-v?" ucaaMiBaEBi fhc 0m asforiRtt. , T-"IA.OBEtfCU: iSUSNTDAY.. 1 UNI" 22. 1880 SUJED EVBRY MORNING. . F. KAL.L.ORAN & COMPAKY. I'riMfckrrs atid riwprie'om. ivsnmuAK urtiji:. 'A-SSSTRICK'". Trns of SKtMCripiipn. aura by Carnr. t-: whv !." ;Mrt hy MaK. jw- . .? n OJ-i Mlt fey Sail. o. . r .. ..$.;? rwc iMtst: il.-rJ .r-. Tjck Atok:a jruara:l.- s :.. i:-. a.lvr :i. ihf auz 'iirultiti of any iirwiij " JHlblKM.Hl IMJ thf 0iittili,i I1VT. C7T AND CiUHTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Tkt GliftoH cauuory ot .7. and V. Gook will commence business to-morrow. There was a large audience at lies one olub meeting last night, and an interesting and attractive program. IT.t.rlt.k t. f !- lta7tnr ! otiitif .nr I xm built in the front part of their , store, which is more convenient than Imviuff their oiiice at tho rear end of the room. Two divorce were yeslertlay grsuited in the circuiVeoiirt. another was on trial, and a fourth one applied for. T1h Jimrriage-; do not ocm to keep laoe with the divoie.-. The services in the Congregational church today will be as follews: At 11 a:.. sermen: theme, "J3ible Spiritual-1 sni. ii-ignt o eiocic, evening iceiure: subject, 3rnasticism." Tlie eit;. deliutpient tax list of Seattle is being advertised in the Times. Of the thirty columns of descriptions of property in the list. twent-v-fonr are 'unknown.' 1!h ! 1 lev. "Mr. G rami's will occupy pulpit of the Methodist church to-day. at 11 a. ".i. Subject for theught: "The Pioneers' of Faith." S v. 7,K "Avoiding the Appearance of Evil." 73MJ: ng service. The directors of the Athletic asso ciation. lh?mg positive that Jtiordan "Shall we Sustain our Churches': A question for Astoria. This subject will 1h discussed b Jtev. Dr. Camp lmll this morning at the Presbyterian church. In the evening the subject will be "The Itich Man and Lazarus." and Fraker had mine here with the j j,, jake enemies. Uut what of that? !e.nor "JJ malicious assaults ana soar intention of making the tight a fake. - Enemies nit her help a newspaper than I "Jto n Va of sunshine, an atnios rightly refused (o give them any more j otherwise, especially when their hos- P"1 t serenity and a world of calm money for the Friday night's eontot tfliiv is generally known to arise from I "fligiit. city 1 here are per.- ui who think ;:iem-' tireless cflbrts to accommodate tho Yesterday a power o attorney was ' selves entitled to control everything. ' traveling public. Bnt the Thompson fiiod for record, by which I. L. Kim- aiid thai opposition to any of their ; has two or three fiends aboard, who Ktrmid wife, ofSalom. authorize 1). ' proceedings is an offense akin to u per would be improved in manners if an IM. Slamrt :o sell for tliem their M)n::i grievance or affront They want , chored in deep water over night One lrjorty in the Nolan ranch in sec-, 0 bo.-s the commnnily, newspapers j of them takes delight in going through tion 2J). iiwiiRliip S north, range I) included. They lack understanding ' the cabin where women and children wcat or apprehension of the tnie functions i unable to procure or secure berths. people from A lartf number Fraul ttturt, Jimippion ami J eej luyer I way the local press would be simply ' onstrate tne lact tnat lie is a con over here yesterday purchasing j iheoriran of their lirivate interests and 'demncd nuisance. TSTioever has wore over here yesterday purchasing roods, and Uie steamers Vrwnia and I Khp went over m tne afternoon j .vol! kmded with passengers and puck-, "S5- i - The adjustor of one of the insurance , companies who had iohcies on tne , stock of boots and shoes burned last . Twosday cvwiinsr .is in the city await- j jiownianv hundreds or mothers" are ' traveling on the night boat between mg the arrival or the adjuster of the , (j,er Viii0 v.m11 not let their infants ' Portland and this city. other company, who is expected tc- i00iinio a 'rajrror until thev have ! . ,f '' morrow. iraased a certain age.' How manyl An Elegant Present. ,.. . . . -more are they who insist that their O. J. Liumell. county assessor, is in jlite ones Jnuat be carried up-stairs ' The Russian vice-consul. Gust Wil llie city, lie has been assessing , 'oerorc u,ev nrc carried down stairs, to ' S3n, is in tho city, and last evening he around Young's river and Lewis and j j,t, enn tjov inav ..rj5C in u,e world?"' J was presented with a large and hand Olarke's and leporls muddy roads. jjow. mav sensible, well-educated s?me gold headed ebony cane. On D. H. Welch, deputy assessor, will be-1 ..ouip ;,. Astoria feel unnloasant when the head is engraved in the Finn gm assessing Alna property on the IstofJulr. Nellie Mellenry. who lias captured all the cities b her clever acting will appear at lions' opera house next Thursday, with her clever company in "Lady Pey." The s.'ile of reserved jjcats will begin next Tuesday at the New York Novelty Store. Seaside Lodge, No. 12, X. O. T7. "NV., had a very plcisaut session last even ing, several visitors being present. The junior degree was conferred on three candidates, nine received the workman degree, and there were eleven applications for membership. The preliminary examination of Lee Outlaw, the colored man who shot P. C. Foy Friday mnrning, did not take place yesterday, owing to the inability of the wounded man to appear, aud j has been postponed until 2 o'clock to-1 morrow afternoon in justice Clay's j ouit. j V. J. Darry, yesterday resigned the position of deputy V. S. marshal. There are several applicants for the vacancy. It will be a week or ten days bofore an upoiutncnt will be made by U S. marshal L. T. 15arin. Mr. Barin came down yesterday morning and returns to Portland to-day. Postmaster Hare says that, he can go tt the theater now. When engineer of No. 2's he used to go to the theater about twice a year, and whenever he went there used to be an alarm, and he had to get out p. d. q. Now he doesn't have to go out if ho were there, and an alarm sounded, but ten to one he'd go. just the same. C C. Cooper, the eflicieut manager r the Seaside house, was in the city yotcrday. That famous hostelry has ecn refitted throughout and will be thrown oj)en to the pnblic on the 1st of next month. The increased facili ties for reaching it will doubtless tax its capacity this season. There is no more delightful sojourning gronud on the Pacific coast. Four years ago in the city of Santa Maria, Sauta Barbara county, Califor nia, a man had both legs horribly mangled by being run over by the cars. Both legs were amputated above the knees, one being cut off twice. Yesterday the man arrived here, coming down from Portland. He is seated on a small platform with three wheels, and by the aid of roller handles which reach to the ground, he procls himself along the street. He is a bright, intelligent man, an Ameri can, and quite interesting in conversa tion. The Little Dandy Noe S:ScuHcy. Alcohol Stove at IlHrrah for (he Fourth of July, When everybod will celebrate with Fireworks, purchased fioni F.Fcrrcll's large assortment of Roman Candles, Sky Rockets, Torpedoes, Pin AY heels, Nigger Chasers, Boys' Pistols, and all kinds of Fireworks. The finest stock in the city to select from, and at prices to suit the most fastidious customer. Come early and have your pick. Look at the Cooking and Heating Oil Stoves at Noe & Sculley. Largo stock of Oil, Alcohol and Gaso line Stoves at Noe & Sculley. E AUD OTHERWISE. Some Stray Paragrajls on Some Stray Subjects. WITH .1 VAKTIZTY or TOPICS. i Kentucky reports the discovery of a : spring, one drink from v.hicli makes an old woman feel like a lass of six teen. It makes one suspect that some body lias; struck an old moonshiners still house. The Astoria Athletic association had I two entt-riainmcnt.s last weel:, largely attended; whether they were finan cial successes depends upon the point or view. Muscjes like mngnets grow weak from disuse. Physical culture is i a need and a gymnasium with costly and complete appliances, is au orna I ment to our city. There is little, how j ever, that is either useful or oruamen ' tal in having two beefy bruisers bat- m ,r for them. A Cincinnati paper ran against a boycott last week for paying that a soup bone is good enough for a labor er. All was forgiven when it declared ;hat a soup Ione was good enough for anvbodv. A few days ago the writer ran across a somewhat lengthy German word, consistimr of thirty-seven syllables. 109 letters. Its translation is: "A 'stock company of bagpipe manufac- hirers in Constantinople paying five and one-half percent dividends." This is the werd: Conslaniinopolilanlschefunfundein halbprocenlizctta d elsackmachcrgesel-leiiherberbergsactienversichermngsge-sellschaft. Isloria last week discussed the water question pretty thoroughly. It is conceded on all hands that Tin: As- Toi:r.ws position is the correct one let the city own it own water work's. 1 The matter oi ways ami means and means lies largely with the next state legislature and the spirit of our citizen1. The newspaper that does its duty in protecting the public interest is sure . au iiuicpeiutcnr. aui imfiic spiraea i course on the part of the journal that incurs their displeasure. The paper Hint stands bv the public interests is on solid ground, and the people will heartily support it in its advocacy of their riirht;. In everv small town or ; of a newspaper in its relation to public interests, and if th"v could have their iheoriran of their unvate interests and selfisti aims. rjij,e jn;s.5i0;jar;ei; who "o to convert ' the '"iiciit'heirVepoit tharihe greatest J obstacles Ihev meet with in their work I is lhe s,llJL.MiitiOXi of the people Is jj. j,(J verv tiiirerejiJ with civilized en-1 1: i,irt ,Ca ,,o,nt nViii'i'mrori r'wmm' . in;rror ; broken in the house? ' Thousands. How many consider it ill luck to see the new moon over the wrong shoulder? More thousands. t Not so many bnt still very many, cau- , not be templed to pass under a ladder. 1 If people right here at home, having the advantage of schools, churches. I books, newspapers, aud their own common sense, cling to tnese sense less superstitious, how can the 'heathen in his blindness" be ex pected to renounco his, which arc not one particle more ridiculous. I There's a poem about Santa Clans I which generally creates unusual at I tention in families about the close of ! the vear. It contains a line which 'lie opened the shutters and threw up i tne sasu. The younger of the Tamily had been promised something extra if she would learn it quite perfect. She al leged she had done so, and before the guests she was called upon to repeat it. She revolutionized the idea alxmt Santa Claus by saying: "lie opened Iho shutters ami threw np the hash.' J). B. Bush, a former resident or Nevada, now in the insurance busi ness in Portland, was here last week to fix up the loss on J. H. Mnnsell's building in the lire of last Tuesday J night. He met one or two old Nevad aus while in Case's bank, making out adjustments, etc They got to talking of old bonanza days iu Virginia City. One had been a newspaper man there in the exciting days when Fair and Mackay knew more of the bowels of the earth than they did of the surface. They always kuew a good deal about the people on the earth, thougli, and managing deals was a maltcMhat few could do as well as Mr. Fair espec ially. This newspaper man related a little incident that probably has never appeared in print "John Mackay,' he said, "was never much of a manipulator. He was a miner, aud always wanted to go straight at things. One time Fair went off and left Mackay to run things. They were drifting in the Union Con solidated, aud in maldng three different drifts which formed a triangle, they came on stringers of ore on all sides. John Mackay, like a miner, immedi ately came to the conclusion that there might be a large body of ore in the center or thereabouts of that triangle. He immediately started straight in toward the middle. There was some excitement, of course, in the stock, but as they went on with no indications of a body of ore, interest began to die out, and thev got through without finding auything. Fair got back, and the first thing he did was to start a drift at an acute ancle, in the direction the stringers pointed. He came on a small body of SCO rock. He tried a deal, but he couldn't make it go. 'John, JohnF' he said to Mackay, "you've knocked tho stuffin' out of the mine. "Why didn't you keep the cen tre of that ground a mystery till we'd given the boys a deal5r" Then Bush told of the time that there was a fire in one of the mines whose works connected with Consoli dated Virginia. A well-known Nevada mining sharp was standing in a broker's office, when a man with a white face rushed in and told them: "It's a bad fire, and there's two men in the shaft God knows how we're to .get them out." 'That's awful! awfulP said tho min ing man. Then he turned to the broker and -whispered: "Sell 200 Consolidated Yirginia short for me. How many men did you say were in the mine?" A chivalrous exchange bubbles over like this: '"How can a man say that a woman has nothing to do? In one year she gels dinner 365 times, washes the dishes 1,095 times, gets the children ready for school twice a day for 180 days, gets the baby to sleep 1,-159 times, makes about 300 calls, and as she wishes for something she hasn't every minute, she wishes GO things au hour, or 4,330 things in a year. "Who says that a woman has nothing to dof' Judge Tuley, who used to be a director of one newspaper and is now judicially iu charge of another, said: "No intelligent man at this day be lieves a thing to be true merely be cause he sees it so stated in a news paper. He knows that what is asserted as" true to-day will very likely be denied to-morrow." This is one dictum. By way of reprisal it invites anether: No intelligent man at this day be lieves a judicial decision to bo good law merely because it is announced from tho bench. He knows that what is asserted as law to day will very likely be upset by another court to- morrow. Yeslerday was the longest day in the year, and as lovely as it was long. The writer always has a certain sym pathy for people who are unable to j live iu Astoria, and enjoy our glorious wcamcr. xnere is a ureezy iresnness, a vigor and elasticity to Astoria and northwestern Oregon climate, that is unapproachable, and only fully valued by daily residonts when for a time, called away to other and less favored climes. We are. of truth, n fnvnrpfl nrrrl in having so glorious a country to live m, and ought never to have a word or complaint or allow sorrow, sin or suf fering to enter in to mar the harmony of life. Evenwith tho stings of human insects at limes annoying, tho soul that is to itself a kingdom, can rise su A word of praise and a word of blame is due some of tho passenger ' boat employes. The pursers and 'stewards on the Thompson,TeIep7ione I and Heed are courteous gentlemen, who deserve commendation for their are trying to sleep, and whistles and bangs doors, etc., in an effort to dem- demncu nuisance. charge ought to bounce him. Lamps can be extinguished at dawn, and uer duties pertaining to a purveyor of spittoons, without the disturbing whistle and cigaretto accompaniment J" lllis heeded, it will save many a tortured lady's head much anguish nt present silenth endured while language the following inscriptien: "Presented to Gust Wilson by the Oregon Finn Brotherhood of Astoria, June 21, 1890." A large number of his countrymen were present and tho af fair was one of great rejoicing. IIE WAS ASHAMED To Ask A pain, but Ilia Frank Letter Got It for Him. A few months ago one of. the unfortanaU i inmates in the San Francisco Almshouse I vras inspired by the sensational statement j in the newspapers with tho belief that Joy1 Vegetable Sarsaparilla would help him. Bat I without money, how to get it was the que- tkm. Finally he wrote to tho Edwin W. Joy Co., appealing to their generosity, and it wm not unheeded, tho coveted preparation b ing sent by tho next parcel delivery. Its effect is best told in a subsequent letter, from which we quote tho follewing: " I suppose you know me by this writinr, and inv circumstances and condition. Al though improving, I ask of your generoritr for another bottle of your Joy's vegetable Sarsauarllla. Its laxative action is verfec- lion itself. It has so thoroughly It has so thoroughly regulated my system that my catarrh, rheumatism, constipation, and headaches are all better. 7 feci ashamed to ask in this way, bnt what shall I do ? I thought I might not need any more, but I am now so anxious to keep It up; but you see how it is." It was sent, and he can get more if ho need It Tho Dalles Times-Mountaineer says that on June 14th Messrs. Senfert Bros, caught the first shad in their wheel near Celilo, and it weighed three and one-half pounds. It was as fine a one as was ever seen in the New York markets and caught in the North river. Merit Win. We desire to say to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Buklen's Ar nica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such univer sal satisfaction. "We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not fol low their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. J. w. Conn, Druggist At the Bazar, the finest line of Gloves, Mitts, Ribbons, et(, etc SfeHej t 'Lmmm On Improved Farm Property, for two ycais or longer. Address Box 343, City. Gets tke Bazar For the cheapest and best Sateens and Black Dress goods. Potatoes aad Vegetables, Strawberries and other berries, Cher ries. Currants and all seasonable Fruits at Thompson & Ross. For the very best Photos, go to Sinis ter. All the Choicest Delicacies, made by only first-class men at the Seaside Bakery. Good Goods and low rates at the Sea side Bakery. WelMkaral'a Uer. And Free Lunch at the Telepheae Sa loon, 5 cents. Drink Knickerbocker btiUeil, hear. c isaaM A few rooms at MrslX C. JBeMea's. with board ;cerner efiTkira ami Main: Also a few table boatisrs rcan ike at commodated. !" - THE-CIRCCIT- COURT.- Sixth Day of the Jim Tem, JueSlvt Satmr4y, Court opened at 10 a. m., the judge and officers all present. Parke and Iiscy vs. H. A.Smidt. sheriff; on motion coatinued by stipm Infirm fnr fTi-trn- r v 1"i Mary E. Franklin 'vs. '"Win. J. Franklin; default of defendant en tered. E. IP. Parker vs. C. R Thomaom and George Noland; motion to amend complaint overruled. E. P. Parker va. J. A. Bichardaon, et aL; decree of partition entered. Board of school land commissioners vs. William Wadhama, et aL; case ar gued by the attorneys. George Brown, a native of Great Britain was examined and duly ad mitted to citizenship. Emily Handlem vs. Joseph Hand lem; decree of divorce granted. Matilda Young vs. Frank N. Young; on trial; decree of divorce granted, and custody of child awarded to plaintiff. E. P. Parker vs. C. R Thomson and George Noland; demurrer over ruled. Until Monday given to file answer. Plaintiff to nave forty days to take testimony. Court adjourned until 10 a. it, Taosday, June 24th. PERSONAL MENTION. U. S. marshal L. T. Barin was in the yesterday. Fred W. Prael leaves Madison, Wis., to-day for his home in this city. Mrs. J. Griffith, of Port Townsend, is in the city on a visit to Mrs. Fox. J. S. Brown, representing the Rem ington Standard typewriter, is in the city. Mrs. Grace Boss, of Portland, is vis iting her Bister, Mrs. P. A. Trul lingerin this city. L N. Darland formerly of this city, now a resident of Spokane Falls, is here for a summer's sojourn. C. A. Hanson will lead an interest ing. Bible reading and song service to day, at 3 p. m., at Y. M. C. A. hall. G. B. Bernard, the gentlemanly purser of the steamer Telephone, had his wife and little son with him on the trip yesterday. Mrs. Tenney and daughter, former residents here, but now residing in in Oakland, are here on a visit to Mrs. W. W. Parker. George Cornwall, editor of the Cathlamet Qazette, was in the city last evening on a flying visit, coming and rehiring on the Telephone. Ezra P. Calef, a wealthy farmer and stockman of Henry, His., is in the city visiting several friends of his boyhood home in Vermont, who live here. Bev. G. W. Grannis and wife leave here on Tuesday for California, ex pecting to be absent five weeks. They will visit Pacific Grove, Monterey. Alfred A. and Albert M. Smith, brotherof John H. Smith and Harry, son of Capt J. H.D. Gray have re turned home from tho state university at Eugene. Dr. J. H. Kessler, editor of the Oavel, of Portland, was in the city last evening, and visited Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. He goes up tho river to-day. Gust Wilson, the Russian vice-con sul, leaves here this evening for the east On the third of July he sails from New York and will go to Stock holm. Sweden, then to the place of his birth in Finland. After a short visit there he will go to St. Petersburg, Bussia, and report to the czar, return ing to Stockholm and then to this country, in about three months from this time. MARINE NEWS. The steamer Alarm came down from Portland yesterday. The three-masted schooner Norma at Trnllingers dock, will complete loading her cargo of lumber to-morrow, and expects to sail for San Fran cisco on Tuesday. The steamer Signal, CaptM.Ben degard, sailed for Tacoma yesterday afternoon. She carried 304 sacks of flour, 627 sacks of shorts, 1,060 sacks of plaster, and six car loads of steel rails for the Seattle and Eastern con struction company. Thebaxkentine Eureka, Capt. Jacob Peterson, came down yesterday with a cargo of 340,000 feet of lumber from the Willamette steam mills and man nfactoring company and will sail this morning for Bedonao Beach, Califor nia, from whence the lumber goes by rail to Los Angeles. O. P. Huntington is lobbying in Washington in the interest of the Cen tral Pacifio company as relates to the Pacific railroad funding bill Mr. Huntington says that in this the Cen tral Pacific company should receive better treatment than the Union Pa cific company, as the Central Pacifio for 600 miles is built through a barren waste, while, on the other hand, the Union Pacific is through a fertile conn try, and the Union Pacifio has already sold lauds enough along their road to retire their bonds. This the Central has not been able to do in its barren country. Special to Astoman in Portland World. A thrilling suicide occurred at Pasco Friday evening. A man named Brents walked np to where a crowd was standing, pulled a revolver, and with the remark, "Boys, here's a go, shot himself in the head, inflicting a alight scalp wound. He simply said, "I can do better next tune,' and again pulled the trigger. The bullet ploughed through his forehead and entered the brain, death being instantaneous. He thus ceased to keep an eye on Paecb. The amount of meats daily used at the Salem penitentiary is from 875 to 400 pounds; flour, about two barrels; vegetables, from 375 to -400 pounds. The number of men employed in the shops varies from 200 to 220. Their average income in a year amounts to about $260i The number of prisoners now confined is 822. Bolls and Pimples and other affections arising from impure blood may appear at this season when the blood Js heated. Hood's Sarsaparilla reatove&tbe cause of these troubles by purifying, vitaliz ing aad enriching the blood, and at the same time it gives strength to the whole system. Thompson Rot are handling the product of sose oftbe Choicest Dairies, aad can sepply you with a No. 1 article of Batter or Cheese. Ftae To .arriTr thla morning.. Yeu: lat caaaee to get good berries at reanwaele pnew. .jraqMMOjr cooes. U. & Benfcaaiaal f er sale at reason able wiee forcaaa. . Good reaao given ftrstMag.,. . Wawt. taartcni rt?t5agF-bnK ?! JKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, JUNE 21. Is Fifed ia The Ceaaty Beeenterti OSce Testeriay A.E.Noyesand wife to S. A. Westofer, lot 8, blk 16, North addition Andrew Peterson, and wife to Andww'Neson, lot 8, sec 35T. 8 N., B. 7 t.. . . J. C. Dement and wife to W. Schmeer, lots 11 and 12, bik 12. Dements. Lelnenweber & Goodenough to N. N. Mathews, lots 19, 20 and 2L blk L Powers1. . ieinenweber & Goodenough to George Iiangford, lots 25 and 26, blk 1, Powers' . . Previously reported this year $1,452,946 Total to date $1,453,841 Tired of Xatriaioay. Yesterday Mrs. Kate Fmrney ap plied for a divorce from Mathew Fur- ney, to whom she was married in this city, February 14, 1884. There are three children, one of four years, one of two years, and one of five months. one asks tne custody of the children, f 100 to pay for costs of suit, and $500 alimony, claiming that he has $800, the result of their nnited savings. Judge Taylor yesterday enjoined him from disposing of that money, and ordered him to pay the clerk for costs of suit $100, and for the suport of the wife during the suit $200. Tn .the complaint she charges her husband with having called her vile names, struck her, and threatened her life. Says the Cathlamet Qazette: Mc Cabe & Spencer's three traps at Clif ton are doing well They are catching altogether about one ton of fish per day. These are the only traps that have made any profit for their owners this season in this part of the river. The liability to being washed out by freshets or injured by driftwood piling against them makes the trap business very hazardous as a speculation. When they, on the other hand, they make money rapidly, as the expenses of operating are very small. Another plat of land was filed yes terday. It is a subdivision of blocks 8 and 88 in tho east addition of Adair's Upper Astoria, and contains 68 lots. The owners are Richard Marion and Hugh McCormick. Out of Jhe Fire Tormented with SU Bheum Cured fry Hood's Sartmfarilla. Only those who hare suffered from salt rheum In Its wont form know tho agonies caused by this disease. Hood's Sirsapa riua has had great success in curing salt rbetn, and all affections of the blood. ' I owe the gratitude to Hood's Sarsapa rilla that one would to his rescuer from a Burning Building,1:!; with salt rheum, and had to leare oS work altogeUwr. My face, about the eyes, would be swollen and scabbed, my hands and a part of my body would be raw sores for weeks at a time, my flesh would "teem so rotted that I could roll pieces from between my angers as large as a pea. One physician called it "tfPPftSenn and gave me medicine accord- vlOVli ingly; but salt rheum cannot bo cured In that way. Finally I bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It helped me so much that I took two moro bottles, and was Entirely Cured JSS- with salt rheum since. I also used Hood's OUreOlatattaton the places affected. It stops the burning and Itching sensation lm aaediately. I will recommend Hood's Sar saparilla not only for salt rheum, but for Si Loss of Appetite 'aH-gooe feeling so -often experienced." A. D. Bobbins, Jamaica Plain, Mass. K.B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsa parilla, do not be Induced to bay any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoUb)dragglsts. fl; sixforJS. Frepandbr C X. HOOD A CO., Apotbecariet.XoweU, Xau. IOO Doses One Dollar Iteems Wasted. Furnished rooms will be wanted from July 8th to 12th, for members of the A. O. U. W., cominp to the Grand lodge. All persons having any, will please leave word as soon as possible at Ruck er's Restaurant. P1khs fr Sale At factory prices. M. W. Burtt, agent from the factory of Hemme & Long, San Francisco, who is a practical piano maker and tuner, is now in the city prepared to do all kinds of Repairing and Tuning. Coffee and cake, ten rants, at the Central Restaurant. Try the Columbia Bakery and satisfy yourself where you can do the best. Tke HeftaaM Hease Cigar. The La Paloma cigar and other fine brands of cigars: the finest in the city, at Charley Olsen's.nextto C. H. Cooper. Teleaaaelieaataa Mease. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 00 and 25 ct&, per week 31.50. Hew and clean. Private entrance. Tkere Are Seme Nice Ratns, Over the Mikado candy store, suitable for offices, for rent Apply to Alex Campbell. The Columbia Bakery is the neatest shop in the city. Seal Ceeke te rer. Private rooms for ladles and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard A Stokes. ' ie L. R. Abarcromb'S), Prop. Finest and Most Convenient Summer Resort IS SEASIDE. Every Boom ffewly Pnxniioed. Private Booms for Pamllies. AND TOURISTS. Traaaleat Castaaa Sallelte. TERMS, REASONABLE. The only Abercrorable Hotel at Seaside, OreJKoa. Thompson & Boss Canr ft Full line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Kit ik tCttmiU CiaviKMl. '- Far Sale. rCKJIS AHD LOT, CORK KB OF MAIN '.vioth- mL Lata aaow. wt laaaH o VAN DUN ft OO. AtaO! Hotel Nottingham u - rf 1 150 ; ' - - f NEW DESIGAi. "a . . 21 X Sixty Cents per Pair, to Just Received at Leading Dry Goods and Clothing . II 517 and 52 1 Third St. IDT 64 HAND-SEWED, DOUBLE SEAM SHOE. It never rips. It never squeaks. flexible than a hand turn. MORGAN & CO., NOW! For The 4th of July The Election Is Over, And it behoves all to for get the political strife and GET IN and GET UP A First-Glass Celebration In the meantime the undersigned will not for get to look out for the people's wants, and be at all times prepared to fur nish the finest selection, of gentlemen's garments at bis usual reasonable prices. HermanWise The Live Clethier and Hatter, In the Occident Hotel Bl'd'g. The Indiana Paint Shop. - 0, M. CDTBIRTH, Prop'r. Car. ThM ami Main Sts., Astoria. FAINTER AND ORAINER. Paper Hanging a Specialty. Work executed with Neatness and Dis patch, Maa.ee, Argane and Acern Stoves ; Ranges, t (Jooaiajcaaaittan&fe EVEKT OHE FULLY WARRANTED wato cfcMHS, tLxnaaa ceaag, . TUm WUEM, AS9 HTM TUBS. xsr oULll'5ro OHSMAMUB STBEET. ,-... 'W4 W. F. Scheibe, " CI6AJI taAOTFACTUKE. SiiBert'ArCrH in Stock. TOE ISADS 8UFFLXKD. ta Order. Astoria, Or MAW - FROM . COOPER'S For Ladies ! A Snap in Real Estate. 11 Acres, close to river aud street car line. Only S500 per acre, for a faw days only. 85,000 can be made on this property within three months. Wlii ira to M Btmmm Heal HUstfvt Odd Fellows' Build Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sail AT TIIE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Real Estate PRICES FROM S150 TO $250 EACH. TERMS' Onc-IIalE Cash; the Balance in Six and Twelve Montha, Weinhard's Is the Choice of Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots. Orders for any quantity to ho directed to H. WEINHARD, Portland, Oregon, " Corner Twelfth and. B. Telephone 72. P. BTMC 4V ' The Piicilic Real EstiiteC. OCCUPIES THIS SPACE. OEHLo Xear Central A. T. BRAKKE, Mgr. The Oregon Land Co. Where Property Corner Third ASTORIA, G-O -TO tPTT'FI Columbia Bakery FOR FRESH BREAD, Cakes, and. Fine Confectionery. All Orders Belirare. COOLEY BROS. La Fayette Park. Three Miles from the Postoffice and Custom House. Astoria Real Estate Co. 172 CASS ST., FIRE WORKS -A.t -31X0 jja.i-A.3sr-E33 For All kinds of Fire Works, best Tea, Japanese and Chinese CartoaKtoa v.t ntt- . y. PwiaI-amt TniMnaml wear, Etc., go to 529 THIRB ST., FLYNN, KEE?S W Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. Ail the Lttitt Stylir He bays for Cadi at Eastern Prices. 'He Games ts. Call aad see for yourself. Five Dolin.i The House of the City 9 Astoria. Ml r It requires no breaking in. Astoria, OregOB. iVOlSLGJCt ASTORIA, fl Lager Beer! the Connoisseur. Ol. 5.. Is Left For Salt; and Olney 8ts.v OREGOX. IN Astoria, ere-. lita Wni-n Trrtff Tnira Hfttma WING LEE Jt OO. - AST8RIA, . The STOCK THE Guarantees 1 aateea tfc Beet WtaiadamoMW Bart a Black, ASTOllEoT!'! S Tailor. I? . X- -s3lf ' WJ 'sj T. ?SK tm rr' A1 i-5 . c - -??t3;- V. ' sV'" .2f r --" ;t