiaphs and Tintypps. Olney Street. Fecket Beek Lost. Containing $35. Leave it at H. W ShiTuian & Co.'s stable and get 510 reward. Hab&Ra Cigars. Just xeceived a large stock of clear Habana cigars at TV. L. Holms, i;:o Third street Owing to tho parachute belonging to the balloon being side tracked be tween Portland and Pendleton, tho ascension will not take place to-day. Arrangements will be made to have the ascension and jump off next Sun day so as not to disappoint tho public Harden on Exposure to the Weather. Dressmaker, first el.ss, wishes situ.i tion in private family by day or week Call at this office. Fee, Jai roo&-!ean t House. Room, go to the Ice;erciai- at"deffs Prlvafeehtraiice. new restaurant GooUuoods'itntlow rates at the Sea side Bakery. TbeTatesrstvle of Gents'. JJoots and Sbees at P. J. Gooduax & Co.'s. Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shoes; also flexible hand-turned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s. WciHhnrU! Beer At the Sunny Side saloon. Furnished rooms up stairs. Remember the Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. Delicto hs' Ice Cream Served daily at the Columbia bakery. The massive stones in the front of the new Kinney building on Third street, attract universal attention. They are of a kind of sandstone that is said to indurate and harden upon ex posure to the atmosphere. A BUSINESS FBOPOSITIOlf. A City I.ady "U'lio lleqnired Proof Before Believing;. There recently appeared In the San Fran cisco Call, Chronicle, and .Ecamfnrr, a propo sition hitherto unheard of. It was an advertisement in which the Edwin W. Joy Coinpauy, In proof of the curative propertiea of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla, offered to submit it to the terrific test of "no cure no pay." Many accepted, and their experience are so convincing as to bo almost beyond belief. Here Is another, written under date January C, 1890: Deap. Sibs: I accepted your offer to teat the merits of your vegetable remedy In sicl: headaches, and called forabottle and got it I had been troubled for a long time, and had tried nearly everthin$r, with little or no effect; but Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla acted almost like magic, and the first bottle relieved me from one of the worst cases of sick headache one ever had. MRS. M. B. PRICE, 16 Prospect Place, San Francisco. Wo will from time to time publish others of these letters. 1 1 Is doubtful I f .any remedy was ever before submitted.to such a ieve ordeaL tho skin, and I havo usod it every day for the lost fortnight. havo found your liObor tino an excellent preparation for removing sunburn, tan and the effects of cold wind, heat, otc. Please send mo at onco a dozen bottles each. Kobertino and Violet Cream, as I am loavinn for Europo Saturday week. Yours faithfully, I.H.UK Langtuy. Chicago, November 13th. Mr. Wifdem: Dear Sir I beg to thank you for tho delizhtful and refreshing "Itobcrtino" you so kindly sent mo. 1 havo used tho toilet preparations of tho most cslcbratcd manu facturers of London and Paris, but consider your "ltobertine" their superior in point of Eurity and exccllcnco. Wishing yoa tho un ounded success you deservo, I remain, Faithfully jours, Emma. Abbott. Esmond, August 11. 1S.33. Mr. W. 51. Wisdem: Dear SirrYour "Hobertine" was so highly spoken of in San Francisco, and a l'ady friend induced mo tJ try it. It is very fine and an excellent appli cation for whitening and beautifying tho faca and hands. Tho ltobertine Powder is de lightful. Very truly, Fajjxy Davespoet. Juno-1. 18S7. To Mr. V. M. Wisdom : Dear Sir I havo tried your 'itobertins." It is excellent, and I shall be rl cased-to recommend it to all my lady friends. Bel:cvo mo, yours truly. J:m:. April 7. 1SS7. Dear Mr. Wisdom I havo tried jour "Kobertino." and it gives mo ranch pleasure to say that it is excellent for the complexion being one of he best articles of tha Kind I havo over used. Yours f inccrcly. 7. 'lRKr.KM.1. November 8, 1837. Mr. Wisdom : Dear Sir 1 consider your "Kobortine," for tho comploxion. tho finest S reparation I havo ever used. It is perfectl j armless, and 1 am sure no lady's toilet is complete without it. Yours respectfully. Maud Giuxckb. to any lady's toilette, and a positivo boon to i no people in the profession, lours truly, UniEi. BKA3D0X. San Francisco, September 13, 18S8. Mr. Wisdem: Dear Sir I havo tho plea sure to acknowlcgo tho receipt of a bottle of your famous "Kobertino." Ihavou3Cl it at tho theater, and find it to bo all that is claimed for it. It has a warmer flesh tint than most of tho washes, and is both agreeable and harmless to tho skin. Very sincerely yours, Phoebe D VTIES. Lj-ceum Theater. N. Y , August 1, 18S9. Dojr Sir I havo given your "Kobertino" a fair trial, and tako great pleasure in writing you, and frankly confess that I think Wis dom's "Kobertino" .to bo less harmful and moro pleasant to uso than any lotion I havo over tried. I havo tho honor to remain. Very sincerely, Charlotte Tittelk. Leading Physicians also Have Their Say. , Chicago, January 31. 1SS8. W. M. wisdem: Dear Sir As yu re quested. I havo examined tho formula- of j'our toilet preparation, called Kobertine." t can assure you that tho Ingredients aro both b anu anu harmless, and that tho compound would form an excellent application in irri tated conditions of tho skin. Yours truly. Author Deax Beyai M. D., Prof, of anatomy. Rush Medical Collcgo and P. A. Surgeon. U. S M. II. S. ., . . March 2.i. 18SS. Tin is to certify that I havo examined tho constituents of Mr. V. M. Wisdom's toilet preparation designated "Itobertino." I con sider it a safo and elegant articlo, and ono destined to tako tho place of tho many dan gorous compoundsTiow in tho market. r, ,- , .P.KOTHWELI,tM.D., Prof. Medical Chemistry and Climatology; Oros3 Medical Collcgo. March 10, 18SS. Dear Sir I havo mado a chemical exami nation of your toilet articlo called "Kober tino," and find it to bo composed of harmless ingredients, and well adapted to tho nurposo for which you recommend it. , rm. , W.U.SAVLOR.M D- Prof. Theory and Practico of Modicino. Medical Department, Sta to University. Oh! my, it PAYS to deal with Herman-Wise The Reliable! In Occident Hotel Bnildinj in case s ash Are if on AT THE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Eeal Estate Co. PRICES FROM $150 TO $250 EACH. TERMS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six ami Twelve Months a zoicJm'u Weinhard's Lager BUR Is the Choice of the Connoisseur. Superior" Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots. Orders for any quantity to be directed to H. WEINHASB, Portland, Oregon. Corner Twelfth ami IJ. Telephone 72. P. O. Bex 40 VrJESJFS AUBANT SECOND - STREET (Opp. Telephone Landing.) Is tlie Bon Tou Restaurant of the Town (ai Tin: riXFST o:f Tin: coast.) Dinner Parties, Banqeis, a Speciatly 'She Vincsl Wines and Xiiquoics. Private Entrance and Rooms. N. II. 'o connection with h'u old place on Main Street. Anoiie Hole L. R. Abercromble, Prop. Finest and Most Convenient Victoria. 11. C November 20, I8S7. My dear Mr. Wisdom You havo roason to foel proud of tho success of'Mtouertino." I have used it constantly for n year, and find it beautiful and beneficial, for tho comploxion. and I havo much pleasnro in recommending NbtO What tllQ Celebrated Chemists of it. Tho "Kobertino Powder," your latest ad- c r,.:. o- dition to tho Artistic toilet, makes a charm- an JrranClaCO bay. inc finish, and is worthy of its companion can r?,n(.:, Tnon 1B5M "ltobertine." Yours truly M -. W. wLrSr'ifr- jkanmr vi.sto. Vo havo mado nn oxj,aasliv.0 Chemicai Juno 9, 188S. analysis of asamploof Wisdom's "Itoljertino," Dear Sir I havo tried a botllo of your obtained by us in tho public market, and find "Itobertino" for the complexion, and find-it a it to bo froo from all poisonous and deleterious most deltehtful preparation, boiutifyinir the ingredients, constituting a harmless prepara- fkin and leaving no ill effects. For tho future tion for tho face. Yours truly, I shall uso no other. Sincerely yours. Tnos. Price & So, Jeffbfya-Lkwis. Analytical Chemists. Summer Resort 13 SEASIDE. Every Boom Kewly Pumished. Private Booms for Families. AND TOUKISTS. Transient Custom Solicited. TERMS, REASONABLE. The only Abercromble Hotel at Seaside, Oregon. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. Goofl Bread, Caie ani Pastry None but Uie Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered tn any part of the city. J. B. Wyatft, DEALEBS IJf Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil, Cotton Canva?, Hemp Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, (Salvanlzed Cut Nails. Agricultural' Impleiiefits', Sewing Machines, falats, Oils, . Grooeriesi Isfto. R13 if SF rr?1? &. uGKtli $55. fRiirant. SgfEiilarged ami Refitted to Afeet the Popular Demand.3 i-tit' IN THE CITY. Shoalwater Bay and Eastern Oysters. Private Rooms For Dinner Parties, Etc. MEAM COOKED TO ORDEK. THIRD STKEET, ASTORIA, OR Thp iiPPilflti I lie ui eyuii Land Co. Where Property Is Left For Sale. Corner Third and Olney Sts. ASTOEIA, OBEGOH Salesman. A N ENERGETIC 'MAN YAiTEI--Tp JX. push our manufactures oa this One of our agents earned $5,200 in 1 dress, P. 0. Box 1371 , New York, ound. Ad- For Desirable Acreage Or INSIDE PROPERTY. Call on or Address , T Lemenweber SECOND ST.', NearPostoffice. - & Goodenoughl j. c . - P.O. Box 03 -V - ' i si S A 3E P&gi &