The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 10, 1890, Image 3

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    HI: :
$ie gutlj! gtoran.
,.JULY10. 1830
Publishers and Proprietors.
astoriax Building, - Cass STitFnr.
Terns of Subscription.
Sen ed bv Carrier, per eeS ......... 15 cts
sent by Mall, per mouth cocts
Hen! by Mall, one year 57.O0
Free of pofcu;e 10 subscriber;.
The astorian guarantcs to its adver
;lv?rs the largest circulation or any newspa
per puuIMieu on the Columbia rh or.
A lady's black silk umbrella awaits
an owner at this office.
People are looking for green corn,
but they'll have to keep on looking,
for a while.
The regularly quarterly meeting of
the Grace church branch oE the "Wo
man's Auxiliary will lake place in
Grace church this afternoon at three
The time for the funeral of William
Knemeyer has been changed, and it
will be at 239 this afternoon from his
late residence. The remains will be
buried in the cemetery on the hill.
The proposition to hold biennial
s-tfaons of the grand lo.ljv of the A.
O. 15. W. is growing in favor. The
cost of the session is about $2,31)0,
and if this could be expended every
other year in strengthening the order,
the results would be beneficial.
The Portland custom house report
for the vear ending shows receipts
from all sources S334,015.S9. Ex
peases S30,218.93. Number of vessel
entered from foreign ports 53, cleared
for foreign ports 95, entered from
domestic ports 218, cleared for do
mestic ports 192.
On Saturday of next week the As
toria cricket club will leave for Ta
coma. where they will play a match
jrame with a club of that city on
Saturday, the 19th instant It is cer
tainly hoped they will be as success
ful as our firemen, and if so, they will
return victorious.
Sheriff Smith won't catch anymore
silver iu his hat To save going up
two flights of stairs he let a man in
the third story window pay S1.50 by
letting a silver dollar aud a four bit
piece drop. Ho caught it in his hat
all right, but it went throngh the hat,
making an ugly hole in a new dicer.
The Alaska Commercial Company,
which was the unsuccessful bidder for
the exclusive right to catch seals in
the American waters of the JJehring
sea, has been granted a similar right
by Russia on the Siberian coast. The
result of the competition will prob
ably be the cheapening of sealskin
Uncle Sam does some kinds of work
cheap. Postmaster Hare yesterday
received 35,000 pasters, slips of good
quality of manilla paper, about 3x1
inches, printed and tied up in 500 lot
bundles, for use in designating mail
when put up for different postoffices.
The whole 35,000 cost $1.12; paper,
printing, culling, counting, tying and
all, for alout three cents a thousand.
Says the Dalles Obset ver of the 7th:
Grand Lodge A. O. U. W. meets in
Astoria to-morrow. C. Hughes aud J.
J. Daly both left down to-day. At As
toria Seaside lodge is the banner lodge
of this jurisdiction and is composed of
as lare-hcarted and whole-souled lot
of gentlemen as are to be found in any
clime, and they'll entertain visiting
brothers iu royal stvle. See if they
The new postal cards are of two
sizes. One intended for business
communications will have twice the
area of the present postal cards.
They will be decked with a portrait of
general Grant instead of the represen
tation of a stamp. The large card
will bear the inscription, "One Cent
Postal Card, "United States of Amer
ica," and the smaller one simply,
-Postal Card, One Cent."
The obstructions in the upper Co
lumbia hac some very strange names,
and indicate the changes in tempera
ment of those who first came down
the river aud are responsible fo the
nomenclature. First, there is the
KcUle falls, ihon Sheol and Devil's
ranids; next. George of Gehena, Hell
Gate and Whirlpool of Hades. Here
there must have been a change of
heart, for we come upon Priest's rapids
and enter the less turbulent portions
of the river by Pearl Gate.
The Swiss Bell Ringers.
Next Monday Astorians have tho
pleasure of listening to the Oakes'
Swiss BvU ringers and Comedy
Sketch company. They are spoken
of as first cl.i-w in every particular.
DaiVj IFcrald. Albany, Or., Sept
26, 1SS9: -List Niglif s Entertainment
-Tiie Oakes1 Swiss Bell Kingers and
Comedy Sketch XJlub gave one of
their enjoyable entertainments at the
opera house last evening. The aucd
encawas delighted from the opening
lo Uie close. The company is com
posed of musicians of merit, and give
a clean and laughter-provoking pro
gram, in which an endless variety' of
novel musical selections and cemedy
sketches were interpersed in a mo3t
agreeable manner.
Reserved seats at the New York
Novelty store Saturday morning.
A Sadden Death.
Martin Anderson, a former resident
here and well-known to many of our
readers, died suddenly of inflamma
tion of the bowels on Tuesday morn
ing at Cathlamefc, Wash. He was
tliirty-four years of age, and a mem
ber of the Knights of Pythias of San
Francisco. His remains were yester
t&y brought down on the steamer
Tclcplioiie from Cathlamet to Ska
Haokawa, at which latter place the
I u&r&l will ba hold to-day. Members
of Astor lodge, K. P. of this city, will
go up this morning to attend the fun
eral, on the steamer Eclipse, starting
from hero at 9 o'clock.
Wcak and weary describes the con
4iUo of many people debilitated by
warm jffeather. by disease or overwork.
llMML'sSsrsaparilla is just the medicine
tM&4&! to haild up aud strengthen the
KegjvPtiriry and quicken the sluggish
ufcv?" Teslore the lost appetite.
JBafejixa Cigars.
JMt xeeved a large stock of clear
HiOhLatf 'cigars at W. L. nolms, G40
Drwsmaker, first class, wishes situa
tieaia private family by day or week.
Can r&l9 ofice,
Fer a good Clean Koom, go to the
Malta Street House.
Fer the very best Photos, go to Sinister.'
A. O. U.
Reprts oft'DC Grant Officers for tie
Past Tear.
rjusT day or Tin: snssiox.
The twelfth annual session of the
grand lodge of Oregon and Washing
ton, Ancient Order United "Workman,
convened jesterday morning at 10
o'clock at the opera house, graud
master workmin T. A. Stephens in
the chair.
The following grand officers were
also present: George E. Nnttage, past
grand master workman; J. J. Daly,
grand foreman; W. J. Plymale, grand
overseer; Newton Clark, grand re
corder; R. Tj. Dnrkatn; grand recerder:
F. G. Richards, grand guide; C. It
Stockton, grand inside watchman; W.
Halfpenny, grand outside watchman;
James Browne, grand medical di
rector. The grand master appointed a com
mittee on credential, consisting of A.
Xoltner, of lo 1; G. W. Boardmnn, o
No. 33; and T. C Mackey, of No. 101
C. A. Wheeler was tippointed as
reading clerk for the bcsioa.
After a Bhorfc recess the committee
on credentials reported that oat of thj
93 lodges m the jurisdiction 07 were
represented by delegates who were
entitled to scats.
The grand lodge degree was then
conferred on 33 representatives, aud
they were seated as members of the
grand lodge.
The report of the graud master was
read, and shows clearly the condition
of the order. Extracts from it are
here given:
To the Officers of the Grand Lodge of A.
O. U. W. of Oregon and Washington.
Dear Sibs and BneiuEBs: "We liava
again assembled together for the purpose J
or deliberating upan, and enaotiug aucli
laws as will bo best calculated to ad
vance the interest of our "beloved Order,
and to review the labors of jour Grand
Lodge officers during the pi3t year.
After entering upon the duties of
Grand Master Workman, I realized hov
incapable I for the service and
duties required of me, aud I acknowl
edge, that I havo coino far short of my
own expectations, as wo' I as the expecta
tions of the representatives who so cor
dially placed me in this honorable posi
tion; but I believe repre? at invo3, that
I return tbo sacred trust-', placed in my
keeping during the past year, untar
nished, and more deeply honored and
beloved, for tho good wo have sought to
accomplish, tho happine we have
striven to create, and tbo misery we
have labored to ameliorate.
And as you re iew the events of tho
past year, whilo yoa may find many
things tlut will call for your disapproba
tion, yet, on tho other hand, there is
much to be thankful for; health and
prosperity, peace and harmony, prevails
throughout our grand jurisdiction; tho
increase of membership, while not what
I had hoped for, yet, it has been marked,
and judging from indications, the present
year will be much more prosperous than
tho one just closed. It is n marvol to
those unacquainted with tho aims aud
objects of our order, that in spite of all
the opposition it encounters, amidst tho
numerous other secret, fraternal organi
zations which havo sprung up in the
country during tho last 3 car, each ap
pealing to the interests, the passions and
prejudices of tho people; that it should
continuo to march onward and upward, (
steadily increase in membership, wealth,
power and Influence, but to us, who havo
participated iu its benefits, and shared in
its enjoyments, it is no nrystery. Its pur
poses and practices aro grateful to tho
feelings, and in accordance with tho im
pulses of every generous nature. Such
an order as ours, brothers, must continuo
to iuorcaso and prosper, just so loug ns
the nature of man remains unchanged,
and misery and misfortune encumber tho
Representatives, you aro hero in tho in
terest of your subordinate lodges; yon are
charged in your legislative capacity with
the entire control of affairs of this grand
jurisdiction; let your dclibantioii3 ha
calm, weigh the subject coming before
you impartially, let your discussions bo
tempered with brotherly love, so that tho
labors of this session may leave a bright
record in tho annals of iho A. O. U. W.,
and pleasant recollections in tho mem
ory of each representative present.
Tho list of dispensations granted
and officers installed was given and
names of tho twenty-three lodges offi
cially visited. The principal decis
ions made were stated in the report,
also several recommendations.nnd vari
ous matters of interest to the order,
after which, the report concludes as
Thna. nffinpra nn.1 rnnr . ,t u.irr.c T
have presented to you a brief statement
of my acts and decisions ns yonr Grand
Master Workman, during the p ist je ir,
and I trnat they will meet with yoar ap
proval. Jmstakes liao doubtle. been i
made, but it is human to err, and being (
but human, it socmsinevit ib!o that soaie i
Grand Lodge will correct ti.etu. Of one
thing representatives yon m it b? aured,
I havo endeavored to do mv'dutv and to
execute tho law of this Grand Inis"
and to U3s all tho means In my pj vpr to
enforce them.
This session is one of more than ordin- !
arv importance to the welfare and nros
perity of our beloved order, and I trust
mm. represeuwuivea win kcb iuo import- :
ance, oach one for himself, of giving his '
personal attention to the business be
fore us.
I feel deeply indebted lo tho brothers
of thiB grand jurisdiction for the confi
dence reposed in mo and tho many cour
tesies shown whenever I hao had tho
pleasure of meeting them, and when at
tho close of this session wo shall separate,
to return to our respective homes, let it
be with a re-united determination to la
bor more earnestly and faithfully for the
prosperity of this organization, which is
destined'to do more good for suffering
humanity than any other secret organiza
tion in existence.
Fraternally submitted in C, II. and P.
Thomas A. Stephens,
Grand Master Workman.
The reading of the grand master's
report concluded the morning session,
and at l v. sr. me graud lodge com
menced the afternoon session.
A letter from past grand master E.
1m Smith, of Hood Biver was read ex
pressing his regrets for 1m inability
to be present at the session, and an
appropriate answer was directed to be
sent to him in the name of the grand
A document in reference to the ap
pointment of a grand lecturer was
presented, and referred to a special
committee of uiree.
The hours of meeting during Iho
session were fixed as follews: 9 to 12
a. m; 2 to 5 and7 to 10 r. jr.
The reporteof the medical director,
finance committee, grand receiver and
grand recorder were presented and as
thev are already printed and in tho
hands of the members were, without
reading, referred to the committee on
distribution. Extracts are as follews:
Applicants presented and passed
upon, 984, of whom 41 were rejected
and 943 accepted. There were 51
deaths from 24 different causes, the
principal ones being pulmonary con
sumption xv, nean disease b, pnen
monia b ana paralysis a.
The average
age at death was 4G years and one
month, average duration of member
ship 6 years, 10 months and 2 days.
Balance iu the beneficiary fund,
$13,437.40, less S7.500 for claims not
yet presented, leaves S5,937.40 net
balance in the fnnd. To pay the 51
death claims 25 assessments wore
Balance July 1, 1839, S15.417.64; re
ceipts for the year S114,870.71; making
total receipts S130,2SS.35; disburse
ments from the beneficiary fund
S10G,579.44, and from the general
fund $6,444.65. The present balance
on hand is 516.5S8.09, of which 813,
437.10 is in the beneficiary fund,
S2,128.12 is in the general fund, and
Sl,022.57 is not distributed.
Lodges lost, 7; gained, 8; present
number of lodges, 93; gain of mem
bers, 499; number of beneficiary cer
tificates issued, 792. Membership for
the last six years is as follews: 3,212
iu 18S5, 3,241 in 18S6, 3.612 in 1837,
4,020 in 18SS, 4,343 iu 18S9, 5,039 in
1899. Tho assessments for each vear
were: 19 in 18S5, 18 in 18S6, 22 in 18S7,
17 in 18S8, 20 in 1889, 25 in 1890, mak
ing an average of 19 1-5 per year.
Oregon has 55 lodges and 3,322 mem
bers; "Washington has 33 lodges and
1,273 members; British Columbia has
5 lodges and 439 members.
The financial statement is very com
plete, showing every warrant drawn
and for what purpose. According to
lelurns for the term ending June 30th
Seaside heads the list, with 3S0 mem
bers. Industry, No. S, of Portland,
rauks next, with 301; Protection, No.
2, at Salem, has 221; Columbia, No. 10,
Seattle, 207, and nine other lodges
have memberships of 161, 151, 141, 131,
119, 110, 109, 101 and 101 respectively.
Tho report contains much valuable
information for the order, and is very
The consideration of the new con
stitution for the grand lodge was com
menced, it being taken np by sections
for action, and quite a number of sec
tions and several articles were ad
opted, when at 5 p. ax. a recess was
taken until evening.
Commenced at 7 o'clock, all the offi
cers and a quorum of members being
An invitation was received from the
Bay ltailway compauy, tendering the
graud lodge a ride over the line. It was
accepted with thanks, aud the time will
be fixed hereafter, as soon as tho grand
lodge can arrange the business to im
prove the opportunity offered.
The consideration of the now con
stitution was then continued until 10
o'clock, when au adjournment was
had until 9 a. m. Thursday.
Bishop Morris and wife went to
Portland last evening.
Miss Annie Hartwig has returned
from a visit to South Bend.
P. W. Parker, one of Iho proprietors
of Tun Astorian, returned to the
city yesterday.
Capt and Mrs. Daniel Graliam
went to California yesterday, on the
steamship Columbia
Dr. Orrin Boot and wife, of Seat
tle, are in tho city tho guests of their
daughter, Mrs. Loniso C. Dement.
Capt W. E. Parrot, owner of the
steamer Volya, went up to Portland
last night on the steamer Telephone.
Mrs. A. M. Young, the Albina cor
respondent of the Urcyonian, is en
joying a visit of a few days to this
Sllss Nina Eslerbrook, of Gray's
harbor is here on a visit io friends
whom she knew when visiting here
some lime ago.
Mr. A. Noltnor and wife are in the
city, and aro registered at tho Occi
dent Mr. N. is a representative to
tho A. O. U. W. grand lodge.
Mrs. J. W. Conn and daughter
Edith, have returned from a -visit of
two months, to friends in Oakland
and San Francisco, and arc once
again at home.
Miss Sarah E. Page of this city,
former teacher in district No. eighteen,
has been appointed one of the teach
ers for the ensuing year, in the city of
Olympia, "Washington.
Hon. "W. D. Hare, formerly collector
of customs in this city and a steadfast
friend of Astoria, is iu the city repre
senting Washington county in tho
councils of the A. O. TJ. W.
, Albert lV'ckards, assistant engineer
J of the JIanzaniUf, who passed
i through here last Saturday, ou his
WJ l yijiupui l jir, MUMiuiiBr,
was too late, for his father was dead
and buried when lie arrived. Ho uill
be her to-morrow, on his way to jon
his vessel at San Francisco.
limits CificrrVt ItcporJ.
r- ??; stcs, state health ofiicer,
lort of Aslonn, has jnet sent to Gov.
Peimoyer hU report for the first half
of the vear. In that time there have
. been 101 arrivals, of which 132 were
' ci..1,I.a w1 TiQ eniHnrr vp5-k
..-.i...i.u a.v w .... ., .wu
The arrivals for each mouth have
been as follews: January, 10 sailing,
14 steamers, 21; February, 13 sailing,
15 steamers, 23; March, 13 sailing, 17
steamers, 30; April, 11 sailing, 23
steamers, 39; May, 5 sailing, 25 steam
ers, 30; Jnne, 7 sailing, 33 steamers,
There have been discovered no con
tagious diseases ou any of the vessels
arriving, and no contagions diseases
on Ibis coast, during the first six
months in this year, which is the first
tunc in four years that this could
have been said.
1,500 3IU.ES.
Sho Got It. A Samplo of tet
ters Dally Iteceived.
Only those who havo tried it can know
what it is that prompts one to send 1,500
miles for it to get it nsaln. Here is another
of many such instances:
Dsak Sirs: I send $5, for which please re
turn a half dozen of your vegetable saiapa
nlla. I have moved here from Sierra City,
CaL I took three bottles before leaving,
hence I send all the way back to California
for more. It was just beforo I left Sierra
Citv, about a year ago, that I began to feel
a cry miserable. My skin was very yellow,
and I was all pains and aches, especially un
der my shoulders and iumy head. Tho doe
tor said it iias my Her, and gave mc some
medicine Tihich relieved mo somewhat.
One of rav neighbors happened in and told
me she had started to tale Joy's Vegetable
Sarsaparilla,andadviiedmetotryit I did,
and with such good effect that I now feel
like a new being. I have persuaded one of
my neighbors hero to take it, so part of this
Is for her and part for myself.
Butte City, Montana.
The reader, who has not tried it, has no
Idea what the a cgetahle j uiccs in this remedy
will do for disordered systems.
Fruit jars and jelly glasses at Thomp
son & lloss'.
Delicious Ice Cream
Served daily at the Columbia haki ry.
dust arrived some Star Whiltakcr
hams at Thompson & Ross'.
lln tn 11tr Pilnmltia hnkerv ico. crnam
parlors and try a dish of their line ice
They (Tan be
Here for
Their Aunual
The Oregon state oress association
will hold their annual session on the!
14th and 15th of next month. The-
committee of arrangements com- j
nosed of J. L. Camnbell of En". I
Edward Casey of Portland, and B. 3.
Hendncks of Salem, havo not jet
decided where to hold their meeting.
Here is an opportunity for Astoria!
The association would like to come
here and have a brief and pleasant so
journ by the sea. There are about
one hundred of them. They wear
clothes, talk English and write a little
of it now and then, and when they get
back home they talk to everyone in
the state and out of it They are
chock full of human nature and ap
preciate good treatment just like
other people.
Let us invite them down here and
give them a holiday just for good na
ture. As a matter of cold business
it would also be a good idea. They
will give us S5,030 or S10.000 worth
of .. ilvertising.
The editor of The Astorian yester
day got a letter from the committee of
arrangements. They want to come
here. It depends on ourselves. Sup
pose it costs 300 or $100. It is a
good investment, and will bo produc
tive of good results. Interviews with
several prominent citizens yesterday i
justified an answer last evening in the
The writer suggests that the reqnis- j
ite amount be subscribed at once (it !
can be done in two hours), aud the !
committee of arrangements formally
notified that the association is invited
and that they arc the guests of the city
during tho time that they see fit to
favor us with their presence.
The Greatest AdrrtNcr u the PInnct.
Under dale of ihe 6th Geo. Francis
Train writes on,fof his characteristic
epistles to "citizen Halloran.' Ho Tov e ?i l "u
wants to know how Huntington SsSP1?.
asks "how about China Sept? 25th," . '? lted mat lfc,wf Proposed during
alluding to proposed 50 lav trip I ser build an Episcopal
round the world from Astoria, leaving &u f" Jj,i !?SSS? $
here September 25th, and in red and , S?nrPnSi iS SSS5
blue pencilings sends a sketchy ro-lnJpn" tf .-m fi
sumo of his recent marvelous race ' jfe1?? lwiL, Jl
i I
mammoth extra edition of the Ceylon i
7W7nii,7 nn rnnno inn1 I
on l.f f 1 'nrnV, To en
an account of h.s arrival. He sn
T 7J ..... C".., ,.! A :i Oil. .:!.!
that he got that five weeks after his
arrival at Tacoma.
He is now at Train Villa near
Tacoma. and is amusing himself with
the issuance of a lively jonrnal.
Trains trip was worth a million
dollars to Tacoma in advertising that
He is the greatest of all advertisers,
and like all men of genius is no ways
backward in appreciation of his own
merits. We'll have to get him to
come over to Astoria one of these fine
days and give a'lecturo at the opera
astoui jiusr cosuoroiiirE."
A Fiirsiiilablc to Geo. Frauri'? Train.
The following letter addressed uto
tho mayor of Astoria." was received by
major Crosby, yesterday:
Fairview, Oregon, July 7, 1S00.
Dear Sik: Yon must cosmopolite
a little at Astoria. Begin o make
preparations for a largo place; maybe
a very large place. Maybe Portland
several times over; Portland anyway.
I say it, and will swear it, Astoria
shall grow. I have got mad at Port
land. Let 'cm laugh! Mylurn next!
Survey out, clear away the trees for a
long way out of sight level down its
hills a bit, bnild with brick, stone and
iron. Have a brick town, with stone
and iron facings. Have such an
ordinance as compells these structures
in the business portion, and advises
them elsewhere. "Wood is provincial
wholly so shite roofs, or tin.
"Cost?"'" There are plenty will coran
in, do not mind the cost, dear sir! P.)
something lo encourage such men
but no British in hcavcu's name.
Tho Union Pacific wins. We will Fee!
With respects.
A. O. Houston.
P. S. Have one pretty street
named "Elmo." another adjacent
-Wildwood.' A. O. II.
ISrilitnn Ilone'i.
Among the lovely stretches of ocean
beach hi this vicinity none are more
attractive lo the seeker after health
or the picturesque than Brighton
Beach. It adjoins the famous Seaside '
beach on tho south and is pronounced ,
equal, ir not superior, to that delight
fnl strand. (
H. F. JJ. Logan has placed it on the
niarket, and the nine mile3 of beach '
extending southward from the Sea-i
side, with its advantages lor lislung,
boating aud lesidence sites, is now for
the first time offered for sale in quan
tities to suit individual buyers. Bobb
& Parker aro the Astoria agents,
where full information can bo had.
Ilnnt'ii; the Hear.
Monday a bear killed a hog for
Frank Charles out on the Elokomin,
says tho Cathlamet Gazette. Chase
was given by Mr. Nelson and his dogs
who succeeded iu ending, bruiu's ex
istence with a volley of shot. The bear
weighed 300 pounds mid had two cubs
with her. The cubs escaped. Mr.
Cadeau had some hogs killed by beara
recently. D. ILPrescott says when
ho was out in the unsurvojed sec
tions lately ho saw the tracks of a bear
that would indicate an animal weigh
ing 1,000 pounds, supposed to bo a
stray cinnamon. Efforts were made lo
find him but were unsuccessful.
TIic Pulpit and the Jslac.
Rev. F. M. Shront, pastor United
Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Kansas,
says: "I feel it my duty to tell what
wonders Dr. King's New Dhcovery has
done for me. My lungs were badly dis
eased, and my parishioners thought 1
could live onlv a few weeks. 1 t-ok
five bottles of Dr. King's New Discov
ery and ant sound and well, gaining 2G
lbs. in weight."
Arthur Love, manager Love's Funny
Folks Combination, writes: "After a
thorough trial and onvincing evidence
I am confident Dr. Kings New Discov
ery for Consumption heats 'em all. and
cures when everything else fails. The
greatest kindness 1 can do my many
thousand friends is to urge them to try
it" Free trial bottles at .1. W. Conn's
drug store. Regular sizes 50c and 1.
Good Goods and low rates at the Sea
side Bakcrj'.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at 1. J. Goodman & Co.'s.
Telephone LiOrtsrins JIousc.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
CO and 15 cU per week SI -TO. IScw and
clean. Private entrance.
Welti linrlN SJt.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Deeds filed or recorded on July 9,
1890, as reported for The Morning
Astorian by tho Astoria Abstract
Title and Trust cempany:
J.C. Dement and wife to John
O. Truex, lots a ana o, Dili
26, Demerit's S
Man- H. Leinenweber to
John A. Bannel3, lot 1, blk
101, Adairs
C. H. Page aud wife to Emma
E. Boss, lot 5, blk 64, Mc
Ctnre's Edward Kindred to "William
Brown, lot 4, blk 4, in Kin
dred Park
J. C. Dement and wife to
Louise Pinschower, lots 1
and 2, blk 3, Dement's. . . .
H. A. Smidt, sheriff and tax
collector, to John Hob3on,
lots 1 and 8, blk 148, Mc
Clure's, for taxes.
Annie Beidt and husband to
Albert Wik, lots 1,2, 3, 4,
13, 14, 15, 16 in blk 76,
Bosedale. :.
Mary Ann Adair to O. A.
Kramer, lot 32, blk 12,
United States to John West,
the S. E. of sec 9, in T.
7N..B.6W. Patent
"United States to Henry
Bain, lot 4 of sec. 7 in T. 7
N..K.5W. Patent
United States to Mollie A.
McDonald, the N. E. K cf
the S. E. IS of sec 14 in T.
7N..B.6W. Patent.
John Hobson and wife to C.
B. Thomson, lots, blk 14S,
Number of deeds 12; total
amount $ 5.56S
Previously reported this
year 1,488,517
Total to date.
episcopal Chnrcli at Skip.inon.
Bishop Morris held service on Snn-
.i : i m. : n. i t i
fiio JSSj SSnS?
S PUrpOSC. TllC bishop presented
length to the
proposed the names
n' Committee, Mid to take hi
i " l i.-:i: 1.
UL IU13 lUIlUUili CUllULUt;il IUW! IUU
charge the matter of soliciting sub
scriptions for the erection of tho
church : The Rev. W. S. Short, rec tor
of Grace church, Mr. A. E. Allen, Mr.
Alfred Dawson, Mr. Wm. Tagg,Mr. S.
D. Adair. The lot given by Mr. Hy
land is on the west side of tho Clatsop
road, a short distance north of the
crossing of tho Astoria & South Coast
road, and immediately at the intersec
tion of the new county road to the
beach, with the Clatsop road.
The location is considered a very
desirable and convenient one, and it is
hoped that the matter will be so far
advanced that the bishop may be able
to lay the corner stone for the build
ing in a few weeks.
PaSMnrpis to Portland.
The following is the list of passen
gers having rooms, who went up the
river last night on the steamer Tcle
plione: W. Porter, F. B. Wall and wife, J.
Hume, B. W. Morris, M. Matson, G.
V. Fox, .T. P. Wood, C. Wengel, J.
Monroe, C. II. Jackson, E. P. Eagle,
F. S. Patterson, L. Carter, J. H. Quin
ton and and wife, W. E.Driscoll, E. S.
Young, M. Morrison, H. L. Naylor, E.
S. Naylor, P. Klein, J. Copp, ,T. C. Bell,
S. F. Oailv, C. B. Woodworth, A. F.
Webb, Mrs. Boyce. .T. G. Webber, J.
Hazelton and wife, Mrs. Monroe, Miss
Monroe. L. A. Looniis and wife, F. A.
Crosby. 1L Simphon, W. E. Lovett, M.
Levy, Ed. Taylor, li. B. Peters:
T!io A. &. S. C. Surveyors.
Monday evening li. A. Wherreatnnd
Benj. Strobel, the advanco guard of
the surveyors who aro camped near
Cape Horn, arrived in Vernonia. The
! party is in chargo of Mr. Wherreat,
and are expected to work toward town
from tho summit.
Chief engineer Habersham and en
gineer Cooper are expected in a short
time, and the work will be crowded
ahead with all speed. Every person
looks more cheerful siuce it was
learned that $3,000,000 worth of bonds
of the company had been sold, and no
ono has the face to growl any longer.
Vernonia Journal.
Mr.kcs many people miserable, and often
leads to self-destruction. Distress after
eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heart
burn, lors of appetite, a faint, "all gone"
fooling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irreg-
. ularity of the bowels, aro
Stf8SS iiie rnorc common symp-
After oms- Djspcpsia docs not
. get ell of itself. It re-
b.clti.nC" quires careful, persistent
attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa-
parilla, which acts gently yet efficiently.
It tones tho stomach and other organs,
regulates the digestion, crcites a good ap-
appctitc. and, by thus qiolr
oerconiing the local 7 u
symptoms, cures thc"2QCn
headache, and refreshes the tired mind.
"I hae been troubled with dyspepsia.
1 had but httlc appetite, and what I did
Upr.. cat distressed mo, or did
r me little good. After cat-
tfUrn ing I would experience a
falntnccs, or tired, ail-gone feeling, as
though 1 had not eaten anything. My
trouLie, I think, was aggnnatcd by my
business, painting, raid from being more or
less slmt up in a room with G
fresh paint. Lart spring o.00Ur .
I look Hood's Sarsaparilla StOmaCn
and it did nic an immense amount of good.
It gave me an appetite, and my food rel
ished and satisfied the craving I had pre
viously experienced." Geoece A. Page,
Watcrtown, Jlasc
N. P.. If you decide to tike nood's San
sapariU-iiionot be induced tobuyany other.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Soldliydmslsts. pi; slxforg'i. Trcparedbj
C. I. HOOD X CO., Apothccanes.LowcU, Hags,
iOQ Doses One Dollar
Ludlow's Ladies' 3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at 1. .1. Goodman & Co.'s.
Wciuliara's Beer
At uic bunny Side saloon. Furnished
rooms up stairs.
, Go to the Columbia bakery for all
kinds of cakes.
Kooias WilU
Parties desirinc rnniforfnlilo moms
with hoard, at reasonable rates, can be
accommodated at 2drs.E. C. lloldcifs,
comer Main and Fourth streets.
Talk is cheap, Wc lead, others fol
low. Try the home made bread at the
Oregon Bakery, and judge for yourself.
Nottingham Lace Curtains
Sixty Gents
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing
. II
517 and 521 Third St,
A Death Blow to Boots and Shoes
The popular Boot and Shoe btore, No. o2T Third St., opposite 'Pioneer' office,
lias opened an extra stock of Fine Shoes for Ladies, Misses, Children and Men's wearrconsisting of the principal
Ecastcrn Manufacturers: Ileywood& Co , (Worcester, Mass.); Faunce & Spinney,(lynn, Mass.); John Strootman, Buf
falo, N. Y.; Marcie Ss Cie., New York C ty ; Burley & Ushers, Newport, Mass, and an Extra Line of California Goods.
XS. 3B 3E-OT757-2? C&J CO, Astoria, Oregon.
His Goods,
Which Are
First Class
And Draws Trade By
1st RATE
Oh! my, it PAYS to deal
The Reliable !
In Occident Hotel Bnildiiu
L. R. Aborcromblo, Prop.
Finest and Most Convenient
Summer Resort
Every Eoom Newly Purnished.
Private Eoams for Pamilies.
Transient Custom Solicited.
The only Abercrombie IIolcl at Seaside,
The Oregon Bakery
A. A. CLEVELAND, Trop'r.
Gooi Bread, Cake anil Pastrj
None but the Best Materials Used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Bread delivered In any part of thf city.
J. B. Wyatt,
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
rnre Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacle- Oil,
Cotton Canvas, Hemn Sail Twine,
Lard Oil. Wrought Iron Spike,
Galvanized Cut .Nails.
Agricultural implements, Sewing
Machines, Taints, Oils,
Groceries, Etc.
push our manufactures on this ground.
dress, P. 0. BorlSTl, New York,
mi&Mmmmm wmxs&
per Pair
Receiiretl at
to Five
11) Acres, closi- to i iver and street car line. Only So00 per acre, for a few days
only. $5,000 can be made on this property within three months.
jES.iO.EtjL IHJs1Vto
Odd Eellows' Building,
Lois in Case's Astoria Are Iw on Sale
Astoria Eeal Estate Co.
PEICES FilOM $150 TO 8250 EACH.
TERMS Onc-llalf Cabh ; the Balance
Is the Choice of
Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots.
Orders for any quantity to he directed to
H. WEINEARD, Portland, Oregon.
Corner Twelfth ami S.
Telephone "2.
(Opp. Telephone Landing.)
Is tie Boil Toil Bestanrant of tie Town
Dinner Parses, Banqeis. a Specially
The Tlnvsl Wines and Jjiquort.
Private Entrance and Rooms.
X. i:. No connection with hh old place on
iM tin Struct.
W .
gipEnlargecl raid Refitted to
Shoalwater Say
ISU 53 IS &. M W
Private Rooms Fox- Dinner Parties, Etc.
Where Property
Comer Third
TI term
III m US v"!! m SB
For Desirable Acreage
Call on or Address
SECOND ST., Near PostoHlco. -
House of the City
m Six and Twelve Months.
Lager Beer !
the Connoisseur.
P. O. Bex: 405.
ATeet the Popular Demand.3
and Eastern Oysters.
and Co.
Is Left For Sale.
and Olnsy Sts.,
& Goodenough,
- J- o. lox 3.
c -i