'V- ., H i' cut S&c aUj$ lucrum. ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY JUNE II. 1830 ISSUSD EVERY MORNING, J. F. HALL.ORAN & COMPANY. Publishers and Proprietors. ArrORIAS BlTLPINC. - CASSSTKKKr. Tera of Subscription. Scored lv Carrier. ier ceX 15 cts Seat by Mai'. jor month Co cts nt by Mail, one yoar ........... S7.t Fire of jxuiagc 10 subcritttrN The Astouikn suanjutcts to il adver JVTsThelanssi ircul.itloii of tuiv ntvi;ii j r tutiU-brd mi the Columbia riwr. CITY AND CDO.'JTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Fishing boats were quite numerous on the rirer yesterday. Monday there were 22 deeds filed for record, and yesterday, there was the same uumler, lacking 21. It is rciorted that J. B. Sale has purchased the steamer Elertrh; and that he will le taken to Shoalwatcr la. One or two boat hoaxes, with row and sail boats to let, would undoubt edly do a jjood business. Who will art one? Tliere is to be a glove contest for points, in the Athletic club rooms next Wednesday evening, aud it prorniMs to be largely attended. Last evening, at the Parker hoifee, a large number of people were finely en tertained in listening to inusie on a Scotch bagpipe, played by the bar tender. Work has commenced on the erec tion or the new wharf at North Cove oa Shoalwatcr bay. It will be over LKM feet long, and reach out to a dippih of nine feet at low water. The new track of the street railway extension is now laid on Second street, between Olney and Genevieve, and the center of the street is torn up for a block further west, to Cass street The numerous piles of wood scattered all along the streets, and left there weeks at a time, make this look like a Iwckwoods town iustead of a city. Don't ue the streets for a xermanent wood vnrd. Hereafter when the anniversary of American independence is celebrated, Albert Nilson can say umy country," for yesterday he severed connection with the long of Sweden, and took out preliminary papers of citizenship. The city building will not be raised at present, not until the next rainy season, as it would interfere with the use of the engine house and engine, and that is not deemed advisable in dry weather, in case a fire should break out. - - -- The colored singer, Miss Flora Bat son, who appears here on Friday and Saturday eveniugs, is spoken of in the highest terms by the prass. Yester day's Oregonian has a highly com mendable notice, and calls her the qneen of song." The railroad drawbridge across Skipanon creek at Warrenton is out of order and cannot be opened for the passage of boats. Yesterday it was closed with great difficulty, and must be considerably repaired before it can again be opened. Yesterday, in Justice May's court, two Chinamen, Ah Sing and Ah Gee, were arraigned, who had been arrested by constable "Welch for smoking opium. They were remanded to the county jail, and. will bo examined at 3 o'clock this af temoon. Iu the city council last evening, Mr. Welch made an excellent suggestion, if it can be earned out, and that is to remove Xo. One's engine house to up per town and build a new house for Xo. One on the city lot, then furnish a good pair of horses for it. People should remember that a re fusal to answer the questions pro pounded by one of the census enumer ators is a misdemeanor, and by so doing they are liable to arrest and fine. Answer the questions promptly and the work will soon be completed. Horseback riding is growing in favor, and would le more popular if there were more saddle horses to be ob tained. Last evening F. H. Surpren ant and wife, W. A. Sherman and sis ter. Miss Jessie Jewett and several others were out riding. It is good ex ercise for all. Hy Special Request. rror.Ilanna.tho World Expeit Chi ropodist and Manicun. lias extended his vitt in Astoria for the lemaimler of this wvek. Tin Proftsor, during his past three weeks visit in Astoria, has proven himself to be thoroughly skilled In Ins profession, aud no one need hesi tate to call on him that may he afllictcd with their hands or feet, and p irtlcu UrlyCornsand Bunions. His office is over Allen's paint store, coiner Fourth and Cass streets. Fresh Dread and Cakes every day at Columbia Bakery. AH orders deliv ered to all parts of the city. For fine variety of Numbers for your buildings call on Judge Jewett. Wilson & Fisher will have Silver Plated Numbers for Houses in a few ias at seven and a half cents each. StrawTbcrrlch and Cherries. The oaly place in the cit3' where you can get Fresh Strawberries and Cher ries aailv, at Rock Bottom price?, is at F. Ferrell's. Try the Columbia Bakery and satisfy yourself where you can do the best. SalmeH Cans. The Pacific Can Co. Is prepared to famish packers with salmon cans in jaxtiUes to suit. For rates and prices apply to or address F. P. Kendall, at of tce of Columbli Itivcr Packing Co., Astoria. The Strawberry season is now at its prime. Thompson & Boss are receiving large quantities of this delicious fruit. Order a case early. The HAub Hahsc Cigar. The La Paknaa cigar and other fine brands of oic&rs: the finest in the city, at Charley OJsen's.nextto C. U. Cooper. TfcerevAre Sh'c JVIcc lUoms, Over the Mikado ahdy store, suitable tfer oBcesptot rent. Apply to Alex CanpbeU-.- For a good Shave, go to F. Ferrell. Remember the Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. Forthevery"bestPhotos,go to Sinis ter. Mta CMke f rter. Private rooms fee ladies mod families : u. Oeattml iteetaurant, next to Foard ft SIskBBV THE CITY COUNCIL, Ordinances, Resolutions, Eeiorts, Bills ami Coumuuications. TO MEET WEEKLY HEREAFTER. The city fathers assembled last even ing, and were called to order by Mayor Crosby at 7:45 r. ir., Elbon, Fox, Welch and Wickmnn being present, and Bergman arriving soon after. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Alex. Grant petitioned for a liquor license, which was granted. The ordinance passed at the last meeting, requiring property owners to connect their premises with street sewers, was returned by the mayor un signed, because defective in section seven, by the omission of the word "persons." The veto was sustained. The report of street superintendent as to amount of work done on the btreels was read and placed on file. City engineer Thielson's report in reference to petition of W. B. Head ington and others for grade of Court street was read and filed. Petition of Margaret McCanu who proposed to sell to the city for $500 lots 3 and 4, block 112, Shively's, which had been referred to city attor ney was reported upon by him, recom mending that the proposition be re jected, and the assessment for Cedar street grade be collected. Report was received and filed. The city attorney reported on peti tion of John Devlin and William Bock in reference to correcting the line of West Water street, referred to him from last meeting, recommending that an ordinance be passed to correct the line. The report was re ceived and filed. Keport of the city attorney in reference to the bond mat ter was presented, stating that he had notified N. W. Harris & Co. of Chicago that the city had accepted their prop osition to purchase 23,000 of six per cent twenty-year bonds at a premium of x2 per cent, and that the bonds were "being printed at the office of The Astokian. At the conclusion of the reading of the report mayor Crosby suggested that the council should do the best they could to advance the city's inter est, and that another party had offered to take the bonds, and pay 3 per cent, premium, which would make a pre mium of SG00, or 345 more than the other offer, and that a while ago he had told Mr. Welch of this offer. Mr. Welch stated that the mayor had spoken to him on the street con cerning this new offer, but that it was after the former had been accepted by the council, and had said that if the city would pay his (the mayor's) ex penses he would go east and place them at a still better figure for the city. His honor then intimated that the council or committee had not done their duty for they had asked but one party, to which Mr. Welch replied with spirit, denying the statement and claiming that the mayor was mis representing the'' case. Considerable discussion was had, the records were consulted, and finally the report of tho city attorney was adopted. The committee on wharves and water frontage reported in reference to the ordinance referred to them at last meeting, granting to Astoria Iron Works permission to erect a gridiron wharf at foot of Jackson street and recommended that the same be granted for 20 years. The report was adopted. An ordinance was adopted, extend ing the time of the city assessor for completing the roll, to June 23d. Ordinances for improvement of Polk, Jackson and Madison streets were read first and second times. The ordinance, fixing boundaries of Water street from the plane line to West Ninth street, was referred to the committee on streets and public ways. A now ordinance was presented to take the place of the one in reference to sewers which had been voted by the mayor and was read twice. The ordinance providing for the issuance of $23,000 in bonds and sale of the same to N. W. Harris & Co. of Chicago was introduced and road twice, and further action deferred until next meeting, some members fearing that if not adopted the city will be liable to the above firm for damages for violation of contract The ordinance allowing the Astoria Iron works to erect a gridiron wharf at the foot of Jackson street, and main tain the same for twenty years, was passed, Mr. Fox refraining from vot ing, because an interested part'. The following bills against the city were allowed and ordered paid by war rants on the proper funds: West Shore mills, $368; telephone company, 83; gas company, $19.95; Astor house, for board of prisoners, 41.99; sundry persons for labor on streets, $252.60; Carruthers & Co. for hauling and street work, $26.10; McCroskey & Co., L50; Clatsop mill company, lumber for streets, 348.93; three other bills presented, one of $4j one of $9.50 and one of $2.50, were laid over. Welch introduced a resolution pro viding that the council meet every Tuesday evening, and it was unani mously adopted. Wrelch introduced a resolution that the city attorney institute suits against the bondsmen of who have failed to pay their assessment or im prove Arch street, which was adopted. A resolution introduced by Welch at the request of Parker that proper notice be given of the intention to. grade Lafayette street was adopted. Welch stated that the committee on ways and means had. never yet re ported concerning the official reports of last year, which had been referred to them, and he desired to see the work done. The matter of establishing on elec tric light between the electric light works and western boundary of the city, was brought up by Welch, and he moved it be so ordered, as election was now over and it had been opposed before. It was favored by Fox, also by Bergman, who stated that he had investigated the matter and would withdraw his objection. It was then ordered by an unanimous vote. The occupation of the foot of West Seventh, Eighth and Ninth streets also Genevieve and other streets by private individuals, was brought up by Welch, and on his motion referred to the city attorney to report at next meeting. Tho council then adjourned at 950 p. m. The Columbia Bakery is the neatest shop in the city. Latest styles in Sateens, Braided Sets, Buckles and other trimminga. Lessons given in embroidery. MltS. KAPM.ETEA & Co. Boots and Shoes made to order, all Repairing neatly done at Th. Joseph son's. Thompson & Boss axe handling the product of some of the Choicest Dairies, and can supply you with a No. l article of Butter or Cheese. PERSONAL MENTION. A. McKinnie and wife, of Portland, are at the Occident Ex-mayor J. W. Hume returned from the Coquille yesterday. Fred B. Reed, ex-mayor of the city of North Yakima, is visiting this city. Mrs. Low and her daughter, Mrs- opear, wore in tne ciry yesieraay irom Knappa. Prof. Hanna is 30 years old to-day, and it is just 18 years since he com menced taking lessons in his profes sion from his father, who had preceded him in the business. A party of prominent people from Saginaw, Michigan,' are stopping at the Occident, and may invest here if satisfied with the place. Their names are Levi Tillotson, A. Brown, A. Bust, Miss Ida Bust and Miss Sarah Brock way. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The JBritish bark Kitty, Capt W. B, Laird, expects to sail this morning for Haiphong, China. The schooner Laura May which left here recently with a cargo of lumber, arrived at San Diego last Friday. The steamer Signal, Capt M. Ben degard, sailed yesterday for Tacoma, with 799 sacks of plaster and 478 pack-j ages oi miscellaneous ireigut. The steamer Dolphin, Capt Neill, arrived from Shoalwater bay last evening at 5:45, and at 8 o'clock started up the river for Portland. The steamship Danube, Capt J. B. Hill, sailed yesterday for Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia, car rying 5,004 barrels of flour, valued at $17,455. The steamer Manzanita coaled up yesterday, and took on a second class whistling buoy, to replace the one now on Umatilla reef, which is out of order, and will be brought down for repairs. The weather not being fav orable for departure, she did not leave last evening. Coming From California. The steamship Columbia is due here from San Francisco this morning, with the following passengers: Mrs. Captain Lewis, J. Tufts, John Mendell, Clarence Mendell, Mrs. Men dell, H. J. Chamberlain, wife and child, J. Williamson. Miss Williams, F. B. Greenway, D. Gamy, E. and E. Hirsch, Wm. Baker, H. Bloomfield, G. H. Bathburn. E. H Morgan, Mrs. E. H. Morgan, W. H. Dolan, J. O. Menzie, D. G. Mellon, Dr. L. E. Lewen, W. F. Baldwin, W. S. Woods, D. L. Murry and wife, E. Nelson and wife, S. Krau chetz, J. J. Thompson and wife, S. A. Haywards, Mrs. Haywards, Miss Hawes, Miss S. E. Landers,- Mrs. H. Hannoster and daughter, S. Monnas ter, E. B. Warman, G. Miza and wife, Mrs. Hickox, Mrs. Gilespie and daughter, Clyde Harron, Sarah Stevens, P. l). Dechant, wife and daughter, C. Cooley, E. Tucker, B. Swain, C. H Young, F. M. Mulkey, Mrs. G. W. Hedges, E. Morgan, J. A Robinson and wife, John Kelly, J. HubbarS, Mrs. A. B, Van Blavcom, Miss C. A. Van Noreton, G. M. Chanded, D. J. Malackey, Mrs. E. V. Hathaway, Miss Norton, Mrs. P. H. Binn and son, Mamie Melsor, Miss Naglo, Miss Lucy Wecb, J. J. Gardner, N. A. Sander, P. H Bruhn. Wrecking Notes From the Port Towa send "Leader." Puget sound wreckers intend shortly to commence work upon the hull of the old steamer Idaho, whioh came to grief near Race rocks, last year, and now lies in Port Townsend bay. It is supposed that her boilers and something else it is not known what are till clinging to her, as a clumsy weight attached to her bottom prevents her floating in less than ten fathoms of water. The steam wrecker Whitleaw now plies regularly between Race rocks and tho outer wharf, Victoria, where a heterogeneous mass of chains and old anchors, broken masts and frag ments of deck planking lies piled. The grappling irons are tearing the the old Barnard Castle to pieces, and whatever comes up in their claws. is at once landed. It is expected that the wreckers will get to work upon the more important part of the old wreck before the end of the week. PRACTICAL TKBTS. la Astonishing Offer Se: m of tkt Replies. The San Tranclsco papers of .recent data sontalned the following effer: "As an evidence of the ability of Jot's Vegetable Sarsaparilla to prevent sick head aches, we will .give to the arst. twelve ra sponsiblepersons who will apply at oar oBea a bottle .tree if they will arree-that after they have been cured that they will admit the fact over their signatures." This offer so startllngly asserted the est ciency of the remedy thtmaay accepted, and the letters of the parties, nearly all of whom responded; are probably the aaoat convincing attestations "that anyfreaedy. ever received. The following is a sample of those received: ;i I have been subject to blliotuTaeadaebw and constipation tor several years past; la fact, have been compelled to take a physle every other night or else I woald have headache and dull, mean feeling. I hava token that bottlo of Joy's Vegetable Sana parllla, and have derived great benefit from it, and intend continmlng it. After xayowm experience I can heartily advise those tios bled with biliousness and constipation to try it Yours, CHAS. . ZLKINGTON. 125 Locust Aveace. Baa Fraud Seattle was founded thirty-eight years ago by some thirty or forty men, who went there in the schooner Ex tract, which hsd'heen chartered by a party of California miners' to go to Alaska. These young men were landed at AIM point, and went to the site of Seattle, which was then an In dian settlement, and mainly a dense forest That tired feeling, so subtle and yet so overpoweringAS entirely overcoe by Hood's Sarsanarilla. which tones and strengthens the system andglves a good appetite.Be sure to f ef Hood'sSarsa-" paruia. uou uoses jne,.uoiiar" wtrue only of this peculiar medicine. Coffee and "cake7tftn eets, at the Central Restaurant. Perfection Fruit Jars, at Thompson & Ross'. Ludlow's La4ieV$3j0 -Fine ghoea; also flexlble'lrW-4isnii-rrnoh lHfi; at P. J. Goodman': r , Tls;1keiisr Eclipse. Will midwswpilar, trips to Knappa and Swensen7s Llpdinr, on Saturdays, leavi ing KriaRpa-atT: 30 a. m, and leaving Wilsoo. FWi-'s deck at 2 r. m. For freight or jpawage apply to the captain, onboard. " Drink Enlcerbocker bottled hew. And Free EaneST4t tfie-Tekpfci - loon,5ents. - ? 1 r. ,. . Thejatest style "of -OentsVto-ik Shoes at -JLJR J7tQooiA5fr.. nHUwMfWr iMlfctMhfcrfii -.Si: XSXp&XL zarZzzm SEAL -ESTATE TRANSFERS, JUNE 10. As Filed iu The Coaaty Recorder' OMee Yesterday. Marv A. Leineuweber to Mary C. Holmes, lot 7, blk 37, Adair's S 950 Previously meported this Cycar $1,425,847 Total to date $1,426,797 A NEW INVENTION. A Pecaliar Device to Assist FisncrraeR. The Cape Ann Breeze, of Glouces ter, Mass., describes a singular inven tion and says the schooner Pioneer will carry to Georges -with her the coming trip something not before found on a fishing vessel from this port Its shape is something similar to a steam boiler. It is about five feet long. The frame is of iron and is covered with a net-work of very strong wire. In one end is a door, through which it will be filled with chopped bait It will then be fastened io the vessel's cable, about 25 fathoms from the anchor by a pulley. The motion of the sea will wash bits of the bait out &Q1 thus fish will be tolled around die vessel. The machine was invented by Mr. Silvine Monlsong, of this city, who has applied for .a patent on it, ana wno win go on the vessel to superintend the working of it He'is perfectly satis fied that it will do all that is claimed for it. The;result will be awaited for with interest'-thy-all engaged in the fisheries, Tjothiiabermen and owners. Wkat Makes a City Prosperou? An exchange indulges iu some good observations as to the methods that make a town or city prosperous or re tards themTi It concludes that the one thing tbatrmakes 'orcityprosperons is the stability;-of its- business men. Where each attempts to forward the interests of the other he adds to his in come as TrelL In towns where each strives to knock the other down there will be but few prosperous men. So it is in every community. Where neighbor is at war with neighbor there will be poor straw stacks at both places, but where all are at peace and good will reigns there is happiness and prosperity. Meanness never pays. But we find a great many persons who go to other towns to buy their goods and pay more for them than they could buy the samo of their home mer chants. Some buy on credit of one merchant and when they get a little mohey will Bpend it with another mer- ..! anltA ?s.' .nat- 4nArfc 2rwnA MUeaiii wjiu uvut uiui uigw. uujuc will tell every stranger that comes to town that the business men are rascals and robbers. Some will construe every effort of enterprise as a scheme and boodle game, in fact mere is nothing calculated to increase the interest of a town or county but has its opposition. Merchants have been known to carry customers when they would otherwise have Buffered, that allow such debts, to go unpaid' iad then spend the .money witp others and curse their creditors. It has been known for such persons to carry two or three hundred in their pooketior a whole year and then go to the bank and ask them to loan them twenty-five dollars for a few days to finish out a payment and allow, the banker to carry it for six months and then grumble at ten per cent Such things should not be if we desire to see a flourishing town and induce people to locate here. We must be a unit and work and labor for each other's good. If a stranger inquires of you con cerning the condition of any future prospects of your town, speak a good word for every department that de serves it If a merchant favors you when you are in need, remember him when you have the money. Those of you who have money to spend with your home merchants, if they don't have what you want have them send and gettit for you. They can get it cheaper than you can. If farmers have pro duce to sell they should bring it to the homo market Xet business men work together and do each other all the .good they can. If you have spare money, put it in the bank until you want it and if yon want a favor go to the banker for it In union there is strength, but a house divided against itself cannot stand. Gath" writes: "The widow of sec retary Manning, reputed in Albany to be the most lady-like and graceful rep resentative of the women of that city, I Recently saw at the Fifth Avenue hotel. Her sten son is now mavor of "Albany. She retains a gentle interest urtyasuingion city, anu considers n the most satisfactory place of abode, especially for the female portion of society, in the whole land." I r.lccfric Bitters. - Tills remedy is becoming so wel known and so popular as to need no special mention. AH who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not ex Ist'and it Is guaranteed to do all that is clalaied. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of tho Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Boils, Salt Rhr urn and other affectioas caused by iinpun blood. yil drive Malaria from the system audiprevent as well as cure Malarial fe-vers.-f or cure of Headache, Constipa tion! and Indigestion try Electric Bit ters j-Entlre satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. PriceSO cts. and S1.00 per bottle at J, W. Conn's. Jo to the San Francisco Gallery for the 'finest Photogtaphs and Tintv-pes. Olney Street Vv. F. Craag has returned to the city and (resumed practice at the corner of Fourth aud Cass streets, up stairs, for merly th Salvation Army barracks. lest. Sunday evening, near the Postofflce, a child's red, knit shoulder cape. Find er will please leave at this office and be rewarded. i jxmmwm. ssMta jtMsm waatea, For Wbmarrand child in-nrivate familv. Jtefs3rthes given. Address "Jf," this OBBCCeV RBa mmd Beard. A few rooms at Mrs. E. C. Holden's, with beard: corner of Third and Main. Alsd a few table boarders can be ac commodated. Fi Table Wlac Delivered at 60 cents a gallon, to any part of the city. A fine line of pure CIfornia, wines at low prices, at A. 4 R vumupuuuiu wuuuu. rv -. Hew'a Tear Feet. ,4See the Chiropodist about them. He will be in Astoria until and including Tuesday. June 10th. and positively no kmger. Office over Allen's paint store. TelevaeaelietUrias Mease. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night M and cts. per week $1.50. Hew and dean. Private entrance. Tt-AU the Choicest -Delicacies, nade by .oiy first-class men-.at' the Seaside Bakerj. . juuh ui me mnesc strawDerries. to De uBol by ThOBDson A Row. - TSome of the taest strawberries, to be Scaly Skin Diseases Psoriasis S years, eovci'ing face, head and entire body leith tchlte scabs. SUhl red, itehy and bleeding. Hair all gone. Spent hundreds of 'dollars. I'ronouneed ineurable. Cured byCttticttralienirJie Cured by Cuticura My disease (psoriasis) first broke cut on my left cheek, spreading across my nose and almost covering my face. It ran Into my eyes and the physician was afraid I would lose my eyesight altogether. It spread all over my bead and my hair all fell out, until I was entirely bald-headed ; It then broke out on my arms and shoulder,until my arms were just one sore. It covered my entire body, my face, head andshouMers being the worst. The white scabs fell constantly irom my head, shoulders and arms; the skin wtfuld thicken and be red and very Itchy, and would crack and bleed if scratched. After spending many hundreds of dollars 1 Tsas pronounced Incurable. 1 heard of the Cuticura Kkmf.diks. and after using two bottles Cuticuka Kesoi.vkt I could see a change ; and after I had taken four bottles I was almost cured ; and when I had used six bottles of Cuticuka. Resolvent and one box of Cuuicuka, and one cake of Cut icura. Soap. I was cured of the dreadful disease from which I had suffered for five years. I thought the disea.se would lea e a very deep scar, but the Cuticuka Reme dies cured It without any scars. I cannot express with a pen what 1 suffered before using the Cuticuka Remedies. Ihey saved my life, and I feel it my duty to rec ommend them. My hair Is restored as good as ever and so Is my eyesight. I know of others who have receded great benefit from their use. Mrs. ROSA KELLY. Rockwell City, Iowa. Cuticura Resolvent, The new Wood and Skin purifier and purest id best of Humor Remedies. intemaliv.aud Cuticura. the great Skin Cure, and Cuti cura SOAi'.an cxquLslte Skin BeautiHer, ex ternally, have cured thousands of cases where the shedding of scales mc.iMired a quart dally, the skin cracked, bleeding, burning, and Itching almost bej ond human endurance, hair lifeless or all gone, suffering terrible. 'What other remedies have made such cures? Sold everywhere. Trice, CCTicuitA.rOc; Soap, 23c; Kesolvext, Si. Prepared by the rOTTEK DRUO AND CHEMICAL CORroKV- Tiox, Boston. ea-Send forlIow to Cure Sain Disease-," Gt page.), so illustrations and 100 testimonials. PIM PLES. black heads, red,roiu:li.cli.iipcd ana ouy skiu preenteu y uurirtntA SOAP. IT STOPS THE PAIN. Ire Hack-ache, kidney pains, weak ness, rheumatism aud muscular pains relieved ui one minute hy the Culicxira Anil-Vain Vlater. The first and only Instantaneous prdn-Kill- lng piaster. They Are Coming. They are coniiuj? from the deserts of the dim and dusty er.3t, vhere to raiso a stunted turnip gives the pros pect of a feast, -where the farms arc made o gravel and they plow with dynamite, where the festive chattel mortgage sings its dirges day and night; they are coming in their wag ons, they are coming on the train, they are coning from the regions whero they struggled long in vain; they are coming fron the cabin, they are coming on to Oregon,where there's plenty for them all. They are coming from the southland, they are coming from the north; from the valleys and the monntains they in droves are coming forth; they are coming with their wives, they are com ing with their hammers, with their needles and their knives; with their harrows and their planters, and their pencils and their guns, they are com ing with their fathers and their moth ers and their sons. They are coming, stout and slender, they are coming short and tall, they are coming on to Oregon where there is plenty for them all, whero you needn't dig pota toes with the saber or a dirk, where, when the rain is badly needed, then tho rain gets in its work; where the rivers moan and murmur on their journey to the sea, where the breezes tackle corn-stalks as big as fences on the lea. "Where the savage used to wander, yearning for a crop of hair, now the farmer takes his porker to the nearest county fair; and tho corn is gaily growing where the greasy wig wam stood; where he burned the wail ing captive now the poultry search for food; and the people who are coming to this pleasantest of all climes, show a happy knack of keeping up with the times; they will find a country beam ing from the spring time to tho fall, when they land in pleasant Oregon, where there's plenty for them all. Sam Jone.s' ELstitnato of Infidel;. I'd rather be alow-down chain-gang negro than one of your little infidels. You won't be in hell two minutes be fore you'll be hopping around in the fire and yelling: ""What a mistako I madeF' I have some respect for Bob IngersolL because he can get 200 a night for his lecturing. But some of these little fellows are infidels for nothing, pay S2 to hear Ingersoll and board themselves. If you don't like what Im saying, just get up on your hind leg3 and slide out. The new steel steamship City of otuuie, wnicu was duiic ior tne .tmgec Sound and Alaska Steamship com pany, and which was launched on the 14th of last month at Neafie & Levy's shipyard at Philadelphia, measnres 275 feet iu length, 40 feet beam and 17 feet in the hold. She registers l,oUU tons. There are threo decks, the two upper ones being built of wood. She has a large freight capacity be sides accommodations for 250 pas sengers. She will be fully completed August 1st, and will then start on her 17,000 mile voyage to Seattle. Good Goods and low rates at the Sea side Bakery. C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Tilain St. Wharf, Astoria, Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine. WOODBEBRY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices, FIRE INSURANCE Effected in First Class Companies, Representing SlS.eOO.OOO FHSHIX,.. HOME, .Hartford, Conn ... .New York, kgtmtj Facile Express aad Wells, Fargo A Co. FOR SALE. About 38 acres, lying between Schenck's Astoria and South Addition, in section 23. This piece of land being only one-quarter mile from the military road on one side and one-half mile from Jhn Day river on the other, is very suitable fox platting and will be offered foe a few days at $9,000. Terms, one-half cash, balance on time. J. H. MANSELL. Seal Estate Broker. For Sale. HOUSE AND LOT, CORNER OF MAIN asd Nlath streets. Lots soxioo. ail graded. Inquire of YANDUSEN&co. k ill Parasols. Laces. Ribbons. Embroideries. aHC. H. COOPER The Leading -I S2.95 it HAND SEWED, DOUBLE SEAM SHOE. MORGAN & CO., NOW! For The 4th The Election Is Over, And it behoves all to for get the political strife and GET IN and. GET UP A First-Glass Celebration In the meantime the undersigned will not for get to look out for the people's wants, and be at all times prepared to fur nish the finest selection of gentlemen's garments at his usual reasonable prices. HermanWise The Live Clothier and Hatter, In the Occident Hotel Brd'g. John Koberaon, Vrcs. A. T. Brake, Jfjr. Notary Public. The Pacific Real Estate Co. Incorporated March 20, 1S00. Real : and : Personal : Property Bought and Sold on Commission. Office on Third St, near the Central Hotel. Correspondence Solicited, Astoria, ... Oregon The Indiana Paint Shop. C, M. CUTBIUTH, Prop'r. Cor. Third and Main Sis., Astoria. PAINTER AND CRAINER. Paper Hanging a Specialty. "Work executed with Keatncss and Dis patch, Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WARRANTED WATER CLOSETS, FLUXBEfQ GOODS, PDSPS, SIXES, ASD BATn TUBS. Noe eft? Sotilly. CHENAMOS STREET. of July lw JUST RECEIVED Dry Goods and Clotning House of Astoria. For Ladies ! It never rips. It never squeaks, flexible than a hand turn. A Snap in Real Estate. 11J Acres, close to river ami street car line. Only S300 per acre, for a few day. only. $rfi00 can be made on this property within three months. AY i 11 ira t o M llteiM. lw;H m? win iMifczz (mMJiMmm 3R.oil ZEJstctto Odd Fellows' Building, Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE- Astoria Real Estate Co. PRICES FROM $150 TO $250 EACH. TERMS --One-Half Cash ; tho Balance in Six and Twelve Months. Weinhard's Is the Choice of Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots. - Orders for any quantity to be directed to H. WEINHARD, Portland, Oregon. Corner Twelfth and B. Telephone 72. P. O. Bx 404. ipp FLYNN, The Tailor, KEE?S LN STOCK TI1E Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styitc He buys for Cash at E.istern Prices. lie Guarantees the Best WorkmaasMp oa all Ganneuts. Call and see for yourself. Barth Block. ASTORIA, OR. GrO TO THE Columbia Bakery FOR FRESH BREAD, Cakes, and Fine Confectionery. All Orders Delivered. COOLEY BROS. The Pacific Eeal Estate Co, OCCUPIES THIS SPACE. Offlco KTear Central Hotel. A. T. BRAKKE, Mgr. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., County Coroner. First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral imitcn.il Next to astoiuak ofllce. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods by Every Steamer. Call and see him and satisfy yourself . P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. The Oregon Bakery A, A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. M Bread, Gate anil Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered la any part of the city. JJkp MSSSSKf Gw! White Goods. Plaid Sashes. Trimmings. and Buttens: Third Street. i "-:: I ff It requires no breaking in. More Astoria. Oregon. (l Brokers, ASTORIA, OBL Lager Beer ! the Connoisseur. 0 TO LARSON & HILLBACK FOR GROCERIES AND FRESH FRUITS. Orders Delivered Free of Charge. CouaXm Orders Solicited. Third Street, next to Pioneer office. E. P. N00NAN & CO. (Successors to) -DEALERS IN- Groceries Produce, Water Street, Astoria, Oregos. TELEPHONE NO. 7. P. O. BX M A NEW ENTERPRISE. ,, City Express Transfer Ctmpttg. H. D. Thing and" C. c. MHIr, PKOPEIETOEa. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE K0.4S. A General Express and DeliYerrBulMa transacted. Your patronage Is solicited. John 0. Dement. DRUGGIST. - 12M Successer to W. E. Dement A Co. Carries Complete Steeka at Drugs and Druggists' SumlrtOfv rreicrlptlB CarefUly Tibhiu'ij Ageatter --- lftzloan BaIys and NorwsghMi FSs COst; is JL 5' 0-3 -5 -a m -. - .fif. . f --?- J. -C- i-