The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 12, 1890, Image 1

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- I SB B SB C sS-S-SSiSfl -'t;-5. iriai!:WKCt.:.UlLJ.1. . V V1SH SSI
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Kn .Mi"" A
ci:ad "pimx p.i:is i.srs
i.r TL.W- TIIUKADS at the
Xiondoa. E'lsksries sliibition 1883.
Aut !i. 1h:i:iv..i:ii! II IC II Kit l'lHZKSal the aiio.i-.
I'ii vi lli j.omh.f anj oilier
IN TII'l'tt'OHU),
Quality Ca:a. Always be Depended on.
Ewieri FiimefUEe no Otter.
517 and 519 Market Street. . . SAN FRANCISCO.
TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and
TJLAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices.
Morgan & Sherman FEESH FEUITS !
i l. t.f: 11
S..M;jai Atont:on Civcnto Fitiin
or orders.
Aw.t :sii.j.m- .'unuvlifd aj S:il
factory Tenni.
rVaitftiRsnsdosircix-tl m any part of thr city
Office and Warehouse
UKwueXNc UunJiug on Water Street.
J. . Not IW Tf'epiioae :,'o :.7.
toui i. ctRiiaoK
Oarnahaii & Co.
1. V. CASK.
:ti:rf ikai.::i:-v i
Wa ri!.iMir nml tiss Nti tv'
AST ma o;:j.,;.i.n
J. B. Wyatt,
Hartwareand Ship Ghandie, j
IMrr on. RriRtit VartiMi. IJiiiaclo OU. i
un nva, iuinp &iil Tv.inp.
Intoa. Wrought Iron Spiki-.
t:al-nr.s7Pil Cut Nail.
Acricnitnral Implonicnts, Sen in;
-Machino. lainf, Oils,
Grooorios. 33to.
Tiielseo, Lsslei'4 Amiersen,
Oltlt cuoitirrot
UlWli. NttlHCnr.
Surveyors and Architects.
Omen, Koom!), Ki.avki.'.s IImi-o
l'.O.Ilnx.Sl.X a'ioi:ia.ok.
Kindred Park.
KiuHrefiPark i tho Favorite
Hurnovr,ibeforeit he raise. Lots,
rs& s
t Ei
KA 137$
- 010u
C : Z V, It IT'2'K. S .'FV.
I-- tr liiini; in mmi.
ST'Oi'cS. FcrroU
N'".!'''tViilNiili,H A-m;.i,iii,'ih.
Livery Stables.
.onvy:iuccN ol any kind, on sliort lidtice.
'1 r.insfcnin i:.iKg:ig. etc, a specialty.
Tcleplioiit' No, 12.
K!.o r. paukki:
Parker & Hanson
New Goods Arriving Every Slcame
Dross - Goods,
Tw OM Sir.ntl - Astoria Oreaoii.
95 Cabinets for S2.50.
tt idi c, tlip Livrrand ICitlm -santlS"ciurh,
Cures II .ularlir. Dvbjc:sj i, n Hs .in Appe
titc, I'unfics the Impure II1ih1, :iii.I
Makes The Ve.ak Strong
Uscdevorywljcrc t abcitle:six forS
4 an &. (9C3 AS fe
a -cw. i i i iv7y .rmn ..-
of Investors, and Lots arc selling fast,
$125 and $150. Terms easy.
For Important fort oil Tbis North
west Coast.
.cjt-cial by The California Asociitfd PnES.
Washington-, June 11. Thesundry
civil nppropiutiou bill was reported io
Ih? house to-day. It contains the
following items: Fifty thousand
dollar for enforcement of the Chinese
exclusion act in the prevention of the
unliwfnl entry of Chinese into the
United States, by the appointment of
ofihvr-, to enforce the law in relation
thereto, and for the expenses of re
h:rii:tr ii China all found to be un
huvfalh within the United Slate.
An increase of So27,:"00 is appropri
ated for irrigation surveys, over the
.::n.;i!it ::)propiia!ed for last jear.
riiL' ieptrt ays it was done on the
u commendation of Major Powell,
chief or survey, whose statement re
gitidiiig irrigation surveys and esli
nia e,s for appropriation for the same
is appended io the application and the
committee'.s report.
An increae of S71,KK) is made for
lighthouse over the amount appropri
ated last vear.
Forj-urvev of the Oregon
For survey of the Washington coast,
For continuing the exploration of
Alaska waters, S10.000.
ior tne Alaska txinnuarv survey,
The Pension Hill.
Special toTiin Astouum.
Washington'. June 11. The hnnA
to-day adopted the conference report
ou uiu uumiuu uiu, which sirucK out
the "dependant" nnd "service" features.
The bill irives all soldiers' widows, a
pension of $12 a month, regardless of
i no cause oi the husbands death, and
irives a neusion to nil disabled sohliprs.
whether the disability was incurred in
the war or not A
Delay in Awarding the Bids.
Sp rial to Tn k Astokian.
Washington, June II. Bids for the
new naval vessels which were
opened yesterday, have been referred
to the bureaus of construction and
engineering. The secretary is under
the impression that the figures sub
mitted on the great American cruiser
are excessive, nnd has naked for n
special report on this point from the
unreaus. it is not iiuely the bureaus
will make any recommendations, but
will submit certain comparative fig
ure for the secretary's guidance.
E'robably the End off It.
Special to Thk Astokun J
Washington, Juue 11. Stanford's
land loan bill was reported adversely
in the senate by the finance commit
tee, and action on it was indefinitely
Bciiitx. ActiiiRT in Collusion
IVitSi the TriiNl.
Special to Thk Astoui v.v.
PhiiiAdewhia, dune 11. C.
Spreckels, Jr., says: "Onr refiuery
here is now turning out 3,000 barrels
daily, but in a week we will have all
of our plant in operation and will then
double the present output We did
not institute a suit for the forfeiture
of the charter of the American refin
ery at San Francisco. The state's
authorities did that the same as other
ofiicials have done in other states
as they considered the trust injurious.
We had nothing to do with the litiga
tion going on in San Francisco, but
they have coupled our names with the
prosecution because we are figliting
the trust The placing of the refinery
again in the control of tho trust
threwsixteen thousand barrelR nf antmr
on the market and broke the price.
There is no truth in the statement that
wo proposed to join tho trust on a ter
ritorial basis. We don't entertain tlio
smallest intention of allowing our
selves to fall under the yoke of the
sugar trust.
Think Tkcre Ik FraH in Cus
tom. Collections.
Special ioTiikAstohiax.
New Yoke, June 1L The merchant
tailors meet to-morrow night to con
sider the subject that clause of the Mc
Kinley bill which relates to the ad
mission of clothincr to tho vnlnfi nf
$300 duty free, taking action upon the
recent: uisciosures in relation to ex
tensive smuggling of clothing into
this country which imlipjifpa mn.
spiracy to defraud the government
and serioushy injures the legitimate
Among the signers to the call for
the meetine are Bullock Xr TnnM nf
San Francisco. Arrangements have
lecn made for similar mPAKnom nf.
Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cin-
uiiiuuu, -uiuiiKu, ou jjoiuH, vrasmng
ton, and nearly thirty other cities.
As many of these meetings as nossi-
will be held to-morrow night, and
others will follow as quickly as circum
stances permit
Kindred Park.
If riot, do so before
- t
He muKt Die by an Electric Shock
Special to Thk Astoriax.j
Syracuse, N. Y., Jnne 11. Judge
Wallace has dismissed the writ of
habeas corpus in tho Kemmler case.
This remands Kemmler to the custody
of tne warden of the prison, to be exe
cuted by electricity.
Violating the C'cusuv Law.
Special to Thk astokxax J
Chicago. June 11. Richard Jaapp,
proprietor of the Grand hotel, was ar
rested to-day for refnsiug to answer a
census enumerator, making the first
arrest of the kind in this city, under
the census violation law.
Explosion off Natural tins in a
. Collar.
Speci it : ."Z'iik Asro-u w.l
AttKOiH'W firrv. "Pit.. .Timn
Wm. Kip and wife, each over 80 years j
oi age, wine in ine ceiiar o tneir;
winle m tne cellar ot their
residence, lighted a match. An ex-
plosiou of natural gas followed, and
each was horribly burned, and died
to-night of their injuries. A grand
daughter no stairs, was seriouslv in
Editor Rennet t Die.
Spec aJ to The Astohian.
Chicago, June 11.
editor of the Chicago
-C R. Bennett
Globe died to -
He held similar
night, aged bo years, lie held similar
positions on papers in Cincinnati nnd
New York, nnd viu fnmiPrlv nnn J
nected with the Chicago Times for a
number of years.
Grldloj', of Am boy. 111., Who
Not Wnked Since 11 arch 15th.
With rosy cheeks, lightly-closed
eyes and gently heaving breast, sleeps
pretty Grace Gridley in her little bed
room in the house of her father, Mr. J.
Gridley, one of Amboy's prominent
business men. To gaze "upon her
peaceful slumber one would think she
was alxmt to awaken from a refreshing
night's rest On the loth day of
March, Mias Gridley, who is u'well
developed and healthy young lady of 11)
years, retired to rest in her usual
health. The next moruiug she did not
appear at the innal hour and after
awhile her mother weut up to her
room to call her. Upon entering the
chamber, Mrs. Gridley found her
daughter sleeping in the manner de
scribed above. Attempting to nwaken
her, she discovered her daughter was
sleeping more soundly than she at
first supposed. As a loving mother is
ever prompt to do, she said: "Well let
Grace bleep, she will be belter for it"
Miss Grace did sleep on through the
day, and when supper lime came it
was found to Ik impossible to awaken
her. Becoming greatly alarmed, her
parents sent for a physician, who ex
amined the cast with astonish
ment. Different treatment were
tried to dispel the trance, but
all iu vain. The beautiful
cirl. her coral litis narled in a lmlr
smile, blumbcred o:i and on without
the fclit'lili:t Hotter of eve Ia.-h. After
sleeping aliout a week the imrsj, who
uas always watchea by lier lisdaiae.
left the room inouteiitnriK. W?nn
she returned ahe found the bleeping
girl s ued empty. Urently fnghteimd,
she hasteued into an adjoining room
where the found Miss Grace silling in
an easy chair as sound asleep as ever.
In her lap, half open, lay a small
Bible. It is certain that the girl had
slightly aroused from her sleep, and
arising from her bed had secured the
Bible and gone into the other room,
where she had scarcely seated herself
when she agaiu dropped into the
strange sleep. She has not aroused
since that time and has continued in
her peaceful slumbers ever since.
Numbers of nlivsieinns hnv Iwn mn.
suited and brought to examine the
peculiar case, but thev nil look irfso
shake their heads and are profoundly
puzzled. Jo attempt is made to diag
nose the case, and not very much hope
bos been vouchsafed the sorrowing
parents and friends of the girl.
Amontr the manv surmises that have
been offered as to tho cause of the
protracted sleep, there is one that i3
unique, and iu support of which is
brought the incident of tho girl's
arousing up and attempting to read
the Bible. Just previous to the girl's
slumbers a large religious revival had
been going on in Amboy, which was
attended by much religious fervor. It
is thought that Miss Gridley had be
come so wrought up over tho meetings
that the mental excitement caused a
prostration of her entire system. This
is only a conjecture, but is as worthy
as the many other theories presented.
Miss Gridley, has, strange to say, lost
but little flesh, and appears to rest
as calmly and easily as a child in gen
tle slumber. The beating of her heart
and respiration are normal, and her
body is naturally warm. Food is given
in liquid form, but not in very large
quantities. After being placed in her
mouth the food passes into the stom
ach without nnv nnnnronf. nlTrf r,t
swallowing. What the final result of.
the strange sleep may be no oue can
surmise, and the many anxious and
loving friends must await until He
who reigns over all shall determine.
Two or the albunw sent to the in
ternational exhibition of stamps at
Vienna are insured for 812,000 and
Have you bought any Lots in Kindred Park yet?
Prices Advance, and make the Handsome Profit yourself. The Albany & Astoria
Railroad Surveyors are working close to Kindred Park now.
TanierMffs Setae Controls A
Gigautic Bailroad System.
Special bj C.iltroniia As n vtkd Pj:kss.
New York, June 11. The Herald
says editerially: Two revenue cut
ters have set sail from Seattle with
instructions to capture and dismantle
all vessels found sealing in theBehriug
sea, whether British or American.
Between thirty and forty Canadian
coaling vessels are now in that sea, and
such of them as arc caught bv our
: cutters will suffer the penally pres
11. . cribevl.
it is reported that a modus vivenm
wa3 l)ro p )s i bv lbe Tr:tL?h twprI1
, nAn.i.-ni.AAnm..iAi:.....?r
'Ji"i j.iiiiii tub v-uiujutnuiiuL iu"j;u-
tuitions, but this was refused hv
Blaine, and as congress has not chosen
to change the Inw, it is the duty of the
president to enforce it practically.
Modus vivendi would have been
t the command from Salisburv to his
semi-mdependent but irresponsible
51"ent " Sir John iUacdonald, to pre
vent "oprednlions by his people 01
! fiir 1):annS animals pending negotia
t- , "7 "-- i"
t,on"'' b"V,n;s "P?3 m
oastirrtd to Salisbury.
not seem to have
Senator Mormui in :m inrorvipw
maintains the right of our govern
ment to protect the fur seal in any
part of Behring sea.
Tho best niodu3 vivendi with a
poacher is an agreement that he shall
stop poaching, pending negotiations.
Vandcrbilt Will TCcuch From
Atlantic to l'acific.
poo at . o Tu Astouia.v.
(Jhicaqo. Jnne 11. - It i ; nrmiluvillv
certain thnt after the next meeting of
the Union Pacifac the Vanderbilts will
be in control, and that president
Hughitt. ol Ihe Northwestern, will ba
president of the entire Northwestern
and Union Pacific system.
Little by little enough fact have
leaked out to demonstrate this, that
the contract between the Union Pa
cific and Northwestern was a contract
by Vanderbilt, .and haa been sim
ply a test, which has proved
that the two systems can be
more economically operated a one.
Nono of this Northwestern officials
will talk for publication on the sub
ject, bnt it is manifest that thev all
know fho change which is coming.
' A remark made by one of them to
day, that competing roads could not
object to their contract with the
Union Pacific, ir it covered the opera
tions of but one line, bhowed that
Vanderbills have already completed
a through train-continental line,
reaching from New York :o San Fran
cisco, and including the New York
Central, Lake SLore, Michigan Cen
tral, North Western, Union Pacific
and leased lines of the Northern
Pacific to San Francisco.
Liabilities- at Half n t'fiUton
Special tTun astokian j
Chicago, June 11. Eobert Warren
& Co., members of the board of trade,
have failed. They were heavily long
on wheat, pork, lard and ribs." Tho
announcement of the failure caused
wheat to drop to 88 cents, and mess
pork to 511.75, bnt thev recovered.
The liabilities are SoOO.OOO.
Lynch Law in Arkansas.
Little Bock. Ark.. Jnne 11. Joa
Pavent. who was suspected of murder,
was snot ami wounueu uy a lynciung
party, and then hanged. He had been
warned to leave the country, bnt did
not do so.
Freight Trains Collide.
Special to The Astouian.i
Joliet, HI., June 11. Two freight
trains on the Santa Fe, collided near
here this morning. Eugmeer Hehues
was killed and several trainmen re
ceived slight injnrie3. The wreck is a
costly one.
Ckescu on the 201st Rallot.
Special to Tub Astokian.
Cabbom,ton, Ky., June 11. W. W.
Dickerson, of Grant Co., Ky., was
nominated on the 20Isf. 1ml Inf. fnr
congress to succeed Carlisle.
uiCKerson is forty yeara old, a
lawyer by profession," and has served
three terms in the lernslntnre. TTn iv-is
senator in the last general assembly,
nnd made a record as an anti-lottery
la Hot FursHit After the Rest or
the Band.
Special IoTbk Astokian.1
Little Bock. Ark.. Jnne 11. Firm
men have been arrested near Texark-
ana, suspected of having robbed the
train. Polish Howard has been inden
tified and is now in iail. His mm-
Danions have been nTqniinrrwI. Tf. is
thought Howard will confess. A posso j
is still hunting the balance of the '
robbers. Tne excitement is still hicrh .
In Kansas' Celebrated Cross
Murder Case.
Special to Thk Astoriax.
Paris, June 11. The jury in the
Cross murder case was empanelled
this evening. Herbert Tonney, the
principal witness for the government,
made a statement as follews: uJno.
M. Cross, sheriff of Stevens countv,
Kansas, on July 4th, 1886, summoned
Rollin Wilcox, Ted Eaton. Bobert
Herbert and himself to go with him to
No Man'sLand to proven t tro able there.
They went, and owing to failure to find
the parties started back home on the
night of July 23. They stopped at
Hay camp, nine miles from the
Kansas line where they were sur
rounded about midnight and com
pelled to surrender. After surrender
ing they were forced to hold up their
hands and be disarmed, when their
pistols were taken from them and
they were all shot. Witness was shot
through the shoulder and when he
became conscious feigned death, and
wiien tne attacking partv had satis
fied themselves that the sheriff and
his posse were all dead went awav
Witness then got his horse and man
aged to reach the settlement at noon
the next day. News of the killing had
already preceded him and a parly
uau gone alter the bodies.
Witness identified among the attack
ing party C.E. Cook, T. M. Donald,
O. J. Cook, G. B. Chamberlin, W.
Ualverr, Sam B. Ifobinson and Jos.
Wright. Before a cross examination
of witness was begun the court ad-
jonrned until 9 o clock to-morrow
Fosi;!it on Horseback
Sax Antonio, Texas, Juno 11. Joe
uorrasso ana JNamauefa Boss, two
Mexicans, founht a duel with Inssos.
on horseback, to settle a dispute over
a trivial matter. Corrasso man need
to catch Boss around the neck, drag
mm irom nis liorse and break ins neck
by drawing him some distance at a
run. Corrasso then tied.
Maaiuiotii Factories to He
Special to Tire Astokian.
Chicago, June 11. The cracker
trust has its grip on Chicago, and is
preparing for tho erection of a mam
moth factory, to cost fully 8000,000.
Iu addition to Chicago, president
Moore says that other trust factories
will be built iu cities farther west,
notably St Lonis, Minneapolis and
Kansas City.
For tlie Nineteenth Time.
Special to Tiik Astoi::an.i
BnooKvn.i.E. Iud.. Juno 8. Con
gressman Holnian, of the fourth dis
trict, was unanimously renominated
to-day, being the nineteenth time ho
has l2en similarly honored.
Bat and Hall.
Special to Thk Astokian "i
Cincinnati Jnne 11. Cincimmli n.
Pittsburg 1.
Chicago, Jnne 11. Chicago 7, Cleve
land 1: second game. Chicago 1. Cleve
land 3.
Brooklyn. Juue II. Bronfclv 9.
Boston 5.
Br.ooKiiYX. Juno 11. Brooklvn 0.
Boston '3.
Philadelphia, June 11. Philadel
phia 11, New York 5.
Denies the Rumor.
Special to The Astokian.1
New York, June 11. President
Oakes denies the report that the
Northern Pacific is directly, or re
motely, interested in negotiations for
the control of the B. & O. B. It, which
was rumored to have been concluded
by tho Bichmond Terminal Co.
Wherever Malaria Exists.
The bilious are its certain prey. In inter
mittent anil remittent fever, dumb amie and
ague cake, the llcr is always seriously af
fected, ami the blood contaminated with
bile. One of the chief reasons why llostet
tcr's S'omach Bitters is such a sure defense
asainst chills and fever and every form of
malarial disease, istuat it does away with
liability to the disease, by reforming irregu
larity ot the biliary organ in advance of the
arrival of tho season when the disease is
prevalent. There is no finer fortif lug pre
parative for those about visiting or emigrat
ing to a locality where the nuasma-taint ex
ists. There is no certain immunity from dis
ease in an endemic or epidemic form, to in
secured by tho use of the average tomes and
antl-spasmodlcs. But where quinine fails
the Bitters succeeds both In preventing and
curing. Moreover, It removes e ery veMage
of djspepsia. and overcomes constipation,
rheumatism. inactivity of the kiduejs and
bladder, and tranquiiizes and strengthens
the nervous system.
VIolchTRAns In Nect.
Friendship. AVIS., June U.ISSS.
My wife had tic-lent f5nin3 in her neck,
which was very SOrc and stiff. She.wSciT? ed
entirely by SLJacobS Oil. JAilES STOWE.
In Tcrrlblo Pain.
Ames 3rfg.Co.r$hlcopcfc,JIass., June 18, 18SS
From bver-eietuori i every bone Was Wodo
stiff and sore in terriblo'jpain. I W43 cUired
promptly by St, Jacobs OIL
JC. BUCKLEY, Paymaster.
At Drcggists and Dealers.
THE CHA&ES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore, Hd.
Portlani Agent CauM to 16 Sent
to San Francisco.
Special by Tho California Associated Pbess.
San Francisco, June 11. The fail
ure of the Union Pacific to appoint a
successor to S. W. Eccles. of the
freight department who was pro
moted, has caused a deal of specula
tion in railroad circles. Many names
have been coupled with the position,
but the position is still vacant, though
it will not be so very long, if reports
which come seemingly from an au
thentic source are correct
It was learned to-dav that arrnno-p.
niente had been made for filling the
position, by sending B. Campbell, now
agencoi tuc union Pacific at Portland,
here, and making this oflice the gen
eral one, leaving assistant general
freight agent Woodward, in charge of
the Portland office.
The transfer of the general freight
office from Portland to this city, has
been induced by the great increase of
the U. P. freiirht business from finn
Has Keen ITIany Years in the
Special to Tin: astokian.
Missoula, Mont, Juno 11. Mrs.
Glem, noted in the telegrams of yes
terday, as being arrested in New
York for smuggling goods, is Mrs.
Mary Glem, ofMissonla. She is very
wealthy, owning property in St. Louis,
San Francisco and other places. It is
reported that for years past she has
been engaged in smuggling gems and
precious goods into this country.
Slotcl Waiters on n Strike.
Special toTiiK AsroKi vn.j
SanBpael, June 11. The cooks
and waiters of hotel Bafael struck
this morning, leaving 100 people with
out their meals.
A Captain Lost Overboard.
Special to The Astokian.1
San FltANClSCO. .Tnn 11. Tho
French schooner Neva, which sailed
vesteruav lorfnneeto retnrnpfl tn-risiv
with the tidiucs that her master. Cant
Wen two rill, was washed nvnrhn.ir1
ju'a outsnio tne Heads anil drowned
Every ship that crosses the Atlantic
looks out every trip during warni
weather for icebergs off the Newfound
land coast. Once in a while one is
sighted, and two summers ago. it was
said, a berg with a polar bear basking
in tho sun noon its frozeu brow, was
seen by the imaginative crew and pas
sengers or an ocean steamer.
But the oil steamer Beacon TArilit
nas actually run into one of these
monsters, and the experience will be
sufficient to last her crew the rest of
their lives. It was like this: Fancy
a nuge wmte cloud, as large as
the largest building iu the world.
suddenly looming alongside of yon in
the fog and half darkness, as you
loot; out over tiio void from a shins
bow. Snddenly the cloud beeins to
gleam and glitter with all the hues of
the rainbow, in the rays of the ship's
great electric reflector. Then the
frightened scream from the captain's
lips; "My God, it's ice!" And he
ordered the engines backed instantly.
The next moment the steamer's
bow glides nuder a great overhang
ing ledge of ice. It strikes with a
grating sound and glances off, just in
time for its own salvation. There is
a thundering crash and a roar and ice
enough to keep a whole city cool all
summer, even at this year's prices,
falls into the sea. Some fear
ful fragments fall upon tho forecastle,
too, and turned the Beacon
LtUjni sideways, bne careens over
upon her beam ends, but
rights herself again, tho stanch ship.
But tho greater danger is still before
her. A terrible bump! bump! comes
against the ship's bottom, and it seems
as if Wo, universe was shivered to
splinters. Tuo tons of ice that split
oil' tho berg and sank are coming up
again, being lighter than the water,
and they are rising under the Beacon
LigJit, and lift her hull ten feet abovo
the water line.
The water rushes in, bnt tho iron
plates are welded true and strong.
The ice cannot destroy them, though
it spreads them so much that the
pumps must be worked constantly all
the way to New York to keep the ves
sel from sinking. But the men do not
mind a trifle like that now. As they
hndiUe together and look into each
other's eyes with blanched faces they
realize what it is to meet an iceberg.
Meanwhilo the iceberg has gone
calmly on its way.
Grace Greenwood is a woman with
largo features and very dark hair,
which she combs downoverher ears in
an oldfashioned Wtay.
All the patent medicines adverliseu
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can
be bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
A Newspaper is soon to be started, Houses are being built, Streets are
being improved, and a General Air of Prosperity is hanging over the place.
Ontrageons Treatment of ai Americo
in a Sennas Prisoi.
Special by California Associated
London, June 11. The marriage of
Mary Anderson and Jose D. Navarro
will occur at Brampton abbey oa Ji
17. The trousseau of the bride k
elegant and costly, and was furniifcft&
by Worth, of Paris. Mary Andenoi-'
is the picture of blooming health, asd
she refers to the coming nuptials wilar
pleasure. " .
A Neteal Editor Married.
Special to The Astokian.
London, June 11. Wm. O'Briaa,
editor of the Freeman's Journal, was
married to Miss Bappahvitclv daugk
ter of a Paris banker, to-day. "
Lawn Tennis Chamloasl.
Special to Thk Astokiax.1 v
- Dublin, June 11. Kerry,- tka
champion tennis player of Ireland, de
feated Pet tit, the champion of Amentia,
in a match for tho world's champion
ship, by a score of 3 to 0.
An American Citizen A create
and. Abused.
Special to The Astorian.
Berlin, June 11. On a false nharga
of libelling emperor William, rrniMMartr
by drunken students, Joseph Janarroa
a prominent New York merchant wa?
arrested and locked up, allhismeaej:
and valuables taken from him, and m
spite of his protests, he wbbv
taken to a dirty cell, compelled
to give up his own olotbea,
and wear a prison garb. For three
days and nights he was kept in soli
tary confinement given food in a
filthy condition, and at, last througk
the efforts of his brother and a lawyer,
he secured a release on bafl. 'Tbe
students now say they do not remem
ber making any charge.
Talk About BoUlina New Yerlc
Special to Thk Astoriax.1
Halifax, June 11. There is a feel
ing among military people here that
the presence of the United Stales'
cruisers in Behring sea will eventually
lead to trouble between the United
States and England. From the 1mm
don Standard's remarks on the sub
ject it would seem that a small spark
might kindle a conflagration. An of
ficer of one of her majesty's '
regiments says it might be
confidently expected the Canadian '
sealers would catch as many seala io
what was disputed territory. It migkt
also be put down as certain that aojae
of them sooner or later would tall ia,.
with a United States cruiser; what
will follow in such an event the fegne
of the times teach to be war. - ' '
Halifax Recorder to-day pubheked
a warlike editorial in whiobrit said the-'
British fleets are not in the habit of
losing much time when they set pat i
on a mission. Probably a fleet sailing
from Halifax could bottle up New
York commerce in even less, time than
senator Hawley stated. The moral
for our American cousins is, "Get out
your guns, polish up your.
armor," for experience of 2,000 yean
has innfrht flip wnrlrl thpi-A u a. tuan
of truth in saying we know not what
a nay or nour may onng rortn.
Absolutely Pure
This powder never vanes. A marvel of
.iiiritv. strength and wholesomeneoa. Ham
economical than the ordinary kinds, aad erne
not be sold in competition with tae Butig
tnde ot low test, short weight, alum or hMs
pliate powders. Sold only in ean. Sotai.
bakino Powdkk Co. 106 Fall-st.. N, Y.
Lewis M. Johnson & Co.. Asrents. Part.
land. Oregon.
1 :
Astoria, Or.