The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 01, 1890, Image 1

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    -.4-iLilI: HLJ 11111 1 Ji fes xWHl i El L I Bill a -
r: I
Fourth of Ju
Will Celebrate in Grand Style
Ami Wants Neighboring Ton us and C i ics
to Join in. and to llieir Residents
Extends a Cordial clcome.
Come One. Come AIL
There wilt be Boat Races., Firemen's Con
tests. Fat Man' Itaces, Speech Making,
Music, Cannon Firing and Firew orks.
Proi dent of the Day J. II. D.Gray.
Orator Major E. A. Weed.
Reader 3Iiss Kate Shivcly.
Chaplain Rev. Dr. Garner, LL. D.
Salute of IS Guns, at sunrise.
10 a. i. Grand Parade.
11 a.m. Oration, Reading Declara
tion, Music
12 noon National Salute ol forty-two
12 to I i m. Lunch.
I i v. m. Fat Man's Race, up Main
treet, for a purse of $10.
2:30 1. m. Tender Race, on Water
streeL First pme, $15 -second S3.
3r. m. Two hundred-yard Footrace
for Firemen only, for a prize of a S7.1
gold medal.
3:30 r. m. Roys' Footrace, for those
under 12 years of age. Prize, S5.
5 r. m. Prize baseball match between
the Astorias and a piclccd nine.
4:30 p. m. One hundred yard foot
race, for S2T prize.
." r-.M. Walking Tight Rope ovei
the water, for a &" prize.
II p. M. Grand display of Fireworks
on the hill, which will be followed by :.
Rail at the Opera House, undei the au
spices of the General committee, the
proceeds to be used to defray the gen
eral expenses.
In addition to the prizes nlrendy
named above, the General conmitte
will pay three Prizes for the best decci
ated buildings. The first prize will '
S25, the second 15 and the third $10.
Sccretarj. Chairman Gen. Coin
Fire and Marine and Life
VAN DUSEN & CO., Ag'ts,
01 the Following Reliable Foreign and
Home Companies :
UverjK)ol and London and Globe, JTmIIi
llntKh :uid Mercantile, Scottish Union and
Nation:d, Hartford of Connecticut, Commer
cial ol California, London and Lancashire of
LUerpool, Commercial Union of Lonn n,
Cuardian of London. Northwest of Portland,
Mutual Life of New York.
Prompt,Liberal Adjustments Guaranteed
Insurance Agent.
California Marine ins. Co., S. F.
Columbia Firs and Marine Ins. Co.,
Home Mutual Insuiance Co., S. F.
Phoenix of London.
Imperial of London.
Robb & Parker,
Fire and Mar ne Insurance.
With an Aggregate Capital of
IMl'KKLAI.. or London.
CALIFORNIA, of California.
CONNECTICUT, of Hartfonl.
OAKLA.NU 110.MK, of Oakland
LION, of London.
FIKKMAN'S FUND. it' C-Ui'uruia,
QUEEN, of Ixmdon
Hoard of Directors of School District
No. One. until Julv 20, 1SD0. for M cords
Spruce limhs and 25 cords Fir, to he de
livered at the school house in said district
liy Sept 1st. 1890.
The directors reserve the right to reject
any and all bids.
llv order, etc ,T. W. CONN,
.T.G. HUSTLER, Chairman.
A-vtoria, June 10th, 1S9Q. td
County Coroner.
A-. : St
Pirst Class TJndertaMng
New Styles, Caskets and funeral mateiu
Next to A&TOKiAjf oitice.
A Pocket Mirror Free to Smokers of
"We Lave a largo list of Fine Eesidenco and Business Property in diflerenfc'parls of
the Citv. We also bave some Fiueliols in Hustler & Aiken's and some cboice corner
Lots in McClure's, with a splendid View
No trouble to show property to intending purch.
U g
I Absolutely Furee
This pouder uc or varies, A ik;i:.i k
tintv, strength and wlio!exniicMj. ! tv
ecoiiiinmil than the on!inai ki.-! ,ii "
not be ld in competition twin the n:
Hide ot low test, short weight, alum or ;.ji
plin'e powders.. Sold until fncan- li.i.
BKio PoWKItCo. !W ValJ-v X ',
Li'M'is M. Johnson . (t , A. mi! .. ' !
laud reon.
G. P,
Shipping and Commission Mkreban:
i.7uu St. Wharf, Astoria. r.-e
Cannery Suppises
Barbour's Salmon Net i wines.
NEPTl'NE I'.nuiil Salmon 'I w.iif.
s OODP.EItUY Cotlon Lines .ui.nwim
or all Description Furnished at
Factory Prices.
Erfclcd in First Class Coinpstiue.
Ilcpieseutiiig J5i:J,O0,Jo
.ll.irtfonl. Ci'.n
..... New Yoik.
Accnc Pxcillc Exjircss auil Wells. I'aro A J o.
Piacticjii : Watchmaker.
A fine Pnc of Colli and Silver Wateiirs,
Solid old and Plated Jewelr, Clocks. e:e.,
at re enable prices. Kepainim Pronitl
Doue. Ket to Moi-gaii & Siierman.
;it re ena!
Doue. Ke:
A Ltj- :e and Well Selected Stock- of Fun
Diamonds s Jewelry
At Extremelv I-ow Pru-i
AH Hoods Iloucht at Tliif. I UldK!:nit!ii!
Warranted Gemiine.
Walfl i mid Clock lEoi:tiriii;r
Corner x":iS3 and Squemoqua .sireits
GKL 3. I'AUKKl..
caj:i . ii - N
St t KSSdlts in
New Gnuds Arriving Every Siftasnu
J Tills WKKh
TlieOltsuiiKl - Aston Ore-oil.
City Express Transfer Company.
H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller,
Headiuarlei3 nt-TWain Street whnrf.
A General Waitress and Deliver ltusiin-H
l our iatrni.&e is wilinted.
It i !"' tit Lr VrantI i-ul i ' - "i,
curc- II ill Ti . tAs.K 1 1, , -. ".;
tite, TurifK 1 1 tail-, r. 15 mi!, j ,I
Uffalte: T'e "Weal Ci-ojrf.
$1 aIcUle;hi for!;o
of tbe Cit?
liver, which wc will
IK &&& jR M S""
i .WOJM.
Tie Iflalio Eill CoiiMuS Cousiu
eralle Merest
n vt it js ovtj:x TjAti asim:.
Special by The U.mtfo Pmss
"WASinxoTON, June 30. It is cer
tain thai the republicans will vote
against the national election bill, and
capital gossips have it that several
other members of the majority parly,
will also it either by vote or by
absenting themselves when the vote is
taken. The members who will surely
vote against ibe bill are Ewart, ot
North Carolina, CJolemau, ofLonisana,
and Lehltach of New Jersey.
11 is said thai seven olber Eepnbli
cans three from the south, one from
New England and three from the west
will vote "no.' It is known that Mime of
these arc opposed to the bill, but
whether or not they will sacrifice the
party interest and vote against the
metibtire is doubtful. Less than
tfii breaks among the Republicans
in Use house would defeat the bill.
The e'eclioii bill at the night scs
won was opposed in speeches bv
Chirk (Ala.), AlooreiTev.). Tare (Tot.),
I'rank. Republican (Mo.), McRae
1 Ark.), O'Neill iIiuU Buchanan (Va.),
bes'ior (Ga.), Brooks, Pierce (lnd.1,
i'eel (Ark.), and JShively tlnd.). and
suijorled liy Mcsais. Allen (Mich.),
IJainer (N. i'.), and 3'oothman (Ohio).
At 11 '." v. t. the house adjourned.
I'A'S'I'.STS v?i
rsi" issuki.
lt Cloud 5:ra.o:i ForVilIilioIttiitr
!ecial IoTiik AKTOlMAX.l
"Warhixgton, .1 une ..'). The speaker
laid before the houso to-day a letter
rrom Hie fecretan of tiie treasury
transmitting a letter from the com-
miKsioner of pensions requ&stin an
appropriation of u.5I,(HX) for addi
tional clerical force which he says
will bo necessary for the pi om pi exe
cution ot the dependent pension bill.
Secretary Noble has sent a reply to
the senate resolution calling on him
to report the cause for withholding
patents for lands within the granted
limits of the Union Pacific Railroad
companv which arc free from all
claims and were not reserved at the
definite location of the road.
The secretary states that patents were
suspended because of indebtedness of
the road to the government, lie
states that he is of the opinion, how
ever, that that indebtedness Ls not in
justice cause for withholding si patent
and he has decided to order such pat
ents to lie issued as fast as practicable.
The lauds referred to comprise about
ten million acres, mninlv in Nebraska
and Utah.
'Plc t'lMiiladclnliuv? Not
Reported I'pf:i.
SjKiCl:il IllTlIK AhTOIUl.N
Washington. June 50.- Dr. Erlien,
president of the trial board on the
new cruiser I'JtiltuUlpltia, was at the
navy department to day, in consulta
tion with judge advocate general
ltemy, as to the requirements of the
contract under wlncn tlie snip was
built. The report ot the board will be
made to-morrowr
Charles Cramp, builder of the l'hil-
nth 1 pit in, had an interview with sec
retary Tracv to-dav. lie will prob
abh await until the official report of
the board is made, before making ap
plication for another trial, It is gen
erally considered, however, thai the
vessel maintained an average speed of
nineteen nmlonehnif knots, it is be
lieved the board will make such a rep
resentation to j racy, wlucu will pre
elude aiiol'.er trial.
A, to I'ic CJowji of Coxircs, . rilK ASiOKIAN'.l
Washington, tlulv IJ ). Speaking
on the subject of adjournment,
speaker Kecd saui this morning
"The question resits entirely with the
senate. For the first lime in many
years, the ho:ic is ahead of the senate
with public business. Over on this
side, wt conld wind up the session
nevt week, but or course, we shall not
I able to do kj." Nearly all the sena-to.-
agree in thinking that adjourn
ment cannot take place before August,
and several think that the session may
run to include August.
nine! 'fi'jilRIIut I.xtlic Action.
Special loTi ik Astoria N.l
Washington, Juno 'JO. The house
to-day passed a resolution, providing
temporarily, (until appointed bills are
passed,) for the necessary expenses of
the government. The entire session
was taken up discussing the national
election bill, aad no action was reached.
An evening session is being held.
(coil for IIiliva.ulra.
Special to Tim Avtorian.I
Washington, June 30. Spoonor
introduced into the senate to-day, an
amendment to tho snndry civil ap
propriation bill, increasing the appro
priation for the erection ot a public
building at Milwaukee, Wis., to SS00.
000. This is an increase of $100,000.
Scl Cheap.
Xitltcii Up und Xjuitl Aside, Again
. :nid. Again.
Special to The Astortax.
"Washe'gtox, June 30. In the sen
ate to-day Evarts gave notice that on
account of the absence of Yoorhees,
Cox of New York had been again post
poned until Tuesday of next week.
The senate passed the house bill in
relation to oaths in pension and other
cases and then took up the house bill
for the admission of Idaho. After the
bill had been read, Merrill gave
notice that he would, at the earliest
possible moment, move io take up the
tariff bill.
Piatt said that much as ho believed
in the tariff bill, aud anxious as he
was to have it passed, he could not
consent to allow it to interfere with
the Idaho bill. Mr. Gorham asked
when the tariff bill would be likely to
come up. Merrill said that it was not
his purpose to interfere with the ap
propriations bills, or conference re
ports, but he reported that at as early
a moment as possible, the tariff bill
would be called up. Teller said that
the Idaho bill wonld likely censume:
most of the week, and it w:us doubtful
it the tariff bill could be called ujf
this weelo
The Idaho bill was laid aidc, and 1
the agricultural appropriation bid
taken up. The principal committer
amendment being to strike out the ar
propriation ofSil.UOO for an eperi
mental farm ami garden at Arlhigtoifc
and this was agreed to. Amendment
appropriating 50,000 Tor investiga
ting the habits ot insects, and remedy
for the cotton IhiII worm.Fj were ad
opted. A further conference was
ordered on the legislative appropria
tion bill. i
Tho consideration ot the Idaho bill
was resumed, and Mr. Cnllom ad
dressed the senate in its support, aHcr
which the Idaho bill was laid aside,
and Jones (Arkansas), from the com
mittee on territories, reported a bill
to authorize the board of supervi'brs
of Maricopa county, Arizona, to ijsue
bonds in aid of a railroad. This bill
is similar to that recently vetoed by
the pre-ident. The bill was placed -n
the calendar.
The houso joint resolution contin
uing the annual appropriations for
thirty days after the close of the fiscal
year, if the appropriation bills have
not then become law, was reported
and passed.
Tin: i:i.s:vj:vru cewsiis.
Opinion (o:ic?r:iii:r fts 4'oinnlc-
Special to Tm: Atorivn.1
AVashington, June 30. To-day tho
iieriod for taking tho census ends.
Porter says that information received
from all portions of the country.indi-
catc that the work has been going
along, and that there has been no mor
ions hitch. Ot course all return are
not in. In some partly settled sec
tions, it takes several days traveling
to get one name. There aro cases
where enumerators have been deluyed
by sickness and other cau?cs, and they
will bo allowed sin extension of time.
Mr. Parker estimates that of
-10,000 enumeration districts, into
which the country is divided, CO per
cent, have been completed. Ileturns
arc not all iu, even of cities and towns
where the census taking was pract
cally ended on the ISlh ot June, but
they are retained by tho supervisors,
.so as to make all necessary changes,
and when fully completed arc sent to
the census ofiice, where a rough count
is in progress.
I'.msM Tluee Lit-..
A eastern man was 'wasting to a
friend in Tacoma lately of the "nap"'
he had secured in a new paper town
in the coast region. 'Why," he said,
"I bought three of tho best business
lots forSjOU apiece." Tho friend putted
at his cigar for a few minutes and
made a mental calculation. "'That
laud,' he replied, vas bought only
Mxty days ago for S30 an acre, and
now yon have bought a few Tcct of it
at the rate of $5,700 per acre. Al 1 that
has happeucJ to give that particular
neck ot woods an increased value is
that the newspapers aro saying that a
railroad is going io lie built there. At
present ou say there is nothing but a
sawmill ami a row nouses on our
town-site. How do von know that the
railroad will ever be built and if it is
built how do j on know that it will
make a town at that particular place':"
Jj. V. S. m viorthwe&l Jlayazuiv
IT About to Travel or !'n"i;,
flio oyajjor eann t be pre filed with a x.ifor
remeili .mil protteUeiiieii'liie than IIo
tetter's Stomach Bliteis AbiiMiljut testi
mony c st to proc lint it nullifies hurtful
clima:!.: influences ami the efleets i.r ep
urc. that it reconciles Hie stnmatli to imac
ruioiiiiUooi!,aiuljree ts injurious r.-sults
fro-o nnium water. Mariuei-.. tourists,
euucr.uits ainl miners alt mnlr bated
their quota of testimony in its belriif, and
Us jinrtecliv" influence Iru been m wt
eflectu'.lly lciniistratel in res-ions and
under comlilions where" if not really efTee
t ve, that fa-1 would lon sinro been
epoed. In uo class of disorders its
lemedial and prewnllvc properties been
more conspicuously shown tlia'i In caes of
nml.iri il levers, tn iS.idies for which it Is the
most popular specitlc in existence, both
h"re and in the tropics, whie its reputation
is -earfelv second io that which it enjoys on
I Ills ontinenl. It is. inoreoer, :i most
agreeable appetizer and lien me
To Runt.
Aiiplv at the residence of V.. I. Good-
i ii rn i4iifii itffiini- in na v m ii:ina i.
ni in, !K) hirsts leei.
On the completion of the Astoria & South Coast, and Albany & Astoria Bailroad?, this
a great many times the amount for which it is selling at present.
Remember the History of Other Cities
And Bny some of this Property before it is too late. Lots Selling Fast
M to Malre Their Organization
J liCUdl 111 IIS iVdlUld.
Sjiccial by Tho Uxitkd Pees-.
New Yoke, Juno 30. The trustees
o the sugar trust held their annual
meeting to-day aud issued a state
ment to holders of certificates, review
ing the reasons for the formation of
the trust and its legal statute thereof.
Tho statement goes into a lengthy re
view of the recent decisions'of various
suits, with regard to tho North River
Co., and declares that the main con-
Ltenlion in the suits brought against
me company, was tnac tne arrange
ment by which it was taken into the
trust, constituted a monopoly. The
court of appeal, the document states,
so decided, but refused to approve or
J disapprove the decision of the supe
rior court that tho arrangement violat
ed the law governing monopolies.
The trustees arc now considering
the changes required, according to the
appeals decision, by which the objec
tion to the union of sugar refineries
am oe overcome. Theodore A. Have
meyer, Charles O. Foster and John E.
Searlj.4 Jr., were elected trustees to
succeed. Charles II. Senif, Wm. Dick
aud Charles O. Foster, whoso term of
ofiio hail expired.
cvrosMT. riuE.
Two filen Killed and Several
Injured. l Tint Astori vx.
LoUisviiiTO, June 30. For three
hours this morning a fierce fire raged
at the refinery of the Standard Oil Co.
in North Louisville, and destroyed
the plant, including several tanks
filled with oil. By the explosion ot
tanks, seven persons were injured.
The injuries of John McDonald and
Daniel ONeil are considered fatal
Tho loss is SoO.OOO.
A Pleasure lurt j- Thrown in the
Special to Tub AsroniAN.
Alexandria Bay, N. Y., June 30.
A drowning occurred opposite Brock
ville last evening. Win. Castleman,
Annie McMahon, John Mayer and
Annie Graham were out in" a boat,
when young Castleman stood up and
began rocking the boat, which sud
denly went from under tho whole
parly, throwing them into the river.
Maerand Miss Graham were
pick.Ml up, but Castleman and Miss
McMahon were drowned. The water
there is 110 feet deep, and it is not
likely that the bodies will bo recovered
ItJardrr, 'iiuc i Co., Arc Heavy
Sjk to Tin; Astokian.
Minneai'OIiIS, June 30. At half
past four this morning, a lire wa3
discovered in the rear of Geo. Hnhns
drug store, on Nicollet avenue. It
was two hours before the Haines were
extinguished. Marder, Luse & Co.,
Type founders, who occupied the up
per stories, are tho greatest losers.
Their loss will exceed S50.000. Geo.
lluhn's stock ot drugs is almost a
total loss, aud the building is greatly
damaged. He estimated his loss at
S5i,0K), partly covered by insurance.
Xot Quite So Oppressive.
o, to Tiik Astokian.J.
St. Louis, Mo., June1 30. Tho
mercury at noon registered 99, as
against 97 at the same hour yester
day. Unt few cases of sun stroke and
fatalities have been reported to-day.
Ten Italians Held for Violating
The Law.
Speei.d to Tiik Astokian.
Niiw York, Juno 30. Ten Italians
aro held at the Barge ofiice, on the
charge ot being contract laborers.
They came here from San Pedro,
Italy, under charge of Angelo Jam
broui, a Padrone. While in Italy,
Jambroni received letters from par
ties in Buffalo, N. Y., asking him to
hire some men and bring them here.
The pay promised was S1.50 per day.
tie accordingly recrmtcd the gang
now detained, and paid their passage.
He rernses to tliscloso the names of
the Buffalo parties. Tho whole lot
will probably bo sent back to Italy.
The IScat Ssj Ecss Oppressive.
Special to Tiik Astouivx 1
Milwaukee, June 30. Tho ther
mometer at'noon was 8S", with a cool
breeze from the northwest. Up to
that hour but one death had been re
ported from the heat.
2)cstroycd ly Fire.
Sjieclal to Tim Astokian.1
MoNraosiERV, Ala., Jnne 30. A
number of business houses at. Troy
wore burned to day, including the
,,1 Western Union office, tho Messenger
newspaper ofiice and house. Fullpar-
---- -- -- -w- -.w
. newspaper omce ami nouse. Jjulli
ticulars have not yet reached here.
ed Park.
For a, Crime Committed, in Italy
East "Winter.
Special to The Astoriax J
New Yobk, June 30. Franchise
Sapinoni, aged 55, who arrived here
on the steamship Brietangue last
Saturday, was arrested to-night for
the murder of Dominio Salascci in
Italy, last February, during a quarrel.
Sapinoni escaped to France after the
crime, but the murdered man's mother
kept track of him, and when she
learned that he was going to America,
she wrote and informed her brother in
this city, who put tho police on the
watch. Sapinoni resisted arrest, but
was overpowered.
Growing' Cooler In Chicago.
Special to The Astorian.
CrrrcAao, June 30. The thermom
eter at the sigdal service observatory
indicated a temperature ot 83 at noon
to-day, a rise of 7 since 7 o'clock this
morning. Only four cases of sun
stroke had been received at the county
hospital up to noon. The signal ser
vice officers say the outlook is for
slightly cooler weather, from purely
local causes, sneh as lake breezes and
local thunder showers.
Eight Hundred Iron Workers
Quit Work.
Special to The astoiuan.j
PottsvuiIiE, Penn., Juno 30. The
president and general manager of the
Fishback rolling nulls of the Potts
ville Iron and Steel Co. refused to
sign the wages scale, and 800 men
struck to-day. The iron workers all
over tho country have signed the
scale. It is to tho effect that employ
ers will continue tho present rate of
wages, until there is an advance in the
prico of iron, then there will be an
increase of wages. The men are very
gniet and orderly, and no disturbance
is apprehended. It is hardly possible
that the strike will be settled before
next week.
A Scale Agreed Upon.
Special to The Astorian.J
PmsBUEa, Pa., June 30. A com
mittee representing tho iron and steel
manufacturers of Pittsburg, and a
committee representing tho amalgam
ated committee in conference, came to
an agreement and the western
amalgamated scalo, with amend
ments, were signed. Work will
go on in tho mills to-morrow.
This was tho last day of the old scale
and the new one will go into effect
to-morrow. Western and southern
manufacturers usually follow the
Pittsburg manufacturers in signing the
scale. There aro but a few slight
changes in the scale for this year.
Severe Electrical Storm.
Special to TnE Astokian.
CoiiTjmbus, Ohio. June 30. An
electrical storm visited this city about
su u uuua. uua cvuuu;, uiiu vua wu
severest and most destructive that
ever struck Columbus. Campman
Stutz, aged 18 years, was Mllev while
standing beneath a tree wcb. wa3
"Jnvered by lightning. Wm Yiso, aed
17 met a t jrilnr death: see halt
dozen otlic- persons werettunnetiV
knocked down but not seriously hurt.
Tho wind was very fierce and trees
were uprooted; the roofs of scores of
buildings were blown down and great
damage was done to outbuildings,
fences and yards.
Singular and Fatal Accident.
Special to TheAstobian.3
New York, June 30. Melvin Ee-
genburg, aged 15, of Sixth street and
Lexington avenue, lost his hie to-day
through his carelessness in handling a
can of powder ho was firing. He was
holding the can on his shoulder in one
hand, and a f aso in tho other. As he
touched tho fuse, the powder in the
can also exploded. Young Eegen
bergs eyes were blown out and his
face was mangled. He also suffered
internal injuries, and died soon after
wards. The Fight Will Not Take Place.
Special to Tub astokian.
New York, Juno 30. Jimmy
Larkin, the 122-pound champion of
of Jersey City, who was
matched to fight Billy Murphy, of
Australia, at the California Athletic
club on July 28th, received a telegram
from president Fulda of that club to
day, stating that Murphy has sailed
for Australia, without giving any
notice of his intentions? and the fight
therefore is off.
Stevedores Strike for More Fay.
Special to Tiik Astorian.J
Chicago, June 30. The Stevedores'
strike on the Lehigh Valley steam
ship line of last week, was followed
this morning by a general strike on
all the other lines. It is estimated
that at least 500 men are out to-day.
demanding an advance of wages from
20 to 25 cents an hour.
Steamer Arrivals at Boston.
Special to The AstokianJ
Boston, June 30. Steamers arrived
Catalonia, from Liverpool; Bor
derer, from London.
Steamer Arrivals at New York.
Special to The astorian
New Yobk, June 30 Arrived
Steamers Buston, Liverpool; Burger
mehter Peterson, from Hamburg.
New York, June 30. Arrived!
Eider, from Bremen.
property will bo worth
Buy Now!
The Farm Hill ITIIiie has Been
Special to Tub Astokian.1
Dunbar, Penn., Juno 30. On a
new course to-day, the rescuing party
dug through about twenty-five or
thirty feet of solid coal, and about
midnight struck an entry to the Farm
Hill mine where the air is good and
pure. It will bo several hours before
the rescuing party can dig away the
coal, so that the search for the en
tombed men can progress. The ntmost
secrecy is maintained, for fear tho
relatives of the imprisoned might
learn the news, and insist on going in
the pit The fato of the men may not
be known till to-morrow.
A Kentucky Distillery in Aslicsf
Special to The Astoeian.
LouisvuiiiE, Ky., June 30. Tho
immense plant of tho Allen Bradley
Distillery Co., at Santhall and Thorn
streets, was completely destroyed by
fire this morning, entailing a loss of
The Revenue Cutters '-Rush"
and "Corwin."
Special to The Asteria: 1
Port Townsend, Jnne 30. The
first twenty miles of the Port Town
send it Southern railroad were com
pleted this afternoon at I o'clock, it
being just ninety days siuco the con
tractors commenced work.
The revenue cutters Richard Rusli
and Corioin are bying in the harbor
awaiting orders.
Fabulous Wealth Sunk to the Bottom
the Ocean in Shipwrecks.
There wero heaps of gold carried in
galleons and like packets years ago.
In 1769, say3 the Baltimore" News, a
ship of war from Ilio to Lisbon had
on board 9,000,000 of crusades m
diamonds, and about 100,000 ''crown
turnois" in piasters, making in the
whole 29,050,000 livres turnois. So
ranch for a single ship.
In 177i Spanish ship3 from Vera
Cruz and Havana arrived with
22,000,000 crowns, exclusive of mer
chandise valued roundly at 25,000,000
crowns. Such examples could be
multiplied. Of the cargo of an En
glish Indiaman in 1771 one item alone
a diamond in therongh was valued
at 100,000.
As a costly shipwreck La Lulino
deserves notice. She was of 32 guns,
commanded by Capt Skynner, and
wont ashore on tho bank of the Fly
Island passage tho night ot October 5),
loU9. At first she was reputed to
have had 600,000 sterling in specie
on board. This was afterward con
tradicted by a statement that tho
wholo amounted to about 110,000
Tn mom modern rimea tho costli
ness of ship wreck is to uo toxvnA n
the destruction of the fabric " aiul its
cargo rather than in the easuro on
Tho Royal Charier is the most
notable modern instance of the wreck
of a "treasurer" ship. It left Aus
tralia with 350,000 in it. Of this
sum, says Charles Dickens in his
capteron this dreadful shipwreck in
in the "Uncommercial Traveler,"
300,000 worth was recovered at the
time of the novelist's visit to tno spot
where it had been driven ashore.
Children -y for Pitcher's Castoria
WTien Baby was slcfc, wo gave, her Castoria.
SVhen sho was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
iVhen sho became Miss, sho clung to Castoria,
Vhen sho had Children, sho gave them Casitorij
All tiie patent medicines advertise!
in this paper, together with the choicest
nerfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can
be bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Mrs. Winsi.ow's Sooinnxo Syrup
should always bo used for children
teething. It soothes tin- child, softens
the gums, allays all pam, cures wind
chobc, and is the best remedy for diar-rhcexTwenty-uf
cents a bottle.
lumbago, HeadachcTootnachc,
Soro Throat, Swellings, Trost-Ldtos,
Sprains, Braises, Burns, Scalds.
rr, Mif
rTHE GREAT - glkl
have some Good Acreace and some small Eanches. in pond w0k .
Investors will do well to call on or write to
will find it to their advantage to list it with us,
arejthe best. Correspondence Solicited.
Brilliant Display. Great p
.... ?
special uhited r&ssa.
Toronto, Ont., June 30,
days carnival was inau,
to-night, by a promenade
the asphalted portion of Jj
tho principal residence stri
city. The promenade wag
long and no vehicle was
it. A tlozen bands sui
music and the p
brilliantly illuminated, fn
end, with Chinese lanterns
trie lights, and the redden
profusely decorated. Yt
passed the evening prom
listning to the music. T
erally is profusely decoral
already filled with stran
morrow is society day.
Their Room Better Thai
Special to The Astobian.
Halifax, N. S., June 30.-
supremo court to-day an api
was filed for an order against"
turn of premier Fieldinsr.
Power, and Wm. Boche, M. PJ
ground, or bribery and corrupt
uumg -oieir personal aisqui
"ilooulislit" by Dayligl
Yesterday forenoon, the
Moonlight arrived from. Ss
cisco, which port she left on
She is a small craft, about
tho Snomi, or a trifle lorn
propelled by gasoline instead
bho did not come to the dc
passed up the river for Portland
'Cincliins" the Settlers.
Complaint is made bvmamr
tiers coming in that in shipping
hold goods they are required t
pay freight to tho railroads or
rate about four times as
charged. A man who was
says: "There is no court
united oiaies tnat wili upj
railway in maKinga man pi
service before it is performed,
wui permit; a company to ch;
service because it was not
however, the public don't kno
tnings; ana even it a shipper i
plain, ho would sometime see
he was sorry for doing it."
The Gall of the Tramp.
Tho average tramp cannot bl
done tor a display genuine ner
few miles out of the city the exc
tram to tne lakes passed a
windows il
knights of
waved their
iwa n
because they nadir tl
Tho tramps responded to the ss
quietly reaching up and swiping
nan a aozen tirst class nose
from their hands as the train
past, and waving them aloft
merry y arty turned the bend. i
Coffee and cake,
Central Restaurant.
ten cants
3Ieals CooKcd te Orfter.
Private rooms for ladies and fan
ac uentrai itestaurant, next to Fc
Drink Knickerbocker bottled bed
Carry a Tail Line of
Choice Staple and vFa
Give Us a Call and Be Convirk
Of Best Quality, and at 1
Carnahan & Cbt
I. W. CASE-'
ronit r Chenamus and Caas si
, 0 ww,aa.
us, and parties having urn
as our facilities for dispot
General Agents,
Astoria, Or.