The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 29, 1890, Image 1

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    - - j. .. " - v - t t in j-k. - t ? - 1 '" -"sannnnnnnnnl
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ytr y f ( I
Fourth of July
Will Celebrate in Grand Style
V4 Wait! XciplilKriiu Towns :ml Cilii's
l Jotn in. ami lo 1 licir Hcshlcnts
KxlonUs a Omlial t'lcuiiic.
Come One. Come All.
Thrw will 1m Hoat Uicos, rnemeii's Con-
!4s. Tat Man's liaco, Jpeioli Making,
MHito, Cannon nnngaml Tuowoiks.
rrevidontoniiol)a .1. II. D.C.iay.
UniUtr A.G. HanK'siy.
Ki'siiKt I'lanK It cy.
Cknplain ltv. l)i. Garner, LL. I).
Salulo of 13 (Jiiii'?. at sunrise.
10 a.m. Grnml Parade.
11 a.m. Uration, Keadini; Declaia
H. Music.
12 noon National Salute ot forty-two
I2lt I r. m. Lunch.
ia)r. m. Fat Man's Itace, up Main
strvot, for a imrse of $10.
2:"r. m. IVmler Kace, on Water
street. Firt pri7e, $ir: second. S.".
.r.M.-To hundred-.aid Footrace
for Firemen only, for a prize of a $7.
ijnUl medal.
fji) i m. l!t i'tiotrace. for those
under 12 j oars of aj;c. I 'me, $.".
A r. m. Hose Itace, First prize, ."0;
socond. $2Ti.
5 i m. Walking Tiqht Hope oei
the water, for a So prize.
ir. m. Grand display of Fncwoiks
on the hill, which w ill be followed by a
Ilall at Ihc Opera House, under the au
spices oi the General committee, the
proceeds to t:e liM'd to defray the gen
eral expenses.
in addition to the prizes aheady
named alH)e, the General committee
Mill pay three Prizes foi the beat decoi
s!ed Wildings. The first prize will be
"'S.v. the "second Sl."J and the third 10.
C..1. Cl HTIs, C II. bTOCKTON.
Cretan. Chairman Gen. Com
Fire and larine and Life
VAN DUSEN & CO.. Ag'ts,
Ut Xhc tollowlt; Koli.tMe Fon-in and
Home Companies :
Uxx,no and lmlon and :iol( Xoitli
nrtlishaiut Mcrcmtile. Scotttsli Union and
Naiioanl. Ilartront ol Connec.Mcnt.Coinnipr
etal ot C-Klifonim. Iiniionand liiKMsliire of
Ijxcrpttol, OMiuucmal Union of London,
(iuarvlmu or Iimton. Northwest of Portland,
M Hi tut tJfr of Now ork.
Frompt,Ubcral Adjustments Guaranteed
i . W. ( ASE
Insurance A front.
California Marine Ins. Co., S. F.
Columbia Fira ".rid Marine Ins. Co.,
Hsme Mutual Insuiance Co., S. F.
Phteniv of London.
Imperial of London.
Robb & Parker,
Fire and Marne Insurance,
Willi aii Aggregate Cipitat of
IMPFUIAU o' lAmdon.
i-AUKOUNIA. of Californi.u
OONNKCTIcrT.or Ilailfonl.
.K1.NI IIOMK. of Oakl uul
LION, or Iimloii.
FIKHMAN's. FIND. of C-itifirni u
vintEN, of Iondon.
Bins wn.i. he ni:ci:tvi.i) nv tiik
l-r.l of Itirectors of Scliool District
No. tine, until ,lul 2i). 1SX). for 50 coids
Srucc limits and 2T crds Fir, to be de
livered al the school house in s.iid disti let
1 Scit 1st. lsyo.
TIk" directors reserve the light to reject
unv and all huts.
v order, etc. ,1. W CONN,
i... llFSTI.Ei:,
As!ona, .lune 10th, lK). id
County Coroner.
' r
First Class Undertaking
New Styles. Caskets and funeral mater'a
Next lo ASTOKXAX Oftlce.
Ttlk is Cheap ; It's Quality that Soils.
Jhl- blh -.Jmzzzz
We have a largo list of Fine Residence and Business Property in different parts of
Ue City. We also Lave some Fine Lots in Hustler & Aiken's aud some choice corner
Lote in McClnreX -with a splendid View of the City andEiver, which we will Sell Cheap.
Ko trouble to show property to intending purchasers.
Abso!uto!y Pure,
This powder never lane1?, A nan ml
,nnty, strength and wiiolesonu':.e-s. M-tn
economical than the onimarj khnts,ani ran
not he sold in competition utlt :lie n.a'.!.
tude of low test, short ueilit. alum or i!u
pli ite powders. Sold only in ca . . JI i.
llAKINO l'OW I1KIC CO. ll. V'.dl-si .
I.KWis M. .Ioiinsox & Co , Atnls, Iif
land. "rcRon.
C. P. Upshur9
Shipping and Commission Merchant
r.iam bt. Wharf, Aston.1.. Oriwti
Cannery Supplies
Barbour's Salmon Net Twines.
XEITUN'i: linuid Salmon Twine.
WOODI'.EKXY Cotton lanes -aid 'I wines
Or all Description Fitriiisu d at
Factorj Prices.
IMeMed in First Class Coiiip.mies.
I'IKEMX, -Haitford. fona
IIOM Xt w Voik,
Act ncj Pacille Kxprcss ami 11 ells. Farso A Co.
Practical : Wiilelnnsskw,
A line Pile of Cold and S'dv r 'ilns.
Solid Cold and I'laKd .It well , J loiks.vir.,
at leisonahle price.. 1'epiinnv Pioiupllj
Done. N't to Morgan A-fch' mi m
GFSTAV !IAiSi:X, 1'rop'r.
A ljireand WellSeleldM' ' f Fun
Diamonds i Jewelry
U IIV. i T .
Ill tinotls Itouslil at IIiik I stsdihtm.i nt
Warranted Geuumc.
U'-tJ'li :.i! Moff LCj';:iireu
roiiifi Cass and bqneiiioqua directs
:kii k. i'aukki:.
Parker & Hanson
New Goods Arriving Every Sicamc
Dress - G-oods,
The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon.
City Express Transfer Company.
H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller,
Headquarters at Main htm t wli trl.
TKI.KPHONi: N'O.4-5.
ACenend KMinssand J)elier llusines
Your patronage Is solicited.
y. he alt;; -- r'?r.?.
IT IS THI! IDS All It D?Cr 7
It tci cslhc Xacrand Kuln n ' S'o iwtlj,
cures lti itticht. Dvspipsii, c ,s ..: A,ipj
Utc, Punfit-s the Impure OlooJ, .it A
Hakes The "V'eak S rene
Used everywhere 91abuitlc;tifor$
Reports of Prostratiou auft Deatli in
Many Places.
i:riTixt: nror ix cuivaco.
spuat hi "i ur: IJm r i 1'itKsS
Ouii'Aro. .Tnny US. Evtremc hot
weallier hns prevailed throughout
Illii-oi-:, AVisconshi and Town, the pahl
fusir or five das, the Ihorraometcr
ranging ns higli as 10fl in some places.
Mam prostrations and several deaths
arc reported. In some places busi
acs. lias ben btispended. To day is
Ihe 1'oltcbt ol the spell here. The
thermometer igistere.1 SS at 8 A. 3T.
and 115 at G v. M. Si deaths havo
been rejiorted in the hist four days.
Too Hot For ITIcii lo IVorlc.
Stiecal to 'I UK ASTOKIAN.l
o'clock the thermometer registered 90
in ihc .shade. The carpentcrc, brick
la ers and street laborers have not
been working regularly for three
dtr.s. and a number are prostrated.
I'atal Wcatlicr For Children.
Special to run ASTOM.v:f.
St. Louis, June 2S. The weather
has modct ated somewhat to-day, bnt
it is still v cry oppressive. The mortal
ity among children has greatly in
creased. yi:i:5ii5:,y hot iivoizzo.
Numerous Dcitths From Smi
StroUc. Secial to Tun Astoihan.1
Cincinnati, June 28. The heat con
tinues. The signal service thermom
eter registered 87 to-day at ten o'clock.
There have been trom three to six
prostrations each day, abont oue
fourth of them proving fataL The
most marked cJIect is in the increased
deatli rate of children. Oi the thirty-
eight deaths reported yesterday,
twenty six were children under nine
a cars or age. The heat increased and
tit one o'clock it was five degrees hot
ter than at the same time yesterday.
Herman Lachmaa, ti well known
brewer, was prostrated this morning
and is unconscious.
Higlit licit lis From SiuislroUe.
Special t o Th k AsTOiii.wl
LonsviiiiiK, June 2S. At eleven
o'clock the thermometer stood at 94.
One hour later it had fallen two points,
and a cool breeze was blowing. Thir
teen were piostrated, bnt only one fa
tally. Since the baited term began,
there have been eight fatalities.
Fori j lrostr.itctl in Chicago.
Spee.a! t Tiu AstOkuv.1
Ciiicujo, June 23. The thermome
ter on thesliad side of the ? reels regis
tcI llhl degree at noon today.
About forty pros! rat ions occurred cs
terd.iy, all" the direct r!su!l of'tlte
Vorj Z2n: in I?Xiim?snl:t.
pm 1.1! to 1 in: AstokI w.
MiNNrAromr., .Time 28. The hot
weather of the l.istfew das continues.
There arc sc oral cases o'f snnstrokv.
k i in the .Nineties.
-ivoial to Tut: Astoim VN.l
Mir;ar.r, Wis., June 2S. This
is tho hottest day of the season. The
thermometer at 11 a. m. registered 92.
Since eaily morning the ioltcc patrol
wagons have been kept busy m re
siondmg to cases of probtration. Only
one fatality thus far is rcjiorted, bnt
there tire ti number of cases that may
lesnlt fatallv.
Jtiaxi j S'roNtratetl by the
Speci tl to Tin: Astohmn.
K vn s s Citv, Jti tie 23. The weather
isetremely hot The mercury mark
ing Si). Half a dozen prostrations
have occured during the morning, but
none are e vpecled to result fatally.
Kiscoura;:cil7 anil Tired of Life.
Special toTiiK Asrotti.vx.I
Uostox. June 29. Dr. Crosby
Smith of London, England, was found
staggering upon the street to-day, by
au oHicer whom he told he Jiad taken
poison, lie is in a critical condition.
A paper was found on him that con
tained morphine. Smith is the son
or a prominent retired physician or
London, and came here last Sunday
from Montreal. He had beconio dis
couraged iu not receiving employ
ment. lie Issued Bogus Diploma.
Sjecial to Tun Astokian.1
I3oston, June 29. The United
States grand jury has indicted H. E.
Bradbury, dean ofTriuity university
in Vermont, for issuing bogus diplo
mas. Their Strike Was a Failure.
Special to Tin: Astouian.
Chicago, June 28. The Stevedores
employed as extra men, by the Lehigh
Valley Transportation company, tvIio
struck last night for increase, from
twenty to twenty-five cents per hour,
returned to work this morning at their
old wages.
Fiuc Tabic Wine
Delivered at CO cents a gallon, to any
part of the city. A line line of pure
California wines at low prices, at A.
XV. TJt7ingers Cosmopolitan saloon.
On.the completion of tbo JL4oria & South Coast, and Albany & Astoria Railroads, this property will be worth
a great many times tho asxHuit for which it is selling at present
4 RtMnember the History of Other Cities
v And Bay some of wis Property before it it too late. Lots Selling Fast Buy Now!
: x
H GenwalAatntf, - -
Innlnnnnnnnnnninennnnnnnnnnnn ..imskaaJ. ennnmitJlnnnnl! V '.' v ' ' ' . - A - fe. 3LZ3&1 M
fircat Damage to Prepcrty and.
Many Injured.
Speci U to The Astohian.3
Oskosh, "Wis., June 23. The news
reached this city last night that a
cyclone had passed over the eastern
end ot "Washburn county yesterday
afternoon and that much damage was
done lo houses, barns and trees,
while growing crops were leveled to
the ground for miles. The little vil
lngcof Auroraville lay directly in the
path of the storm and it is reported
that many houses were blown down
and several persons injured. There
is no telegraphic communication with
Auroraville and the exact amount of
damage and whether or not there has
been any loss of life cannot be
learned. Auroraville is about eight
milc3 north of Belin and is the same
distance from the railroad and con
tains 190 inhabitants.
New War to Expose Corruption.
Special to The Astobian.
New York, Juuc 28. The llrorW
to-morrow morning will have a big
expose of police corruption. A re
porter for the past two weeks has con
ducted poker rooms under iwlice pro
tection. In the story of his career
and dishonorable occupation, he will
tell how he bribed policemen and
detectives, and give their names and
the amoiuit of money paid them.
Will te Built ly the Union Iron
Worts on this Coast.
jnrixo scoTi ox srjtnn tests,
Spcal by The Unitkd Pkess.
New York, Juno 2S. Tho New
York Pjesssa) s this morning Irving
M. Scott, of the Union Iron works of
San Francisco, started from hero for
home to-day, carrying with him plans
and speciGcations for another steel
war ship, which he is going to build
for the government. It is said he is
opposed to a system of speed tests,
because they militate against the
government in ever' case.
"No ship could be subjected to the
highest speed test," said he "until her
machinery has been adjusted for nt
least five months, and has been prac
tically worked for that time, so that no
possible strain can be made. I am
going home to build a ship that will
bo a record breaker."
Desperate Fight to Secure an
s;ici.l! to T)IK ASTOUIIX
Chicago, Juno 2S. Excitement bor
dering on a riot was created in front
of the ticket broker's oflice ot Arthur
Webb, at 131, Clark street, to-day.
Daring hist night, or early this morn
ing, six detectives of the irooney and
Uoland agency, had forcibly taken
possession of the office and thrown all
of the ticket man's property into IJio
street The cause or the trouble was
a controversy over a lease, between
Air. Webb and Mr. Higman, a pawn
broker. The former held on under an
old lease, while the latter sought no
session uuder a new one.
Constables armed with warrants
charging riots, demanded admission
to the store. Tin's being refused
them, they concluded to break into
tho place by smashing windows. Con
stable Aherne led the attack, and as
Mon as his head appeared through
tho opening, he was struck a violent
blow on the head with a hatchet in
flicting a gaping wound.
This angered the great erowd which
had congregated in front of the build
ing, and a dozen citizens followed the
constables. The detectives drew
revolvers aud threatened to shoot, but
luey were atraid to pull the triggers,
and were taken into custody.
Death of au Illinois Statesman.
Special to Tun As-roniAN.i
MANrrou, Colo.. June 2S. Hon.
James H. Miller, speaker of the
Illinois houso of representatives, died
here yesterday.
Stringent Itteney Market.
Special lO TlIK ASTMlf an 1
New York, Juno 23. The money
market hero has been unusually close
for this season ot the year. Money on
call lias ranged from four to ten per
cent m the samo week m 18S9, and
only one to two per cent, iu tho same
week in 183S.
A Salter of interest to Travelers.
Tourists. eniisrants-aiKl manners finil that
liosletlefs stomach lilttcis is a. lneillrin.u
safecnard axalnst unlieulthful influences. ui-
on itlilUi they can implicitly rely, ilucc it
nrcv cuts the effects that .in unlienltltv. cli
mate, tt iatetl atmosphere, unaccustomed or
unw holesome diet, bad wate r, or other con
ditions unfavorable to health, would other
wise produce. On lone oases, or journeys
by land In latitudes adjacent to tho equator,
tt Is especially useful as a preventative of the
febrile com plaints and disorders of the stom
ach, liver and bow els, is hlch are apt to at
tack natives of tho temperate zones sojourn
Inj: or travcliug In such regions, and Is an ex
cellent protection against tho influence of
extreme cold, sadden changes of tempera
ture, exposure to damp or extreme fatigue.
It not only prevents intermittent and remit
tent fever, and other diseases of a malarial
ty pe.but eradicates tb.em.-a fact that has been
notorious for years past in North and South
America, Mexico, the West Indies, Australia
aad other countries.
IfiWEU &
Kindre d
ATonnsLaJy Jnfflss 1.000 Feet
From a Balloon
Special by Tho Usitfd Press.
C&uvEiiAND, June 28. Estella Hull,
attempted her first balloon ascension
from Beyer's Park last ovenuig, her
intention being to jump with a para
chute. The balloon was inflated with
hot air. It started without warning,
and Ed French, an employe,was caught
by the rope3 at his feet, and carried
up, head downward, for a distance of
thirty feet when he fell to the ground
on his Tace, sustaining serious injuries.
Miss Hull jnniped out of the basket
at a. height of 1,000 feet, but the para
chute did not work properly. Fortu
nately she fell into the bushy top of a
seventy-foot elm tree and escaped
wiinonc severe injnry. one says sue
win iry it again.
It Was Caused by Fire Crackcrn.
Spod il to Thk AsToniAN.l
Dknyeh, Colo., Juno 23. The town
ot Morrison, twenty miles from here,
was visited witu a conflagration early
this morning, which destroyed the
business portion of tho place. The
loss is 03,000, and the insurance
nominal. A fire engine left Denver at
L o'clock, but arrived loo late to bo of
any ttssistance. Tho fire started in
the rear of a drug store, and was the
result of firing oi firo crackers, which
was indulged in last night.
ISAXDIjED roughly.
A Preacher AVItippcd. aud. His
Paramour Tarred aud
Speci il to riiKAs.oaiAN.
New Amjant, Indiana, Jun e 28.
Information was received this after,
noon that tho White Cap3 of Craw
ford county on Wednesday night en
tered tho residence of Willis Strain,
until recently tho United Brethren
minister near JJaveanworth, and taking
him and his piramonr into the woods,
beat him with switches until the blood
flowed and ho was unconscious. The
woman was tarred and feathered and
both of them abandoned. Notice was
placed upon the door of their houso to
leave the comity msido of two days.
Strain came hero from Cincinnati two
years ago witli the woman, and they
lived together as man and wifo.
The husband held religious meet
ings iu tho pchool house near tho
couutv line for ti time, and was highly
respected. The couple quarrelled
frequently, and tho woman divulged
tho tact that tuey were not married.
The people became incensed and a
visit from tho White Caps resulted.
E.rutul Jliirdcr o His Aunt.
Special to Tin: AsrouiAN.1
LvwnnNci:, Mass., June 28. Wm.
Htiightly. alias Wm. Hoyle, this after
noon murdered Ins aunt, Sirs. John
Dorje at lhohoneof ThomasHoyle,
by kicking her in the abdomen. The
muntiTcr then escaped.
Tae S'orrst t'irei Fndcr Control.
Sptcia to S'ttr. sTOtstvvl
Denvtu, June 29. -A special from
Boulder, sajs the tires near Ward are
practieallv extinguished, and com
pletely under control. Tho burnt
district extends over an area of about
2.500 acres. The only building de
stroked is the shaft houso of the Bal
timore mine, owned by Dr. Chas.
Palmer, of the state university. The
los3 is not et estimated.
Rcs:altiii;r in tlic Dcatlt of Two
Speci d to Tn s Astorux 1
.Iomct, ills., June 2S. The 730
o'clock, Chicago bound, passenger
train, on the Chicago, Bock Island &
Pacific railroad was wrecked hero this
morning. Two women were killed.
Both were so horribly mangled that
identification is impossible.
Later. It has been learned, since
tho above report, that four persons
instead outwo were killed in the O.B.I.
&V. railroad accident this morning,
bnt their names could not be learned
owing to the horribly mutilated con
dition of the bodies. It is ascertained
that the home of one of the women
was in Denver, Colorado, jind the
other was a resident of Joliet. Fif
teen other passengers were more or
less injured.
It is now staled that only two per
sons were killed two women as first
mentioned. The bodies have been
identified as thoso of Mrs. Annie
Zeurson, of Morris, Uls., and Mrs. A.
J. rratt, of this city.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
Vhca Baby was sick, we cavo her Castoria.
KTiea she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
Vhen she became Xiss, she clung to Castoria,
Vhea shehad Children, she gave them Castorii
His Stall Crnskei aii Coiiitioi
a. suicide xar SAJf quextix.
Special by Tub United Pkess.
Seattle, Washington, June 28.
Judge J. W. Range receivd a telegram
this morning from Almira, requesting
him to see Bev. E. B. Sutton, who, the
telegram stated, is seriously injnred
and will require assistance to get
home. The Judge immediately went
down to the train, and found that the
telegram was true, and Mr. Sutton
was in a very bad condition.
A carriage was procured, he was
taken home and the family physician
summoned, who made a careful exam
ination of the injured man, pronoun
ced his skull fractured, and probably
other injuries which could not be de
termined at the time, as Mr. Sutton
was delirious.
After about an hour he recovered
consciousness and gave an account to
his anxious hearers, how Ins injuries
were received. During his stay at
Almira, where he was engaged in de
livering temperance lectures, he be
came aware that his efforts were being
met with strong disapproval, by the
saloon men of the town.
A few minutes after closing his lec
ture last Thursday afternoon, he re
ceived a letter, purporting to be from
the saloon keepers of the town, in
which he was told that his presence
was not desired, and a preemptory de
mand was made on him to leave the
town, inside of twenty minutes. He
paid not the least attention to the
demand, and that evening while alone
in his room, he heard a knock at the
door, and called oat, "Come in."
A saloon keeper named Clark en
tered, and without saying a word
assaulted him, striking him in the
face and knocking him down. Not
satisfied with this, he jumped on the
prostrate man, and struck him several
times, fracturing his skull and other
wise injuring him. This was the last
thing he remembered, until arriving
at his own house.
Shortly after telling his story he
again became delirious, and is in that
condition at present He has suffered
a terrible shock to his nervous system,
and it will be some time before he
Held, far Trial.
Special to The Astoria w.l
Seattle, Wash,, June 28. John
Cochran, the half-breed Indian who
was arrested Thursday evening, for
attempted rape upon the person of
the little six-year-old daughter ot Mrs.
Louise Trabuccatto, was arraigned in
Justice Rivers' court this morning on
that charge, and held in the superior
court in the sum of $1,000 bonds,
which ho could not furnish.
Dcatlt el J. RraMdt, of Portland.
Special to Thf. Abtorian .
San Fbaxcisco, June 28. J.Brandt,
superintendent of the Southern Pacific
lines in Oregon, died this morning
from heart disease. Tho deceased
was sixty-six years of age. He was
one of the oldest and best known rail
road men in the country, and for
seventeen years past was superintend
ent of the Southern Pacific company's
lines in Oregon. He leaves a widow
and four children. The remains are
now being embalmed, and will be sent
to Portland to-morrow afternoon, for
The Metiers' Strike in Court.
Special to The Astoruk.
San Fbanoisco, June 28. The iron
molders union to-day filed an answer
to a complaint recently filed by the
Union Iron works, to recover $10,000
damages, for having as alleged, en
ticed molders away from the works.
A demurrer was also filed, to the effect
that it does not state facts sufficient to
constitute a cause of action.
The Books of the CoBaanle te
oe Examined.
Special to Tiik Astouian,
San Fbanoisco, June 28. On
Thursday last an accountant of an
English syndicate which has recently
purchased ten of the largest brewing
establishments on the coast, arrived in
the city for the purpose of experting
the books of the various companies.
Upon the result of the accountants
investigations depends the amount of
money which will be paid for the
realty and good will, which has al
ready been agreed upon. It is
thought that the accountant's duties
will be over by the middle of July, by
which time $600,000 that has been ex
pended for the purchase, will have
been paid over, and have become part
of the ordinary circulating medium of
the coast.
A Heavy Sentence for Snch a
Special to Thk Astorian.j
San Francisco, June 28. Edgar
AsnDy, wno was a snore nine ago con
victed of perjury, for having taken out
a marriage license to marry May
Brown, when the woman's name was
Martha Rhodes, was sentenced to nine
years in state prison to-day.
will find it
Valuable Mineral Deposits Dis
covered. Special to The Astorian-
Btjtts, Mont, June 28. A special
to this city from Great Falls today,
gives news, of a remarkable findr
recently made on-the Monarch ter
minus of the Belt mountain railway.
The find was made by John. B.
Douglas, who claims to have un
covered a 7J feef vein ot gold, silver
and copper, only six feet from the
He has uncovered 19 fefc ot the
vein, and claims that it will average
$2,600 per ton, while six feet of it will
go $3,100. Should these figures prove
to be correct, and the lead ajermanent
one, the find will be the greatest for
many years.
Mr. Douglas is an old and experi
enced miner, who should know, what
he is talking about The .logging
creek of Carbonate mountain district,
with Monarch, the terminus of the
Belt Mountain branch ot -tho greatr
Northern railway, for its source of
supplies, has every facility for the de
velopment and transportation of ores.
Skipping? Intelligence.
Special to Tor AstorianJ
San Fkancisco, June 28.Cleared
steamers, City pf Pueblapo Vic
toria; Empire for Nanauno;(!7(WJnop
olis and Oregon tat Portland.. Sailed
bark Oermania, for Seattle
might About as Well fee Dead.
Special to Tok AsToniAN.l -
San Questin Pioson, June 28.
Eobt. Smith, 47 years old,, "serving
seven years for grand larceny com
mitted in San Francisco, committed
auicmo iasc mgux. un opening -n
cell, he was discovered dead, with his
wrists cut, and a knife in one of his
hands. Smith was an opium fiend.
He Has Arrived in San Francisco.
Special to Tiib,Astokian,1
San Fbanoisco, June 28. ConBior
dan has .returned from Astoria. Ore
gon. He says that the closing of the
clubs in this city, has had a depress
ing effect on the northern olub3, al
though lie did very well.
A FLEA for egos.
Be gentle to tho new-laid egg,
For eggs are brittle tbings;
They cannot fly until they're hatched,
And have a pair of wings;
If once you break the tendor shell,
The wrong you can't redress;
The yolk and white will all run out,
. And make a-dreadful mess.
'Tig but a little whileat best,
That hens have power to lay,
To-morrow eggs may addled be,
Altaoagh'epiite fresh to-day.
So let the touch ba very light
That takes it from tho keg,
There is no band whose cunning skill
Can mend a broken egg.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain. PIainliehI,lll.,
makes the statement thatsho caught
cold which settled on her lungs; she
was treated a month by her family phy
sician, bnt grew worse. He told "her she
was a hopeless victim of consumption and
that no medicine could cure her. lier
druggist suggested Dr. King's Nw
Discovery for Consumption ; she bought
a bottle and to her delight found herself
benefited from first dose. Hie contin
ued its use, and after taking ten bottles
found herself sound and well, now does
her housework and is as well as she
ever waV Free trial bottles of this great
Discovery at J. "W Conn's Drug iitore,
large bottles, 50c. and 1.
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside is open tho year 'round.
Look at the Cooking and Heating Oil
Stoves at Jfoe & Sculley .
Try tho Columbia Bakery and satisfy
yourseii where ou can uo tne oesr.
The Columbia Bakery is the neatest
shop in the city.
ITohscs Fer Rent.
Apply at the PacIGc Real Estate Co,
Tke sTetTcnan House Cigar.
The La Paloma cigar and other line
brands of cigars; tho finest in the city,
at Charley Olson's, next to C. II. Cooper.
Drink Knickerbocker bottled beer.
Te Rent.
A furnished house in a pleasant, cen
tral location. Innuiro at this office.
Welnhard'H iSocr.
And Free Lnnch atr tho Telephone Sa
loon, G cents.
Ludlow's Ladicsr $3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman & Co.'s.
Rooms Wanted.
Furnished rooms will bo wanted from
July 8th to 12th, for members of the A.
O. tJ. W.t coming to the Grand Lodge.
All persons having ony, will please
leave word as soon as possible at Rnck
er's Restaurant.
For the very best Photos, go to Sinis
Meals Coasted to Order.
Private rooms for ladies anil families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
The Steamer Eclipse.
Will make regular trips toXnappa and.
Swenseas .Landing, on Saturdays, leav
ing Knappa at 7: 30 a.m., and leaving
wiisond5j?isnersaocicat; p. jr. ior
freighter passage apply to the captain,
v? Acreage.
haje some Good Acreage and some small
IsiTtttoiB will do well to call on or write to
to tmeir adrantage to list it with us, as
arigma best. t Correspondence Solicited.
Fm Xiie ink Sutkri Crtfir-
la Cities.
ihe heath: ot svttz mmjUTxA
Special fcy Tie United P&aas. " ':
Los Akgelbs, CaL, June 28. Ca-
sus supervisor Mos&er,-giT8a to-day
approximate results of the rwwi. ii
southern California cities and feWM.
The figures are subject to ooroetioft,
but are as follews:
lios Angeles, 50,000: Pandaa, 4-
870j Santa Ana, 3,600; Ventara,2l3i0; ,
San Bernardino, 3,900.
Population, off Seme Under The
Ifew Censns. ' "
Special to Tiik Astoxiax . "
Sacramento, June 29. The fallow
ing is the approximate, popwlatfenxot
the principal places in the second census-district
of California, Oakland. 4t-
finn flumnuaitn OR QOflt SImUm. Wj
including the insane asylum), 13J6t,
ur auuuig i,4uu tor toe insane, macea
1400; Nevada City; 1,600; Gram Val
ley, 3,400; Anburn. 3; Sosora, L
500; San Andreas, 1,500-
A ST. LOUIS nrosioiAx.
He Tests a CallfsnUe FredHetlea
His Report.
A St Loots gentleman waose afUenem
was sick headaches was so surprised at tain?
core by Joy'syegetable SsnaperiUa, thai at
called to tke attention of assistive, wan
happeal to beDr. 7. ABarrstt, tke wasV
knows' St. Loals physician ot am fflitiaan
doah Street. Tits doctor saw at once that at
differed, from the potash preparations latest
it was pWelr vegetable, aad beeonuaf xssn
estcd, benta a, series of lnvesUgatlnv ant
In a aabstqeeat letter candidly sdnJsnd Ma
torative properties, and says:
Wishing te, test Its virtues farther, I met
It In my own' family, and prescribed itfsr
patients who required a general system
regulator. As a result, I can ssy it Is sn
almost absolute cure forconstlpsttee, ett
lousness, dyspepsia, indigestion, aad stsk
headaches. These troubles asosBr eamt
from a disturbed condition of Um sssssesn
and bowels, and Joy's Vegetable Serssaarma
Is tho best laxative and stomach lenJaserl
hare ever seen, and. as a genets! system
corrective Is almost perfection.
ISignedj F. A. BARKITT, JC St,
2652 Shenandoah at, SCLseis.
The latest style ol Gents' .Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodmax 4c Co.'s.
For a good Clean Room, go to tee
Main Street House.
TeleBkeae Lodgtesr tfene'e. ,
Best Beds in town. Rooms per algnt
SO and 23 cts per week $1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance. ,
Coilee aud cake, tn ronta, at the
Central Restaurant. -
For SiaUenen and StocfcmM.
Cuts. SwtHsqs. Bnss. Spralas. ttaos. Wrajet.
CeatrscMfts, Fww Wwmss. ttHsesattTSf.
Threat, Mstemptr, CsNe, iiNrVMIi,
FleWa. Timers. SsHsts; ttsesesss aad tptjti
tatteir early Slstsi Pirstesmam uit sessC
War. W. WnEJtRT,
S. A. Wherry.
Richard Hakkt,
Civil Eagteeer.
Wherry & Harry.
Real Estate
City and Suburban Property Sold oa Csss-
mlssion. Invesrmeats Made fer
Outside Parties.
T. W. Case, Banker. Judge C. H. Tafev-
Office en Third atreetf
Near Court Houso, - ASTORIA. OB.
Thompson & Bow
Carry a Full Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy.
Give Us a Call ind Bt CmvimmI.
J. B. Wyatt,
Hariwart ami SMp daatUtv
Pnro Oil, Bright Varnish.
Cotton Canvas. Hemp SaU Twlae,
Lara on, wrougnt iroa semes,
Galvanized Cut Nails.
Azricaltaral iMalesMMte, ffewinf
Machines, Palate, (His, - .
Orooerleaii XKof
Banches, in good '.
us, and parties bai
property to i
our facilities for.
2 YZr
i- t Xi