The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 30, 1890, Image 1

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VOL.XXX1V, NO 157.
r "" . IT w-;r "$
ram maWW re&'frOT:-ea"aT at - a
Fourth of July
Will Celebrate in Grand Style
Al Wants Nfijrhlrine Towns ami Cities
In Join hi. ami Jo I heir KcMdi'Ms
Extends a Cordial elcnme.
Come One. Come All.
TIh-wrHIIh ltoat Uicon, riromeiiN Con
tents. l"iil Man's IL-ices, pei'cli Making.
Music, Cannon ririnj:aud Tirewoiks.
rtvsidoiit of the Day .1. II. D.CJiay.
curator Major E. A. Weed.
Kcader Miss Kate Shhely.
Chaplain Kev. Dr. Garner, LL. D.
isaluto of in Gims. al Miuri-e.
10 a. m. ('rami Parade.
11 a. m. Oration, Keadiu Declara
tion. Music.
12 noon National Salute ol forty-two
12 to I r. m. -Lunch.
1 50 v. M. Fat Man's Kace, up Main
street, for a purse of $10.
:. p. m. Tender Ilace. on Watei
street. First prize Sl.": second. $.".
3 p.m. Two hundred- aril Footrace
for Firemen only, for a prize of a ?7.i
Sold medal.
:3)r.M.-l!(i)v' Foot race, for those
under 12 v ears of ae. Prize, $.".
1 p. M.Frize baseball match between
the Astorins and a picked nine.
4S p. m. -One hundred jard foot
race for $25 proc
p. v. Walking Tight Hope oei
Uie water, fo- - prize.
" 7. v. oraud display of Fireworks
t the hill, v inch w ill be follow ed by a
llaM at Uie Opera House, under the au
tkvs. r the (teneral committee, the
proceeds to be used to defray the gen
eral expenses.
In addition to the prizes already
named above, the General committee
will par three Frizes for the best decor
ated buildings. The first prize will be
S2Ts the second ?!." and the third S10.
C J. Crirns C. II. Stockton.
:ecretarv. Chairman Gen. Com
Fire and Marine and Lite
VAN DUSEN & CO., Ag'ts,
Of the Following Keliublc Foreign ami
Home Companies :
1 Jvcrpool and I.ondou and (!Iole. Noith
Hrillsli and Mercantile. Scottish Union and
National, Hartford of Connecticut, Commer
cial of California Ixtndon and I.unc.i.s'iire of
JJkrerpool. Union of London.
Cuardian of I.omlon. Nortlrn est or Portland,
Mutual Ufe of New York.
Prompt,Ubcral Adjustments Guaranteed"
Insurance Agent.
California Marine Ins. Co., S. F.
Celumbia Firs and Marine Ins. Co.,
Heme Mutual Insuiance Co., S. F.
Phoenix of London.
Imperial of London.
Robb & Parker,
Fire and Insurance,
Willi an Aggregate Capital of
IMPERIAL, of tondnn.
(UUFORXIA. or California.
CONNECTICUT, of Hartrord.
OAKLAND HOME, or Oakland
LION, or 1mtlnn.
FIREMAN'S FUND, or C.ilionila.
vJUEEN, of lomlnn.
Hoard or Directors ol School District
No. One. until .Ilv 20, IKK), for M coids
Spruce limbs and :i" cords Fir, to he de
livered at the school house in said district
1 sept 1st. ISM.
The directors reerc the right to reject
any and all bids.
Bv order, elc. .1. CONN,
J. G. HUSTLER, Chairman.
Astoria, June lOth, lsM. td
County Coroner..
First Class Undertaking
New Stjlcs, Caskets and funeral materia1
Next to ASTOKiAX office.
A Focket Mirror Free to Smokers of
We have a largo list of Fine Residence and Business Property in different parts of
tfee City. "We also have some Fine Lots in Hustler & Aiken's and some choice corner
Lote in McClnre's, with a splendid View ot the City and River, which we will Sell Cheap.
No trouble to show property to intending purchasers.
Abso!uto!y Pure
Tlits jiowder neer vanes, A imn.itil
,untj, strength and wholooinenec. Moie
coiiomicil til in Hie ordin irj kiiul-.iiii.l cn
not be sold in (oiii)elilioii unit Hie i -.ill i
tude or low test, short weight, alum or pao
p'ute powders. Soldoiilu incaitr. KuVM.
it A KINO POW OKU CO. 10rt V'.dl-s X. .
LHW Is M. .Ioison & Co , Agt lilN, rit
Iind. 'Mcgon.
C P. Upshur,
Shipping and Commission Merchant
77ain St. Wharf, Astoria. Ou-g-.u
Cannery Supplies
Barbour's Salman Net Tviner.
NEPTUNE Rrind Salmon Twine.
Of ail Description Furnished at
Factory Prices.
Etfeited v. First Class Comp niie.s.
ltep.esenting J5l3,oon,ttCW
I'HffiMX, Uaitfont. Conu
ROM K, New Yoi k.
Acncj Pacific Express and Wells. Farfroi t'o-
Practical : Watchmaker,
A fine line of Gold and Sl!r Wiidns,
Solid Gold and Plated .Jewelrv, Chuks. eie.,
at leisonahle prices. Reniirnig Piomj)tl
Done. Next t Morgan &. Shennaii.
A lArgeanil Well Selei tod S'oil f Fun
is Jewelry
At Extrtmel) l-ow lnes
ill CooiIn nought Ht This t.t.-Mii.ii.iii lit
Warranted Genuine
IVatoli :iii! ;icelt JIi:iipi!i
rumor C.iss and Sqnemo'in streets
CAKI. A. llN. N
Parker & Hanson
New Goods Arriving Evety Steame
Dress - Groods,
Tlie Old SLind - Astoria Oregon.
City Express Transfer Company.
H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller,
Headquarters at Main Street w li.irf.
A General Express and I)eher P.usinei
Your patronage is solicited.
. r
', rsnit.ijf
Ilroi csthc Licrand Kidii n1 'im ich,
Care inilacht. Djc:su, .n s. n Appc
utc, Purifies the Impare Bloud, -: J
Makes TheJVleak Stropjy.
Used overy-w here, fl a bottle ; six for ?-
& G00DELL.
Another LiiMlionse ou Cap Han
coci. GovernmGut Wharf Here.
.i r.ooit rnosri:cT run Tiu:ir.
-U 01 ll 1 TlIK l'.MTI.I Pl:hS-l
Washinoton, .Tune 29. The np
irnpiipiion bill illl occupy most, if
not till the time or the senate during
the week. Indian, District o Colum
bia, and legislative appropriation bills
; ill be discussed and there is a proba
bility that the Idaho statehood bill
will come up. The senate will proba
bly adjourn ou Thursday over the
rourth until Monday.
In the house, the lirst three days of
the week will be deoted to the con
sideration of the election bill, which
will b' placed on its passage on Wed
nesday. No program for the remain
der of the week has been arranged,
but Thursday will probably be set
apart for the consideration of the
national bankruptcy bill, or ixssibly
compound the land bill, and an ad
journment will probably be taken
on Thursday, over the Fourth, until
?.londav following.
I'viii.iC i:rn.iis.
I'roposcit I,igiitlioiise :it Cape
JE:i:icoek uiitl Otlicr ITfa tiers.
Special teTm: ASToni N.J
"Washington, .Tunc 29. When the
house gets another suspension day,
for the passage of bill-5, the senate
bills to provide for the construction of
public buildings at Portland, Oregon,
and at Stockton, Cala , will probably
be placed on their passage.
3ilLs granting the state of California
live per cent of the net proceeds of
the cash sales of public lands in the
state; providing for a government
wharf at Astoria, Oregon; and making
an appropriation for a light house off
Cape Hancock, Wash., have good
places ou the committee of the whole
calendar, and may be disposed of at
any time.
Even if the senate succeeds in its
opposition to the bounty on silk raised
in California, as foreshadowed by the
action of the finance committer fruit
growers can find consolation u the
fact, that there will b3 no marked at
tempt made to prevent an increase of
duty on fruit prodnct, as provided for
in the house tariff bill, and retained
by the senate committee.
Republican members of both com
mittees favored increise, and will
resist any important paifc of the mem
bers of their own party, if any is
made, fo prevent tho fruit cultures
from remaining in the bill, at once.
There is threatened to be a decided
stand taken b some Republic ins in
the iiouss, against the increase or
duties on oranges, but nothing
was developed when the bill
was being debated, although
Mr. flower, a New York Democrat,
who owns an orange grove in Florida,
prolcslei against the fruit section, ou
the grounds that poor people would
k' obliged to pay more than double
for their fruit if the increased duty
was enacted.
a i.i::as. r.ttci:.
r.tfnr's to .Stop :i Su tittuy Rail
Sihiii1I..Tiikasoi:ii.n.i " jMoRius 111 Juno 29. -Charles
-uT.c.Tt.,.... t.. oo n..,,,. m. Decker, whoe skull was fractured bv
proS 71 bbiiP'111"! car-y Tbnrsaa-V nwr"i1
i..i..i. ..i u ,JTn ,,., -i-:..:... unconscious condition for nineteen
Zv t, SfmSS V fe 1,0llr3 When Mrs. Stevens, his aged
wi. ? ull. "Jjfc nie"ff mother, who was also injured by mb
nfli R.1ASi7?i,?SS. T?SS" ---- leardr the news of his death, it
"i?Sil"!'r a-rlcd I'Tdeeplv, and to-night 'all
mond (colored), sened warrants of hope 0f her recover was abandoned,
aircotupon the managers and mem- ' ... .j
hers of th two teams for plajiugj A suicide en tuTi-rck.
base ball m violation of tho Sunday jSrecial0.TnK AsTOJmj
"The trial which developed into a KIJZ'TA
complete tarce, followed, during'.
which the
spectators unmercifully
nlm-l tho instum -mrl RlifrifV "Rani.
ipant was fined S2aud costs
Aing to Sf, which was promptly
,.!?!. Anm0fi.nJL-.JL,i
Warrants were Su de olS
against secretary Barkelt of " "'' "
Washington club, on a charge of play- J A Finland paper mentions a curious
ing without a license. Barkelt, how-! stone iu the northern part of that
owr, learned of this move, and quickly! country, which serves tho people in
drovc to this city with sheriff m pur- stead of a barometer. This stone,
suit. He will probably be arrested which they call "ilmakiur," turns
to-morrow morning, to answer to this
1'atal Railroad Accident.
- pccial to TlIK ASTOIt lax.
Lvxcastek, Pa., Juue29. AtUbrth
Bend last night a west bound freight'
train, on the Pennsylvania railway,
was derailed, and eight cars smashed.
Traffic was delayed several hours.
Millard Hilton, a" section hand, was
thrown under a freight train while
going ir the wreck and fatally in
jured. Dcatli of a Vcaltky Editor.
Special to Tub Astoman.
Fort Wobtii, Texas, June 29.
Walker, A. Hoffman, president of the
Democrat Puplishing company, and
chief editor of the Fort Worth Gazette,
died to-day. He leaves an estate
valued at Sl.OOO.OOO.
: z
: i
: t
- V-"J
Site Knows Ittorc Tlian She Tells.
Special to Tin: Astoria;.
Boston, June 29 On Friday the
Chardon street home for indigent
females offered protection to a woman
who told the officers of the institution
a strange storv. She gave her name
as Mrs. Lamscm Clark, and says she
was married to one Jas. Clark in
Oakland, CaL The newly married
pair, so Mrs. Clark's story runs, left
Oaklaud on June 18th, last, and pro
ceeding by rail, arrived in New York
Wednesday of last week.
On Thursday Mrs. Clark dretf sev
eral hundred dollars from the bank,
and giving the larger portion of the
money to her husband, left to visit the
grave of herfirbt husband, by the name
of Sterling, whose body was buried in
Greenwood cemetery. Upon her re
turn she found her second partner for
life had taken French leave. A note
explained that he had gone to this city
to accept a business position, mid
asked her to remain in New York until
she heard from Mm agaiu. He left her
money, which he said would be suffi
cient for her present needs. She waited
twenty-four hours, and then came to
Boston in search of him. Not finding
him. she applied for and obtained ad
mittance to the Chardon Street Home.
Mrs. Clark is about fifty years of age,
neatly dressed, aud appears perfectly
sane. She has her second marriage
certificate with her. She claims to
have been born in Philadelphia, and
says she has relatives living in that
city, but does not givo her maiden
Two Killed and Many Wounded.
Special to Tiir Astokia n 1
Nevada, Mo., Julie 29. A Missouri
Pacific passenger train was wrecked
five miles from here, at 5 o'clock yes
terday afternoon, by the spreading of
rails on a sharp curve. Three of the
coaches were precipitated down an
embankment, and two people fatally,
and twenty-five more or less danger
ously, hurt. A special train bearing
surgeons went immediately to their
Those fatally hurt were, conductor
Sam Jones and a child of W. S. Mar
vin, both of Kansas Citj. Those most
seriously injured were John Edmonds,
Lincoln His, badly hurt about the
face and head; Dr. G. Bills, head and
left side bruised; 3j. H. Smith, Chi
cago, hips bruised and cut; A.B.
Walter, Butler, Mo., legs seriously
injured; Misses Bodie and Petite
Mountjoy, Lexington, Mo, both
internally injured; E. Bray, Deer
field, Mo., badly injured about tho
body; W. H. Marvin, Kansas city,
severely hurt; Miss Winnie McFarlaud,
Butler, Mo., seriously hurt.
"Will be Joined by 1'Xieir Friends.
-pCl.ll lu TlIK ASTOIU.n
Sr. Louis, Juno 29. The striking
east St. Louis freight handlers held a
meeting this afternoon and decided
not to accept the terms offered them
by the railroads, and will remain out
until the nad3 liavo acceded to their
demands. It is stated that should the
roads not grant their demands the
transfer drivers and other members or
the American federation of labor, who
are immediately concerned m the
freight handlers' movement, avi 1 1 joiu
the strikers to-morrow.
One Gauivcs Another.
peti il to T:ik Ast it:.w.
stood on the railroad track near
, ' .T- m txi '
"u" "". . l"u, .i1"-, A111
"?'- "-""a. uu-a wa """-1 u. lral.u:
t!?? M?d ?ofc ff llim- u-m
e Jf IoSe - "if lfhe "aV,10!
cause of a curve m the track. What
sed the suicide to commit the deed
'black or blackish-gray when foul
weather is approaching; fine weather
has the effect of turning it almost
A Matter of Interest to Travelers.
Tomlsis. emigrants ami mariners rind that
Hosti'tlcr'a Stomach Bitters is a medicinal
sarenn.ird asiiust unliealtliftil inlliiences, up
on unlch they can implicitly rely, since It
preeiii. the elTccts that in ualic-alili- cli
mate. vilUtcd atmosphere, unaccustomed or
unw noiesonie met. uaii watrr, or oilier con
ditions unf.uorable to liealtli, uoiiM othcr
w Is produce. On Ions voajs, or journeys
by l.uid in latitudes adjacent to the equator,
it is especially usolul as a preventative of the
febrile complaints and disorders ot the stom
ach, liver and howcls. which are ant to at
tack nath es of tho temperate zones sojourn
iiigortmcliiiglnsuuhreKions.and Is an ex
cellent protection against the influence of
eircme com, suuaeu cnauxes oi tempera
ture, exposure to damp or extreme fatigue.
It not only irecuts intermittent and remit-
tentlever, and other diseases of a malarial
type.uut eradicates thetn.a fact that lias been
notorious for years past In North and South
America, Mexico tho West Indies, Australia
anu otuer countries.
Kindred Park.
On the completion of the Astoria & South Coast, and Albany & Astoria Railroad?, this property will be worth
agitanyiiBestainountforwlikiitis twUmgatpresent
Rmmber the History of Other Cities
And Buy some of this Property before it ia too fatte. Lots SellingJFast. Buy ' NOW !
Those Niggers That Are Deal late
Ho Farther Demonstration.
Special by TiiKUsiTErrPnESS.
PonrDNr, Mich., June 29. A
cyclone passed over this town and
Orange, in Iowa county, yesterday
afternoon, causing great damage. The
storm first struck Wm. Sayre's timber
tract of tea acres of fine black walnut,
and levelled the whole group, tearing
up trees by the roots, or twisting them
iuto all kinds of fantastic shapes.
From here tho cylone crossed a belt
ofopan country carrying fences, and
trees with it. Edward Hardwood's
bam was in the track of the tempest,
and it was lirst set on tire by lightning,
then demolished by wind. There
Valuable horses were killed.
Stephen Dnimm's house was blown
to aiom3 and the family of five, buried
in the ruin3. All escaped alive how
ever. Ftarm fences are obliterated,
aud dozens of persons injured. Crop3
are ruined and much stock killed.
micJiigan Town is Struck.
Sjll'Cl ll to TlIK AKTOltlAX.J
HiXjISd iiE, Mich., Juno 29. A
cvclonc i3 reported as having struck
Iteading yesterday, and that several
buildings were blown down, one man
killed, and several severely hurt
Particulera are very meagre, a3 all the
wires are down.
Location for the "World's Fair.
Sp?cial to Tiik Astouian'.j
Chicago, His., June 29. After
threo hours session last night the
board of directors of the World's
Columbian exposition, by a vote of 23
to 10, decided to recommend to the
national commission, the Lake front
and such additional land as may be
necessary as a site for the fair.
The IScat Still I Intense.
Special to Tnr. Astoiuan.!
Chicago, June 29. There were 18
deaths and 85 prostrations from heat
in this city yesterday! Many oE those
prostrated are m a critical condition.
f?radine; the Recent Liquor Law.
SpoJal to Tin; Astokia?.
Colchester, Ills., June 29. An
original package house has been
opened up in Colchester, on the lines
of fha recent supreme court decision-
Allnrrs of linnora nrn rp.tailed in nil
sizM of bottlc3, each and every bottle
beinsr regarded as an "original pack
It is reported that a wholosalo liquor
honso has offered 8100 a month and
guaranteed immnnitv to anv one who
will open au "Original Package" es
tablishment m Maconib. A former
saloon keeper of Keokuk, kept by a
St. Louis liqnor house, is preparing to
open an ''Original Pakage'' house in
several interior Illinois town1.
Narrow Escape of Imprisoned.
Sped ll to Tiiic Astoiiian
Mo.vjiouth, III., June 29. The
buildings of tho Monmouth Sewer
Pipe company were destroyed by fire
yesterday. The fire originated at the
bottom of a shaft 100 feet deep. The
flames instantly flew up the walls and
ignited thebnilding covering tho shaft.
Three dynamite torpedoes then ex
ploded, throwing the fire over a large
barn that was filled with hay.
The heat was so intense the firemen
could not approach the shaft, which
led to mines below, where eighteen
men were imprisoned. Nearly two
honra transpired before the men could
bo reached. Tho men were prostrated
when brought up, but a dash of water
and the fresh air revived them.
Run Into by a. Train.
Special to Tub Astokja
Cononvoo Spetngs, CoL, June 29
Mrs. Cosgrove, of Chicago, and Mrs.
Wolf, of Newark, New Jersey, were
killed. Mrs. Gill, of Chicago, had
both legs broken, and Mrs. Wdson, of
Chicago, was severely bruised to-day.
The carriage in which they were
riding, was struck byaWidland rail
road train at Utc pass. The driver
and a young man accompanying the
ladies escaped injury. The ladies
were members of a Traveler's Protec
tive association party, who are touring
tho state.
Probably a Saicidc.
Special to Tub Astoiuax.1
Niaouu Jr?AiiTs, June 29. A body
fouud in tho river below the falls yes
terday afternoon has been identified
as that oE Chas. Oberst, assistant
armorer of the Goth Regiment and
who resided on Allen street, Buffalo.
Mrs. Oberst was here to-day and says
her husband left home on the morn
ing of June 10th for the purpose of bny
ing some fish and never returned. On
that day a man was seen to jump from
Cioat island bridge and a second later
ho passed under the bridge.
aaV'aVflufeVfttssa afaTiM
Blaody Eaccmater Between
Whites mad. Blacks.
Special to The AstokiasJ
Amite, La June 29. George How
ard, a desperate negro, was shot yes
terday mornnut just above town, by
disguised men, and came into town for
medical attendance. Soon after, there
was a simultaneous charge into town,
from every road, of armed men on
horseback, numbering about 200.
Howard was found in Tom SewalTs
garden. He refused to surrender and
was killed. Two of the horses of the
party, were wounded by shots from
tho garden, and two other neeroes.
Jake Bansom and Ted Flanders, were
At the same time, Dag Tjfllw was
found, and he, with the two other
bad negroes, gere taken to the out
skirts of the corporation, whipped and
ordered to leave. Armed squads were
then sent out and captured the arms
of suspicious colored people, consisting
of eighteen or twenty double bar
relled guns, two Winchester rifles,
and a number of pistols. The armed
crowd then dispersed.
The cause of the trouble between
the whites and negroes yesterday was
the firing by negroes, several days ago,
upon a committee of white men who
had been commissioned to interview
several white men, who were charged
with living on terms of social oqual
ity, with colored people of this
parish. By the advice of those
men, the negroes were influenced to
strike for unreasonably high wages.
Alarming reports had been in circula
tion for some time, that misled the
colored people to hold frequent night
meetings, and they were procuring
arms and ammunition from many
quarters, to use against the whites in
a race conflict they contemplated
bringing out
Kecent events established the fact
that they were not groundless, and
the white people prepared themselves
on a war footing. Repeated threats
on the part of the negroes against
whites, the firing upon the committee,
and cruel beating of a white child by a
negro a few weeks ago so incensed the
whites that they conoluded they would
bear it no longer, but would meet the
issue as they did yesterday. Every
thing is quiet now.
Of Dclamatcr's Nomination.
Special to Thr Astokiax .1
New Yobs, June 29. A special to
the lYbrfcZfrom Newcastle, Pa., sas
Thomas W. Phillips of this city, a
millionaire oil producer, who was
generally talked of as a candidate for
the Republican nominee for governor,
but who refused to permit the use of
his name, to-day declared positively
against senator Delamater, the nomi
nee of the Harrisburg convention.
Mr. Phillips favors an Independent
nominee : "I am not pleased with the
nomination of Delamater," said Mr.
Phillips. "Such an exalted position
as that of governor of a great state
like ours should be unsought, or in
other words, the position should seek
the man."
Mr. Phillips says further that ho
objects to Delamater's nomination as
being a supporter of the monopoly
interests of the state, and on account
of his being backed by the Pennsyl
vania railroad company, and the Stand
ard oil company. Accusations made
against him in connection with the
Billingslie bill, Mr. Phillips says, have
never been answered nor refuted and
will weaken his support through the
oil districts. He is not the man upon
whom all can unite.
StrHclthy Lljrhtaias;.
Special to Thr Astoria;.
Bochesteb, June 29. Nelson
Graves, one of the oldest members of
the Monroe county bar, and a resident
of this city, was instantly killed on the
N. Y. C. & H. B. B., a short distance
from Penfield station. He left home
in the morning, and took the train for
J? airport, intending to visit his daugh
ter, who resides at that place. It ia
supposed that he left the train at Pen
field and started to walk down the
track. He was struck by lightning.
Accidentally Browaed.
Special to The Astokiax.1
Baiitjmobe, MA, June 29. B.
Harvey, a fireman of the Johnson
line steamer Nessmore, now lying at
pier 3, Locust Point, was drowned
this morning, from a yawl boat lying
beside the steamer. Harvey and two
of his shipmates' had just started from
their ship, in search of a place to
bathe, when the yawl boat gave a
lurch, throwing Harvey over the side.
Still Another Cyclone.
Special to The Astokian.
NashvtxiIiE, Tenn., June 29. A cy
clone did considerable damage at
Gallatin, in this state, at 3:20 this
afternoon. A negro church was de
molished, two persons fatally injured
and several others seriously hurt.
Trees were uprooted and considerable
damage was done. .
A Cendnctor Kills a Macaiaist.
Special to The Astoeiax.1
McComb City, Mis&, June 29. C.
C. Henderson, a machinist, was killed
by W. B. Parker, a freight conductor,
(Inrinir an olforfafirtn loaf Ttiornt anil
l Parker escaped. Both men were em
ployed on the Central.
"will aad
. i j 'If .-? . .7
- ?m m z .. c"
A Bani Will Fla? Mnsic oa Wiiiscr
Terrace on Snniais.
Special by The United Ekess.
London, June 29. It has been re
ported several times recently, that
homo secretary Mathews, had decided
to take step3 to prohibit public meet
ings in parks, and particularly in
Hyde Park, and the rumor is again in
circulation, with some appearance of
In order to create a popular senti
ment against Mathew's alleged inten
tion, which the home secretary will
hesitate to antagonize, the Badicals
and the Workingmen's union propose
to organize parades in various sections
of London next Sunday, and march by
different routes to Hyde Park, where
they wfll hold meetings to agitate the
question of the right of public meet
Leaving Paris for Fear of Betas;
London, June 29. The recent ar
rests of Bussian Nihilists in Paris has
frightened their brethren in that city
who were so fortunate as to escape
being taken into custody, and they are
seeking new quarters.
IJc Fears te RctHrn.
Special to Tar. Astowan.
Paeis, June 29. It is. stated that
prince Ferdinand has become alarmed
at the outcry which, has been raised at
the execution of mayor Panitza, and is
afraid, to return to ooha at present.
It is alleged that he will therefore pro
long his visit to Austria indefinitely,
ostensibly because of his ill health.
Object to II a vine; Blastc on the
Special to The AsroniANl
London, Eng., June 29. A tremen
dous howl has been raised by the
Sabbatarian element over an order
issued by Her Majesty the Qneen, that
a Dana ot music piay on Yinusor ter
race every Sunday, and petitions
protestuuj against the desecration of
the Sabbath are in circulation.
Divorce Salt ia the Nobility.
Special to The AsTOitiAXd
Paris. June 29. The divorce of
Lord Dunlo ngainut huekaa Belle
Bitten, of mnric hallB will
come to trial thi3 wv
Bussell will condnct the case ot Lord
England Will Not Object.
Special to The astoriak.
Paeis, Juno 29. The Soleil states
that Lord Salisbury has informed
Waddington, tho French ambassador
to England, that England, will not
oppose the annexation of Syriajy
France. Cv
Is No Longer aSalc Place for The
Special to The AsromAx'I
Loiroo?, June 29. Owing to the
fact that the Swiss government has
yielded to the pressure of her larger
and more powerful neighbors, and en
tered into extradition agreements re
specting socialists, nihilists, dynami
ters and the like, Switzerland is no
longer a safe place ot refuge, and
many of the largo number who are leav
ing Paris are coming to London. The
police have been able to locate their
retreat in the east, and are watcning
the nihilists who have already arrived.
Children -y for Pitcher's Castoria
When Baby was sick, we gave- her Castoria.
"Vhea she -was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became alias, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castorii
AH the patent medicines ailvertbeu
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumeiy, and toilet articles etc.. ran
e bought at the lowest prices at J. V.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Athletes Praise It Highly.
58 Minna St, San Francisco, CaL, Ha? 3, 18S7.
Borne tiate ago, while a member of the
Olympic Athletic Club, I sprained my knee
severely aad suffered agony, bat wag speedily
and completely cured by St. Jacobs Oil.
JfUBBed from Earlae.
809 8. 17th St., Omaha, Neb .Sept. 22, 1SS3.
I jnsiped from an engine in. collision, and
strained ay ankle very badly. I used canes
Jbr weeks. St. Jacobs Oil completely cured
me. G. EOIDER.
At Druggists and Dealers.
UK CHAtlU A VMELER CO.. laHwrt, Hi.
A. v-
have soeae Good Acreage and some small
it ttaeir advantage to list it witkus, as
Ceneepoadenee Solicited.
.. e?
fliUW KiJUJU , Of
Answer the census questions.
is a great country and "worta
uut auuui, auu every good
iena a nand.
One ground upon,which the -Loaav
iana lottery gamblers ask for aa xfaV
skra of their charter is the fact tart
they contribute liberally to tar ,
churches. There seems to be a eeneral Mmlimr
just now, on both sidesof the AUaMie,
tnat peace must be preserved, ea-mV
the whole world must go to war for it '
There are 16,000 positiooain taw"
country that are not excessively at
tractive to poUticians. They are poaV
offices that pay less than $16 a year.
Baltimore American.
About a year ago with the Freaek'
syndicate in full force, comer wee-.
lower than it is to-day with the freafJt
ojiimuaio cuuapeeu JUKI out oc (
ence. Boston Herald. .
Twenty years ago steel rails
nearly three times as dear as they are
now. Protection and thederelopeaaaVJ
of the rail-making industry waiek ifr
has brought, cheapened tbeak . "
The tin-plate feature of the
mil lust passed the house will 1
the business from Great Britain to
the United States. It will give work
to 35,000 people directly and 96,008
indirectly. 4
A recent philosopher declares tart
tcnone of the things worth, having ia
life cost money.-- It would be diaVmK
to convince colonel Brice that such
rule applies to the boon of a- United
States senatorship. Globe Democrat
Detroit has determined to go to ike
legislature and get consent to por-H
chase its own electric-light plant. Any
American city is guilty of eregioai
folly which does not begin proTOaag
its own electric-light. Philadelphia
"The little red brick vault wkion
still is all the monument New York.
can afford to the man to whom Lee '
surrendered, while Lee stands ia
bronze at Bichmond, is a banuae.
blistering disgrace to New Yorkctty.
Philadelphia Press.
The C f the Cess.
The natural elation felt over Jfce
increase' in the population ot the
United States is somewhat TanjIfieiT
by the cost of obtauaoHr ukL jptaaiil
gating the facts.- IThertaaetnes "of
expense incurred in taking oonsaifti
since 1790 show not only proexeawre
increeesv-Dttt pro rata augmentrtioB,
which, if nuunUined-in the future,'
will not make ignoraaee
bhesfnL but wider knowledge folly of
the most superlative character. .
The population of the United State
in 1790 amounted to 3,939,214 aad toe
cost of tho census-was 94L37&. This
arleSfropresenfa a cost per waa .of L18
msmfa. Tii lmO thfl rssetOMUA
I amounted to 50,155,782 aad tte eoet of
j tho census was $562,750, showing a
. . TT ?
cost per capita of 11.68 cents, or mora
than ten times the cert per capita of
the census of 1790. Tie aamvr
which were compiled for taeate of
congress, which authorised the pres
ent increase in coat, may -be tabeieted
as follows, showing an increased per
capita cost of more than tenfold.
S 883 3T1
i ast en
ims an
3 ass Ml
5 8C17W
06 6W:
178 45
388 536!
378 581188.
The amount permitted for the pres
ent census is in excess of that re
quired for the last census, in spite of
restriction upon publication. The
last census cost $5,682,750, aad tart
included all expenses connected with
the work, so that' if the maxiumatua
provided for should be spent in addi
tion to the cost of printing, engrariag
and binding, the eleventh census wfll
be considerably more expensive than
the tenth. The population of the
United. States will probably be found
to be 65,000,000, an increase of abort
15,000,000 over 1880.
SArmedwith a pitchfork, a
of Pike county, Pau, drove away,
tramps from her barn.
Wii.TV.. Wherkt,
S. a. Wherry.
Sichard Hakkt.
Civil Xagtaeer,-
Wherry & Harry,
Real Estate
City and Suburban Property 8e4d om Oeav.
mission. Investments Made Isr .
Outside Parties.
T.W. Case, Banker. Jadge C. H. Page.
Office a Tairdl Street, ,
Near Court House, - ASTO Hi. C4L
Cany a Fnll Lias dW "
Choice Staple -an Ftity
Groceries. C
Give Ut a CaH ami Be Cmtitaa, ""
'j- ir-V
Ranches, m good Iceatfaaf at a !
ue, and parties aaviaf.preferty ki
our facilities foe-dfs
- J
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