0) sqc-VuBSs'" ? ?Jw tMiiit She Dttil ASTORTA, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 7. IS90. PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXXI V, NO i:M. H M pi i SVHflHSSvbKlw' JBCMBBCEcalMHKIgfcyjy b ssbbLB BARBOUR'S Irish Flax Threads HAVE NO EQUAL HWir, iiitM rrn BWinBtBBfcSflBarfiBBlBBBBBBBBlaVrC.waBBBM?'". aaaaiMtPajaMaWPjaaaaawaMyr'T '-K-iiiiiiiiiiiI BHBBBEai9BBK.Hri 1 1 1 bbHbVbbWbBBBBBBSSI1 .""!. iHllDEN FUKMILLS.USBURN.IREUNDii mNa w ii)C V HOUSE FOUNDED. 784. JT V ITALIAN IRREGULARITIES. Maccaroni Ministers Cheat Their GoTerament OS X A RO E TOBACCO PURCHASES. MORE ENGLISH CAPITAL. Trunk Factories h Ba PHrcMaaed. Special to The AstoriaxJ Newabk, N. J., June 6. An English syndicate lias purched the trunk and b'ag factories here for Sl,500,000, and three firms doing the largest business in the United States are closed out. A Temperance Measure. Special to The astouian.I Washington, June 6. In the house to-day a bill wa3 introduced to pro hibit the exportation of liquors to ports of Africa or the islands of the .Pacific ocean. The penalty for a vio lation of the law is a line not exceed ing S3.000 and a forfeiture of the liquor found aboard the vessels. A CANADIAN STORM. Terrible Destruction of Railroad Tract ani Brite, SUAltr ADTASCE IS COI'IT.R. CKANP PIMX 1'AlilS 1K73 fSKAM) CKO OKTIIE LEGION D'HONNEOK. Tln'j te elwil the ONLY GOLD MEDAL in PLAX THREADS at the London. Fiskefcios Exhibition 1883. Ami littclfrii.i.inlwl UUiUKU rRIZISal tliiManim INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS, TIi.ui I In j;oii(lsof any oIJht IN TIIK WOULD, Quality Can. Always be Depended on. Emienceft Fishermeii Use i Otter & HENRY DOYLE 517 and 519 Market Street. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC WOODBEEHY SEINE TWINE. ROPE and NET TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. CO.. SAN FRANCISCO. COAST. Siedal by California As . ciatkd PnK-s. Montreal, June 0. Steps toward the recovery bv Montreal, of the Fortlaud and Pacific railway were made by a decision m the superior court to-day practically setting aside the only claim of the South Pastern Railroad for 8200,000 against tho road. The action taken against the Canadian. Pacific railway, in volved abont 8200,000 and v.-as for the recovery of tho road from them and the trustees of the South Eastern. RAILROAD DISASTER. A List of tie Killei aui Injure! Passengers. CAVALRY ORDERED T.O ARIZONA Special by Ilia California Associated Pkss. Washington, June C For several dajs a report has been circulated here, to the effect that Baron Fava, Italian miuister to this country, and Italian consul general to New York, Mr. Riva, had been recalled. To-night the California associated press agent learned that this is probably correct. Itfr.Celso CesarMareno,well-kuowu in California, and an ex-member of the Italian parliament, and an ex-Hawaiian cabinet member, received infor mation from Italy by private letter and through the Italian newspapers, received to-day, that the Italian par liament has been for some time con sidering the matter, and finally decided to recall the minister and consul gen eral at New York. Mareno preferred charges which led to the recall. As near as possible the facts, obtained from Mareno in hi3 maccaroni Eng lish, are as follews: In 1874 the "Mareno" bill was nnssed.nrohibitiue the immigration of Italian pauper contraot laborers, which Mareno is pleased to designate as "It alian Slave Traffic" Baron Fava and consul general Riva have been charged with violating this law, by conniving wnu liuuugiauuu uuiTOua, for the importation of Italian men, women and children as laborers, but according to Mareno, they have been guilty of other misdemeanors in Italy. The government lias a monopoly in the trade in tobacco, gunpowder, salt and various other commodities. On Juno 3d of last year, consul general Riva with tho assistance ot .Baron Fava, contracted with a Kentucky firm for the purchase of eleven million quintals of tobacco for the Italian government An Italian quintal is equal to one hundred pounds of to bacco. On this date tobacco was quoted at 85 francs per quintal, in tho Tobacco Journal of New York, but minister Fava and consul general Riva reported Q the Italian government tUat Uie IQUaCOU WUSHQ;? iruuus. pnpfTTnna T.fa..1.nm Tlnwmxnvnip It is charged that Fava ,ja Hjva ; Q - d nud Po'keumg. The STiSSSJfZ i !l"i is incalculable; railway traffic -iTTi7rsn J.f,ijJi,iB1 KnnV ,,., is practically suspeuued, and n great Special by Tho California Associvtfd Press. New York, June G. The J?inan cial News agency sends out tho fol lowing little bit of inside history of the Oregon railroad contest as it be gins to develope. It appears that Ladd, thePortlaud baukerand vice president of the Oregon Riilway & Navigation Co, and Lewis the wholcsalo mer chant, one of the Oregon directors of the O. R. & N. Co., have been furnish ing money and supplies to a fund for building liuas in eastern Oregon and Washington territory, for the Oregon Railway & Navigation company. It is said that Hunt became largely in debted to Indd and Lewis and that the recent subscriptions to the Hunt road extension to Portland, Oregoir, wa3 filled because Ladd and Lavis headed the list. EMPEROR WII.I.IAIH FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. LUt el,. Killed, aad. Injured. Saedal to Tu Astobian- - jjuuisviiibE, .n.y.,uune u. a. sieeper on the fast east bound train of the Louisville and Nashville left the track at English, Ky., thirty miles east of Louisville this afternoon. It rolled down a thirty foot embankment aricl was completely, wrecked. The following a list of those killed or injured as far as heard: Mrs. John Johnson of Memphis, Tenn., fatally cut; Col. H. C. Hodges, TJ. S. quarter master of Jeffersonville, Ind., badly bruised; Mrs. Hodges, fatally cut; John Johnson of Memphis, Maj. Hick ney TJ. S. engineer of Louisville, sup erintendent Epperson, contractor Brent, general agent Arnold, all of the Louisville and Nashville were badly but not fatally bruised. Fatal Railroad. Accident. Special to Toe Astobian. Chicago, June 6. News was re ceived here. at a late honr to-night, that a horrible wreck had occurred on tho Louisville & Nashville railroad, near English station, Kentucky, by whicli nine people are said to have killed. SCARCITY OF SWEETNESS. Canses of tie Sugar Famine In San Francisco. MISSOULA'S SALACIOUS STORY. DESTRUCTIVE STORM. Rallraads and Bridges Sniffer. Special toTHK Astori i 1 Montreal, June C Reports from various parts of Canada are that a creat storm did heavy damage at Barrie. The railway track was washed away and a number of freight cars carried off. At London 150 feet of the Grand Trunk roadbed w swept away; at Orangeville a number of bridges aud a portion of the Cauadian Pacific track is gono at Brooklyn. Ont, six bridges were wrecked. Similar reports come from May ol Ioii;r Occupy tho Throne. Special to 1 iik Astoui .. New Youk, June 0. A specialTuble from Berlin says: "It is privately re ported here that very serious results may yet follow the Kaiser's recent carriage accident In falling he in jured the ear th.'it has already caused him so much trouble. William has already made arrangements to ap point the empress and his brother Heinrich, regent, in case of death or being incapacitated by the progre3 of disease." THE SUICIDE IT1AXIA. A Miserable Game. Special to The Astori in.1 New York, June C The Brother hood Brooklyn's pjaed a miserable game here to-day and were defeated hi a score of 12 to 8. A Very Close aiHC. Special to TnE Astori x.I Chicago, June 6. There was a close game between the Chicago and Pittsburg Brotherhood teams to day, which was won by the former by a score of si to 0. Morgan & Sherman FRESH FRUITS! UlUsHrJERS .A tut i. atersln Cannery Supplies ! il.ieclal Attontion Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED -Mut NuVlHf furiiKlietl :it Satis factory Terms. iijrrtaC" delivered In any part of the city Office and Warehouse i. Hume's Nt Uuilttlug ou Water Street. J. i. Vmx 1S3. Telephoue No, 37. iVrOKIA, ORECiON Cariialian & Co. I. Y. OAtSK, IMfntflXIC AM) WIIOLESAI.K AMI KKIA1I. DKAl.t'.lfe IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, tV.iiit rOlieiiHitnis aiiit OassMiv fJs AStt i:1a CAXDV, M'TS, I1W., ErjlliUiK In J-f.isoii. Perd Ferrell rnrss-ci.ASs - Hiirbrr .Mii i NVt to Central Hotel. ii I In IC.if ! AJl-ru, ut;ii. ASTORiA TRAflSFFH U0. m:kc:on J. B. Wyatt, , DKAl.Klt-S IN -Htnlware and Ship Chandlery. l'urt Oil, BrlRlit VaniMi. UiuaLlc OU. ftton Canvn. Hemp Sill Twme. 1 jinl Oil. Wrought lion Spikes ;l.uii7etl Cut TJalls Afrlrullural liupletiinits Seuirt Xacltiiti's, i'uints, (HN, Groceries, E3to. TMeteB. Lsster & Andersen, CIVIL ENGINEEIL, Surveyors and Architects. Offick, Room n, Klavki.'s JIi.d'o 1. O. Rex SIX SECOND STREET ASTOUI A, OU. AXI Livery Stables. uono)anccsoI anj kind, on short notice. 'IransferrliiK liacgaK, etc., a speclaltj. 'IeleplneNo, ti!. II. W. SHERMAN & CO. GEM) K. 1IIXRU. CAUI. A. 1MNBON Parker & Hanson counts. The matter was brought to the attention of the Italian govern-1 ment, and after full investigation the recall of the diplomat ana consul was decided upon. Consul general Kiva lias aireauy sailed for Italv, and minister ava will leava in tha course ot few weeks. His many houses aro swept away, causing i much hardship and suffering from exposure, but us yet no loss of life has been reported. A TIlAUterlal CrliU. .Special to Th Avinitivt. Pabis, .Tune 0. Ex-prime minister course or .a.ni. of Servia sues his wife for a UCOfiSWr 'lll'iliirhrap. Thn ox IciniA of Milnn is be marquis VM Ungaro, An inumry fpoaut. about tne inaiier wjw iiiBiuuuja uj a-- several reporters at the state dBp irt . Hi HUe lu Ceppcr. ment to-day, but the officials there Vspsem to The sr r:n.i were not communicative, ana minuter Fava declined to see any one. THE SIIiVER QIIRiJTIOai. the Bill succnsstK- '! C. L. PARKER, DKAI.KKS in CENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamc THIS WEEK. Dress - Goods, The Old Stawl - Astoria Oregon. A Safe Investment. f1HE ASTORIA BUILDING & LOAN AS J. -ociation h.is now entered upon Its fourth j ear, under the mnt faorable cir cumstances, and for a person of limited means, especial! those who are wage work ers. It otters a splendid imestment. The seventh seiles of stock will he open d June 1st. lho-e wishing to subscribe will please call on W. L. ROBB. Secretari. CO TO EASTMAN'S AND (JET $5 Cabinets for S2.50. Custom House, A-toiia. On'son, June 3rd. 1890. Sealed proposals will be received un til 12 o'clock noon. June 15th, 1890. for fur nishing fuel, lights, water, and miscellane ous supplies for this building during the fin ed j ear ending June 30. 1891. Particulars ou application.' K.A.TAYLOU, Custodian. Important Feature ef Discussed. Special to The astouiak. Washington. June C Francis C. Newlands, a member of the national silver committee, from tho state of Nevada, was asked "Have the bilver men given up the fight?" He replied "We are very much in earnest in this matter, and do not in tend to run at tho first fire of the gold men. They are simply juggling with the silver question in the house, and as to the result of the bill appar ently providing for the iucreased nse of silver, but really demonetizing it, it has been placed before the house, and is to be rushed through after the debate of another day and a half without the privilege of offering any amendments. I am unable to say what will be the action of the silver men in the house. The only opportunity to test their strength will be on a motion to re commit If a motion toTecommitis made, so as to provide for free coinage and is lost, then there can be no test on the bullion redemption feature. I think all the silver men in the house, should vote against the bill.- It reduces silver to a commodity and deprives it of its chief element of value as a money metaL" ''Then yoa do not regard the bill as being as much of a compromise as has been claimed for it?" "TJjebill if monometallic, nothing more nor less. Silver bullion is to be used simply as security for certificates issued upon it Four and a half million dollars worth purchased the first month, can be redeemed next month. Should increased purchase of bullion go on until a hundred million dollars is accumulated, the entire amount could be withdrawn, and a large amount of bullion thrown on the world. I predict .hat when this bill were to pass, the treasury would be but a conduit, through which England would draw her sdver for use in India." Birmingham. Juue 6. Tno oppar market is excited to clay on account of the receipt of a telegram from Chili that the price f copper had ri-en nearly two pounds since yesterday. Chili" copper is quoted at fG pounds cash; at ports 5G 7s Dd. Price of C'eypcr Rises. Special to The Astoiuax.j Lqndon, Juue 6. On the metal ex change to-day copper rose 17s Gd. The failure of a large operator in Kio Timboshares roported from Parte, to gether with the rise in the price or the metal being the cause. CANADIAN OPINION. Four C'uie Within Twent) -Four Hours. Special to Tiik Astori w i New York, June G. -There is an epidemic of suicide here. Joseph Schedler, aged 50, shot himself through the ear, on account ot rheumatism. Ida Whitman, aged &, took "Rough on liats." Au unknown negro hanged himself from a tree on the banks of the Harlem river. Jam&i Case was out of work and throw himself under tho wheels of a loaded truck. All four cases occurred within the space of twpntv-four hours. 'B" ti e II ub Team W I n s . .special toTuEASTOgiAN. New York, June G. The local team of Nationals was defeated by the Bos tons to-day m a score of 1U to d, Plicueiucual Demand for Sugar. Special to Tub Astorian.1 PiirXiADEKPHiA, June 6. Claus Spreckels, Jr., attributes the strength of the sugar market to a phenomenal demand. "I look for an active and strong market," said Spreckels, "for the next nine days." Chicago Conquers Cleveland. Special toTiiK AsToniAN.l Chic UK), June G. The home team of Nationals gained to-day's contest in a score of 12 to 4, from the Cleve- lands. Annexation Is Inevitable. Special to r.oc Astoui vx.j Ottawa, June G. A high official in the marine fisheries department said: "Annexation with the United States is the inevitable destiny of Canada. I am convinced that Sir Charles Tup per's visit to Ottawa and Washington in connection with the fisheries and Behring sea dispute will be productive of no good results and tho government-knows it Union Pacific Official Coming-. Special teTiu: astokian. Boston, June G. Yiee President Lane, of the Union Pacific, starts Saturday for a month's trip inspecting the Oregon branch system and the newly acquired Union Pacific, Tjeuyr and Gnlf roads. SUGAR REFINING. C 11 Wkerc profitable aud Whereat :i Loss. Spec a' to rHK astokian. Nkw Youk, June G. Willett aud Gray, authorities in sugar trade, re port that since January 1st the sugar refining business has been some times done at a loss in New York aqd Boston, but always at a profit in New Orleans and San Francisco. The out put of the sugar trust has been re duced to two per cent, of sugar con sumption, sinco Spreckle3' Philadel phia refinery wis completed. Broken KSrlucc and. Loss of Iiife. Special to Tiik Astoui ax.1 Lexington, Mo., June G. Over 400 feet of the pontoon bridge over the Missouri river here, was carried away yesterday with ten persons on it, three of whom were drowned. Drowned in a Natateriuni. Special toTiiEAsroitiAN.l Helen . Mont, June G. Hans Nel son an employe of the Northern Pacific round house, was drowned to night in the Broadwater natatonum. But few persons were in the plunge at the time, and Nelson's cries were heard only in the spectators' gallery, from which place an alarm was given. j minute af tet wards lie was taken out, but all eflprts failed to revive him. Special by Tho California Associated Pbebs. Sax Francesco, June 6. This city is just now experiencing an odd sort of famine, the sugar supply be ing remarkably short At this season there is always a large demand, caused by the opening of canneries, summer resorts, fruit preserving factories and other establishments, in whose equip ment sugar has an important part. At present the supply does not begin to equal the demand, and the result is that there has been a sharp increase in price, and the market is excited. This situation came about from dif ferent causes. Lately the raw sugar receipts nave been comparatively light, and to aggravate the situation, only "one refinery ha3 been busy, the American having been closed down, by order ot tne court, some time ago. Owing to the light receipts of raw sugar, the California refinery has been turning out much less than usual. It can send out 2,000 bbls daily easily, but it is understood there has not been half that output for some time. The result is that all merchants are behind in orders, and the refinery can do little to relieve them. Granulated sugar jumped to 1 cents wholesale and may go higher. The scarcity of sugar is regarded by the California refinery' people, as only temporary. Manager Weed says that often orders have been thirty day3 behind, while now they aro behind only five or six days. This same scarcity is noticed m New York, and the market there is also ex cited. There are several vessels on the way from the islands, and besides, the steamship Sussex, with 3,000 tons of raw sugar from Java, is expected nere uaiiy. xnree snips irom d ava are also on the way. These cargoes were ordered in anticipation of a scarcity at this season, and it is expected that they will do much to relieve the de mand that is now increasing daily. A Candidate for Ilcnip. Special to TnE Astohian.1 Scramento, June 6. Chas. Free man, who murdered Mark Feeney by drowning him in a barrel, March 8th, 1890, near the town of Antelope, in this county, was to-day sentenced to death on the scaffold. The date of the hanging is not announced, but will be named in the warrant of execution, to be delivered to the sheriff iu a few days. ALLEGED CRMKEB WWE. Tne San Franelica Ktmmr Citv Kail. Special to The Astobian. San Francisco. Jnna fi. Tha ir city hall conimissionera met to-dr. to investigate the charges pntexMI against McCann and Riddle, coatraat ors for brickwork on the nortklrMt wing of the city hall, byGteoiftB. Hanks, a discharged bricklayer. TW latter charged that the contraotoM, m- atcttu ul uuiiaing tne waits or, soua brick, filled portions with dirt aid uuier ruDuisn. The commissioners appointed a ooa mittee to investicrate the" mattar. amd no further action will be' taken mstfl tms committee reports. CooaidacaUa evidence was given to show that tka walls were not properly constnoted, but the contractors alleged that it waa done by Hanks.who attempted to blaak mail them, and on his failure to ob tain money from them he made tba alleged exposure. " .V A Lone Hlrbwarataa. Special to The Astobian J Ukiah, CaL, June 6. The north bound stage from Ukiah, was robbed to-day at 2 SO o'clock, three milea oat of town by a lone highwayman. It is reported that the robber seomred $1,600 out ot Wells Fargo & Coa box. An Indian Execnted. Special to The AstobianJ PoRTiiAND, Or., June 6. Pelho, aa Indian who when drank, outraged and murdered Agnes Tatson, am aged half breed woman, on the Umatilla reservation last fall, was bgjigwfl to day. Pellio maintained his innoceace to the last Better Than Last Year. Special to The Astokian. San Francisco, June 6. Bradatreeta weekly Report 'announces - twelve failures in the Pacific Coatt atatea amd territories, for the week ending Jama 6th, to sixteen for the same week laat year. ANOTHER RA1LB9AB. How He Won $250. Fatal Fire. Special to diK Astorui Warsaw, June 6. Four huudred houses were destroyed by fire in the town of Doksyce near Warsaw to-day. Ten persons were burned to death. The damage to property is immense. The Tasrades Locks. There was a time when we took quite an interest in the action of con gress concerning appropriations for the Cascade Locks. That time has passed, and the dispatches of the past few days concerning the "big appro priations for the locks" awaken but the semblance ot a smile. As long as the appropriations are expended as at present by government officers, the locks will not be completed, and ap propriations for that purpose are just so much money thrown away. The coin might as well be placed on a ilat boat, and allowed to perform the ap parently impossible feat of 'shooting the rapids.1' If a sufficient sum could be appropriated, and the work let by contract boats could pass through the i canal next year, as it is, the child is TERRIBLE STORITIS. The Rain Interfered. Special to The Astobian. PhtladeiiPHia, June 6. The Na tional game was oalled on account of not yet born who wUl live to learn of raiu. me worx oemg completed. People Killed and Property Destroyed. Special to The Astokian. CouNcni Bluffs, June G. For the last three days, heavy damages and great loss of life by storms is reported throhgoutthe state. Granaries have been wrecked, villages destroyed, and many persons killed. A million dol lars will not cover the loss to property Tho loss of life goes into the hundreds. A Singular Request. Special to The Astoria n.1 Madison, Wis., June G. Segwald A. Quale bequeathes a million dollars for the establishment of a hospital injthis city, for born cripples and deformed persons. Quale was a Norwegian who came here a poor boy, worked forO a month and died worth a million dol lars, all of which he leaves for the purpose stated. Fatal Accident. Special to The Asiobian.1 BetjVidebe, June 6. It is just re ported that the Freeport passenger train has been derailed fifteen miles west of here aud fifteen persons killed, but no details have been received. There i3 a gentleman in Seattle who won $250 on the Oregon state elec tion. He paid a visit to his old home in Portland about May 15th and im mediately went to his old friend Joe Simon. "Joe," said he, "I want you to give me the true political situation. I've got some money to bet on the result of the gubernatorial contest, but you know that I have got none to lose. Is Pennoyer going to be re-elected?' "Well, my mend, you know my pol itics and jon know- that when I tell you a thing about the political out come of au election that it can be re lied upon. You go bet your money on Pennoyer and you will win." The Seattle man did not hesitate but at onco staked all tho money he had with him on the result Says he: "That man, Joo Simon's, word on Oregon politics 13 an accepted au thority. He knows more in a month about politics of that state than any other politician knows in all day." Seattle Press. IHarsbf leld Raises a Sabaldy at 5O,00O. 3peclal to The Astobian. Marshheld, Or., June 6. A large mass meeting was held in this city Wednesday night to solicit subaorlp- tionsiome uoos nay ana Aoaeomrg railway subsidy. The meeting wee addressed by Major Miller of Califor nia, A. M. Crawford, J. M. Bemmett and others, of this city, aubaonpuoaa were called for and in five mimmftea 0,000 was subscribed ot the 6Q.00QL and the balance required iagaaraa teed and the road is now an aarared fact Grading will commence aboat the 1st of July next. IllMst Re a Rad Fairy. Special to The Astobian. San Francisco, June 6. Mathew Cotte, aged 45, shot himeelf in the head this evening, in hia.rooat. At the hospital, where lm mm iiaaail was extraatai. He claims to have been bewitched by a fairy to do the deed. Gen. miles Will Suppress Them. Special to TheAstortan. San Francisco, June G. Owing to the Indian troubles in Arizona, Gen 4XwlSS , ZriJ Miles has ordered three companies oltliJL cavalry to Arizona, and they will leave here Saturday. Valuable Dwelling Burned Special to The Astokian. OrovilIiE, Cal., June 6. The dwell ing of Judge P. O. Handly was burned this morning. The origin of the fire is unknown. Loss 10,000, insurance S5.000. Fire In IKescew. Special to The Astobian. Moscow, Ida., June 6. The west side of Main street caught fire at 1 worth of property was destroyed. CLAIMED TO BE INNOCENT. Take II Before Breakfast. The great appetizer, tonic and liver rcaulator. la use for more than 50 years in'England. .Positive specific for liver coninlaint. Bad taste in the mouth on arising in the morning, dull nains in the head and back ot the eyes, tired feeling, dizziness, laucour syrap- tomsof liver complaint. Remedy Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonic. Re lies constipation, sharpens the appe tite and tones up the entire system. Get the genuine from your druggist for SI, and take according to directions. . Execution ef a Blau Who Denies Ills Guilt. Special to The Astoria.vJ Helena, June 6. Thos. King was executed at Boulder this morning, for the murder of Matt Fogarty, at a dance in Elkhorn in November last He made a statement on the gallows, denying his guilt and accusing a num ber of witnesses who appeared against him iu the trial. He was cool and collected until the last, saying just before the drop fell: "I am ready to meet my God." CAME HOME TOO SOON. The Pike's Peak railway will be il luminated the entire seven miles by electricity. painsiAcfies Wants to Fight Dcmpscy. Special to The Astokian. New York, June G. Alf. Mitchell the English middle weight, cables an I offer to meet Jack Dempsey at the California Athetic club, for a pnrse of $1,500 a side, provided the clnb allows his expenses. PROMPTLY CURED BY Haywood, AUK, XV.1 ' I raflered. tiro yeata wuQPun m my aoe; iTdT JaWIIHITIIllV' J suffered tiro yeata Carlisle. Pa.. February U. 1388. ciilhyMaMwtSf HSbSuiuigraBa1 Found Her Husband with Com pany. Special to TnE Astokian. Missoula, Mont, June 6. Missoula society is all torn up over a genuine sensation. Mrs. Bennett, wire ot alderman Bennett, went to Helena for a short visit and returning before she was expected, found a young woman leaving her husband's apartment, through the back door, as she entered the front door. The young woman implicated has been employed in the most prominent dry goods establish ment of the city for several weeks. pom WHEAT AND BARLEY Very Small Compared with Last Year. Special to The AsrosMt. San Francisco, June 6. The San Francisco produce exchange in a cir cular issued to-day, shows that on June 1st, this year, there were in this state about 500.000 centals of wheat and 100.000 centals of barley to 2,300,000 centals of wheat and 2,000,000 centals of barley for same date last year. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes, aarral ef (jurlty, strength and wholesomeoeas. More economical than the ordinary ktads, aad aaa not be sold in competition with the altl tude ot low test, short weight, alum or yeat phate powders. Sold onluincam. Xotax. Baking Powder Co. 108 Vall-st.. N. Y. Lewis H. Johnson & Co., Agents, Port land. Oregon. IT T3 TffB IDE AIi MEDIOTJTm it t-! c th Jjver and Kidncysaml StomacS, jur 1C itu he. Dpeivri, ircates aa Apse 'it , lii uu-.i'iclra.iurc Blood, and Mfikes Tho "Wealcatrgafc , fejwftirMiMtfslMiiiiiRaiiaM nKieviHttnm Used everywhere. 91 aboitleiaixl Kindred Park. i Kindred Park. Kindred Park. Kiudred-Park is the Favorite of Investors, and Lots are selling fast. iBv now, before the raise. Lots, $125 and $150. Terms easy. i Have you bought any Lots in Kindred Park yet? ' If not, do so before Prices Advance, and make the Handsome Profit yourself. Railroad Surveyors are working close to Kindred Park now. hi T Tlje Albany &jjksjjojrja j,- f $ & i? 4jfb A Newspaper is soon to be started, Houses are being built, Stret art) being improved, and a General Air of Prosperity is hanging oyer the plact. --"-! ii jSSl h -. HOWELL & GOODELL .ii 1 I P ..HOWELL & GOODELL Astoria, Or. HOWELL & GOODELL. i'-j 'it -..-- ii ii