a) w v 5 iS yw ASTORIA. OSBGOK: SJCSOAE june ae. lwe CUr- OwMUfldrt Payer. Tan: hes erf the harbor iatJi city are to be dofiaitely rtrhliflhca, kler coDe4et govert mpemooB. Tbckigk steadiag and adraowkdged c&cteacy of tiie geaUeaaen composine tie board as 86cet guarantee that tbe -work -will be done accurately. It as seeded. Qxxn: is coatraat to tlie. excessive beat yesterday prevailed in xaaeyot the states, as indicated in our fcJegrapMc dispatches on the first page, received last night, was the bcsattfal day and cool eveninc which was eajoyed by the fortunate residents oC Astoria. Sunstrokes are here un kaowR, ad sweltering heat conies not to as in this glorious clime. . CURED OF TOTAL DEAFNESS Ik Tea Misetcs liy Electricity Aiwtlicr ITewkrrHl Csre Fcrferaei hy Dr. Damn oh a Seattle Han. 3r Editor- Por vpnns T linv been gradually growing deaf, until aiibswt OBO.TPflr smTlwimri nlmocf totally deaf in one ear and the other partkllyso. Dr. Darrin cured me J we 21 in ten minutes, by his new "i vn. v;re uf aixiaaiiy. x reside at HHfedale, three miles from Port land, ad can be seen any time to vemy the above statement W. Gates. Act BraKkltk Cmrd fey Br. Darrin. PoKnaxD, June 6. 1890. Xr. 3KTOK Sir? For nnnrlvrmfi -erIwas troubled with acute bron- cuius, rbu tned every remedy I could licar of, bat received o benefit I then wrote TJrs. Darrin for aflvv anr? treateent, which I took at home, and urcroBcjBoctas treatment i was en tirely cared. Can be referred to at Seattle, "Wash. E. ChATAN. An. Rns riace f Baclaess. Dcs. Darrin can be consulted dailv at e Washington building, corner Fourth and Washington streets, PoriJaad. Hours 10 to 5; even iaps. 7 to S; Sundays, 10 to 12. All chrosic diseases, blood taints, irregu larikfi ia women, loss of vital power and early indiscretions permanently cared, jthongh no references are ever made ia the press concealing such cases, owing to the delicacy of the patieate. Examinations free to all, and circulars will bo sent free to any address. Charges for treatment ac twdiag to patient's ability to pay. Tke poor treated free of charge from 10 to U daily. All private diseases ooMSdcatly treated and cures guaran teed. Patients at a distance can be cared by home treatment Medicines ad letters sent without the doctors i appearing. A Geei SpecalatioH. Captain Thomas of the steam sckooacr Jiosic Olsen recently pur chased the wreck of the steamship Idaho, which was given to Messrs. GrMUis, Stetson & Co. by the Pacific Coast Steamship company as a claim of salvage, the company not caring to pay the amount demanded by Griffiths Co, who are owners of tbe tug The wrecked Eteamship has been lyiagoathe beach near Port Hadlock for soe months past Captain TboBMg purchased the old concern for sboat $500 and proceeded to inves tigate his purchase. He discovered that there was enough cargo in the wreck to warrant Ins investing, in a divers oatfit, which costs nearly $600. Haviag obtained the rig, he et to work himself in his sew suit of clothes jdweat down to the bottom of the hold ia the Idaho. Up to date he has dag out about $5,000 worth of cargo aad not yet worked out the lead. The carco so far obtain at! rvm sists of about H00 barrels of salmon i 150 or 200 barrels of oil and other Merchandise. There x a good deal of water ia the vessel and the Captain thiaks he has got along welL nM3 Boosters. Win. Tiwnoiw, postmaster of Ida vilic. lad., writes: "Electric Bitters has 4oae wore for me than all other mcitciacs cowbincd. for that bad feel ing arivins from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and rfockawaof same place, says: "Find KJeciric Hitters to be the beet Kidney ami Liver medicine; made me feel like a new Maar J.W.Gardner, hardware merchant. saae town, says: Electric Hitters is Jast the thing for a man w ho in all ran down and don't care whether ho lives or dies; he found aew strength, jyaoa' appetite and feltjast like he had a new tease on life. OnlySOcabottkvat J. W. Cosh's Drag Store. ' All the GaoScaet Delicacies, made oy oaty first-class wen at the Seaside Bakery. oamt sTEWAirrpMs. C. S. DOW, Vice Fres. D. M. STEWART, Treas. A.It.CYKU8,Sec'y. Clatsop Land Company. Incorporated with $23,000 Capital RealEstate and Insurance Brokers, Notary Public Conveyancers We arc Sole Agents for the following choice Real Estate: South Astoria, beautifully situated on the south side o xoungs J5ay, Jots 50x100575 to 90, on easy terms. Just dock or &outn Astoria is rrospcci Astoria's most popular addition. Lots 27x100 S35 to 50, blocks of 22 lots at a liberal discount. Choice Business and Residence Property in all parts of the city, also fine acreage suitablo for platting, at reasonable Refer by permbslonto I. W, Case, Banker, Astoria. Oregon. Hon. J. L. Cowan, Mayor of Albany and President or the Una County Bank. Taco ma National Bank. Correspondence Solicited Clatsop Land Go. Third Street, Astoria, Oregon. A Death Blow to Boots and Shoes ISO" .J The popular Boot and Shoe Store, No. 527 Third St, opposite "Pioneer" office, of the principal Has onened an extra stock of Fine Shoes for Ladies. Misses. Children and Men's wear, consisting of the prim Ecastern Manufacturers: II eywood & Co., (Worcester, Mass.) : Faunce & Sninncy,(Lynn, Mass.): John Strootman, Buf falo, N. i .; Marcio & Cie., New Tork City; Burley & Ushers, Newport, Mass, and an Extra Line of California Goods. 33. X0 7"2? Cfc OO, Astoria, Oregon. HAEIXE NEWS AND NOTES. iHtcrcstim; Items BcRardtBC Vessels. The steamer Gen. Caribp is being newly painted, and put in fine condi tion. The steamer Clara Parker lias been condemned by the inspectors, as her hull is weak and defective. The steamer Louise Vaughn went up this morning towing a large barge heavily loaled with pottery clay from Young's river. The steamer Oswego came down the river yesterday, with a barge loaded with brush and fascines for the government jetty at the mouth of the Columbia. The steamer No Wonder, Capt Jas. "Whitcomb, will go up the river this morning with a raft of logs from Lewis & Clarke river, containing over half a million feet of lumber. The steam tender Manzanita, Capt. Bichardson, left here yesterday after noon at 3:30 for San Francisco. The steamer started from Main street dock, went up as far as the U. P. dock, then turning around, passed close to the wharves, Balutiug with whistle every steamer she passed, and being an swered in return, making lively music. The steamer and her courteous of ficers had many friends on the wharf to bid good by and waft after them wishes for a safe return. A new boiler will be put in, and the bottom overhauled, so she wfll probably be absent five or six weeks. The barkentine Tarn CShanter, Capt Hatch, arrived yesterday even ing from Cook's inlet, Alaska, which she left on the 12th instant. She brings 1,100 cases of salmon, and 77 Chinese who were wrecked on the bark Corea on her way to Alaska a few weeks ago. She also brines some of the sails and other wreckage from tho same vessel. Some of the Chinese will be employed here at the different canneries, and a few will go back to the Alaska canneries on tho steamer City of Topeka on her next trip. The Tarn CPShanter will take on a load of lumber here for Bcdondo Beach, California. A. J. STEELE, President L. O. CHENATJLT, Vice-President and Business Manager. J. F. BOUltN, Sec. J. II. .TONES, Treasurer. Frankfort Land Co. Paid-up Capital, $300,000. Frankfort, - - Washington. Correspondence Solicited. ASTORIA OFFICE, Ffavel's Brick Building. P. O. BOX 701. Passeasers to Portland. Good Goods and low rates at the Sea side Bakery. Talk is cheap, Wc lead, others fol low. Try the home Made oread at tbe Oregon Bakery, and jadge far yourself. Waste. A Rhi for general, light housework. Awlyatl.lL Horner, at the tin atore etE.lt. Hawes. The IHstrieC Schl. La&chahlc, eajoyaWe. Sea it at the Opera llease next Taeeday sight. Ad HS3ie.&a ceats: ne extra charge for reserved seats. A gead jrfaiM is mated hy "Par chaser." Ir4rattfcfc otfec. ,. A Rcetant, aU ttmfefcet, aad ia aaedsfeaftt. Apply t th Hah Street ItAMsr, - Fr1 Black i wtUKL OTv IHRV N RwST - - The following is the list of passen gers having roomp. who went up the river last night on the steamer Tele phene: . T. Smitu, lrs. Smith, Miss Smith, F. M. Warren, J. Kahn, . Abrams, J. McGuire, J. Adams, Capt Hoyt, M. Lawrence, A. Mann. T. G. Davison, Dr. Long,. B. Jerrue, J. G. Hemming, K. Shuster, C. Anderson, W. W. Stausberg, J. Cadman, O. King, G. 1L nckson, JJ. It. iSmith, K. L. BalL F. Ix. Logan, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. F. Morgan, L Bergman, Mrs. Monroe, "W. JR. SewelL W. S. Moore, J. H. Hart, S. Spark, E. E. Shaw, L. . Selig, Walter House. It is a fact," that Hood's Sarsaparilla does cure scrofula, salt rheum, and other diseases or affections arising from im pure state or low condition of the blood, overcomes tbe tired feeling, creates a good appetite, and gives strength to every part of the system. Try it. JkBTKE TO MOTHERS. Mbs. Wikslow's Sooxinxo Snui should always be used tor children teething. It soothes the child, wftens tne gums, allays ail -pain, cures winu cholic, and is the best remedy for diar-rhoea.Twenty-ve cents a bottle. $1,200. 169 Acres Fine Laud on Fuget Island ONE MILE FBOM CATHLAMET. Good Ceiled House, Land Partly Cleared and Under Cultivation. 77 Acres on Walluski River, 1H MILES FEOM CITY LIMITS: Splendid Location, Clear and Level: Cheapest Acreago in the Market Warren Wright, B.EAL ESTATE DEALERS. 573 Third St., - - Astoria. FIRE WORKS .t Ttte For All Ivlnils of KIro Works, best Tea. Japanese and Clilncse Curiosities and No eltles, Fine Silk Goods, Ilare Crockerj', lacquered Ware. IoryTojs, SUttinc. Ladies' Under wear, Jiic, go to WING - A CO. 520 THIRD ST., ASTORIA, OR. North Pacific Brewery, JOHN KOPP, - - Proprietor. BREWER OF EXTRA FINE BOHEMIAN LAGER BEER. EXTRA FINE STEAM BEER. L 1 ?QL ? I H. r-ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. " Go to the San Francisco Gallery for the finest Photographs and Tintypes. Olney Street. Fresh Bread and Cakes every day at Columbia Bafcery. All orders deliv ered to all parts of the city. T KeaL Furnished Booms, nicely situated. Apply at the residence of P. J. Good man, $0 First street. NEW TO-DAY. C. R. F. P. Unto Nottct. TIIE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of tbe C. R. F. P. U.will be beld at Lib erty hall oa Satarday, July 5th. at 7 o'clock v. x. NofflinattoH of oAcers will be ia order. A IhM attendance of all members in good ataading Is requested. F. MCGREGOR, Prcoldcnt. F. WRIGHT, Secy. Prtfotilt ftr City FHfiti9. . Notick is herebr jtlvea that bids will be received at the odceof the Auditor aad-Polico dodge until Monday, Jane 90Uu 1800, for all city printin. Bide must state the price 'per square far each insertion, and size of type proposed to be used. Also the price per l,G8d for the different blanks required. TUa rVimmnn rViniwTl TiWiTfft tluk rijrht to reject any and all bids. liy order oi tne uommoa uouncn. Attest: T.S.JEWRTT, Auditor and Police JiMMg, Astoria, J HB270i,l. v ' T. IN La Fayette Park. Three Miles from the Postoffice and Custom House, Astoria Real Estate Co. 172 CASS ST., Asteria, Orea;eR ro : JEl Columbia Bakery FOR FRESH BREAD, Cakes, and Fine CeMfectlsuery. All Orders Delivered. COOLEY BROS. E. P. NOONAN & 0. (Successors to) ar. i. e3to, DEALERS IN- Gfroceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TEIXTMIE 19. 7. F. O. BOX SM Special Nttice. HAVING SOLD THE STEAMER "IM neveaMBt,'' I Ul not hereafter be rc gponwblo Iw aay debts coatracted byorm the aae oC the boat. Mm, fkedericb: f. galloc. Astoria, Jaae X, KM. GO TO EASTMAN'S AND GET S5 Cabinets for S2.5Q, BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Beat Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJM.DEN SHOE. JOc:Nr i A-rTsr. J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE OF OREGON. . City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Correspondence Solicited. P. O. Box SC3, Established 1SS3. INVESTMENTS MADE FOR OUTSIDE TAUTIES. Next W. U. Telegraph Office. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. "Mikado" CftHDY FACTORY 5 To-Bay-Fine Ice Cream SodaTo-Day Also Handle None but the Finest Kcjr West and Imported CIGARS. Please Call and Give mo a Trial. THIRD STREET, Nct V. U. Teles pli onice naraKasaxiKBXtsaRannvi f . L. DEENHART, Real Ett Broker Office on Third St., Opp. Odd Felloe's Temple. P. O. Eox Sil. ASTORIA, OREGON. Lots in WARRENTON and WEST WARRENTON For Sale, On Installment Plan. Discount for C.ish. A residence In Astoria since 1872 enables I Tf7" T TTPIT ""XTTT A T?np me to give tlie best ot information respect- Y JLi. U XJLJLi Eil3( J.LXa JL ing propertj' In Astoria and this Icinity. I AG KNT. FRED S AIZ s Saddles and Harness A LAEGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAN FEANCISCO PRICES. I make a specialty or good work and guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand. We Side Olney Street, Near Wilson & Fisher's. ASTORIA, - OREGON. C. It. SORENSON. ' i" '-ii- wnaJIfJM C. S. GUNDKRSON. Sorenson & Co., Real Estate Agents! NOTARY PUBLIC. Correspondenco Solicited. 1 O. Box 1G3. Office m Olney Stieel, Uetween econd"aud Third. Real D, H. WELCH & (JO., n Esta In Insiiranf.fi Mm J -UMUXUUVV, NOTAltY TUELIC FOR OUKCOV. Btoeb We have PiM)perty in the original townsitc from $225 up wards. Gootl Business and Residence Property always on our list. Im estments made for non-residents. Ctirrespoiitlonre snliciti d. Call and sec as. Office en Water Street) Near Union Pacific Wliarf and Depot Tin: Largest : Stock I the Lowest : Prices 1 Immense Stools. OF- FURNITURE CHAS. HEILBORN. Two car-loads received : More on tlie wav. You are Invited to see tbe finest display of Furniture. Carpets, eta. in the city. Prices rea sonable. THE OLD STAND, - ASTORIA, DR. - ffllSSiiii Jmgsmmm ill MERCHANT TAILORS. Dealers in Gents' PurnisMng Goods of All Kinds. Suits Made to Ordar at Short Notice, at Lowest Prices, Always Keep New Goods on Hand. Also Cleaning and Kcpairing. 6941 Fater St, Asoria, Or. ... P. O. Box 210. A. V. AEmEmmWt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN -r.-, Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass f Plated Ware. o The Largest asdfiaeet assortment of Txmmh. Truit and Vegetables. " BeesfTed fresh ererv Steamer. LOSING OUT SALE 1 -AT THE- Mir i wmm -OOXOO- W(j now oiler for Sale our entire Stock BELOW ITS OR IGINAL COST. Surprise bargains every day. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention and tlie benefit of our reduction. TERMS OF SALE STRICTLY CASH. New York Novelty Store, Ravel's Brick Building, Opp. Occident Hotel. DUFF S. OARTY. DKAI.KR IX Cigars, : Tobaccos, : and : Cigarettes ! CONFECTIONERY, ETC. XO&V. BUT THE BEST BRANDS IIANIr,F,I. 17J THIRD STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON' Successor to T. R. Loughery. ITY BOOK STORfi. Ui(133ZSSSI klllHUlMHI IREWORKS; Big Stock : : Low Prices. Fire Crackers, Roman Candles, Bombs, Etc. Onr Stock is Fresh, anil will Give Satisfaction. No last year's goods here. GRIFFIN : & i KEEP. Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. IIuvvo completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wino in anv qnnntity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Yonr pntronago in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. SEALAND. TIw terminus of the llwaeo and !hoahater Uav Railroad. TIIE GREAT EST SUMMER REbORT OX TIIE NORTHWEST COAST. Lies at the head or the J!.iy, at deep water, and only tweho miles from tho bar. The coming County Se.il and Commercial Jlctrop'dis of Pacilic county. Now laitl out Lots on the iii.u ket troin 50, and upwards. Kor particulars and fnli intormation, call on or address B. A. SEABORC, Il-waco, Wash. Stockton & Welch, AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sale. MAIN ST., AST0UIA, OK., V. 0. Bo5Il. No curbstono brokers cinploypd here The Leading Tailor. Chas. McDonald. Call and See My Nobby Stock of Spring Goods Just Arrived. . It comprises the latest goods in the market, and 1 offer them at prices never before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most comfortable fitting suits in the city. Next to C. H. Cooper's Astoria, Oregon. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ASTOKIA, ONLY OF E. R. HA WES, ARent. Call and Examine It ; You "Will be Pleased. E. IS. Ilawes Is also AgeM fm the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. NEW ASTORIA ! imauimiuHiiiiEUHiiiiiiiiiimaaaseasizzcBSsssi Have Railroad Connection Sooner Than Any ; Other Point on the Harbor. ate Ibcnd and not afraiao .fiye, iowoements to RAILROADS, MOTOR LINES or to any, other Substantial Improvement. , A Large Railroad Wharf is shortly to be completed there. NEW ASiqxiLi the Jbavonte, and lots are seltiog fiat. CoBKExintte Propjerty and Buy. RRnm tm:im-3Mh: ---'-;'::.:'- -fc;r&;;,-v' ' general agents 'F R tSbJ-?-.' ii . E. am .. " ,1 ,. a-.V "2 - -V ""' "-. T - .!, -Jti ' i MJJTlm!rWl-'i' ' V...;- b8i98' '