The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 04, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. XXXIV, NO i:jl.
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W'JUTTTMfjfSSSSSSB km ifll'lr idHti lAMMf
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A Democratic Goycruor and a Ee
gtidican Legislate.
vrrUj The Culifornii Asocutfo Pkrss.
Portland, June !. Latest returns
from the entire state, itnlirute the
election of Penuoyer (Dem), for gov
ernor, by a small majority, bat Ke
jublican still express hopes Hint the
final return may change the result
The majority or llcnuanu for con-KTe-N
is etimatetl at 1..VH). The re
tnaiuilor of the Kejmblican state ticket
is undoubtedly elected, and the legis
lature will Ik? Republican by Iwo
tlnrvls. which insure tho re-eleclion
f Uiiited States senator Mitchell.
All II lU Yhoi:iioii.
lc4al loTllK ASTOKIA J
PoBn.vxn.JnnV 3. -It is now con
ceded by all that the Republicans elect
the entire stnte ticket, with the excep
tion of Gov. Pennoer. Republicans
claim tliat Ins election was by treach
trj of members of the Republican
party. Thompson, for governor, nm
telund the ticket in every precinct.
Front I'tnnt 11 In Oounly
Special to Thk Aitoki n.
Pkndlkton, dune o This county
ba pone overwhelmingly democratic
n majorities ranging from 200 to 800.
Gov. Penuoyer receives upwards of
SCO majority. Tho entire legislative,
district and county tickets are elected
by tho Democrats.
Neuih I'orlland Figure.
speciAl to Thk Xvtoki n
Portland, June 3. Complete re
turns from south Portland, No. 4, are
as follews: Thompson 131, Pennover
5. South Portland, No. 7: Thomp
son 421, Penuoyer 207. South Poit
land. No. 5, Thompson 1911, Pennover
Frem Jebcpkltie t'o.
pedanoTtiK Avroiu N.J
Grant's Pass, June 3. Josephine
county goes 29 minority for Republi
can governor and 1)3 majority for Re
pubhean congressman. Tlie county
officers are all Republican except the
cun clerk.
tinker Count)'". Vote.
Special to Till' Astokian.I
Bvkeu Gitv, June 3. Returns are
fill iu: Penuoyer governor, 250 major
ity. Baker county Dememocrats elect
the legislative ticket and joint senator.
The majority of the county Demo
cratic ticket ib elected.
A Few majorities.
Sin11 i Th i. vsi u: n.j
Portland. .Tune 3. Columbia
county, CIatkanine precinct, total
vote 207; majority, Hermanu 70,
Tbomrrou 03; McBride 1)1. Scap
poose precinct, majority, Hermann 1 1,
Thompson 1, McBride 37.
All Democrat it.
tKCJlt.TlIK -T.itl ..l
Noirrn Powder. Or. June 3. -Majorities
m North Powder; Miller 13,
Pennoyer .Vi. Totuiseml 15, Leroy IS,
O'Brien 5. Union, county seat 07
The State Ticket.
Special tiTiiE sToniAX.
Pokttand, June 3. Sherman
countv gives Pennoyer a majority of
77; Clackamas, 200; Linn, 050 to 700;
Benton. 200; Wasco, 300. The vote iu
Portland is being counted slowly, but
Pennoyer is steadily gaining. Chair
man lxtan almost conceded Thomp
son's defeat, but bays ho may still
Iwvc a fighting show. It is impos
sible to tell the result until evening,
but indications are that the entire Re
publican state ticket except Thomp
son, is elected by a big majority.
thk ;i:m:icai. iuisui.t.
I.atcl and ?Ieit Complete cux.
iecial to Thk Avroii ian.1
Ponn.vxD,Jnue 3. Sylvester Pen
noyer lias been re-elected governor,
wid has a majority of nearly 3,000.
Chairman Lotau, of the Republican
state neutral committee, concedes him
1,RX and attributes Thompson's de-
leat to the Tact that every scalawag iu
Ue state, who never did a day's work.
s opposed to a banker on general
principles. Secretnrv Moore gives
Pennoyer 3,000.
Chairman Goldsmith, of the Demo
cratic committee, estimates that
Pennoyers majority will bo
2,953, of which Linn county
will give him 700, Umatilla 800,
Wasco, 400; Jackson, 500; Lane, 250;
Benton, 275; Morrow, 300; Union,
300: Douglas, 150; Polk, 180; Sher
man and Coos. 75 each; Crook, Har
ney, Kalmath and Mather, 100 each;
Carry, Josepliine and Lake, 50 each.
He concedes that Thompson will have
400 in Multnomah, 117 in Marion, 100
eck in Baker, Clatsop, Grant, Tilla
aaook, Wallowa and Yamhill; 200 iu
Columbia, 100 in Washington, and 75
in Gilliam.
Thompson concedes his defeat by
2,500. This gubernationial election
settles a political feud of long stand
. In 1S79, Joseph Simon, exchair
m&n of the Republican state central
committee, was the regular Republi
can candidate for mayor, D. P. Thomp
Kindred Park.
THIS Fine Tract of Land adjoining New Astoria, is by far the most beautiful
site that has been placed on the market The lots are large, the streets
wide, and grand, broid avenues run through the entire tract. If you -ire
seeking a home where health and beauty are combined, come and buy yourself
son, who ran for governor, came out
as an independent candidate. When
the returns were counted, Simon had
a majority of nine, but it was after
ward discovered that ten votes had
been overlooked, and when they were
counted, Thompson had a majority of
Thompson was mayor of the city at
that time, but Simon beat him in the
convention for renomination. Simon
always had it in for Thompson for de
feating him for mayor, and has at last
had his revenge. Thompson defeated
him in the primaries recently, and got
the gubernatorial nomination.
promised to support him but did not
keep his word. On election day he
and his Hebrew friends came out with
an independent Republican ticket
headed by Pennoyer, and swung 1,500
votes from Thompson. Simon has at
last had his tovengo.
Mr. Thompson, in an interview to
night, attributed his defeat to tho sen
timent Pennoyer stirred up on tho
uon-taxablo bond issue. Ho says it
took like hot cakes with the fanners
and workingnieu. He says the Union
and Independent cost him 6,500 votes.
Ho said there was no doubt but tho
Democrats had sold out everything
for Pennoyer.
The whole Republican state ticket
is elected. Congressman Herman will
have between 8,000 and 10,000 major
ity. Chairman Goldsmith concedes
tho defeat of stale treasurer Webb by
from 500 to 800, but Metehan's major
ity will be fully 0,000.
Tho next legislature will stand, sen
ate 21 Republicans. 7 Democrats,
doubtful, 2.
House 39 Republicans, 19 Demo
crats, 2 doubtful; Republican major
ity in joint ballot, 14.
Tie Scolt Wife Murderer Case
Before tie "Unit.
Special b7 The California Asscite 1'rks3.
Svn Fiun'Cisco, June 3. At tho
meeting of tho World's fair committee
to-day, the report of the committee
was adopted, providing for a World's
fair convention in this city on Sept.
11 next, and fixing representation in
the convention as follews: Each
county fivo delegates; to call the or
ganization, two delegates: each news
paper iu the state, one delegate.
Ijs Angeles Figures.
Special t. Thk Astoki ks'x
Las Angeles, June 3. -The census
of tins city so fur as it has been com
pletod, shows b,Vl white boys, o,4S
gins, ijeiweuii u uuu 11 jeare "i uku; t
113 colored loa, 120 colored girls.
The births during the year wore 500
boys and 51 girls.
Particular or tkc Hotel Fire
Special to Thk AsioniAN.l
Helena, June 3. The Helena Min
ing exchange was incorporated this
morning. The incorporators are
among the heaviest mine operators
and owners of the state.
The damage to hotel Broadwater by
last night's fire w;is not over 82,000
and fully insured. The tire originated
in the basement from electric light
wires, and the damage was mostly by
the bad use of water, in the hands of
the panic stricken hotel help.
A Wealthy marriage.
Social to Thk Astobian.
San Fkancisco, Jnne 3. Herman
Oelrichs and Miss Theresa A. Fair,
daughter of senator James Q. Fair,
were married this evening. Mr.
Oelrichs is a 'resident of New York
and prominent iu socioty on both
sides of the Atlantic
A Case of Uncommon Interest.
Special to The Astobun.
MoMinville, Or., Juno 3. The
Scott case engrosses the interest of
the community. Some time ago peo
plo were startled with the news that
tho wife of Wm. Scott, an old and re
spected citizen of this county, had
committed suicide. At the coroner's
inquest, testimony was givon, which
implicated tho old man and the ver
dict was that sho had been killed by
her husband. At tho last session of
court, the case was continued. The
court began its session to-day and
this case is the first on the docket.
The entire day has been spent in an
attempt to procure a jury and upon
adjournment, eleven men had been
obtained. Soott was a devout Chris,
tian, and opinion is both divided as
to his guilt, or innocence. A Btrong
fight will be made by both sides, as
tho best attornys in the statohave
been retained by both the prosecution
and the defense.
Deatk of a Pkyslclan.
Special to Tub astokian.
Portland, Or., June 3. Dr. B.
Gleason, a well known physician,!
died to-day;
In Boston you must now take your
whisky as you do your beans seated.
This is not a fad. It is a stern reality
dictated by the edict of magisterial
Or tie District AttiwWillAM
To Yto Case.
Special by The Califeroia Associated Pbess.
Washwotox, June 3. The fol
lowing bills were reported favorably
to tho house to-day. The senate bill
for tka construction of a steam vessel
for uso on Puget sousd; senate bill
establishing ports of delivery in Alas
ka; and a house bill authorizing the
construction of a bridge over tho Co
lumbia river.
Senate bills providing for the pur-1
chase of 100,000 publio buildings
sites at Tacoma and Seattle were re
ported to tho house to-day, but the ap
portionment in each instance was re
duced to $75,000.
Better Answer tke Questions.
Special to Tub Astoki ah.J
Washington, Jane 2. Superinten
dent of the census Porter, after con
sultation with the attorney general
to-day, instructed all enumerators
when parsons decline to answer ques
tions, to lay the matter beforo district
attorneys for prosecution.
New Pestefflces.
Special to The ahtokian
Washington, Juno 3. New postof
ficos havo been established as follews:
Warner, San Juan county, with J. C.
Warner, postmaster; Woolev, Skagit
county, with Wm. W. Wooley, post
master. Patents Uraatesl Waskins;tsH
aut Oregon Inventors.
Special to The Astodian.1
Washington, Juno 3. Patents have
been granted to the following inven inven
eors: Washington Alfred and
Charles Worth, Seattle, spring attach
ment; Kels 8. Nelson, assignor of half
to J. Q. Weatherby, Aberdeen, snap
hook. Oregon Ben F. Fuller, Mo-
Minnville, elothea dryer.
Had Better Have Resigned
Spocli : The AvroniAX.
AVashington, Jumo 3. John S.
Bell, chief of the secret service, having
failed to comply with tho request for
his resignation, has been dismissed.
His successor has not yet beeu se
Japan to Be Represented at
World's Fair.
Special tolits Axiom an.
Washington, June 3. Gustavus
Goward, who at different times has
been secretary of legation at Tokio aud
Apia, to-day left this city with credeu-
tiHls ffoin tho stute department,
on ti
singular mission. He lias beeu desig
nated as special commissioner, to pro
ceed to Japan and arrange for a Japan
ese exhibit at the Chicago fair. He is
instructed to arrange for the exhibition
of Japaneso villages, including houses,
families, aud all domestic utensils,
.tools and workmen, to display the or
dinary trades and occupations in
Wlldntau Will Be Tamed.
Special toTuKAaroitiAs.l
Washington, June 3. R. Wildman,
editor of the Statesman was married
this afternoon to Miss Aldrich by
Boy. Dr. Douglass. The couplel
spend their honeymoon in California
whore the bride's ma live3.
JPunlskment Fits Ike Crime.
Special toTmc astokian.
Ciietnne, Wyo., June 3. Largo
numbers of cow eutfits tire camped at
Wendover, a hundred miles above
here, and receiving ovor the C fe N.
By., Texas cattle to bo drivou to Mon
tana. The cowboys havo instituted
summary and to this coantry new
punishment, for petty offences. This
evening they gavo one of their number
40 lashes on tho bare back with their
quirts for stealing a saddle. There
are no officers at the Jumping Off
Place, but so far the amount et law
lessness has been limited.
Tke Cottrell Case.
Special to Thk AbtObiax
Cedar Keys, Fla., June 3. The
Cottrell clique are jubilant From
trusty friends in Jacksonville it is
learned bail has been arranged for the
ex-mayor. He may now safely give
himself up. go through the formality
of giving bail and then retmrn horns
to intimidate all witnesses against
him. Many families will remove from
here, if Cottrell is allowed to give
bail. It is reported that collector
Pinkinton saya he will resign, and
leave the city.
Will Beatove or kill Hint.
Special ts Tub Astobian.1
Lttcxe Book, Ark., Juno 3. Judge
Hill of Pulaski county, in a letter to
day, accuses members of the grand
jury who have been charged with al
leged corruption and miasappropria-
tion of the county's funds, and says he
has been reliably lnronned that they
intend to oust hist from office, if in no
other way, then by assassination.
Cleveland. Defeated.
Special MT11 Astobiait.
CiiHVKXiAND, Juna 8. The Ciacin- i
nati Nationals won today's game by a
score of 5 to 8.
Kindred Park.
If yon are seeking an investment whereby you can double and treble your money in a short time, do
not fail to buy in Kindred Park. Call early, examine this Property and buy a few lots before the prices
advance. Lots at presant. are only $125 and $150. Terms: Half cash, and balance in three months.
Ah Extensive Land. Sale Coatem
, plated.
Special to The Astokian.I
Sao and Fox Agency, I. T., June 3.
The Cherokee commission of the
national council of the Sac nation,
to-day made an effort to give each
member of the tribe 160 acres, as an
allotment, of which half shall be in
alienable and untaxable 25 years, for
residence land. The amount to be
paid denends on where allotments are
J taken, and ranges from $100,000 to
4oo,uuu. ooc auu xoi naervuuuii
contains 480,000 acres, of which 84,000
will go as allotments to 20 Indians,
and tho balance, if the offer is accepted,
which seems probable, will be open to
white settlement.
The offer of commissioner is from SI
to 31,25 an acre. The Sao tribe has
already a million and a half in the
treasury, and if the offer is accepted,
will be very wealthy, probably the best
tribe in the territory, in appearance,
understanding and civilization.
A Strike Far Nine Hours.
Special t The Astokian.I
Meuphis, June 3. The carpenters
here will go out on a strike to-morrow
for nine hours a day.
The IiOUlsmna Lottery.
Special to Th AsToniAx.
Bismakck, N. D., June 3. The
Louisana lottery is again in tho field
and it is said the company will spend
85,000,000 to carry the legislature.
Desperate Snlclde.
SjiocJal to The A-stouun.I
St. Louis, Juno 3. Thomas P.
Tinas a Western Union operator sui-;
cided to-night by leaping from the
fourth-story window of a hotel on
Olive street He was arrested last
Saturday for alleged complicity in
wire tapping last Saturday and for an
alleged swindle in which pool rooms
were fleeced of 85,000. He was des
pondent in consequence.
A Record. Breaker.
Special to The Astohun
Princeton, Juno 3. To-day at
Lawrenceville W. C. Dohm broke
the inter-collegiate and American
records of fifty seconds for a quarter
mile by three-fifths of a second.
Heavy Failure.
ap.'(.Jaili)TUK ASIOKIAN.)
Shalopee, Minn., June 3. Michael
Summer, general merchant and miller,
assigned to-day. Liabilities $110,000,
assets S100.000.
New Gunboat Launched.
Spedil il he Astokian.I
Chester, Pa, June 2. The gun
boat Benninytun was launched at the
shipyard this noon, in the presence of
a large company. She is a twin com-
fianiuu to the CojicokI, which was
aunched a few months ago.
Judge Cate Endorsed.
Special to The Astouian.1
Little Bock, Ark., Jnne 3. At a
Democratic caucus, comprising the
first congressional district, to-day,
Judge Cate has been endorsed for
reuomiuatiou for congress. Cate was
ousted from the 51st congress by
Featherstone, who ran as an In
dependent Western Railroad Officials.
.i.-H.i.iiiuiiiK.isroKiAXl 1
Chicago, Juue 3. The onlv business ; " their bodies When the two
tnmsactedataraeetiugottheW'esteni."1,6" ere. !lsfc -'". U?lm& lwt
General Passenger Association to-dav, 011 llifm.
was the nppointmentof a cammittee to prlBUM, strike.
name a lyraaclioii Ex-Vi-, r.K AsrouiAV.!
Preaidout Goddard, of the Atcmson is rt T L . . . ,
most favorably spoken of. A. J I ChattanoogS June 3.-At Pomt-
knrlv nf llift St Pnul road, wiis tn-dav
appointed general mauager of that
t , -,, 1
A Fatal Explosion.
Special to Thk Astokian.I
Mansfield, Ohio, June 3. A
powder house coutaiuing two tons of
Sowder was struck by lightning to
ay which caused an explosion. Many
buildings were badly wrecked, two
dwellings being levelled to the
ground. A babe of Mr. Boost was in
stantly killed and the mother and the
other children blown a hundred feet
They Have Enoue;h for
a Starf
Special to The Abtokian
New York, June 3. Sarah Elkius,
the youngest daughter of S. B. Elkins,
was married to Major Alexander Oli
phant, by Bev. B. H. Newton, in her
father's mansion to-night Among
one hundred and fifty presents received
was a painting on porcelain from Mrs.
Harrison. The bride's dress was a
heavy grain silk with a front of tulle,
and lilies of tho valley trimming.
The Destructive Cyclone.
Special to The Aktokian.1
York, Neb., June 3. A report has
reached here that a cyclone struck the
village of Brndshaw shortly after 10
o'clock to-night, destroying nearly
every house in the town, killing five
persons and seriously injuring many
Cleveland Team Whitewashed.
Special la The Astokian.I
Chicago, June a The Cleveland
team of tho Players was whitewashed
today by tho locals, who made 4 runs
Smoky City Akead.
1 SpscuUtoTHi Astobux.
Buffalo, June 3. The Pittsburg
Players outplayed the locals to-day by
a score of 7 to 3.
Rectless Students Raise aRowAtont
Tleir Sicl Professor
Special by California AshCiateo Press.
New York, June 3. Miss Grace
Oakes, daughter of T. F. Oakes,
president of tho Northern Pacific Bail
way, and Fred Brooks, of Boston,
were married to-day at the country
house of Henry Villard. Tho bride
wore a wedding gown of heavy corded
white silk, trimmed with very" old
point applique lace, her veil being
trimmed in like manner. Sho wore no
ornaments, and carried in her hand a
boquet of white roses aud lilliea of the
Bean Eaters Trlampuant.
Special to The Astokian.I
New York, Juno 3. The Bean
Eaters defeated the locals to-day by a
score of 14 to 22.
A Miserable Game.
Special to The Astokian.I
New York, Juno 3. The local Na
tional team played a miserable game
to-day, aud were repulsed by a score
of 7 to 20, in favor of Brooklyn.
Sroeklyn Akead.
Sped tl to Thk Astorian.
PuiLADELPiriA, June 3. -The local
team of players was defeated to-day
by Brooklvn in a score of G to 5
Quaker city win.
Special to Thk astori an. 1
Phtladeliha, June 3. Boston's
j nationals played here with home team
to-day, and were defeated, 6 to 4.
Deatk Hastened, by Tkoughtless
Boston. June 3. Prof. Henry W.
j Torrey, L. L. D., of Harvard, is re
ported to be dying to-niglit, at his
home on Oxford street, Cambridge, of
a complication of nervous disorders,
and students are held responsible for
his condition. He has been ill for
some time, aud physicians prescribed
absolute quiet and rest. Last Sat
urday night a disgraceful hurrah took
place, and despite the pleadings and
appeals of the other professors, they
yelled and halloed around the sick
man's house all night until he was
nearly driven frantic. Despite the ef
forts of attending physicians, he suf
fered a complete relapse aud has been
sinking ever since, until to-night he is
expected to die. The students are
terribly distressed over this crowning
piece of misfortune caused by their
A Double Murder.
Special to The Astokian.I
Sanantonio, Texas, Juue 2. A dou
ble murder was committed in Seupata
county, Texa. nenr the Mexico line.
Two dead bodies are recognized as
Mexican gamblers whose names are
unknown. I hey were round 111 a pas
tare and their heads were several
?ra! ie. uiunioera ouuio xy pograpii-
j 1
ical Union strucs to-uay ror an in
crease iu the schedule of wages.
They AV011 the liaurels.
Special to The Astokian.I
Pittsburg, June 3. The Chicago
Nationals won the laurels to-day from
the home team by a score of 8 to 3.
Saved. the'Dcstruction of a Train
Special to The AstorianJ
Omaha June 3. The heroism of a
boy named Mike Haley, prevented the
wreck of the Union Pacific flyer, be
tween here and South Omaha at a
place called Summit Young Haley
was returning home when he saw two
men unlock a switch and turn it He
ran to South Omaha and notified the
trainmen, just as the train was pulling
out There was an unusually large
number of passengers on board, and
had the plot not been discovered, the
loss of life must have been great.
Public Debt Statement.
Special to Tur Astori vJ
Washington, June 2. The public
debt statement for Juno 1st, shows
a total debt of Sl;591,362,GO0 and a
net debt of $1,008,893; this is a de
crease of $6,661,871 since May 1, and
of $67,787,721 since June 30th last
The government receipts for May
were $33,443,351 and expenditures
27,233,975 of expenditures over 812,
500,000 were for pensions. Treasurer
Huston's reports show that on June
1st, there was a surplus of $36,901,791
exclusive of fractional silver coin.
An Oregon Posteffice.
Special to Thk Astokian.
Washington, June 2. Postoffices
have been established as follows:)
Oregon, at Alpha, Lane Co., with
Flora B. Luddy as postmistress.
Strong; Opposition to tke McKln
ley Bill.
Special to The AstorianJ
PhtiiAdeijphta, June 3. The busi
ness men in mass meeting protested
against the McKinley tariff bilL Con
gressman Springer advocated abolish
ing the high tariff, to remove the cause
in the depression of woolen manufac
turing. Congressman Bynum advo
cated the reduction of the tariff on tin
plate, and free tobacco. He spoke of
the absurdity of the proposed increase
on flax. Congressman Breckenridge
spoke against the bilL To-night ten
thousand textile workers participated
in a like demonstration in Kensington.
Anniversary Exercises.
Special to The Abtobian.
Saratoga, June 3. This evening
the American Home Missionary society
formally began their sixty-fourth an
niversary exercises. The sermon was
delivered by Bev. J. M. McLean, of
Oakland, Cal.
He Is ConiuCtea Outside of
French Territory.
Special ly-California Associated Press.
Havana, June 3. The liberals are
disappointed to learn that the new
law of suffrage adopted by the Spanish
cortes will not be extended to Cuba.
The excitement is intense over the re
port that a special bill, providing for
Cuba, which increased the conserva
tive and united liberal and native
vote, is before the cortex An out
break is feared in the eastern provinces.
Cossacks Versus Robbers.
Secial to The Astokian.I
St. Petersburg, June 3. A bloody
engagement has been fought at the
tower of Alb, on the frontier of
Bussia, between Cossacks and robbers.
The robbers killed two Cossacks, and
wounded three. The robbers lost four
killed 'and eight wounded; the latter
were dragged to a fortress and
Allss V. C. W. Bf . 111.
Special to The astokian.
London, June 3. Miss Victoria
Calffin-Woodhull-Martin is reported
dangerously ill.
Enthusiasm for Bismarck.
Special to The Astokian.
Berlin, June 3. Prince Bismarck
and family visited Hamburg to-day
and were received with enthusiasm.
Duke of Orleans Released.
Special to The Astokian.
Paris, June 3. The Duke of Or
leans has been roleased, being secretly
conveyeu from prison to the Swiss
frontier, with a view of preventing
Urieauist demonstrations. His release
causes a flutter in Orleanist circles.
The hope of pardon had been aban
doned. A colony of sympathizers had
located near the prison. It is expected
that the duke's fiance will accompany
him into exile. It is reported that
the couple will le married in London
shortly. It is apprehended that his
pardon may cause a ministerial crisis.
The terms of the document releasing
the JJnfee of Orleans are that the
president of the republic orders the
duke to be conducted outside tho ter
ritory of the republic
The French Marine at Work.
Special to The Astori in.
St. John, N. F., June 3. In the
house of assembly last night Premier
White admitted the truth of the story
that French marines landed at St.
George's bay district road and read a
notice to the inhabitants to take up
their nets, and that they removed nets
of the fishermen.
Protect the Sjiten from Xalarla.
It is possible to do tills even in regions of
country whero miasma is most rue. and
where the periodic fevers uliich it causes
assume their most formidable nnes. The
immense popularity of Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters is very largely attributable to the
fact of its efficacy as a remedy for chills and
fever, bilious remittents, and as a prevent
ie of the various forms of malarial disease.
In those portions of the west and south
where complaints of this nature prevail, and
In the tropics, it Ls particularly esteemed for
the protective inlluence which it exerts ; and
It has been very widely adopted as a substi
tute for the dangerous and comparatively
ineffective alkaloid, sulphate of quinine.
Physicians have not been among the last to
concede its merits, and the emphatic pro
fessional indorsements which It has received
have added to the reputation it has ob
tained at home and abroad.
Tifjhbago. BtMatso. Vootkacho.
TAfssiwlUlasa, Fst-Wtfc
A T X C JL .
rjWBnu, trsiiii
VvKlEICv BslssMts. Md.
The steamer Qen. Cariby brought
over from Hwaco yesterday afternoon
785 bundles of shooks, and landed
them at the U. P. dock, from whence
they are to go to the Chilcat Canning
company, Alaska.
The steamer Manzanita yesterday
morning went outside Cape Hancock
off the mouth of the river, took up a
large can buoy and replaced it with
another, then went up to the buoy
depot, and took on a largo whistling
buoy, which is to be placed at Neah
bay. off Tatoosh island.
The British bark ForfarsJiire
sailed out yesterday, bound for Ant
werp with wheat, as already des
cribed in these columns.
The steamship Michigan came
down the river yesterday afternoon
and left for the Sound ports.
The steamship State of California
arrived from San Francisco yesterday
morning bringing 99 tons of freight,
mostly for merchants here.
The steamship Columb ia sailed for
San Francisco yesterday forenoon,
taking out about 35 tons of freight
from here, and a number of pass
engers. Shot ThroBga the Heart.
Abereeen, Wash., June 1. At 5
p. jr., yesterday a man was found dead
in the Gaand Central hotel. He came
to the house about 5 p. m. on Saturday
and engaged a room, telling the land
lood he would return later. He came
in about 5. l. m., and the landlord
thinking he needed rest, he was not
called until the afternoon. Being
called several times, the landlord broke
the windows and found him lying on
the floor dead, with a Winchester rifle
across him. Ha evidently sat on the
side of the bed and pulled the trigger
with a lath, the ball striking his heart
One hundred and eighty-two dollars
in money and several checks, to the
amount of $700, were found on his
person, also a bankbook with the bank
of Hoquiam, giving the name of J. O.
Smith. He is supposed to have been
a contractor, as he was known to have
advertised for 100 men to work in
South bend, where he had real estate.
His partner is a Mr. Marbeck, who re
sides in Washington, D. C.Oregon
ian Special.
Senator Cullom, of Illinois, who
bears a close resemblance to Abraham
Lincoln, is said to wear his hair and
beard exactly as the latter did, in or
der to make the likeness striking.
Irisli Flax
t. iftnvi -1 f'Ts&jBmmm be-'- v
They received the
Ztondon Fisheries
And have been awarded niGHER PRIZES at the various
Than the goods of any other
Quality Caaa. Always be Depended on.
Exjeriencei Fishermen Use no Otber.
517 and 519 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO.
TING Constantly on Hand.
lAAxo x uxiuBueu to oruer
the Future Terminus of a Great
ing a fine Deep Water Frontage and good anchorage, is destined to be
come a Great City. Quite a number of houses are being built and otW'
improvements are under way now, while a
this summer.
Absolutely Pur.
This powder never varies, A Barrel of
purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mors
economical than the ordinary kinds, and out
not be sold In competition with the multi
tude of low test, short weight, alum or pbos
phate powders. Sold only in cant. Sotac
Baking Powder Co. IOC Vall-st.. N. Y.
Lewis M. Johnson & Co., Agente, Port
land, Oregon.
iMtOsalitr. Lonest Price.
Ps?Ss?ss-f USEIT!
It m vcz the Liver and Kidneys and Stomach,
Curc 11 aJache. LAspejiM 1, create an Appe
tite, I'u. ttici the Impure Blood, and
MakesJiThe V'eak Strong. '
Used every u here. 91 a bottle f six tor fB-
Exhibition 1883.
at xiuwest, xauiory jrncei.
Transcontinental Railroad, and bar
great many contemplate buildijir
AVkl I.CvBBr gwvss
-5?.' -I
. ,3r
i t
Astoria, Or.
: L-
i, --..