The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 08, 1890, Image 1

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11 fif S iff 11 1 il:ar.. nWl i Ll L i ELI La
KsxK Ml 7.
UrWaid liilij
AT5W, Off.,
&rt J5-
f?4ab Farcin
an !
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. VV. l.ASi-
liWHttragtcc fent
CadiisntLi r- .i i b. Ca , S. i:.
is Fir j a J taunt ia. C.,
iAxl lakv v? Co . S. F.
Mk&ux of Ler.tlor..
Hefofo A Parker,
f re an Slarnelnsurar.ce.
44 4.. - . . " -
tJl-: . " cmimi.
-M - Kl!XI. K'JiJftrwfei.
lbingion iarket
i : s uk poMic to Um fact that J he
. . t
Vwt ' in xlways if sMtjifl n iui k
xt OlliEO MEATS ! 2
iv mm at towest iat. wlwlo-
0wfn f pjJJywK
XTo tables ,
ramiTs. mi
FER, and EGGS,
..'i'll- kfKKT )lfTKI,
MItHl -.trarU Afloria, iiX-
Roadway Market,
tt'SJwira A. SiiaritHs. rr;V
ttpikts-.f 1 ir.l a Mok-.
ilk t'llirst-Class f&QBS Shop.
Fwieh and Ss!t Meais.
A rrrttn !-:;orrl ttt aty iirl f llu
asms Ttmssii rK'iTs.
rj f OmrKf, Country
r4rr xi iirA. Thml Mrect,
Thompson & Boss
Cany a Full Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy
(Give Us a Call and Be Convinced.
M.-ii'ifnetrT and DiaUr in
SnsilK Doors. Mouldinas
t)5M'l "K.Iiiti Li:inliet.
Wood Turning;.
!w. tirmevie and Aslor Streets.
anuiA, - - Okiu.on.
Joiiii G. Dement.
Successor to W. E. Dement & Q
Carncs Complete Stocks or
.f-ugs and Druggicts' Sundries
? -.rrlptinns Carrrnlly 0kiiiiiiiii1o 1.
Aent ior
Mxtcmi 5'lvc and
Urvregian Pile Cure
& Sherman
And Dealers In
Gainery Sillies!
SeciRl Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
AHd Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
HTurotases delivered In any part of the city
Office and Warehouse
1 Uuwo.Vt New Uniting on Water Street.
P.fl."Rx l&x. Telephone Ko 37.
r - y"""j
i 9 vi S
Afesofitloiy Pur&
lit tM4cr W!s varws, A tmt'.vri f!
rni tMicid ii Uir iriMJir5 klud-.atHf ran
is vkj "-' - k " v '-
A fiMi J'.Ji' f W sI IJ " Wirth,S
Shipping z' dCcmmisai Ik re: 2:
ri:,uf. As'ur.
I ! Vi.TII -
Barbeur'o Saiinon Ncl Twines.
NKrTI'XIC 1tu:-1 Salmttn Tn1if.
lfar(vr liivi.
HiH'fWd lit rir-t (1.1 CvJMjMl.'-.,
i: - 1HK !.!,
.. . . ilartfd
.lio t'xiJKViiKivnwanil WnH. Fsrx A S.
CITSTAV H.1.VKS.1J, fniij'i.
DiamnnflR f Jewelry
V! !Jrf ! ' t sll!.ktMCat
"V i ..! CvnuiJC
" f l -It ftf"lTWU
County Coroner.
lour Money's Worth
Is J!
Groceries and Provision .
KverytliiiiK I" a l'iist -'a- 'lon
and at
Extremely Low Figures.
Hoods Delivered all hvitThhu.
The Highest Price ' ' ' Junk.
W. F. rSclieibs,
CKJAU maxupaci rum:.
Smokers' Articles in Stock.
Special lira ds Mauuru'tazv I In Onh r.
MAIN' STltHirr, - A:ori:i, Or
Magnus 0. Crosby
Dealer in
Iron Pipe a'ld Titti ij.s. Mow, 1i
w.ire, ai.d
Sheet Lc.ul. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron,
Tin and Copper.
I ?. e-ilhejt-erantlK
Curts 1. l.ulK'. UvJH- -t"tff
Pui ifi-s tlie Jm, ire B
. . n At r--
Hakes The.l'.V
SiJs-f.2S2 -
Pirst Clr.r, Ul..i?
T'CewSi v t ' e' t.1
Vet J. . i ' v -e
T V V.l I
& blokes
Uscdoverywlicro. SlabcUlo-feixforijo
j Kfllaa anft Iiijurea Willie Going to U
i The Coiicte.
i ui:. yy sroitsis tx tju: i:ast.
SjCcaJ I Tiir I'MTrir I'iiis
1 Lxajtto, Ills., July 7. A train or
! fourteen enre, bearing the Knights of
I Pyihias from southern Illinois for
i Milwaukee, was c!crnHcl, oscept four
rorwnnl curs by a misplaced switch
jthih morning. The rear portion of
j the train ran upon a suling, except a
j chair ear occupied by the east St.
Louis contingent, which turned upon
i Uie Mdoand the occupants, numbering
iifty, were hurled with great violence
I against the side of the car.
Tiw sudden stopping of the train
: prevented a long list or casualties. J.
II. Crowner, of Waco, Texas, aged 00,
was hilled, and half a dozen others
were injured, but none fatally. The
excursionists were transferred to a
special train aud sent to their destina
tion. crones:!) kmuhts,
I'arllciilnrs o tlio Acciilntl to
Tlierr Train
-, e J.J t- TllK ASTOltl AN.
IvAXKAKlB!, III., Jlllv 7.As the
Kiiifrhtii of Pythias' excursion train on
the Illinois Central railway, com posed
tr fourteen coaches, b.-in;hi excur
Hionirtth from different points of the
south, lxmnd for Milwaukee, reached
Mantano, nine miles north of Ibis city,
a pin in a switch broke, after four
coaches had passed, and derailed ten
coaches. One coach turned completely
over. The killed and injured are: J.
Orowder or Henderson, killed; ,7.
Fesue. East St. Louik, hurt in back;
Captain W. II. Sandusky, Central
Citv, Kv., lc fractured; Charles
Limt:: of Shelbyville, hurt in the
slMiulder and side.
The accident took place about 7:15
a. M. Hie woniHieii Avere properly
cared for by physicians sent from this
city. The Sixth Illinois regiment, un
formed rank, Knights otPhythias.was
on the train, but none of its members
received any serious injury.
A Jaitc C.ivc "IVay snl Sweeps
Uoa'ii a ISavi::c.
S recirJ to Til B AsTOUXAK.1
Caikok, Iev., July 7. Pierce's Lake
liroke loose last night, sweeping trees
rooks aud deposits of eartli before it
iluge boulders were thrown hundreds
of feet out of the path or the ilood.
The water was HO feet lu'gh and 100
feel wide. Three men who saw the
w.Jl of valer coming, rushed down
tJfe rocky ravine for life. Points of
rocks putting out from the sides of the
ravine, caught the debrfo piling it up
behind some distance. Finally it
broke loo-e villi a frightful roar, leap
ing 2W feet and carrying the llnmc
clear into the liclds two miles away.
The lemiKimrv stopping of the water
saved the men's lives, but caused it to
rush with double fury when the crash
came. The water passed into Washoe
Jjake, doing no further damage.
Il!iilIi::;rsIirmo!isIieci a:ul S'rop
erty 5)estroyctl.
Special to Tint s.
jisNnvor,i. July 7.- A Tribune
special from Ashland, "Vi., sns: A
iolent wind sloim, amounting in
placra almost to a cyclone, and accom
panied by an extraordinary electrical
ilisplnv. passed over Trikc Superior
district this morning. At Houghton,
building?, tree?, fence-. -lc-, wer do-
iiwilislKnl. At Lake I;.i'l-. she lig!it
ui hirnch t!.t ;i-iJtuuc of Jeiiuii
Vigea::, d:l:ij v-A the house atiti
erki;sl. iiijiirinrvo members tf the
T:si. s:5T;2:Ar; 'aj:iav:.
Inioawly Hot Weather Sialics it
Very Disagreeable.
SjvcaSlo m AsniniAN.l
?.riTjVr;:ETi Wis, July 7. The
Knights of Pythias or the United
S'.ile are gathering here. The .streets
av alive with uniformed men, and
every train serves lo swell the crowd.
The weather is intensely hot, and the
Pythian Knights who are arrayed in
sombre black, and buckled light with
accourtrcmenfs, present a picture of
discomfort. j:j sia'eic.
Atl:r:tic Stcamsliips to ICcdncc
Their Speed.
Special to Tiik Astokiax.1
New York, July 7. Now that the
sea is filled villi ice bergs, the "White
Star line has issued positive orders to
captains of its steamships to reduce
speed by at least three revolutions of
the screw per minute, in order lo
show that they are not racing, or en
gaged in a break-neck effort to cnt
down the record. Tho practical eilect
of this order vill bo to lengthen the
voyage by about two days aud greatly
lessen tho risk of disasters.
Koti't Tamper With Election
Special to Thk Astouiax
New York, July 7. -In the Hudson
county court, at Jersey City to-day,
judge Lippiucolt sentenced election
officers Thos. Fallon, Jas. Hart, Jacob
Morscgell and Jsi?. Deron. who vere
on Monday hist convicted of con
spiracy to pervert the election lav
last fall, to six months each in tho
state's prison and to pay costs of
the conrt
Officials for Alaska. to Tin: AsTomix
Washington-, July 7. William
Hamilton of Pennsylvania, has been
appointed assistant general agent of
education for Alaska, at $1,200 per
annum. James Shcakly of Fort
Wraugel, Alaska, has been appointed
superintendent of schools for Sitka
district at 10 per month.
WcinliariPs Beer.
And Free Lunch at tho Telephone Sa Sa Sa
leon: ."icenLs.
Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes;
also llexihle liaiul-lnrued French Kids,
at r. .1. Goodman As Co.'s.
The Worst Ever Experienced in
the Vicinity.
Hfl.ll toTilR AsroitiAX.l
i, iuinn., duly . a
special to the Tribune from itfoorc
head. Alinn., says: '"The storm which
broke over this city at 9:15 this morn
ing, was never equalled in this part of
Minnesota, while S2o,000 damage to
property "was done in this city, besides
a number of people being injured.
So far as reported no loss of life oc
curred in the city.
The most serious damage to prop
erty was the blowing down of a foun
dry and a house belonging to the
Great Northern railroad. Part of the
roof and several chimneys were blown
from the state normal school. Con
siderable damage was done to the
Grand Pacific, Cooke and Central
Two bnildings near the town were
blown down, and considerable damage
was done by rain. The grain elevator
at Ilendriclcs, six miles east, wa3 blown
down, aud lies across the Northern Pa
cific railroad track.
Amonpr tlie Central American
SpecultoTiiK Asiokian.1
Ciiicaoo, July 7. Thomas A. Sars-
Oeld, recently a resident of San Salva
dor, is in this city. He says: ''There
is trouble brewing in all the Central
American republics. I understand
that large shipments of anus and am
munition have been made during tlie
last two or three wcels from ban
Francisco. If this be true, a bitter
warfare is sure lo be waged, resulting
in much bloodshed.
He AVill rind the UoutlitioiiK
Sicci:il to TlIK STOKIAX.l
Chicago. Julv 7. M. Morrez, of
France, is in this city, on his vay to
Southern California to establish a pea
nut oil industry. "I am surprised,"
said Morrez to-day, "that so little im
lortance is given to peanut growing
in this country. If the conditions are
favorable I shall establish an ministry
in Southern California."
Railroad Stock is Valuable.
Special to Tiir Astokiax.1
Xnw Yonic, July 7.---Railroad earn
ings for June are as follews: North
ern Pacific S1.839.G1S, an increase of
13,000. Texas Pacific S-151.9S2, an
increase of $60,000.
Good for the Governor.
Special to Tiik ASToaiAN.1
T T T X 1.. T 1,.
jsaton ajouui x.a., , ,'-,"
eruor Niehob to-day vetoed the lot- I
tcrv bill.
Story of llie Days Win n 31r.iaj;rJ,iVjl
Were Uuki own.
Some seventy years ago, when a
menagerie vas almost a thing un
known, and a solitary wild beast v:is
now and then earned about the coun
try for exhibition, says the Wide
Airake, a certain New England village
was thrown into great commotion by
the news that an elephant v:is to be
exhibited in a neighboring town. The
village which is the scene of my story
was not large enough to induce his ex
hibitors to make any stay there, but
his road lay through it. Now, an ele
phant could not be packed away or in
any manner be kept out of .sight.
Mis jonrney must be in full view,
and everybody could get a look
at him, and everybody was excited
accordingly. Day after day passed
no elephant. Tlie exhibition had been
advertised for a Monday, and Salur
night had corns, with no tidings of the
famous traveler. Sunday morning!
The 'Vound of the church-gong be!l"
summoned tho ptople. Parson Adams
had begun M he long prayer" and the
congregation slo kI, devoutly atten
tive, to all appearance. Rut there
w.ifr at last one exception, for Dr.
Dob-son's pew, ueiu an open window
commanded a iew of the highway,
and Dr. Dobson's eyes vide open,
were fixed upon the prospect. A
cloud of dust arose then slowlv
j above the hill opposite the window
the head of the huge beast came into
sight. The eager doctor forgot time
and place, and shouted, "The ele
phant's coming! there he is!" he vas
out or the window like a dart. OJF
rushed the congregation, and whether
parson Adams htuslicu Ins prayc
tradition has not told.
An Easter 1 Costin; S4.000.
A Parisian firm has made an Easter
egg for a vealthy Spanish lady at a
cofct of S-4,000. It is a most ingenious
piece of mechanism, and is made en
tirely of pure vhite enamel. It is
provided with doors and slides, the
inside being engraved with Easter
gospels. The opening of a door sets a
tiny bird singing and a music appar
atus going, vhich is capable of play
ing twelve airs. -Pans Letter.
Tho chamber of commerce ot South
Bend is taking energetic steps toward
having a bill introduced in congress
making South Bend a port of entry.
The new saw mills at Willapa and
South Bend are ripping up a big lot
of pine timber at the present time,
and the place has assumed no little
commercial importance within the last
few months. It is the desire of the
people there to have a bill passed at
this session of congress establishing
the collection district of Sonth Bend,
making South Bend aud Aberdeen
ports of entry, also asking au appro
priation for public buildings.
Judge Wero you ever arrested
Sam Johnsiug No, boss, I nebber
vas. Ebery time I has been errested
de policeman grabbed mo by do neck
from behind.
So Says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety
Years Old.
Forest Grovk. Or., March 19. 1
have used the OREGON KIDNEY
TEA and obtained immediate relief.
It is God's blessing to humanity. I take
pleasure in recommending it to the
fllaicted. I am now nearly ninety years
old, came to Oregon in 1842 in the em
ploy of the Hudson's Bay Company,
and .since 1 began using the OREGON
KIDNEY TEA I enjov good health.
Locusts Iuyaaiug tlie State of Cali
fornia t)y Millions.
i.v omciATss n'iFj: jxsaxi:.
Special by TurU.sirKi li:us..
Sachamknto, July 7. lestcrday
John Driscoll received a letter from
Capt 1L 7J. Hodfish, of the steamer
21. 1). Hume, conveying tho sad news
of the dealh,of his son, John Driscoll
Jr. The young man sailed some lime
in April for a tour of the Arctic
regions. The letter is dated Onn
alaska, May 18th, mid states that on
the day before, young Driscoll had
accompanied a party on a codfishing
expedition, and was drowned by the
capsizing of tho boat.
Mr. and Mrs. Driscoll arc heart
broken over the news. They vent to
Sau Francisco this afternoon to make
arrangements for having the body
brought to Sacramento for interment.
The deceased was 19 years of age.
Into Sacramento
San FiiANCisco. July 7. Near
White Rock in the eastern part of
Sacramento countv. locusts hav
formed their headquarters, and the
residents havo deemed it prudent to
warn the government oSlicials at the
capital, that an invasion at that city is
threatened. They are coming ilatiy
by thousands, the sun at times being
darkened bv the multitude in their
Two !5itrhvay Kchbcrs Sen
tenced. Special IoTiik ASTOKIAN.I
Napa, Cal., July 7. James Kirk
and .loscph Mooney pleaded guilty to
day in the superior court, to highway
robberv, in holding up the liavbin
Springs stage, June 2Sth. They vere
sentenced to ten years each in tho
state prison.
A Chinaman Instantly Killed.
Special to Til: Astouian.I
Sacramento, July 7. This morn
ing a Chinaman vas killed by an out
going train. lie vas walking along
the track, paid no attention to the
. () th approaclling
engine, was struck by the locomotive
and almost instantly killed.
Crooked Census X2ntsness.
Sochrt Ti i k Asto a i ax.
Sax Fiiaxcisco, July 9. -In reply
to .a telegram from the .superinten
dent of the census in regard to the
alleged general padding of names,
superintendent Davis has vired super
intendent Parker as follews: 'Pad
ding in this city is not general, only
live district; are under suspicion, and
the- wheie the colonization votes
vas l.irgelv indulged in at Uie last
Nlatc 1'url: Tor California.
Sp-- to Tux Astoki v.l
Saci:ami:xto, July 7. A park con
sisting of six hundred acres, vill soon
be donated to the stale by Col. J. X
Armstrong of Clovcrdale. Tho land
is only about three miles north of
Guernovillo and from its physical as
pects, offers a splendid opportunity
for a rural resort.
Suddenly Rccainc Insane.
P vl-.l to Tin: Astouiax
Tacoua. Wash..Jnly 7. - Jndgo C.IT.
llanford of the United States district
court, announced this morning that
Mrs. Ilanford had gone violently in
sane in Seattle, vhich necessitated his
adjourning court. He left for Seattle
AXcwTcderal Officer.
Spreial to Tiik Astoui x.l
Tacoma, Wash., July 7. H. E.
Chcstney, cx-chicf of police, was ap
pointed deputy United States marshal
for the district ot Washington and
toel: his oath of oflice to day.
The "State" is Coming.
Specl il to Tiik Ast.h:: x.l
4- Sax Francisco, July 7.Sailcd
steamer State of California for As
toria and Portland.
Fire in San Joaquin Valley.
Special to Thk Astouiax.
Fresxo, Cal., July 7. At Sanger,
last night, two salooii3 and a restan
rant vere burned. Loss $3,500.
A Modern Need for Sleep.
There is not a man or voman in 10,
000 who can afford to do without
seven or eight hours' sleep. All those
stories vritten about great men and
women who slept only threo or four
honrs a night make very interesting
readiug: but I tell you, my dear
readers, no man or woman ever yet
kept healthy in body and mind for a
number of years with less than seven
hours' sleep. Americans need more
sleep than they arc getting. This
lack makes them so nervous and the
insane asylums so populous. If you
can get to bed early. If you
cannot get to bed till late
rise lnte. It may bo as christian for
one man to rise at b as it is ror an
other to rise at 5. I counsel my read
ers to get up vhen they are rested.
But let tho rousing bell be rung at
least 30 minutes before your public
appearance. Physicians say that a
sudden jump out of bed gives irregular
motion to the pulse. It takes hours
to get over a too sudden rising. Give
us time, after yon call us, to roll over,
gaze at tho vorld full in tho face, and
look -before vc leap. T. Dc Witt
Talmate, in Lad its' Home Journal.
Victory for an Insurance Conip'r
S. S. Coxovkr, Agt,. Northwestern
Mutual Life Insurance Co.. of Manistee,
Mich.,says: "I had rheumatism twenty
years; used. crutches ten years. From
the use of powerful liniments my hip
and knee had lost nearly all strength,
mb-bard's Rheumatic Svrup has cured
me, and 1 wish to herald to all, the
merits of llie wonderful medicine.' For
sale by J. W. Conn.
A "VVcaltlty Yoimtr Woman Is the
Guilty Party.
Special to The Astoriax.1
Parkersruiig, W. Va., July 7. In
the federal courts yesterday, an in
dictment vas returned against Mrs.
Gertrudo Eussell of Lawrence county,
Ohio, for coanterfeiting. The case is
a noteworthy one. For months, a
large number of bogus $20 gold pieces
have bceu put in circulation in Hunt
ington. Tho counterfeits vere finally
traced to Mrs. Eussell, a young and
handsome vonian, a member of one of
the best families in Ohio. She was
arrested and vhen arraigned at her
preliminary examination, fainted in
the court room. The evidence against
her is overwhelming. Tho makers of
the coin are still unknown, and Mrs.
Russell refuses to make any dis
Expected for Chicago aud
the IVortliivcst.
Special to Tin: Astouiax.1
CmcAGO, July 7. Accordiug to the
predictions of the local signal service
oflicials, in view of all the surrounding
conditions, Chicago and the nortli
vest are in for another spell of hot
weather, vhich is likely to surpass tho
one of a few days ago, not only in ex
tent, but in duration and intensity.
This afternoon tho signal service ther
mometer on top of the auditorium
tower registered 90 to 95. The num
ber of prostrations was not reported.
on tlif Porcnpinc and Ynkou
Au expedition sent out by the
United States coast and geodetic sur
vey to locate the boundary of Alaska,
take scientific observations, etc., sailed
from San Francisco Jnne 11, 3S90, in
tho steamer Her Ilia. It vas subse
quently subdivided into two parties,
under the respective commands of J.
Henry Turner aud sub-assistant Mc
Grath. At Fort Yukon the parties
separated, that under Turner follow
ing tho Porcupine river, and the Mc-
Grath party going 200 miles further
north on the Yukon. No detailed
nevs has since come from tho Mc
Grath party, except that it is reported
to have arrived in safety at its desti
n ation on August 18th 1 ast. Tho Por
cupine party, in "charge of Turner,
comprised Dr. H. N. Kierneff, H. "W.
Edmonds, assistant astronomer, and
the vorking crewGus. Bergman, John
Mead, Y. E. Lingard, Edwin Engle
stad, OttoPoltie, Charles Harkort and
"Wilh'am Bundquest. .
From a communication just received
by Professor Davidson from Mr. Tur
ner, it seems that his party has en
countered many hardships, had nar
row escapes from destruction and
made some important discoveries. The
letter is dated Camp Colonna, Jan. 1,
1S90. It states that the low vater
necessitated tho navigation of the
Porcupine river in the vhalo boat
Lottie and one ot tho Alaska Commer
cial company's lighters. Tho distanco
traveled tho first day vas only threo
miles. The second day tho party nar
rowly escaped drowning, and for some
minutes an Indian assistant hung
suspended over the brink of tho river
until ho vas almost strangled by ins
"harness.' Otto Poltie slid over a
waterfall, severely injuring himself,
and vas left behind on the lighter in
tho care ot an Indian. During a
thunderstorm, August 11th, tho ex
plorers reached tho Bampart house, a
station of the Hudson Bay company.
Formerly it has been supposed to bo
on British territory, but from observa
tions taken it is now proved to be
twenty miles vest of the boundary
line, on American soil. An Indian,
vhilo trying to take a tow-line across
the river, was drowned.
Camp vas established August 17th,
about 230 miles east ot the mouth of
tho Porcupine river, vhere it empties
into the Yukon. At the mouth of the
Sunaghun. tvo miles distant, a house
and several observatories vere built of
logs aud covered vith moss and
boughs, and occupied early in October.
Camp Colonna is situated in G7 deg.
2o miu. north latitude and HI deg.
west longitude. The veather is
cloudy, foggy and intensely cold, the
thermometer of ten registering 43 de
grees below zero or 77 degrees below
the freezing point. Tho men vero
dressed in the varmest of furs, still
William Lingard had his left hand
severely frozen. Charles Harkort had
the end of the right handmiddlo finger
torn off and for two veeks vrnx unable
to do any manual labor.
It is reported that the new steamer
Arctic rau ashore in a heavy sea near
tho mouth of the river. Her boats
veresvamped and tho entire cargo
vas carried away.
Tlie parties of Messrs. Turner and
McGrath are expected to rejoin each
other soon at Fort Yukon, and to
return hero next October. Arrange
ments have been perfected vith Mr.
Firth for a sled journey northward to
tho shore of the Arctic in March.
Assistant astronomer Edmond3 vill
also try to cross tho country to the
Tho czar is building a new yacht,
intended to bo a vessel of great speed
and fitted vith every modern improve
ment There vill be dining accomoda
tions for 200 persons.
J. L. Toole, the comedian, presented
Henry Irving vith a kangaroo, and
Irving, vith equal generosity, pres
ented it to tho London Zoo.
A display of temper is often expen
sive, especially to a baso-balhst He
should be careful hov he gets "off his
base." Philadelphia Press.
Mrs. Annie Eoush, of Letart, Ohio,
is tho maternal ancestor of 2,000 peo
ple. She can look dovn on six
Sore Shoulder Cured.
Charles A, Stiles, 1SD Carroll st. Buf
falo. N. 1.. writes:
"I have been a clerk in the Continen
tal Hotel, corner Exchange and Michi
gan streets, for some years, and first
uscdAr.LCocK'sPoRus Plasters threo
years ago for a sore shoulder. I fell
down stairs and got a terrible vrench
and bruise. For several weeks I suf
fered acute pain in the shoulder joint
and, getting no relief, or only tempo
rary, from numerous liniments, I put
on an Allcock's Porus Plastkr;
kepi it on for two or threo weeks and
my shoulder was well. They also
cured me in six weeks of a mostobsti-
nate form of dyspepsia."
Discovery In Colorado TOcl
Beats tlie World's Record
jrixuns livsnixa to tilesoi:xi:.
Special by Tin: Uxitf.o Pkess.
Denver, Col., July 7. The JS'cws
has a special from Tincnp, Colo., vhich
gives an account of the most vonder
ful discover- of gold ever reported in
tho vorld. The find is six miles from
Tincnp, on Cross mountain, and is
owned by McCormick & Lewis. Tho
lode is almost ten feet in thickness,
the lower six feet being of iron manga
nese, and the upper four of gold bear
ing qnartz of free gold. The lowest
assay of this rock is $-M0 per ton, and
there arc specimens when put through
tho common mortar will return $20,000
gold to tho ton.
Two men are nov taking out $5,000
each per day. If this streak is only
one yard in depth, and extends tho
full length of- the claim, l,c00 feet,
there are $11,503,000 gold in it. If
tho dip goes down 1,000 feet, it is
worth $1S7,170,000, if the average
valne is placed at $1,000 per ton.
The excitement over the discovery
is intense, and thousands of miners
are rushing to the camp.
I,aAn Tennis Champion Game. to Tu r. AsTOitiAX.i
Oakland, Cal., July 7. V. N. Tay
lor, Jr., the champion tennis player of
tho Pacific coast, and C. P. Yates, tho
champion of the California Lawn
Tennis association, met yesterday at
San Bafael, in a match vliich Taylor
von handily in three straight sets, thus
retaining the championship cup,
vhich ho still holds, however, subject
to challenges.
An tTiiliiiov.-n i'loalcr.
Special to Tin: Astoriax.J
Oakland. Cal., July 7. The body
of an unknown man was found at San
Leandro to-day. It vas tied to a
boat. The deceased vas about 50
years ot age.
The Feminine Shirt.
The shirt has come to slay. A
month ago it vas regarded as a. vhim
of the season, now it is established in
favor and counted an indispensable
feature of a veil-dressed woman's
vardrobe. Heretofore Dr. Mary
Walker had solo claim on tho stilF
shirt bosom. Later camo Mrs. Jean
etto Thurber in her tweed cutaway
coat, jauntily buttoned over A waist
coat and soft-finished shirt, and from
tho date of American opera to the last
gasp of Italian school she remained
the one devotee of the feminine shirt in
Now York society. Now all tho tailor
made girls in the town are done up in
stiff bosom3, standing collars and long
cuffs, and the old fashioned shirt
makera havo been called upon to mako
to measure tho nether garment so
long the undisputed property of men.
The result is a ladv's shirt as snug-
fitting as a glove and as comfortable
as a fichu, vliich under the lightest
tailor-made bodice does not show a
crease. By means of darts the usual
baggincss at the sides is done away
with and but for tho drawstring at the
vaist might be appropriated by tho
men. Tho most recent developments,
as adapted for ladies' vear, is the
vashing silk in twills ot the neatest
design. They are made to tit like the
linen ones, havo a band down tho
front and a stiff collar, vith another to
turn down over it.
Perhaps the comfort as well as the
jautiness of these shirts forms their
chief recommendation; tney allow
perfect freedom of movement; they
arc cool and always look neat and
fresh. Not only are they seen on the
promenade, under yachting, tennis
and cycling jackets, but under veil
fitting riding coats they are decidedly
smart. From all appearances society
has adopted the shirt as a fashionable
and feminine garment. 2Ten York
A Costlv Urny;.
An ounce of hyoscine hydrobromate
crystals costs $1,1GG.GG, and 9 ounces
ofhyoscyamino alkaloid costs $1,-10G.
These are preparations of henbane,
and are considered excellent hypnos
tics. They are similar in general effect
to atropine, but not followed by such
dangerous symptoms. American An
alyst. A New York publisher is shipping
every year u'j,UtJU American scnooi
books for the schools of Japan. The
English classies are daily read in
conntrMfe of vhich Shakespeare and
Milton nover heard.
Edison is rarely seen without a
stub of a cigar in his mouth. He uses
the stub or one to light a fresh
veed, and thus forms the regular
German "smokers chain.?. Y.
It is said that more than 12,000 let
ters and manuscripts have been placed
in tho hands of Col. W. C. Church, to
be used in making his biography ot
John Ericsson. This seems almost
Miss Beacon Thisvaltz is divine!
Do you ever dance the Lancers, doc
tor? Dr. Boyiston No; but I sometimes
lance the dancers. lioslon Budget.
Children -y for Pitcher's Castoria
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria.
PThen she -was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
Vhen she becamo Miss, she clung to Castoria,
Vhen she had Children, she gave them Castorlt
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfuniery, and toilet articles etc., can
e bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Go to the San Francisco Gallery for
the finest Photographs and Tintypes.
OIney Street
J. II. Mallett of Helena, Tells Haw tk
Natives Build Their Boats.
"While visiting one of the sosll
towns along Puget Sound," said J.
H. Mallett, of Helena, to a Spokase
Falls Review reporter,' "I was greatly
interested m tho vay the Siwash, In
dians built their canoes. It is resllj -
vonderf ul hov these dirty aborigines
can vith the crudest means and with
a fev days' vork convert an un
wieldy log into a trim and pretty
canoe. One Monday morning I sfiw .
a buck building" a fire at the
base of a largo cedar tree and
ho told me that this vas the first step
in the construction of a canoe that he
intended to use upon the following
Saturday. He kept tho fire biirnnifr
merrily all that day and fat into the
night, vhen a wind came np and com-,
pleted the downfall of the monarch oE
tho forest The next day tho buot
arose betimes and borrowing a cross
cut saw from a logger vho vas absent,
on a drunk cut the trunk of the tree in
tvain at a point some fifteen feet
from vhere it had broken off, and then
vith a dull hatchet he hacked away
nntil the log had assumed tho shape
of the desired canoe. In this vork he
vas helped by his squaw. The old
fellow then built a fire on the upper
side of tho log, guiding the course of
the fire vith daubs of clay, and in due
course of time the interior of the
canoe had been burned out Halt a
day's vork vith tho hatchet rendered
the inside smooth and shapely. The
canoe vas nov, I thought, complete
though it appeared to be dangerously
narrow of beam. This, tho Indian
soon remedied. He filled tho shelLtwo-'V
thirds full of vater andinto the fluid he
dropped half a dozen stones thafthad
been heating in the fire for nearly a
day.. The vater at once attained "a.
boiling point, and so softened the wood
that the buck and the squaw vere en
abled to drav out the sides and thus
supply tho necessary breadth, of beam.
Thvart3 and slats vere then placed in
the canoo and tho vater and stones
thrown out "When the steamed wood
began to cool and contract the thwarts
held it back and the sides held the
thwarts, and there the canoe vas, com
plete, without a nail, joint or crevice,
for it vas made of one piece o wood.
The siwash did not completeit as soon
as ho had promised, but it only took
him eight days."
The. Clani and the Sage.
A clam vho had made np his mind
that his country vas going to the dogs
if ho did not save it vas rolling along
tho beach, vhen he encountered a
sage, vho asked:
"Whither bound and for what pur
pose?' "I have set out to save the country.
I have solved all tho political and so
cial problems and I nov go to an
nonnco them to tho vorld."
"My dear bivalve," said the sage, in
his gentlest tones, "the first great
problem of life, as you are probably1
prepared to announce, is the food sup
ply. Thanks for your coming. I
shall eat yon! Next!"
Meral: Parties have often made
use of fools and demagogues to win
'o Land on Which the San Skiiies.
Possessas greater natural advantages than
our own, but there are portions of the great
gnilu-bearing IVest and fertile South where
atmospheric Ia'lticnces prejudicial to health
militate against them, in some degree, as
places of residence. Hoavy rainfalls and the
overflow of great rivers, which upon their
sub-idencc leave rank vegetation expssed
to the rays of the sun, there beget maurial
feverj, and there also the inhabitants ate "
periodically obliged to use some medicinal
safeguard against the scourge. The most
popuLir is llostetter-s Stomach Bitters, a'
preventive that has over a third ot a cen
tury afforded reliable protection to those
whom experience in tho futility of ordinary
remedies for fever and ague, lias taught to
subst tute ror them. Whether intermittent
or n-mittcnr, miasmatic fevers aw conquered
and averted bv the superb anti-periodic and
fortifying incdicino as they are by no other
preparation m use. Use- it, and abandon
impure local bitters.
SIi-s. Wixsr.ow's SooTrrrxa Strut
should always be used for children
teething. It toothea tho child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
eholic, and is the best remedy fordiar-rhoca.Tventy-Qve
cents a bottle.
reIciUoncj"jOUrtur House.
Dest iieds in town. Rooms per night
r.0 and 25 els., per week Sl-r0. New and
f!ean. Private entrance.
Martinez. CaL. October 2. 3
I could hardly wait or lie down from lAme
back; suffered several -weeks. St. Jacobs Oil
permanently cured mc, other remedies' h&Y
ing foiled to do so. FRED. HITTMAN.
Clovcrdale, Ind., Feb. 8, 17.
From a bad cold pains settled In my 2&cJc
end I suffered greatly; confined tobed tnd
could hardly move or turn. I tried St Jpbg
Oil. which cured me. I do notfearrecurrwea.
Prof. F. D. Snarl
Of New York,
Tlie Eminent, Scientific and Practical
Ts now in Astoria, and will remain a
short time onl y.
Dr. V. D. Baker, Dr. Jay Tottlk,
Dr. O. B. Estes, ana otnerirom
inent Fhysicians.
Take advantage of the opportunity. CaM
at once and have your eyes correctly Sited
with proper Glasses.
OFFICE H0UR3-9 A. M. to 5 PM,
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