t . ,' - - ."'''" "V (i k Stall VOL. XXXIV, NO !?. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 5. 1890. PRICE FIVE CENTS 'W'' " . ZT'T AMENDMENTS TO IMPROVE. Tie Rirer ani Hartor Bill as to Amounts Ajjrojriateil. . rORTI.Ayit COLLECTOR 11 It OXO. special t'.ihfomii Assorivrp.li I'liWiS. Washington", June -L Acting com missioner of land office Stone, necom jwiniisl by Mrs. Stone, leaver here net week ou a -is-it t Seattle and Spokane perhaps as far muiUi as San Francisco. He will lw gone alout one mouth, and the trip is taken on business and pleasure combined. :oi roit ai.i.ison. Improvement for Mioal water IXay and Columbia Kit or. f-CU t TlIK A-TOKIAN. Washington, .1 une -i. Senator Alli son to-daj presented amendments in tended to be offered by him to the river and harbor bill, directing the secretary or war to cause a survey to l made on Shoalwaler bay, state of Washington, from and including the entrance to South. Bend, about two miles up the Willapa river, and to di rect the engineers making the sur vey to report as to the advisable econ omy and suitable plan for improving the same for navigation; also to cause a survey to be made from South Bend about ten miles up the river, to Woodward's landing, with a view to improving the same for navigation; aUo for the examination and survey of the Columbia river, from the inter national lxmndaries to Rock Island rapids with a view of removing the obstructions and improviug the same for 'navigation. NKATTI.K TIDi: l.DS. letleit for Review ol Decision is Denied. Wamungton, June 4. The Secre tary of the Interior has denied the motion for a reveiew of his decision of March 27, in the Seattle tide lands case. The case involved the right to locate Valentine script upon certain tide lands adjacent to Seattle, in the territory of Washington. In the de cision, the secretary says:4 Motion for review does not raise any new ques-tiou-v, nor suggest any material fact, or point of law not discussed or in volved iu,the decision of March 27." Postmaster Changed. Special l. TlIK AST!tIA. I Washington, .luue-L The follow ing change has Ikjoii made in post pest masters: J. M. Baldwin, at Samish, Skagit county, Washington, vice K. W. Atkitwm, resigned. ri.i:UIU A.TtlD.Tir.NT.S. or C'rcat Heucflt to tlie I'urilr Coast. spuito l if Asnmiof. Washington, June "-L Senator Mitchell proied the following amendments to the river and harbor bill, iu appropriations afieeliug ioint.s in Oregou. Appropriation for the entrance to tLe harbor at Coos bav, from S12."),(K)0 to S200,0M. Yaquinn bav from S12o,(KK) to S200.U0CL Tfllamook bav from $300 to S5.000. Canal at Cascades from 400,000 to 5700,000 for the upper Columbia, in cluding Suake river, Oregon and Washington, of which amount from $20,000 to S30,000 shall be expended in the improvement of Snake river. between Huntington, Oregon, and the Seven Devils mining district iu the territory of Idaho. Improviug the mouth of the Colum bia river, increasing the appropriation from $12.-1,000 to S7o0,000. Survey in the improvement of the Willamette river, deepening the chan nel on the west side of Swan Island, to s. depth of water at least twenty-two feet at low water. Senator Mitchell also proposes the following amendment: that the sec retary of war is authorized and di rected to appoint a loard of three of ficers, of the corps of engineers, U. S. A-, whose duty it bhall be to ex amine the harbor at Port Orford,iu the state of Oregon, with a view of minimizing the project, in the esti mates of the proposed improvement for a harbor of refuge at that point, to such propositions as will largely re dace the original estimate of cost, oJ such improvement, heretofore Bde under directiou of the secretary of war, on or before the first Monday in December next. KXCESSIVK CHARGE;. Partlmn Collector MiiKt Lower His Rates. SlecLil to Thh Astouian.! Washington, June 4. -The collector of customs at Portland has been in formed by assistant secretary Tich eeor, that under the law he is only al lowed to charge 20 cents for deben ture certificates and GO cents for bond, when taken on entry of bituminous coal, for use as fuel on American ves k, therefore his action in collecting doable those amounts is illegal and be is ordered not do so again. Kindred Park. THIS Fine Tract of Land adjoining New Astoria, is by far the moat beautiful Mtc that has been placed on the market. The lots are large, the streets wide, and grand, broid avenues run through the entire tract. If you are seeking a home where health and beauty are combined, dome and buy yourself- ooe in KINDRED PARK. WWil L'S DEMAND. Stewart Still OvaeneK Him. Special to Thf. Astorian.1 Washington, June 3. Major Powell, of the geological survey, was before the house comtnittee on ap propriations to-day, urging an oppro- priation of $700,000 for surveys. Sen ator Stewart and representative Van- dever were also in attendance. Stewart opposes the appropriation, if Powell is to have charge of the irri-. gation work, and fears that the money will again be diverted from irri gation surveys and applied to top ographical purposes. Stewart believes that Yandever has forsaken him and his irrigation bill, and gone over to the Powell crowd. In regard to this Gen. Vandever said "I simply introduced Powell's bill, as chairman of the irrigation committee as I did senator Stewart's bill and several others. I am inclined to agree with senator Stewart, that irri gation work should be performed un der the department of agriculture, but some points in senator Stewart's bill would make irrigation work inter mediate. The house irrigation com mittee will soon be ready to report on its own accord." Oregon Surveyor Ueneral. Special to Th Astouiax. Washington, June 4. The president has sent to the senate, the following nominatien: Henry Byard, surveyor general of Oregon. MEWS FROM FOREIGN LANDS. Special liv Cilifuriiia associvtko l'itKi. London, June 4.--The great race for the Derby stakes for three year old colts and fillies, took place to-day. The distance was a mile and a half. There were 233 subscribers, 10G of whom paid 25 soverigns each and 63 ten soverigns each. The race was won by Soinfern, Lenork 2nd, and Orwell 3rd. Therewere eight starters. A Dreadful Accident. Speci.il to Tiik AbToaux. Berlin, June 4. During a ball at Arnstadt a chandelier fell and a petro leum lamp exploded spattering the burning oil upon those near. Several women with their clothes aflame ran alxmt shrieking and a panic ensued. Two women-were burned to death and eleven were seriously burned- Tlie Court's Sentence. Spt cial to Turc Astoki v.v Paris, June 4.- Count DeMores has been sentenced to three months' im prisonment With Some Reserve. Sjirciil UiThk AsToniAN.l Lisbon, June -L The Portugese government consents to arbitrate the Delagoa bay question but reserves the right to rescind the contract. Sutugle of Cliluefte. Special to Tiik Amouian Ottawa, June 1. The Sarnia Sun calls attention of the Dominion gov ernment to the Chinese exclusion act Sarnia is a point of export for Chinese who beek admission to the United States. When Chinese ai rive at Sar nia they are smuggled across the liv er. The Toronto agency it is said gets from $20 to $30 a head for get tiug Chinamen across the river. Joe JTIcAuIiffe oiii to England ru'cul to 1 in: Astoki . New Yokk June 3. -Joe McAuliffe and manager Madden sail for Eng land on Saturday when he reaches En gland Geo. Baird will tender him the hospitality of Bedford Lodge. Ef forts will be made to have a purse for a fight with Seaman before the Pelican club raised. Credit Mobllicr to Disaelvc. Special to The Abtoeian. Philadelphia, June 4. Judge Thayer in the matter of the applica tion of the Credit Mobilier for disso lution of its charter made a decree that the requirements of the law hav ing ueen recognized a dissolution should be allowed. The company was chartered under a Pennsylvania law of 1859. Tee Strong te Live. Special to TnK astorian. Birmingham ,June3. Bill Thomas a colored brakeman, a giant in size, and strength, was shot eight times yester day by six colored men and it is likely he is killed. Thomas was hated for his physical strength.- Four of the negroes are under arrest. Republican Nominations. Special to Tiik Astorian. Montgomery, Ala., The Republi cans to night nominated Noble Smith son for governor, Wm. N. Vernon, sec retary of state; D. B. Booth, treasurer; Juo. T. Ezel, attorney general; Eli Jennings, auditor; Amos Towle, supt. public schools; all white men. Nothing Like Being Radical. Special to The astorian. Buffalo, June 4. The United Presbyterian assembly is wrestling with the tobacco question. Many favor expelling members who use the weed. A sensation was created to-day when a new element showed itself in a well formed phalanx opposed to chewing gum. The latter say it is worse than chewing tobacco and if one goes the other must PO AMEER BIG DEAL. Coisoliiatioii of tie Atcbison Ani lexical Ceitral. FATAT. CYCLONE AT BMADSTOXE. Special by California associated Press. York, Neb., June 4. Five people were killed and between thirty and forty injured by a cyclone at Brad stan la:t night A heavy fall of hail and rain accompanied the cyclone. The storm came up with frightful rap idity and the place was in ruins before the people had time to think of seek ing places of safety. All the business portion of the town was demolished and residences unroofed or reduced to ruins. Hep Prospect In New Vorlc. 3iecial to TUK ASTOKIAX.l New Yobk, June 4. A prominent hop dealer who has jnst returned from the New York hop district, says the vines are in better condition than for many years. There is no general com plaint made of trouble, although some reports of blight are heard. The acreage is less than last year. The new crop will undoubtedly be stiff. EHg-liuh ITf ermoH f er Utab. Special to Thk Astoria.;. New York, June 4. About 120 Mormons arrived this morning from Liverpool en route to Utah. Their names and addresses were taken by chief contract labor inspector Mul holland, and the case will bo brought to decide if Mormons can come here in violation of the alien contract law. Railroaders want Wore Pay. Special to Tiik Astorian 1 Columbus, June 4. The employees of the Consolidated Hallway, 250 in number, have struck for an advance in wages. Boston Is Whitewashed. Sped a z The Astoria. Philadelphia, June 4. All the Boston Nationals could capture to-day in each inning, was a basket of eggs, while the Quakers managed to get seven men over the plate. The Smoky City Wins. Sp-cial in THK ASTOKIAK.l PrrTSBUBQ, June 4. The home National club won to-day with little trouble from Chicago. Score, 5 to 1. Hugli Farrar Dead. Special to Thk Astorian. New York, June 4. Hugh Farrar McDermott, the poet, once the editor of the Alta California, and a well known Irish patriot is dead, aged 57. Almost a Whitewash. Special lo TlIK Astorian. New York, June 4. Brooklyn, by hard work escaped whitewash, and New York Nationals won by 4 to 1. Accident to a Cattle Train. Special to l iik AsT.nti v.v.l Chicago, June 4. A fust stock train on the Illinois Central, with seven cars whs thrown iu a washout ut Ackey this morning, and over one hundred head of stock were killed. MURDER AND NIIICIDE. A Paralyzed Mother a Witness. S,.nLil to The Astorian I New Orleans, June 4. A soldier shot his cousin, a girl of 17, then blew out his brains with the same revolver. Thegirl'8 mother was stricken with paralysis, unable to interfere and was compelled to remain alone with the dead for ten hours, before the crime was discovered. Illinois Democrats. Special to The Astorian. Springfield. 111.. June 5. -The Democratic state convention in session to-day, nominated Judge E. S. Wilson for state treasurer, Henry Raab for state superintendent for public insti tutions, ana endorsed ueneral ir aimer for United States senator. A letter of regret from ex-president Cleveland, was read amid enthusiasm and cheer ing. THE DEAD PRELATE. Funeral Services off Bishop O'Ceaner. Special to The Astoria. Omaha, June 4. The last rites for the late Bishop James O'Connor were held to-day, and he was intered in the final resting place in the crypt. The services lasted from 9 o'clock until noon and were participated in by a number of prominent Catholics from all parts of the country. 4 RAILROAD ON TRIAL. Per Violation of Inter-State Commerce Law. Special to Thk Astorian. Chicago. June 4. The cases against the officials of the Michigan Central road, for violation of the inter-state commerce law. will come up for trial next week. The cases, will assume gigantic proportions. An old Michi gan central omciai, to-day saw. n $500,000 would clear them they will nay it if not they will fight the con stitutionality of the law in the highest court. Kindred Park. Ifyou are seeking an investment whereby you can double and treble your raoneyjn a short tim, do not fail to buy in Kindred Park. Call early, examine this Property and buy a few lota before the prices .advance. Lots at present are only $125 and $150. Terms: Half cash, and balance in three months. I! ANOTHER BIG DEAL. Atchison and IWexiean Central. Special to The astorian. Boston, June 4. Railroad circles here to-day are excited over the rumors of another gigantic consolida tion which puts the St Louis and San Francisco deal in the shade. It's again the Atchison and this time it is believed that Boston's two great in vestments, the Atchison and Mexican Central are the principals. Director Magoun of the latter com pany originated speculation on the subject by saying that his road would shortly follow up the policy shown in the St. Louis purchase by another and still more important deal. This after noon at the closing hours the street was startled by a story of Mexican amalgamation. This was added to by the knowledge of president L. C Wade of the central's election as a director of the Atchison. The fact that Atchison paid Mexican Central securities to-day has been ctt plained on various bases but the Atch ison deal is the only one accepted. Financial articles in the afternoon pa pers all speak seriously of the deal and point out how easy it would be to bring the two great Boston properties together. Mexican 5s would be retired and it would be Atchison 4s against Mex can 4s, and Atchison incomes against Mexican incomes and stock against stock. A DOUBLE THIEF. Stole Bank Funds and Another Man's Wife. Special to The astorian. Louisville, June 4 Franc Mcll vain, bank cashier of Sulphur, Ky., has disappeared with Mrs. John Wat kins, wife of the hotel keeper at that point Mcllvain is said to be short 10,000. JUSTICE AND CONSTABLE. The Official Count for To wash I p OMcpim. The result of Monday's election for the jnstico of the peace and for con stable as reported by the official board who canvassed the votes on Wednes day is here given by precincts. ASTORIA JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. A. A. Clevelaud, precincts one to five, 228, 211, 202, 81, 7G, total 798. C. H. Stockton, precincts one to five, 226, 214, 201, 54, 70, total 765. C. A. May, precincts one to five, 28, 48, 25, 2. 4, total 107. Cleveland's plurality, 33. JOHN DAY. For Justice, P. Titus, 3; J. Turpie, 14; Turpie's majority, 11. For constable, IL Lewis, 15; J. Lewis, 2; H. Lewis' majority, 13. ASTORIA CONSTABLE. Fred Oberg, precinct one to,rive, 233, 233, 216, 92, 96, total 870. John W. Welch, precinct one to five, 247, 239, 214, 43, 53, total 796. Oberg'a majority, 74. 1IEAU CHEEK. For justice, J. M. dfley 5; E. Cm 23; Coe's majority, 18. For constable, J. O. Church. 3; J. N Coffey, 19; J. T. Coffey, 2. J.N. Cof fey' majority 1-L FISmiUVK. For justice, J. Walker H, I N. F.h ter 13, Walker's mijoritv 5. For constable C. OUen 18 11 .l Wooden 9. Olsen's majority 9. KNAPPA. For justice, F. W. Mitchell 51, It Teachout 1. Mitchell's majority 5 J. For constable, T. P. Norman 51, It. P. Kuapp 1. Norman's majority 53. WESTPOItT. For justice, W. T. K033 6. For constable, M. Gorman 4. SEASIDE. For justice, L. D. Coffman 30, J. Williamson 21. Coffman's majority 9. For constable, W. J. Eberman 43. CLATSOP. For justice, C. B. Smith 1. VESPER. For justice, F. Lousignont, 4; P. Wanstrom. 25; Wanstrom's majority, 21. For constable, J. Sherbeck, 6; T. Berg, 22; Berg's majority, 16. MLSHAWAKA. For justice, H. W. Burchard, 16; H. M Spencer, 13; T. O'Connor. 20; O'Connor's majority, 4. For constable, W. E. Herrick, 29; A. A. Anderson, 14; E. Moore, 3; Her rick's majority, 12. young's river. For justice, C. Peterson, 36. For constable, J. Walker. 31. NERVC-PAIN8. Cures Neuralgia. Neuralgia. Neuralgia. Point, H. Y., AprU. 16, 1889. 8 wun neoiwcu; a nau lUcorA ae: bo mora of stare a0" " o IBnT orillacl. cue It did mat mMhtlrcure. Q. JAY TOMPKINS, DngftL Island. V. Y, Feb. 11, im IMsTM WUh.SHMdsl. la tb. kMd.Bsst i JaaoH oil, walca euMd me. X. P. 1ELLINGXR, Chief Of Folk m SVrarmiDb&r A YOUTHFUL UNION. California Boys and Girls Organize APacter'sani Dryer's Union. EXOIXEER IUXX I'AXISItEIt. Special by tho California Associated Press. Portland, June 4. The Republi can state central committee concedes Pennoyer's ejection by 3,200 majority, and claim a mnjoritv "for Hermann, of 8,500. A YOUTHFUL IJMO. California Beys and. CSirK ITfeau Baslaes. Special to The Astorian 1 Woodland, Jnne4. One hundred boys and girls of this place, met to-day to organize a boys and girls co-operative fruit canning and drying union. The union proposed to commence business at once, and is promised the assistance of our fruit men and citi zens generally. The members of the union range in age from 12 to 19 years. They propose to manage their busi ness, and divide the profits according to the labor contributed by the mem bers. The organization, it is thought, will have three hundred members within a month and will be prepared to contract with frnit men and raisin growers, to f nrnisli labor in pnekin g and boxing grapes, etc. FROSI POLK COUNTY. A Bitter Political Contest. Specul to Thk Asrogux Independence, June 3. The couunty ticket is all Democrat, except county clerk and Wells, sheriff. The contest over the county commissioners was the bitterest ever known iu the count'. McBee favored building a now court house nt Dallas, while Simpson did not Simpson was elected by nearly 200 majority. Thousands of dollars were spent to elect McBee. At Dallas, several street fights occurred, and one Inde pendence man had a broken nose. FIRE AT DACRETT. Lift! eff L.OSM69 aiitl the Invurauce. Special to The AsrouiAN.l Calico, CaL, June 4 A fire broke out in tho lodging apartment of the Capitol hotel at Daggett, at 12 o'clock a. M., and rapidly spread over the business portion of the town. The loss and insurance is as follews: A. J. Johnson, on general merchan dize and building S6,000, insurance unknown; Henry BohJen, hotel, $6,000, insurance $1,000; Sutcliffe & Quinn, Saloon, $2,500, insurance $900; S. Norton, general merchandize, $3,500, insurance 32,000; Jehn: MeoUin dwell ing $500, insurance $300; M. Medlin, building, $1,000; Grover&Mier, gen eral merchandize. $8,000; Nate Johnson $3,000; Win. Burt, saloon, S5,000;Bar ret & Desmett, building, $250; A. Green, building, $200; SnUiffe & Kelley, butchers, $1,000, all insured. Iiidlaitv ou the War Path. Specl.il toTiiK Asrui x 1 Tucson, Ariz , Jmu I -L'awj Mex icans have just come in, .saying they were driven into the city by Indians who attacked them nine mile from Tucson. They secreted themselves in rocks and then made their escape. It Is feared the Indians have attacked a ranch near there, killing the in mates. A Family ITturdcred. Siwc al to The Asioician.! Tocson, A. T., June 4. A Mexican bronght word to-day of the killing of a man and his five children, five miles from Pauata, 30 niles east of here yes terday. He reports finding the fam ily murdered. He came to the city to inform. A Mexican who owns a ranch 1 near tlie scene of the killing. sas some doubts exist as to the reliability of the report Proposed Construction of Steam ers ferthePacifc Ocean. Special to Tub astouianJ San Fkancisco, June 4. It is rum ored in shipping circles, that Spreck els Bros, contemplate-the construction of three 5,000-ton steamers, for the Australian service, providing congress pass the bounty bill. The vessels are proposed to be built in accordance with the naval regulations, to be so constructed that they can be utilized as cruisers in case of war. The speed of the vessels will be not less than 18 knots per hour. It is also understood that in the event of the passage of the bill mentioned, the Pacific Mail will build at least four new steamers for the Chilian and Peruvian trade. Killed by tlie Cars. Special to The Astorian. San Fbanotsco, June 4. John Munster was killed to-day by the fun eral train of the Southern Pacific Company nt Fifth and Townsend streets. Munster was backing his team out of the tool warehouse, and just as the wagon had been run out to the rails, the train struck the back of the truck. Munster was knocked from his seat to the ground, and was I run over oy tne Horses. Me was car ried into a house and died about an hour later. He leaves a widow and eight children. CANNOT FIND DUNN. Tfce misslar.. Eagiaeer Caagat. t yet Oakland, June 4. SheriffHate has returned from Boulder Creek, where he went in search of Dunn, the engin eer of the train that went down Fri day. He could find no trace of the missing man. Mrs. Dunn, who is nearly distracted with grief and' anxiety, said she had not seen her hus band since the disaster, and had no word of him. She did not know where he was. Vigilant inquiry in the neighborhood; confirmed her re port There, is a rumor current that he shipped for South America but it lacks confirmation. Northern Industrial Exposition. Special to The AstoriasJ Spokane Fatls, June 4. At a meet-' mg of stockholders of the Northwest industrial exposition, fifteen directors were elected. The committee on sub scriptions reported $52,500 raised. The Elect loa Relanu. Owing to an accident the tabulated election returns do not appear on this page as stated in the local item. MARRIED ON VERY SHORT NOTICE. Two Montana Misers Who Came Chicago in Search of Wives. to The next Montana miner who regis ters at Gore's hotel, says the Chicago Tribune of May 23rd, will be under surveillance from the time he enters the house until he goes away. Tues day afternoon two plainly dressed men, with pronounced western man ners, registered as "H. B.Swan and W. Cotton, Butte City, Mont" They were assigned a good double room and stated that they would be in the city for a month at least "We are on a powerfully impor tant errand," said Mr. Cotton, "and we can't just tell when we'll get away." That afternoon the miner stopped one of the hall maids and asked where a "general" employment agency could be found. After a few words, Mr. Cotton confided his errand in this city to the girl, and in that way de scribed what ho meant by a "general" employment agency. "It's like this' he said. "Henry and I have been in the rough west for nigh onto twenty-five years. We got a little money, but it don't do us any good so long as we are lonesome. We live alone. See?" The girl blushed, and throwing down her broom told the stranger to go on with his tale of woe. "You ain't interested yourself, are you?" asked Mr. Cotton. "I reckon I not, but you are just hearing me as a f part of your "Work to make the guests feel at home. O, this is not the first time I've traveled. Well, to go on, Henry and I have good homes near Butte. We have a few thousand dol lars and there is more coming. Now, we made up our minds we would come to Chicago, round up these employ ment agencies that I heard so much of, and each bring home a wife. If she can't love as at first perhaps she can cook. There, I've told you what I came here for. Now if you can send us to an employment agency, or, bet ter still, send us two girls who are willing to try a go at marriage, why I'll stake yon to a Cue dress for Sun das." "I think I can find two girls," an swered the maid, a3 she stooped to pick up the broom. "When?" asked the AVesterner. "To-morrow morning at 10 o'clock in the parlor down stairs." "Bully." The hardy old timers felt chagrined tne next morning when they went into the hotel parlor, but they had gone too far to back out They had been in the room only a few moments when the maid to whom one had talked the previous day and her companion en tered. Without using a line of poetry the maid declared that she and her companion were ready to take a new lease of life. The matches were made, and at 1030 the girls were in the of fice asking for their time. "Where are you going?" asked the housekeeper. "We are engaged to go out west." "Jn a hotel?" "No, in homes of our own. We are to be married at noon, and it is nearly 11 o'clock now, so good bye." - The licenses were secured, the couples were married and Thursday night they started for Montana. The f affair has literally torn the hotel up side down. "Why," said manager Laughlin last night, "a man from Montana came in this noon and every girl in the house is trying to wait on him. The next unmarried man from Montana will have to pay $8 a second to stop here. Te iAiU The two front rooms on the ground floor of the old Transcript building, corner of Main and Third street. In- Suire at Toum Talk office, next door to lackns' gallery. Coffee and cake, tpn cpnts. at the Central Restaurant. Thompson & Ross are handling the product of some of the Choicest Dairies, and can supply you with a No. 1 article of Butter or Cheese. f ing 4' mil POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes, A marvel ot turity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in cans. Koyal BAKINQ POWDKR CO. 108 Vall-St.. N. Y. Lkwis M. Johnson & Co., Agents, Port land. Oregon. Net Ms For Sent The conveniently located and commodious net racks known as tlie West Coast Packing Co.'s, can be rented on very reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to W. W. PARKER. Hill's Palace Varieties. Open Every Night. GEO. HILL, - - Sole Proprietor. NEW PEOPLE WEEKLY. Aim to Please Everybody. The only Free Show In Astoria. Wines. Liquors and Ci gars. Ice Celd Beer. Beit Quality. Lowest Prices. ASTORIAX JOB OFFICE. BARBOUR'S Irish Flax Threads HAVE NO EQUAL ! 22S2S& lJTO B95eifckkK??'kkkHkkEizS?!ir3kkkHu iOcCSftV V HOUSE FOUNDED? I78;C: J m JfTJjjCL GRAND PRIX PARIS 1878, AXD GRAND CROSS OF THE LEGIOJi D'HONNEDR. - - ' They received the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS at the Itondon Fisheries Exhibition 1883. And have been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS, Than the goods of any other IN THE WORLD, Always be Quality Can Experienced Fishermen Use no Oilier. HENRY DOYLE & CO.. !5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. WOODBERRY SEINE TWINE, HOPE and NET '.riNGr Constantly on Hand. SEINES, FOUNDS and TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Price. Kindred TJEING the Future Terminus of a Great a fine Deep "Water Frontage and come a Great City. Quite a number improvements are under way now, while this summer. Notice of Sale Under WarthfHft man's Lien. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the personal property heielnaftor it scribed, having been stored with m, tfe undersigned, on the 1st day ot March. INC In my warehouse In the city ot Astoria, Clat sop county, state of Oregon, and the smm having been by me safelv keDtr and"-store from said 1st day of March, 1&88, to this d and no part of the just and reasoaaJM charges for keeping and storing such erty. amounting to 87225 has been na w?n will at my warehouse room in the ctty ef AQtnrifi rmTittr ef Plafann atfita t same belnc situated at the norm ei Genevieve street. In said citv of Atni oa Thursday. June 12th, 1890, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. si. of said day.proceea and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for caeb In band, all or sufficient ot the following per sonal property to pay and satisfy sucfc sura of $722.25, amount due for such storage, as aforesaid, and the costs of sale, to-wit : 2. 893 salmon cases, each case coatalng 48 empty salmon cans. GEORGE FLAVEL. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this 19th day of May. 1890. MAISON DOBE! RESTAURANT. THE ONLY FRENCH RESTAURANT IN THECITX. It is the object to make the Malson Dor the best restaurant on the coast where the finest French meal can be had. Second St. East of Benton. C. FRAMCISCOVICH. Frepcieter. Sl-Pfunder's7 mi HEALTH RESTORER. USE IT! IT 13 THE IDEAI. MEDIOOm It routes the Liver and Kidneys and StOBMcfc, Cures I It-jdache. Dyspepsia, crcntes an Appe tite, Purities the Impure Blood, and Makes The "Weak Strong. Used everywhere. 91abottIetslxer9e -THE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAV HANSEN, Pro. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Flae Diamonds ?; Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Goods Boigkt at This EaUiUafcaeet Warranted Genuine. Watch anl Clock RepmirlBff A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets &!! Depended on. Park. "s Transcontinental Railroad, and k. good anchorage, is destined to b- of houses are beinir built and ruk a great many contemplate buikJW kjffyrii;i;iiiiii3l3HS rElKK5H2l!IBe maiiaiiHiiat.iimti,ciiiMwi VV;. HOWELL & GOODELL I ( SOWELL & GOODELL. Astoria, Or. v HOWELL & GOODELL. 5S3u5--