The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 13, 1890, Image 1

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vvAl! .- UWlfeJ JlkHfc' JJk' I i $vm in1 rjpjgfeg
JW W iiW i AF A .AtlMA'l l
PggMig-r N ' N ' x v
Fire and Murine and Lift'.
VAN DUSES &C0., Ag';s.
01 tho Following Reliable Foreign ;uit
Home Companies : ,
LlprpiH)l and Ix)iiJon :uul 01olt Norlli
IlrilMi atid Mcrcmtile. Scottish Union anil ,
!S'KtionjU. HartXoid (if Oounec:iciit. CHiimcr-1
cla! oi Calirmi.i. uniiion ami l-melanin; i
IJTonwol, Cuinmcrciat thiion of Loniton.
t:uardlan ul Loudon. Northwest of Tort land.
Mutual I Jfe of New York.
Prompt,Liberal Adjustments Guaranteed
Insurance Agent.
California Marine Ins. Co., S. F.
Columbia Fira ml Marine Ins. Co.,
Harae Mutual Insuiance Co , S. F.
Phoenix of London.
Imperial of London.
Robb &l Parker,
iru and Mar ne Insurance,
nun mi Agcieatu C'apttdl of
IMfKKlAI.. or Tendon.
CaiJFORNIA, of California.
i)XXEtTfCUT..if llailtord.
i KI.Mt HUM t:. of Oakland
t.lON, of Uuidtin.
FIKK.M N'H FUND. .f California
QUEEN, of London
Washington Market.
Ualu Mrcct, Afttorla, Oregon.
ilou of the public to the fact that the
itoovrt Market u fll always be supplied with a
ivtilch Htll be sold at lowest rates, whole
Mle&ud retail.
tarSpeclal attention Riven to supplying
Kt;.sh and Cured Meats,
t'HKXAMI'M Mireet. Anterls, .
Roadway Market.
O'llara &z rngallK, Fropr.
Opposite Foanl & Stokes.
A first-Class Meat Shop.
Fresh and Salt Meats.
All 1'itrchnsect Deliveied In any part of the
Mamif.teturi'i and Dealer in
Sali. Doors, Mouldings
"and It rack ts.
Al Until il (I irl WixmI ..ii1
llotlof t-iniIiiiiK f.Minlir.
Wood Turning.
iw. livtw'nsu mitt Aslor Striels.
Ariokia, - - Okkoox.
Your Money's If oi
Foard Jfcjtokes
Groceries and Provisions.
Reo thing In a First-class Store
and at
Extremely Low Figures.
(roods Delivered all over Town.
n.rHlghost Price i'aii for Junk.
Thompson & Ross
Carry a Full Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call and Be Convinced.
The Indiana Paint Shop
C. II. CUTBIUTlt, 1'r.ip'r.
Ctr. Third and Main Sts., Astoria.
P.-per Hanging a Specialty.
Work executed with Neatness and Dis
County Coroner.
Tint Class Undertaking
New Styles, Caskets and funeral material
Next ta ABTOBIAX oBlee.
Brifca3 fll Isi
Absolutely Pure.
Thtt jMjwder never vanes, A inarvrl of
.iritj, itrenuth .md holesometiess. More
f.-oii.Moical than the dnlinary klndnnd can
im: W Mtld In iimHlition uiili thu niulti
tudc ttl low t-st. shrt weight, :Uum or phos
tih'ite powders. Suhi nlu In cans. Uov.M.
itKiu r.iwiiK.:("i. Jt viH-st.. N. .
Lkwis l .Ioiinsiln X (Ut . ARont-, Fo:t-
Mlld. MiMI'H.
C. P. Upshur,
Shipping and Commission Merchant
main St. Wharf. Astoria. Onon.
Cannery Supplies
Barbour's Salmon Net Twines.
NEPTUNE Hrand Silmon Twine.
WOODIiKltltY Cotton Lines and Twines
Of all Description Furnished at
Factorj' Piices.
Effected in First Class Companies,
Kepi esent Ins 8 1 .000,000
Hartford, Conn
... .New York,
Agency Pacific Kxpress ami Wells. Farijo k t'o!
(Snccessm to)
Q-roceries' Produce.
Water street, Astoil.i, Oregon.
TKI.KPHOSK Nt. 7. - P. O. W)X S00
TMelien Lester & AndRrsen,
Surveyors and Arcliitects.
Offick, Room i), Flavj:l'i IJi.d'o
1 O. Box 813.
There is no occasion for the most fa.stldi
ons of our cILzus to mmu'. tt Portl.ind or
Han Francisco for
Custom ftSade Clothes
sth' imi. ? I Salter Fits. I.'it r Work
nianliit. -! :-r levsMonej.
H tHMVtliIlK II Older uttit 2H.,..N.
Mew Goodt. bv Every Steamer.
C.iP and -ee .uid s.ilisry jurself.
P. J. Meany. Ateiehant Tailor.
Transacts a General Banking Business-
Drafts draw u available in au part of Urn
U. 8. aud Europe, aud on tlous Kons, China
Okki.'k Uouuh : in a. m. to 3 i m.
Odd FKi.LOwsBuii.uiKa, Astoria, Oregon.
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers lu
Special Attention CIvonto Filling
Of Orders.
Aud Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Tenns.
Purchases! delivered lu any part of the rlt
Office and Warehouse
In llmne'd New Building on Water Street.
T. O. Box 153. Telephone No S7.
v8Toi:ii. oier.:o!
John . Dement.
Successor to W. E. Dement & C .
Carries Complete Stock t
Orugs and Druggists' Sundries
iVcrrlptieiu Carefally CoiupeHagel.
Agent tor
Mexican Salve and
Horwegian Pile Cm.
Ii uufes the Jjver and Killings rn.l Stomach,
Cur. I tfalacho. D:pcpi I. crwlrs an Appc
tite, Punficj. Uie Impure Blood, and
Makes Thooak Strong.
Vied everywhere, fl aboUlojn!xfor$5.
a Protracted Delate in tie
Spt'clal by Tiif. Unitei 1'JtF-S-i.
"Washington, July 12. When the
silver bill came up for discussion in
the house to-day, J31aud, of Mo., con
curred with the gentleman in hoping
that the next house of representatives
would be a free coinage house, but
that the house would be composed of
those who advocated free coinage and
stood by their colors. It wonld not
be composed of the ltepublican party
which by a gag rule has voted down
and stifled freo coinage. It free coin
age come at all it would come from
that party which stood firm to tho
flag or free coinage, and which has not
surrendered its principles at the beck
of "Wall street Ho denied that the
bill was the result of a free and fair
conference. It was the result of secret
meetings of theHepublicanconferrees.
He, as a couferree, had known nothing
of the measure until it had been
framed and the report ready to be
feigned. The Democratic members
had been iguored in the preparation
or the bill. Tho bill was one which
practically demonetized silver. It
was a sugar-coated quinine pilL On
the lirst reading it seemed that the
secretary was to purchase -1,500,001)
ounces per month; but when a mau
rolled the pill around in his mouth he
began to taste tho bitterness of the 'or
so much thereof as may be offered."
Here could bo traced in this meas
ure the stealthy "Italian hand." The
bill surrendered every principle; it
made combination with the bullion
speculators of "Wall street in tho in
terest of Wall street; it departed from
the legal ratio aud changed that ratio
from sixteen to one to twenty to one.
To change the ratio of gold to silver
as established by usage, "was to pile up
much capital in the treasury at the
expense of the people aud in the in
terest of Wall street aud bullion own
ers and he denounced it as a fraud
and a cheat on the people, who were
demanding a ratio of sixteen to one.
The bill made silver simply a coin
odity, to be measured by gold, upon
which money shall be issued at its
value. It "was true that the measure
might make an increase in the gen
eral circulation, but it would make it
by concession to the goid standard
and a desertion of silver. It was :i
declaration that congress would not
mako any further fight for bi-metal-isra.
It was neither a silver bill nor
a greenback bill, but simply a political
device concocted to tide over tin
We denounced it as a fraud and would
denounco any measure as a fraud that
did not provide free coinage. When
the bill that has his name was passed
(the I3Iand bill) had fallen into a trap,
every silver representative then felt
perfectly confident that the next pres
ident would sign a free coiuagc bill.
Ho would refer to the history of
these members now willing to accept
this report as leading to free coiuage.
Now was tho time to mako a fight. If
the conference report was rejected
another conference would be held and
the objectionable features of the re
port striken out, and that is what he
had undertaken to do.
Morrow, of California expressed his
approval of the conference report and
proceeded to argue tha
iiat the denres-1
faion in the price of silve
liver iu recent '
vears resulted from artificial man i mi-
The house adopted the report of II
conference committee ou tho biher
bill, u;.oj 122, noes i)J. iiau lio.iii..
pacing the bill.
I'.sasptl t!te Snhily
Special to HiK .T'iui v
Washixoio.s", .Jnl 12. Th .seuati
to-day rcdunvjd consideration of ihc
two stripping bills aud u:ti iiddre&u-d
by YeiL Yestspokeat length agnuit
tl'f MilvMfl v ilill .!ii)viiir !ntw former
subsidies ended in f.iHtire and hcaudnl, '
and iliuHlrcdcd his argument bv refer
ence tt home subsidized steamship
lines. He predicted that the subsi
dies would never bring a dollar of
foreigu commerce to the couulry.
George then spoke in opposition to
the bill. The senate passed the ton
nage snbsidy bill, ayes 20, nays 18,
the only exceptions lo it being a strict
party vote were thatPayne voted with
the Bepublicans for the bill and Ed
munds and Plumb with tho Demo
crats against it
Trouble In Agreeing.
Special to Tiik AsrontAN.l
Washington, July 12. The senate
caucus committee spent its time till
noon to-day trying to devise a plan to
carry out the absolute instruction of
the caucus to report some practicable
method of procedure by which a
majority ot the senate may reach a
vote upon tho national election bill or
any other pending measure within a
reasonable lime. Several different
propositions wero advanced in the
caucus and were critically discussed.
The committee did not reach any
definite conclusion, but hopes to bo
ablo to report to the caucus early next
They Will be Sent Uncle.
Special ioTiik Ast k:an.
Washington, July 12. Collector
Phelps, of San Prancisco, lo-day tele
graphed to assistant secretary Tichenor
that ho had received twenty-four
Chinamen from the authorities at
Tusson, Arizona territory, for ship
ment to China. He was instructed to
forward them at once-nnd by the first
A Very JJood Idea.
Sp claL to The AsroniAN'.
Washington, July 12. Representa
tive Anderson, of Kansas, in the house
to day offered for reference a resolu
tion revoking all lpaves of absence
except on account "of sickness after
Tuesday next
A Commutation of Sentence.
Special to The Astoiuan.
WAsmKGTOx, July 12. The pres
ident has commuted to eight months
actual imprisonment tho sentence in
the case of Byron W. Brown, con
victed in Utah of perjury.
Stolen Money Flyiusr Around
Dakota. Prairies.
Special to Tub Astokian.I
Jamestown, 2?. D., July 12. On the
night of June 7th last, tlio Northern
Pacific train was boarded near New
Salem, N. D., by two masked men,
who terrorized people on the cars.
Tho men got away with several
pouches of registered mail matter.
One of the robbers was afterward cap- i
tured. Tho postal authorities prob-,
ably know by this time the amount i
they secured. The published estimate
ofSo.OOO to 0,000, as the amount, is j
but a rude guess. It is believed that the J
robbers got away -with nearly 50,000.
The postal inspectors have searched
over the ground where they caught
tho robbers and they found, in torn
bits and ragged pieces, a large amount
of currency including one bill of
SI ,000. There were found numerous
tens and twenties, moro or less mutil
ated. A whole bundle hail been
dropped in ono place, and in the rob
bers' haste not securely hid, aud the
coyotes and gophers had torn and
separated the money and tho wind
had scattered it The amount re
covered, tho inspecor -would not dis
close, but it runs into the thousands.
A False Report.
Washington, July 12, Tho letter
published this morning under date of
Carlisle, Penn., purporlingto give the
f iews of president Harmon concern
ing free trade and protection is not
All Extremely Weal Coudillou for'sK
the Ceremony.
cox.tukei: DIES JX IlCXti.lXl'.
Special hy Tho UsiTcn Pass.
Huenos AYftES, July 12. The tlnnn-
cial panic is subsiding. The premium
on gold fell to day and at the closi of
the board was quoted at 193 per cent.
Enters tlic State of Matrimony.
Special to The Astoetax.
London. July 12. -Henry M. Stan
ley and Miss Dorothy Tennant were
married this afternoon. Tho mar
riage ceremony took place at 2 r. ir.
Westminister Abbey -was packed.
Stanley walked up the aisle leaning
heavily upon a cane. Ho looked hag
gard. The ceremony was performed
by the Very llev. George Hradley,
dean of Westminister, the Very Itev.
Frederick William Farrar, Archbishop
of Westminister and Eight lev. Wm.
Hoj'd Carpenter. Dishop of Kiyon.
The service was a frill choral. A
great crowd was congregated abontthe
Abbey and loudly cheered Stanley
and Miss Tennant on their arrival.
IVo Hlore tlotlic Found.
SiKtI.U to Thk AsroniAX.j
Halifax, Nova Scolin, July 12.
The search for the bodies at tho Fcene
of last night's accident in the Dart
mouth has ceased, no moro having
been discovered, and it being believed
that there are no others to recover.
Edward Poster, who was taken out
alive last night, and whose daughter
was among the drowned, died to-day.
Trans-Atlantic Courtesies.
Spcelal to Tiik ASTolti AN.l
London, July 12. At a banquet
given by the guards of the honorable
artillery company last night, at which
ex governor Ames of
nud Commander Allen, Past Coni-
mander of the ancient and uo'iorahk'
t artillery company ot no-?
Uon, were
. prevent toasi3 werj unm to pres
ident H-irrioou and queen Vicloriu.
Eanicr in Fiitaarc.
pcci!'" s:ik Arnic a.s
Buenos Aykeh, July 12. The witn
' drawal of the resignation t.-t tho inio
I iater :if finance created a favorab!-
reaciion to-day and a bettor reeling in
all iiirmcial rircles. Tho run mi tho
bank.-, h;w about ce.ued.
WutiM Arcept His Resignation.
s',':i! lo r"
Montevideo, July 12. The provi
dent has declined to accept the resig
nation of the minister of finance.
or Interest to Mauy.
Representative Hermann h:is intro
duced u bill in congress for repayment
to E. C. Masten, of Portland, of the
sum of S100, being tho purchase
money on one quarter sectiou of laud
entered at the Oregon City l.wd
The case is doubtless of interest to
numerous entryniou ou tho Pacific
coast and especially thoso euleriug
what are alleged to be timber lands.
The department declines repayment
and in its decision to Mr. Hermann
states that tho United States special
agent reports tho land to be fit for
cultivation, although covered with
timber. That the preliminary
affidavit required of entry men
under tho act of Juno o, 1878, is the
same both under the timber-culture
and timberland law, lo the extent that
the condition of the land must be set
forth in each case, and implies a per
sonal knowledge thereof, on tho part
of the entrymen. It was tho duty of
purchaser lo have made a personal
examination of the laud before entry,
and by his failure so to do the govern
ment was not in fault iu allowing tho
entry. The department then proceeds
to eito authorities as a precedent, and
says: In the case of Falk Stein
hnrdt (7 Ij. D., 10) Secretary
Vilas says: "It is evident from these
facts that said affidavit was made by
Steinhardt, without examination of
the land, or knowledge of its condi
tion, upon which to date the same,
aud this view is supported by the
further fact found by your said
office decision, that said laud, when
cleared of its limber would bo
well suited to agricultural pur
poses." This state of fact, I think fully
warrants the conclusion that said
entry was obtained through fraud. In
the case of Charles P. Coffin (G D. D.,
389) it was held that (.quoting from
syllabus) on cancelation of an entry
made for land not subject thereto, by
reason of a natural growth of limber,
repayment will not be allowed where
the entryman, without examination of
tue land, or Knowledge or its condition,
mado oath that tho land was devoid
of timber.
Disgraceful Proceeding at a Wiscon
. sin School Election.
s ial bv TlIE U5flTED jRn.
" , , ,n -r. - , -.
Eli-aso, Tex., July 12. It is learned
this morning that the fight at Yeolta
between two rival political factor
ies yesterday which resulted in
six men aud seven horses being
killed, orignated in this way: Benigno
Aldcrte, mayor of Yseltahas charge
of a canal, stud had a couplo of men
clearing it out, when Goael, ono of the
leaders of the posse of armed men to
drive Aldcrle's men from flieir work.
Goael claimed that he was mayor and
put his own men to work and refused
to discontinue when ordered to, by
Alderte to do so. The mayor then pro
cured a warrant for the arrest of Goael
to place him under a peace bond, and
deter him from further' interference
with Acqnia.
Goael summoned his armed follows
around him aud refused to be arrested,
and a general fight followed.
Were Quieter.
:! clio k vrei: x.l
BormtxuT, Wis., July 12.- County
Snpt. G. B. .Rower was pelted with
rotten egga at the polls to-day. Ho
::mvo in gettiug the women of
district out to vote for a new
bohool building aud longer terms.
The men didn't object to the school
building or longer terni3 but they
were paralyzed with astonishment at
the sight of women actually voting,
and their auger new no bounds when
it was found that the women had won
the point at issue. They were only
prevented from demolishing the bal
lot boxes and destroying the record of
election by the prompt action of a few
cool headed men. When the supply
of czgs was out affairs became more
Tlie Old Firm of Grant A; Ward.
Special to Tji k astoui vn.
New Yokk, July 12. Tho report
of tho referee in .the suit of James W.
El well against John H. Morris as as
signee of Jas. D. Pish was filed to-day
under the Pish assignment. The
amount due creditors in the first class
was S577,00G, including tho interest
claim of the Marino National bank,
which is $51G,0&L18. The claim of
the .Broadway bank against Fish is
SaS3.SG2.7-i- and of J. P.. Grant S121.472.
,'ilhese claims arc. against Fish a3 a
member of the firm of Grant & Ward
and give precedence to individual
debts. After paying commissions, etc.,
the :issignco will have $2G5,33S.5G. It
is suggested that a dividend of do per
cent, will be made npon the claims of
the first named in the assignment
Jot One Fifth t!ic Price of
S:i. Vote.
SlH'Ci.l! to lltltASTOKIAK.
New Yokk. July 12. Ex-alderman
Michael Dully has brought suit
against John Iveenau, who had just
returned from Canada, to recover
10,000, the balance of tho sum of
$r0,000, that he claims to havo been
promised for his vote m favor of
t grantiug a charter to the Broadway
i road l)ufFy has confessed that he
I wa? in the "combine1' of aldermen who
i woio bribed by Jake Sharp to vote for
. tbe Broadway railroad franchise, and
lias testified against several of his
councilmcn. lie Fas ho onlv got
$10,(Xkl of the $."50,000 promised Tor
his Mitt.
a vz::tv mck itiat
X.ZW. Sietcrmiucil to 13 c Itlnrricil.
ii-..uln Tut. AsToaux.l
New Yokk, July 12. A cable from
London to Dunlap's agency reports
the Tacts connected with Stanley's
wedding. It says that Stanley was
actually so ill thathehadto be carried
into the church. Another account
says that ho was compelled to sit dur-
mg the ceremony. Two physicians
were present during tho ceremony to
attend Stanley if necessary and in this
plight btanley was fonud by Miss
Tennant and tho bridal nartv. He
was evidently a very sick man but
determined to be married according
to date and programme.
Is It a Fissure Vien V
Special to Thk Astorian.1
Chicago, July 121 The Inter-Ocean
correspondent sends tho following in
regard to the recent sensational find
of gold at Tiucnp, Colerado: When
the writer visited the mine last even
ing it showed a face vein three feet in
thickness. From an assay mado in
the camp it is thought to run 22
ouuees gold, while in nearly overy
piece of rock on tho same vein there
could be found freo gold in small
quantities. There is no doubt that
the ore averages at lea3t 1,000 per
ton, while masses of iron ore run 10
to 20 feet thick and assay S15 to S20
in gold.
Death of a Conjurer.
Special to Thk AstorianJ
Budapesth, July 12. Danhs, a na
tive of San Francisco died hero to-day
while performing his fire-eating trick.
The use of a current ot electricity en
abled him to spit out fire and flame, on
this occasion the strength of the cur
rent broke a blood vessel and caused
his death.
So Land on Which the Sun Shines.
Possesses "reater natural advantages than
our on a. but there are portions of the ereat
Rraln-beartnK West and fertile South where
atmospheric influences prejudicial to health
militate against them, in some dosree. as
places or residence, lloavy rainfalls and the
overflow of creat rivers, which upon their
subsidence leave rank vegetation exposed
to the rays or the sun, there beget malarial
fevers, and there also the inhabitants are
periodically obliged to use some medicinal
safeguard against tho scourge. 'Hie most
popular is llostcttcr's Stomach Hitters, a
preventive that has over a third or a cen
tury afforded reliable protection to those
whom experience in the futility of ordinary
remedies for fever and ague, has taught to
subst tute for them. Whether Intermittent
or remlttent.mlasmatlc fevers ir rnnmiorpi
and averted by the superb anti-periodic and
fortifying medicine as they are bv no other
preparation in use.
Impure local bitters.
Use it, and abandon
The Debris Filled. TVitli Dead and
Special to The Astobian.
Chicago, July 12. This morning
the best information attainable placed '
tho number of dead and injured as
the result of the explosion on the
steamer Tioga last night at forty-five,
at least fifteen are known to be dead.
Daylight revealed how terrific was
the force which wrecked the powerful
steamer. The entire after part of the
boat was a mass of charred timbers
and distorted iron piled in two huge
masses, one directly in the stern ana
tho other around the smokestack.
The vessel hnd settled till her keel
rested in the Bof t mud of the river
bottom. Over the main deck the
water flowed to the depth of a foot
The surface of the water was covered
ono inch deep with a dark green
greasy oil.
Sow ICuined in Alind and in
Special to The Astoiuan.i
SpbixgfieiiD, July 12. Wm. N.
Whitney, tho manufacturer of reapers,
whoso shops aro the largest in the
United States, but now deserted, is
half crazed by the loss of his millions.
His mental troubles have been aug
mented by the death of his only
daughter. He would not let the em-
oaimer touon tue body, ne Had a
coffin made plainly at his own shop.
and was prevented at the last moment
from hauling tho body to the grave in
a dray. Whitney is a giant in stature
and physical strength aud had built
up a tremendous business. He was the
builder and owner ot the East street
shops, employing over 3.000 men.
Poor financial management rained
him, and now his mind is shattered
by grief.
The Vslcta Emeute.
Special to Thk Astoriax.i
El Paso, Tex., July 12. Tho night
atYsleta terminated in tho peaceful
surrender at daylight, to the sheriffs
posse. Goael, who resisted ar
rest, cannot bo found; sixteen men
have been arrested and brought here
to the county jail. It turns out that
only one man is killed, the Mexican of
mayor Aldertes' posse, who tried to ar
rest Goael. Another has a slight
wound in the head; twenty-two Win
chesters and pistols were seized and
brought here because no Ysleta mer
chant was willing to store them. No
further trouble is anticipated by the
Will be Made a Sehool Skip.
Special to The Astoria
New York. July 12. The shin
Mononyahela "recently from San
Francisco, is about to undergo trans
formation into a school ship. She has
completely discharged the stores
brought from Mare island at the
Brooklyn navy yard, and will go to
Portsmouth next week where the
necessary changes will be made.
Smallpox on Beard.
Special to The AstoriaxJ
New York, July 12. The steamship
Lieiand reached quarantine this morn
ing, and was detained thereon account
of a case of smallpox on board. It is
probablo that all tho passengers, to
the number of 552, will bo vaccinated
and allowed to land next Monday or
She Put Them Back.
Special to The Astoriax.1
Newport, R. I., July 12. Mrs.
Parson Stevens' jewels wero found in
her house to-day. They had evidently
been taken by a servant who became
frightened and restored them.
A Xniuber of Specimen-. C.iIIrcte.1 by a
Fan-Loving Editor.
The following specimens of curious
punctuation aro given by the
Printers Register'. "A man who
was suddenly takeu sick "hastened
homo while every means for his recov
ery were resorted to. In spito of all
his efforts, he died in the triumphs of
tho Christian religion." UA man was
killed by a railroad car running into
Boston, supposed to be deaf." A man
writes: "Wo have decided to erect a
schoolhouse large enough to accom
modate 500 scholars five stories high."
On a certain railway tho following
luminous direction was printed,
"Hereafter, when trains in an opposite
direction are approaching each other
on separate lines, conductors and en
gineers will be requested to bring
their respective trams to a dead halt
before the point of meeting, and be
careful not to proceed till each train
has passed the other." A steamboat
captain, advertising an excursion
"Tickets, 20 cents; children half price
to be had at the office." A hotel was
thus advertised: "This hotel will bo
kept by tho widow of the former land
lord, Mr. Brown, who died last sum
mer on a new and improved plan."
"Wanted, a saddle horse for a lady
weighing about 950 pounds." An
Iowa editor says: "We have received
a basket of fine grapes from our
friend W., for which he will please
accept our compliments, some of
which aro nearly two inches in diame
ter." "Board may be had at No. Pearl
street for two gentlemen with gas."
Over a bridge at Atlanta,Ga.,is the fol fel fol
eowing: "Any persons driving over this
bridge in a pace faster than a walk, if
a white man, be fined $5, and if a
negro receive twenty-five lashes, half
the penalty to be bestowed on the in
former." A newspaper contained this :
"We have two school rooms sufficient
ly large to accomodate 300 pnpils one
above another." Another newspaper,
in-distributing tho doings of a con
vention at Cleveland, said: "The pro
cession was very fine, and nearly two
miles long, as was also the the prayer
of Dr. Perryr the chaplain."
It Ls the little things of lire, the woriles or
to-day and to-morrow, that makes the
crow's feet around our eyes. So the little
pains ot au hour or a minute break down
the constitution. Look after the little ills,
Brandreth's Pills cure dyspepsia, or
Indigestion, headache, pain in the shoul
ders, coughs, tightness of the chest, dizzi
ness, sour stomach, bad taste in the mouth,
bilious attacks, palpitation of the heart, in
flammation of the lungs. Fain in the region
ot the kidneys, and a hundred other pain
ful symptoms are the offspring of dyspepsia.
One or two pills every night Is sufficient.
Brvndreth's Pills are sold in every
drug and medicine store, either plain or
sugar coated.
Tie Pacific Mail aM tie Canadian
Pacific Steamers lu Gomuetitlou.
Special by TueUhitkd Frkss.
San Francisco, Jidy 12. The
steamer Australia arrived from Hono
lulu this morning, bringing the fol
lowing advices: The funeral oE Henry
W. Auld, who was killed in the draw
bridge accident at Oakland, Cal., on
May 30th, took placo Juno 29th. It
was ono of the largest ever seen in
The United States steamer Iroquois
arrived at Honolnlu, after a passage of
twelve days, from San Francisco. She
has gone to Samoa.
The Fourth of July was celebrated
in tho most enthusiastic manner.
Business was generally suspended.
Of a Part of the Oregon and Cal
. I rornla Railroad.
special to The Astokian 1
San Francisco, July 12.-It is re
ported here to-day that a corps of
Southern Pacific engineers havo been
ordered at once to a point on the Cal
ifornia and Oregon line near Rose
burg, for the purpose of prospecting
to tho eastward in the Cascade range,
with a view of finding'an easier though
longer route for the main road to Ore
gon. It is said that Hnntington on
his trip to Oregon last May, became
impressed with the importance of this
and railroad matters in that
section. It is further re
ported that the engineers will
proceed toward mount Thielsen in
Douglass county and thence souther
ly into Klamath and Lake counties,
and down into Modoc county, thence
along the courses of the Fall and Pitt
rivera to some point on the main line
near Redding, which has about the
same elevation as Roscburg, from
which it is 311 miles distant. It is
not clear whether tins surveying move
is purely for tho Southern Pa
cific or for the Oregon and
Narrow Gnago which Huntington
bought from the Scotch owners while
he was out here recently. Its present
terminus is Coburg near Eugene City
only about 75 miles above Rosebnrg
and its extension by this possible
route indicates that he will mako it a
valuable piece ot railroad property.
AVill Compete With the Canadian
Special to Tiik Astokian.I
San Francisco, July 12. It now is
evident that the minors circulated
here recently that the Pacific Mail
Steamship company intended to com
pete with the Canadian Pacific in its
trado with China, were founded on
fact To-day the Pacific Mail com
pany announced that until further no
tice all its steamers on tho China line
will touch at Victoria, B. C, both ways.
It is now expected that the Canadian
Pacific steamers will soon begin to
touch at San Francisco.
Tho United States steamers Thetis
and Ranger sailed for Guatemala to
day to protect American interests there.
Tar and Feathers in Hozcinau.
Special to Thk Astokian.I '
MissoutjA, Mont, July 12. A re
ward of $150 is offered for the appre
hension of Dr. E. A. Grain, a Missoula
physician, who forged several checks
with the names of prominent parties
and skipped.
A special from Bozeuvm dctiib the
foulest event of the .season. A man
named Lon Webster was ye terday
tarred and feathered by enraged eitiz
ens. Webster had a practice of indue
ing men to visit his wif. and was ?o
devoid of decency that. ll.i true sfato
of afl'.iirs havinir been found out. Fit
good, strong meu visited Wobbler last '
night mid gave him a coat of Jar and
A Reasonable Itequest.
Special to TnK Astorian.
San Francisco, Jul 12.--At a
meeting of the chamber or commerco
next Tuesday tho following will be
censidered: The letter ot the chamber
df commerce of Port To wnsend, Wash.,
requesting tho San Francisco chamber
of commerce to instruct the California
congressional delegation to co-operate
with the congressmen from Washing
ton to secure an appropriation of
88,000 for the maintenance of the
telegraph line from Cape Flattery to
the capitol at Port Townscnd.
Fell Forty-Five Feet.-
Speclal to The Astorian.1
Modesto, Cal., July 12. While
painting tho roof of a house here this
morning H. C. Short, the painter,
missed his footing and fell a distance
of 45 feet striking on his .shoulder.
He was picked up unconscious and
removed to his home. Its feared that
he sustained internal injuries which
will prove fatal.
The West Against the r.ust.
Special to The Astorian.1
Tacoma, July 12. The ball game to
day resulted in a victory for the home
team. The score stoed: Tacoma 5,
Spokane Falls 3.
Victor)- for au Insurance Cniup'r
S. S. Conover, iVgt,. Northwestern
Mutual liife Insurance Co..of Manibtce,
Mich., says: "I hail rheumatism twenty
years; use l crutches ten years. From
the use of inwerful liniments my hip
and knee had lost nearly all strength.
Hihbard's Rheumatic Syrup has cured
me, anil I wish to herald to all, the
merits of the wonderful medicine." For
sale by J. W. Conn.
Tue Ghas-AVqgeler (fo-BALin-MD-
for ure nj
9 a . yea a AwsffS'J
From tie Cirtl ani Criminal Court
Special by Tho United Press.
Portland, July 12. Edward
Driscoll, who sued the ship Charles
(Jotesworth for damages in the sum
of $2,500 was given a verdict this
morniug by judge Deady for $300
and costs amounting in all to nearly
Driscoll was employed on the 4th of
last month in the hold of "the Cotes
worth helping to discharge her
cargo. On tho afternoon of that day
while coming from the lower hold to
the upper deck he stepped through an
open hatch way in tho between decks
and fell about twenty feet, breaking a
riband sustaining sovere bruises from
which he has not yefc recovered en
tirely. This morning judge Stevens imposed
tho last sentence upon a convioted
man for the current term. The person
was Frank Jarvis, convicted for the
second time of the crime of incest with
bisjjfdaughtcr, Mrs. Josephine Ross.
Jarvis had nothing to say why judg
ment should not be pronounced, and
ho was given the same sentence as
after his first conviction; the full limit,
three years confinement in the peni
tentiary. This evening's Telegram says all
tho hosts of tho seaside places are
complaining of the few guests they
have been entertaining so far this sea
son. As a general thing the seaside
resorts are crowded at this time of the
year, but to tho unreasonable weather
must be ascribed the present dearth of
travelers to the beach. Smce the bo
ginning of the regular summer Port
land has not experienced a dozen hot
days, and while fires are lighted in
private dwellings at 4 o'clock p. M..
the frequenters of Clatsop, Hwaco and. -so
forth prefer remaining at home. It
is now almost the middle of July, and
if the summer does not draw -out as
well as the belated winter has, the
seaside hotel men will not reap muoh
of a harvest.
A Ghastly Sight.
The recent heavy fall of ram raised .- -the
water which for many years,- has -
filled the salt mine near Hexmangtad V
in Hungary, to such an extraordinary
height last Thursday that a graat..
many corpses' floated to the surfaoa, u
where they were, taken out with nwoh-f jC
danger and difficuly, and they proved '
to be the bodies of 300 Hungariaa. m
Houveds who had fallen at the battle -
of Vetz Akhar, which was fought j
x euruary , xov, ana naa oeen tnrown
into the mine. The corpses were so
thoroughly preserved, by the salt
water into which they had been im
mersed that the wounds which had,
caused death were still plainly to-be-seen.
Two of tho bodies were 'head
less. savsim mm.
rof. F. D.
Of New York,
The Eminent. Scientific and Practical
! now in AtorLi. and mil remain a
short time only.
Dr. W. D. Baker, Dr. Jay Tuttoe,
Dr. O. B. Estes, and otherProm-
inent Physicians.
Take advantage of the opportunity. Call
at once and have your eves correctly flttod
with proper Glares.
OFFICE HOUR 2-9 A. FA. to 5 P. M,
Magee, Argand and Acorn
Cooking and Heating,
Too eft? JSoixlly
Practical : Watchmaker,
A tine line of Gold and Sliver Watches,
Solid Gold aud Plated .Jewelry, Clocks, etc.,
at reasonable pricas. Repairing Promptly
Done. Next to Morgan & Sherman.
War. W. WiiERitv.
Richard Harry,
Civil Engineer.
Wherry & Harry ,
Real Estate
City and Suburban Property Sold on Com
mission. Investments Made for
Outside Parties.
I. W. Case, Banker. Judge C. H. Page.
Office on Third Street,
Near Court House, - ASTORIA, OB.
ibs -P5
v' 5l