The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 10, 1890, Image 3

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Vr-c"" r- - "l-- " I-17
1 j i .
3&c gang gtomn.
-JUNE 10. 1890
Publishers and Proprietors.
Trnt of Snbscriptlon.
5erred In Carrier. icr wctX 15 cts
Sent by Ml. per month CO cts
"t iy Mall, one 3 ir $7.00
Free r jKxtasi siihicnber.
Thk astokivn cuanuitef-s to iLs aiher
MTtielarceNt .-irculaUo:. of anv nw-pi-X-r
rub:u&ed 0:1 the Columbia mei.
Cherries are beginning to be plenti
ful in market, though they still taste
ot salver.
Strawberries are now quite abundant
here, and are sold at ten cents per
box, or three boxes for two bits.
The Seaside house at Clatsop Beach
srill be opened about the 20lh of this
raontii, uuder the management of C.
C Cooix?.-.
On Friday evening of next week,
the Terpsichorean club will give their
third and last social of the serie3 at
Litert hall.
The recent cool weathor has stopped
the melting of snow in the mountains,
and the Willamette and Columbia
nvers are falling.
Three weeks from Friday next is the
natal day of the nation, and but little
has been dono hero towards its proper
Another excursion is coming here
from Portland next Sunday, on the
steamer J. 7 Potter, and will also
go to Fort Cauby.
The printing committee appointed
to advertise the Fourth otJnJy cele
bration met last night, and will be
beard from at an eailv date.
Remiuisccnses of One of the
Pioneers of This Coast,
Real estate transactions took a
liTely jump yesterday, twenty-two
deeds being filed for record, the con
siderations amounting to $9,043.
Yesterday Olo Albertson, a subject
of the king of Norway, took out his
flintpapers of American citizenship,
dissolving all further connection with
his sovereign.
Evidently thinking that after the
rain of yesterday morning, the farmers
would still cry for more, the weather
clerk last evening sent down another
installment of moisture.
The children ot P. W. Weeks
mcrara the loss of a little pup with
black muzzle, answeriug to the name
of Brano." He is about two months
old and the finder will receive a re
ward who returns him.
In .Tustice Maj's court je&lcrday Ah
Wong, Alt Sing and Alt Wing were
arraigned for smoking opium, but
tbeir cases were continued until to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, each
giriBff bail iu the sum of $40.
In the police court yesterday before
judge Jewett, there was only one case,
I. Bark having been charged with an
iadeowt aeL lie failed to appear and
the ettj-.jB-esriched by $5 which was
the mk fhis deposit, and was de
clared Jarfeited.
Yesterday a loud for a deed was
filed, wheram Kaspar Anderegg and
wife acaafe to convey to Wingate &
SVo&e, foe. the sum of $5,001.35, when
the cxditiaDs are complied with, land
in pedHMA 3 asd 28, township G
north. xaagelO west
The Hflkboro Independent gives
one of is& twn a rather left handed
cottB&Mat'wbenit sajs: Walter S.
BachsjKm. has left this office to assist
in the census of the people. When he
fe about it we .hope he will take ad
vantage of the occasion to improve his
own senses.
A civil suit has been brought in
Justice May's court by the West Shore
Mills company to collect $165 from
the Columbia Fonndry company, of
which 8155 is for lumber furnished,
aad $10 for water, the claim having
been transferred by tho Columbia
Water company.
Aaother new lighthouse station is to
be established in this district, at the
month of the Siuslaw river where the
covernment engineer, George W.
Freeman, is now making tho survey.
It will be at Meceta Mead, The sum
of 3.000 was appropriated for that
rmrpose by congress at its last session.
Several ladies in the city are de
lighted with the success of their can
ary birds in hatching, and are tho
fortunate possessors of numerous tiny
specimens of canaries, which are in
teresting little things to look at
They have a hungry appearance, al
ways opening their little bills for
One of the oldest residents in As
toria is E. L. Blodgett, who though
far advauced down tho shady side of
life, enjoys good health and the free
and uninterrupted use of all his facul
ties, with memory unimpaired, and
heart as young as in the days long
since gone by. The Argonauts and
early pioneers can boast of the "days
of '49,'' but Mr. Blodgett can antedate
that period by three years, for he
came to this coast in 1846.
In that year he visited Santa Cruz,
what is now known as Santa Crnz,
San Francisco, then known as Yerba
Buena, and was on his way up to Sac
ramento by water with a party. They
camped on the island which is now
occupied by the navy yard, but Maro
island was then uninhabited. The
land appeared very fertile and all over
it the wild oats were growing in pro
fusion. The party searched-it all
over but could find no living thing
thereon except an old mare, who was
very fat, from living on the rich feed,
and doing nothing. She was very
shy, and apparently had been a long
time away from human beings, pro
bably having reached the island by
swimming across from the mainland.
Thero was a consultation among the
men, but none knew tho name of the
island or what to call it, when Mr.
Blodgett said it evidently belonged to
the old mare, as she was the only oc
cupant, and they might as well call it
Mare island. The name was then
adopted, and as such it has ever since
been known.
In 1849 Mr. Blodgett came to Astoria,
then but a trading post of the fur deal
ers and Indians, and remained here
for 17 years, or until 1863, noting
many changes in its growth and pro
gress, xnat year ne returnea to tno
east, remaining for eight years on the
Atlantic coast and returning here in
1871, and has remained here ever
A short time ago he went to Soquel,
Santa Cruz county, California, and is
here now for a few days, when he pro
poses to return to Soquel for au ex
tended visit
Forty-foui years on the Pacific
Coast is a record which few living men
can claim, and in conversation with
such a man, tho mind is carried back
in imagination to the stirring scenes in
which the old pioneers participated,
and which are so familiar to us in the
light of history, but to us they must
seem far different than to the men who
remember them in the strong light of
personal recollections.
Less than half a century in the
thickly settled eastern states witnesses
but few changes, but on the weird Pa
cific coast that length of time indicates
an eventful period fraught with
changes almost as wonderful as the
transformation scenes of fairy land,
about which we heard so much in the
sunny days of childhood when life was
all a beautiful vision.
.The giant forests have been pros
trated, millions of treasure iu the
shape of the yellow, glistening sand
and nuggets for which men risk life,
have been dug from the rocky soil,
cities rich with their marble blocks
and palatial mansions have sprung up
almost like magic, and millions of
acres have been developed into exten
sive fields of waving grain.
The old missions have crumbled
into decay, the padres have long since
passeu to tueir rewaro, ine Auaians
have disappeared, and" over a million
busy people now occupy the glorious
land which in 1846 was a wild and
almost unknown portion ot Mexican
territory. These are some of the
changes which Mr. Blodgett and his
few surviving comrades have wit
nessed during those forty-four years.
The Astoriax hopes that ere they
shall bo called away, tho hardy pio
neers may yet be spared for many
years, to note still further the glorious
march ot improvement in this delight-,
f ul portion of our loved America.
Major Walsh, a census enumerator
of Douglas county, requests, through
the columns of the Boseburg Plain
dealer, that the ladies in his district
will be as lenient with him as pos
sible while on his official duties, for
the law requires himto ask pertinent
questions, timong which is their ages.
He hopes the ladies he may interview
will not make use of broomsticks and
hot water.
Die of tie Objects of Ckiliren's
Dvii tie M,L Cluck.
For the benefit of many who failed to
understand the object of raising
money at the M. E. Church on Sunday
evening, it may be well to state a .few
facts of interest. The board of edu
cation of the Methodist Episcopal
church is under the direction of the
general conference' and is by that
body commended to the support of
the entire church.
The work already accomplished by
the board is very encouraging. It has
aided nearly 2,900 worthy young per
sons to secure an education, most of
whom without this aid would have
been unable to continue their studies.
Probably more than three fourths of ,
these persons were preparing lor the
ministry, and hundreds of them for
foreign mission service.
During the last year the board aided
809 beneficiaries. Of these 704 were
gentlemen, 105 ladies; 619 were pre
paring for the ministry, 69 for foreign
mission work, 78 for teaching.
The board has aided young people
sixteen years; the first yaar it dis
bursed 9400. the last year about
Gratifying as is its present work it
cannot now nearly meet the demands
for aid. If ita funds were sufficientrit
might help thousands more to a pre
paration for christian work. If every
Sunday school would average at least
a dime for every scholar the board
might aid five times as many as it now
It is for the above reasons that the
aid of the children of the Sabbath
schools is invoked, and to this object
will be applied the thirty dollars col
lected here last Sunday.
Aaanal Meeting sad Heetlea of Oflcers.
, The many members of the Pioneer
and Historical society of Oregon will
be pleased to know that the society to
whom they propose to transfer the
fundihey now hold, towards securing
a monument for the Jate Dr. Whifcnan,
is engaged in active work. The follow
ing from the vaua waiia journal 01
June 6th, tells its, own story.
"Few men know that there is such a
thin 1? as a Whitman Historical society
in this country, but there is and from
all accounts it is in a good neaitny
condition. On Thursday afternoon
they held a meeting at Chief Justice
Anders1 mansion, at which the follow
ing officers -were elected, for the ensuing
jeart JfresKtent, vr. a. j. Anaerson;
first vjcepresident, ttev. Myron ieus;
second vicepresidenr,Ed. C. Boss; sec
retary, Henry Jielung; treasurer, J.
Andersen: historian, Prof. W. D.
Lyman. The society aims to erect a
suitable monument to the memory of
the late Dr. Whitman, on Whitman's
college ground in this city and we
hope they will succeed. If we cant
get a monument for$15,U00 lets get
one for $1,500. Look at the monu
ment over the grave of the late Hon.
Philip. Bitz! One like that will do
honor to any man's memory, and it
only cost $750."
As Filed Ir The CoHnty Recorder's OIHre
Mrs. G. W. Morton has removed to
Vancouver, Wash.
Mica Annio frw-wlffali1 lina rfltnrnAfl
from an extended trip to Victoria, B. 1
J. Strauss and daughter Btta "went I
to fortiana last evening tor a snort
Dr. F. Crang has returned to the
city, and resumed the practice of his
Mr. Campbell, assistant keeper at
Destruction island, is in the city for 'a
few days absence, and will return to
his station on the Mateanita,
Charles T. Smith has just returned
from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he I
nas oeen on a visit to ms relatives.
Ho takes charge as engineer of the
steamer Suomi this morning.
Mary Jane Holmes, the popular
novelist, and her husband, Daniel
Holmes, of New York were in Seattle
last Friday, on their way to Alaska.
Mrs. Holmes is one of the best known
writers of America, and her books are
admired by millions of people.
The British Bark Kitty was yester
day .afternoon released by deputy
Uniliecl'Sjtates marshal Barry.
iTlUythf8-mBtea schooner Norma,
Capt' Small,'1 has arrived from San
Francisco with hay and feed.
The steamship Michigan, Capt C.
H-lwisariHjeiiXrom .Roche harbor
yesterday' luring 1,000 barrels of lime
and a small quantity of miscellaneous
TheBritish bark Kitty, Capt W.
J B. Lairdf-cleared .yesterday for Hai-
cargo consists of 600,000 feet of lumber,
valued at $8,400.
The steamer Lakme, Capt S. T.
Graves, came down the river and sailed
for Port Townseud yesterday, carrying
690 sheep and sundry articles of
freight, mostly merchandise.
The barkentine Eureka, Capt J.
Peterson, has arrived from Bedondo
beach, Los Angeles county. Cat, where
she took aJoad of lumber, returning
in ballast. She goes to Portland to
receive a cargo of fine lumber.
The steamer llanzamta went up
to the buov depot yesterday, and took
on the second load of iron sections for
the new lighthouse at Destruction
island. To-day she takes on coal, and
Iwillgoup the coast as soon as tho
weather is favorable.
The Trouble Averted.
The delay in commencing the cen
sus on the part of- L. E. Selig, the
enumerator for precinct number one is
about ended, as he yesterday received
a telegram from John Kelly, Eugene,
Oregon, as follews:
'Have just received authority to em
ploy an interpreter for you. Send
name and rate of compensation de
sired, and probable duration of his
services. The interpreter may be used
in the other Astoria districts when ou
can SDare him. Answer at once."
Mr. Selig replied and forwarded the I
name of councilman i? red Wickman as
interpreter and the work will com
mence at once. No better man could
have been secured, and it is hoped
that the work will be done promptly
and well.
A View of the German Emperor.
A letter was jesterday received stat
ing that the apparatus for the Ath
letic club passed Omaha three dajs
o. It consists of 14 bales, 7 crates
asdS boxes. Agent Noyes, of the
Uaioa Pacific has telegraphed instruc
tions to have it come through as
? sickly as possible and with no delays.
t will probably arrive this week.
Yesterday Franco Brunco was ar
rested for being drunk, and placed in
the city ail, where he afterwards tried
to light Jus pipe and set fire to the
waitress in Jus cell. Fortunately it
was discovered in time, or the city
bHdin would have been destroyed
by fire, and the poor devil would
probably have been burned to death.
Oocaplaint from many sections in
tke state wacjaade of the dry, warm
veathec otlaat .week, and the need of
raw asd cooler weather to produce
good crops. The rain of yesterday
will doabtiees be very acceptable to
farmers, bat just here comes the
thoBctattkat generally speaking, they
are & burUttf2 for e?e& the weather
clerk to give tbem perfect satisiaction.
Salatem Cans.
The Pacific Can Co. is prepared to
tantek packers with salmon cans in
' )aaeHieerirrFor rates and prices
fly U feairpnB J. J. Kendall, at of-
lV5SrS5ivcr Packin Co-
Frances E. Willard, in her walks
about Chicago, has discovered women
who make shirts at 75 cents a dozen
and furnish their own thread. She
also finds children working twelve
hours a day for a dollar a week.
TkaHkt For tke Flag:.
At a meeting of the directors of
School District No. 9, held June Gth, at
Upper Astoria, the following resolution
was adopted unanimeusly:
Rcsohcd, That we, the directors of
School District No. 9, on behalf of the
District, do hereby tender our sincere
thanks to Gushing Post, No. 14, G. A. R.,
for the beautiful flag presented by them
to the District, and that a copy of this
resolution be sent them and published
in each of the daily papers.
B. Youkg,
J. Ekbeko, Y Directors.
IV. H. Baiiker, )
For the very best Photos, go to Sinister.
"What will the German emperor do
next?" is now the general cry. He has
done so many startling things already,
and takes such evident delight in mak
ing .men's, tongues wag. that aobody
Iwouldrb jpneh. surprised if hb were to
armament Men have already become
convinced that he is .sincerely a relig
ious man, and that he has no ambition
for bloodshed. A little time ago,
wishing to realize the sensations of a
soldier on guard, he put himself on
duty for twenty-four hours in an ex
tempprizod guard room within his own
garden at Potsdam, and stood sentry
during four spells of two hours each
during that time. He wore the uniform
lot a private soldier, carried a rifle, and
ix xt- .13:J. 3:. T..i.
unlike Peter the Great, who did these
things often enough in real earnest
mixing witn tno soldiers ana lying
down beside them William JI. took
his little diversion all alone. No officer
came to relieve him, end, in fact, only
one or two persons of hi3 entourage
were aware of what ho was doing
until he had done it When the whole
thing was over he was asked how hel
had enjoyed standing sentry at night,
and he answered: "I was thinking all
the time how many millions of -poor
wretches have gone through the drud
gery of military life while loathing it,
and have got killed in wars for the
causes of which they did not care a
E. A. Noyes and wife to L. C.
and Annie Merz, lots 19
and20,blk 10. East AstoriaS
E. A. Noyes and wife to P.
Burnett, lot 182, blk 9,
East Astoria 125
D. M. Stuart and wife to W.
W. Stockton, lot 27, tract
1, Case's subdivision, blk
21,01ney's 250
B. L. Ward to W. W. Stock
ton, lot 26, tract 1, Case's
subdiv, blk 21, Olney's .... 250
J. Erickson and wife to H.
P. Score, lot 36, Thomp
son's subdiv, blk 9, Adair's 250
I Oregon Land Co. to Anna
Fairchild, lots 1, U, 3, 4, 5
and 6, blk 53. N. P. add'n . 175
Oregon Land Co. to Nancv
J. Lee, lota 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
and 12, blk 53, N. P. add'n 175
P.O'Hara and wife to.Clem
ent Bradbury, blk J and
lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 19 and 20, blk 1, -Warrenton
Astoria Ihv. Co. to John
Mitchell, lot 16, blk 8.
Hustler's. S 150
Astorialnv. Co. to E. O'Shea,
lots 17 and 18, blk 8,
Hustler's '330
G. Wingate etal to Cather
ine T. Stockton, lots 31
and 32, sub. 2, blk 14, Ol
ney's 4-10
F. E. Habersham and wife to
J. L. Biggs, lots 6 and 7,
tract 1. Case's sub. blk 23. .
Olney's 410
Astoria B, E. & T. Co. to F.
Groff, lot 4, blk 19, Bail
way addn 10
Oregon Land Co. to E. C.
GUtner et al N K. hlk 59,
Pacific " 250
Jay Tuttle and wife to E. D.
Boelling undiv. J-4 inter
est in S Jf of 20 acres in
secl4.T8N,B9 W. 625
N. C. Hilleary and wife to S.
S. Gordon, SE Jf of NE J ,
sec 7, and W MofNWif
and NE of tfW U sec8,
C. Bradbury and wife to
Patrick O'Hara blks 11
and 21, and lots 1,2, 6,7,
and 9 blk 12, and lots 11
and 12 blk 7, Ocean Grove. 1,000
J. C. Dement and wife to
Math Walch. lot 2. blk 19
Dement's Astoria 70
E. C. Holden and wife to
Rose G. Olney, lot 7, blk
117, McClure's 52
A. L. Lackett to C. C. Lack-
ett, undivided Y of N. y,
of S. W. K and N. K of S"!
E. U, section 12, T. 6N., R
10W 1
United States to N. CHel-
leary, lot 8, sec. 3. T. 8 N.,
R.7 W 40
Sebastian Glaser to Elizabeth
Glaser, N. of N. K sec.
34.T.7 N.,B. 8 W." and
undivided J? of N. W. 4'
sec. 31, T. 7 N., B. 7 W. . . 2,500
Previously reported this
year Sl,110,801
HO! II ill
Unto W
White Goods.
Plaid SalshM.
"1 HtJS'
and Buttons.
PlIMlBliMnfl. H. C0PEft.-MM
The Leading. Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria.
Peifection Fruit Jars, at Thompson
& Ross'.
Dr. F. Crang has returned to the city
and resumed practice at the corner .of
Fourth and Cass streets, up stairs, for
merly the Salvation Army barracks.
Sunday evening, near the Postofflce,
a child's red, knit shoulder cape. Find
ervill please leave at this office and be
4m Astonishing; Off-9oae of tfc
Tke Ban Francisco pepas of recast data-,
aont&lncd the following offer:,
"As an evidence ot the ability ot Jori
Tecctable SascaDatlUa to nrcrefit aide headX
achca, ire will fir to tha (in twelve ra-
poasiDiopersona vruo win apply soar omem
m. VtttlA fraAif r111 am' that after
they have been curod that IheV win admit"
the fact orer their signature."
This offer so startllngljr asserted the esa
dency ot the remedy that many accept!,
and the letter of tho 'parties, nearly & of
whom responded, are. ptaba&ly "the aaoat
oonvlnotcg attestations 'the any xsmedy.
ever received. TfaefoUesrtlisBxa$Ieef
those recclTCd:
I have been anbieet to Wlloca headache
and constipation foraerttal yean past; ft
fact, have been compelled to take phjat
every other night or else X woM bare
headache ana dll, nesa .feeling I navtj
etanie Bazaar
benefit fro
After bit owb
experience I an heartily advise these too.
bled with blnoMBaaaaal eoMiMoo tear
it. Yobm, chabl Jt XLraOTOiK Haljkx suflctent evidence to convict
U6UeQXrmm.BMTnekm. VTqpery punish the culprits who 1
The conscience fond of the treasury
department now amounts' to more
than a Quarter of a million dollars.
Every -weak, and nearly every day,
treasurer nusioa receive one or more
envelopes containing "jsioney from
persons who do not sim'their names,
and of whose identity the notes accom
panying the inclosures give no sign.
The amounts sent range all the way
from 2 cents to hundreds of dollars.
For Ladies !
The "Frenoh, Process!
IIASD SEWED, DOUBLE SEAM SIIOE. It never rips. It never squeaks.
flexible than a hand turn.
It requires no breakteg ia. Mara
Astoria, foegon.
Total to date 81,425,817
a a a
Census Enumerator Stetson, of
Fairhaven, resigned on account of the
cold reception the objectionahle ques
tion insured him at every house.
" The EUensburg Gazette is respon
sible for this paragraph: Lost,
jjjtrayed or stolen. The following
property, ngntruiiy ana lawraiiy De
longing to the Gazette, is missing, and
(its whereabouts anknown to the
owner, to wit: Three hundred and
sixty-eight daily newspapers; about
27o weekly newspapers; 100 letters and
arouiars, more or less, ana dooks ana
packages representing a cash value of
about $50. The property was en
trusted to the care of some of our
uncle's servants, and has been by
them stolen, secreted or destroyed, to
the great annoyance, injury and dam
age of the rightful .owner. Any per-
som who will deliver into our posses
sion tho above described property.
wrongfully deprived us of the posses
sion of the same, wilbc suitably re
warded. , In the meantime, will our
Uncle Samuel please rise and explain
why such unlawful conduct on the
part of his servants is permitted."
Is CemftUfapllem. latcuxable?
Head the follewing: 3Ir. C. H. Morris.
I Newark, Ark, gays: "Was down with
A.uscetM ul JUUUK3, suu lrienus ana vny
ilctahs pronounced me an Incurable
DvsDeDSla. indigestion, sick headache
and that' tired feeling are cared by
Hood's Sarsaparuia, wnicn tones tne
stomach, nromotes iealthy dleeatloa.
ereatea an aDoetlta. cures sick headache
and bulldstipthe whole system, oidj
oy an arKUMO. iuu ajusot wuv ijvi imi
Beard and Reorn Waateel,
For woman and child in private family.
References given.
Address "M," this
R)Ba9 aid Beard.
A few rooms at Mrs. E. 0. Holden's,
with board; corner of Third and Main.
Also a few table boarders can be accommodated.
Cabinet Fketas
At $2.50 per dozea at Shutter's, for at
few days only
Coffee and cake,, ten eeata, at the
Central Restaarant.
Go to the Sen. Francisco Gallery orj
me nne jraowgrapns ana x iniypes,
Olney Streetr
For Fresh Bread aad Cakes eatf at the"
uoinmoiajjaKery. -
Ludlow's "Ladies' $Sj0O Fine Shees:
also flexlbleTujU turned French K16.
at P. J. GoodmasVaV" - i
Tfce Strawberry season is now at its
iKess are receiving
: mis aeucious iruit.
Kiate. Xaesam
TtM aSeetWaat
ause cigar.
aUrar and other fine
rfK-tnest in the city,
Latest styles in Sateens, Braided Sets,
Buckles and other trimmings. Lessons
given in embroidery.
Mrs. Kapfletea & Co.
Boots and Shoes made to order, all
Repairing neatly done at Th. Joseph
son's. Thompson & Ross are handling the
product of some of the Choicest Dairies,
and can supply you with aUo. 1 article
of Butter or Cheese.
The Choicest Stock of French Can
dies and Fruits of all kinds at tne Co
lumbia Bakery.
Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's
ew Discovery lor uonsumption. am
now on my third bottle, and able to
oversee the work on my farm. It is the
inest medicine ever made."
.TCesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio,
says. Had it not been for Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumptien I
would have died of Lung Troubles. Was
given up by doctors. Am now in best
of health." Try it. Sample bottles free
at J. W. Conn's Drug Store.
v ... Fiae Table Wlae
Delivered At GO cents & saltan, in anv
part otthfe. city." A fine line of pure
California wines at low prices, at A.
H, uuingers cosmopolitan saloon.
Out of the Fire
Tormented iclth Salt Bhettnt.
Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Only those who havo suffered from salt
rheum In its worst form know the agonies
caused by this disease. Hood's Sarsapa
rilla has had great success in curing salt
rheum, and all affections ot the blood.
" I owe the gratitude to Hood's Sarsapa
rilla that one would to his rescuer from a
Burning BuildingStTd"
with salt rheum, and had to leave off work
altogether. My lace, about the eyes, would
be swollen and scabbed, my hands and a
part of my body would he raw sores for
weeks at a time, my flesh would seem so
rotted that I could roll pieces from between
my fingers as large as a pea. One
physician called it type DNjcnn
and gavo me medicine accord- vIOUl 1
iagly; hut salt rheum cannot ho cored in
taat way. Finally I bought a bottle of
Hood's garsaparilla. It helped me so much
that I took two more bottles, and was
Entirely Cured LSuC
with salt rheum since. I also used Hood's
Olive Ointment on tho places affected. It
stops tho turning and itching sensation im
mediately. I will recommend Hood's Sar
saparuia not only for salt rheum, but for
EE5 Loss of Appetite
'all-gone' feeling so -often experienced."
A. D. Bobbins, Jamaica Plain, Mass.
K.B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsa
paruia, do not be Induced to buy any other.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Soldb) druggists. 01; six for S3. Preparedby
0. L HOOD St CO., Apothecaiics.Lowcll.Hau.
IOO Doses One Dollar
For The
of July
The Election is Over,
And it behoves all to for
got the political
strife and
A Snap in Real Estate.
UK Acres, close to river and street car line. Only $500 per acre, for a few Caaa
only. 5,000 can he made on this property within three months.
Will te B
:FLGtl IE3j9tlte
Odd Fellows' Buildin;
The Indiana Paint Shop.
C, M. CDTBIRTn, Trop'r.
Ctr. Third and Main Sts., Astoria.
Paper Hanging a Specialty.
Work executed with Neatne3 and Dispatch,
" Hew'e Yaar Feet.
See the Chiropodist about them. He
will be in Astoria until and including
Tuesday. June 10th. and positively no
longer. Office over -Allen's paint store.
lT!?Jl"Sli?yyfoft I? Leave orders at the Columbia Bakery
largest sfeef?9siwerriesin
, J es fer X ceats at E. JEer4
Tfcere Are Seme lflee K
Over the Mikado caady store, suitable
fee offices, for rent. Apply to 'Alex
Will make regiieftripe"sfiBappa anil
SwAngaa'aTaasMajST m -Saturdays. leevJ
Wilson JriaeStf
freight opertsee apply to the captain,
Driakltalekerbocker bottled bear.
For sands go to
the Columbia Bakeryy- -
WeUlr?rJeWJeV-' :--
And Free LimcoatM Tefr
loop, Sjsea co xa '
The latestJr:CRfia!.trjA
Shoes at 'ftjffi;
Pure French Candies at the Colum
bia Bakery.
' 1 -r
Best Beds In town. Booassper night
10 and 2 eta, per week fLSO. New ana
clean. Private entrance.
All the Choicest Delicacies, made by
only first-clas8 men at the SAastri
Bakery. .
1 .
Good Goods and low ratp at tli Km.
:3rS$e of the finest strawberries to be
foaad In the state orrteX it areroas
C. P. Upshur,
Shipping and Commission Merchant
llaln St. Wharf, Astoria, Oregon.
Cannery Supplies
: A First-Glass
In the meantime the
undersigued will not for
. get to look out for the
" people's wants, and be at
all times prepared to fur
nish the Gnest selection
of gentlemen's garments
at his usual reasonable
The Live Clothier and Hatter,
In the Occident Hotel Bl'd'i
Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sail
Astoria Eeal Estate Co.
TERMS One-Half Cash; the Balance m Six and Twelvo Months.
Weinhard's Lager Beer
Is the Choice of the Connoisseur.
Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lofc.
Orders for any quantity to he directed to
H. WEINHARD, Portland, Oregon.
Corner Twelfth and II. Telephone 72.
Johnltoberson, Pres.
A. T. Brake, Mgr.
Notary Public.
Barbtur's Salmon Net Twines.
NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine.
WOODBERRY Cotton Lines andTwinea
Of all Description Furnished at
Factory Prices.
Effected vin First Class Companies,
BepresenUng S13,eea,000
Uartford, Conn
New York,
Ateacy FseUte Exsress aad Wells, Fargo a Co.
CWliltl &rHsassrt aaasttfciar by Thoasaaon BngTi
Abont 38 acres, lying between Schenck's
Astoria aad South Addition, in section 23.
TWs piece of land being only one-quarter
mile from the auUtary rosd on one side and
oae-halfrallefrom Jsha Day river on the
otter, is very saltable for platting and will
DsoSeredforafewdays Terms,
Seal Estate Broker.
The Pacific Real Estate Co.
Incorporated March 20, 1800.
Real : and. : Personal : Property
Bought and Sold on Commission.
Office on Third St., near tho Central Hotel.
Correspondence Solicited,
Afttoria, ... Oregon
FLYNN, The Tailor,
Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Ityltt
He btn s for Cash at Eastern Prices. He Guarantees the Best Worki
Garments. Call and se-j for Yourself. Earth Block, ASTORIA. OK.
Columbia Bakery
Cakes, and Fine Confectionery. All Orders DellTere.
The Pacific Real Estate Co
Office dT&ek,7? Central
A. T. BRAKKE, Mgr.
County Coroner.
First Class Undertaking
New Styles, Caskets and funeral material
Next to A8TOKJAX office.
The Law and Abstract Office
A complete set of Abstract Books for the
entire County always kept posted to date.
Special attention given to practice In the
O. a. Land Office, and tho examination of
l.uul titles.
Magee, Argand and Acorn
There is no occasion for the most fastidi
ous of our citizens to send to Portland or
San Francisco for
Custom Made Clothes
As they can get Better Fits. Better Work
manship, and for less Money.
By Leaving their Orders with MEAKY.
New Goods by Every Steamer.
Call and see him and satisfy yourself.
P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor.
Cooking and Heating,
USTqq eft Scully,
For Sale.
and Ninth streets. Lots Mxloo, all
graded. Inquire of VAN DUSEN & CO.
Thompson & Ross
Carry a Full Line of
Ghoice Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call and Be Convinced.
Orders Delivered Free f Chain. Cojuikf
urueis ouiiviusu. jiiuxu usuw.
next w noneer
E. P. NOONAN & Of,
(Successors t)
Groceries Product.
Water Street, Astoria, Oiccqb.
The Oregon Bakery
Goo J Breal, Cake 'and Pastry
None but the Best Materials Used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Bread delivered In any part of the city.
City Express Transfer CtWftAtf
H. D. Thing and O. E. MOter.
Headquarters atMala Ohwl wlyaC i
A General Express and Delivery 3
Your patronage Is solicited.
John 0; Dement,
Successor tt W. E. Dtntnt if,
Cazrles Cwapieto Stottsir --.i
Drugs and Drugslsla firtii.
rn3rl9tfM CteaAulvJiciMMMsHBsw
Aft MsyV- -v -
Mtadoan UAw ia-?
NoTfrvtlMi FtU OB
- -. .-C a- -& .... vai
-. r t, -f2
??,. vM , 'stfrs&uasam& -T"
kia 3? 42- ' i-i