W X - " ! - - ,. itr.-; ? - - T iSTORlA, OREGON: "WEDNESDAY.. JUNE lb. '.600 SSlitZD EVERY HORNING. J. F. HaLLORAN Sz COMPANY. n f W'tjU k 1 5t t .t, i . i r r. tixpi- CIT -?V9 G'O'Ji'Y OFflOAL PAPER. "Sex Astoria is in ilem:iml. Sunrise, dav& 4:35; Millet, 7:24; long Seal Kock leach tcntion. is attracting nt- Tliis has lecn ami clumlv .Tunc an unnsnallv cool CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. TleUsMlRonflncforiTraDsaiM A telephone line is to be built from Tillaaiook to Uolwnville. There are ovoral ca-e-? n typhoid fever in the city at prc-enl. This i not the kin.I of weather that linngs sojourners to the sea. Win. OIn. of Tillamook, now has a branch store at Saginaw, on the Neha-lem. Howell & Gov'kIcII direct allentiou to Kimlnetl Park and other good prop er' j. Kov. Mr. Hall has an oner from Kedpath for one night of Will Carl ton in Astoria for S200. At this date there is due at European ports from Astoria. 10i),."."I centals of wheat: from Tacomn, :il,Sll. Mr. Fossehnnn is decorating the town in the interest of Dandelion Tonic and Oregon Kidney Tea. Herman Wie has the contract for nniforming the Finnish band. The clothes will be made in Astoria. T. H. Handley has laid out an ad dition to Garibaldi. Nobody has as yri laid out an addition to Handley. South Bend parlies have written to Jndce ,lewett for a copy of the city charter. South Bend is going to in corporate. Ben Ycung bought SS,O0i) of South Bend inp?rty last Saturday. There are five horses in South Bend and more coming. On the 7Vohiww esterday morn ing came a tine team of bay horses, lught h .Tno. Kopp for Sill) to use in lu business Tom Fraker arrived from Torlland yesterday, and is to put on the gloves with Con Kiordan at the Athlctfc nssoeiation ixwws to-night. The view from Portland heights is a magnificent one, almost rivalling in some or its features the tight afforded from the hills to the southeast of our seaside city. There was such au over abundance oT moisture yesterday that part or the time it came down, not in drop, but iu liberal streams. The farmers may be happy now. The Portland Journal of Com merce has let go. It will be consoli dated with the Scuth Bend Enter prise, which will, hereafter, be known ns the Journal. Monday morning the Pioneer ap peared for the last time as a morning daily, and lat evening the first num ber of the Evening J'iomcr made its nppearance. It is a six column folio now. Yesterday first papers were taken out by Johan A. Anderson, a native of Sweden, who has renounced all alle giance to the king of that distant land, us he Las no more use for crowned 1 leads. One of the requirements of travel on the river is a through night boat be tween this city and Portland. The present system lends to shorten life, And i insufficient to the popular demand. THE KO.V OltDIX.LXCU passed. Chairman Isaac Bergman called the council to order at 7:45 last evening; he, council mti:i Fox, Welch, Wick ui .::i .aI VA'.sii b ;ug present The . .; 1 .: Lrt . 1 j i,4 ,isitoro w.w larger . ;.: :io i from Alev. .Johnson, aak iitg for a 1: ,.ior license, was granted. A e.nm iu:e ltioa from Genevieve st j eet property owners asking that the street be improved, was referred to the street eommitiee. A communication from W. W. Parker aking for a franchise for tweuty 3 ears for waterworks, the city to pay $230 a month for fire purposes, eta, was received and filed. A communication from Mayor M. C. Crosby, directing attention to the matter of water supply and saying that the proposition now before the council shonld receive the careful at tention of its members, was received and filed. An invitation from the Fourth of July committee to have the council participate was received and accepted, and the invitation to be dul acknowl edged. A communication from members of Rescue F-ngiue Co , No. 2, asking the foreman, B. S. Worsley, to appoint A. E. Boss to the position made vacant by the resignation of Jas. W. Hare, was referred to the committee on fire aud water at the next meeting. A communication from Astoria En gine Co., No. 1, was read, stating that at a meeting or the company of that date it was unanimously decided that the council be sisked to buy a team of horses for the use of the company. On motion the communication was referred to the committee on fire and water. The committee to whom was re ferred the matter of construction of a sewer on Jackson street, from the water front to Second street, 000 feet, reported, saving that the bid of Worsley & Carrnthers, for SLOl'J, was the only bid icccived, and recommend ing that the bid be accepted. After come discnssion, the recom mendation of the committee w:ts com plied with, and the contract was awarded to Worsley & Carrnthers. An ordinance, granting to Messrs. Henderson. Urmihart and Edward Blakeney the right to build, and main tain a district telegraph system in the streets of Astoria for twenty years, was passed. An ordinance regulating ordinance 1,071 was passed. An ordinance amending ordinance 1,150 was read first and second limes. BRANCH POSTOFFICE. A Very Cnrions System of lall Delivery. 11 0 UG11T THE L OTJ-'OJi A DOLLAR Tie THE FOURTH OF JOLT. Celebration Inst Not Be AtanioM A MEETLXG FOR THIS EVESIXG. An ordinance declaring the proba- While iu Portland last Monday, Juo. Kopp, the jKjjmlar Astoria brewer, placed several orders there for r regular supply of Astoria beer, Portland saloon keeicrs recognizing its superiority. Yesterdaj morning Howard Pinncll, si painter, iu the employ of Allen & CiL fell from a ladder near Thompson Jt llo'w store. No bones were broken, bat the man was considerably shaken up and bruised, ana will not be able to work for awhile- Seldom nre larger strawberries seen (ijan tho-e brought to this office yes tenlay by J. Matier, which were raised bvliim at Skipanon landing. There were two varieties, mammoth and necdltngs. the latter from vines grown Jrosx seeds he planted five years ago. lis now has over an acre in straw brttes, Astoria cmgiue compauy number , held a meeting last evening with a large attendance. A vote of thanks to ckief engineer C. IL Stockton was passed, for his efforts in eudeavoring to are a pair of horses. A. vote was passed unanimously, asking the city Cornell to furnish n pair of horses for Jse rfeamer, as it is too slow and labor iew work to draw the steamer to a fire livktad. As fiae'a draughtsman as there is in Ue state is Mr. J. E. Bhodes, the effi lieot and gentlemanly clerk at the OreetKi City land office. Amid the iMltifarions duties of his office, which he administers promptly and correctly, fee kss, in connection with other mat ters, tke -cork of dranghting numerous plate asd locations, and the excellence dL Ids work calls out deserved encomi ms from those who have business ikk lus department Pis fur Sale Atloryptes. M. W. Burtl, agent famtbe factory of llemme & Long, Sa Fraaclsco, who s a practical piano water and tuner. Is now in the city prtre4 to do all kinds of. flepairing ad Taalngj U. s. Bcsfaarant for sale at reasou Me wtefc for cash. Good reason given far selling, A.Wegxkk. ble cost of building a sewer on Jack son street was read first and second limes and referred to the ciiy attorney to report at next meeting. An ordinance authorizing the chief engineer and the committee on fire and water to buy a team for Astoria Engine Co. No. One, was, on motion referred to committee on fire and water. An ordinance authorizing ths Col umbia Water Co. to build and main tain a complete water system for sup plying villi water the city of Astoria was read first time and referred to committee on fire and water. An ordinance declaring the proba ble cost of improving Jackson street was p:isscd. Ordinances declaring the probable cost of improving Polk street and Madison street were passed. An ordinance to issue bonds, to the amount of $23,000 at G per cent per annum to secure money to pay city in debtedness etc was read third time and passed. Following is the full text of the i:ONT OlCDIXANCll Au ordinance providing for the issuing of bonds for tho purpose of meeting outstanding indebtedness and to make needed impnnexueuts in tho city of Astoria. Thi! city of Astoria doss ordain :is follews: Section 1. That in order to p.iy out standing indebtedness and to make needed improvements in the citj' of Asto ria, there bo and is hereby authorized to bo issued twenty-three bonds of tbo city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, iu tho sum of one thousand dol lars each, bearing dato Juno 1, 18iK), pay able to N. f. Hnrris fc Co., at the bank ing house of N. "W. Harris k Co., Chicago, Illinois, or bearer, payable on tho 1st day of Jnno, 1910. each of said bonds to bear interast at the rate of C, per cent, per an uuia, navable semi-annually. fccction 2. lho bonus mentioned m tho foregoing section shall bo numbered and entered into tho proper books in tho office of tho auditor and police judge, and shall contain a condition, pledging tho faith of the citj-of Astoria to the full payment in United Slates gold coin, of the principal and interest hereof, at tho office of N. W. Harris Co., Chicago, Illinois, at tho time or times the same niay become due, upon tho surren der of such bond or of tho coupon for interest attached thereto. Secliou 3. To each bond of tho amount of $1,000, payable Juno 1,1910, mentioned in section 1 of thisoidinance, shall be at tached coupons, bearing tho same number as tho bonds, and representing the interest thereon for each consecutivo half year, from Juno 1, 1SU0, and payablo on tho dates therein named, at tho place and in tho manner provided by section 2 of this ordinance. Section 4. Tho bonds hereinbefore mentioned shall bo signed by tho mayor and attested by the auditor and police judge, and tho auditor and police judge is hereby authorized to sign tho coupons attached thereto. Section 3. Such bonds shall bo known as tho 1890 issue, and shall ho numbered and a proper memorandum of the issue, name cf purchaser and when payable shall bo entered in a proper book record in the oflico of the auditor and pohco judge. Section G. . W. Harris &. Co., of Chicago, Illinois is hereby appointed the financial agent of tho city of Astoria for tho redemption of tho bonds issued by authority of this ordinance to tho amount of 23,000.00. Tho bonds issued by authority of this ordinance shall be placed bjT said N. "NV. Harris & Co., to tho credit of the city of Astoria, and said N. W. Harris &, Co., shall accouut to the city of Astoria by returning the coupons and bonds when paid by the city of Astoria. Section 7.Tho said N. "V. Harris & Co. for and in consideration of said bonds herein mentioned, shall pay to the city of Astoria, the sum of $23,345, upon delivery of said bonds to them in tho city of Chicago, Illinois. The following claims were ordered paid: C. Heilbom, $135.40; G. Stone, S49.17: The Astoriak, S3S.49. The bill of 25 of Dr. Estes was referred to the health officer. Adjourned. Yesterday afternoon a representa tive of Tun Astokiax saw in the pos-se-sion of a Chinaman on Main street, between Second and Third, several hundred pounds of circulars, postal cards, papers, magazines and other mail matter. The Chinaman stated that he had bought at the Astoria postoffice a large amount of this, of which the present pile was about half aud had paid a dollar for the whole lot On examination of the pile, it was found to contain a great many pack ages which had arrived from other places, duly stamped, and plainly ad dressed to well known parties nere, who have long been residents of this city, some of whom have boxes at the postoffice. From many of the wrappers, and many of the papers which had prob ably" arrived in bundles, and not in separate wrappers, the name to whom addressed had been torn off, evidently to prevent recognition or identifica tion. United States deputy marshal W. J. Barry was informed, and after a personal investigation, he made a report to his superior, and awaits in structions before taking any further action in the matter. While there might be a good reason for the retiring postmaster to turn over to his successor the office in a good condition, neat and unencum bered with a large amount of dead mail matter, there certainly is no reason for deliberately throwing away or disposing of mail matter plainly addressed to well known citizens of Astoria who have lived hero for years. Uncle Sam is very strict with re gard to the handling of mails, and papers, magazines and other printed matter is frequently of more import ance to the persons to whom ad dressed than even letters would be. Publishers are paid for papers and when they send them promptly and subscribers fail to receive them, it often causes unpleasant feelings on both sidesC Perhaps the cause of many papers passing througu tins of fice, fading to reach their destination may now be readily understood, if this pile is overhauled, and very lively it is not ihe first lot thus dis posed of, in a similar manner. Mail matter unindentified, or which had been kept for years in the office, and was addressed to parties, might possibly be destroyed, but in this lot were papers not a month old, and as before stated, a large number of packages addressed to well known citizens who daily receive maiL Considered in the mildest light pos sible, it certainly is a bold proceeding, and may bo difficult to explain to the inspectors aud higher officials of Wannmakefs department. The celebration of the ensuing an niversary of national independence should not be allowed to fall through. Sufficient has been secured andean be collected to pay all needful de mands, and it is poor policy, in any point of view, to let the matter drop. TheAstoriax thinks that Astoria shonld have n Fourth of July celebra tion, and doesn't want to see the project fail We can't afford it as a city. It is a duty we owe to ourselves and onr children that the Nation's birthday be duly honored. If we can't have a two thousand dollar celebration, let us have a one thousand dollar one. We can let the decoration of the streets go, let some of the fire works go, too, if necessary, but let us have a procession, oration, music, houses decorated, etc. It is plenty of time if action is taken immediately. Do not let the matter! go by default It only comes once a year, and when it does come, it shonld be celebrated. We don't deserve freedom if we are not patriotic enough to observe Freedom's birthday. C.J. Curtis, of the soliciting com mittee, collected 288 more yesterday. This mokes $959.50 now on hand. With a thousand dollars we can have a very creditable celebration. There is not much time left, and all action must be prompt Attend the meeting to-night, and aid with your voice and presence. 4th of Jaty Celebration. There will bo a meeting of the 4th of July Committee this Wednesday even ing at the council ohnmber for tho par pose of completing arrangements for the celebration. All members of the various committees, and all citizens interested in celebrating the 4th of July in Astoria aro earnestly requested to be present. By order of Committee. C. J. Cubtis, C. II. Stockton, Secretary. President. THE POINT ADAMS STATION. SEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, JUNE 17. As Filed ia The Coaaty Recorder's Ofice Yesterday. Astoria R E. & Trust Co. to A. C. Burdick, lot 5, blk 5, Railway $ B. Ii. Ward to Jennie B. Fox, lots 15 and 16, Wk 8, Wil liamsport J. C. Dement and wife to Lillie M. Hornor, lot 8, blk 26, Dement's Sam'l Elmore et al to Astoria Box Co., lots 1 and 8, blk Adair's MoryHXeinenweberto C.E. Larson, trustee, lot 1, blk 65, Upper Astoria . . H. C. Thompson and wife to Martin Larson, lots 33 and 34, blk 2, West Warren ton Oregon Land Co. to S. A. Stevens, N. blk 44,Pa cifio Oregon Land Co. to E. S. Lamport, blks 19, 20, 25 and 26, Pacific. S. A. Stevens to Oregon Land Co., one acre in sec. 31,T8N.,R8W 1 R S. Lamport and wife to Oregon Land Co., land in sec31,T.8N. R8 W.... 1 Previously reported this year...'. S1.433.S42 100 65 4,200 GOO 120 250 2,000 It Will Soon Have the Crew Placed. PERSONAL 3IEXTIOX. The new life saving station recently built at tho south entrance to the Co lumbia river will be manned with a crew of eight surfmen, under command of Capt McLean, on the 1st of next month. This is a valuable adjunct to tho important matter of life saving service on this northwest coast When the station at Loomis's is built and manned, the entranco to the Columbia river and adjacent waters will be guarded by four first-class sta tions of this service, viz: Cape Han cock, Point Adams, Loomis and Shoal water bay stations. Tni3 cordon or communication is largely due to the efforts of Major T. J. Blakeney, the efficient superin tendent of the life saving service on this coast Total to date 1,441,404 An old woman entered a savings bank in Albany a few days ago, and taking a number of gold and silver coins from her reticule, said she wanted to deposit them. She fur ther remarked: "I want you to keep this money so that I can get the identical pieces whenever I core to. I have the date of each coin here," and she displayed a paper on which was a list of the dates. On being informed that it was impossible, she replied: "Well, all right If I can't get the same coins back again I won't deposit 'em," and she went out Nottingham Lace Curtains NEW DESIGNS. FROM Sixty Cents per Pair, to Five Dollars Just Received at The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of the City . II COOPER'S 9 517 and 52 1 Third St. Astoria. S2.95 For Ladies ! mi Scaly Skin Diseases I'sorlasi R years, covering fare, head and entire body tcith tehlteseabs. Skin redt itchy and bleeding. Hair all gone. Spent hundreds ofdollars. 1'ronounced incurable. Ctired byCutietiraltemedies Cured by Cuticura My disease (psoriasis) first broke out on my leit cneeK, spreading across my nose ana S my i:ice. it ran imo my nyslcian was afraid I would cmer. it spreau au eyes and the pi lose mv evesinlit altoci over my bead aud my nair all fell out, until George Hibbert, or the Town Talk, returned yesterday morning from a business trip to Portland. J. "W. Lucas, an eastern capitalist, came down on yesterday's boat to look at Astoria's advantages. Chief Barry, John Fox, Yin Cook, P. Grant and Miss Jennie Aram re turned from Portland yesterday morn ing. Mr. Marsh is m the city in the in terests of the Astoria directory, a work which will be of local interest and value. F. A. Carpenter arrived yesterday morning from Portland, and will be stationed at the signal service office at Fort Canny. J. C. Boss, formerly county coroner, but for the last two years a resident of Alameda, CaL, is going into bnsiness in Salt Lake City, Utah. "Win. Hood, chief engineer of the Southern Pacific Bailroad Co., is in Portland, working on Huntington's Astoria railroad surveys. Monroe Newport, of this city, was one of the graduating class last week, at the "Willamette university, at Salem. He has entered a printing office in that city, and expects to remain there. Orrin Stafford arrived on the steamer last evening, having just com pkd his necond year at the "Willam- erro university, ac aiem. iie goes over to Skipanon this morning, to visit hi3 parents, expecting to return Sept 2, to commence his third year at the university. A DOCTOIl'S EEUUKK. 31 ARISE NEWS AND NOTES. The steamer Fhlier brought up rrom Sand island yesterday over 1,000 large sized salmon for J. O. Hanthorn & Co.'s cannery. The steam schooner Signal, Capt M. Bendegard, arrived from Pnget sound ports yesterday morning, and went on up the river to Portland. The steam schooner Qeorge H. Chance returned yesterday after noon from a trip to Cape Flattery, having been gone only a little over a week, and .bringing in 30 tons of halibut, having had a very successful catch. She went up to Portland last night Albany & Astoria It. R. Survey. I was eutirelv bald-headed : it then broke out on my arms and shoulder,until my arms were Just one sore. It covered my entire body, my face, bead and shoulders being the worst. The white scabs fell constantly from mv head, shoulders and arms: the skin would thicken and be red and very Itchy, ami would crack ana uieeu u semtencu. AXterspcndlng mauv hundred of dollars 1 was pronounced Incurable. 1 heard of the Cuticura Kkmkpiks, and after using two bottles CuTictmA Resoi.y xt I could see a change ; and after I had taken four bottles I was almost cured ; and when L had used six bottles of CirricuiiA Kksoi.vk.t and one box of Cuuicuka, and oue cake of Cut icuhaSoap. I was cured of the dreadful disease from which I had suffered for five years. I thought the dise:ise would leave a very deep scar, but the Cuticuka Rkme niKS cured it without any scars. I cannot express with a pen what 1 suffered before using the Cuticuka Kkmrdirs. They saved my life, and I feel it jny duty .to rec: u HAND-SEWED, DOUBLE SEAM SHOE. It never rips. It never squeaks. flexible than a hand turn. MORGAN & CO., r It requires no breaking in. More Astoria, Oregon. ommend them. My hair is restored as good is my eyesight. I know or as ever and so ! others who have received great benefit from their use. Mcs. IK 10SA KELLY. ltockwell City, Iowa. Cuticura Resolvent, and best of Humor Remedies, internaliy.and The new Blood and Skin purifier and purest Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuti c Ftec &iraw)crrles tnivc this worntHg. Your last to jces goon oerries at reasonable 'I'BnuDBnv jf trtcc T Thompson & Ross. Go to the San Francisco Galleiy for the finest Photogtaphs and Tintypes. Olney Street Meals Ceoteed to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Thompson & Ross are handling the product of some of the Choicest Dairies, and can supply you with a No. 1 article of Butter or Cheese, The Columbia Bakery is the neatest shop In the city. limnrntcly More Mischief than la Qm tfslly Suspected. Dr. Kins, ' eminent medical writer, 1b & learned diviulsilicn. on our national com plaint, coiibtlpation, says: lite great ouautlty of cathartic pills, eta., v. Mch are taken by the people of this coo tr arc producthc of immensely more mis chief than is generally suspected. True, tb physic unloads the bowels, but its actios tends to diminish the tone of the Intestines; so that, instead of removing costlreneu, It aravates it. leaving the bowels In a more torpid condition. Joj 's Vegetable Barsaparilla was designed to fill just such a contingency as the doctor arraignment anticipates, vlr.: Instead of -lng a powerful mineral purgative, It la mild vegetable laxative, that, owing to ill eoIi cnt and gentle stimulating properties, ia co certain a relief in constipation that It hai been given away to hundreds, not to be pW for unless It was of positive benefit It re places constipation almost Immediately with a natural easy habit, and iso nilA that, unlike drastic purgatives, it can taken indefinitely with perfect safety. Senator Dolph has introduced a bill appropriating 160,000 for surveys of public lands in Oregon, which pro vides for increasing the township rates now paid and authorizes the commis sioner of the general land office to in crease rates tnrongu neavuy nmoerea lands, the object .being to secure the survey of timbered land. The sena tor expects to make this a part of the sundry civil bill. Dyspepsia, indigestion, sick headache and that tired feeling are cured bj Hood's Sarsaparilia, which tones the stomach, promotes healthy digestion, creates an appetite, cures sick headache and builds up the whole system. Sold by all druggists. 100 Doses One Dol lar Tfce Steamer Eclipse. Will make regular trips to Knappa and Swensen's Landing, on Saturdays, leav- ;nrrITnonnllf? 'trt A UT T1f1 IpavinST Wilson & Fisher's deck at 2 p. m. For freight or passage apply to tlie captain, on Doara. The latest style of Gents' Eoets and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. The engineers on the Albany & As toria railroad survevors have ordered their mail directed to Onion Peak P. O., at which place they expect to ar rive in a short time. When last heard from they were running their line down tho Nekanickum, and so far had found a comparatively easy route with very easy grades. They expect to connect the two ends of the survey at Tillamook in about three weeks. Tillamook Jleadliglit, 13. The island in front of Kalama, known as Holt's island upon which it is said H. H. Holt has exhausted his homestead, has entirely disap peared from view, having been unable to withstand the floods. Nine years ago there was a house and several largo trees on the island, which has been swept down and out to sea by the rush of the waters of the mighty Colnmbia, Mr. Holt's homestead is no more and he should call upon the government to know its whereabouts. cura SOAP,an exquisite Skin Beautifler, ex ternally, have cured thousands of cases where the sheddin; of scales measured a quart daily, the skin cracked, bleeding, burning, and Itching almost beyond human endurauce. hair lifeless or all gone, suffering terrible. What other remedies have made such cures? Sold evervu here. Price. Cijticuua.COc: Soap, 25c: Resolvent, Si. Prepared by the POTTEK DRUG AND tllKSIICAI. COKPOKA- tiok, Boston. -Send for ''Mow to Cure Skin Diseases," CI page., 50 Illustrations aud 100 testimonials. NOW! For The 4th of July The Election Is Over, And it behoves all to for get tho political. A Snap in Real Estate. 11) Acres, close to river and street car line. Only S500 per acre, for a few days only. 55,000 can bo made on this property within three months. Wtoffmto M Slm Odd Fellows' Bnildinff, Brokers, ASTORIA, OR strife and PIM SOAr. PI.ES, black heads, red.rough.chapped and oily skin prevented by cuticura m m IT STOPS THE PAIN. jEfiP Rack-ache, kidney pains, weak ness, rheumatism aud muscular HTpains relieved in one minute hy fl Vie Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster. The first and only Instantaneous pain-killing plaster. MARKETS. Washington Market. Lots in Case's Astoria Are If on Sale AT TIIE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Real Estate Co. PRICES FROM $150 TO $250 EACH. TERMS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. Main Atrett, CHKISTEXSEX 4k. Astoria, erejeea. c pftePKiFrroKS. K1 tlon of the CALL THE ATTEN lubllc to tho fact that the ESPECTFULLY nul auove Market will always be supplied with a "UM. VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY fYlephenpLietlxiHc lltmstt. Kttil Bed in town. Rooms per night ."kj and IS cts per week SI JO. Sow and clean. Private entrance. For a good Shave, go to F. Ferrell. Some of the finest strawberries to be found in the state or out of it are from La Du's gardens at Mount Coffin, and are sold by Thompson & Ross. Fine Table Wise Delivered at GO cents a gallon, to any part of the city. A. line line of pure California wines at low prices, at W. Utzlnger's Cosmopolitan saloon. A. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc can be bought at the lowest prices atJ.W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident notei, Astoria. Fresh Bread and Cakes every day at f Columbia Baker)'. All orders deliv ered to ait parts oi the city. Try tho Columbia Bakery and satisfy yourself where you can do the best. For the very best Photos, go to Sinister. FRCSK AND CURED MEATS ! 1 Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. fySprclal attention gtveu to supplying fthlps. STAR MARKET. WHERRY k C0HPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT 1IOTE1., VHKN'AXVM Street. AHtsrla. Ok. Uemctnher the Austin houso at the Seaside is open the year 'round. Dnnk Knickerbocker bottled beer. HHse Fr Seat. Apply at AsToniAX office. All the Choicest Delicacies, made by only first-class men at the Seaside 3akery. Welkar4's Beer. And FreeXnnch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Mau aw Beard. A few rooms at Mrs. . C. Holden's, with beard: corner of Third and Vain. Also a few table boarders can be ac- coflamodated.. Roadway Market. O'Hara. Sc lag-alls, Propr's. Opposite Foard & Stokes. A First-Class Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats. All Purchases Delivered in any part of the City. GET IN and GET UP A First-Glass Celebration In the meantime the undersigned will not for get to look out for the people's wants, and be at all times prepared to fur nish the finest selection of gentlemen's garments at his usual reasonable prices. HermanWise The Live Clothier and Halter, In the Occident Hotel Bl'd'g. Weinhard's Lager Beer! Is the Choice of the Connoisseur. Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lota. Orders for any quantity to be directed to 9. WEINHARD, Portland, Oregon. Corner Twelfth and IS. Telephone 72. P. . Bex 4M. FLYNN, The Tailor, KEE?S IN STOCK THE- Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styles lie buys for Cash at Eastern Trices. lie Guarantees the Best Workmanship oa all Garments. C.U and see for yourself. Barth Block. ASTORIA, OB. Columbia Bakery FOR FRESH BREAD, Calces, and Fine Confectionery. All Orders Belivered. COOLEY BROS. The PaciflcBalEstateCo. GO TO LARSON t NILLBACK FOR GROCERIES AUD FKESII FRUITS. Orders Delivered Free af Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third Street, next to Pioneer office. The Indiana Paint Shop. C, M. COTBTRTfl, Trop'r. Cor. Third and Main Sis., Astoria. PAINTER AND CRAINER. Paper Hanging a Specialty. Work executed with Neatness and Dispatch, OCCUPIES THIS SPACE. Office 3STtx Central A. T. BRAKKE, Mgr. iotelt The Oregon Land Co. Where Property Is Left For Sale. Potatoes m TegetaMM, Strawberries and other berries, Cher ries. Currants and all seasoaabie Fruits at Thompsox A Rosa. Homes Ps Kamt Apply at the Facile Real Estate Co, Cotee and cake, ten nanta. at tba Central Restaurant Good Goods and low rates at the Sea aide Bakery. For aae variety of If ambers for yowr bttUdiags, call oa Jsdre Jewett. CkilimCnfcPitckrtCttfil I. W. Case, BANKER. Transacts a Qeasral Baakag Bmaei. Drafts drawn available in any part pf the 0. 8. asd fiarope, aad oa Hosg Kong, Chlaa Orriat noma :-i a. m. to 3 p. x. . Oob FaxLOWSiBuTLDixQ, Astoria, Oregon. Tfccce Ara Basae Nice Kaasas, Over the Mikado candy store, suitable for oaces, for rent. Apply to Alex Caaaaell. Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves i Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WARRANTED WATER CLOSETS, MUMBISQ GOODS, FUXFS, SIRES, AS BATH TUBS. Noe eft? Soully, CHENAMDS STREET. ' W. F. Scheibe, CIGAB MANTJFACTUKER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. 8pecial Breads Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET, - - Astoria, Or Corner Third and Oleny 8ts., ASTOEIA, OREGOV. Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line of Fancy Choice Staple and Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. John G. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. EvDtnt , Ct Carries Cpmplejfe Stocks e ,, Drugs and, Druggists'-sundries'. rreseriUea CarefWly Canpeaatletf. Agent lor Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure PATRONIZE HOME IKWSTIY! There Is no occasion for the oas of oar citizens to sead te Tnitlsai er san .Francisco ior Custom Made Cloth As they can get Better Fits. Better Wae mansnip, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders wttk MEANT. New Goods by Every Steamer. Call and see him aad satisfy yonntsT. '" P. J. Meany. MawssatTsaar. irX F.H.SURPRENANT&CO, County Coroner. " " ESBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa First Class. Undertaking .v.-.. -iiiDnini. I New Styles, Caskets aad Jaanal w exc W ABTOKI AIT ii r-tf :" t iN -. ., - .2 Wj - . JP'ZSti