The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 07, 1890, Image 3

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Mt gailtj tortm
......JUNE 7. 1890
Publishers and Proprietors.
ArroRiAN IiriLDiNG. - Cass Stkf.kt.
Tern of Sabccriptlon.
Served bv earner. jer ce5c 15 eta
Nent fcy Mai'. rr month Gocts
Jfnt by Man. une j xr $7.00
tree of ii:i;;r ut MilKr-nlirr.
Thk Astoria" sianuito s to its suher
:rsthelrciM ireulatioti of am nruipi
wr pubhslieil m the Co'ui'ititn ri i.
Steamer Service Demanded bj
Rescue Xo. 2's Eupine ia now on
Capt. Flavel's wharf.
The Pendleton Daily
ffane out ot existence.
Tribune has
The weather is about as near per
fect iw weather ever gets.
Well, that Fourth or July committee
will have to jjet to work pretty soon.
The a 1L F. P. U. will have their
mveting at Ross opera house to-night.
1L B. llall and associates have
opened an office next door to the New
York Noveltv store.
The Union Pacific managers at
Portland seem to think that anything
will do for Astoria, but the people in
this section of God's moral vineyard
view the affair through different kinds
of spectacles. A slight accident
happens to the Telephone, and
the pokey old Bonita is put on in her
place. That old slow craft paid for
herself in the very first year of her
service, and should be retired with all
the honors of war. Astoria stands up
erect in her native dignity and sug
gests to the U. P. dignitaries, that if
tbe Telephone cannot be used on this
line, that some other boat equally as
good be provided,,, and that no such
old mud scow as the Bonita be em
ployed on the regular run.
Thursday night in going up from
here she lost time, arriving much later
than she should, thus delaying her de-
fmrture Friday morning from lort
and. More time was lost coming
down the river yesterday and
last night she arived here at
8:15, over four hours late,
and left several hours behind time.
In about three days more, she would
lose a whole trip. Emphatically The
Astoriax protests against a repetition
of that kind of business, in the same
of the 8,000 residents of this city, and
trusts that the occasion for such com
plaint will not again arise.
Getting Thine In Shape.
Trre "Weekly Astokiax sixteen
pages -chock full of news is pub
lished this morning.
Closing Exercises at the Cedar Street
As Filed is The Coaaty Beeerder's Ofke
TIkw two big guns haven't gone
down to the fort et. Let's keep 'em
and fire them on July 4th.
Work on the "Warreuton gas well
progresses, and interesting develop
ments are shortly expected.
The iuterior or the Odd Fellows'
building presents a handsome appear
ance since its recent renovation.
TtiL. is labor da a legal holiday,
and an opjiortunity for a day off to
those who can claim that luxury.
It will cot each member of the
California Athletic club at least S 100
to witness the Sullivan-Jackson fight.
A plat of 12 o acre blocks was filed
joterday b L Y. Case, trustee, and it
i to be kuown n First addition to As
toria. A visitor to the city jesterday
from Lewis and Clark was John Lacy,
whose right ankle is now a very tender
member, the result of a bad sprain a
few days since.
Arrangements have been made to
sapply the Presbyterian pulpit on
Saaday morning, but there will be no
eveamg service except the young
peoples' meeting.
Among those who went on the
steamer STanzanila Wednesday even
tag, to assist A. J. Brownlie in land
ing the iron light house, was James
Maooaber of this city.
Twice yesterday while at work on
Third street in front of Rescue engine
com pain's building, William Tilden
fell off the timbers, landing in the
ared, but was uninjured.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
oaarok, will give an excursion over
tin Astoria and South Coast railroad
to fate coast about June 14. A good
tkae is aseared to all who attend.
Tht.fciidrea and teachers of the
Oeart 'street school had a pleasant
rniinc to their school term yesterday
Wv gorng on a picnic to Smith's point,
aJtvae west having a good time, com
iag hone tired and happy.
The steamer Electric will leave Wil
soa 4c Fisher's dock this morning at 9
o'clock for the excursion at Tanzy
potat, and return at 4 p. si. The pic
aic there will be under the auspices ot
tbe ladies ot Grace church guild.
Yesterday morning the Occident
hotel stage was suddenly upset in
front of Mrs. Grant's building, by the
collapse ot one of the rear wheels.
The five passengers were considerably
shaken np but sustained no injuries.
At the monthly business meeting of
the Y. M. G. A- last night the general
secretary read a very encouraging re
port. There were four conversions
daring the month, aud eight requests
for prayers, seven persons were voted
is as raemlwrs four active and three
The census enumerators met yester
day and had a dress rehearsal of their
respective parts, preparatory to ap
pearing to-day. It was great: Mack
Monteith was heavy walking gent;
Selig was in the center. P. S. Wm.
Kelly was leading lady. In one scene
Monteith, as the census enumerator,
asks Kelly, who personates the head
ot the house, in the absence of her
worser half.
"How many children?" sas Mon
teith. "Three," sas Kelly.
"What are they?" says Monteith.
"Mostlv bovs and girls," retorts
."How old are they?"
"One is 11, one 7, and 5 ears."
"Are thev married or single?"
And so it goes.
Selig swears ho won't serve unless
the president or the superintendent of
the census, or some other one fur
nishes him an interpreter, and the
state supervisor says if ho doesn't
serve he'll have him arrested and sent
on to Washington in chains The life
of a census taker is full of trouble.
A Jnrv Trial of a CK il Suit.
Yesterday in Justice May's court a
civil suit was on trial wherein James
H. Bishop & Co., of St Paul, Minn.,
were" plaintiffs, and C. J. Curtis, de
fendant The suit was brought to re
cover 144.09, claimed to be due for
news paper furnished the defendant
while he was publishing the Pioneer.
A jury was called for and it was
shown to their satisfaction that Cur
tis was not legally owing for the
paper, as the firm had sent him a
wroncr lot or damaged paper, and the
jury rendered a verdict for thejdefend
ant, as they claimed he was "not
This fine weather is being enjoyed
by the ladies in horseback riding, and
every day several fair equestriennes
may" be seen. Some of the young
ladies must look out for their laurels,
as a number or the married ladies are
remarkably graceful riders.
Yesterday afternoon there was a fine
time at the above named school, and
many friends were present The ex
ercises wore as follews:
Song "Greeting;" school.
Recitation "Welcome Friends;"
Nellie Morrison.
Arithmetic Second Class.
Arithmetic First Class.
Composition "School Days;" Katie
Song "School Bells;" School
Recitation -"Letter to Jesus;" Mat
tie Shivelv.
Composition "Clam;" Dollie Welch.
Recitation "A Widow and her
charming Child;" Katie McCue.
Composition "Rain Drops;" Laura
Song "Lullaby;" School.
Composition "School Life;" Lizzi e
Composition "Farm Life;" Violet
Recitation "Independence Bells;"
Millard Wadleigh.
Song "It Tinkles;" SchooL
Composition "One Letter Wrong;"
Mollie Foster.
Recitation "God Bless Our School;"
Annie Christiansen.
Composition "Adventures Dime ;"
Lena Pennel.
Song "The Ocean;" By eleven
Composition "History of a Lamb;"
Reta Packard.
Recitation "Orphan's Prayer;" Es
ter McCann.
Composition "Girl Trials;" Dollie
Levin gs.
Song "Fawn Footed Nannie;"
Composition "Shams;" Katie
Recitation "The Skeptic;" Dollie
Composition "Pioneer Days;"
Rubv Foster.
Recitation "Not a Marrying Girl;"
Katie Grant
Recitation "My Sister's Beau;"
Minnie Crow.
Recitation "Last Hymn;" Mary
Song "My Trundle Bed;" Mary
Composition "School Das;" Katie
Song" 'Neath the Old Apple Tree;"
Recitation "Order Picture;" Ruby
Foster. t
Dialogue "Womens'Right;"School.
Certificates; SchooL :
Song "Though We Part;" School.
The members of the advanced class
are as follews: Nellie Morrison; Katie
McCue, Mary Feely, Leonard Ireland.
Jennie McCue, Percy Sovey, Jewell
The successful graduates were
Misses Kate Grant, Rita Packard,
Rnby Foster, Dolly Levings.
A Very Complete Oatlt.
The bill of lading of the gymnasium
paraphernalia, for the Astoria Athletic
association arrived yesterday. The
entire outfit will be along in about a
week. It is very complete, compris
ing parallel horizontal and vaulting
bars, trapezes, bouncing and acrobatic
boards, mattresses, vaulting and buck
horses, rowing and neck machines,
thigh developers, lung testers, bi
cycles, collar and elbow harness, fenc
ing foils, masks and gloves, Indian
clubs, dumb bells, foils, hilts, eta,
the whole forming the most complete
collection of the kind in the northwest
P. L. Cherry and wife to Na
than O.Hardy, lot 8, blk
161Mc01ure's $
Columbia Inv. CatoT- N.j
Xearney, lot 7, blk 17, Col
umbia B. C. Kindred and wife to
J. A. Lareen, lot 18, blk 16,
Kindred Park
M. J. Kinney et aL to H. S.
Gile, loto 30, 31, 32, blk 30,
and lota 5, 6, 7. 8, 28, 29,
32, 33 and 34, blk 25, New
Henry Powell and wife to Jo
Winterholder, lots 23 and
24, blk 33, East Astoria. .
W. Y. Thornburgh and wife
to H. Lowell 4 int in lots
1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12, blk
12, East Astoria
Previously reported this
year $1,413,579
Scaly Skin Diseases
l'sorlasis 5 years, covering faee, head
and entire body teftt tehiteseabs. Skin
red, itchy and bleeding. Hair all gone.
Spent hundreds o f dollars. 1'ronounced
incurable. Cured byCutlcuraltemedies
Cured by Cuticura
My disease (psoriasis) first "broke out on
my left cheek, spreading across my nose and
almost covering my face. It ran. Into my
nbvslcian w:
lose my ejesfght altogether. It spread all
lysician was afraid I would
Total to date $1,416,804
John Wood, a South Bend million
aire, is in the city.
Sol Blumauer, a merchant of Port
land, was in the city yesterday.
-Miss Martha Levy has returned
front a visit of six weeks with friends
in Portland.
estesday Harry G. Smith was duly
installed .pt tbe custom house as
deputy "collector and inspector of
Geo. Schmidt has been employed
by the Albany and Astoria surveying
party and will leave for Seaside to
morrow. Miss -Pace, who has been a teacher
foe. two1 . years in school number
eighteen left here last evening for her
home in Chicago.
H. E. Carrey, of Los Angeles, and
his brother, A. L. Currey, of Portland,
were in the city yesterday, on their
way to Portland from a visit to Shoal
water bay and surrounding country.
CoL Geo. H. Mendell is in the city.
In conversation yesterday with that
eminent engineer he expressed grat
ification at the rapid and satisfactory
progress of the government work at
the mouth of the river.
Rev. Dr. Campbell, of the Presby
terian church, is to preach the anni
versary service, of the Collegiate Insti
tute, at Albany on Sunday, and to
give the commencement adress on
Tuesday evening. Dr. Campbell and
his wife left Astoria for that purpose
last evening by the Bonita and
will be absent for about a week.
eyes and the
over my head and ray hair all fell out, until
I was entirely uam-neaaea ; u ineu uroive
out on my arms and shouldcr,until my arms
were just one sore. It covered my entire
body, my face, head and shoulders being the
worst. The white scabs fell constantly from
my head, shoulders and arms; the skin
would tnicuen ana De rea ana very ucuy,
and would crack and bleed if scratched.
After spending many hundreds of dollars 1
was pronounced Incurable. I heard ot the
Cuticdra Kkmedies. and after using two
bottles Cuticura BEsotvaJiT I could see
a change ; and alter I had taken lour Domes
I was almost cured ; and when. I had used
six bottles of Cuticura ltxsoi.vzKT and
one box of Cuuicuka, and one cake of Cut
icura. Soap. I was cured of the dreadful
disease from which I had suffered for five
years. I thought the disease would leave a
very deep scar, but the CuTtcua. Kemz
dies cured it without any scars. -I cannot
express with a pen what I ufeted before
using the Cuticura Kkxrdxx. They
sa ed my life, and I feel it my duty to rec
ommend them. My hair is restored as good
as eerandsols my eyesight. I know of
others who have received great benefit from
their use. Mrs. KOSA KELLY.
Kockwell City, Iowa.
Cuticura Resolvent,
The new Blood and Skin purifier and purest
and best ot Humor Remedies, internally .and
Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuti
cura exquisite Skin Beautifier. ex
ternally, have cured thousands of cases
where the sheddinz of scales measured a
quart dally, tbe skin cracked, bleeding,
burning, aud Itching almost beyond human
endurance, hair lifeless or all gone, suffering
terrible, what other remedies have made
such cures?
Sold everywhere. Price. Cuticura, EOc;
Soap, 25c : kesolvknt. 91. rreparedby the
Pottrr Drug and Chemical corpora
tion, Boston.
WSend for "How to Cure Skin Diseases,"
W page, 50 illustrations and 100 testimonials.
White Goods.
Plaid Sashes.
Trimmings. L
and Button.
D I II PLES. black heads, red .rouh.chapped
and oily skin prevented by Cu r icura
Back-ache, kidney pains, weak
ness, rheumatism aud muscular
pains relieved in one mimac ny
the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster.
The first and only instantaneous paln-klll-
ing plister.
Pythian Bmlfling ft COOPIIIttlMlJ
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Home of Astoria
--J-I T
For Ladies !
Anything to Please.
The opera house has been engaged
by the committee of arrangements for
three days and nights for the session
of the Grand Lodge of the A. O. U.
W. of Oregon, which convenes in this
city July 8th.
Yesterday afternoon C. E. Cawley
received the 25 suit of clothes pre
sented to him by Herman "Wise, as a
reward for being the lucky guesser
on the result of Monday's election.
Thanks for the commencement of
work on the sidewalk in front of The
Astobiak office yesterday, and tlie
prospects are favorable that it will
soon be completed,
A Home ia the Fornrt.
M. Studzinski, who has recently
been strolling on the strand in Lon
don and on the boulevards in Paris
and on the spacious streets of Berlin
and Vienna, is now on the classic
banks of the Claskanine. He has 160
acres of Unole Sam's land, to which he
expects to soon acquire a title. Hois
slashing a part of his farm and build
ing a house and making himself useful
in other ways. There are several
other Astorians in that vicinity, who
will soon have a valid title to some of
Clatsop county's domain.
Conrt Street School Report.
The barkentine T. W. Lucas came
down the river last evening, and will
load with lumber for down the coast.
The steamer Willamette, Capt C.
E. Hansen, left here late Thursday
bound for irort Townaeadm
ast, and with a number of passen
The steamer Dolphin, Gapt Niell,
arrived from Portland yesterday after
noon and will sail for Shoalwater Bay
this morning. She carries a large
cargo of -miscellaneous freight, chiefly
for merchants in the lively towns on
the bay, and also had a number of
The steamer Bonita came down yes
terday on the run of the Telephone,
which will probably resume her regu
lar trips to-day. The Bonita was
several hours late, being hindered by
receiving aad discharging freight at
various landings, and consequently
did not start back last evening until
long after the usual time of departure.
It never rips. It never squeaks,
flexible than a hand turn.
It requires no breaking ia. Movtv-
Astoria. Oregon.
Husband I would like to know
where in thunder mv necktie nnd cuffs
Wife I just saw them on the hat
rack. If you want to use it for a
bureau every night I will have it
moved np-stairs.
This is what you ought to haw, in
fact. ou must have it. to fully enjoy
life. Thousands are searching for it
daily, and mourning because they find
it not. Thousands upon thousands of
dollars are spent annually bj' our peo
ple in the hope that they may attain
this boon. And yet it may be had by
all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters,
If used according to directions and the
use persisted in, will bring you Good
Digestion and oust the demon dyspep
sia and instead Eupepy. We recom
mend Electric Bitter for Dyspepsia
and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and
Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and S1.00 per bot
tle by J. W. Conn, Druggist.
A Mexican shenherd made a bet
with his employer that his dog would
stay alone on the ranch for five days,
taking the sheep out to pasture in the
morning and penning them at night.
The dog was instructed by his master,
olentv of meat was hung np within
reach, the shepherd went off, the dog
faithfully discharged his duties, aad
the bet was won.
A Lady Ceasss Taker.
N 0 W !
For The
4th of July
The Election Is Over,
And it behoves all to for
get the political
A Snap in Real Estate.
UK Acres, close to river and street car line. Only $500 per acre, for a few day
only. $5,000 can be made on this property within three months.
if lit M m
strife and
Real :Etatt-to
Odd Fellows' Building,
Lots in Case's Astoria Are How on Sato
Astoria Beal Estate Co.
TJ3MMS- OneHalf Gash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
"While Astoria people are enjoying
this magnificent weather, and almost
wishing it was a trifle warmer, the cit
izens of New York are sweltering with
the heat.
The new clothing store of Herman
"Wise at Aberdeen has been opened
The MbRXisa Astoriax is in re
ceipt of a neatly printed notice
agaod by superintendent Clinton en
titled Xumber your houses.1 It
goes ou to siy that in accordance with
ordinance 1U71 nil and sundry must
mmber their houses by June lo, 1890.
All right, bring on your number.
We'll nail it on the door or some
where. With thecomplimeutsot the author,
C La Dvl ot Mt. Coffin, Wash, comes
to Tsts. MoBxrxa Astoriax office a big
box of big strawberries, aud as
laecious as they are large. One
picked off at raudoin, weighed 2 oz
sad was 5 inches round the waist
There were lots more just as big.
Thompson & Ross are the agents.
Get some.
Tbe steamer Oregon is due from
Saa Francisco this morning, with the
following passengers: A. Schrantz, T.
Xeteos, H. Williams, Mrs. Amie Hoff
M&, Mrs. Lewis Arden, F. M. Cleany,
W.B. Wheeler, Mrs. W. Gordon, John
Best, H.G. Wright, G. May, W. En
drvasd wife, W. B. Wilson, L Capen,
B.B.Bich, A. Crane, Rev. H. Stone,
J. R, Letch and wife, Mrs. Crite Lewis,
Mrs. Brenner, W. F. JUazlett, v. w.
Wakefield, Joe Williams, J. Brown, J.
H. Brearjer, P. McQuirt, K F. Mason,
F. G. Norwood, F. A. Miller.
There wonld be no objection on the
part of anybody to answering the
aaestiono of the census enumerators
K all oould see the manner in which
their answers will be recorded. The
principal objection to giving infonna
tiom concerning diseases, indebted
seat, ad that sort of thing is the sup
poatUaa that these facts will become
a matter ot record, which is not trae.
Thcwnar "people take no note of in
AhpiMlft. They simply record facts.
TWtBMe ot ."a person is of no value
bat tbe fact that he has a
or an iacurable disease, the
of. climatic conditions or occu-
.is a matter of general interest
are not recorded, but only
the rewdt ot the inquiry.
Can hchoaght low to-day, at Thatcher's.
The peculiar combination, proportion
and preparation of Hood's Sarsaparilla
makes this medicine different from
others and superior to them all in ac
tual curative power. Sold by all drug
gists. Prepared by C. I. Hood &Co.
Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
CKiicHS Mass Bf celiac.
Every business man of Astoria, every
m.m and woman owning property here,
and every person interested in the wel-
fnrA nml Tirnsnj'rif v of thn eitv. is invit
ed to meet at Liberty llall at8r. il,
Saturday, June 7th, to consider plans
for making known to the people of the
Eastern states the advantages of Asto
ria. Ry order of the Committee.
F. .1. Goodenouou,
The following is the term report of
Court street school for the term end
ing Jane 6th. Report by months. t
February Number boys enrolled
164, girls 168, total 332. Average daily
attendance 257. ,
March Number boys 170, girl 180,
total 350. Average daily attendance
April Number boys 169, girls 184,
total 353. Average daily attendance
' May Number boys 162, girlslSO,
total 342. Average daily attendance
Nnmber cases of tardiness for term
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
PasstBcers to Portlamd.
This is Strawberry Day with Thatch
er, at Astoria Grocery and C. F. Co.
Comp early.
The lareest stock of Strawberries In
the town, 3 boxes for 25 cents at F. Fer-
Hew'8 Your Feet.
See the Chiropodist about them. He
will be in Astoria until and including
Tuebday, June 10th, aud positively no
longer. Office over Allen's paint store.
Vegetables ant Fruits
In endless variety. Fruits from the
fields, at Astoria Grocery and C. F. Co.
The following is the hat of passen
gers who went up the river last night
and occupied staterooms on the
steamer Benita: M. L. Pratt. S. L
Pratt, Miss Smith, Mrs. Backer, Mm
a. l rage, l v. Tnompson, ur. ju
linnix and wife, Rev. Dr. Campbell
and wife, B. Late, L. TiltotooarTiP.
Caswell, L. A. Bliss, J. G. Megkr and
wife, Mrs. W. & Kinney, W- O. Yoink'
and wife, H.E. and A. L Cany. .
Al Serap r .Paper imrek Iler XII
It was just an ordwarr.scra
plag paper, bat it saved ber
It was just an ordmary.scraaoCwrap
iasMPer.bat it saved ber jUteA? She
was ia the last stages of ccrasumpttoB,
H. Ekstrom, the Jeweller has re
moved to the store formerly occupied
by Keen & Cook on Third street, next
to Morgan & Sherman, where he will
be pleased to meet all his friends.
tokl by physicians that she was iacara-
Dle ana couia live oniy a snonrxime,
she weighed lea ..than seventy pounds.
On a piece of wrappiRg pajpec. she read
ef Dr. King's New Discovery, and. got a
sample bettle: it helped her, she bought
a larger bottle, it helped her more,
bought another and grew better fast;
continued its use and is now strong,
healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 149
pounds. For fuller particulars send
stamp to W. H. Cole, Druggist, Fort
Smith. Trial Bottles of this wonderful
Discovery Free at J. W. Conn's Drug
Far Sale
A few choice lots In Hustler to Aiken's,
cheap. W. UUhlkxhart,
, Real Estate Broker.
Seattle claims the distinction of hav
ing a female enumerator, in the person
of Mrs. Mary L. Culbertson,. a bright
young married woman. It is probable,
says the Post-Intelligencer, that Mrs.
Culbertson will be the only lady enu
merator in the United States, out of
the 43,000 employed. Her husband,
. M Culbertson, was out of work
when the enumerators were first ap
pointed, and he secured the position
as a temporary means. Before the
time of taking the oath he secured a
permanent position as clerk in one of
the railroad offices, nnd his wife filed
an application for the enumeratorship.
As she is well acquainted in the dis
trict, the appointment was given her.
la our forefathers' days, pimples were at
rlbaUd to diseased Wood. Bat moderm
edtclBO has demonstrated that rich food
dot not create eruptions by fouling the)
Ueod, but retards digestion, which makes
the stemach torpid, and tho clrculatloa
tlafglsh, and in turn causes an enfeebled
aetloa ot the pores which congest orbecoaae
pUBfly. Tfad modern theory therefore is not
U treat the'blood, but the stomach and llrer,
sad It is under-this new Idea, that Joy's Vege
table Sarsaparilla was conceived. It is wip
lag tho old "blood disease" idea out of ex
labace. A case in peint: " I havo had for
fears spells ot Indigestion and dyspepsia and
tried aearly everythlag Finally I took one
af the leading sarsaparlllas. It caused piav
ales fet stack out ou my face, which I
was told was cawed by the potash. Hearing
that Jet's TeftUUesanaparilla did not coo
lata HOairal, I sent for it The pimples dla
sppaared and I have had bo return of the
ltd spells. II is a cure for indigestion and
lyapepsla aad the attendant face eruptions."
Ma. C. D. Stuast,
tiZL Kiasion street. S. J.
All the Choicest Delicacies, made by
only first-class men at the Seaside
Good Goods and low rates at the Sea
side Bakery.
Some of the finest strawberries to be
found In the state or out of it are from
La Da's gardens at Mount Coffin, and
are'sold by Thompson & Ross.
'Fresh Fruit received dally at F.Fer-rell.
For a good Shave, go to F. Ferrell.
When Baby teas sick, ire gave her Castoria.
iVhcn she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria,
iVhen she became Mis, she clung to Castoria,
JTben she had Children, she gave them Castorii
Fine Table Wiac
Delivered at GO cents a gallon, to any
Eartof the city. A line line of pure
aliforuia wines at low prices, at A.
W. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
TelephsaeLiedKiHK ft ease.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
60 and 25 cts per week SI .50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
C. P. Upshur,
Shipping and Commission Merchant
Main St. Wharf, Astoria. Oregon.
Cannery Supplies
Barbour's Salmon Net Twines.
NEPTDNE Brand Salmon Twine.
WOOD BERRY Cotton TJnes and Twines
Of all Description Furnished at
Factory Prices.
Effected in First Class Companies,
Representing ai3,ae,jea
The Strawfcerry season is now at its
rial Tf !"" Ko8 reeeivbsg
EeMMtkies of this delictoM frulr.
Oifcr a case early-
Ludlow's Iiadies' $3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kkfc,
at P. J. Goodman's.
Leave orders at the Columbia Bakery
for Bread and Cakes, to be delivered at
your door.
Cabiaet Pkata
At82J0per dozen at Shuster's, for a
few days only
The Hatfsum Haase Cigar.
The La Paloma cigar and other fine
brands of clears: the finest in the city,
at Charley Olsetfs.nextto C. H. Cooper.
Boots and Shoes made to order, all
Reoairlne neatly done at Tk. Joseph-
Thompson et Boss are bandlhMt the
m4 can sappjpM with a Na. rartlcle
of Batter or Cheese.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at T. .7. GoQPMAS's.
Drink Knickerbocker bottled beer.
.Hartford, Conn
....New York,
A First-Class
In the meantime the
undersigned will not for
get to look out for the
people's wants, and be at
all times prepared to fur
nish the finest selection
of gentlemen's garments
ut his usual reasonable
The Live Clothier and Hatter,
In the Occident Hotel Brd'g.
Weinhard's Lager Beer!
Is the Choice of the Connoisseur.
Superior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load lift.
Orders for any quantity to be directed to
H. WEINHABD, Portland, Oregon.
earner Twelfth and. M. Telepaaae 79.
P. .
Affeaey Facile Express aad Wells, Fargo k Co.
A Large and Well Selected Stock ol Fine
Diamonds f Jewelry
FLYNN, The Tailor,
Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Stylts
Ha buys tor Cash at Eastern Prices. He Guarantees the Best Worknaaaala oa aH
Garments. Call and are lor yourself. BarthBloca.JaSXOJtLa,OS.
Columbia Bakery
Cakes, aad Flue Cafcttaaerjr. All Orslera aliYr4.
The PacificBealEstatetlo.
OEELo Near OoxrtiraJ.
A. T. BRAKKE, Mgr.
County Coroner.
JohnBoberson, Pre.
A. T. Brake. Mar.
Notary Pnbllc.
Go to the San Francisco Gallery for
the finest Photographs and Tintypes.
OIney Street
For Fresh Bread aad Cakes aall at'fha
Columbia Bakery.
The Steaaaer Eellaae.
Will make recular trios to Knanoa and
Syrensea's Landing, on Saturdays, leav
ing KnappaatJ: 5o a. il, and learing
Wilsoa & Ffefeer'a'dack at 2 p. pr Tor
freight or paseage apply to the captain,
on heard. ' '
Latest styles lnSateaoa, Braioad Seta,
Buckles aBdotbtriBualBf. Leseo&s
given m enbroidanr..? .
The Choicest Stock ofFreaek Caa
dlesaad Jrultaof all Unas at the Co-lCTsBaeri-r'
OtlB'AlsAvQakfl, to writ, "at tha
There Ave Seaae Iftee Keeaas
Over the Mikado .candy store, suitable
for offices, for rent Apply to Alex
' ."Fore French Candles at the Colum
bia Bakery.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc can
be bought at the lowest prices at J.W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hetel, Astoria.
Meala Ceee te Jraer.
Private rooaos for ladies and families:
atCeatralRestaaraat'aext to Foard
At Extremely Low Prices.
Qi Beagkt at Tats EsUalUkaeat
Warranted Genuine.
Watch aad Cleelc Kepalrlag
Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets
The Pacific Real Me Co.
t Incorporated March 20, 1800.
Real : aai : Peraeaal : Freaerty
Bought and Sold on Commission.
Office on Third St., near the Central Hotel.
Correspondence Solicited.
Aaterla, - Oreprea
First Class Undertaking!
New Styles, Caskets and funeral material
Next to ASTOXIA2T office. .
Maverick National
,. 600,009
Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Corpora
tion solicited.
OarfaclUUesfor COLLECTIONS are excel
leat and we re-discount for Banks when
balaaees warrant it
Bostoe Is a Reserve City, and balances
with as from Banks (not located in other
Beaerve Cities) count ai a reserve.
We draw our owa exenaage on jxmaon
For Fruit aBd'N'uteof "all kinds go to
the Columbia Bakery.
aad the Continent aad make cable transfers
iBADlaceneMy bv
the Catted States and Canada.
The Law and Abstract Office
Oitk Dooa east of DBacKaT'SDay a stoke
A complete set of Abstract Books for the
entire County always kept posted to date.
Special attention given to practice la the
rj.S? Land Office, and the examiuatloa of
land titles.
nosey by telegraph throughout
We have a asarket for nrime. first-class
Iavestaeat Securities, and invite proposals
fro States. Counties and Cities when is-
StlsaaP' abAttaaaa
We ao a ceaeral BankingBusine&s. and in
vite correseeadeace.
ASA. F. POTTER, President
JOS. W. WORK, Cashier.
Stoves - Ranges,
CookhiR and Heating,
Xtroo c staJULye
There is no occasion for the most fastidi
ous of our citizens to seed to Portland or
8an Francisco for
Custom Made Clothes
As they can get Better Fits. Better worar
raanship, and lor less Money.
By Leaving their Orders with MKANY.
Nefr Cooda bv Every Steamer.
Call and see him and satisfy yourself. -P.
J. Meany. Merchant Tailor.
Ftr Site.
aad Ntath sree&145ift& "
graded? Inquire of TAN DTJ9HT CO.
Thompson & Ross
Carry a Full Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy
Givt Ut a Call and Be Convincttfi
Orders Delivered Free sf Charge. Q
Orders Solicited. Third Street,
next to Pioneer eSce.
(Successors to)
Groceries Produce,
Water Street. Astoria, Oregea.
The Oregon Bakery;
(M .M. Cake aid Pastrr
' ,f ilttaeBesVlUterials Used. jt
lafUfaaiiM Rsiaraa4aea Parte atara I ,
BraeA delivered la aay feast of the city. I
City Express Transfer CMtpsff .
H. D. Thins and C. at; MUlic,
Headquarters at Hates Street waaeC.
A General Express and Delivery
Your patronage is solicited.
John C. Dement.
piucctT. r
Success te W-'E. DiMsM'eVCs,
, Carries Osseelete Mseatef
Drue and Drusjsrlsts
" T i
Mexloe Selrw'
""svaas) i 9
SJSjQ." j r r
rfla Oaaa '
"- -r .