'? - - T "J? i - '-' V ---e. -v-ig gjg. ?-' SEAL ROCK BEACH ,-gL !2z:a:!cszizssi3B3:szss:u:s:ss!:i33zs2:aE:3s:::;: ;&JfcT - Health, Pleasure, Profit. The tide of Summer Travel turnsibwardSEAL ROCK BEACH, which excells in beauty and value any beach on the Northwest Coast. The attention of investors is directed to this desirable locality. SEAL ROCK BEACH now on the market. The Astoria & Albany road is located to run by SEAL ROCK BEACH. is Lots in Seal Bock Beach are a Profitable Buy, KEEN & COOK, Agents, Astoria, Oregon. M hc jjxfljj Staixt. ASTORIA, OBBGOX: SUNDAY. .JUNE 30, 1806 TIBK T.VBM; FR ASTORIA. JUXE. HIOH VATHK. IX)W -WATKU. Rri Second. 1 First. Second. SI I S e 1.6CI S I jse t 1 -m I c f C I mm t t I mm iK.i, h. WlJ h. m. 7 IS) sat sc 1151 5 6! T 46 IT 6 5 M S 3S 7 9 137 - 5 115 2 19 3 10 4 17 512 J Mi 71 8 3S 8 3 K ilB 36 18 7 3 41 430 06 -02 M Sill W WW 5 SO -lo Tfee hems between midnight and noon are 4csicMiSe4 bv a (a. m.), these between noon jmmI BMn4Kkt lv j (p. in.). Oh. 99m. a de notes mMiugHt, 9k. Asm. p denotes uoon. The hetctat is reckoned from the level of vecaKC tower low waters to which the sound ing are girea on the Coast Survey charts. PHc Strtet Assessment Nttice. Kotxce h hereby given that the as oaoaraontisde bv Ordinance No. 1180, for the improvement of Folk street in the city k Astoria, as laid, ont and recorded by John McClure, from Squenaoque street to the sontk side of 'Water street, in the manner provided by Ordinance No. 1K7 of the city of Astoria, is now payable at the oftce of the city 'treasurer, and waieas paid within five days of the final rwfelioatkm of this notice, to wit: on or liefore Taesday, July 15th, 1890, the Gobboq ConBoil will order warrants is swed for the collection, thereof. Tho as sessment is as follews: XXE OF OWXKR. Cost. H.i. Tamer 4 4 $27010 H.L. Tamer 5 4 328 50 KatcHobeon 15 3G6 90 Kate Hebsoa 8 5 310 10 E.K.Manon 1 12 192 10 LBereaaan 8 12 180 90 T.A.Hyland 4 13 328 90 C.L.Parker 5 13 284 50 Joh&Hobson 4 30 330 90 JohaHobson 5 20 279 70 J.W. Hsasofi J. 21 -132 50 D.B.3onteith 8 21 44170 Br order of the common council. Attest: T. S. Jewett, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, June 27th, 1890. JackMti Strtet Sewer Assess ment Nttice. Ivettoc is hereby given that the assess ment ade by Ordinance No. 1184 of the ckr of Astoria, for the construction of a newer in Jackson street, in the city of Astoria, as laid ont and recorded by John McCtarc, from Sqnemoqoo street to a p&tat one hnndred feet north of the aerth side of Water street, in the man ner provided by Ordinance .No. 1176 of the city of Astoria, is now payable at the onieeof the city treasurer, and if not paid within five days of the final pnblioa taea of this notice, to wit: on or before Taeaiay, Jnly 15th, 1890, the Common OenaoU will order warrants issued for the ceUeotaon thereof. The "assessment is as follews: XAXE OF OWXKK. Cost. Hiram Brown 1 3 3 $45 CO Asteria Iron Works... 4 3 45 GO Astoria Iron Works... 5 3 45 CO CS Wright C 3 45 CO J G Hastier 14 53 50 GHTamer 2 4 53 50 Jah&Pox 7 4 53 50 Jaeah Eamm 8 4 53 50 InecParker 3 14 45 00 Ctfcvof Astoria 4 14 45 00 WW Parker 5 14 45 GO WW Parker G 14 45 GO QXeea 1 13 53 50 GHTamer 2 13 53 50 Jacob Kamm 7 13 53 50 Jacob Kamm 8 13 53 50 KNOamahan 3 19 45 GO RXOamahan 4 19 45 GO jWEDement. 5 19 45 GO WE Dement G 19 45 GO Go Davidson 1 20 53 50 GeoDavidsen 2 20 53 50 GeeDftvidson 7 SO 53 50 GeeDavidson 8 30 53 50 By order of the common council. Attest: T. SJewett. Anditor and Police Jndge. Asteria, Oresjon, Jane 27th, I860. Mtiicwi Street AMKtment RSj(tvSja lerKK is hereby given, that the aaseas nentine10raAaoeNo.ll78of the k.y of Astoria, for the improvement of Xachsen street w the city ef Astoria, as laid ent and recorded by John McClure, f rem the senth aide of Conrt street to tfeenertk de of Water street, in tho Manser provided by Ordinance No. 11G9 f the H.y of Astoria, is sow payable "at the oflSecof the oity troasnror, and unices paid within five days of the final publica SMBieCthisnotiee, to wit: on or before Taenaay, Jnly lBth, 1W, the Common Oonncit wMt order rarrants issaod for the eeUeetion thereof.' The assessment XAirr. or ewxnn. Cost. Astoria GneLtabtCe. 83860 aoeoo 398 80 351 80 116 80 181 00 182 30 96 00 17140 187 09 18160 142 60 215 60 185 80 367 69 302 30 Oatharine Gnedman WW Parker WW Parker Inea Parker WW Parker "hTwrien Twohard.. Man i Tienehard. Granritte Seed Granritte Seed MwwJ JnmeBadeimt. JGXefiier. CPtJfmWV.I.V.r PCJMiey ahXBeaher 174 366 80 847 48 862 39 888.46 f9t 6f8 -8 '814 8 'theoonHBOC T, fl. Jirflt. Amlfter ai I.-te- JHsFtwsVBKif avlffHnv CbBv 3 WWLy Jffffv - Sttsife te. m - THE SAS, . Jtffty lrn I lK. 'e. Let. BUc. 4 5 2 1 8 8 8 1 14 8 14 4 15 15 4 18 5 18 1 18 8 OS 1 8 St 4 -as s ss 4 as 5 M "1 ST S 87 i m 8 -S St 8nr Frank Faher JGBrpse JHIsnhMT SDandKCfinek.. MCImm TlTsamll ! Aiaant: Tinaii wtM enaatacw watw .JanstjesFfcasn tat ttna Maa 1 - lsannnw Veeftani .1 V L. - JNettsOssfesiBMaL '- Isfhi.Owian. tvejVK ( ' il"?'!L ' yl'P, SnanaanSaaal llnw8aannaiB:i ,I,M" -"- '. ' inm. tanonw iuwxart nsa iieni awawr T HiWM tassnaMM Sw vcMdril.? LRCH?w?a5a2222?V irmwn s nKBt tar nttsat, ftist-iM fan SjnnjenSJsnBs ant JMJjfjjlsijsl 9J?!yS!S!ggEgl& & lim Wait. 7nailtni and Ottss wnwi M- sntniannnnl annnnanaav aanV4BHBtsaannB nets nt nMnnnnnjnnniMHa wm an nnnaBa e aaaat annBaB&nBna1aVnSamniBl en ny CfaTTiiia4 was anpanaTji f , tl Va i i.. SXftaSWmmB3Btemi w euet-al iiiniiit aWC WneaaaniaaBiaiiiii.aiiiiii 1 1 i.axtn- l B pew nnnnnnnnnnnnr apannnnnnnFnnnnnnnnnnagsnng Mm InT n aVaWffnSna ansMaaan naMBSB TW JS"JBanN8nSSMaaSeBaTa nnnav ---iJ2,jaaps;SfcS- : -. , ' atalaW " $kL - ' " V a , -- - - j aialaBBtenV3sSBnis ' jSatJlBK'.ii I ataMalaMMtti n iirtiiaiTniiyilBa n i in'ii Afm --h F.COOK THE Central Hotel EVEKSOITIcCOOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS. A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Bears! by the Day, Week tr Mwtth Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish. Meats, Etc, Cooked to Order. WATJSKSt., Opp. JKenr A Htekes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Sun In connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES. LIQUORS AND CfGAtS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. THE VIENNA Mairait ana Clop ime. C. W. Fisher ft Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO OBDER- Fino Private Kenans. Kvcrythlns; first Class. Genevieve Street, rear of GrilHn& Heed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 1 Enlarged and Befitted to Meet the Popular Demand, FUfEST RESTAURANT IS CITY ! Shoalwater Bav and Eastern Orsters. Private Booms forTHnner Parties, etc. Meals uoooKea to oraer. THIKD STREET, ASTOBIA, OK. MAISON DORE! RESTAURANT. THE ONLY FBENCII EESTAUHANT IN TI1E CiTX. It Is the ohlect to inakc the Malsou Dore tlic best restaurant rn t!" coast where the flnes-t French mem cin be bad. Second St. East of Benton. C FKASCIRCOYICH, Preprkter. From Terminal or Interior Points THE Hortkeni Pacific Railroad Is tho Line to Take Ts AH Prints East and South. It Is The Bialng-CarRoate. It nnis Threw jfh vestlhntleA Trains Every Day la the Year ts ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. No Change of Cars, CowDOsed of BiHiar Cars unsurDassed. Pallnaan BrawintajReeHt siccpcrN ui iaicsc nqmpnieiu Tourist Sleeping Cars Best that can be constructed and In which acrommndaUons arc both Free and FaralsHed. to holders of First or Second-class Tickets and for Elegant Day Coaches. A Coatiaanns Iiiae Connecting with j-mm. Mjmmmzm anurenuj; vircci aiiu Ualatcrraptca Service. Pn!lMin Sleeser Reservatitns Can be Secured in advance through any Through Tickets To and from all Points in America, England wiu curutn; cau uo jurcasea at any . Ticket Office el this ConipaBy. . .mw.wvm WUVUU11K IMO, IHDt; UI trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passeager Agent, No. 121 First St.. cor. Washington, Portland, Oregon. Gaiuahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, OaTWCTJUtS, AND WHOLBBALS AND '-. WCTAIf. DEALEK8 IK Corny A8TCKLA feesh FRtrrrs! "" '., BmTthtnf In Benian. 11 CEBIS. STEXSOX. ins ran in4. nDVMi - - - - FISST-CLAM 1. ,' S.ARUDT&FERCHEN AS10EIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Beiler Shop 'SSS All kinds o! ENGHfE, CANNERY, AD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. Aspeclaltyraadoof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE 8TBKK1 The Indiana Paint Shop. C. L CUTBIRTU, Prop'r. Csr. Third and Main Sis., Astoria. PAINTER AND CRAINER. Paper Hanging a Specialty. Work executed with Neatness and Dis patch, Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FDILY WARRANTED WATER CLOSETS, FLTJMBDIG GOODS, FUnTS, SI5KS, AKD BATH TUBS. KToe cf3 S01XH7-, CHENAMDS STREET. W. F. Scheibe, JIGAll MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. TIIE TEADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STEEET. - - Astoria, Or Astoria Iron Worts. Concomly SU. Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or GcHcral MacMnists anfl Boiler Makers. Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPKCIALTV. Castings of ail Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. John Fox . President, and Sunt A. it. vox, ........... .vice rreiineui J. C5. IIustlku. . Sec and Treas Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of -Morrison St.. Portland, Oregon. Advance Threshers AND ENGINES, Farm, Church and School' Bells. Inspirators, Injectors and Feed Pumps, Coal uu engines, xrauern .rumps, jvrieuci Engines. Boilers and Steam Generators XaundryJIfachincryt'XarlnelKnchincry CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES, Blacksmith Forges and Drills, Best Axle urease ana uompouna m me wona. i'ov- ell's Brass Goods and Iron Pipe. Scan fer CircHlar. Petition. mo THE nONOKABLE, TflE COUNTY X Court of the State of Oregon for Clatsop County : We. the undersigned leiral voters in Sea side Precinct, Clatsop Co.,5tate of Oregon.re- spectiuiiy petition mat a ucense oe granteu to Seaside Hotel. C.C. Cooper, manager, to sell Spirituous Liquors ac Seaside in said Precinct, In quantities less than one quart, said License to be granted for three months, naving posted legal notices 01 uis intention to apply for such license in said precinct. NAMES OF PETrnOXEItS. Kasnar Anderecc R. L. Ebennan. J. P. Austin, E. Pelland, E. M. Grimes, L. 11. Auercromuie, tr. ueerman. u u. uounian, John Williamson, N. Kimball. J. L. Martin. S. K. Stanly, N. A. Ebennan, F. Goodfellow, Thomas Johns. Machel Merchano, A. Ham ilton, joun (i. uerntse. w. j. Euermau. J. P. Eberman. W. R. Duncan. Geo. F. Oenlcr. J. E. Brallller, CThompsen, a C. Sackett, Joseph Walsh. Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers In CuieiySuili8s! Spaelal Attantian Civanto Filling Of Ordars. A FULL LINE CARRIED And SennUM farnlsned at Satis factory Terms. FurcfeMefl delivered In any part of the city Ofloe and Warehonse InHae'irewdlng on Water Street. f.O.BnW. Talenkene No, 87. AaTOBIA, ! li Maverick National AiiK, wvrmif, mass. CAHTAL ,, TT . HMjm AMMnta of Banks, Jankers and Corpora Huni joBoiail. ' OwfaeaawfarOOUBCTiOKS are excel lent, and wni dfconnt tar-Banks when naanntn. la a mm dtr. and balanacw trttkna from Banks (nat laeated m eiaer acerveOttl6B)aanniMafMarv. Wa draw ant aaa wrtanajr an dan taaOntawlaawaad We nave, a (nTBBaTBaa Wms & nTsfBWi' KiBSnSafc.- Hughes & Co Wholesale and Betall LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. n. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blatz Bottled Beer. Klntt brauds of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Punases. Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the City aud Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. AUG. DAMELSON, Sample Rooms. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for the GUION Steamship Line and tho TUINGVALLA Steamship Line, direct. Also, agent for "Svenska Tribnnen" and 'Svenska Amerikanaren." Corner of Water and West Ninth Streets Astoria. Oregon. Resort Billiard Parlor, GltOSBAUElt & BKACII, Prop's. L. FEURER'S CELEBRATED Gambrinus Beer I ON DRAUGHT. GambriiiUs Bottled Beer, J. II. Cutter Whisky, Domestic and Key West Cigars, Constantly on hand. Third Street, four doors 11 est of Telegraph Olllce, formerly Telephone Restaurant, ASTORIA. OREGON. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Class. WM. BOCK, Proprietor. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR L0EB & CO.. fines, Lipors and Cigars. A Iirge Stock of First-Class Good?. The Trade Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brand.". Main street Opp. Parker House. Standard - Saloon. Southeast Comer Third and Olncy Sis. Astoria, Oregon. - Tho Celebrated North Pacific Brewery Beor on Draught. Also the Finest Kinds of Wines, Li quors and Cigars. The BcNt off French Braadics .diYD BRA1YDY PEACHES. jL. Free Xi-unoli H. CRUBE, Propr. ASTORIA. - - - - OREGON. Hill's Palace Yarieties. Open Every Night. GEO. HILL, - - Sole Proprietor. NEW PEOPLE WEEKLY. Aim to Please Everybody. The only Free Show in Astoria. Wines. Liquors and Ci gars. Ire Gala Beer. The Globe Saloon Under New Management. Christian Wrjca, Proprietary (Formerly Bartender at the "Resort," Bestof Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Comer Main and First Streets. Jackson Street Assessment Notice. Xotice is hereby given that the as sessment made by Ordinance No. 1179 of the city of Astoria, for the improve ment of Jackson street in tho city of Astoria, as laid out and re corded by John McClurc, from the north side of Squemoquo street to the soutli side of Water street, in tho man ner provided by Ordinanco No. 1170 of the city of Astoria, is now payable at the office of the city treasurer, and if not paid within five days of the final Eubiicntion of this notice, to wit: on or efore Tuesday, July 15th, 1890, the Common Council will order warrants issued for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follews: no. Lot No. Cost. XAMK OF OWJiEK. Blk. Astoria Iron Works. 4 3 S381 30 Astoria Iron Works. 5 3 491 30 J. G. Hustler 14 394 50 Jacob Kamm 8 4 490 50 Granville Heed 1 13 532 50 Jacob Kamm 8 13 518 50 City ot Astoria 4 14 48170 W.W.Parker 5 14 339 30 K.N.Carnahan 4 19 179 70 W. E. Dement- 5 19 189 70 Geo. Davidson 1 20 24170 Geo. Davidson 8 20 278 50 By order of the common council. Attest: . T.S.JEWXTT, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, June 27tb, 1800. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer in HAMAB1, IBOK, STH1. . Iron Pipe and Fittings, Stoves, Tin- . ware, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Sheet Lead. Strip Lead, Sheet Iron. Tin and Copper. John G. Dement. DRUGCIST. . SiKMssw to W. E. Pimmt A C: . it Onrrtoa Confetn. Stocks. of , Prufjs ami Druflctots Sumirtof. Wnlotlpi'f j25nT5' Facer's Golden Female Pills I For Female Irreg ularitles ; nothing like them on the market. XecerfaiL Successfully used by prominent ladles monthly. Guaran teed to relieve sup pressed menstrua tion. Sore! Safe! Certain! Don't be humbug ged. Save time and health and money; take no other. Sent to any al dress, secure by mail on receipt of price, S2, Address, THE APHR0 MEDICINE COMPANY, Western Branch, Box 27, TOItTLAND, OR. Tutt's Pills stimulate tho torpid liver, strengthen tho digestive organs, regulate the bow els, and are uncqualed as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. Inlnalarial districts their virtues arc widely recognized, a l they possess PECULIAR PROPERTIES la freeing the system from thatpoison. Dose small. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 25 cents per box. Sold Everywhere. Oflicc, 44: Murray St., N. X. MAKTTKTS. Washington Market. Main Street, Asteria, Oregon. CHCISTEXSEX & C0., PKOPKIETORS. RESPECTFOLLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of tho public to tho fact that the aoove Market will always be supplied v.Ith a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALiTl FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! 1 Which will be sold at lowest rates, vrhole- saie ana retail. CTr"Special attention given to supplyins snips. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY. Fresh and Cured Mwita, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT :OTM. CSIXXASIUH Street. Ahtnris, ;?. Roadway Market. O'lIarR. A; Ingalls, Fropr's. Opposite Foard &. Stokes. A First-Class Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats. All Purchases Delivered in any part of the City. 0 TO LARSON & HILLBACK Fon GROCERIES AKI FIlESfl FRUITS. Orders Delivered Free of Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third Street. next to Pioneer oflicc ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. wonvoyanccs ol any kind, on short notice. Transferring Baggage, etc, a specialt y. Telephone No, 12. II, AV. SHERMAN & CO. I. W. Case. BANKER. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available In any part of the u. a. anu jsurope, ana on iiong nong, uuina Office Hours : 10 a. m. to 3 v. m. Odd Fkixow3 Build ino, Astoria. Oregon. BOOK WOO, MERCHANT TAIL0B. And Dealer in Gents Furnishing Goods of All Kinds G Fit: Lowest Prices. Alwavs New Goods on Hand : Also Clean I Ins a00 Repairing. 1 Water St., Astoria, near Danlelsons' Saloon. Sheriff's Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE . of Oregon for the County of Clatsop. Myra Russell, Plaintiff, vs. J.O. Bozorth and A. M. Bozorth, Defendants. By virtue of an execution Issued ont cf and under the seal oflhe above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, on the 13th day of Jnne, 1889, upon a judg- mam- oxtHAMii1 nm thn LtH Hnr nf Uqmn wcuv tomreivu vu u vaa noj u& aoiuj 18, In favor oC the above named plaintiff ana ngauisvine aoove nunea aaenaants for the sum. of 1730.60 nod costs and dis bursements therein taxed atr.SlS.M, i-did on the 13th day of June, 1868, levy.-upon all the right, title, daun and iuterest.ef tho above naned defendants In and to the f ol lowtog described real estate situate In Ciat soocountv. state of Oregon, to wit: Lots numbered 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14 and 15 of Meek No. Lin the First Addition to Ocean nmve.M laid out and recorded hr John T. Maikey, In said eounty and. state, together wmtaeienenwnB, oereaiaunenisafiaap portenances thereto belonging or in any wtoe appertaining, and -notiee to hereby given that on Monaay, the 21st day of July, 18Mtattae nonrwz ocjock r. jc, ec tenet ot the.ahove naaied defendants In and to the above described real estate,ocso BMMh thereof as shall be saftdeat to satisfy said above aaumnts. (less the sum of m.m paM thereon andendofsed uponsaidladg Msnt on the JMfe day.of Beptejaber, lMi) to g4tierwHhtheeoetsaadaceralnreosts,aod apptythe bntaneeilf anr.tosat&fyantxe enoon now In nw hands lor senriee entitled Jakebs and.nnefonptainttgs, vs. J. O. Be xottta, defendant, for the sum of uaS3.in favor of saM-nUtettto, together with the easts and aeenrtna eosts,aipnlbe.auetion, T Cj vQiEaT 'nK An Unpleasant Experience. Last Friday T. 3v. Jolmsou, the', uivcr, iiaii nu experience uiat lie leas tbo Catlilamct Oacette ho will not for get in a lmrry. He "was tloinj; some diving for the Aberdeen Packing company at Ilwaco, Some snags had lodged against one of their traps. The pot -va3 made ot vrcb. with iron weights to sink it and weighed over a ton. This had previously been hauled np and placed in a boat and moored alongside the trap. Quite a swell was rolling in. The boat npsct, precipitating the whole contents down upon him. He happening to be working directly beneath the boat at the time. "When it struck the water, he noticed even-thing became suddenly dark and glancing upward saw this terrible object descending. It came so swiftly and suddenly that there wa3 little chance to get ont of the way. Tin-owing himself; down at fnll length on the bottom he crawled away as rapidly as possible. None too soon to get clear of the debris. There was barely two feet between him and where thepol struck. Tiiis occurred in six fathoms of water and a terrible current was running. Had any of the web got entangled on his armor, he would have been drowned sure, as he would never have been able to extri cate himself. In speaking of the affair to the Gazette reporter, Mr. Johnson said: "Yon can't imagine what a feeling steals over you, down in these depths, to have some frightful apparition like this suddenly come ur before yon. The situation yon are in precludes of being able to get assistance. All you can do is to light it out alone." 3Ir. Johnson says he never saw finer or larger clams m his Lfe than he found down here. The bottom he says is literally covered with them, You could fill a bucket with a dozen. .Bticlilcn's Arziicn Snlrc. Tiie Uest Salve sn lliti world for Cub, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt lihe- um, D'evcr sores, letter, Ciiappetl Hands, Chilblain?, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Tiles, or no pay requ.rcd. It ii guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money ie- fumlcd. ! rice 25 cents per box. For sale by .1. V. Conn. Xcv From Cook's Inlet. A private letter from Cook's Inlet, Alaska, via Tarn O'Shanter sas that there was up to June 11th, a very small run of salmen: they usually be gin running there about tho 20th of May, and up to June 10th 1SS9, over 0,000 had been takcn,bntup to that date this j'ear, the men had not canght any at all. Thory, the superintendent at Kenai, was quite ill. Tho Jamie went there on tho 10th, Avhile returning from there the chief engineer got into a row with his second assistant. There was a fight, and the ehief struck the assis tant bcvend severe blows'. The wounded man crawled under the en gine and died. The weather has been intensely disagreeable. In that part of Alaskn, it i-i thought that there will be a very light pack. Will be paid to any competent chemist who will find, oa analysis, a particle, of ilcrcnry, Potash, or other poisona in S v, If t'a Specific (3. S. S.) AN S&TXHG SORE Henderson, Tcz., An. 23, 1829. "For elst tccn months I had an eating eoro on nytonscc I was treated by the best local physicians, but obtained no- relic?, tho ccro gradually growing worse. I concluded fbally to try S. S. S., anl was entirely cared after nsing a Yew bottle?. Yoa hsvo my cheerful pcrmUsion to publish the above statement for tho benefit of these cisnOarly afflicted." C B. McLEiionn, HcndcrsonTcx. Treatise on Blood and Skm Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFP SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ga. Hill's Kef Palace Theater! FIHST ST., ASTORIA, OIL Astoria. Almost One Hundred Years Old, Did not Have Until To-day, Wednesday. June 25th, 1890. A place of real anil legitimate amuse ment, open every night at a rea sonable price of Admission, 25 and 50 cts. Hill's New Palace Theater ! The Best of Talent, that Money Could Procure. Change of Programme Twice a Week. Fine Orchestra. Excellent Brass Band. Give Us a Call. ATJOTIOST AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEN, Successor to E. C .Holden. The oldest established Commission House in Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. Wfcen you want Bargains in Household Goods go to XARTIX OLSE.X Prtpmls far Boarding Prisoners. City jSTotice is hereby given that bids will be received at tho office of the Auditor and Police Judge until Monday, June 30th, 1800, for the boarding of prisoners confined in tho city jail. By order of the Common Council. "" Attest : T. S. Jewett, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, June 27th, 1S90. til 4a 9511 A MONTH can be made f JIU JU working for us. Persons preferred who can furnish a horse and civc tiMlrjwlMto time to the business. Sparc owisatg can be profitably employed ako. A few vamacJos la towns and cities. B. F, jgKKaoy.fr CO., im Main St., Richmond, "i-l- MiifjSOli ;Mg B -23S Vrf' - v" t --- Its peculiar elliency is dno as much to the process and skill In compounding ante the ! rMicuts themselves. T.ikclt Jo time. IUhecki flOTIliNG LtU IT discn is in the outset, or II tlio lie advanced me si potent cure. 1 Hose sImM lie lout It. It take? tho place of a dot 'or and costly pre scriptions. All who had sedentary iivts will ilnd it the Let preventive of FOR WHOSE BENEFIT and euro for Indigestion. CoiistJnt:on. Headache, Ttilionsness, I'iics and Mental Ilcpicssion. No loss of time, no interference with business while taking. For children it is most in nocent and harmless. 2s"o danger from exposure :fter taking. Cures Colic, DI arrluea, 1'owcl Complaints, Yovcrish ncss ami IVierlsh Colds. Invalids and delicate persons will find it the mildest Aperient ami Tonic they can use. A little taken at night Injures refreshing sleep and a natural eaenation of the bowels. A little taken in the morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses tho btomach and sweetens the li'vith, A IMIV-ilCIAN'S OPINION. "I luie lin vr'ic-'cr'ff medicine for tu cnty years and ha, c nc cr been able to put up a cgera? !c compoiiid thai would, like Simmons Ij.cr Ucgulitor. promptly and effective!- moc the 1 ner to action, and at the same time aid oicaead of weak ening) the diostiie and assimilative povers of the sj stem." L. M. Hivrov, st u , Washington, Ark-. Marks or Genniiif ness: Lookforthcred Trade-Mark ou iront of W'mppcr, and tho Seal and Signature of J. H.Zellin & Co., lu red, on the sadc. Take no other. Price, S1.C0. iman rn " n mmm Hurt xii3e 1 h&? ' mn wmzsrmmmiimmrw-JM-mvkvm & I. E. & N. Co. THE STEAMER zsm: "&m. GANBY, Tuos. I'auicki:. Master. Will Lea'.e ASTORIA DAII.V I OR Tanzy Poini, Fort Stevens, and ilwaco. CONNECtTXC WITH RAII.ROXD FOR NAHC0TTA and SEALAND And Roats on Slm.il water Ray for Uorth Coyc, Grays HaruOr,SonlIi Bciul And other Points on that Ray. Steam 037 WilIIe.no Flavel's Wharf, Astoria, cveiy day atS ,, 31.. except Sunday, when she will leae at 1) a.m. Oars Will leave Naheolta and Scaland daily at S a. 31., except Sunday, hen they v. ill lea e iiVJiSQ a. 3r. connecting ith boan at Ilwaco. Portland and Coast S. S. Co. GEAYS HARBOR. STR. ALLIANCE. Sails from Tort hind eery Thursday at 7 1. M. ; and from Astoria the follow ing morning, land ing at Iloquiam, Aberdeen, Cosmopolis and Montesano. SHOALWATER BAY. STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland on 1st aud 15th of each month, landing at North Cove, South Rend. Willapaaud Ray Center. F. . STlUiXG, rrfoident. C.P. UPSHUR. Agent Astoria. The Str. Telephone Portland and Astoria. Time Table. r.catos Asteria: Every c eiiing except Tuesday at 7 o'clock leaves Furllnud: Every morning except Tuesday at7 o'clock BEGINNING iTrxTy Xst, 1890, Str. VOLGA, B. F.STEVENS, Master. Will lcac daily from Wilson & Fisher's Dock for I LWACO, - at 7 a. jr. and 2 :50 v. m. Returning will Leave liwaco, at 9..3r. and 5 r, jr. Stopping at Fort Canny, Fort Stevens and Tanzy Tolnt on first trip from Ilwaco and second trip from Astoria. WANTED AN ACTIVE MAN for each section, salary S73 to SIOO. to lo cally represent a successful N. Y. Company incorporated to supply Dry Goods. Cloth ing. Shoes. Jewelry, etc.. to consumers at cost. Also a Lady of tact. Salary S-IO, to enroll mombers (80,000 now enrolled, $100,000 paid In.) References exchanged. Emplro Co-operative Association (credit well rated) Lock Rex G10, N. Y. fiisoirft Fisher Sliip Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints. Oils, and Varnish.' LGGOEKS' SUPPLIES, PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Boiler Mills, FA3RBANKS' SCALES, STORI A. OREGON. B. P. ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN Waii Paper and Oil Paintings : ritACTICAL : PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, LIDDICOAT & CRIBB. Carpenters and Builders. Holt & JlcCurtrie's old stand, have over 2U0 plates and draw ings of all kinds and stales of dwelling-houses, ranging Irani 5900 to S12.00O. Call and see them. i iiifc tit f m Hi m TI10 only medicino -which 7etroya thfl jrrn-.- pt Catarrh. Rhenmatism, Female i-omplamb?. Consumption (if not too fat ?u-.j Dyspepsia, Malarial and nil Blood md rntia DisoafiC3. It is a nafo and poaitivo mro for Loss of Manhood andGon- 3rrllO:l. Iq nlonannf-.tnrlrilr Kitrn itn Iol Price, 73 cents and 31.25. rHuirio omrc mtuiumt uu., Spokano Falls, Wash. J. C Demeut, Sole Agent. Astoria le CelrateS Freicl Cnre Warranted " APHROOITINE" to euro ISSOT.DOX A. POSITIVE Guarantee to euro any form of ner vous disoaso or any dis- ordor of tho conorativo organs of either sex: whether ar- BEFORE AFTER isinirfrom tho csccssivousoof StimuIants.To- bacco or Opium, or through youthful indiscre tion, over indulgence. &.C., such as Loss of, Rrain l'owor. Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains in tho Rack, Seminal Weakness, Hys toria, Nervous Prostration, Nocturnal Emis sions, Leucorrhoea, Dizziness, Weak Memory, L033 of 1'owor and Impotency. which if ne glected ottcn lead to promaturo old ago and insanity. Prico SI a box, 6 boxes for $3. Sent by mail on receipt of prico. A WRITTEN (JUARAMEE for every So or der, to rofund tho monoy if a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, perma nently cured by Apimonrnsr. Circular froe. Address. THE Al'IIRO MEDICINE CO. Cox 27. Westkiw Branch, Portland, Or. Forsaloby J. a DEMENT. Tour Money Wot IS "WHAT YOU GET AT Foard j&Jtokes Groceries and Provisions. Everything In a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Prico Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES or money rofundod. mm W'fMmTr f fW0!7!" ' Osborne Mowers Wilson & Fisher, AGENTS. One Horse - - 850 OO Two ' So. 4 - 03 OO " . Hie 1 - 73 OO TMete, Lester & Anita, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. Office, Room 9, Ft.avet.'s IirtVo SECOND STREET P. O. Box 813. ASTORIA. OR. - s - Lk? v.