'.-: w f j Sistttthm. ASTORIA. OEEGOK: FRIDAY. ULY 4. 1890 TIBETAKLE FOR ASTORIA. TUTST. IHOn WATKR. 1 LOW WATKK. rtrst. Second. First. Second. w. jh.ro. ;,. m. g ;,. m 0 17 723 7 49 8 34 3 17 10 03 10 00 n : -1 c -l it -2 0 -1 8 -1 .1 -07 00 OS GOT. C 53 7 40 s:o 0 31 10 31 11 35 Vtif hours ttMtrwn Tnlilnllir rnii itnnn w Opiated by (a. m.), those between noon -stl mirfnlrht hr n(n in t O Ii nrtm n .in. v:-: midnight, of. oom. j denotes noon. The licisnt Is reckoned from the let el of - erase lower low waters to which the sound ::g aw rTam the Coast Survey charts. BUSDfESS CARDS. I. IUYXOXU, CIVIL ENGINEER. Lo-nty Surveyor of Clatsop County. Office : RoomXo.7, Kinney's Rrick, Asto 3L, Oregon. rtjr.Tox. a.crui.TOK VHHFOX I5ROTI2EK8, ATTORNEYS AT LA"V. .oamsSand c.Odd Fellows RuildluR. 4 A. CIEVi:LAlt ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 ;Bce Flavcl's new brick building, corner .nd and Cass streets ; up stairs. U"i a. CURTIS. Attcrnrr-at-Law: Notary Pabllc. mrnisMoncr of Deeds for Washington 1 rr.tory Office in Flavel's new biick ding, Gor. Second and Cass streets. .1 Oll.V CS N311TII. ATTORNEY AT LAW. iT.cc on Cass street, 2 doors back or O'dd ws Building, Astoria, Oregon. l. A. IZOWIiISY, lornrj mid Counsellor nt Law Av un Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon Jr.KM KASAGA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. oeo over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. y 11. at.vxsEiii,, "itlMI. ESTATE KUOKEEt AND NOTARY rUIJiilC. I r.ulblicd 1SS3. Third Street, next to W, U. Telegraph or Cw. Astoria, Or. B. r. RAFFKRTV, HI. I. Graduate JcITerson Medical College, Philadelphia. OFFiCK-Vpper Astoria. T P. MULLIKIX, fVI. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. orr.ee 011 Fourth Street , Iter. Main and Cass. Sjecial attention Riven to private diseases. Office hours a to 1 1 a. si., 2 to 5 r. M. fRS. A. U AXW .1. A. FUITON. Cass street, between 3rd and 4th. Special attention to Diseases of Women tjii Children, by Dr. A, RHhilton. Special attention to Surcrerv. by Dr. J. A. 1 (.'.ton. once hours from 10 to 12 A. at,, and 1 to 4 il.M. JAY TUTTLE. M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Room c, Pythian Building. Office hours : 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Residence, south side of Cedar St., next t !ock west of the Hospital. B. K. MlIiLEK, X. I. Graduate of Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos 1 .tal College, and Post-Graduate of New ork City Polyclinic School of Medicine ::d Surgery. First and Main streets, Portland. SIcMns or Women a Specialty. ..a.lTK8. i f M YblOlAN AND SURGEON. special attention to Diseases of Women ud urRcry. r-'K: Opjositc Telegraph Onlce, up ,,vrl Astoria, viregon. I U. I. A. EtKKS, DENTIST. Rooms 7 and 8, Flavel's new Rrick Ruild- IT. T. IIOKNKV. L. T. RAKIX, .l.AV. llRAPKlt. Biirney, Barin & Draper, Attn nicy 8 at-Iiav. Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years experience as Register or tin U. S. lutd Ofllce here, recommends us in our specialty orMinincand all otticr bus iness before the and Olllee or the Courts, and involving the practice in the General l-and OfUcc. The Law ami Abstract Oiiice OF - C. R. THOMSON OsnDooriKASTOFDroiKsT's nii'io steki: A complete set of Abstract JSooks rorllie entire County always kept posted to date. Special attention given to practice In the ILK Land Office, and the examination of liud titles. SeasMeHousB. C. C. Cooper, - Manager. OPENS FOR THE SEASON, July 1st, 1890. TmiHN will arrive atthe Reach as fol fel fol eows: Memlays 1 Wednesdays : Krivx f ... i :10P.si. Sntuiavs j TjKlAys t 3 -0 1 si. Sauudays, at r : 10 and 7 0 r. si. The Seaside House Jias been refitted and refaniSbea throughout, and offers unsur pMaea facilities to all to enjoy a pleasant Mtown t Uc famem Clatsop Beach. An jMMMlre enB ef attaches arc employed, mA erervtMDC c for Uie comfort and cMvemeHee f gaests. k.XJCJTX03ST AND COMMISSION HOUSE. f KAETIN 0LSEN, SwoeMOr to E. C .Holdcn. mm., .-- --.-.-! - rVuHtnlaslon IIoilSO xwk wnw ijuiiniii - .V ! ij v. tm UMMK MJHt KIHUS Wiu u)i vui.i- latfM lates Xverv Saturday. z - Hiss 0 47 0 SJ 2 IB 4 IX 9 l 3 01 r 7 S SI 3 S - , 19 S 21 4 SI 4 n T b! U - " l f. 7 C 03 -frpinrt fiMrir, .ToWHg and Uphol- "" PtajwkCFrHreoahand. IThMi t wMit rgRS ia Household MAX.TIS JE.N I. E. & N. Co. THE STEADIER ilOL "GEN. CANBY, Tnos. Paukkr. Master, "Will Leave ASTORIA daily; for Tanzy Point, Fort Stevens, and Ilwaco. CONNECTING WITH RAILROAD FOR 3TAHC0TTA and SEALAND And Roats on Shoalwatcr Ray for Mb Core, Grays Harlior.Sontli Beufl And other Points on that Ray. 1 Will leave Flavcl's "Wharf, Astoria, every uv :n n a, si., except ounuav, wnen Mic will leave at H a. jii. Will leave Naheolta and Sealand daily at s a. m., except Sunday, when they will leave at : ao a. si. connecting with boat at Ilwaco. Prom Terminal or Interior Points THE Northern Pacific Railroad Is Hip Line to Take To All Points East and South. It Is The DiiiiiigC'nrlSoiilc. It rims Through Veslibulcd Trains livery Daj- In the Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. No Change of Cars, Composed or Dining Curs unsurpassed. l'ulliituit Ir:iivIn;jKooiii Sleepers or Latest Kiiipment Tourist Sleeping Cars Rest that can be constructed and in which awommodations are both I'rcc and rnrnislietl to holders ol First or Second-class Tickets and for Elegant Day Coaches. A Continuous Iiiie Connecting with All Jiines. allordlng Direct and Uninterrupted. Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations Can be Secured in Advance through any Agent of the Road. Through Tickets To and from all Points in America, England anil Europe can be purchased at anv 1 icket Office of this Company. Full information concerning rates, time or trains loutes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 First St.. cor. Washington, Portland, Oregon. BEGINNING Jixl3r 1st, 1890, Str. VOLGA, B. F. STEVENS, Master. Willleae dailj from Wilson ,fc Fisher's Dock for I LWACO, - at 7 a. m, and 2 :: v. ji. Returning will Leave Ilwaco, at !a. m. and 5 i, si. Stopping at Foil Canby, Fort Stevens and Tanzy Point on first trip from Ilwaco and second trip from Astoria. Portland and Coast S. S". Co. GEAYS HAEB0R. STR. ALLIANCE. Sails rnun Port land every Thursday at 7 r. M. ; and rrom Astoria the following morning, land ing at Hoquiam, Aberdeen, Cosmoiolis and Montesano. SHOALWA,. ,,& BAY. STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland on 1st and mill of each month, landing at North Cove, South Rend, Willapa and Hay Center. F. 16. STRONG. President. CP. UrSIlUR, Agent Astoria. The Str, Telephone ?jvl Portland and Astoria. Time Tablo. Leaves Asteria: Kery ceningeept Tuesday at 7 o'clock Leaves Pertland: Evtry morning except Tuesday at" o'clock Maverick National ISAIVrc, BOSTON, HI ASS. CAPITAL., SURPLUS. ,.? 100,000 .. 000,000 Accounts of Rauks, Rankers and Corpora tions solicited. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are excel lent, ami e re-discount for Banks when balances warrant it. Boston is a Reserve Citv, and balances with us from Banks (not located in other Reserve Ui Ics) count as a reserve. We draw our own exchange on London and the Continent, aud make cable transfers and place money by telegraph throughout the united States and Canada. We have a market for prime, first-class Investment Securities, and invite proposals from States. Counties and Cities when is suing bonds. Wo do a general Banking Business, and in vite correspondence. ASA P. POTTER, President. .703. W. WORK, Cashier. Petition. 110 THE HONORABLE, TXIE COUNTY . Court of the State of Oregon for Clatsop County : We. the undersigned legal voters in Sea side Precinct. Clatsop Co.,Statc of Oregon.re fpectfully petition thata License be granted to Seaside Hotel, C. C. Cooper, manager, to sell Spirituous Liquors at Seaside in said Precinct, In quantities less than one quart, said License to be granted for three months, having posted legal notices of his intention to apply for such license In said precinct. JfAMKS OF I'ETITIOXEUS. JCasnar Anderegg, R. L. Eberman, J.- P. Austin, E. Pelland, E. M. Grimes, L. It. Abercrombie, F. Beennan. L. D. Coflman, John Williamson, 2sT. Kimball. J. L. Martin, S. JC Stanly. N. A. Eberman, F. Goodfellow, Tliomas Johns. Machel Merchano.A. Ham ilton. John G. Gerritse, W. J. Eberman. J. P. Eberman, 7. R. Duncan, Geo. F. Oeffler, J. E. Brainier, CThompsen.C. C. Sackett, Joseph Walsb. Polk Street Assessment Notice. Notice is hereby given that the as sessment mado by Ordinance No. 1180, for the improvement of Polk street in the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClnre, from Squemoqne street to the south side of "Water street, in the manner provided by Ordinance No. 1167 of the city of Astoria, is now payable atthe office of the city 'treasurer, and unless paid within nvo days of tho final publication of this notice, to wit: on or before Tnesday, July 15th, 1893, the Common Council will order warrants is sued for the collection thereof. The as sessment is as follews: A5IE of owxeu. Cost H. L. Turner H.L. Turner Kato Hobson Kate Hobson 1L 15. Marion I. Bergman T.A. Hyland C. L. Parker John Hobson John Hobson J. W. Mnnsoti $270 10 s-28 no 2GG no 310 10 lifci 10 180 00 323 90 2S4M JB0 1K) 273 70 -132 ;0 D. B.llonteith... 411 70 By order of the common council. Attest : T. S. J nwKTT. Auditor and Police Juric. Astoria, Oregon, .lime 27lh, 1800. Jackson Street Assessment Notice. Notici; is hereby given thatlho as sessment made bj Ordinance No. 117!) of the city of Astoria, for the improve ment of Jackson street in the city of Astoria, as laid out and re corded by John .McClurc, from the north side of Squemoque street to the soutli side of Water street, in the man ner provided by Ordinance No. 1170 of the city of Astoria, is now payable at the office of the city treasurer, and if not paid within five days of the final publication of this notice, to wit: on or before Tuesday, July 15th, ISM, the Common Council will order warrants Issued for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follews: NAME OF OWJiKIL Cost. Astoria Iron Works. 4 3 I $531 30 Astoria Iron Works. r 3 491 :w) J. G. Hustler 1 4 aw 30 Jacob Kamni 8 4 400 50 Granville Jleed 1 13 &Y1 :0 Jacob Kamm ii 13 sis 50 Citv of Astoria 4 14 48170 W.W.Parker n 14 330 30 It. N. Carnahan 4 10 170 70 W. E. Dement- r. in l 70 Geo. Davidson 1 20 24170 (J eo. Davidson 8 20 278 50 By order of the common council. Attest: T. S. Jkwktt, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, June 27th, 1S90. Jackson Street Sewer Assess ment Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho assess ment mado by Ordinance No. 1184 of the city of Astoria, for tho construction of a sower in Jackson street, in the citv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClurc, from Squemoque street to a point one hundred feet north of the north side of Water street, in the man ner provided by Ordinance No. 117C of tho city of Astoria, is now payable at the office of tho city treasurer, and if not paid within five dajs of tho final publica tion of this notice, to wit: on or before Tuesday, July 15th, 1800, the Common Council will order warrants issued for tho collection thereof. Tho assessment is as follews: No.l No. Lot. Blk. 4 4 5 4 1 r 8 r 1 12 s 12 4 13 R 13 4 20 fi 20 1 21 8 21 No. No. Lot. Blk. 3 3 4 3 f 3 C 3 1 4 2 4 7 4 8 4 3 14 4 14 5 14 C 14 1 R 2 13 7 13 8 13 3 10 4 19 5 10 G 10 1 20 2 20 7 20 8 20 NAME OF OWXEK. Hiram Brown Astoria Iron Works... Astoria Iron Works. . . CS Wright J G Hustler GH Turner John Fox Jacob Kamm Inez Parker City of Astoria W W Parker W W Parker GHced GH Turner Jacob Kainni Jacob Kamm UN Carnahan KN Carnahan WE Dement WE Dement Geo Davidson Geo Davidson Geo Davidson Geo Davidson Cost. $45 45 45 45 53 53 By order of the common council. Attest: T. S. Jewett, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, Juno 27th, 1800. Madison Street Assessment Notice. Notice is hereby given that the assess ment made by Ordinance No. 1173 of the city of Astoria, for tho improvement of Madison street in tho city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bj' John McClurc, from tho south side of Court street to tho north side of Water street, in tho manner provided by Ordinance No. 11C0 of tho city of Astoria, is now payable at the office of tho city treasurer, and unless paid within five days of tho final publica tion of this notice, to wit: on or before Tuesday, Jnl' 15th, 1890, tho Common Council will order warrants issued for tho collection thereof. Tho assessment i3 as follews: NAME OP OW.NE1:. Cost. Astoria Gns Light Co. Catharine Goodman.. WW Parker WW Parker Inez Parker WW Parker Marion Trenchard. . . . Marion Trenchard .... Granvillo Heed Granvillo Heed MNowIan Jnno Badollot JG Megler Hose Olney CP Upshur PCKelley Sarah 13 Becker Frank Faber JCBryce JHImholf ED and EC Brock.. E C Lewis MNowlan S21; 20 200 00 293 SO 251 00 150 GO 101 00 102 20 95 00 17140 137 00 181 00 142 GO 215 00 P35S0 237 00 302 20 179 40 205 80 317 40 3G2 20 8G3 40 GOO 20 G73 00 514 0 J P Scothan By order of tho common council. Attest: T. S. Jewett, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, Juno 27tb, 1S90. I. W. Case, BANKER. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part or the U. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Office Ilouns : 10 a. si. to 3 r. m. m Odd Frixows Building, Astoria. Oregon. Ill's New Palace Theater! FIRST ST., ASTORIA, OR. Astoria, Almost Ono Hundred Years Old, Did not Have Until A place of real and legitimate amuse ment, open every night at a rea sonable price of Admissjon, 25 and 50 cts. Hill's New Palace Theater! The Best of Talent, that Honey Could Procure. Change of Programme Twice a Week. Fine Orchestra. Excellent Brass Band. Give Us a Calf. 1 No. No. Lot. Blk. 4 2 5 2 1 3 8 3 1 14 8 14 A 15 5 15 4 18 5 18 1 19 8 19 1 32 8 32 4 33 5 33 4 3C 5 3G 1 37 8 37 1 52 8 52 4 53 5 53. PURE p?pRicr CREAM tQWDE Used by the United Statr s Government. Endorsed by the heads or tho Great Univer sities and Public Food Analysts, as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream B.iking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime Or Alum.- Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts. Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Rose, etc., do not contain Poison ous Oils or Chemicals. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., New York. Chicago, SanFrancisco y sicrbpQ Ms On ilUEISSd h tlU Wholesale aud Retail L1QUCR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. II. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val P.latz Bottled Beer. Finest brands or Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors lor Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. AH orders from the City and Country promptly filled. Squeinoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. AUG. DANIBLSOtf, Sample Rooms. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for thcCUION Steamship Line and the THING VALLA Steamship Line, direct. AIs , agent for "Svenska Tribuncn" and 'Svenska Amerikanaren." Corner of Water and West Ninth Streets Astoria. Oregon. Resort Billiard Parlor, CROSP.AUER & P.'ACII. Prop's. I,. FEl'RKIPS CKLEUKATKU Gambrinus Beer I ON DRAUGHT. ImiiIrimtN UottSctl Burr. J. IX. Cutter Whisky. Domestic ami Kcj AVst Ciar-. Constantly on hand. Third Street. Tour doors west or Telegraph Ottice, formerly Telephone Restaurant, ASTORIA. OREGON. GEBEV1ANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEIKHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Fivo Cents a Class. Wai. BOCK, Proprietor. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX CAMPBELU PROPRIETOR L0EB & CO.. fiaes, Lipors an! Ciprs. A Uurge Stock of First-Class Goods. The Trade Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. AH orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brand.. Alain street Opp. Parker House. Standard - Saloon. Southeast Corner Third and Olney Sis. Astoria, Oregon. Tho Colcbratod North Pacific 3rowcry Boor on Draught. Also ihc Finest Kinds of Wines, Li quor and Ci'jars. The Host oT French Krnmlies lA'D 7M.M.VD1" PEACJTES. H. CRUBE, Propr. ASTORIA. - - - OREGON. The Globe Saloon Under New Management. Christina HVjen, E'roprlrlur. (Formerly Raiteuderat the "Resort," Bestof Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Corner Jlain and First Streets. -oriKTY .llKKTIXUrt. Astor Lodge No. C, K. or P. REGULAR MEETINGS EVERY WED uesday evening at 7 50 r. w. at Pythian Castle. Sojourning Knights In good stand ing cordially invited to attend. Ily order f. O. H. A. SMITH, K orit. and S. Scandinavian Benevolent Society. UECULAR MEETINGS OF THIS SOCIE ty at their rooms in Pythian building at eight o'clock i 51.. on the second aud lourth Tuesdays or each month, AUG. DANIELSON, Secretary. Seaside liodge No. 12, A. O. TJ. W KEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE I-odge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held 111 1 heir Hall in Pythian Castle, on Saturday evening ot each week, at 1 o'clock. Members of the order in good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes berore and sifter each meeting. By order M. W. W.B.ROSS.Rec Ocean Kncainpment, No. 13, L O. O. P OEGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN CV campinent No. 13. I. O. O. F., at tho Lodge, In tho Odd Fellows Building, at seven r m., on the second and fourth Mondays or each mouth. Sojourning breth ren cordially invited. By order c. 1. Astoria Building & Loan Association THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Association a-c held at 8 r. sr on the firs! Wednesday of each month, onlce on Genevieve street, soutli of Chenamus. W. L. ROBB. Secretary. Common Council. KEGULAR MEETINGS, SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7K o'clock. a-Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Councu holds Its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Police Judge. A Pocket Mirror Free to Smokcra of ORPRICES DIIKIOUS FLAVORING EXTRACTS NHUML FRWT HHOK 1 ! Falier's Golien JTemale Pills ! For Female Irreg ularities; nothing Iik them on tho market. Xcrcrfall. Sucecssfnllv used 'if by prominent ladies l mommy, uunran- teeu 10 relieve sup pressed menstrua tion, hare! Safe! Certain! Don't be humbug ged. Save time and health and money ; take no other. Sent to any al dress. secure bv sS3 mall on receipt ol price. 2. Address, THE APHR0 MEDICINE COMPANY, Western Branch, Box 27. PORTLAND, OP.. stimulate the torpid liver, strengthen the digestive organs regulate the bow els, and are uncqualcd us an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial districts llielr virtues arc widely recognized, a 'they possess PECULIAR PROPERTIES in freeing- tho system from that poison. Doso small. Klegantly sugar coaled. Price, 25 cents per box, Sold Everywhere. Oilicc, 44 Hurray St., 2. 3T. emus. KVKNSOX. K. COOK THh EVENSON & COOK. On tho European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS ItESTAUIlANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meat-, Etc., Cocked to Order, IVATKKHt., Opp.mr! & Stoke A FIRST JCLASS SALOON Run in connection with the Premises. The Best or WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tallies ami Private Card Booms. THE VIENNA Restaurant ami Clop Joose. C. W. Fisher & Co., Prop's. Game. Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORDER- Kin: Private JCoonm. Kvprythinjr frirHt CIjikh. Genevieve Street, rear or Griffin & Reed's. SATISFACTION (J UAILANTEED MAIS0N BORE! RESTAURANT. THE ONLY FRENCH RESTAURANT IX THE CITV. It is the object to make the Maison Dorc the best restaurant on the. coast where the finest French meal can be had. Second St.. East or Renton. C. FRANCISCOVICH, Troprirtor. Hill's Palace Varieties. Open Every Night. GEO. HILL, - - Sole Proprietor. NEW PEOPLE WEEKLY. Aim to Please Even-body. The only Free Show in Astoria. Wines. Liquors and Ci Kars. Ire Cold J5eer. C. R. F. P. Union Notice. milE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING X of the C. R. F. T. U. will be held at Lib erty hall on Sat urdav, July 5th. at 7 o'clock r. m. Nomination or otllcers will be In order. A full attendance of all members In good standing is requested. b F. MCGREGOR. President. F. WRIGHT, Secy. W. F. Scheibe, CIGAR MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands "Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET, - - Astoria, Or Tlic Indiana Paint Shop. C, M. CUTBIRTn, Prop'r. Cor. Third and Main Sts., Astoria. PAINTER AND CRA1NER. Paper Hanging a Specialty. Work executed with Neatness and Dispatch, (Xf3. JJT Ws &$&& r K -v Tiffs Pills Centra! Hotel NUGGETS OP NEWS. Ireland spends $25,000,000 n year on whisky. In France the copvrisht of an au thor is for life. .The sun yields 800,000 times the light of the moon. The population of the world doub les itself in 260 years. Thero are forty-nine Jewish syna gogues in New York. The word "its" onlv occurs once hi the whole of the Bible. London consumes over oue hun dred million pounds of butter a year. The school teachers of Cincinnati have not been paid their salaries since April. It is calculated that there is prop erty valued at 50,000,000 at the lot tom ot the Atlantic. Cocoa should never thicken in the cup; if it does it shows the presence ot starch ot some kind. A sensation has" been produced in Heidelberg by the rumor that the government may close the university. The government of Chili, it is said, has decided to purchase fonrteen Krnpp batteries at a cost ot $300,000. Canada does an extensive business in home-made cheese. In 1SSS-9 its exports amounted to 80,102,021 pounds. Trees covered with 111053 are especi ally apt to be struck by lightning. This will be some consolation to the rolling stones. The best shot of hor sex must be the Countess Inria von Kensky of Bohemia, who ou one day last winter on her estate of Chlamce shot 133 hares. A man at Browniielil, Me., who has been married sixteen years and has moved thirty-five times during that period, thanks he has beaten the record as a rolling stone. Remarkable Record or Presidential Pat ronage. "Within a period of six months pres ident Harrison will have commissioned no fewer than seven generals in the army. Probably we should have to go back to war times, or those imme diately succeeding, for an equal record crt presidential patronage in the dis tribution of the coveted stars. On the luth of February hist, he had the appointment of a paymaster general. on account of the retirement for age of brigadier-general "V. B. ltochester, and lieutenant-colonel William Smith received the prize. The death of general Crook, not long after, gave the president an opportunity to nominate a major-general, and he selected gen end Miles. This promotion in turn gave him a third chance and colonel Grierson w;is raised to the rank of brigadier-general. The fourth of the series of nominations came with the retirement of ouartermaster-general S.U. HolabirdJmic lGth. On July 1st another retirement for age will oc cur that of commissary-Generel Rob ert Macreely. The sixth appointment of a general ofliccr will occnr just one week later, when brigadier-general 13. H. Grierson reaches the age of sixty four. Then the seventh of the pres ent series will be dne on the lGth of August, when surgeon-general John Mooro will fall a victim to the statute prescribing retirement for age. These seven nominations ot general officers, occurring within a period of six mouths, make up an exceptional record. A wild man escaped from a dime museum in Brakford and is still at large He resembles the common herd so much that the oilicers are afraid to arrest him for fear they will get hold of the wrong man. liitcltlcnVi Arnica Salve. Thk I.iST Sat.vk ill this world Tor Cuts, Bruistv?, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Klie 11111, Fever Sores, Teller, Chapped Hands, Chillilain.s Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, i rice '2Ti rents nor imv;. For sale by .1. YV. Conn. Taitc II lie lore ISrcahttist. The great appetizer, tome and liver regulator. In iw for more than ."50 years in Knglaml. Positive speeilie for liver complaint, il.ul taste in the mouth on arising in tin morning, dull pains in the head and hack of the eyes, tired feeling, dizziness, langour symptom-, of liver complaint, llemeily Dr. Ilenles Knglisli Dandelion route. Re lieves constipation, sharpens the appe tite and tones up the en! ire system, (let the genuine from your druggist for .?1, and take according to diivetions. Thirty thousand pounds for a clock has just been paid by one of the Roths childs. The clock was a beautiful specimen of the Louis XV. period, which had been given as a wedding present to a countess Fitzwilliam many generations ago, and had been 1 kept as an heirloom at one of the fami ! ly seats, Milton hall, Northampshirc. Will be paid to tny competent chemist who will End, on analysis, a particle of Mercury, Potash, or other poisons in Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) AN EATING SORE Henderson, Tex., Aug. 23, 1S39. "For eigh teen months I had an eating eore on my tocsne I was treated by tho best local pbvEicIans, but obtained no relief, the soro gradually growing worse. I concluded finally to try S. S. S., and was entirely cured after using a few Lotties. You havo my cheerful permission to publish tie above statement for the benefit cf these similarly afflicted." C. B. McLemoke, IIcndcrsoa,Tcx. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Go. BOOK WOO, MERCHANT TAILOR. And Dealer in Gents Furnishing Goodsof Ali Kinds C.ooil Fit: Lowest Prices. Always New Goods 011 Hand : Also Clean ing and Repairing. Water St., istoria. near Daniclsons' Saloon. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wiiarL TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage Is solicited. Win. Edgar, Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff. Meerschaum and Briar Tipes. Packet Cutlery, fflarinc CHnssc? Stationery aud Notions. . Corner Main and Chenamus Sts., Astoria, Or (K3 jfc-TTr rz y, Its rcculiar efficacy Is dno as much to the process and NOTHING skin In compounding as tc 1 tire 1 the Ingredients themselves. LiK.t.1. Take it in time. Hchecks diseases in tho outset, or if they be advanced will prove a potent cure. 1 lie stooli lie f lout It. It takes the place of a doctor and costly pre scriptions. All who l-:ul pedentan. Iies will Hud FOR WHOSE BENEFIT nine ne!.proveiHi ui and cure for Iiidisjotion. Constipation. Ilrailnrhc, Jillionsncss, PIIch and Mental Depression. JJo loss of time, no interference with business while taking. For children it is most in nocent and harmless. No danger from 1 exposure after taking. Cures Colic, Di arrhoea, Kimd Complaints lToverisli ne;s and l'ecrisli Cold. Invalids and 1 delicate persons will lind it the mildest Aperient aim 'jonicmeycan use. . muo taken at night insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation of the bowels. A little taken in the morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses the stomach aud sweetens the breath. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. "I hac been practicing medicine for twenty years and have never been able to put up a egetable compound that would, like biraraons Liver Regulator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid instcadof weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system." L. M. Hixtok, Ji d , V.'ashington, Ark. Mark or OennineneHs: Look for thejed Trade-Marie on front of Wrapper, and tho Seal and Signature or J.lI.Zeillu & Co., in red.outhcfcide. Takeuoothcr. Trice, S1.00. JA,WJ.II.imiliry, I t S.ARNDT& FERCf!E VST ORIA. OREGON The Pioneer Machine Shop -' - - a ., . r uosier 5nnp oSSTr ill Windsor ENGINE, GMBEET, AND STEAMBOAT W0EK Promptly attended to. Aspeciattymadcof repairing CANFERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREKl Astoria Iron forts. Conconily St., Foot or Jackson, Astoria. m GoaicmS Machinists ai Boiler Makers. Land and Rfiarine Engines noirasrc work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPKCrAt.TY. Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. John' Fox .-. .President, aad SupL A. Ii. Fo.v, Vice President J. (5. Hustlki:. . Sec. and Treas Magee, Argand and Acorn & tiiitfu 3 1 U' Cooking anil Ileatin", RYKKYONB FULLY WAKJSAN'I ED W'ATKR CLOSETS, PLIT3IP.INC. l.'OOliS, riJJirS. SINKS, AM IUTIl Tl Its'. CHENAAIUS street. V-f. V. IIKKKV. S. A. Whkukv. Rinri:i Hi:i:v, Civil Engineer. lerrv -any, Istate AND SURVEYING. TOWNSITE AVORIC A SPECIALTY. City and Suburban Property Sold on Com mission. Investments Made rr Outside Parties. REFERENCES L Case, Ranker. ."fudge ('. II. Page. Office on Third Street, Near Court House, - ASTOKIA. OR. VhLt- 'Arx&X a mxPL wzhS mm&r&iUAS HEALTH. " Pni a - cWon Balsam r.'o. 1 Sorcscn thi Le-j and Body; Sore lr3, lh-C.: Vc-,CopPcr-coIo"d Elotchc. bynnihtic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary forma nt i, .i;.-,- 1 .. J... Cures Tertian-, jlcrcurral Syphilitic Rhcn TOa.ism, Pains ia tho Rones, Pains in the rni '. o , r ""- . Liccratcu bore Ihroat, Syphmttc Rash, Lumps and con tracted Conls, Stiffness of the Limbs, aa.l eradicates all dlscaso from tha sj-stcm, whether caused by ind-scrction or abuse ct Mercury leavinjr the blood pure ami r i -V Irlco S3 00 Per Bottle. Lc niclinn'rf Coldon SpanisU Ami- Uotc for t.io cure of Gonorrhcca, Glest. Irritation Cravd, and all Criniry or Ccni tal disarran-emeiits. Prlco S3 30 per Lo Uichau'.j Coiaon Spanisli In jection, Jirs-vcre cases of Gonorrhcsa, Inflainnwto-y Gleet. Strictarrs,ic. Price 51 -i per Bottle. ? .ulcH?"nN Golden Ointment lorthe eff ctlvj hcalin'of SiiWiilitic Sorvs, and eruptions. PriroSl UO prr Box. 1 i'Cilau'3 Colliers PilN-Xir ana hrx.n treatment; hs3 of p'lvsical jow. n' -cwv.or ovcr-'-rork, ITostratioc, etc. Prico S3 00 per Boi. Toirlc ur.il J.'crvir.o, Sent Mfriwlicr.-, c. O. 1., -cctmU- packed pcrcsprasa. " THE RICHARDSON DRUfi CO., AGENT 509 xnd Gil Marlet street, San Francisco, tal. CIRCULARS SENT FREE. BHfflft WiLVWA "01SEAs son h Fisher Skip Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF IAEDWARE FARM JW3PLEIV3EMTS, Paints. Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISION8 AND MILL FEED AiIENTb FO;i "ALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland -Roller Mills, I- & l s & Eg KS' SC A LS . '?! in. ?" B. F. ALIEN & CO. :FAI.F.15S IX Wall paper and Oil Paintings : PRACTICAL : PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. Ail Work Guaranteed. Tor Cass and Jefferson Sts. Astoria, LITJBICOAT & CEIBB. CarpcnU-rs anil IJ:iilIer.s. Ilo t & Mcl'in trie's old stand. Iuve over am plates and draw ings of all kinds ami st3'les of dwelling-houses, ranging rrom SPCO to S12.CHX). Call and see them. FRESH ERUITS ! CANDY, NUTS, ETC., Everything in Sesisou. FIRST-CLASS Harbor SI: op in tlic ICcar ! Next to Central Hotel. Astoria, Orescn . ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances or any kind, on short notice. Transierriiisr Passage, etc., a specialty. Telephone No, lu. II. W. SHERMAN & CQ. THE CRY OF rVl'LLONS! OH, :TCY BHCK! STOP IT NOW, SCON IT VV1IL DC TOO LATE. ' ' Mil 1 j. ... i-v. 11 .u .ujj. --Jibf Si I have been trouble.! nir.nv year w Mi disease of the kldns aud hae tried many diflercut Tetucd:e5 andhae sout;lit ail from difTcrent phyxuni. without relief. Atotit the i:'i ot April I wa? sufterin from n r.- Klc-n attack that almost prosf-Ud mo in c.r-l. -1 Tiinmifr ttmt Iras let!tter. JVhen I sat down it was almost imio:blc tor nia to pet up alone, or to put on my clothes, wi.ea L-inl Pmridcuce scat Dr. Ilesdcv. with Uie ORKCON KIDNEY TlvA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the lea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment of all the RUCbts at the hotel. in a few days.I am happy to st.-n. that I was a new man. I wilfcM afflictcdi recommend the tea to all afilu as I have been. G. A. TUrrEK, Proprietor Occidental Ilutcl, Santa Rosa, Cal. Tho only medicino -which destroys the ;onn- ef: Catarrh. Rheumatism, Femala uuijiiaiuus, vjonsumpuon .ie not too iar lon-y, Dyspopsia, Malarial and all Blood rail -iin Diseases. It is a eafo and positive mro for Loss of Manhood and Gon Drrhea. Ia pleasant to driak. Givoita trial Price, 7o cents and $1.25. PACIFIC SLOPE MEDICINE CO., Spokauo Falls, Wash. J. C. Dement. Sole Agenr. Astoria APHROD!T!NE"r0rfunnS IS SOLD OX A POSITIVE Guarantee to euro any form of ner vous dlscaso or any dis order of tho conorntivo organs of citnor sex whether ar- ' BEFORE AFTER isinc;from tho oxecssivo usoof StimuIants.To bacco or Opium, or through youthful indiscre u r Tie CelE Warranted " to euro I x h) ffi . &PSi?lli' tion, ovor indulgence, &c, such a3 L033 of Rrain Powor. Vrakefalncss, Rearins down Pains in tho Rack, Seminal Weakness, Hys teria, .Nervous Prostration, Nocturnal Emis sions, Leucorrhoca, Dizziness, Weak Memory, Loss of Powor and Impotency. which if ne glected otton lead to premature old ago and insanity. Prico SI a box, C boxes for S3. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARAMEE for every So or dor, to rofund tho money if a Permanent euro is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, perma nently cured by ApiiRonrnsE. Circular free. Address. THE APIIRO 3IEMCIE CO. Dox 27. Western BrrAxcu, Portland, Or. Forsaloby J. C. DEMENT. FOi MEN ONLY! A PnTfyP For I0ST or FAILING SL42TH00D; H rUOi i SB General aad NERVOUS 3)EBHIXYJ rT"i? " Weakness of Bodyaad Hind: Elfecti VJ J JlJLJ of Errors or Excesses ia Old or Younjr. Robust. Kobla rifHOOD rnllr nextorrd. now to Enlano nj Stren;t&ca WIClk'.lSDKVELOi'EO OR(U19 PAUTS of BODY. Alnolalrlr Dabllln? HOHE TUE-ITSEXT BfneflU la a Jij. Slen (rttlr from 47 Stain, Trrrltorlc, uid Foreign Conntrlea. Toa can writs (brni. l!ook. fall eiplanaUon, and proof, mat! J UeaitU) tnt. AdJw.. EfllE HEDtCAL C0.,B0rfAlB, N. t; I prescribe and fully endorse Big J ss the only spec! tic for the cer tain cure of this disease. G.rr. lKonAHAir,M.r. Amsterdam, N. Y. We nave sold Big G for many years, and it has ,51 ven me oesi 01 sans- faction. 1). R- Dvcttk & Co.. Chicago. I1L TradoaajHarl.'sSl. Sold by imigglsts. Sold by J. W. Oonn Astoria, Oregon, ,OBCnra la B SsGoarsatecd aot to g u eacsaSUiztsi v S Urdonljbyths eElBna Ch4kil Co. Clnclnnatl.aWB k. Ont.T. K L