t tkt gil8 Stotfatt. ASTORIA. OREGON: FRIDAY. ...... JUNE C, 1890 CtCjraaA County OMcIal Paper. VThats tbe matter with having a constitutional convention? "Wearing tie present state constitution is like SH&ing a ten jear old boy wear the ssaae clothes that fitted him when be was a two j ear old. A teas, ago to-day Seattle was par tially destroyed by fire. Astoria sent sympathy and a thousand dollars to tie stricken city. To-day Astoria seeds congratulations to her stalwart aster on her remarkably recuperative powers and is glad to note her pros perity. Tkts office is in receipt o a pam phlet summing up the weather reports t Oregon for larch. The state pajs good money fortius foolishness. If there is auythiug more useless than telling a man in June what the weather was in March it has not re ceatly come under the writer's obser vation. Thk usual iost mortems are being held over the result of last Monday's election. They are useless. We must sll live together and to fan the fires of dying revenge or add vigor to a fac tions! fight that would die if neglected isnot the province of peaco. Let har mony prevail, and let us do what we can to help the town and each other, and let the past go. At the beginning of the year it was estimated that about 600,000,000 was invested in the electrical industries. The telegraph companies had S120, 030,000; telephone, SS0,000,000; electric-lighting and power companies, $300,000,000; electrical supply com panies, $100,000,000. There is no manner of doubt that another jear will show S1,000,000.000 invested in electrical industries. The common council of the city of Chelsea, in Massachusetts, has passed an order requesting the Mayor to pe tition the Legislature to allow the same "Chelsea" to bo changed to oe that shall be adopted by a major ity vote of the citizens. The council alleges that there is an expression commonly used in various parts of the coaatry, "As dead jis Chelsea," and that this phrase is seriously damaging the business prosperity of the city. A London beautifier has invented a ew face powder, warranted not to rub off. Powder puffs need no longer be carried about in mysterious pockets, ss this powder remains just the same for quite twelve hours. The hand or arm that is burnished with it leaves wfmark on a black coat sleeve. This osfht to be a great relief to the minds of sentimental young couples. A face powder that tells no tales is as great a -a boon in its -way as a gunpowder that makes no noise. BETonTs of the bonded debt of the several states have been received atthe oeoeas office, showing the following figures for the Pacific slope, as com pared with the census of 18S0: Cali forniain 1SS0, $5,090,760; in 1890, $5,330,050. Nevada in 1880, $791, 093; in 1890, $651,839. "Washington in 1S30, 75,000; in 1830, 451,000. Or egon in 1SS0, 43 cents; in 1890, 15, 000. In 1SS0 the gross debt was: In California, 7,212,075; Nevada, 996, 847; Oregon, 158,606; Washington, $306,757. In 1890 the figures show; California, 5.G07:450; Nevada, 857, 277; Washington, 1,170,637; Oregon, $782,015. The commissioner of the general land office wants an increased force of special agents for investigation of land frauds in California and on the Pacific coast. He says that an additional niunber of agents are necessary to bring some of the land offices abreast of the current work, particularly in ie mountain ana timber regions. "There," he explains, "the season dur iac which agents can work in the field is short and a large force must be aeed for a short period to accomplish any substantial good. In California there are between 2,000 and 3,000 cases, and a large force should be or ganised tor active worn as soon as spring opens. The same may be said of Oregon." Marrtaoe by contract is a present fad.. Kecently in San Francisco, F. B. Blue and Miss Gertrude Michner were thus married and are seemingly happy. An Examiner reporter called oa the bride, who is a pretty and quite SateBigent young woman. She ex patiated on the beauties of contract triages, and concluded by saying tfeat when the bond became a burden ft could be mutually dissolved and society need not be shocked by a firorce scandal. When informed that she state of California is a third party to that contract and would not consent to its. annulment except on legal grosfidb by process of law, the bride was astonished and simply said: "You awt be mistaken." But the reporter i right and Gertrude was mistaken. MMMMMMH Will Have Railroad Connection Sooner Than Any Other Point Because its owners are liberal and not afraid to give indueementi to RAILROADS, :MTOR! iilH ESi6to any other Substantial Improvement. A Large NEW ASTORIA is the Favorite, and lots are sailing fast. Come, Examine the Property and Buy. Clatsop Land Monet is a thing created by law. It has no existence outside of. law. The substance from which money is made, may be a commodity, but money is not a commodity, though a large number of financial writers have made the mistake of calling it so. There is no international money. Gold and silver, as bullion, is a com modity, and as such is transferred from nation to nation at a given rate. Its price varies, but not so with money. Money has a fixed value, and although the metal out of which a coin is made may change in value, the coin itself, in the nation where it is made does not change in value. The 412 grains silver dollar is a dollar to all intents and purposes in the United States, as much as the gold dollar of 258-10 grains. Tho value of the bul lion in one or the other may change, but tho value of the coin is fixed by statute law, and does not change. There is therefore no such thing in existence as an 80o lecral tender dollar. It cannot exist The silver dollar of the United States is a full legal dollar, and will purchase as much of any commodity in the United States as any gold dollar. But the laws of one nation cannot make a coin pass in another nation for more than its bullion value, so there is no inter national money. Debts are paid be tween nations in commodities, wheat, corn, manufactured goods or gold and silver bullion. It is quite probable that by the be gining of the twentieth century inven tions will be completed which will make aluminum as cheap as iion. Then will come such a revolution in the industrial world that people will thank Providence they have been permitted to live in such a time of wonder. Already aluminum is as cheap as the metal nickel. This is because of American inventions for extracting it from clay. By and by the supreme moment will come when science will yield to persistent effort the grand secret alto gether. Then will be seen mountains of this beautiful metal. Houses glit tering like Aladdin's palace will be built of it They will not burn, they will not rust, they will need no paint The greatest revolution, however, will be in marine commerce. Ships will be built of this .splendid metal in stead of iron or steel. It is only one-quarter as heavy as iron, therefore will only sink slightly into the water. Where now harbors must have water thirty feet deep to accommodate our monstrous ocean steamers, seven or eight feet will be all that is required to float aluminum ships of the same size. Car wheels and cars made of aluminum will flash in burnished splendor, with never a break or rust. What a sight it will be, the navies of the world, built of aluminum, darting like birds hither and thither in their shin ing evolutions. It may yet be that be fore the new United States navy is finished we shall hear of the building of fast alumninum crosiers. The problem of the navigation of our shal low American rivers will be solved without appropriations from congress, for this kingly metal can be made into machinery and serve any purpose that iron now does, and steamboats -drawing three feet of water will answer every purpose. Most wonderful of all, however are the possibilities that loom up in the imagination in respect to airnaviga' tion. Machinery made of this light, strong metal can be put into air ships, and will not be too heavy to beheld aloft while it propels them. m s i - MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The steamer Alliance arrived from Portland yesterday afternoon, and sailed for Gray's harbor this morning early. The steamer Cascades, Capt Whit" comb, came down yesterday afternoon, bringing three barges loaded with rock for the jetty. The steamer Zakme arrived last evening from Eoche harbor, bringiBg 2,500 barrels of lime, 50 tons of granite and 50,000 shingles. The repairs on the steamier Tele phone were not completed yeeterclay, so the Bonita came again on her run and went up last evening. Pure French Candies at the Colum bia Bakery. I. B. & N. Go. ? THE STEAMER "GEN. CANBY, Thos. PahkxkvM aster. Will Leave AftTOHIA DAILY FOR Tanzy PL, Ft. Stevens, Ft. Ctnby ani llwaco. CONNECTING WITH RAILROAD FOR NAHCOTTA and SEAL AND And Boats on Shoal water Bay for North Cotd, GraysHartor.Sontti Befit And other Points on that Bay. Steamer Will leave Flavel's Wharf, Astoria, every day at 8 a, m.. except Sunday, when she will leave at 9 a. x. Oars Will leave Nahcotta and Sealand daily at 8 a. m.. except Sunday, it hen they will leave at 3 :3o a. v. connecting with boat at llwaco. Report of the Condition OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASTORIA, At astorla, lnOhe .State .of Oregon, at the close of business, May 17th, 1890. .RESOURCES. loans and discounts........ $193,830 81 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 15,486 19 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation i2,5Qe Stocks and Securities 28,602 72 Due from approved reserve agents 15,228 51 Due from other National Banks... 7,(00 S3 Due from State Banks and bankers 17,051 48 Current expenses and taxes paid.. 2.C74 81 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 2,50o Checks and other cash items... i ,089 19 Bills of other Banks 2.U0 nickels 46 45 Specie 41.800 Legal tender notes...... - 2,750 JtedempUon fund with UATreas- urer (5 percent, of circulation) 5G2 50 Total $313,923 02 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In .... $ 50,000 Surplus fund .... 1Q.M0 Undivided profits 17,272 18 National bank notes out standing... , .. 9.250 Individual deposits sub ject to check 9218.493 55 Demand certificates of ' deposit . 38,907 29 $357,400 84 Total $343,923 02 State of Oregon, i County of Clatsop. J " I. S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above named bank, do-solemnly Wear that -the above statements true to the best of ray knowl edge and belief. S. S.GORDON, Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of May, 1890. CHA3.E.RUNVON, Notary Public Correct Attest : GEO. FLAVEL. ) JOHN A. DEVLIN. J-Directors. JACOB-XAMM. J GO TO EASTMAN'S AND GET $5 Cabinets for S2.50. Custom House, Astoria, Oregon, June 3rd, i860. Sealed proposals will be received un til 12 o'clock noon, June 15th, 1899. for fur nishing: fuel, lights, water, and miscellane ous supplies for this building during the fis cal year ending June 39, 1891. Particulars on application. E. A. TAYLOR, Castodlae.. W. F. Scheibe, CIGAR MANUFACTURER. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAIN STREET. - - Astoria, Or Wm. Edgar, Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff. MeesKaausi and Briar Pipes. . , Packet CMtlerjv Marias JUaassB Statloaeryaad Notions. Corner Mala sndChenaauisSts Astoria, Or. Your Money s Wortft IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stokes IN- Groceries and Provittais. Everything 1b a First-el; Store aaas Extremely Low Figurae. Goods Delivered all over Towa. The HlghMt Prloa TW. lor Junk. FOARD STOKES OEWABD OF $50 OFFERED FOR THE JL Body of o. B. ward, Jr.. watenman on board the 'Harvest Queen,"nwho was drowned Mav 38.' 1990. of Oak Point. He was 5 ft. 9 in. idea, welghed-tavsa.. -hasY moustacae ana cnin vxusKssuiauiawB dressed In black. WARD BROsi Portland. NEW Miss Flora Batson, Of New York, the Greatest Colored 8lnger In the World, and other Popular Talent, at ROSS OPERA HOUSE. Friiay, Saturtay Eys, Jnnel3, 14. The Peerless Mezzo-Soprano. New York Sun. The colored Jenny Lind. rew lork World. A mezzo sonrano of wonderful ratine. San Francisco Examiner, A sDarklinir diamond in tne eomen realm of song. San Jose (CaL) Mercury. Her vocal register has a wonderful sw eep. from lowest contralto notes to soprano heights. Los Angeles (Cal.) Evening Ex press. All her numbers were sunt? without effort as the birds slng.-Moblle (Ala.) Dally Register. lias earned the fame of being the greatest colored singer la the world. Vicksburg (Miss. rosr. Her articulation is so perfect her rendi tions seem like recitations set to music Kansas City Dispatch. The sweetest voice that ever charmed a Vlrflnla audience. Lynchburg (Va.) Dally Advance. A hlehlv cultivated mezzo-soprano, of great sweetness, power and compass, and of dramatic quality. Charleston S. C. News and Courier. The range of her voice Is such that she can easily change from the purest soprano to as fine a baritone as any male singer can pro duce. Columbus (S. C.) Dally Register. ADeiterpieaseunumenceneter meu out of the theatre than that which listened to her last e ening. Los Angeles Tribune. .Her voice is nigmy cultivated, rtcn ana under perfect control, while tho compass is wonderful, extending from a mezzo-soprano to a baritone. Santa Monica Out-Look (Cal.) Never Deiore was so select, so critical an audience, more moved, more enchanted, more electrified, than by this great colored mistress of song. The San Dlegan (Cal.) The marvelous sweetness, purity and com pass of her voice, covering In its range near ly three octaves. Is the wonder and admira tion ot musical critics. san uiego .uai ) sun, General Admission, 50e ; Reserved Seats, 75c ; Children. 25c. Wm. W. Whekkv. Richard Haerv, Civil Englueer. S. A. WUKBBY. Wherry & Harry, Real Estate AND SURVEYING. TOWNSITE WORK A SPECIALTY. City and Suburban Property Sold on Com mission. Investments Made for Outside Parties REFERENCES I. W. Case, Banker. Judge C. II. Page. Office sa Third Street, Near Court House. - ASTORIA. OR. Lots in this Beautiful Addition for sale at SCO each ; 920 down, balance $10 per month. Plats and copy of ab stract furnished free. Astoria Suburbs ! Five Acre Tracts east of Astoria and only one and one-half mile from Columbia River at $300 each ; $100 cash, balance $50 per month. J. H. MANSELL, Real Estate Broker, ASTORIA, OK. ROW IB THE TIME! ROSS & "WIRT Are ready to raise and move houses. We are the boss at building streets, side walks and bulkheads. Shingling houses a specialty. Jack screws, blocking, rollers and eribs for rent. Shop on Fourth St., bet. Cass and Genevieve. Whirl Contract. BIDS FOR THE BUILDING OF A wharf at Noith Cove, Washington, w ill be received at the company's office In North Cove until June loth, said wharf to be 1,200 feet long. 16 feet wide and. and a dock lGxls feet. The trustees of sld wharf company reserving tfce-rigbt to lelect all bids. FRANK M. PETERSON, Pres. WARREN F.SCHELDERAYS, Sec North Cove, May 22. 18S0. Astoria Iron Ms. ConcomlySt,, Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or lackiiists ai j Mer Haters. Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK, Steamboat Work and Ctuinery Work A 0PKCIAX.TT. Castings of all Descriptions Made te Order at Short Notice. JSKKrFOX.... .President. and east A.L.KOX.. .vice rresiaeni .Sec and Treas J. G. HUSTLKR... Notice. mHE REGULAR .MEETING OF THE X ColurabavRrrstsFlshermen's Protec UveUnlonianil belkeld at Liberty hall. .rase 7, ins. ai i s p. m. R. President. FRED WRIGHT. Seccretarv. r ' ' x Anon nnco J. H. MANSELL, ' REAL ESTATE BROKER, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Correspondence Solicited. P. O. Bo 0C3, Established 1SS3. INVESTMENTS MADC FOR OUTSIDE PARTIES. Next I. Telegraph Office. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. "Mikado" - zCftNDY FACT0RY To-Day-Fine Ice Cream Soda-To-Day Also Handle None but the Finest Key West and Imported CIGARS. Please Call and Git c me a Trial. THIRD STREET, Next V. U. Telegraph Ofllce f . L. 1LEIART, Real Estate Broto Office on Third St., Opp. Odd Fellow Temple. 1 O. llox Ml. AbTORIA, OREGON. Lots in WARRENT0N and WEST WABRENT0N For Sale, On Installment Plan. A residence in Astoria since 1S72 enablo I metogltetliebtotof information respect ing property in Astoria ami mis vicinuy. FRED Saddles and Harness A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. GOODS AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. I make a specialty ol good work ami guarantee satisfaction. At the Old Stand, Wes bide Olney Street, Ne.ir Wilson & Tislirr's. ASTORIA, OREGON. C. K. SOKEN'SOX. Sorenson & Co., Real Estate Agents! NOTARY Correspondence Solicited. r. o. Box ik;. D. H. WELCH & CO., Real En ,1 rmiinnnn fl NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON". We have Property in the original townsite from $225 up wards. Good Business and Residence Property always on our list. t Investments made for non-residents. Correspondence solicited. Call and sec us. Office eu "Water Street, Near Union l'ncific AVkarf and Dcpet Immense Stoclt OF FURNITURE CHAS. HEILBORN. Two car loads received: More on the way. You are Invited to see the Ilncst display of FumltHre, Carpets, etc., In the citv. Prices reasonable. THE OLD STAND, - ASTORIA, OR. WHOLESALE AND Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o Tho Largest and finest assortment of Trmnh. Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh overv Steamer. BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE- SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. J-OJSjNT :xo-. ASTORIA ! Discount for Cash. WT X TTEIT T7TWTT 4 1?11 v Y JLi vJ aJt-E-JaJiX. JLB.xa.JLa JL AGENT.- SAIZ C. S. GUXDERSON. PUBLIC. Office on Olney Street, Uetween -econd and Third. the Largest : Stock I THE Lowest : Prices I RETAIL DEALER IN H. EKSTBOM, Practical : Watchmaker, ASTORLA, OR. A line line of Gold and Silver Watches, Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, Clocks, etc., at reasonable prices. Repairing Promptly Done. Opposite Crow's Gallery. Bus UuMul CLOSING OUT SALE ! AT BEGINNING WW krprr We will offer for Sale our entire Stock BELOW ITS OR IGINAL COST. Surprise bargains every day. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention and the benefit of our reduction. TERMS OF SALE STRICTLY CASH. New York Novelty Store, Ravel's Brick Building, Opp. Occident Hotel. T. B. LOUGHERY, DRAT.RR IN Cigars, : Tobaccos, : and : Cigarettes ! CONFECTIONERY, ETC. XOXE BUT THE BEST BRANDS IIAIfDr.ED. THIRD STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON Opposite Halm's CITY BOOK STORE. Spring Season 1890. Baby Carriages, Doll Carriages. Bird Cages, croquet acts, iiammocks. liase ualls and B.its, Foot Balls. Fishing Tackle, Air Guns. "Wagons, Picnic anu mmcii uasKets, ttouer SKates, etc. THIRD STREET, GRIFFIN : Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. Ihavo completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER. CosmoptMin StloM. SEALAN0. The terminus of tho llwaco and Shoahvater Bay Kailroad. THE GREAT EST SUMMER EESORT ON THE NORTHWEST COAST. Lies at the head of the Bay, at deep water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The coming County Seat and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Now laid out. Lots on the market from 550, and upwards. For particulars and full information, call on or address B. A. SEABORC, Stockton & Welch, Real Estate Brokers. AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. City, Snlmrljaii and Acreage Property For Sale. MAIN ST ASTORIA, OR., P. 0. Box 611. No curbstone brokers employed here The Reading Tailors. Fiedler : & : McDonald. Call and See Our Nobby Stock of Spring Goods Just Arrived. It comprises the latest goods in the market, and we offer them at prices never before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most comfortable fitting suits in the city. Next to C. H. Cooper's The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ! Rl Agent. Call and Examine It ; You "Will be Pleased. E. B. Hawes Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furntce Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hani. nmnimw mmMmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini on the Harbor. Railroad Wharf is to be completed there by June 5th. THE - TOMORROW, Root and Shoe Store. Spring Season 1890. A Splendid Stock of Fine Stationery, Blank Books School Books and Supplies Just Received, A Full Stock of Paper Novels. PIANOS AND ORGANS. ASTORiA, OR. : REED. Astoria, Oregon. ASTORIA, ONLY OP GENERAL AGENTS i - E. J. FORD & CO,