The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 02, 1890, Image 1

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ilT n dl i iftfli I IHiSBSstSssB xt fiiT Will ITI IFI '-
Will Celebrate in Grand Style
And Want'; Neighborm:: Tonus ami Cities
to .loin in. and. to 'llieir llesidenis
Ktends a Cordial elcome.
Come One. Come All.
There will lw ILiccs FiiemeiiN Con
tents, Fat Man's Knees. Speech Making,
Music, Cannon Firing anil Firenoiks.
President of the Day-r-J. II. 1). Cray.
Orator Major E. A. Weed.
Header Miss Kate Shhclj".
Chaplain Kev. Dr. Garner, LL. D.
Salute ol l.-i Guns, at sunrise.
10 a. m. f'rand Parade.
11 a. M. Oration, Heading Declata
tlon, Music
12 noon National .Salute nl l'oilj-two
1'J to 1 p. m. -Lunch.
l:ir.M.KalM an's Ilace, up Main
stieet, foi a pm.M'of U.
2SW l. m. Tender Itaee, on Water
si lift. Kirst pri7e,Siri;seeond. S.r.
:?p. m. Two liumlreil-yaid Foot i are
for Fit emeu only, for a juie of a S7."
gold medal.
cizSO p. m llojs' Footrace, for Ihose
under V years of age. Pi ize, .".
4 p. it. Prize baseball match between
tho AMorias and a tucked nine.
4'JX) p. m. One hundred yatd foot
race, for Si", prize.
.". p. m. Walking Tight Hope over
the water, for a S"i prize.
li p. t. (.Jrand display of Firewoiks
on tin hill, which will be followed by a
liall at Hie Opera House, under the au
piccs of the General committee, the
proceeds to tie used to deflay the gen
eral expenses.
Jn addition to the prizes already
named above, the General committee
will pay three Prizes for the butt decor
ated Wildings. The first prize will be
52.'., the second 515 and the third 10.
Secretary. Chairman Gen. Com
Fire and Marine and Life
VAN DU8EN & CO., Ag'ts,
Of the Follow Iiik Keliable Foreign and
Home Companies :
I J erpool and London and Olobe. North
Hnttslt and Mercantile. Scottish Union and
National. Hartford ol Connecticut, Commer
cial or California. London and Lancashire of
Li erpool. Commercial Union or Loudon,
Cnardian of I,o:ulou. Northwest of Portland,
Mutual Life of New York.
PromptfUberal Adjustments Guaranteed
1. "W. CASE
Insurance Agent.
California Marine Ins. Co., S. F.
Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co.,
Home Mutual insmance Co.,S. Ff
Phoenix of London.
Imperial of London.
Robb & Parker,
Fire and Insurance.
With :ui M
Capital of
l.MPKUlAL.of Iiiidou.
CALIFORNIA, of California.
aiNNECTICUT.of Haitlonl.
OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland
LION, of London.
F1U1CM AN'.S FUND. if California
QUEEN, of Ixindoa
Hoiml of Directors of School District
No. One. until .Inly 20, Itao. for 50 eoids
Spruce limbs and i" cords Fir, to he de
lieied at the school house in .said district
l Sept- 1st. 1800.
Hie directors resene the liyht toieject
any and all bids.
By order, etc .1. CONN,
.1. C. HUSTLER. Chairman.
Astoria, June loth, lKo. td
County Coroner.
Pirst Class Under taking
New Styles, Caskets and funeml mater:u
Next to ASTOIU AX olllce.
A Pocket Mirror Free to Smokers of
We have a largo list of Fine Residence and Business Property in different parls of
the City. "We nlso have some Fine Lots in Ilnstler & Aiken's and some choice corner
Lots in ArcClnrc's, with a splendid View of the City and River, which we will Sell Cheap.
No tronble to show property to intending purchasers.
k IflCBBM El VI r 11 X
Absolutely Pure
This pimder never vanes, A man ni
,:irlt, strength anil wlioIesoiiiein-.s. M-r-ecoiionilitl
th.niit!ieorilm.iO'kin'l'.:iiei em
not he v l hi ruiiipetttioii Willi the imt"i
hide of t I'-st.-liorl eiflit,:iln.i: rpl:
p'late powders Sold mm" in can. K . i
I:KIN'; I'miiUfitlVt. !W y:i!l-N . N i
LKWIS '1 MllNSON S Co , Al''lll -. I'"'
lnud. Oie-Mi
C. P Upshur,
Shipping and Commission fvlrrchnn"
r.Tuin Si- Wharf, Astoria. nre-'.:i
Cannery Supplies
Barbour's Salmon Net Twines.
NErri'NE P.raml Salmon '1 wine.
U'OODHEIJIIY CoUon Lines and Tu lues
Of all Description Furnished at
Factory l'rices.
EtTcctcd in Fust Class Companies.
.Uailfoid, fin
New York,
Aqency Pacific Express and AVtlls.rarso.V Co.
Practical : Watchnniker,
astoxsi.i. :.
A fine line or (Sold and Silwr Watches,
Solid Cold and Plated J eeli. Clocks. e.,
at leasonalile prices, ltep.iinux J'uuniitlj
Done. Next to Morgan & Slicnivui.
fiUSTAV 1IAKSCK, Prop'r.
Diaiois i Jewelry
At Extremely Imw rice."'.
AH Cooilft ltought at Tills !lst?.l)IiNlinniit
"Warranted Genuine.
W-.ifeli and Cloek SCcn:iirin
Corner Cass, and Squemoqua Streets
New Goods Arrivlny Lv-. s y M :.
his m:i k
Dross - CS-oscc3.s;
Tiie Old Stand Aston.i op-ou
City Express Transfer Company.
H. D. Thing and C. E. Millar,
Headquarters at Main Stieel uhatf.
A General Express and Deli en Rusiin-ss
Your patronaRe is solicited.
-i'A-: ' '-
;C?0NguOT :-:-.rifR
HEAL 7f ,; t h -
It to i . . tin- Liver ami K . n ' . .. ,-u
Znn II aJiche. I jk" m '. . u A
the, Ii:ifiebtlielinjn:re ISIium )
TJakes Tho T'ea. C!ro,'r.
Used cveryw hero. $1 aLeUIc:sixror55
Is Eauiflly Being Bronglit
Actual Existence
11Y Till: 21 It Kit Ah I'SK OV3IOXKY
Special by Tho Umtkii 1'
Wasiuxotox, July 1. The navy np
proprialion bill as it finally passed,
makes lileral provision for the new
Heel. Exclusive of aliout 815,000,000
for the routine expenses of the navy,
ami for miscellaneous purposes, this
bill approproprinlcs SS,120,0C0 for new
The main portion of this sum is to
be used as'installmonts, for beginning
the construction of three "seagoing
coast line of untile ships as tiie pe
culiar wording of the act hns it "de
signed to carry the heaviest armor
and most powerful ordinance, upon
the displacement of about 8,500 tons
with coal indurative of about. ,1,000
Jniolx on a total coal capacity of the
most economical rate r speed, and to
have the highest practicable- speed Tor
vessels of their class. They may cost,
excluding the armament, as much as
1,000,000 each, or;S12,000,000 in all."
Indications aie that the work of
construct inir the new vessels will be
pushed. It is said that bids will be
called forearlvin September, if so,
others will probably be disposed of
within three months following, and
wle is congress re:tssembles in Pccem-.
lKr. it wilNlud all its present work i
fully taken care of and the navy
IKii tnient wailing for more.
n tiii: si:xati:.
Idaho Adiuitlcd, and Oilier Im
portant Clills Cox:siilereil.
Special to Tin: Astoui .v.
Wasiiixotom, July 1. Tho senate
bill lo ant liorize the le:isiur oC school
lands in the territory of Oklahoma,
for the benefit of the public schools,
wis passed to day.
The senate passed the bill for the ad
mission of Idaho.
Morgan introduced a bill which!
was referred to tho committee on
niil1!r lnii1 urnviiltiirr flirif, -no norsnii '
shall enter any of the public lauds or
the TTnilea States in Wyoming under
ui uuwnu. """. V "".'1
,I"r'VV:n:,, . "" ,!:.lody of AVm. Hinshaw
u l'r '" v:" . . ,l..u" V? "i
who is a member of anv association
that teaches polygamy.
Dawes, from the conference commit
tee on the legislative appropriation
bill, reported that the committee was
unable to agree. "If the senate," he
said, ".asked u further conference, he
desired it to be entrusted to other
hands."' Th c senate insisted, and new
conferees were appointed. -V
conler -
iSSM-thc "" -
ri:wj:KAij i:iji:cteo' nir.s.
Sharp Arguments in (he EZouse.
Special toTin:ATOitiAX.J
Wasiiixotox, July L The house
resumed the consideration of the fed
eral election bill, pending the amend
ment, l)eiug that offered by Lehlbach,
providing that the chief supervisor or
elections, for each judicial district or
the United States, shall take such
action as is requisite to secure such
supervision in every congressional
district :is provided by the laws of the
United States. jMexEiO Park, Cal., July 1. A horse
Considerable discussion followed, and cart driven by Miss May Dimond,
Hill, of Illinois satirically twitted the the danghter of General' Dimond,
Democrats of denouncing the bill, and '.superintendent ot the mint, and Miss
then rushing pell mell in support of alTrwin, ran away with them from the
proposition which made the provisions j railroad depot down Oak Grove
of-lhe measure compulsory, instead of 'avenue, lipping the cart over and
voluntary. , throwing the occupants out in front
Stone, of MisM'uri. made a constitu-j of the school house. Both are badly
lional argument against the bill. The; bruised, but up to the present time
men. fhirtx enr. afo, wilh riller. in' are doing well and nothing serious in
hands who wuglil to destroy the 'expected.
anatomv of the nation, were no more!
guilty of high treason than were men ' . y--'riousisappraraiicc.
who assemble under the marble arches : s"' "" ' 'r,'x -VsroiM is 1
and the bulging dome of this capitol, MixxrAroms, July 1. -Charles
who weiv s. eking and plotting to Benson, liook keeper of the Scandi-
dcstr.iy the anatomv of the stat"
Lelhbach's amendment was rejected ;
ycis 2, ua;.s 3 "IS.
Inquiry in the senate revealed llie
faH that the: e was no thought of ad
journment there liefore August, while
several senators feared that September
1 would still find them here.
HOIjASSRN oka Limits
As!i That
Sugar Wnty
tfe EEe-
Speeiai to Thk Astoki v.J
Wasiiixgtox, July 1. At the meet
ing to-day of the senate finance com
mittee a delegation of molasses deal
er!? appeared before the committee
and asked for restoration or the duty
on sugar to enable them to continue
business without the duty. It was
urged by them that they could not
produce sugar from molasses at a
Ilills Approved by the President.
Special lo Tin: AstoitiAX.
"Vaiiixgtox, July 3.- The presi
dent to-day approved the naval ap
propriation bill, the invalid pension
bill, the posloflice appropriation bill
and joint resolutions providing
temporarily for the expendi
tures of the government.
Tclegrapli Operators ami Sur
vivors o Steriniua: Parly.
Sjicclal to Thk AsToniAS.1
"Washington, July 1. The house
military committee has agreed to re
port life bill authorizing the president
to prepare the roll of telegraph oper
ators who served dnriug the late war
under orders of commanding ollicers
of army, and issue to them or the
representatives of thdfc who are dead,
suitable certificates of honorable ser
vice with the army, stating the nature
of. the service rendered and the xissim
ilated rank they held. The committee
also agreed to report a bill granting
bronze medals to each surviviug mem
ber of the forlorn hope storming party I
at Tort Hudson, Mississippi, m order
to ful fill tho promises made by General
Parks to members of that party.
3Iarsli:il Tor Chinese C'njirl. toTitK Vstouian.
Washington, July 1. The president
to-day appointed Spencer 1 Gray, of
Massachusetts, marshal of the United
States consular court at Foo Chow,
The Silver Kill.
Si'CCinl to Til K ASTOItlAN.
Washington, July 1. A meeting or
the conferees on Ihesilverjbill has been
called for to-morrow morning.
a siNJa'i.AK ii:vni.
jp Hoy
Accidentally EUllcri
JnnvkiI i Tiik Astoimx.v.i
Santa Fn, N. H., July 1. -Knnuxlo
Carillo, a iexiean herder boy, aged
10 years, met with a singular death
near this place on .Saturday
being killed bv a stone hurled from a
slung shot in tne nanus or a compan
ion. Carillo and Mnrielino Iteybal
were engaged in driving a lloek or
goats into n corral, when one of the
goats sprang away. Carillo followed,
but could not turn tho goat, and
thinking to help him, Iteybal threw
a stone, intending to have it strike
the ground in front of ihe ani
mal. The missile struck Carillo be
hind the ear, and he droped to the
ground and died a few minutes later.
To-dav a coroner s jury acquitted the
a cowAitnijY iridKitn:.
a Uclibcratc and Wilful crime.
s..cdal to TlI ,. XsTOI:I A N1
1 Kiciimosd, Ina.. Jnlv L The dead
was found
Iviug in the middle of the road this
morning near the city. Two pistol
balls were round, one having pierced
the heart, and tho other his lxdy.
The murderers had set fire to their
victim's clothing. The footprints
showed that several men were nn
plicated. Some time ago Ilinslnw
received n white cap notice, that he
i had better quit paying attention to a
i eorhnn n-irl. mid ir. vr '.rliiln nf.iirn-t
1 " . " J ... -I . , - M . l
A PiteriTARIii: KA I lilt OAK.
It Yields Very IiiJjeral IJetiirns.
Special to Thk Astoiiu.n
New York, July 1.- The Horse
railroad in Newark and South Oranxe,
N. J., which asvndicate headed bv
Eugene Kelly, held in 1S72 for $XQ,
0011, has just been sold lo another syn
dicate for $1,700,000. In the mean
time the road has paid off a $30,00:)
mortgage from its earnings.
Kiuiaivay Accident.
! Social to Thk astokiax.
navian hank, has been missing since
Wednesday. On the evening of his
disappearance, he opened ihe safe and
tok "31..VJ-.I and has not been seen
since. He was much respected. The
cause of the deed is unknown. He
left a wife, two children, an 1 a com
fortable home.
To Straighten Dcrirleurles.
Special lo The Astoki x.l
Nkw Yop.k, July 3. Some lime ago
it was discovered that the cotton seed
oil tmst was out a quarter of a million
dollars by the operations of Moss and
Flagiel. At the aunual meeting of the
trust, held to-day, a suit for S250.000
was authorized against Winslow,
Daniel and others on accountof looses
The ninth annual tournament of the
northwestern firemen's association
will be held this year at Spokane Palls
on the 9th, 30th, 33th and 32th of next
September. Prizes aggregating v3,00i)
will be hung, and the bast volunteer
teams on the northwest coast will
meet in friendly rivalry.
Typewriters and telegraphers have
increased more rapidly during the last
ten years than any other class of per
sons in proportion to their numbers in
indred Park.
On the oompletion of the Astoria & Soutli Const, and Albany & Astoria Railroads, this property will he worth
a great many times the amonnt for which it is selling at present.
Remember the History of Other Cities
And Buy some of tins Property before it is too laic. Lots Selling Fast. Buy Now !
Parties to the Late Prize PiiM
Hell Witt Heavy Bail.
Tin: Alaska .v.ixnro-Y 1'
Special by TiikUxited Press.
Sax Francisco, July 1
ernor William Gilpin, of
arrived in this city last evening, from
Denver. lie is noted as the prime
mbver in the great Behring sen rail
road project. ''My chief interest is in
the American and Asiatic line," said
he to-day.
'Is ihe project feasible?" tho
porter asked.
"Just as much so a3 that of the first
overlnnd line. Russia will build to
the Bchring sea, whether wo do or
not, and the remaining mileage will be
less than that of many of the present
big railway systems of our country."
'Do you think the road will ever be
built?' was asked.
"Yes, the road will be built. We
may not live to sec it, but if it were
undertaken in the right way it could
be completed in three years. Science
is accomplishing wonderful things,
and by the aid or electricity we may
ct bo whisked off from New York to
St. Petersburg, at the rate of 200
miles an hour." .
U5!SSOl"5'AY1.0KS TO I fit
En the Interest of African 111.
sions. toTuic AsTOniAN.I
OvKnvxu, July 1. Bishop Tnlor
started to-night for Oregon. He will
spend a few days at the great Method-
isi camp meeting near Portland and
then proceed lo Chicago. lie will
attend a great manv camp meetings
during the summer season, pleading
the cause of African missions and will
not go back lo the missionary field on
the Congo till next October.
Of SId'.vard Cooautlic ITToIdcr'N
Special to Tin: Astokiax.1
Sax Fjiaxcisco, July 1. James "W.
ICcrr, tho foundryman who shot and
killed Edward Coogan the molder's
apprentice was chargeil with murder
by the prosecnting attorney to-day.
nod) of an Unknown Ulnn
Special to Tiie astobiax.
San Fn.vNcisco, July 1. The body
of an unknown sailor was washed
ashore on Alcatraz island yesterday
afternoon Avhere it was found by one
of the soldiers stationed at the bar
racks. There were na shoes on the
feet iind it is supposed that the body
is that of a sailor, who undertook to
desert by swimming ashore. No pa
per or marks of identification could
be found.
Oireicnlty Kctwccn Sailors.
p. i .1 :o mi; a.stokiax.I
Svx Praxcisco, July 3. Pirst mate
James Stewart, of the ship Iroquois,
which recently arrived from Balti
more, was arrested yesterday by the
United States marshal, on complaint
of John Jackson, a seaman, who ac
cuses Stewart of having maltreated
him on the high seas. Stewart was
rcle;ised on $200 bail. He says that
Jackson attacked him and that ho
used only necessary violence to sub
due him.
California Athletic Club.
Special to Tiik Astokiax
Sax Praxcisco, July 3. The board
of directors of tho California Athletic
club met in executive session last
night. Several plans were discussed
in r.'gard to the position tho club
should hold, since the police had pro
hibited glove contest. The directors
have taken legal advice on the sub
ject, and will adopt some definite plan
Tteivs from Alaska.
;",' ia1 IoTiik AhTontAX
S x Praxcisco, July 3. -By tho ar
rival or the steamer liertlia from
Ivarluk. lalo news is at hand from
Alaska. Tho canneries are all rnn
ning tin average pack, this season.
There will between 10,000 and 50,000
cases to each cannery. It is reported
that the Hope, Corinthian and J. V.
Peters are in the north. Very few
seals were seen coming down.
Weather Predictions for Oregon
and Washington.
Special to The AsrontAX.l
Sax Praxcisco, Juno 3. Weather
prophecy for Oregen: Fair in the.
western portion, light rains in the
eastern, wind shifting to southerly,
and cooler.
For Washingten: Light raiu on
ihe coast, fair in the interior, winds
shiftiug to southerly, slightly cooler
Arrivals ajid Departures.
Special to The Astokiax.J
Sax Francisco, July 3. Arrived
United States lighthouse tender Man
canita, from Astoria; steamer Uma
tilla, from Victeria: barkentine
Hitrierer, from Port Hadlock. Cleared
Bark Oakland, for Port Townseud.
Drink Ivnickerbocker bottled beer.
Result of the Recent Prize Figlit.
Special to The Astoriax.j
San Fbancisco, July 1. The pre
liminary examination of Larue,
Jamieson, Bowers, Juell, Jones and
others, charged with the murder of
McBride at the Golden Gate athletic
club, ended this morning. The de
fendants were held to answer before
the superior court on a charge of
murder. Larue's bail was fixed at
S25,000, and that of the other six at
15,000 each.
An Absconder Captured.
Special to The astobiax,
San Francisco, July 1. C. C.
Hogan, absconding secretary of tho
Safety Nitro Co., who was arrested at
Victoria, arrived in this city to-day on
the steamer Umatilla. Mewns taken
into custody by detectives and booked
at the city prison on a charge of em
bezzlement. The shortage is said to
amonnt to o,500.
An Old Pioneer Killed.
Sjeclal to The astoriax.1
LrNKYiUE, July 1. James Barclay, i
an om pioneer, wnue out numg yes
terday, was thrown from his buggy
and sustained injuries from which he
died shortly afterwards.
A (irnnil Procession and Interest
ing Exercises.
Special to Thk Astoriin.
Ixdiaxpolis, Ind. July 1. The day
for unveiling the Hendricks monu
ment dawned clear and hot, bnt with
n good breeze blowing. The parade
was formed at 1 o'clock, and was com
posed of civic and military organiza
tions, the governors of Ohio, Indiana,
New York and Missouri, their staffs
and many notable public men. The
procession was one mile and a half long
as it moved over its course. At 2
o'clock Governor Hovey called the as
semblage around the monument to
order and the final exercise of unveil
ing began. Senate! Turpio delivered
a lengthy but eloquent address, extoll
ing the character of the dead, nnd a
poem, by James "Whitcomb Biloy, was
Congress has 288 lawyer members.
In ISOO, when the census was taken,
the population was 5,308,483.
Mr. Macdona's travels in search of
the Jeannette took him to within 390
miles of the pole.
During tho last year no less than
6,000,000 letters and packages reached
the dead letter office.
Lord Bute's mansion near Eothsay
cost 39,000,000. It is the costliest
residenco in the world.
Tiie aeatix. rate in. .new xork mir
3,000 inhabitants has declined during
the past ten years from 26.2 to 24.
Five hundred million people on this
globe are Buddhists. In France alone
there are about thirty thousand Budd
hists. The census taking in New York has
developed the fact that more than
sixty languages and dialects are spoken
in that city.
According to the census of ten
years ago the foreign born population
in New York was then 478,670. This
year it is computed to be 675,000.
According to the census of 18S0, out
of tho entire population of the United
States there were250,000 men, women,
and children who stammered in their
The United States, including Alaska,
has 3,602,999 square miles; Canada,
3,201,383; Brazil, 3,218,166; Bussia in
Europe, 2,095,504; the Bussia Empire,
8,644,100; tho British Empire, 9,043,577;
China, 4,179,559.
Ten years ago the estimated value
of real estate in New York was 1,000,
000.000. The exact figures were
1,049,340,336. This years valimtion ot
real estato in New Y'ork is Sl,500,
000,000. What are supposed to be the first
playing-cards used were recently
found in the Pompeiiau excavation
and are now in the possession of a
collector in Philadelphia. The cards
are square.
It is estimated that, although there
are over one hundred thonsand tele
phone talks a day in tho city of Now
York, there are probably a million
people living there who never yet
talked over a telephone.
ir About to Travel or Emigrate,
The oyaf;er cannot be provided with a safer
remedy and protective medicine than Hos
tetter's Stomach Bitters. Abundant testi
mony exist to prove that it nullifies hurtful
climatic influences and the eflects of expos
ure, that it reconciles the stomach to unac
customed food, and prevents injurious results
from impure water. Mariners, tourists,
emigrants and miners have all contributed
their quota of testimony in its behalf, and
Its protective influence Ins been most
effectually demonstrated It regions and
under conditions where, if not really effec
tive, that fact would long since have been
exposed. In no class of disorders have its
remedial and preventive properties been
more conspicuously shown than in cases of
malarial fevers, maladies for which it is the
most popular specific in existence, botii
here and In the tropics, where its reputation
is scarcely second to that which it enjoys on
this continent. It Is. moreover, a most
agreeable appetizer and nervine.
To Rent.
Furnished Kooms, nicely situated.
Apply at the residence or P. .1. Good
man, 90 First street.
will find
Tie Proprietors Feel Bears Willi
tteBofles of Tleir Actors.
$'200,000 FJJIK AT VOIiT JAilTIS.
Special by The Uxited Tkess.
London, July 1. A dispatch from
Port Louis, Guadeloupe, states that
the principal buildings in that place
have been" destroyed by fire. The loss
is 200,000. Many of the inhabitants
lo3t all their eflects, and are left en
tirely destitute.
German Legislation.
Special to Tun astoriax.1
BrniTiix, July 1. A bill, providing
for Germany's share of the cost of
maintaining a judiciary in Samoa,
passed to the second reading in the
reichstag to-day.
iuTinoiti:i tkoijhli:.
Proves to He Nothing Very Seri
ous. Special to The Astoki ax.j
Paris, July 1. Later advices re
garding the shooting of a French in
habitant of Cobroy, by a German
sentry, show that four residents of
that place had gone 150 meters into
the German territory, when tho senti
nel fired upon them, wounding a man
named Claude, but the wound is not
Killed and Then Eaten by Hears.
Special lo ThkAstouiax.
Viexxa, .July J.- The owners ot a
traveling show, which included among
its animals a number of bears, have
been arrested at the Thensghing,
Hungary, on the charge of murdering
one of their employes, and throwing
his body to the bears, who devoured
A New Empire Among Us.
Ten years ago the population ot the
United Stales, as shown by the figures
collected by the enumerators of the
government, was 50,155,443. To-day,
according to the most conservative
estimates, it reaches 65,000,000. The
average increase in the decades since
1790, when the first count was made,
has been considerably over 30 per
cent. It was 35.10 between 1790 and
1800, 36.30 from the latter
date to 1810, 33.06 between that
time and 1820, 32.51 in 1820-'30,
33.52 in 1830-MO, 35.83 in lS40-'50, 35.11
in 1850-'60, 22.65 in I860 70, and S0.0S
in 1870-'80. The low vhtio of increnso
between 1860 and 18"Wr was due to the
VylVil liar, 'Uv" jaifcjci. ii:uuuaii ua-
migration a"i lei-netT'-ho birth rate.
In no other 10-ytar; period, except the
one which closed m isso lid tho ad
vance drop below 32 per cent.. An
addition now equal to that of the last
decade and most authorities believe
that it will be at least equaled would
add 15,000,000 to the country's inhab
itants, and bring tho total up to the
65,000,000 mark. It is probable that
the average reader fails to grasp the
entire dimensions and significance of
this tremendous expansion in popula
tion. The number of new residents
which the country has gained since
1880 is almost as great as that of the
entire population of Spain, as great as
that of Mexico and Canada together,
or as Belgium, the Netherlands and
Portugal combined. The additions to
our inhabitants in the past ten years
exceed five-fold the aggregate popu
lation of the thirteen colonies at the
time of their separation from Great
Britain. In the period named a new
nation, so to speak, largely surpassing
in number that of any entire civilized
country, except Bussia, Germany,
Austro-Huugary, Prance, Great Brit
ain and Italy, has arisen among us.
Between 1850 and 1SG0 we passed the
United Kingdom m inhabitants, and
subsequently we left France, Austro-
TTriTirmii nnil rinrmniip lnliirifl i"mi"
"""'J .. - . .""
we win overiaKe aim sweep ny.nus.si5i,
taking the first place among the
world's enlightened states in the
cade which ends with 1910.
Wlist Haifc Ths DTference.
A young wife stood nt a lnttfco pnno
In a study sad and brown,
Wactbing tho dreary, ceaseless rain,
Steadily ponring down
Drip, drip, drip,
It kopt on its tireless spray;
And the poor little woman sighed "Ah nie!
What a wretched, weary day!"
xVn eager hand at the door,
A step as of ono in haste,
A kiss upon her lips onco more,
An arm around her waist;
Throb, throb, throb,
Went hor littlo heart, grateful and gay,
As sho thought wit li a Pmile, "Well, after
It isn't so dull a day! all,
Forgot was the splashing rain.
And the lowering skyes above,
For the somber room was lighted again
By the blessed sun of leve:
Love, lovo, love!
Kan tho little Wife's murinnred lay:
"Without it may threaten and frown if
it will,
Within, what a glorious day!"
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles cU. rnu
he bought at the lowest prices at .1. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
have some Good Acreage and some small
Investors will do well to call on or write to
it to their advantage to list it with us,
best. Correspondence Solicited.
More Mnrierons Weather Cfliiu.
In tie Suffering East,.;
Special by The United Press.
Chicago, July 1. The heated term
is bv no means over, though it
cooler tc-day than it has been
several days, but it will be hotter !
morrow, still hotter Thursday,
equally as hot Friday and Satuid
The only circumstances that
change this forecast are local
and thunder showers. If these pi
vail the suffering will be greatly :
mized, if not it will become still moj
The boundaries of the vast parch
area is changing slowly toward
east, but tho indications are that eve
a warmer wave may follow the preaej
exceedingly hot one. The pi
heated term has produced amurderol
harvest. Last week the deaths
Chicago produced directly by excessn
heat, over and above the deal
average, exceeded ninety. The mc
of these resulted from heat strol
either directly by prostration or
attacking some disease or weakness
the victim.
On Monday tho applications fc
burial permits, reached 183, and
day sixty-five applications have coi
to the office before 2 o'clock. Shot
this rate be sustained for the pre
week, which is not improbable,
cago will have recorded the create
seven days death rate in its histoi
Tne number ot ueatns last wees wa
376; for the week previous 297; but ;
the rate tho record is piling up
week, it will reach about 800.
It is scarcely possible, howeveri
that the present rate will contmt
throughout the week, and a record of
less than 500 can be hoped for. Nev
ertheless, it is a fearful jump, to hare (
the number ot deaths in Chicago
doubled in less than two weeks.
Growing Cooler in Chicago
Special to Thr Astoriax.J
Chicago, July 1. The heated term
is by no means over. It" is cooler to
day than it has been for several days.
Ye District Sknle.
This amusing farce was well ren
dered last evening at the opera house,
and furnished -much enjoyment to th
large audience present. The principal
participants were Mrs. A. Montgomery
Mrs. i. 15. Parker, Mrs. Beard, Mrs.
G. C. Hall, Mrs. C. J. Curtis, Mrs. A.
G. Hardesty. Miss Myra Stevens, Miaa
Myra JBowen, Ereeman Parker, Capt I
J. W. Brown, 1 . H. Surprenant, tev.
G. C. Hall, Milton Hardesty, W.
Hampton Smith and others.
As the house was well filled and
the expenses small, a handsome sum
was realized for the benefit of the
Congregational church.
Mi:s. Wixsr.ow's SooTnixo Si
should always be used tc
teething. It soothes the child, softe
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind J
ciioitc, and is the best remedy rorutar-
rhcuai wenty-tivc cents a Dottle.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoriaf
IVhcn Baby was sick, wo gave her Cajtori.
(Vheu sho was a Child, she cried for Cartori,
iVhen sho beccruo Miss, she clucg to Ctorto,
.Then sho bad Children, she gave them GMtorif
"-t-1 -. M
THE CDF4T tf m
Cubes Pbomptly axd PeuestLt
lumbago, Headache, Toothache,
Soro Throat, S w611iags, Irot-Mt
Sprains, Brqiaes, Burns, Scald
Johui C. Dement.
Successor to W. E. Dement & Ct.
Carries Complete Stocks of
Drugs and Druggists' Sundrlec.
Prescriptions Carefully 'enpaanfte4.
Agent lor
Mexican Salve and
Norwegian Pilo Cur
And Dealer in
Gents Furnishing Goods of All Kinds-
I'ood Tit: Lowest Prices.
Always .New Goods on Hand : Also Clean-
: and Itenairin
Water St., 'sterk:
near Danlelsons' Saloon-
tyi tr&ifw
TRADE figiflPfjff
Ranches, in good location, at a Bargain t
us, and parties having property to
as onr facilities for disposing of proi
General Agents.
Astoria, Or.