The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 04, 1890, Image 3

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ht gnilg gtorimt.
J. F.
Publishers and Proprietors.
Trws of Subscription.
Ner ed lir Carrier, per i eclc ...... 15 cts
Scut by Malt, per month r.octs
ni lijr Malt. on rear $7.00
Free of postage o subrnlt'r.
Tun ATomv guarantc s to it. adr
xior The largest ion of av mushi
jht published on the O'.m.liu mf.
Carl B. Iviup. the world's greatest
wonder,, at lovV opera lioue to-night.
The corner of Third ami Genevieve
streets js now nearly all torn up, and
looks like a street in Venice, "but it
lacks the gondolas.
Tickets at the New York Novelty
t-toro for the Carl King appearance
to-night- A unique, startling and
inexplicable performance.
The school children aie busy this
week with their examinations. Next
Frida w 11 give them and the faithful
teachers a well earned vacfc'on.
The Aberdeen Hi raid says: There
is a bur prize in store for the man who
can call the turn on the railroad cards
rs the are leiug shuttled for Grab's
Insufficient room in the Methodist
Episcopal church makes it necessary
to increase the size of the auditorium.
This will make needful the building of
a new parsonage.
Keal etate dealers were all cither
too much dcprcxMHl or too much
elated over election yesterday
for not a j-iugle deed was filed
for record, a decidedly unusual occur
rence. Six students from Bishop Scott's
grammar school will arrive this morn
ing to act :is pall bearers at the fu
neral or their late classmate, jtfnston
Parke MuHinix. from Grace church at
ten o'clock this morning.
Yesterday Andrew Melville was
tried in township court beforo Justice
May with assault with a deadly weapon
on .Lubco, found guilty and sentenced
to a fine of $50, or 25 days in jail. ITo
took the latter alternative.
T. B. Longhery some time ago is
sued checks for his famous cigars. No.
JJsXl, held by Geo. Goodell, yesterday
drew a hand-onie meerschaum pipe,
and No. 221 held by das. W. Hare, a
still finer one of the same species.
Before .Titbtice May yesterday there
was a civil suit brought by James Mc
Kevitt to recover S57.75, claimed to be
duo him from "W. A. Washer for ser
vices performed. The case was post
poned until to-morrow afternoon.
In Justice May's court yesterday,
Larry Sullivan was accused of assault
and batten.' on a man named Lubeck,
but the complaining witness failed to
appear, so the cobts were ordered to
be paid bv him, and Sullivan was not
Yesterday morning the express team
of Bullock and AVilsou look a lively
spin up Second street, and for a short
time looked as if it would demolish
everything in its way, but the team
was soon stopped with but slight
evening there will be a
musical entertainment at Bescuc hall,
under the auspices of the ladies of the
Congregational Church. Miss Hattie
Bitely will have charge of the musical
part of the programme, .followed by an
ice cream social. Admission free.
No. 2s horses are turned out to
grass; the Silsby is at Henry Sher
man's next to Tim Astoiuan office,
Rnd if the fire bell sounds the boys are
expected to man the ropes, all same as
old times. Whenever the street is
fixed the team will go into partner
ship again.
Says the Oicgenian: Over fifty
tons of salmon were taken in one day
si the Dalles last week and the people
had to -top the wheels as the fish
could not be taken care of. The
tlnrry did not last long and now only
enough fish to keep the cannery ruu
niug are being taken.
The "Willamette river on February
5, 1S90, was 25.7 feet above low water
mark, which is the highest point ever
readied. In 1SS1 the highest point
readied was 23.G feet, and in the whi
ter of 1SG1-2 reached 25.1 feet above
low water. The June rise in 187G
reached 2&2 feet above low water.
The Columbia bakery which has
just been opened by the Cooley Bro's,
is one of the neatest looking stores in
the city. Both of these gentlemen
are well known as experts at their
business, and will no doubt receive the
patronage whidi they deserve. The
Astoeiax wishes them success in their
new enterprise.
In the police court yesterday, be
fore Judge Jewctt, Albert Foster was
fined $2 for being intoxicated, William
Freaking was fined $5 for having in
dulged in fighting, and W. Noland,
who was wanted to answer to a charge
of disorderly conduct, failed to re
spond to the call of his name, and the
S10 he had deposited for his appear
ance, was declared forfeited.
An important change has been
made in the homestead and pre-emption
laws by the senate committee on
public lands. The claimant cannot
commute unless he has occupied the
land thirty montlis instead of six, as
provided for under the present laws.
This will prevent a large amount of
land from being taken and commuted
in six months for speculative pur
poses. An Extensive Tour.
Last November Mrs. L. B. Hunting
ton and Mrs. Laura Bowles started
from their home in Vermont and trav
eled westward with the intention of
shoeing all points of interest on the
way. They had a pleasant time com
iag toward tho setting sun, and en
joved. themselves several months in
California- TheyJiave been in this
cityaboBC two months on a visit to
tkeir brothers, W, W. and H. B. Parker,
adleave to-day for Portland, then visit
the dtiee on Paget sound, and go to
Victoria and 2?anaimo, From there
they will go to the Yellowstone na
oomI pw 3 eastward by the great
lakes, attending to reach their home
ia Vermont about the first or middle
ot JLvgwt.
Beets aad Shoes made to order, all
ReMlriHg neatly done at Tk. Joseph-
The RepnMcaus Elect all lint Sheriff,
Cleit Justice anil Constable.
pull j:i:tci:x.s itr phecixcth.
The completeness of the returns of
the election in yesterday morning's
Astokiax while usual, was in marked
contrast to the incomplete and meager
array of figures in its contemporaries.
The vole at Liberty hall, on which the
result in several cases hinged, was
given exclusively in Tnc Astoriax.
The count was completed in that pre
cinct at 5:15 a. m., and at 0 the com
plete returns from all but No. 8 were
made up and finished a few minutes
later than the usual edition.
The count in No. 3 was not finished
till 8:30. Dnring yesterday the few
precincts that The Asteria: had
failed to hear from by mail or special
messenger, were reported, and by
yesterday afternoon The Astoria
was able to bulletin the complete
result It is believed that in no other
county in tho state was the result of
Tuesday's election quicker or moro
neatly put in shape than in this office.
Tho total vote of tho count v last
Tuesdav was 2,702: Herman, 1,723;
Miller, l)Gl; Bruce, 18.
In 18S8 the total vote was 2,021.
The vote on congress would indi
cate a Republican majority of 714,
which is unlikely.
The wide range of individual opin
ion and influenco that is not strictly
political, is indicated by tho fluctua
tion of the vote, ranging from a ma
jority for McBride, tho Republican
candidate for district attorney, of 8G0,
to a majority for Smith, the Demo
cratic nominee for sheriff, of 319.
Probably on a strict party vote tho
county is 450 Republican majority.
Clatsop county gavo Hermann a ma
jority of 401 in November '88, and tho
Republican majority has slightly in
creased since then.
The result of tho election in this
county last Tuesday is a largo Re
publican majority for the stato ticket,
the election by the Republican? of tho
state senator, two reprcsantatives,
county judge, commissioner, recorder,
treasurer, assessor, schoolsuperinteud
cnt, surveyor and coroner. Tho Dem
ocrats i educed Thompson's majority,
and elected tho sheriff, county clerk,
and in Astoria tho justice and con
stable. Following is
The Total County Vote.
Hermann, congress, 1,723; Millar,
9G1; majority, 702.
Thompson, governor, 1,130; Pen
uojer, 1.218; majority, 182.
McBride, secretary of stale, 1,725;
Townsend, 914; majority. 731.
Mctschan, stato treasurer, 1,075:
Webb, 1,015; majority, CG0.
Bean, supremo judge, 1,092; Bon
ham, 955; majority, 797.
McElroy, state superintendent,
1,GS5; Leroy,9DS; majority, G87.
Baker, stato printer, 1,701; O'Brien,
995; majority, 709.
McBride, l,7Gl,Brockonbro ugh, 901
majority 800.
Fulton, state senator, 1,501, Kopp,
1,015, majority, 48G.
Welch, Fox, representatives, 1,105,
1,5G7; Smith, Morrison, 1,232, 870, ma
jority, 410.
McGuire, county judge, 1,135, Page,
1,179, majority, 250.
Carrnthers, county commissioner,
1,321, Sorensou, 1,27G. majority, 45.
Loughery, sheriff, 1,101, Smith,
l,iS3, majority, 319.
WTright, county clerk, 1,161; Tren
chard, 1,441; majority 280.
Dunbar, recorder, 1,5G0; Higgins,
1,055; majority 505.
Foard, treasurer, 1,G77; Bargmin,
928; majority 749.
Lindell, assessor, 1,339: Deal, 1202:
majority 187.
Shively. school supariutendent,
1,517; Coffey, 1,017; mijority, 500.
Thielsen, surveyor, 1,037; Grangar,
917; majority, 770.
Snrprenaut, coroner, 1,501; Frank
lin, 1,030; majority, 53 L
Stockton, justice of tho peaoa 7G5,
Cleveland 1 9a, majority 66.
Welch, constable, 825, Obarg, 893,
majority 71.
Mrs. J. W. Gearhart has returned
from a visit to Iowa.
Judge-elect McGuire was in the
city jesterdaj, receiving congratula
tions. Miss Dora Thirhach of San Fran
cisco is visiting Mrs. F. Sherman in
this city.
Miss Dora Thierhach, of San Fran
cisco, is iu tho city, and will spend tho
summer with Mrs. Sherman.
Mrs. J. S. Levy and son, of San
Francisco, arrived in tlio city yester
day on a visit to her daughter Mrs. S.
Lieutenant George Van Dusen has
finished up his business at Fort Canhy,
and leaves for the east this evening to
join his regiment at Governor's island,
New York
A. J. Brownlie, of Portland, superin
tendent of construction, of this dis
trict, of tbo light house service, came
down the river and will go toDestnic
tion island on tho Jfanzanita to su
perintend the landing of the material
for tho new iron light houso to bo
erected there.
For Sale.
A few choico lots In Hustler & Aiken's,
cheap. V. L. UiiLKXirAHT,
Ileal Estate Hroker.
Latet styles in Sateens, Braided Sets,
Buckles and other trimmings. Lessons
given 111 embroidery.
The largest stock of Strawberries In
the town, at 10 cents per box, at F. Ter
rell's Go to the San Francisco Gallery for
the finest Photographs and Tintypes.
01 ney Street
S2.50 per dozen for Cabinets at Shus
ter's. Thompson & Itoss are handling the
product of some of the Choicest Dairies,
and can supply you with a No. 1 article
of Butter or Cheese.
Pure French Candies at the Colum
bia Bakery.
For Fresh Bread and Cakes call at tho
Columbia Bakery.
For Fruit and Nuts of all kinds go to
the Columbia Bakery.
Leave orders at tho Columbia Bakery
for Bread and Cakes, to be delivered at
your door.
The Choicest Stock of French Can
dies and Fruits of all kinds at the Co
lumbia Bakery.
To-day, Fresh Cream Rolls and Cream
Squares at the Seaside Bakery.
Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned Trench Kids,
at P. J. Goodman's.
The Vote for Eara Candidate in Eaeii Pre
cinct Lat Monday.
astoria rr.ncixcr, xo. oxc
Liberty Hall: Hermann 329, Miller (
lUG: Thompson 2'ai, Pennoycr 'le'J: I
McBride 325, Towusond201;Metchau 06: Page, 48; Carrnthers, 82: Soren
322, Webb 206; Beau 325. Bonham SOn. 82: Lougherv, 38: Smith, 78;
202; McElroy 321, LoSoy, 20G; J Wright. 30: Trw-clianl, Si: Dunbar.
Baker 325, O'Brien 19'J; Mc- -53. Hii?irirM. 62: Foard. 67: Bermnan.
undo ah: Jirocuenorougii ji5; . 47: Lindell, 27: Dealv, 86;
Fulton 2S9, Ivopp 225; Welch 2.3. Fox i Cofiev. 53; Thielson. 58;
'1V Smith 24U, Alornaon 2U3; aic-j Snrnrenacr. 58: Franklin. 67.
Guiro 261. Page 255; Carrulhers
229. Sorcnson 200; Loughery
225, Smith 339: Wri:
230; Trcnchard, 2S5; Danbar,
1-TiTriTe OHO Ti'rtnfl 0i- TlnprrmiM I
22lTLindell7264; Deafv, 215; Shivclv,' ,
312; Coffey, 199; Thielson
,, 3J, ; (Jam-
ger, ISi; burprcuant, 'lib, Franklin,
22G; Stockton, 220; Cleveland, 22$:
Welch, 270; Obcrg, 2G2, May. 2a
astokia rnncixcx xo. 2.
Court house; Hermann :J17, Miller
213; Thompson 2o0, Pennovcr 277;
McJride330. Townsend 22-t;Melschnn
290, Webb 233: Beau 299,
Bonham 2-32; McElroy 300.
Lcroy 230; Baker 31 L O'Brien 217:
McBride 31 i, Brockcnborough 213:
Fulton 299, Kopp 220; Welch 2W.
Smith 291: Fox 299, Morrison 193;
McGuire 209, Page 207; Carrulhers
231; Sorcnson 2SS; Longhrev 19.$.
Smidt 320; Wright 195: " Tnn
chard 320; Dnnbar 237, Higgins 200;
Foard 290. Bergman 221; Lindell 207,
Dealy, 303; Shively 271. Coffey 213;
Thielsen 307, Granger 207: Surpreaant
291, Franklin 221; Stockton 21!.C1o7j)-
lanu zn; wcicn 'mv, vuerg 'JUL
Hermann 295, Miller 173; Thom pon
218, Pennoyer 218; McBride 297,
Townsend 172; Mctschan 29. WVbb
178; Bean 297, Bonham 172: McElrov
300, Le Boy 109; Baker 303, O'Brien
103; McBride 30L Brockonbrongh 103.
Fulton 2SL Kopp 1G5; Welch 2CS,
Fox 291; Morrison 122, Smith 210; Mc
Guiro 223, Page 223; Carrulhers 222,
Sorcnson 223: Lougherv 101, Smith
291; Wright 207, Trenchard 2tl; Dun
bar 209, Higgins 183; Foard 313, Bcrg
mau 133: Lindell 227.Dcal v 22 1: Shivclv
279, Coffey 1GS; Thielsen 301. Granger
118; Surprenant 300, Franklin UH-.
Stockton 201, Cleveland 02. Wolch
211, Oborg 21G.
astoria ii:iwisrr xo. 4.
Pacific Union cannery r
Hermann 91, Miller 01; Thompson
81, Pennovcr OS: McBrido 93, Town
send 00; Mctschan 92, Wobb 61: Bean
92, Bonham 01; McElrov 92, LcRoy
02; Baker 92, O'Brien 01; McBrido 93,
Brockenbroagh 39; Fulton S7, Kopp
GO; Welch 73, Fox .SG; Smith 79. Morri
son 51; McGuire Gl, Page J2; Carrnth
ern CA, Soreun 81: Longhory 3,
Smith 101; Wright 71, Trcnchard 71;
Dunbar 9L Hijjgins 32; Foard 102,
Bergman -13;" Lindell 81, Dealv 62:
Shively SB, Coffey 5G: Thielsen 90,
Granger 3G: Surprenant 9(5, Franklin
47; Stockton 51, Cleveland M: Welch
13, Oborg92. ;
Hermann 113, Milbr, 51, Bruc 2:
Thompson 93, Ponnojer 72; McBride
112, Townsend 53, Pierce 2; Mctchsn
111, WTebb 30. AVnlker 2: Bean 112,
Bonham 33: McElroy 113, LtvRoy 31
j .Tory 2; Baker 110; OBncn 37; .Mc
Brido 113.Brockenborou'ih52; Fulton
102, Kopp 02, Lvman 2;
Welch 93, Smith 70; Fox 113,
Morrison 47, Dow 1, Smith 2:
McGuiro 87, Page 70; Carrulhers 80.
Sorensou 7S, Stafford 2; Loughery 71.
Smidt 93, Michaelsou 2; Wright 09,
Trenchard 97, Hillback 1; Dunbar 97,
Higgins G9; Foard 123, Bergman 41,
Adair 2; Lindell 110, Dealv 53. Young
2; Shively 112, Coffey 3L McCormac
2; Thielson 112, Granger 33: Surpren
ant 113, Franklin 33; Stockton 70.
Cleveland 70; Welch 33, Obarg 93,
Herman, 03, Miller. 27; Thompson,
01, Fenuojer. 2S; McBrido, GO. Town
soud. 2G; Mctschan, G3, Webb. 27; Bean,
G3, Bonham. 27; McElrov, 03, Tie Bov,
27; Baker, G5, O'Brien, 27; McBride,
OS. Brockenbrough, 23.
C. AY. Fulton, 50. John Kopp. 3J;
J. Wr. Welch, 50, John Fox, 03; John
H. Smith, 32, K. J. Morrison, 20; C. A
McGuire. 01, C. H. Page, 32; Car
rnthers, 02, C. 11. Sorensou. 20: C. W.
Loughrcv, GO, H. Smith, 22; E. W.
Wright, 51, C. J. Trenchard, 37: Dun
bar, GO, Higgins, 29; Foard, GG: Berg
man, 23; Lindell, 03, Dealv, 27; Shivolv.
52, Coffey, 31; Thielsen, G3, Granger,
20; Surprenant, 43, Franklin. 12.
wzsttort riiEcixcr.
There were soventy-one votes cast at
Westport prcciuct Miilerl3, Hermann
57,Bruce 1; Pennoyer 18, Thompson 53;
Townsend 15, G. W. McBrido 50
Webb 10, Metschan 55: Bonham 10.
Bean 51; Lo Boy 10, McElroy 53;
O'Brien 17, Baker 53; Brockenbrough 8
T. A. McBrido 02; Fulton 1$, Kopp 12:
Weloh 22, Fox 43, Smith 40, Morrison
13; McGuire 43, Page 1G; Carrnthers
40, Soronson, 14: Loughery 48, Smidt
12; AVnght 20, Trenchard 31; Dunbar
33, Higgins 21: Foard 33. Bergman 21;
Shivoly 43 Coffey 13; Lindell 47;
Dealoy 12, Thielsen, 4G, Granger 13,
Surprenant 42, Franklin 17.
Hermann 10G. Miller 19. Bruce 7;
Thompson 91 Pennoyer 30; McBride
99, Townsend 23, Pierce 7; Mctschan
100, Wobb 23, Walker 7: Bean 100,
Bonham 20; McElroy 99, Lo Boy 20,
Jory 7; Baker 99; O'Brien 33; McBrido
101, Brockcnborough 23; Fulton 97,
Kepp23: LymauS; Welch S9; Smith 27;
Fox 90, Morrison 39, Dow 4, Smith 7;
McGuiro 97, Page 2S; Carruther0 97.
Sorenson 24, Stafford G; Lougherv 90
Smidt 30, MichaoLson 4; WTright 97,
Trenchard 23, Hillback 4; Duubar
93, Higgins 31; Foard 100, Bergman
24, Adair 1; Lindell 97, Dealv 21
Young G; Shively 93, Coffey 23, Mc
Cormac G; Thielson 97, Granger 2G;
Surprenant 91, Franklin 32.
Hermann 45, Miller 28, Brace 2;
Thompson 40, Pennoyer 33; McBrido
44, Townsend 29. Pierce 2; Metschan
44, Webb 29, Walker 2; Bean 45, Ben
ham 30; XcElroy 40, LeEoy 28, Jory
2; Baker 40, O'Brien 33; McBrido 41,
Brockenborough 30; Fulton 34, Kopp
31, Lyman 2; Welch 39 Smith 30,
Dow 1; Fox -10, Morrison 27, Smith 2;
McGuiro GO, Page 9; Carruthcrs 42,
Sorenson 27, Stafford 2; Loughery, 32,
Smidt "30, Michelson 2; Wright 23,
Trenchard 44, Hilbaoh 1: Dnnbar 42,
Hicrcins 29: Foard 43. Bergman 27,
Adair 2; Lindell 42, Dealy 20, Young
2: Shively 40, Coffey 29, McCormac 2;
Thiolsen 41, Granger 23; Surprenant
42, Franklin 29; Ckiffman 30, Williiuis
'11, Jioennan vi.
Hermann 59, Miller 33; Thompson
41. Pennover 51: McBride 5S, Town-
send 33; Metechan 58, Webb 33; Beanv
59, Bonham 6i: mcuiroy oa, jueroy oo;
Baker 5S, O'Brien 35; McBrido 59,!
Brockenbrough 2a; Jtruton ot jvopp
47; "Welch 38, Fox 36; Smith 50, Morri
son 30; McGuire 39, Page 45; Car
rnthers 28, Soreneon 55; Ixraghery 28,
Smith 59; Wright 34, Trenchard 50;
Dunbtir 52, Higgins 31; Foard 51,
Bergman 32; Lindoll 46, Dealy 34;
Shively 48, Coffey 34; Thielsen 52,
Granger 81; Surprenant 32, Frank-hn'52.
MiJ'J -J" " --l-M 'Kt! L.
young s iuvrr riiEccctT.
Hermann 5fi, Miller GO; Tkornpsoi
37. Pern wor 75: McBride 56 Town
s-nd G. Mefcehau 54, Webb 62; Be-in
55. lonh unGl; McElrov 5-, Isorov 5;
Baker 55, O'Brien CI; McBride 50.
Welch 32, Fox 66,
S. Morrison 4H; McGnire
bfaivelv. ofo;
Granger. 56:
37, onkam 22: 3IcElroy 32 LeRoy
" ",-"'.S .'"' ",""V, . iSS." &
Jirockcnboroueu n; r niton .e:
Kopp 21: Welch 20. Smith
21; Fox 32. Morrison 21:
McGuire 43. Page 13; Carrnthers 30.
Sorcnson 21: Lougherv 39, Smidt IS;
Wright 11 Trenchard 42: Dunbar 30,
Higgings23; Foard 33, Bergman 22;
Lindell 31, Dealv 2 h Shively 19,
Coffey 37: Thielsen 3S, Grangei 21;
Surprenant 3S, Frankliu 21.
Hernial:. 49: Miller, 13: Thomnmu, 3S:
Pennovcr, 23: McBride. 49: Town
send, "33: Metechan, 49; Webb. 13:
Bean, 19: Bonham. 13: McElrov, 18;
LvKoy, li: Baker. 49; O'Brien, 13;
McBride. 19: Brockenbroujib. 13;
Fulton, 48: Kopp, 12; Welch. 3; Fox,
48: Smith, 17: Morrison, li: McGuire.
48: Pngt 12: Cnrmtherp, 18: Soren
son. 12; Longhroy, 44): Smidt, 20;
Wright, 33: Trcnchard. 23: Duubar.
49; Higgins, 11: Foard, 47: Bergman,
13; Lindell, 43: Dealv, 15: Shivclv. IS:
Coffey, 12: Thickon, 48: Granger. 12;
Surprenant, IS; Fra lklri, 12.
Hermann 39, Miller 32. Thompson
27, Pennoyer il: McBrido 33, Towns
end 31; Metcnan 37. Webb 31; Bean
37, Boiuiam 3i: McElroy 40, Lerov
31; Baker 37, O'Brien 32; McBride 3 .
Brockenbrough 32: Fulton 33. Kopp
31; Welch 33. Fox 33: Smith 10, Mor
rison 18; 3EcCta:ro 29. Page 1: Car
rnthers 33, Huron cu 32: Longiior 32,
Smith 49: Wright 21, Trcnchard 50:
Dnubar 10, Higgins 31: Foard "
Bergman 30: Shivch 37, C0AV3 31:
Thielsen 37, Granjrcr 31: Snrprenaut
37. Franklin 31
sons rYs ruBriKCT.
Hemnnn 27, Miller 8: Thorn paon
23, ?cf.iincr 10: MeBndc Towns
end 7; Mctaeltan 27. Wobb 8: Ifcan 27.
Bonl:a:n 8; McElro 27. Lert S;
Baker 29, O'Brien 0: McBride '
Brockenbrough 5; Fallon IW. Kopp 3:
Welch 17. Fox is: S-aiU 17, !orrisnn
17; idcGnirc 2J, Page 12: Carrulhers
23, Sorcnson 12: Lougherv 2s?. Smith
8: Wright 17. Trenchard 'IS: Dnnlmr
23. Higgins 12: Ftard 20, Bergman 9:
Lindell 17, Daily 17: Shively 9. Coffey
20; Thielson 23, Granger 12: Surpren
ant 19, Franklin 10.
fcerra:.n, 23: Miller. 5: Thompson,
25; Pcnnojor. 5: McBride, 2(5: Town
send, 5: Metschan. 20: Webb. 5: Be.iu.
20; Bonhr.m, 5: McElroy. 2i: Ij'roy,
5; Baker, 25: O'Brien. 5: McBride. 20.
Brockenbrough 4; Fallon 21, Kopp 0:
Welch 21, Fox 20: Smith 12, Morrison
5: McGuire 20, Page 5; Cerrulhors 20,
Sorenson 5: Loughci 2-3. Smith 5:
Wright 21, Tccnchanl 9: Dunbar 2(!.
Higgins 5; lwid 23, 33crgroan 5:
Lindell 22. leuW 9; Shively 13. Cof
fey 10; ThMgen 26, Granger 5: Sur
pienant 25. Franklin 5.
.loha Sheilmk Hotly FhJ.
Tiie Jxdy of John "Sherlock, wlto
was drowned frrgii the steamer Jionis
Olsen about two weeks ago, was found Monday near Eureka. The body
had on it a watch nith the name of
James Kynn engmved thereon. The
men who found tho ImxIv thought, of
course, that it wab the body of a man
of that name. Van Cook, of Clifton,
happened over there and seeing the
watch remembered that Jus. ltynn,
who was formerly in Wm. T. Coleman
ifc Go's bank here, liad gone lo Tilla
mooJ:. Patting ono fact and another
to gether. iL was dclerniinod that llc
body w.-w tliat of Jno. Sherlock, for ilic
recovery of which a reward of $100
has been ofTerod in Tres Asvoriak.
Ia our lorciathcni !', lucaptcs were a
tributctl to 2teos$el WooCL D:t :aoIcra
medicine has Jenoartrelc.1 tjat rith i'hoU
dos3 :iot ereatc orjptioas br lotttin;; tho
blo&I, but re'r.rCs digestion, vrhicli akc3
ttio sioaiacii t. il 1, an 1 tho circulation
slajjSisb, aa'l i i t i"i rauses a.: earccblcd
cctloa of the o?c3 v. hich eoascct orbecona
pinipV- T!:o modem theory J rereforc i i not
to treat t'ae 1! , tn:t the ?toaa 'i and liver,
and it is ucdr V,l iicat idea, itiat Jot'b Veca
tablc S.we3ra"I2 wai eo::ccive.l. It i : v. ip
Ins the old '' "xkI disease" idea ojt of ex
istence. A(K ill peii.t: "I I ao 1ml for
rcas; spoils ol i Jd'c&tau cad dyspepsia aad
trict ncarlr c orj'tliiag ri.uilly I toot oae
ol tbo Icidin.t a-'-aparfllaw. It t aiwel pim
nle.1 to brea": oat on inv fare, whicix I
ira-i told "vrcs causcl by tfce itotasli. Iltarias
Kiat Joy's VesCtaWeSarssiMHriilaui 1 n A eoa
lala mineral, I viat for iL Too pimples dis
appeared and I have bid in n:t:ni of t'ae
iM cpelbs. 11 is a euro f jr ir Jisestion ond
fjipo:si and tho aMeadant fa-x e.-:v.!-i.'
ilss.r. r.LT.-i .-.
U21 IL'adou J-:rei .. 3. .
M ii'd Header Carl Kins.
At the Marqnam Grand last even
ing this gentleman gavo 1m final en
tertainment to a delighted audience,
who applauded to tiic echo his marvel
ous mind reading exhibition. His
powers are certainly mystifying in the
cxtrome. aud ho is undoubtedly a
physchological wonder.- Yesterday'
Oregon ian.
Ml tiic Choicest Delicacies, made by
only lir-t-class men at the Seaside
fiood Goods and low rates at the .S-a-idl
The SSt:h::cr ETclipse.
Will make regular trips lo Knappa
and Swcnsen's Landing, leaving Knapra,and lciving Wilson A; Fish
er's dock at 2 l. m. For freight or ims
sage apply to the captain, on lioard.
t'iae 'I'al! Wine
Delivered at GO cents a galion, to ai.y
jurlufthe city. A fine line of pure
California wiiics at low prices, at A.
W. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
TeIcji!:oncLs!'.cns flousc.
Ccst Bctls in town. Ilonms per iight
Kiamt cus., per week si-no. ewanu
c'ei i. Private entrance.
A riai' .oi
Of Gooseberries received hy
son & Jtoss.
2Sca!s Cooiieil to Order.
Private rooni3 for ladies and families:
at Central Ilestaurant, next to Foard &
To ?.et.
The two front rooms en the ground
tloor of the old Transcript building,
corner of Main and Third street. In
quire at Toicii Talk office, next door to
liackus' gallery.
Ivuutt ami tiiM, 4-i hi i i-uir.
Central Kestaurant.
rrilr .. .1 am I. a .. ..r....r
at Uic
ght' .aan '-u"" rJ- """?"" my Head. Mioalilen JU.l arms; the skin
i ir -r;n 01. nu t uorsr. 1 lie unite eiis fell oonsi:iiti irons 1
yi3: ai, l'cnnoyerzi; auouncie o,j, woiild thicken and be red and er itchy. I
Utl : ALCCCUail oO. VlUIii: Jeuil ' i vnieK sni'i im-ru !i 'sciiciieti. 1
J -- "n flr7UhT
Sealy Skin
'' - """
. in, r . .! f 'ittrt hint if n.ri i jt
re , (',- j .suit M tfiti'ij.
!tn ut h m ntlrctts oftlollrt r
ti.r 'r.tbi". iit,ttt otfi ut
Gured fey Cutieura
ilv disease (ponasts) krst broke out on
niv teft chMK. sirtkadliHf across mr sios? ar.J
almost covering niv face, lx nut into niy
cyesnmi the ws alrrJd I would
we my evesight :Utojrether. Ir spread all
ovf-r ray head a:d my lia!- i f. !t out, until
I v a entirely b-tf d-he. ded : it then broke
out on my amis and s i uhler'.un:.! my arms
were int one ore. Ii cm ered inr entire
iKKly. my face. l;ead and shoulders being the
iVfter spf-atlim: m r. lemtlreils of dollar 1
uariiOK.iPffliit,?iiratc. I lsennl ot the
Cirrn-Licv Ki jii niis, ami .iRer iNnc two
bottles ("i"rccri:J:F.sox.vji-T I ioul.l ce
1 chanp" ; ami altor I hntl taken four lottles
I uxs:Untost cun: : ami when I had used
Mhottle of Cutktka 1:kscii;xt ami
one ho of Ci ciccua. and one eake of Cirr
icuiivSou'. I was cured or the dreadful
dlNea from v.hSch I li.ul ssillered for Rvc
ear. 1 thought the disease would leave a
erv deep scir. hut the CirrieuKV Kiuiis
inia curet it without anv scars. I rannot
express withaiKii what l suffereil before
uslnjc the Cirrirunv Kkmeiuhs. They
sncu my life, ami I feel it my duty to rec- U
oaiaiciiatliein. Mylntr is restored as good
as operand so is my ejestpht. I Know of
others who itave ree vl invt Iienellt from
their ue Mi:s. lttHA K1U.1.Y.
Ko;kwelI City. Iowa.
Cutic-jira Resolvent,
Then-v. ..lmt ami Mvin pm iKer and jrnpet
and Ik-' h lliiiiiurltemetli s, i.i:eriilly.ainl I
Clrn LK.thesreat Skin Cure, ami Cirri- 1
cuit Skin 15eai:tifler,cx- I
ternatly. cured thousands of cases
where Hie sneddtu of scales ineaffttnl a
nuart dadv. the skin cracked, hleediiur.
br.rtiii!!!. and Itchins almost he oud lininau
cidnraiiCi'. hair ltfel-s or .ill une, siijreriojj
terrible. "Vh.:t otlur renudies have made
sjcIi cures? ,
Sold e ernvliere 11 iee. Ci ttcl i: . ."A : 1
Soai',2.jc: Kksomknt.91. Vrepareilbv the
TIOX. liOsIOtl.
B-Send rc"I!ow to CureSMnDLseasesi,"
Gi i:i?e5,roi:iustrat ions ami 100 testimonial.
Q J tH PLUS. Mack lieadii, red.roictM h:ipod
i till and oily skin k "iited bj Ci iicoba
ucCk r.a".-.eV. kidney imiiis. wreak
Ptia VN rheumatism and museiit ir 1
alLsin and museiitir7T.QOJ R ?.Y n ripk
l in une minute lj U U 8 V h CvC I JO .
K t'Srt im.!" lciirrt
Sa a' 1 ( ttrv
The first .ind inl ii stantane.tiN ain-kdl-imtplis'er
Narrow Kecapr.
Yesterday as
boinir removetl
the pile driver a
from "tho end of I he
jcth ami bronght np to lle Y near
liieoffice. a man named Ole Aiwicrxim
v!m "was at work attempted lo Rlop j
acrass in frnl r the driver when his
foot caught on n nail. In falling, lie
liad prcence of raind enough to catch
lioid of Hie driver, nnd cling with a j
desnerale arrin. to prevent himself
from Jxing iuiuled under .and crnshetl
lo death.
Mr. II. ii. llegardt haw the man
slip and inrned his hcaii away so as
not to witness the crushing of Use poor
fellow, but as the engine was stoppexl.
was delighlod to find that titenmn
1i:m1 iK)t fallen under tlic wheels, lint
had saved himself by holding on.
His feet ami let.-, wtrc iuinml In 1
being hauled over the ties, bnt the
accident it forinnntel not ver
A Scrap riaper Save ii: lAfe
it just an ordinal scrap of wrap
ping iMvr, hilt it uttl her life. She
was in l lie l.i-st stage- if emHHiplion.
told by ph-ieia:is tha s', wa.-. inenra
lilc and c.mltl Hc 0:1 i a .short time;
she weiglnti U'- than enty iMiitnih?.
On a pier-.' of wrapping iHr slie reatl
of Dr. King's New Diseoiery. ami got a
san'ple JwJle: it helptnl her. sii lio:sghl
a larger Indlle. it lieljnil her mfn.
lio'.iglit another ami grew better fast,
continued its 11 e and is now strong,
healthy, rosy, plump, weighing l-R)
pounds. For fuller particulars send
stamp to W. it. Cole, Druggist, Fori
h'miln. Trial lloUles of this wonderful
Diseierj' IViV at J. V. Conn- Tthi5-
Vt'ili ir Here To-Xfcht.
Tiic eastern mind rcalcrs, Carl
King.-, invitation exhiintion of his
muni reading powers :tt the Palace
Hotel, Monday night was equal to Ir
ving Bisiiop's exhibition in the same
lino. Uc captured tlc inmates of that
hotel to such a degree that a Palace
party of forty-five lias been formed
and resened scats for his public iwr
formancc at Irving Hall on Wetlncs-
dav night.-
In Dnys if OM.
How many fanners in central Il
linois prospered, in lle gotxl old days
or .j0-'."7. Potatoes soul at 6 cents a
bushel, corn at 10 cents and butter
was used for nlc grease. A common
wool hat was worth S2.5U, nails 12
cents a pound, tea $1.25 brown sugar
10 cents, while hognd hominy could
not be given away scarcely." How
rich tho farmers were in tlioso days!
All they had to do was to shake with
t'ae ngnc and look pleasant. i'enria
Th.i i what joh ought to have. In
fact, yon niubt li.ive it. to fully enjoy
lire. Th'-iuundi arc searching for it
daily, and mounting because they find
it not. Tiiotwnmls iimn thousands of
dollar are speii. annually by our peo
ple in tin hoiH' lint they may attain
this boon. And jet it maj Ik Uy
all. Wcguaraiil e t at Electric lJitter.
if us l according to directions and the
iimj pcrai&ttwl in, will bring jou Good
Digestion and nasi the demon djipcp
siaand iitteail Eupcpsy. We recoin-
nii'nil iilcctrc i.iltert lor Jjyb'iepsia
nuilal! dtsen-icsof Ijier, .Stomaeh and
Kidntn n. Sold at 3c. and Sl.tXl icr bot
tle by A. "V. Conn. Druggibt.
The Stofit:m House Cigar.
Ihc La r.Uonia cigar and otiicr fine
brands of cigars: thelinol in the city,
at Charley 0 bun's, next to C. Ii. Conner.
Sonic of tho finest strawherrics to he
found in the state or out of it are from
La Du's gardens at rIonnt Coftin, and
are 'old by Thompson & Ilov.
Fruifc of the garden, I'rnits of the
field in great variety at Thompson '&
Freh Fruit received daily at P. Fcr
re!t. Tor a good Shave, go to P. t'crrell.
Tim latest siySe of GontsT J'ootB and
Sl'.e.e at 1 .1. Goor3Lo':.
Wfir:x:snift Ueer.
And Fiec Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents. t
Hcmcmbor the Austin house at the
Seaside is open the year 'round.
Prink Knickerbocker bottled lMcr.
Tlserc .Ire Some iticn ttoomi;.
Over the Jilikado candy store, suitable
for offices, for rent. Apply to Alex
All the patent medicines advert iscu
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles ctc can
he bought at the lowest prices at .1. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
. a.a..Wt-,-i'w
Diseases w 11111 11 H ! .
rr..-.. ipjif 2IIBII m iIiiIlliB3uP. 11111111 f
r- " mVA fflN (JfckiM m ySiH3B l3 ME3HH Blllllllil 1
SJiiSi - I IIKjilllfllliMi' iSvlflikj I
iPftMffl Bnliii
The "iieading
tlilS I Fur S arliee f I :s? QS I
For The
The fclsciion fs Over.
And it Iwlmves all lo for
irt the iK)ItttCl
Tn th mean time the
undersigned will not for
get to look t.i:t for the
people's wants, and be ar
al! times prepared to fnr
ni&h the linesi aefection
of gentlemen's garments
a; bis insaai ,reti5onakiiie
pi ices.
! he Live Clothier and Haiier.
Hi Use Occident Ilotd Brd'g.
.1 :Jn iJwtierson, Pit .
A. T. ISrake. Jlfur.
Notary 1'nblle..
Tin Pacilc Seal Estate Co.
Incorporated JIarcli20, 1S90.
Rcn.1 : uuil : ero:tri.l : I'roiicrty
I'ought and Sold on CoiamKnn.
Office on Thiol St., near the Central Hotel.
Correspondence Solicited,
Astoria. - Oregon
TiKIiftv and Abstract Oilicc
A complete hot ol Abstract Looks tor the
entire County alv.-js kept posted to dntc.
SxrcLilattenlion jslvenio jinictice in the
U. .i. tind Oflice, and the ex?emi:Uion cf
liiift titlfs."
Magce. Argand and Acorn
xv a 9 A S3 CJ
Cookinc and Heating,
For Sale.
and Ninth streets. lots rflxloo, all
&radcd. Inquire of VAN DUSEN & CO.
11 III 5
11 II ff Q
rf Inr-?
a S35 T 3 CnrHcr Tivelfl.1 :ut B. Telephone 12
II &iS?of8:BsOQ wtMtj,M,j!w .i-a .i , .
HarfB (cbttZf' Gb&n ifhmi
Bfiiia&flHH Hjti h u HHHH c;
uygisiii HiByiri
Is 50 'jylSlils el Idy
n fcS
rf 3 9 s s CL ft g iC3 .
m n .- s .. !-;
H.1 1
iii 'sa:
Dry Goods and Clotliing' JfcLouse of Astoria.
It nour
rips. It never squeak
than a hand tin n.
1A " P HlPaii
I ilflil 111 I1P9l1 SiQTP
UYi Acre-., close to riM'i a,d street car lire. Only ."500 per acre, for :i few days
onJj Svm e m lx made on tin-, property within three months.
lWimmS M? (m&xMft.
Otld Fellows' Building,
w w ,sy2ifii(ig:33iiafr (-435 m
Lots 1 Cases .
ram Are
v Tin
Astoria Beal
PRIM VROTl 150 TO $250 EACH. -
TKSSRi;- Onc-IIalf (.t-h; thelTalance m Six and Tw cl c Sfonths.
is the Choice of
Superior Paciiilics for SiippiIls, in Car Load Lots."
Orders for any quantity to ic directed to
H. vEII-JHABI), Portland. Oregon.
Ja? JLs H-M Jf&A v. I. siBiK Jlr
KEE'-fc. IN
nst Woolen Goods f r Suitings. All the Latest Styles
!I. buys T4r Oash at K-wtem Prtee. He ('nuiantccs tiie Best ArorkniansIun on alt
Garments. Call and see for onrself. llartli li'oclc. ASTOKIA, OK.
- :&&&&
J?il ClWWtailF TIT)
S.' s JL S. J..Jt2l)axa. JL?j
Cakrs, ujul t'jiie i onrectioHers. All rtlcrs Delivered.
mTu "0, 545
WB JL Wj&mj
oeotrpiES this space.
A- T. BRAKKS, IVigr.
County Coroner.
j?irst Glasa Undertaking
JJew St. !es. Caskets ai.d General maitr
reKt t AsTonrAK oUce.
ThtTt i no occasion for tr-e ft fastidi-oe-s
ol our eiti7 ns to senrt to lTtlaud or
S.Vit Francesco for
Custom lade -Clothes
As tiiey can K-t Better Fits. Bftter Woi
ni.iiisluo, aim for 'ess Jloiifj .
Bi Leavingthelc Orders with MilANl.
lievj Goods bv Evr
Call and ice him and satisfy yourself.
P. J ftSoany. Nercliant Tailor.
Thompson & Koss
Carry a Full Jane of
Ghoicg Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call and Se Convinced.
.e Oregon Bakery
A. A. CLEVELAND, Trop'r.
M Breai, Gab ii Pastry
None but tho E&t Materials Used.
Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers
Rread delivered In any part of the city.
f- .v.r..r. -
White Goods.
Plaid SasheSo
and Buttons.
It requires no bi caking in. More
Astoria, Oregon.
low 01 Sale
OFFicr or thi:
Estate Co.
Beer I
q Connoisseur.
P. O. Sox 405.
fo 2?3r::
n s, ir
)nl Estate Co.
Onlers Ueli'. crcd Free of Charge. Country
Orders solicited. Third Street.
next to Tioncer ofllce.
1. E BOOB AS & CO. . .
(Successors to)
Grroccries Produce."
Water fctrcer, Astoria, Oregon.
THLEPHOXi: NO. 7. - P. O. BOX 39
City Express Transfer Company.
H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller,
Headquarters at Main Street w Iiarf
A General Express and Delivery Business
Your patronaKO is solicited.
0. Dement.
Successor to W. E. Dement & Ce.
Carries Complete Stocks of
Drugs and Druggists' 3undri
Prescriptions Carcrmiy Cmm .-..
Agent lor I",,1
Mexican Salve and
Norwegian Pue Cw
A 4
- ii