The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 29, 1890, Image 3

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site giniii flMortan.
.IUXE29. 1S90
Pnlllhcrs and Trojinctors.
mvriax lUru.m?, - CassStkiskt.
Tnii of Sobvcrlplicn.
VrrtHl lv Carrwr. jwr uorfc . l.'i els
vi: t MxM. icr iHit!i ... ,. fiucls
Siit J. Mall, one cr ... . ... S7.0J
I rtf of ivvstaw u Mth-cnlnTN
The Aroi:: vn ciinninles to its aihcr
fcrN the larcel irrlaioi1 of cm ljwsja
rriubhhcl rt the Columbia m -r.
County Conrt meets on July 7th.
There trill be services as usual in
Grace Church to-day.
Gocvl progress is beins made on the
mad to Seal Kock beach.
The newly elected county oflicers
take their respective positions on
Monday, .Inly 7th.
Yesterday before the county clerk,
Charles I. WiiiRard made final proof
for a preemption claim on the Xe
halcro. "W. Earnest Stewart of Whitman
college, Walla Walla, will ocenpy the
pulpit of the First Congregational
church this morning aud evening.
The safety valve from the locomo
tive "Frank J. Taylor,' has been
stolen since the engine was locked up
xn tiie rnnnd house at Warrentou.
Any one finding a bunch of keys in
the postoflico trill be rewarded by
retnrnin? them ia G. C. Fulton, if
they prove to be the keys that he lost
Tins afternoon at "J o'clock the
speaker at the Y. L C. A. meeting,
who addresses the young men, will be
Her, W. .1. Gladwin, missionary to
In. ha.
Tiie general committee of arrange
ments for the Fourth of July celebra
tion will meet at the office of C. J.
Curtis city attorney, in the Flavel
block, this afternoon at one
Third street is now open for travel,
and will remain so until after the
Fourtluaswork on relaying the plank
ing has been susiended. To-day, for
the firjst time in many weeks, street
cars will run through without change.
A loard of engineers, consisting of
OoL George II. Mendell. Major T. II.
llandbur and Captain T. W. Symons
have been apointcd to establish the
lines of this harbor, aud are to meet
lerc at the call of the senior member.
A little lo named Seltcm, at upper
town, was rnu over last evening by a
grocery wagon, but the driver was
not la blame. Dr. Fulton was tele
phoned for. aud found the boy con
siderably braised, but not dangerously
The general committee of arrange
ments for the celebration of the
Fourth, will lear m mind that it is
absolutely essential that a meeting be
held at one o'clock this artemoon, at
the office or C .1. Curtis, citv attornev,
Flavel block.
Tiie corner, at the intersection of
Third and Main streets has been
planked and travel is good on Third
street On Main street, however,
Third street is a barrier, for it is now
nearly two feet higher than Main, and
canuot be crossed by teams until the
latter street is graded up to it.
The superintendent of the marine
hospital service at Portland, has, for
Astoria, awarded to St Mary's hos
pital the contract to furnish the pa
tients quarters, subsistence, medical
attendance and medicines for SI a
da. and to F. II. Surprenant fc Co.
the burial of deceased patients at S25
The regents of the stale university
of Oregon have made a by-law to the
effect that students out of the state
should pay a tuition fee of 10 per
annum aud also an initiation fee of
S10. In the state students pay an in
itiation fee or 10. In the prepara
tory department a tuition fee of $30 per
ytar is charged.
Yesterday a letter was received by
county clerk Treuchard from the reg
ister of the land office of this district,
cxplaiuiug why business is often de
layed. It is because there are more
cases than his office can well attend
to, but that as rapidly as possible, the
paiers for land claims in this vicinity
are forwarded for publication.
Tiie rails for the completion of the
Astoria t Sonth Coast railroad came
down yesterday morning, and were
taken over to the lauding bv the
VTiltamiUe Chief. The absence of
the locomotive delays the delivery of
the rails, and hinders the completion
or the road, a lack of harmony thus
militating against the desired restdt,
which is to have the road finished by
July 1st to the beach. All that stands
in the way of completion now is the
lack of transportation of the iron a
few miles on the track.
Last evening at the regular session
of Seaside lodge, No. 12, A. O. U. W.,
eight candidates received the junior
degree and the workman degree was
coafcrred on eleven members. A
committee of seven was appointed to
?enro rooms for delegates aud visitors
at the grand lodge session next month,
and the general committee of arrange
ments were authorized to appoint all
accessary sub-committoes that may bo
Reeded. An official communication
received gives the total mem
bership in the United States, of
the entire order, at 237,590, on the
first of May.
Keep Cool.
Yon can do so by going to bhanahan
Bros.' Koston Store and get a Fan free
of charge Dry Goods and Fancy
Goods sold at Eastern prices.
lrge stock of Oil, Alcohol and Gaso
line Stoves atXoe & Senile-.
The Little Dandy
Xoe vtSculley.
Alcohol Stove at
Hrrmlt for the Fetirlk ei Jul,
WkcH everybody will celebrate with
Fireworks, purchased from F. Fcrrcll's
Urge assortment of Koman Candles,
Sky llockets, Torpedoes, Pin Wheels,
Xigfcr Chasers, Boys' Pistols, and all
kinds of Fireworks. The finest stock in
tttc city to select from, and at prices to
sR Utc most fastidious customer. Come
early Jt have your pick.
At the Bazar, the finest line of Gloves,
MHts, Ktbbons, cte, etc.
There Are 8ate nice Reems,
Over the Mikado candy store, suitable
f&r ftces, for lent. Apply to Alex
Some Sunday Parasrajls on Sundry
IX A 11 'L I C. I TL OX.
r -i it- i i . i ni
Councilman Aelch 3 esterday caused
the removal of a bill-board jnst erect
ed at the foot of Cass street. In do
ing this he did just what he should do,
aud what his duty as a councilman
dictated. As it is claimed that some
private property owners have a sort o
ertv owners nave a sort oi
tat "thev own the lamina-
. ..... . .
btreets, it is in order to j
quai idea that
tion of the
quote from our municipal charier, tin
organic law of the city:
The first section of the eighth chap
ter of the charter oft he city of Astoria,
Thofeeof all streets now within the
city, recorded between high and Kir,
wator of tho Columbia rier. is ''ranted
to the city, and all tho streets within the I
uuy iimiitt, aim ill- rint uij;ii." i uiir
uommuia nycr, are extenucu to uio sum
channel for the use of the public, and ths
fee of tho same is herebv csie.l in the
city of Astoria, and all streets nor.- c
stracted below ordinary high tide, and I
provided for in this act, shall vest in the '
city in fee, and shall forever remain opj'n j
as thoroaghfaresfor tho use of the public, i
This is plain enough, there is no '
going back on it The city owns clear j
through to the bhip channel, on ;,U j
the streets running north and boiitlu
it ib jubi ;u, wen tu uu,ir iuJ3 in mii.u.
That was a good thing that the or
chestra at tho theater did last Tli;v5
dav night, though probably few
noticed it in the usual rush to the i
door at the couchision of the lost act.
They played tho "Shir Spangled Ban- j
ner' It is as it ought to be, begin- i
mug to be the fashion to play that .
national air at the close of JI public
performances. In England the na
tional anthem, "God Save the Queen,"
is played at the termination of a
theatrical, or operatic, or concert en
tertainment, and it is a good thing to
imit'ite The newspapers of the
American nation have succeeded in
having the American ilag lloat over
the American public school while it is
in session; and they are also Irving to
instil a little more patriotism into the
public mind by having the orchestra?
in theaters play the "Star Spangled
Banner,' at the end of the Iiat act in
the theaters throughout the country.
If they can get folks in Astoria and
Xew York and elsewhere to realize
how ridiculous it is to jump up and
shoot out of the building about tho
time the play is being summed up,
aud the actors are all grouped on the
stage at the close of the performance,
and before the curtain is rung down,
they will also add greatly to the com
mon stock of common sense.
Auv one who has been seasick knows
all about it, aud to an' ono who hasn't
description is useless. One oi our
most dignified judges has lately en
joyed his lirbt experience of ocean
travel, and is convinced that all the
stories told of the recklessness engen
dered bv seasickness, of the dimness
of their victims in the very j.iws of
death, and of their grim and ghastly
jokes in the midst of danger, unlike
the generality or travelers tales, can
be implicitly believed. Th" s!ea:n"r
on which this judicial trial trip v.ts
made is first class in eve.ry r v!, vx
cept that it sails on the ing
ocean. Our distinguished tiaxeler
was assigned the best room on boa id
the one known in steamer paihnw as
"the bridal chamber." One or the
judge's gifts is a remarkable memory
for poetry, a line or so of which he can
generally call up appropriately jn any
emergency. Keport says that in the
middle watches of the night his honor
("in fine frenzy rolling") wa? heard
melodramatically reciting the invoi
tion, "Come to the bridal chamber,
Death," and then, continuing in wild
improvisation, "and come as quick as
yoncau, you d d old rascal! No
body's afraid of you here." And
the "awe-struck listeners, who had ever
personally diagnosed the disease,
knew that the crisis of its course had
come The convalescent now declares
that the only perfectly justifiable case
of suicide on record is that of lhe
woman who during a paroxysm of
seasickness jumped ovetboaul from
an Atlantic steamer. There are many
so called remedies for this terrible
malady, but the judge says the only
one in which he has any faith is to
stay on shore
Talking about this formal calling
and the conversation there attending.
The writer once knew a little girl of
1 years old who used to do a little
imitation that was full of humor.
She'd sit down with her hands across
her lap,on a foolstool,and pretend to en
tertain her mother, who, she assumed,
had come to call upon her. She
would begin about the weather and
ask after the children, and from there
she'd get on to a variety of subjects,
upon wnicu sue wonio uiscoursu in
the primmest way, and then she'd get
up and show her sister out aud say
how glad she was to have seen her
and how much she had enjoyed the
visit Then she'd toss her head and
say: "Tiresome weman: I wish she
wouldn't come bothering here." Her
mother said it was -very nearly the real
thing, only more amusing.
They were riding on the train. The
small "child was looking out at the
window, wetting her finger and mak
ing marks on the pane, and asking
her father, "What's that, papa?' and
before he could look the train shot
past it and it was gone He had been
fooled this way several times.
"What are "they doing down there
"And what's plowing, papa?'"
"That's plowing."
"What do they do it for?"'
"Thev put the seed in there,
it and it grows."
"Grows! How?"
"Into grain. The seed is the father
of tho grain, just like what you see
over in the field."
"Papa" after a moment "where
were you buried?"
"Humph!" he growled, as he untied
a small package he had received by
"What is it?"
"It's my old fifteen cent jack knife
I lent it to a Chieago drummer the
other day to sharpen a pencil and he
carried it off."
"But he was honest enough to re
turn it"
"Yes, confound him, but he sent it
C. O. I)., and it cost me twenty-five
Before a man eon say there is no
God, he must be a great explorer. He
must be such an explorer as to make
himself divine He must possess such
powers as to bring himself up to the
level of Omniscience For if m his
own breast and mind and heart and
moral nature, it in his own intelligence
and will, he cannot find any evidence
of God, he may find it in nature
And, when he has searched with in
finite power and only that, there will
be yet before him the infinite eter
i uitics of time to aid Min in the search;
and thus he must be an omnipotence
in himself before he can stand up and
say, "There is no God."
Tvcnty-sis years ago, this mouth,
a greenback dollar was worth onlv
thirty-sis cents. That was the halcyon
day for the New York gold bag. In
- f:,, ,, ,,! if? " "
hid kidney are now ivorrvinir over the
siher coinage bill. The Oregonian,
of course, joins in the cry. and where
it cau't argue sneers at the measure,
and reproaches congressman Hermann
ior voting in accordance wi
hQ3 llis. constituency. Tl
worries tne single standard adh
aml lhe recognition of the fa
for voting in accordance with the
The biU
fact that
I the Alleghauy mountains do not con
i stitule the western boundary of this
I nation, is unpalatable to many east
and west.
Ne;t Friday Astoria will celebrate
the llith anniversary of American
Independence. There is more in the
fourth of July celebration than an-
pears on the
urface. It isn't merely
ji HoiV iny o
f lmrmti nniT crvrrtirl-
eauleism. It is a dav of education,
Th 10,,ov ;- ,roii .-:, Tf i,0in: 4n
1."t JO'lc i veil spent, it helps to
X1 ic coming generation, the boys
nntl girls, tlie future grand army of
the republic, an idea of patriotism,
Thev think that if it is worth making
;ill this fuss about, that it must be
something fine, and thev ask questions
ami want to know what it is all about,
:im tIlls gct ;l clearer idea of nation
and patriotism and love of couutrv,
u,ail uev would m auv other wav.
we. who are a lime oiuer, nave our
daysof education, too; we call them
oleniion davK. On nlnntion dnv nwrv
r,:in ovpr twpntvnn vnnr nf rr
:l splendid bit of education in the
principles of free government The
Fourth of Julv is the day the vouuger
eiiizens wt thmr first, Imwn nut nf
the same book. The Fourth is a great
educator, and it is worth all it costs,
and ten times more. .Suppose a city
or two is burned down now and then
on the fourth! Let 'em burn. Better
ten cities burn than that the rising
generation forget the day that com
memorates all that is worth com
memorating in the eighteenth century
-the rise of Liberty. If it hadn't
risen, there wouldn't be any cities to
bum down.
Why does not the government send
in advance to every citizen a printed
blank containing all the questions to
be answered, with spaces for answers,
so as to give each citizen an opportu
nity to fill out the answers deliber
ately, as far as he can, before the ar
rival of the census officer? In this
way more earcful and correct answers
could be given aud much more time
saved to the census taker. We hope
the government will take these susr-
gfoiions into consideration before the
n"xt census is taken.
Frank Pixley is the authority for
the statement that tho Young Men's
Christian Association has invited him
l address their body on the subject,
"How to Get on in the World." The
idea of Mr. Pixley addressing the
Yottng Men's Christian Association is
sufficiently incongruous to bo a joke;
however, it is possible that the editor
of the Aryonunt is telling the truth.
Th'' invitation ma have been sent;
si ranger things have happened. One
em readily suppose, that the general
'erctnr of the association would be
charitable enough to concede to Mr.
Pilev :m honorable career. Dishon
orable men seldom attain success, and
it is alvns wiser Jo assume that the
aspersions east upon the honor or
men who have gol on in the world,
proceed from envy, malice and un
chnritableness. But to those who
know Mr. Pivley, the idea of his ad
dressing any honorable Iwdy or young
men on the subject or getting on in
the world, is a joke which should be
patented on account of its peculiar
and pungent humor. How embarras
ing for Mr. Pixley to bo asked the
method or his getting on! It is like
asking a man to testify against him
self, in a criminal case, it the young
men of the Christian association should
be really enlightened on the score of
the great journalist's methods. What
charming instruction Mr. Pixley could
give in complete letter-writing; what
hints concerning the proprieties of
life Mr. PKlej's young men get on
very i:isr. lnerc is encouragement m
the very wink of his eye, and that gen
ial newspaper smile which looks and
seems to say. "It's only business, you
know." Pixley is a nice old gentlemau,
with forgetfitlness or the code, which
is at times convenient No wonder
the editor of the Aryonaut does not be
lieve in prayer. How can such a man
confront his Creator when he must de
spite his very shadow when he meets
it under a lamp-light?
Beccnt judicial decisions, we are
glad to know, arc recognizing male
values. It is becoming a very expen
sive luxury for a corporation to Mil
the most ordinary man, and some very
heavy judgments havo been rendered
against railroads for accidents at
tended with loss of life Last week
at Albany, in this state, the S. P.R.B.
was punished to the extent of nine
thousand dollars for tho death of two
men. In another instance only six
teen huudred dollars has been paid
for a seven-year-old boy. An entire
family of cluldren was estimated at
ten thousand dollars. Quite recently,
after an exhaustive and protracted liti
gation, a San Francisco man has been
compelled to pay one thousand dollars
as the value of one of Charles P.
Duane's toes. This would indicate
that Mr. Duaue is a most valuable
citizen. If we multiply this toe by all
the others, and by his ten fingers
and such other limbs for the loss of J
which mayhem will lie we shall
have some idea of what it would cost
to have murdered him outright And
now comes a San Francisco woman
suing-tho North Beach and Mission
llailroad company for damages in the
sum of twenty-five thousand dollars
for tho loss of her husband, Peter,
who, while in a state of intoxication,
fell over the dashboard and ivas killed.
If Peter was worth twenty-five thou
sand dollars drank, what must hare
been his value sober? What Ins value
if he had been a sober man and not in
the habit of getting drank? Railroad
stoclts will decline if drunken and
careless men shall bo rated at these
extreme values. We call the at
tention of the Oregon Bailroad com
missioners to this feature of railroad
liability, and suggest wbetherit -would
not be wise to hx a rate for tho carrv
ing of drunken men and w&nen. If
they are so valuable and so risky of
transportation, they should be com
pelled to pay a corresponding tariff
Perhaps it would not bo amiap to per
mit discrimination in favor of a long
drank over a long haul A man on a
continuous spree from New York to
Portland might be taken for a less
mileage than a drunken citisea going
to his home in tho snbarbs after
attending a Ward or Lotaa primary.
Just arrived, a large aaeortaiBWt e
Crosse & Black well's otoice PMcfes
and Relishes, at Thospso
Juno 23, at her homo in this city,
Minnie C. Hobson, daughter of Hon.
John Hobson and Annie Hobson.
Aged 17 years, 3 months and 2G days.
"Sweet flower, transplanted to a climo
Where never comes tho blight of time."
"Lay her in tho earth;
And from her fair and unpolluted flesh
May violets spring."
Funeral services, conducted by Bev. S.
M. Campbell. D. D.. assisted by Bev. E.
W. Gsrncr, L. L. D., at the Presbyter
ian church on Monuay Juno SO, 11 o'clock
a. n. From thenco tho remains will bo
convoyed to the Clatsop plains cemetery.
Tho steamer Elcclric leaving her wharf
promptly at 12 o'clock.
Services at tho grave, private.
Tho immediato friends of tha family
arc invited to attend.
Mis3 Minnie C. Hobson. whoso demise
in the very morning of life wo are called
to mourn, was bom and raised in this
vicinity. Previous to tho attack of iho
fell destroyer, consumption, bat a few
months ago, Micnio w&3 tho lifo andsonl
of her home, remarkably bright and act
ive for her ago, aud always a leader of
fan and frolic among her girlish school
mates and playfellows. She was pas
sionately fond of mnsic and bado fair
to becorao in timo an accomplished musi
cian and vocalist. Her last jonrney from
homo was undertaken in weakness in or
der to gratify her lovo for tho beautiful
and grand in her favorito accomplish
ment. In October last sho visited Portland
solely to hoar tho great Tiiberati and his
famous bnnd at tho Industrial Exposi
tion building. It was thu last public
musical entertainment she destined
to attend, but tho sweet memory of tho
lofty and harmonious strains sho then
heard never left hor, and, on her sick
conch, in giving frequent expression to
those, to her, precious remembrances, her
imagination would often range upward
and onward, wondering if tho songs of
tho redeemed and tho harps of the saints
in glory which sho expected soon to hoar
above, would or could very highly
transcend tho songs and strains of gifted
mortals here below.
Minnio Hobson was a baptised child of
tho Presbjterian church, a member of
the choir, nud when in health a con
stant attendant at tho Sunday school.
Daring her protracted illness she man
ifested a marked Christian patience and
resignation to tho will of God, which
considering her naturally quick and high
spirited disposition, almost surprised her
devoted mother as well as tho many
friends who occasionally watched and
waited at her bedside.
Minnio often recited portions of fa
miliar Sabbath hymns on her sick bod,
and but n short tunc beforo death came
and asked tho parting breath, sho recited
from her favorite hymns, "Scatter Seeds
of Kindness," looking calmly in the faco '
of her dear Mother.
"Strange wo never prize tho music,
Till tho sweet voiced bird has flown.
Strange wo should slight tho violotd,
Till all their bloom Iris gone"
Her mind was perhap3 wandering,, hut
evidently sho living over again tho
happy days of childhood. The end cams
calmly, and peacefnlly she passed
"through tho gates."
"Wo saw not the angels who met her
Tho gates of tho city wo could not see,"
hut wo rojoico to know that
"Ero sin could harm, or sorrow fade,
Death camo with friendly care;
Tho opening had to Heaven co
And hado it blossom there."
Women's Ways
6? T?s.
A. ir
article that, while it would beau-
1 URE AS UHILDHOOD have tho merit of being harmless,
n t r tin but theso two important qualities
r.lx U M.O were never brought together until
. combined in Wisdom's Ilobortino.
Harmless as Dew Drops Wites!-
Tho aboro aro but a few of tho m iny like testimonials which wo havo from Drominent
peoplo from different sections of tho United
more ncro. cuiuco w say mat mosc given cmuracc mo opinions oi every lauy wno uas uscu
this delightful preparation. Wo court correspondence from any who may question tho gen
uincnos of the testimonials hero given, end solicit it from others who may wish any further
information regarding
" a-J-r v" VIOLET CREAM.
Piico to cents each. Theso Delightful Toilet Articles aro sold by tho following druggists :
J. W. Conn. J. C. Dement. H. W. Strieker. Th. Olsen.
Messrs. Wisdom & Ce: Gentlemen Al
though it is very unusual for we o use any
lotions or washes, still in answer to your re
quest. 1 havo trio'l Wisdom's Violet Cream
and Hobcrtine. Tho former I consider cs-l-ecially
efficacious in casos of roughness of
tho skin, anal havo used it nrery day ior
the last fortniehL I havo found vour ltober-
tine an excellent preparation for removing Etiiel Brasdos.
sunburn, tan and tho effects of cold wind, San Francisco. Scptombcr 15, 188S.
heat. etc. l'lcase send mo at once a dozen Mr. Wisdom : Dear Sir-I havo tho plea
bottles each. Kobertmo and.Violcl Croam, as sure to acknowlogo tho receipt of a bottle of
Yours faithfully, Ltllie Laxctuy.
jl am icaviDK xor x.uropo oaiuruay wech.
Chicago, iVovcmbcr J 3th.
Mr. "Wisdom! - Dear Sir I bog to thank you
for tho delishtful and refreshing "Jtobertino"
you so kindly sent mo. I havo used tho toilot
preparations of tho most celebrated manu
facturers of London and Paris,, but consider
your Jtobertine" their superior in point of
Eurity and excellence. Wishing you tho un
oundad success you desorvo, I remain,
Faithfully yours, Emma Abbott.
Esmond, August 11, l&s.
"Mr, "W. M. Wisdoms Dear Sir Your
"Kobertise" was f o highly spoken of in San
Fraaciseo, and a lady friend induced me to
try it. It is very fine and aa excellent appli
cation for whitcniac and beautifying tho faco
and band. The Kobertino Powder i3 do
lightful. Very truly, Famst Dayexvort.
Juno 4. 1S87.
' To Mr! V. M. Wisdom : Dear Sir-rl have
tried your 'obertiB a." It is excellent, aa'd
1 skall be leased to rejommead it to all my
lady friesd). Bellevo me, yours traly. '
Dear Mr. Wkda J have tried your
"KebertiBe," aad k gives me bbcs pleasure
to say that it k extielleat for tha complexion,
faeiac oh of the beet artietea ef the-kiad I
have aver wed. Yours riacerely.
November 8,ia87.
Mr. Wisdom : Dear Sir I "" eoaeider "year
"Kebertiae," fr the eomalexloa. the faesi
Breparatiea I have ever need. 'Jt is perfectly,
aarialeas, aad 1 am aare a lady's toilet is
complete wHaeat it Years reepeetfaliy,
" Maud QKAxost.
- irw;an n Kn-jLv.- tear
MvaearMr.Wisdom-Yoahave're'uoa to
feelimad of the saeeass of 'UtobertiBe' I
aaTaasediteenstaatlyforayear, aad fad it
beaaUtal aad beneaoslfor tha eamalexiea.
It ossossss all the raalities yoa claim for it,
aad I have mash Pleasure ia reeommendiar
R- the "Kebertiae Powder," yoar latest ad
ditiMtetiMArtistietoUet, makes a charm-
aad m wormy of its compaaioa
Years tarty;
Jaae 9, 1888.
Dear 8r-I have Wed a bottJa et year
PC MF9MaftMWtlMI9 ttvisM 1C ft
i i ill liffiiafBl tfiiH 1 i tW I liT
Tmroasuw lWi
As Filed ia The Cosaty Recorder's OSce
Anna and Wm. Beidt to F. H.
Saylor, lots 1 and 2, blk 29,
Rosedale. $
M. J. Kinnev etaltoB. P.
Watson and F. H. Taylor,
1, 2, 3, i and 5, blk 47, New
Maxwell Young andwifo to
A. J. Albring, lots 16 to 23,
inclusive, blk 2, subdivided
Florence L. Wadleigh to M.
Bosendorf, lot 2, blk 155,
Josephine W. Yocumto H. G.
Yan Dosen, lot 3, blk 155,
McClure's. ".
H. C. Thompson and wife to
-E.M. Cross, lots 2 and 3,
blk G, Laurel Park
J. W. Bradbury to G. Brerk
hcad, S. W. if, andTV. X of
S. W. if see 23, and S. E.
M ofS. E.f, see32,T.G
N.,B.G W.
P. McDonald to Joseph Sinott,
lot 12, bid 23, Shiveley's.. . .
E. A. Turner and wife to A.
E. Hanford, lots 1, 2, 3, 5
and 8, blk 3S, McClure's. . .
Previously reparted thi3
Total to date $1,472,834
Sidney Parks left lastnight for Port
land. Hon. C. W. Fulton returns from
Portland this morning.
Hon. Frank C. Baker will be in As
toria on the morning's boat
W. E. Tallcnt returned yesterday
from Cook's inlgt on the Tarn W
Slutnter. Mrs. Griffiths returns to Port Town
send this evening.
Dr. Alt luuney was speeding a fine
horse, his latest purchase, yesterday
"W. F. Osburn, secretary of Mult
nomah TjTpsraphieal TJuion No. 58,
will arrive in Astoria on the morn
ing's boat for the purpose of organiz
ing a printer's union.
Mrs. O. "W. Dunbar met with a seri
ous accident yesterday by falling
in a hole eaused by loose plank, her
ankle being so severely sprained that
she is confined to her bed.
A WcJdlns: Party.
Last evening in Granger's hall at
Olney, Chris Peterson, justice of the
peace, tied the nuptial knot which
united Clinton P. Chamberlain and
Emily Munson. A large number of
friends and acquaintances wero pres
ent to witness the marriage, and
brought with them many heavily
laden baskets. These were opened
and a fine collation was served, after
which dancing was in order, and was
in progress when our iuformant came
away on the steamer.
For a good Shave, go to F. Ferrcll.
are Winning.
Hotline Sncceefls Lite
.'o paid IJalu cr. ilint greatest of
norclisti, and Iio nocr spoke
more truly, and ho might havo
added with eiual force, that
Merit i tho Esscnco of Success.
Wisdom's 1'obcitino is tho syno
I'j'tn of merit, and its history is
success. "Iho inngical tllVctsof thia
prccription lmo Lcos attested
by thousands of tho leading ladies
of society end thostago. Jt is the
only atticlo over discovered which
gives n Natural and Beautiful tint
to tho complexion, reraeving all
rousuncss of tho faco and arms,
and leaving tho skin soft, smooth
and velvety. It has long been tho
study of chemists to rrodnco an
States, but lack of spaco forbids our publishing
Septembor -1. 1SS7.
Dear Mr. Wisdom Many thanks for tho
boof"ltobortinolowder." I havo used it
for thostago, also for tho street, and find it
almost imnossiblo to dotcct. Tho "Jtobcr-
tino" and 'Kobortino Powder" aro requisite
to any lady's toilotto. and a positivo boon to
tho pconlo in tho profession, lourstrulr.
your famous "Itobortino." I havo used it at
tho theater, and find it to bo all that is claimed
for it. It has a warmer flesh tint than most
oi tne washes, and is both agroeablo aad
harml ess to tho skin. Very sinceroly yours,
Phoebe Daties.
Lycoum Theater. N. Y , August 1, 18S9.
Dear Sir I havo given your "Kobertino" a
fair trial, and takegreat pleasure in writing
you, and frankly confess that I think Wis
dom's 'Hobcrtine" to be less harmful and
moro pleasant to use than any lotion I havo
over tried. I havo tho honor to romain.
Very sincorcly, Cuaiilottk Tittei.i.k.
Leading Physicians also Have Their Say.
Chicago, January 31, 1SSS.
W. M. Wisdem: Dear Sir As yeu re
quested. I havo examined tho formula of
your toilet preparation, called "Robertine."
( caa aaaare yoa that the lagredients are both
b'aBd aad harmless, and that the compound
would form an excellent application in irri
tated coaditiOBS of the skis. Yours truly.
Arthur Dka Bkvax. M. Dm
Prof, of aaatomy.Rush'Medical College and
P. A. SargeoB. U. S M. H. S.
March 25. 188S.
This is to certify that I have examined the
eoastitaeats of Mr. W. M. Wisdom's toilet
preparalioB designated 'Robertine." I coa
sider it a safe and elegant article, and one
destined to take the plaee of the many dan
gerous compounds bow ia the market.
Prof. Medical Chemistry and Climatology;
Gross Medical College.
March 10, 1SS6.
Dear Sir I have made a chemieal exami--Batioa
of year toilet article called "Rober-
taaer aad aad it to be composed of harmless
iMrredieats, aad well adapted to the purpose
e watekToa reeomnBd it.
Prot Theory "aad Practice of Mediciae,
Medical Departmeat, State University.
Ifote What the Celebrated" Oheauta of
San Fnncsioo 8a j.
Saa Traaeisee, Jaae 39, 188.
Mera. W.M. WiedomJtCe.: Dear Sir-
We hare made aa exaaaetire eaamieal
aaalysis of asampleof W4omV'RertiV
eWaJaad by as ia the paUie market, aad fad
"-1- - Ta- jj.i..i
Taos, rcics ,
Nottingham Lace
Sixty Gents per Pair, to Five Dollars
Just Received at The
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of the City
. II
517 and 521 Third St.
Deep Cut!
All Departments.
Fine Ties, 3 for II
See My Windews: Call
In and Save
The Live Clothier and Hatter,
In the Occident Hotel Bl'd'g.
L. R. Abercrombie, Prop.
Finest and Most Convenient
Summer Resort
Every Boom Hewljr Punished.
Private Booms for lamiliee.
Transient Catena SlleUed.
The only Abercrombie Hotel at Seaside,
For Sale.
Entire Herd of the Goodwin
Texi03r OotOTmi
For sale after June 1st, at Goodwin's Farnv
Sklpanon, Clatsop County, Or.
There Is no occasion for the most fastidi
ous of our citizens to send to Portland or
8an Francisco for
Custom Made Clothes
As they caa set Better Fits, Better Work
manship, and for lees Money. -By
Leaving their Orders with MEANT.
Mw Goods bv. EYorj, Stoamor,
Call and see hi ia and saaWy.vewelf..
P. J. M ny. MtwitamtTalter.
The Oregon Bakery
Gwi Bmi Cats Istin
Xosw tat tha Bast ItajtesUaaaV
ftreaa asHftwiJnis pari atrta 17. '
-OKI C-"-0HLL"
Wm Edffir.
n.l. lmsamjikav. aCmuaf " t
msom. mawansmnwm- ., ,
T r i.s. J Eu 7- ' I
Cfcsmiste. '-iBiranaimaslmi lataam nr
v r- -r -: ix.-- .r -i zsz
A Snap in Real Estate.
UK Acres, close to river and street car line. Only $500 per acre, for a few iays
only. $5,000 can be made on this property within three montha
MgJfcg: ssyaa, cJ!lv jS ImS.
Heal IEJttt
Odd Fellows' Building,
Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sale
Astoria Heal Estate Co.
TERMS One-Half Cash ; tho Balance in Six and Twelve Month.
Is the Choice of
Snperior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots.
Orders for any quantity to he directed to
CerHcr Twelf tk and It.
Telephone 73.
The PaciOcBealEstate
Office JBTgcui? OexxtxeaJ.
A. T. SRAKKE, Mgr.
Ahead of the Railroad!
Astoria Now Can Boast of the Eineat
Restaurant on the Coast. '- "'
Jeff's New Restaurant,
Opened to the Public for Inspection,
Sunday, June 29th? '9Q.
A New and Beautiful Restaurant, Unsurpassed
On the Pacific Coast, or Any Other Const.
For the Occasion I Have Engaged a Urst-CJass Orchestra
, Which "Will Render the Follewins.Selections:
PROGRAMME:---Part First.
1. Jeff ?s Triumph March, composed especially for this occasion.
Bv 6. Schulz. leader of orchestra.
2. Overture. "Martha,"
3. Kiss Waltzes - - . -
4. Moccoli Carnival. Quadrille -
Gavette: Love at Sight
G. Let the Banner FJv. March
7. Overture. Novelties - - -
8. On the Beautiful Rhine Waltzes
9. Annie's Pet: Tolka Brilliant
10. Astoria's "Waltzes.
11. Overture. Dndes of 1800
12. Good Luck. Galop
.No Meals will be served until the morning on July 1st. Bat all kinds ot JmC
freshmentswilLbe provided for visitors such as strawberries; and cntmnhtm
cream, oysters, lemonade, etc, etc. Concert from 2:30 to 5. Ladies and ummgu;
especially inviteu.
Tkc Skew Place
The Oregon
Where Property
Corner Third
Fintst Wwr Gtt4s for Siitiufs. AH IWk tatm MMll
.HatawferGaakatlastafaFrices. He
-"' ermBts.cCaUasAMefervoHnetf. BaitaHaalr
Lager Beer !
the Connoisseur.
Portland, Oregon.'
- TMmjr
- - - - Johann SteM
- - CTwrntr
Second. r t.
. . . -, . . - Ebarie.
r the Tswa..
Is Left For. Sale.
n -
and Olney Sta.,
GaaraateM tfceBsat
aajsmV " aafrV n"
'? -
"" - "' i f sf .
t - . - - - t r v.
-i' - 1 r' " ' -? - vt
?.- .
1 Jfc
asav,.,, JMte,.ii.iimi