The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 28, 1890, Image 1

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hbv. a. aYSaf vTJlii ttAPsv&ZsJn -- P59BaBSBM .. BSv wiro Jif-i -
Fourth of July
Will Celebrate in Grand Style
Vl Want. Towns ami Cit us
I JiM in. ami to lliclr HoMdciils
Kttmls a elcoiiit'.
Gome One. Come All.
TSi Tvwflll l.nt Unceo, ruviwii". Ctis
Irvis. Fa: ManV lt-ici, pwch .l:ikmj:.
Mit5c. Cannon riringaml ri row oiks.
rni.Ji-lof thel)a .1. II. I). C.iay.
Oratr A. C Ilank'stj.
Header FranK llewlcj.
I hajOaiM K . Dr. I'arnei. 1,L. I).
alwte of IT. (;mi nl Minn-tr.
10 v. -m. '"rami Parade.
II a. m. Oration. Kcadiu Declara
. Mkic.
IS jhwh National Salute ot forty-two
12W I r. m. - Lunch.
1 " r. v. I'at Man-, llact', up ilain
v'txvJ. for a ur-e of $H.
.Jr. v. Ton!er llac. on Water
rvS. Tirt iri7e. $1.': sceoml. $."
r. m. Tw ImmlriHl-jiml Footrace
for Firemen only, for a ui7C of a i5"
rM medal.
."Jr. M. 1hi Footrace, for 11iom
utHler V2 -ears of ac 1 'rize, 5".
A r v. 1Iom Kace- Fir4 prize, $.".0;
" r. m. Walkinc Tiht Hope oei
the i-ater. for a $." pn?e.
r. m. irand display of Fiiewoiks
on the hill. -v Inch w ill le follow ed by a
llall al the Opera House, undei the au
vpioc of the General connnittee, Hie
proceed-1 N Unci! to defi.iy the'Ji
cral t MH'n-o.
In addition to the pri7iv aheady
named aloe, the (icneral committee
x ill nav three ri7C.s for the best tlecor
aied Wi!din?. The firt piize will be
2 the -econd ?1." and the third 10.
t.l Pi KTi-, C.H. Stockton.
incretar. Cliaiiman Gen. Com
Fire and 3I;ii-iiieaiid Liie
VAN DUSEN & CO.. Ag'ts,
Of Ike rollowhis lteh.i!le Foreign .mil
Honu? tVaipanies :
Uvorjxxl and I.ontlon ainl ('!o1k. Noitli
lUitiNtiantl Mercantile. Scott t-li Union ami
Nxtional. Hartfonl ol Coiiuee'ieiit, C'oinini'r
na or California. Iuulon ami l.tiiiMsliin' ol
Uxerrool, Cunuuerri il Union ol Ionilon.
'.HKnitanot Ixtmlon. Nortliwe-tori'ortl.iml,
MMtHAl Ijfi'of New ork.
FitunptLibcral Adjustments Guaiantccd
1. W. CASE
Insurance Agent.
i:Eri:isi: i inc.
California Marine Ins. Co., S. F.
Celumbia Rra in1 Karinc Ins. Co.,
Tortl iml.
Hme Mutual Instance Co., S. F.
Pkrsnix of London.
Imperial of London.
Robb & Parker,
Fire and Kanne Insurance,
With an Aj-Rreito Capital of
IX! mill AT., or Tendon.
I.TKC)KNIA. of Cilironiia.
tNFXTlClT.or Hartfonl.
OAKIAXI) llOMK, or Oakland
I.1HX. of I omlon.
KIKKM ANS KFN1). of Cilifornia.
VJl IthX. of Imlon.
Bins wiu. m: keciiivld by the
Iisnl or Directors of School District
o One, until Julv 2H, 1SH). for 50 couls
praco limbs ami U.". conls Fir, to he de
Jivrrcd at the vdiool bouse in said district
l ept Is:, lsw.
The ilircctors resene the nj;ht to reject
anv and all bids.
onler. etc. .1. V. COXX,
J.t.. lirSTl.Kn, Cliainii.ui.
Aona, June lOlh, 10. td
County Coroner.
First Class Undertaking
New Styles. Caskets and funeral er.i
Vrit to AJrroiaAX oftice.
Talk i Cheap : It's Quality that Scll.
J , .j9 r-
We have a large list of Fine Besidenco and Business Property in different parts of
tite City. We alo havo somo Fine Lots in Hustler & Aiken's and some choice corner
Lots i McClnres, with a splendid Yiew of the City and Bivor, which we will Sell Cheap.
Xo trouble to show property to intending purchasers.
0 ?CuOl!i''L?v 1
nniMsirirfi' r
. PI R ! I CI t- KTT rCVO-
fi'fcg'SS MtgzU
Absoluta! Furo
Tlii powder neervanci, A n-i u!
,mnty. strength and wliolesoiMeiie s. M re than Hie ordinary km.J . ml -:in
not he soM in competition with i! e v.n'l -tnde
of low t st, short weight, alam or .;
ph He powder. Sold o:i,i m ri It i
I:KIM; I'llttltKltCo. 5( V'hII- . "
I.KU IS M. .lOHNsOV & Co , h nt-. ! 't
lind. 'iieon.
C. P. Upshur,
Shipping and Commission Merchant
;.7.un St. Wharf. Astor.a. tn ji
Cannery Supplies
Barbour's Salmon Net Twines.
XKI'TL'Xi: Brand Salmon
WOODBKRirY Cotton Line ,.i dTwInes
Of all Description rumishi 1 it
I.iclory Trices.
IMected m Tirst CI.iss C.i.n,ai. s
PIHKMX tl.trl '.!. i nn
IIO'I!, New V -ik.
Ascncj Pacific L;iress anil clN, Parso.i t'o.
Piactical : Watchmaker.
asti:i t. i.
A Tine 1-ne of i:old and Si: r W ' 1'.-,
Solid Cold and I'J.i'id .lewli'..i IolKs. !.,
at leisonilile prices. Itepiitiii I'loiiiptlv
Done. Nevt to Morgan fcln nn n
OUSTAV !!AXSi:X. Vn:fr.
A Iire and WeSlSelt eU d '" " of i m
Diainonfls Jewelry
At SCti.mi Iw !TUi-
III Coot's Konirht at 1liJi sinfrn-lttiirjit
Warranted Geinuiie
I'orou Cass and Squetnoipi t iret!
caiii. a. iinfx
Parker & Hanson
New Goods Arriving Every Stcame
Dross - GroooLs,
The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon.
City Express Transfer Company.
H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller,
fleadquirters at Main Strei t w h.rf.
A General Express ami lelici lJusimas
Your iiatronaKC is solicited.
', HEALTH .. rip.
XT IS THTJ ID?Ti i?' ' II- Jk
it-oi cs thcXjcrand ICidi v -il' i.ii li,
Cuns Hi ululie. Dispopsii, .- a A; ;
tile, l'unficft the Impure Blood, aril
Makes The "Wen!: S'-T.n-f.
Uaed everywhere $1 ab(.ttle;bi.for$
Bill Tor UiG Aflmlssiou of tbG Forty-
TbM Slate Passes tie Senate.
m i ;: i: sr i a ua i. rovixa iiein:
peia- 3y lur. I'mtph 1j:lss
Washikgtov, June 27. It is cx-lc-eleil
that tlie Unileil Slates steamer
Iiii;'u,:tjidi now on her way home
from, Mill leach Hampton
lloatK a., to morrovr. Sho has on
bo:nl Atlmirsil Giliis', lately ordered
from the omraaud of the south At
lantic blation.'andnow cotningLomein
the llagship nuder command of Cnpt.
Allen Rrted. with whom the admiral is
not on speaking terms.
The admiral preferred charge.1;
sometime ago, against the captain, for
diseha rging a cook ithont permission,
and the captain retorted by filing
counter charges, based on the failnre
of the admiral to furnish him with
copies of the specifications. It is
hinted around the department that
captain Heed is a victim of persecu
tion by his superior officer.
The general impression is that the
return of the Ridnnoml will be the
-i'tiai for the publication of almost as
interesting a scaudal as that furnished
by the Enter pi isi.
:ia:e., ivyomlm:.
'Flic roTty-TItird Mar to Our T-fa-tional
Kan n cr.
Special to Tub At k:an'.J
"Washingto:.. June 27. The senate
to ilay passcil tlie bill for the admis
sion of "Wyoming as a slate, ayes 29,
najs 1R, a strict party vote.
xouiirtATioh.s coFixeitii:u
I'or aleclors and. Postmasters. to "I in: astoki.vs.J
Washixotox, June 27. The senate
in execalivc session to-day confirmed
the following nominatiens: For col
lector of customs, ATa Pracht, for the
disliictof Alaska; 11. P. Earhart, for
the district of Willamette, Oregon;
1. IL Palmer Ut be agent for the
Indians of the Checnnc river agencv,
South Dakota.
The following postmasters for Ore
gon were cenfirmed: M. T. Nolan,
The Dallea; ATrs. Minnie Washburn,
Candidates Vanted.
Sjk; ul lo Tiik rro:ti.vv.
Washington, .Tune 27. Tha civil
service commissioners will hold exam
inations in San Francisco and Port
land, rome time nct month, to secure
eligible candidates for appointment
as topographic aids on geological
a i::icj:ciJTi:j: ofs'icia?,.
Siicnlhr Trealuicitl aS a Post
master. Speed I'lTiii" Astokiav.j
Washington, June 27. The iost-mtustor-gonentl
has been compelled to
send a guard of men to While Springs,
Florida, to protect the postmaster
there. 0. L. ATorrison. Sometime ago
ATorrison wjis appointed to succeetl O.
lv. 3'axton, a "Hold over ' from Celve
land's administration. Ue appears to
h.tve been very unpopular, and a sys
tematic boycotting v::i immediately
itf-litute.l by the inhiibitanls of the
town Mho mailed and received lelters,
through a smnll post office a few miles
No! satisfied with this, Alornsou's
enemies concerted a conspiracy to
annoy him :ts much as possible. They
succeeJed in getting an ignorant
while man. named Lewis, to believe
that he hid bsen appointed a detec
tive, and a fraudulent warrant, calling
for Morrison's, was given lo
Lewis Mho with the assistance of a
man named Morgan, arrested Mor
rison, bound him with ropes, and took
him to Salt Lake City, thirty miles
aw ay.
The fradnlcnt character of the arrest
wsis discovered by the citizens of Salt
Lake city, and Lewis and Morgau
were compelled lo teleaso Morrison,
after which they themselves were
locked up in jail. Lewis, discovering
the fraud which had been perpetrated
on him, turned states evidence.
On Iris testimony, Morgan, ex-post-maslcr
Paxton, principal Skipworth,
of the Florida slate normal school, as
sistant principal Gnilliam and a Mr.
Cohen, said to be the richest man in
Hamilton couut3, were indicted. Mor
gan was sentenced pay a fine of 31,000,
and the others were placed under
heavy bonds. Morrison's life was
again threatened by some of the con
spirators, with tho result that the de
partment has determined to protect
the postmaster with an armed guard.
Tor the Sick and tkc Dead.
Special to Tiik Astokian.
W-vsrnN-GTON, June 27. Contracts
for the care of seamen, eta, for the
next fiscal j ear, have been awarded
on the Pacific Coast, by supervising
surgeon-general Hamilton, of tho
marine hospital service, at Port Town
send, Washington. Tho hospital pa
tients are to be cared for in the United
States marine hospital, A. G. Smith,
manager, to provide for the burial of
deceased patients at 9.50 each.
And Buy some
In a Railroad Land Case.
Special to Tiik AsroniAN.
WAsmsGTON, June 17. Secretary
Noble to-day rendered a decision in
the ex-parto case of C. M. Wells,
whose application to purchase a tract
of 320 acres of land in Los Angeles,
Cal., land district had been rejected
by the commissioner of tho general
land office.
Tho laud is within the primary
limits of the grant to the Southern
Pacific railroad and also wilhiu the in
demnity limits of tho forfeited grant
to the Atlantic and Pacific railroad
Wells' application topurchaso is
made under the act of March 3rd,
Tho commissioner rejested the ap
plication for tlie reason that it was
prematurely made, the land having
been reserved awaiting adjudication
by the court.
Tlie Doctor ViIl be Relieved.
Social to The astorian.1
Washington, June 27. Secretary
Windomhas written a letter to the
United States appraiser at New York,
inclosing a copy of tho report to the
committee appointed lo mvestigato the
charges against Dr. Edward Sherer,
and saying "The department concurs
in the "conclusions of the committee,
and 3 on are icGtructed to release Dr.
Sherer immediately from tho charge
of the sugar laboratory, ami assign
another chemist to the duty of polar
izing sugars at your port
The estimates of population by the
new census range from 03,000,000 to
Tlie population of the United States
in 1S70 was 38,555,933. In 1SS0 it was
New York's taxable wealth is put at
$2,000,000,000. Tho city's property is
estimated at 300,000,000.
An ordinary police conrt recorder in
New York city gets $12,000 salary.
The governor of the state getsS10,00J.
The population of Africa is now
estimated at 325,000,000. Tho area is
three times that of Europe, the popu
lation being about equal.
The life-saving service is main
tained at an annual cost of less than
$300,000; and during the last year it
saved 787 lives, and property valued
at $5,000,000.
According to the ceusu3 of 1830, the
manufactures having the largest cap
itals were: Iron, $231,000,000; cotton
soods, $220,000,000; lumber, sawed,
$181,000,000; flonr mills, $177,000,000,
and foundries; $155,000,000.
Tho City Girl at the Seaside.
The ciry girl goes to the seaside for
lecreatiou, and incidentally to xopo in
a wealthy husband. She generally
succeeds in securing a young man
who is reputed to bo worth a mint
of money, but who in reality is a
little clerk on his week's vacation,
and who is also on tho lookout for a
wealthy partner. It is needless lo re
mark that "Iheir surprise on finding
out that they have both been deceived
is very great, and is somewhat similar
lo that of the tramp who took a drink
from a demijohn nuder the impression
that it was whisky, only to find, after
it is too late, that it w:ia only water.
The drear months of winter arj
occupied by tho city girl in preparing
stunning co3tumea for the seaside, in
order, as she tells her dear, scheming
mamma, to "hit 'em hard." Her bath
ing costume suggests to the sensible
onlooker that she should be hit hard
with a shiuglo and put to bed- It is
as brief as tho reply of a man who is
asked to subscribe for the erection of
a new church.
It is indeed an amusing sight to see
the city girl nt the seaside, attired in
her best, using all her artificial coy
ness in a mighty effort to make an im
pression on a jonug millionaire, who,
m tho city, during business hours, puts
lather in your month and shouts
NcxtF' in a corner barber-suon.
o More Free AdcrtLsin:;.
The Democrat, tho representative
journal of Baker county, and which
ha3 earned, an enviable reputation
for itself among its contemporaries by
persistent labor for many ears past,
does not propose to give the infant
JJlaue, a sheet that has hardly passed
its first "moon," and which has
a reputation to get, any
I more free advertising. Tho Hem ocra t
is perfectly willing to discuss ques
tions of public interest, and, unlike
the JSlade, has a higher mission to
perform than to fill its columns with
rot in running down its contempor
aries. Now, Mr. Cronemiller, if you
expect any mention in the Democrat
you will have to step tip to tho
captain's office and pay for it at the
rate of ten cents a line, ana wo
will advertise you in great shape.
.Wehavo our ideas in regard to run
fikig a newspaper, and we aro per
fectly willing that yo'uSnay have the
same privilege. In tho future we
will endeavor to pay no attention to
low and contemptible utterances and
let them go unnoticed. Tiakei' City
Try the Columbia JJakery and s.itisfy
yourhoit where you can do tna uesr.
Kindred Park.
On the completion of the Astoria & South Coast, and Albany & Astoria Baflroads, this property will be worth
a great many times the amount for which it is selling at present
Remember the History of Other Cities
of this Property before it is too late.
iooo people mama
Willi Hnnpr, Weakness and Misery,
r as They fall
.i i'Itttuj: sivrjSAiz for aid.
Special l7 Ibo TJ.mtpd Pecss.
New York, Juno 27. A few days
ago it was thought the cloakmakera'
strike was ended, but now 2,000 people
arc starving. The men are so weak
ened by hunger that they stagger as
they walk, and famished children are
crying in vain for bread. Of the 10,
000 people idle, some are barely able
to live, but othera are dependent on
charity, aud have lived for days on
bread and water only.
Professor Gariside, president of the
clock-maker's union has made strong
appeals to other organizations for aid,
which has been responded to, but
there were so many people without
food, that tho money offered is only a
drop in the bucket Professor Gari
side was seen yesterday afternoon and
described the" condition of things as
Tlie Heavy Suit is Dismissed. to Tin: AstouiaxJ
Chicvgo, Jnnc 27. A sensation was
caused hero tins afternoon, by tho
filing of a stipulation, dismissing tho
snit)t Charleton against the Chicago
ga? trust. It was on this suit that
Col. George E. Davis was appointed
receiver, and tho dismissal of tho suit
will end his receivership,.
Villainous Conduct off a Jealous
Special to The astoeia.
We'chestek, Va., Juno 27. Charles
Seymour, of Manchester, in a fit of
frenzy this morning, struck Charles
Harding, a jeweler, who was boarding
with him, with a flat iron on the back
of the head, knocking him down, and
s track him three times after he was
Seymour's wife tried to run to alarm
the neighbors, when he also struck
her with a flab iron, knocking her
down an embankment in front of tho
He then went back and struck his
five-year-old son with the iron, and to
finish it all, cut his throat with a pen
knife, severing his windpipe, ancLalso
stabbed himself in the abdomen.
At seven o'clock this evening, all
tho parties were living, but Seymour
and Harding will not recover, and the
others aro in a critical state but may
recover. There is some evidence that
Seymour w.i3 jealous of his wife,
though there does not seem to be any
cause for the jealousy.
No Doubt They Arc Dead.
Spcdni toTllK AsroniAX.l
Dontjvi:, Pcnn, June 27. Tho
rescuers had not succeeded, in cutting
their wav into the Hill farm mine at
noon, but were expecting to break
through at ttuy moment. There is no hope that the imprisoned
men aro alho.
Wholesale indictment.
Speci i! to Tar. AsTont N
UATiTuro-tt-. Md.. June 27. The
grand jury to day indicted every
brewer and" distiller of this city, for a
violation of the high license law,
passed by the last legislature.
Kusincss Part cr a. Town In
Ruins. to Tub Astokiax.1
Cumox, Wyo., Juno 27. Tho busi
ness part of the town was burnal this
morning. The loss is $100,000, and
there is only a small insurance. The
fire started" in a room in one of tho
hotels, iu which a drunken man had
been put to bleep.
Early Hour for Hanging.
Special to Tiik Asromn
Pint Crrr, Minnesota, Juno 27. At
3:30 this morning in tho city jail,
William B. llooker was hanged for tho
murder of his brother-in-law, Wm.
Coombs, and wife, last November.
IVill ITIaintaiu the Rates.
Special to Tun astokian .J
New Yokk, Jnne 27. The presidents
of tho seaiward trunk lines spent the
day considering tho east bonnd rate
war, and decided to recommend to
the general traffic association to re
store tho rates.
Grevcr's Decision Is Reversed.
Special to TnE astoriax.1
New York, June 27. The decision
of Grover Cleveland, as referee, in the
case of Philps vs. Venner, has been
overruled by judge Cox, of the United
States' court
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc can
c bought at tho lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
A thief who robbed a house at
Wilkesbarre, Pa., took a bath and ar
rayed himself in clean linen and a
f ro3h suit before ho left
Lots Selling Fast Buy Now!
Roscoe Boss ail Two Boys 6s Orer
tie Dai at Allaiy.
Special by Tha Uxitkd Pkess
Seattle, June 27. The jury in the
case of Daniel "W. Ogle vs. city of
Seattle and Gee Lee, a suit for per
sonal damages, which was tried yes
terday in judge Stratum's court,
brought in a sealed verdict this morn
ing awarding the plaintiff damages
for $000, against the city of Seattle
lie is Still Largely In Arrears t
the City.
Special to Tub Astokian.
SeathiE, June 27. The deficit in
tho accounts of ex-city treasurer
Isaac Parker, has not yet yet been
made good. According to statements
submitted, there is thousands of dol
lars due the city from this source.
Ex-treasurer Parker has repeatedly
given out the impression that he was
about to make good the amount, but
thus far he has failed to keep his
word in this regard. City attorney
Piles, who was seen this morning, says
a suit will be instituted against ex
treasurer Parker at once.
Is Entirely
tee Gee
for Him.
Special to Thbastoriax.1
SeattiiE, Wash., June 27. An at
tempt at rape is said to have been
made last evening about 7 o'clock,
upon Theresina, a six year old daugh
ter of Mrs. Trobuccato, of Miner
street John Cochrane, a half-breed
Indian, was caught by B. A. Neilin in
an out-house hehind the Overland
hotel, having hid there personally for
the accomplishment of his purpose.
Upon being discovered, Cochrane took
flight, but was captured an hour later,
by officer Slater. Cochrane is about
thirty-five years of age and claims to
bo a farm hand on the ranch of ox
sherifF, William Cocharne.
He Victimizes Maay Confiding
People. Special to The Astoria.
Seattle, Wash., June 27. W. H.
Carter, a clever forger, was cut short
in his crooked work last night about
8 o'clock, by detective J. L. Barck.
Carter, by skillful use of pen and
clever misrepresentations, has fleeced
sundry parties out of a total amount
of perhaps $200. Among the number
are H. 13. Burke, painter and paper
Hanger, Unas. U. Murphy, W. B. Ash,
T.P.Watson, G. B. Bowers, jeweler,
and the Famous restaurant Still
others are victims, as it is understood
Carter has passed eleven bogus ohecks,
and singular to say each ono being for
the same amount, $50.
Deserted at Sea.
Sjiecial to The astormx.
Sax Fbancisco, June 27. Conrad
Innis and Julius Caesar were arrested
to-day by the United States marshal,
charged with stealing a boat, provis
ions, etc, from the ship Challenger,
irom wnicn vessel tney aesertea on
the high seas, and after knocking
about on rough waters for five days,
were picked up by United States man
of war Adams, and brought to this
port Both men are colored.
The Wire Tappers Held la Rail.
Special to The Astokiax.I
San Francisco, June 27. William
Fallon and John W. Nagle, who were
arrested for tapping the wires leading
to tho pool rooms, were held to an
swer in $10,000 bail this afternoon.
Favor Increased Silver Coinage.
Special to TnE Astokian.
San Francisco, Juno 27. The
chamber of commerce this afternoon
adopted a resolution recommending
the coinage of five million silver dol
lars monthly.
Getting Ready for Inspection.
Special to TnE Astokian.
San Francisco, June 27. Tho
United States steamer Adams is mak
ing ready for inspection, which will
take place next week. One of the offi
cers stated that the beautiful pennant
of the steamer, which is over 400 feet
long, is made of remnants of the flags of
tho wrecked United States vessels,
Vandaliu and Trenton.
The Pnritan Clao Wast to See
a Big Fight.
Special to The Astoria!.
San Francisco, June 27. Mose
Gunst, this afternoon, received a tele
gram from Dick Boche, of the Puritan
club, of Long Island City, asking the
former to see Jackson on behalf of the
club, and get his final answer as to
whether he will fight Sullivan at the
Puritan club for $20,000. Boche says
he will guarantee Jackson fair play by
putting up $75,000 forfeit, to be drawn
aown ii any lnienerenceis onerea mm.
- '
will fad
Roscoe Goss and. Two NRoys
Special to Tub astokian.
Special to The Astokian.
AiiBAxr. Or- June 27. Roscoe
Gobs, tending the electric light sta
tion in this city, and two small boys,
went out boat riding Jlns afternoon
intending to stay out but a little while.
Not retruningin time for supper their
people became anxious and a search
ing party started out on the river
where it was supposed they were lost
in the woods, gathering blackberries.
The river was searched further than,it
was expected they had gone. About
1030 ono of tho searching parties
found pieces of the boat below the
dam, and shortly after more was
round. Tho party went as close to
the dam as safety would permit,
but could not discover anything but
the remaining portion of the boat,
stranded up among the rocks. As yet
none of the bodies have been found.
Goss leaves a wife and young child,
also an aged mother who was
visiting with him. Chas. Taylor
McFarland and young JMat
thews were about 9 years old each.
McFarland was an orphan, his mother
dying about five months ago. Mat
thews was the son of Mr. Matthews, of
the firm of Matthews & Washburn,
hardware dealers, in this city.
Search will be continued all
night, although tho-prospects are
not good for finding the bodies a3 tho
river has been risinglately.
On Beard a Chinese Baa of War.
Special to The astorian.1
San" Francisco, Jnne- 27. The
steamer City of liio De Janeiro
brought news to-day of a mutiny on
the Chinese man of war Nanslieng.
Tho latter part of last month, while
tne vessel was lying at anchor under
going repairs, the captain informed
the men they would bo given only
half pay, when the latter displayed a
mutinous spirit Tho matter was re
ported to tho commodore, who got a
detaohment of soldiers and went
When the captain proceeded to dole
out half pay to tho men, a free fight
ensued v three soldiers being severely
wounded with the stabs from the knives
of the infuriated seamon. The soldiers"
s crcmbled as best they could overboard
and escaped, while thesailors locked
up tho commodoro and captain, and
proceeded to have a high festivity on
board. They ultimately quieted down
and released the captain and officers,
who had fifteen of the ring-leaders
BHilding Operations Completely
Special to Tub astokian.I
Oakland, Cal., June 27. The tie
up of building operations to-day is
nearly complete, in consequence ot-a
general striko ordered last night, by
the carpenters union. Beforo the
present trouble began, there wero 370
union carpenters employed in Oak
land- Of these, about seventy struck
last Monday, and all tho others aro
supposed to be out now.
Tho carpenters think tho contract
ors will necessarily submit to tho
terms proposed, but the builders also
continue confident Tho latter aro
now looking about for non-union men
to enable them to complete the con
tracts which they have on hand.
Plenty ef Money for the Laxvycrs
Special to Tub Astokian.
San Francisco, Juno 27. Henry
E. Highton finished his cloaing argu
ment in tho Blytho case to-day, hav
ing spoken four days on behalf, of tho
alleged widow. This concluded the
entire argument, and tho case was
submitted to judge Coffey for decision.
The trial of this great case was begun
on the 15th of July, 1SS9. There were
208 witnesses examined, and deposi
tions read of ldy other persons. The
argument of tho caso was-opened on
tho 10th of last April.
Kerr te be Examined Next Week,
Special to The Astokian.
San Francisco, June 27. Every
thing was quiet this morning at the
Occidental foundry and in the neigh
borhood of tho tragedy of yesterday.
Several police officers patrolled the
district, and a number were on duty
all last night, it being feared that an
attack might be made on tho foundry.
the foundryman who shot and killea
Ed. Coogan, an iron molder's appren
tice yesterday, went over in tho state
circuit court this morning for a week
An inquest will bo held next Monday.
Will ee Here en Shh day Morn in g.
Special to Tub astorian
San Francisco, Juno 27. The
schooner Moonlight, a novel craft
propelled by gasoline, left here to-day
on a trial trip to Portland.
Marine Intelligence
Special to Tin: astokiax.1
San Francisco, June 27. Cleared
Bark Rttfus JS. Wood,, for Nanaimo
sailed steamers Willamette and AUci,
for Port Townsend.
have some Good Acreage and some small
IaTestors will do well to call on or write to
it to their advantage to list it with us, as
artglkebeat Correspondence Solicited.
Iitercsliu Items 8f Salmn Fukiif
Ail Caiiiii.
Special by The Uktcsd Pksbs,
San Francisco. June 27. AdTiOM
from Alaska received to day, state that
tho canneries at Karluk, on Kernel
island, had not started, up to Jium
15th. The fish had not cosuBwoed
to run, nor had they at Kyack, at the
south end.
AtKarluckthe fishermen had been
hauling seines 250 fathoms in width,
and catching about 150 to 200 red
fish at a haul. When tho fish ram
they usually catch from 5,000 to 10,000
atahauL There are about thirty or
forty people there on the beach.
At Afognak island, 38 miles from St.
Paul, a settlement on Kodiak, the
men were running about 200 room a .
day, for the two canneries located
At Prince William sound, on
Copper Island, as' it is often,
called, the king fish catch was a fail
nre on account of the ice, and the red
fish had not commenced to run.
When the party left, the nehermea
were expecting them daily, and were
well prepared for them. The pros
pects for a good catch of salmon
around Kodiak and Shellikofr straifa.
are good and the fishermen are about
starting in now. -
On Prince Williams sound, nrofmeots.
are doubtful There has been trouble
between the fishermen and their
bosses, at the Alaska. Improvement
Co.'s cannery at Karluk, on account of
the men being required to work on
aunoays. The men, some twenty-fire
or thirty, had struck and were Imag
on the beach", on what fish they could
catch, and clams and seaweed.
Tho winter in Alaska has generally
been a hard one. On the islands of
Kodiak and Afognak, it was not so
bad, but there was lots of snow and
frost until after Chmtmaa. The
catch of otter and other furs was be
low the average.
All the miners who went up pros
pecting on Copper river to the Kmay
peninsula and tho principal isIsM,
were dead broke. They had rmrjoiotod
by cutting wood for" the canneries,
and would go to work for them whom
the fish commenced to run.
The sealer Nellie Martin was- at
Hewchik, on Prince William sound,
twelve days ago. She then had fifteen
otter and 200 sealskins. She was go
ing to Kodiak for supplies. Other
sealers were seen cruising around
Middleton island.
The Alaska Commercial company
has opened a coal mine at Portage
harbor, to tho Trestwardof Unga, oa
the mainland, and a mine has been
opened at Cooper, on Cook's inlet
A moss-back settler, may the tribe
crease, awoke one night awakened,
by thefleas-and saw, within the moon
light in hi3 shack, here showing
patches and there a crack, a spirit
writing in a book of geld: Great ig
norance has made the mosBback bow,
and to the presence in the hut
he said: "What ver writin' ofr"
The ghostlet raised its head, and
with a voice that filled the
room answered, "The names of those
who try their towns to boom.'' Is
my name there r" said Moss-back.
"Nay, not so," replied the sneetre.
Poor Moss-back spoke more low, bat
soil witn gaii, ana. said, "1 reckon yo
better, sonny, set me down as one' who
saves his money."
The critter writ and sloped. The
next night it came again with atom
moonlight, and showed, the names of
those as kickers known the best, and
lot Old Moss-back's name led all the
rest Vernonia Journal.
A Hatter ef Isterest to Travelen.
Tourists, emigrants and mariners lad that
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is a medietas!
safeguard against un healthful lngBeaoas, up
on which they can Implicitly rely, staee it
prevents the effects that an UBbeaKfcy ell
mate, vitiated atmosphere, anaccaatomed or
unwholesome dfet, bad water, or other con
ditions unfavorable to health, would otber
wise produce. On long voagea.or Joaraeys
by land in latitudes adjacent to the eqaater.
it is especially useful as a preventative of the
febrile complaints and disorders of the stom
ach, liver and bowels, which are apt to at
tack: natives of the temperate zones sojourn
lng or traveling tnsuchregkms.aad nam ex
cellent protection against the inloenee of
extreme cold, sudden changes of tempera
ture, exposure to damp or extreme faogae.
It not only prevents Intermittent and remit
tent lever, and other diseases of a "T"tnl
type.but eradicates them,a fact that haabeea
notorious for years past in North andSoata
AmcricarXexicol the West Indies. AtMtzaas
and other countries. -
rn.- n. .c - . -
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.VltriniiPRETllRI DffkllL "?&&:
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