The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 20, 1890, Image 3

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.....irxKao. taw I
ltsfaMl rtttjw-srtot..
i wav r.i ui.:.
Trmv T Mitser;liii.
- ri bv imrr. tr t"5 ... . .. 15 ..s
- Mai . xmr umcU'i i
- fcr XaiT. our .r . . gjMt
MC ATOKtV SUAf-tUt.' V t.. it jwlwr
t law larsJ iirulathN irfanv ih-wmi-i-
I act um VtlimtiMA liver.
TW Aryvtuuti is for sale.
on strawberries is the iatesi.
almanac euminer
C) amraj sferoott; tihoro are broken
14attis"rMci slMNihi le rojmirea at
wv.or mumo lioisewill have a broken
n Awe m&wmy on Second siroet j
ffwpleteii a far dmvn a? JJbh- I
i ivri. ami irork if Kta.lily rn-!
..rt I
. ""vr tf U(t-coaniisioii(Nl ofll-
- llsot. won over here from
M. y 4flay. etijnyiu ihom
tluu ciiv.
A- Sonn have bpen awarded
tV uMrac& to bnikl the inoior Jine
'-"Hi Je 1 1 time's cannery to the
W .lratgkn couitory.
The Xhtml ami nl cf the seiies of
vud parties civon by the Tor jmich
Hah will lake place at Liberty
ball tins oroning. A first eliww lime
. :ittiarifa4rd.
TW nr munbors ou the stores and
itoMmcs 1k1 a Jtie4jro:oliln aspect
t the city. rf which i was formerly
i rifl. Xoxt in ottler will be the free
1 lurry of infers.
TW massive uovwity-five dollar
41 tlil to 1m? awarded the winner
T the foot race ou the Fourih if July,
i llo ieft of ivressrs. Strauss A.C5o., of
t'i New York XovelJx Slore.
orftiay aftonKKHi alxmt 1! o'clock.
, lanvl of syrap dropetl from Foard
A niffo noartlie fool ofOIney
irvi. on onottit. nii the sweet con-1
ttiU ww sreMi all over the planks. '
Yy fmymit and refreshing is the
l.trif the clovw growing so abund- j
-tntly in the yard of the goverjiment j
. iiitlftjr. 1 1 is umlic agreeable in eon- j
t-a-4 to tJio jiaknt slrooi. destitute!
r ifl or ivrohtre.
H. S. Slww- will uresent
wih prcMnu two j
cabinet jihotns to
ni tif hi'v fiuost
- rh mvamM wlo did orvieo at the
t" tart Tndny nigiit. according
: the fe made ot by the atstnl
f oiaw of each ootttia:iy.
In oo if tin liewjqmper flices of
taivcitj the ukm have luvn setting
pc m jut uigtii, hut now thev
on this mundane
?V' V Ij'. " for the Point J
vlww hfo staihMt ami the life ir .
-ti.- CT-ii. tAKin: uittvii 10 me
tAtMN In Capt. Alex. McLean, and a i
fall osw wfll soou be c ibhiineil and
.a ti- Ine tHtnl is a new one.
Imt ImvMtg lru xujured on the way,
has t pttt in perfect order.
os!y Lars Stam laid down the
bine fl with its yellow crosn, which
lie win K h nicer carry tor the king of
Sweden; aad Nil Mattsson and ,lohn
John! will ik) more be enrolled
under the double beaded eagle of
Kntsaa. fr they resigned from the
TVki T the exar estcrdav. all three
takaur the fiisi chapter in the
T,ri.rv ia.i A-nwinnn nifWenei.;.. .
,4, M" .,,.
ic-4y afternoon at t woo clock.
nval lc wa"followel for tlie M
3mc V;nai,nnS I
a-Ntnl was 1 Hinted
-.4 mcaml vAhec
;hr ahMoml-c! lS5ile the
dfH4 nunc ap
Oimtfiiy reconicr elect V. I. Unnbnr
vstti; lw IWdaud last evening on a
-!-rt viaiL
W. Hmi, of Taooma, Wash., is in
:1k- ej. where be will make his future
"Mxss.lenaie lloughtnu. daughter of
l)r HoHghtmi, or Seattle, arrived yes-tt-rday
from thai city, on a visit to
Ikt er. Mrs. 1L C Lonl.
tJ. . Shirley, of L W. Case's bank,
rtnt U Salem a few days ago, where
on Wednesday, the 18th instant, he
wa married to Miss Lillie Letclitild.
Mr aJ Mrs. Shirley will arrive here !
next week, and congratulations will
W ia order.
Mrs. J. C lvoss, formerly of Ibis
city, but mow a resident of Oakland,
California, arrived on the Oregon last
cveaiag on a viit to her mother, Mrs.
Lyrasa Hall. She was accompanied
by her two daughters, and when leav
ing here, will go to Salt Lake City,
her future home.
X. M. Brown, ot Eureka, California,
brother of pilot commissioner Capt J.
A. Brown, arrivetl on the Oregon last
evening. The gentleman intends to
make Oregon liis home, and has
scnous intentions of locating in As
toria. Capt. J. A. Brown came down
from Portland to meet his brother,
nd both gentleman went to Portland
last evening.
U. I. Kestaurant for sale at reason
able price for cash. Good reason given
for selling. A. "NVkg m:i:.
Ments CooKctl to Ureter,
lvate noms for ladies and families:
at Central IJotanrant. next to Foard Sr
OMkCS. t
Thompson & lloss are handling the
product of some or the Choicest Dairies,
and can supply you with a Xo. 1 aiticlc
of Hatter or Cheese
The Columbia Bakery
5hop in the city.
is the neatest
Piaster ftr Sale
At factory prices. M. W. Dnrtt agent
zrftttthc factory of llcmme & Long,
Fraicisco, who is a practical piano
zuifcer jukI tuner, is now in the city
lrfred to do all kinds of .Repairing
r TTTV, ; I'd, ""'""" rw uT K,. c-tlio' i11 tlie proper headings printed,
f t' K41 tyie ami .i) oouIh for solid, -b H r- Aekley, sailed for San ! TjI)0n i10 rifTjlt i,nn a , , r i
,H JT- mght. d will allow the Rjnewo yesterday tnorning with a SSSlS S? m-
fcv nmxU hnmlay to decide. god 1,,L of l'' She took nlcthQ lelter i indicate the direction
,'V "T amTa c,!;" 1c?iJm1,".ValooI: "'V0" the wind was from the north, at tlie
? L2rtSK2Sl?rlm !U,a " ,0t f -d of each five minutes a key would
.LwawJI.- J t.- .... l...,.,.....i I lift wi:nclnii M,,fi nf Cftlii,,.-iii,
hit aa oius4otce
""- - na i x ti uh out 11 V Kii i ------
r V-ITl r V 7V 5ll"i'li; Jv lu" UiUUl- uow" V,c r.lvcr ycaicr- i if from the northwest, both "n
"' "" . i ixm. jv. jj. v nuicis. sue any iiiiernoon, ana win sail lor liray's "" vould be printed. The
al! m 4u time have a musical record, harbor this morning. She had 23 record thn wWitv i the anm
delicacies coveied i "e ;L ; l " " , "' mMta "h; SSH". J?".
e.1 heathen were " n "" ' " " " 'AY. Z, 1 ...-. I u- J1,v"?.r w-J1",0i . T- Jpnn-
rave o Ihit if the n ii 11 Vm- TB? wuiuiuuvt. .son, w. u mica, U. A. .Bristol. l. JLiar-
1i neel not to loin- f r i :"''-. l.,,- suu '' iiuon, . u. wuuams,
im xite.i not o nun Mrs. Ibmlasty and Miss Monteith, re- lrs. C. Yanethen, Miss C. Watkins,
marks by C. V. iMilton, comrades G. G. W. Holcomb and wire, E. B.
VI.1IKNTION-. J , ranm, . Jrodie. Thomas Wright, Miss "Wright
Dealy and E. A. Weed. Mr. Hard- " .
Something for tlio Health
Offircr to
An AsTOltiAX
reporter was nnssimr
ou the north side of Second street
! yesterday afternoon, in front of the
posioincc, wjieu out from one of the
miserable Chinese rockeries Hint til
lignrcs tuat part of the
;p , :,",. V"- ;".
Mongohan with h,s hands up to his
came a
-v- iii ui vu n-ju fuufiivor io cover
I Jus R-ittires. A hasty glance showed
t!.at hi ncek ; -il behind his ears was
. covered with a swollen eruption and a
I part of his skin with white scales, the
i whole presenting a most loathsome
! appearance. As he looked he noticed
! that a sailor who was passing had also
!h Xir'rs'rT,0
that ir"
said he to the reporter. "Not
---" - w vi, niiiii tl JliiL
exactly,"' was the
reply, "but it looks
I very mueh like ..leprosy." '"That's ex-
i " ,; I , p. 1? . i ,i q ir-; t
been m Clin a and the Sandwich Is -
iauu, .urn nac seen HUniirCUS OUnfo 1?W mnnnWn Tt.,-,..
cases. Thai TeJIow has it bad. '
Investigation by the health officer
is in order. Leprosv is a frightful
thing to be brought in contact with
i and if there is a case in Astoria, the
sooner it is removed the betier.
the ii!o::Ax n:KEii f;soo.
A Pnt!aHit3' of Anntlirr Coatost.
There was another development in
the Frakcr matter yestenlay, sundrv
letters coming to light, which miirht
Axioiuuu lsii t. i;ee ni'r uls aneircu
i. :..iA-..iAi i. . ii. i ji
uc mie.ii.h iimnyii ig mac inerc man out, and it he was a millionaire,
was ait understanding between the aa actually owned a hundred dollara
two principals in ednestlay nights ai at one lime, and wanted to move it,
contest. I raker now claims that lm wnni.i lint-n t i,;M ii i, i.nMaa ;
promises, and that the hundred dollars fiiand much show in Finland those
paid him by the association isn t Jays, and people of wealth wero solid
enough and that he ought to have j every sense of the word. The cop
some ot Jordan s SloO that the associ- per piece is worth seeing.
alion paid him. inasmuch as he so ,-m.
obligingly allowed liiordan to knock THE CIRCUIT COURT
him out.
JJT f a-?HKhl aiT"C0 f -OI,hS" ' F''""' ay or c Jane Term. Thursday,
at ten o'clock this morning will result
m anotlier contest at the
rooms this evening.
association j
It Arrive! Hon Yost i'r.I:i.v Evrains.
A disjialch to the Messrs. Taylor
yesterday afternoon informed them
that the eleven ton motor for their
load, and a Hat ear, would arrive at
daybreak this morning to be
taken around lo Smith's point and un
loaded at their wharf upon arrival.
It arrived however, on the WiUntuvllc
r,n yesterday evening, and will be
unloaded aiI,ish tide, this morning. ,
Negotiations yesierday were pend
ing for the stile of the steamer Vobj't.
The steamer Porlhtml, Capt. II. O.
Jvillman, cleared at the custom house
yesterday for Port Townscnd, and
hereafter to be in service at Seattle.
The steamer jfamdiiila did not
I start for Destruction island last even-
I ing, as intended, for there was a strong
southerly wind, which would make
! tiie sea too rougn to land the iron
The steamer Alliann, Capt. Fred ,
nasscngers and will lake 12 more from
here, there being several families
among them, who will locate in some ,
oi inir iiveiy lownsovcrtiiere. Among
the freight is considerable furniture
and a very large mirror, over ten feet
snuare. for the new hotel at. Hnniiinm
The steamship Oregon, Capt. E.
Pole-man. did not arrive yesterday
until after six o'clock in the evening
owing to a slight accident to the ma-
"While waiting lo have it re
paired, the sea was comparatively
smooth, and there being several fine
musicians on board, a social dance
was enjoyed by the passengers. She !
brought to this port 110 tons of mis-j
pre-lbm.1 H ,.;.; SXTv V fr:. ""'"
. " "" "J'"-'-'
Cr.iml Army Camp J'iiv.
Lasf cvcnin v.;ls a , occasion
v v X W II,I,w1ne', :w u,lslS
FfS.iJi 2 b t?cV I
est y, Jr.. gave an organ aud harmonica
duett, also sang a ballad aud comic
song, and the comic song of ''Tlie
Army Bean'' w;is sung by a male
choir composed of comrades C. A.
May, G. W. Grannis, Thomas Dealy
and A. G. Hardesly and son.
After this refreshments were served,
including sandwiches, pickles, cake,
pie and cofiee, and Ihcro was a pleas
ant recess for conversation, forming a
fitting termination lo a remarkably
social and agreeable evening's enter
tainment After a Quarter of a Centnry.
Yesterday afternoon ou the steamer
Oregon, among the passengers who
landed here wero R H. Sonthgale and
wife, of Worcheslcr, Mass., who arc
making a tour of the coast, having
recently visited Yosemite, San Fran
cisco. Oakland and other points ot
interest in California. Mrs. Sonthgatc
is a sister of Capt George Wood, of
this city, and the two had not met for
twenty-five years, until yesterday on
the deck of the steamer. Mr. South
gate ranks as a millionaire, and now
having retired from active business
life, is taking comfort traveling with
his wife. They will soon locate in tho
city of Washington, D. C, where they
have two sons in the patent office
department, and will spend their win
ters in Florida or Southern California.
r early crcrbouy needs a goodmedi-J
ciucai mis season, 10 puniy me uioou
and build up the system. Hood's Sarsa
parilla is the mest popular and success
ful spring medicine and blood purifier.
It cures scrofula, all humors, dyspepsia,
&ick Jiciiuauiu, mat uruu lciMiug.
iSomc of the finest strawberries to he
found in the state or out of it arc from
La Du's gardens at Jlonnt Coflin, and
are sold by Thompson & Itoss.
Fresh Bread and Cakes every day at
Columbia Bakery. All orders deliv
ered to all parts of the city.
Rooms lVaiitctl.
Furnished rooms will he wanted from
July 8th to 12th, for members of the A.
O. U. W., coming to the Grand Lodge,
AH persons having anj, will please
leave word as soon as possible at Ituck-er'sKestaurant.
at the grave, and i n,n av V. n ", 7. "; " -r "7 .. iV " iUW SC"VV u"u "u? .i' 'a-
' it tiHU inj.b it it i. ii. wiiii itii i:iiiifk2fii t a . ...- a AiA ..! rA in a
The Kind They Used in Finland One Hnn
ilred and Fifty Years Ago.
J. E. Saari returned yesterday from
a ten months visit to Finland, more
convinced than ever of the advantage
of living under the Stars and Stripes,
where the utmost freedom is allowed
the individual. He finds that the
tue individual. He
autonomy of Finland
I uuiuuuiu; vi xmiuuu is DtlUIJ lULtf-
lereu with, ana tuat tuat country is
fast passing under the dread domina
tion of the czar of Russia, to an extent
that makes Finland as much of a de
pendency on his royal whim as Poland,
or any other of the countries tyran
nized over by the Russian bear.
Among other curiosities that he se
.& a us
CfJinTirH fir Tun M'vnYtiali nnntln n a
snecimen of FinnLsb mnnov. RoT, a
-nc ,,1 i.,. f;ninnj
pendency of Sweden, a century and a
! hsdc a- It is a veritable cufio, and
; there is probably nothing like it west
) taugular sheet of copper rudely ham
1 mered, and is about eight inches square
( and a quarter of an inch in thickness.
At is siampcu wiui tue awecusu mint
mark in the centre, and on each cor
ner. It weighs six and a quarter
pounds and was coined in 1740. It
was worth eight dollars and twenty
cents, and would bo redeemed at that
valuation to-day. As a curiosity, how
ever, it is worth ten limes that amount
Money must have been money, those
days, and no foolishness about it To
carry ten dollars around would tire a
.m t. 1t, ;f (r ti.; .i:nu
June l'Jtli.
i C. A. May vs. Clatsop county; re
J ferred to G. liunyon and to tako testi-
mony on fees duo the officers.
' G. 11, Thomson vs. Theo. Broemser
J el al.; motion to striko out parts of
answer argued and submitted.
"Wingate is Stone vs. Herman "Wise;
settled and dismissed.
15. A. Oweas-Adair vs. Mary R.
Adair et al.; motion to strike ont ar
gued and submitted.
Charles Bjorling vs. Neil Nelson et
al.: default entered and order for sale
of attached property issued.
r " MVTri
In assignment, Overlook, Moody &
account was presented
and the nssiirnen ilis-
! charged.
i The court then adjourned to 10 A. M.,
I Friday, June 20.
An Instrument That Thinks.
Sergeant John N. Griffin, in charge
of the United States signal service in
this city, has some splendid scientific
instruments in his government outfit
Perhaps the cleverest is what is
known as the "triple self-register," an
ingeniously constructed instrument.
boats from the ' ine lcipai pare ol wnicu is a cylin
der revolved by a cloclc Around this
cylinder is wrapped a sheet of paper
underneath and print the letter "n."
dt-n iinnn Tlie nnnor clvurlr nfiamnn
pencil to
e no ia fn
nminnn nm . nnmmnfn.n ;i n,
rainfall register works on the same
painciple. AVhenever .05 ot an inch of
rain falls in tho rain gauge outside,
this instrument, placed on the office
table, makes a pencil mark to indicate
the fact Thus it will be seen that all
data concerning wind aud rain is com
municated from thereof or other place
whero the instrument for measuring
rain, velocity and direction are located.
by electricity to theself-regiatering in-
sirumcnis m ine oiucc.
Iis.ciirrs to Portland.
Tho following is the list of passen-
e "aVn. .om3 wuo ent up too
river last niguc on tuo steamer Tele
phene: Mrs. Page, Mrs. Brown, F.
C. Carter, Miss Aden, M. M. Badin
aud wife, G. R Cleaveland, J. G.
Owlis. J. C. Lampman, Thos. Binney,
A. Chowlis, J. O. Hanthorn and wire,
A- & Fish, Y. Goldman, R. .BoUjn?,
Supreme Court Decision.
Salem, June 18. G. W. Nutter, ap
pellant, vs. B. Gallagher, respondent,
appeal from Clatsop county; judg
ment of the lower court affirmed.
Opinion by Thayer, C. J.
The Fir&t Step.
Perhaps 3 on are run down, can't eat
can't sleep, can't think, can't do any
thing to your satisfaction, and you
wonder what ails you. You should
heed the warning, jou are taking the
first step into Nervous Prostration.
You need a Xcrve Tonic and in Elec
tric Bitters you will find the exact rem
edy for restoring your nervous system
to its normal, healthy condition. Sur
prising results follow the use of this
great Xervc Tonic and Alterative,
Your appetite returns, good digestion
is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys
resume healthy action. Try a bottle.
Price 50c, at J. W. Conn's drug store.
Mns. Winslow's SooTmxa Sybup
should always he used for children
teething. 11 soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
chohc, and is the best remedy for dlar-rhaja.Twcnty-fivc
cents a bottle.
Potatoes and Vegetables,
Strawberries and other berries, Cher
ries. Currants and all seasonable Fruits
at TnoMPsoy & Boss.
For the very best Photos, go to Sinis
ter. AH the Choicest Delicacies, made by
only first-class men at the Seaside
For fine variety of Numbers for vour
buildings, call on Judge Jewett
Good Goods and low rates at the Sea
side Bakery.
Weiafcartt'M Beer.
And Free Lnnch at the Telephone Sa
loon, S cents.
Drink Knickerbocker bottled beer.
Remember the Austin hosse at the j
seaside is open tne year toum.
'-""-j- i.
ThUkstke City Skeali Owi mi Maiatala
Its Owa Water Werlcs.
Astoria, Junx 19, 1890.
Editei: of DahiT Astobzak.
Sir: Having been informed last
Tuesday, only a few bonis before the
regular meeting of the city council ton
that evening, that an ordinance had
been prepared, would le presented,
and possibly adopted by the council
that evening, authorizing the con
struction of water works for the city.
and pledging the city to pay $500 per
monui ior imrry years, in exenange
for a supply of water for the fire
department and municipal purposes,
and thinking the city could make
much better terms with other par
ties than named in the proposed
ordinance, I hastily penned and took
to the clerk of the council my petition
and request that the city authorize me
and my associates to construct and
run thoroughly efficient water works
for the city and people thereof, for
iesa muu uie suosiay namea in ine
proposed ordinance for other appli
cants, and had been 'informed, for I
could not find a copy of it and the
clerk said he had not seen it.
Now what I wish to say is simply
this: That while I am ready to con
struct the water works, as outlined in
my petition and request, of first qual
ity in all respects and of ample capa
city ior tne next twenty or thirty
years, upon the terms named in my
request, nevertheless, I am heartily in
favor of having tho city build and
own and run its needed and necessary
waterworks, and have so expressed
myself more than a hundred times
dnring the past ten years and more,
I need not mention here the various
and great benefits to be gained to all
the people of the city by the city's
ownership and management of its
water works.
Let us get authority from the next
legislature to issue city bonds for one,
two or more hundred thousand dol
lars to pay for such works, as sug
gested by The Astoriax. Have the
legislature confirm tho appoinment of
ten or fifteen of our substantial citi
zens as a commission to construct and
manage the water works, as has been
done for Portland.
In tho meantime let our city council
by a committee of interested citizens
hunt out and secure the sources of
supply, devise and perfect a plan of
construction, etc., so that as soon as
the legislature grauts the authority,
the construction can commence. In
this manner the water will be ready
for use by the time of tho next dry
season, which will be as soon as any
body proposes or expects to get a sup
ply, in any manner or by any method.
If I had time and you could give
me space this communication might
be elaborated to a several column
article. But verb. sap.
W. W. Pabkbr.
She Got a Pointer.
Two men were playing a game of
euchre coming down on the Telephone,
in the after cabin, and a little woman
who had a seat near by watched the
"play with great interest Finally, as
a certain play was made she asked:
"Did he take that trick with the
king of hearts?"
"He took your queen with his king?"
"Just so, ma'am."
"But a queen is higher than a king."
"Oh, no, ma'am, the queen ranks one
below the king."
"Is that so everywhere?"
"Can't bo no mistake?"
"Not the slightest Don't you play?"
"Not much. My husband set out to
learn me, but I took all his kings with
my queens, and he got mad and quar
reled about it and, and "
"And you don't play any more?"
"N-no, sir; but I'll telegraph him as
soon as I get to Astoria that I was
wrong and that all is forgiven, and
that I'll return and let him even take
the bowers with ten spots if he wants
Queer Place for a Bird' Xet.
"Birds in their little nests agree," so
we are told. The statement is correct
The aforesaid birds sometimes build
their nests in singular places. A
unique location for a bird's nest was
seen by an Astosiak reporter yesfer
nay afternoon. Two winged inhabi
tants have built a nest in the electric
light, at the intersection of Third and
Olney streets, and are there rearing
their callow brood. In the top ot an
electric light is a funny place to raise
young birds, but there they are. When
tho wind blows the nest rocks, and
when the light is lit the boss bird has
a feast Every one knows that the
electric light attracts large numbers of
insects. The bird that thought of
building a home there has a great
head. He gets all the grub he and
the mother bird and the little birdies
want, without having to get out of
bed, which is a big item these cold
Immensely SCore Miacklef tkaa ! Qmm
rally Suspected.
Dr. King, tho eminent medical writer, la
a learned disquisition on our national com
plaint, constipation, says:
Tho great quantity of cathartic? pills, etc..
which are taken by the people of this coo
try are productive of immensely more ml
chief than is generally suspected. Tree, tka
Shyslc unloads the bowels, bat its actiom
;nds to diminish tho tone of the Intestines:
so that, instead of removing costirencss, It
aggravates it, leaving tho bowels In a mora
torpid condition.
Joy Vegetable SarsaparlUa was designed
to fill just such a contingency Bathe doctor's
arraignment anticipates, vie: Instead of fee
ing a powerful mineral purgative, it k a
mild vegetable laxative, that, ewlag to m
solvent and gentle stimulating properties, Is
10 certain a relief In constipation that it has
been giTen away to hundreds, mot to be pel
for unless it was of positive beaeit It re
places constipation almost immediately
with a natural easy habit, aad if so "4
that, unlike drastie purgatives, it can at
taken ladetaltely with perfect misty.
Owing to the inclemenov tit tho
weather, the real estate office ot War
ren k Wright has been removed to the
pre-eaption claim of John Eogersy
opposite G. H. Cooper's store.
Wamubk & Wjuoht.
Take It Before Breakftat.
Tbe great artoetlMT. tmu mad. lim
regulator. In use foe .more than 60
years ia England. Positive speetfo for
liver cemplaint: Bad taste In the
ta, arising In the morning, dull
paina totbe bead and back of the eyes,
tired fceJU&dlnlftess, larirwykp:
tos ef llrer complaint. Remedv-Dr.
Henley's Kaglteh bandeikw Tank-
'-'- ' -----!'
AIM a ft Mferittbtoito? K
at the
A FiW it TkeCeuty Befrier's OMce
J. H. D. Gray ana wife to D.1"
H. Tremblay, lots 33 and
34, tract 1, blk 27, Mc
Clure's j-r,v. 7$
J. BL D. Gray and wife' to
J. J. Fisher, trustee, lots
15, 16, 17, 27, 28, 29 and 30,
tract 1, and lots 12, 13, 29,
30 and 31, tract 2, blk 27,
J. Bu D. Gray and wife to
U. M. Evans, lots 13, 14. 31
and 32, tract 1, blk 27, He
Glare's 800
Maxwell Young and wife to
W. A. Richardson, lots 21
and 22, blk 7, Alderbrook. 160
Maxwell Young and wife to
C. A. Brandes, lots 16, 17,
18 and 19, blk 10, Aider
brook 320
C. A. Brandes to J. A. Wil
son, lot 16, blk 10, Aider
brook..! l
Wm. and Annie Beidt to H.
0. Boss, blk 17. Bosedale. 180
E. A. Noyes and wife to Re
becca Vierick, lots 14 and
15, blk 10, North addition . 90
E. A. Noyes and wife to A.F.
Hershner, lota 11 and 12,
blk 14, North addition .... 90
E. A. Noyes and wife to H.
Van Anken, lots 6 and 7,
blk 16, North addition 90
E. A. Noyes and wife to W.
B. Glafka, lots 10, 11 and
12, blk 3, North addition.. 135
S. B. Gibbs toH. G. VanDu
sen, lot 14, blk 138, Mc
Clure's 400
H. G. Van Dusen and wife to
M. Bosendorf, lot 14, blk
138, MeClure's 450
Previously reported this
year. 1,443,054
Total to date 31,448,631
The Government Charts Will be Available.
The marked improvement in the
depth of water at the month of tho
river has been noted and made of rec
ord in the Washington office of the
United States coast and geodetic sur
vey. This being a matter that Asto
rians are vitally interested in, a good
many of us are desirous of having new
charts to be able to show an appre
ciative world how we progress.
In this connection the following is
United States Coast
Washington, D. 0., June 7, 1890.
Hon. John H. Mitchell, United
States Senate:
Deab Sib: Tour letter of June 3rd,
1890, to tho hydrographer of the navy,
referred by him to this office, and en
closing a letter of Mr. J. H. D. Gray,
manager of the Astoria Beal Estate
company, has been duly received. I
regret exceedingly that I am unable
to comply with your request by fur
nishing these charts, simply because
we have not the means to print them.
The work, so far as the operations of
this bureau are concerned, with the
single exception of the printing of the
charts, is all done and up to date, and
tneysuonia nave been issued many
months ago, but the appropriations
for printing them are not sufficient,
and even so important a chart as the
entrance sheet of the Columbia river
remains unpublished for the want of a
few hundred dollars to pay for the ex
pense of printing the same. It is a
great pity that important public inter
ests must suffer to save so small an
expenditure, but I can only join with
you in expressing my regrets that such
is the case.
Yours respectfully,
United States Coast ahd Geo
detic Survey.
WASHxsaTOK.D. C., June 11, 1890,
Hon. John H. Mitchell, United
States Senate.
Deab Sib: To my letter to you
dated June 7th, in the matter of the
entrance sheet to the Columbia river,
I beg to add that every effort will be
made to publish that chart just as
soon as the appropriation for the next
fiscal year becomes available. I en
deavored to secure funds necessary
to supply this urgent demand, along
with others, by introducing the item
into the "Most urgent deficiency bill"
wmen passea congress several months
ago, but the amount which I estimated
for was only apDronriated in Dart, and
I could, therefore, only partially exe
cute the work which I had contem
plated. I believe that we will now be
able to deliver this chart into the
hands of our agents in Astoria, Ore
gon, by about August 1st and I would
be pleased to have you inform your
correspondent Mr. J. H. D. Gray.
manager of the Astoria Beal Estate
company of that fact
Yours Respectfully,
T. C. MendsxhaiiIj, Supt
The appropriations for the ensuinc
fiscal year will be available after July
isr., ana as stated, we can after Aug
ust 1st, have the latest official chart,
showing that vessels of deepest
draught can safely enter and depart
Uncle Sam needs a little stirring
np occasionally.
L. R. Abercromble, Prop.
Finest and Most Convenient
Summer Resort
I Every Boom lewly Punished.
Private Booma for Pamiliei.
TnuMlemt Cmsteaa Salieltem.
TkeoBlybercrombie Hotel at Seaside,
I OfB t (fculity, and at
Practical : Watckniaker ,
I astobia, em.
A lie km ef Ism4Mtk iTafteaea.
Sette M asm natat Jewelry, cloeks, etc..
at rea
iam '- ReaaMBsr t.
ajmmjj snmx m
v ..-
S v
- Nottingham Lace Curtains
2,460 "
Sixty Gents per Pair, to Five Dollars
Just Received at The
Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of theGity
517 and 52 1 Third St,
HAND-SEWED, DOUBLE SEAM SHOE. It never rips. It never squeaks.
flexible than a hand turn.
For The
4th of July
The Election Is Over,
And itbehoyes all to for
get the political
strife and
A First-Class
In the meantime the
undersigned will not for
get to look out for the
people's wants, and be at
all times prepared to fur
nish the finest selection
of gentlemen's garments
at his usual reasonable
The Live Clithier and Hatter,
In the Occident Hotel BFd'g.
The Indiana Paint Shop.
C, M. CDTBIRTH, Prop'r.
Ctr. Third and Main Sts., Astaria.
Piper Hanging a Specialty.
Work executed with Neatness and Dis
patch, Magee, Argand and Actm
Xoe cr Scully,
W. F.-Seheibe,
Smokers' Articles in Stock.
tptaiai Brwto ywratactasya OttW. "
MAIN 8TMET,-. - . . i -Astoria, Or
i RanPfis
-.-... r-iwwB
For Ladies
A Snap in Real Estate.
UK Acres, close to river ami street car line. Only $500 per acre, for a few days
only. zofiOQ can be made on this property within three months.
Wtojfafe 0ima
:Fttl IEJsttto
Odd Fellows' Biuldftiff,
Lots in Case's Astoria Are If on Sale
Astoria Beal Estate Ccn
TEBMS --One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
Weinhard's Lager Beer!
Is the Choice of the Connoisseur.
Snperior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots.
Orders for any quantity to be directed to
H. WEINHARD, Portland, Oregon.
Comer Twelfth and R.
FLYNN, The Tailor,
Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styles
ne buys for Cash at Eastern Trices. He Guarantees tho Best Workmanship oa aU
Garments. Call and see for yourself. Barth Block. ASTOBIA. OR.
Columbia Bakery
Cakes, ana Fine Confectionery. All Orders Dellreresl.
The Pacific KealEstateCa
A. T. BRAKKE, Mgr.
The Oregon Land Co.
Where Property
Corner Third
Thompson & Ross
Carry a Full Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy
Groceries. - -
Givt Us a Call and Be Convinced.
John C. Dement.
Svccesstr to W. E. Dement & Co.
Carries Complete Stocks of
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries.
Agent lor
air and
Plls Crura
v A
It requires no breaking in. Mora
Astoria, Oregon.
Telephone 72. P. O. Bx 4W,
Is Left For Sale.
and Oleny 8ts.,
There Is do occasion for tne Boat faatMt
oos of oar citizens to send to FoctlaaA ar
San Francisco for
Custom Made Cloths
New Goods bv Every Stsamsr.
Call ac d see him and satisfy yourself.
P. J. Mflanjf, MercaaatTaSer.
wuunif vgrvnir.
war n.iMiMM
KATttA . fTTlfl m - t J
First Claas TTiideftaEiiis.
..4VMMmb, ' fy3
- X. X