The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 03, 1890, Image 1

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l)c Dai I
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Hilstea MI u3h1T n ii 11 Mil in
I I L'dl:rm,Xl LULL ULJ1 La
Hermann For
Latest Returns Leave lucli of Tie
Ticiet In DonW.
Krr.r.4.A am: co.xrtJEXT.
Stcial by The California As.imTi D I'uk&s.
Portland, Or., Juno 2. The elec
tion held throughout the htate to-day
for congressman, legislators and state
office, brought out a largo vote.
lieMdes the regular Democratic and
Republican tickets there were three
independent tickets in the field in this
city, and a large amount of scratching
is being done. Eight arrests have
been made for bribery, and one for
illegal voting. Among the persons
arrested charged with bribery is ex
bherifFT. A. Jordan, chairman of the
Republican county committee. Re
ports from the southern part of the
state at this hour htale that Pennoyer,
Democratic candidate for governor, is
ruuning ahead of his ticket.
Arrest in Portland.
Special to The Atowan.I
Portland. June 2. The day passed
off quietly. A heavy vote was polled.
Several arrests were made for buying
votes, including Tom Jordan, chair
man Republican county committee
and Henry McGunn, District Attor
ney. The Hepublicaus claim the
state for Thompson three thousand.
The Democrats also claim Pennoyer
is elected by a small majority. The
entire Republican county ticket is
probably elected. Tickets are badly
In I, inn County.
special to The astokian.
Lyoxs, Linn Co., Or., June 2
Majorities are so far: Her
man, 3; Pennoyer, 1; Town
send 1; Webb, " 1: Bonham, 1;
Leroy, 1; O'Brien 1.
In I'matilla County.
leeud to Th i; Avroui x.
PnNDLKTON, June 2. An estimate
of Pennover's majority in Umatilla
Co.gives400toG0for the rest of the
state ticket.
er(li Salem's Voir.
SK-cial toTiiF AvroitiAX.l
"Sortk Salem. June 2.-379 votes
polled. Democrats concede 40 to 50
Republican majority.
Benton CeuHty Return.
Special loTlIK AhTOHIAN.l
Portland. June 2. Newport polled
1S9 vetes: there ismuch scratching.
It will take an official count to deter
mine the result The probabilities are
favorable for a majority for a Republi
can ticket The election is quiet.
Yaquina precinct gave 177 votes.
In CelumMn. Count)'.
Special InTJlKASl OKI AX.l
Sr Helens, June 2. Sixty-nine votes
are counted. Majorities Herman 21,
Thompson 17, McBride 50. Baker is
running ahead of his ticket
In Douglas County.
special to Tor Astokian.
Oakland, June 2. Twenty-eight
votes are ceunted: Democrat 19, Re
publicans. In Dundee.
Special to The Astorian.1
Dundee, Or., Juno 2. Majorities
are Miller 4, Pennoyer 5, Townsend 5,
Webb 5, Bonham 5, Lerov 5, O'Brien
6, Whitney 8, Cone 5.
The Vote in Oaklaud.
5lecial to Hi k Astokian.
Oakland, Or., Juno 2. In today's
election 333 votes were iolled. The
Republicans claim a small majority.
Front K.auc County.
pcclal to Thk Astorian.1
Eugene, June 2. -A full vote was
cast: in Eugene 1002 votes were
polled. Tho vote on governor is
close, the Republicans probably car
rying the county.
In Eastern Oregon.
Special to TnK Astokian.
Baker Crrr, June 2. A large vote
was polled in Baker couuty. Thomp
son was badly scratched. 911 votes
were cast in the city.
.Inn Democratic, as tual.
Special to Thr Astokian.
Tangent. Linn Co., June 2. Pen
noyer has 27 majority being 20 ahead
ot his ticket The indications are that
there will be 500 majority for Pen
noyer in Linn county.
A Very Large Vote.
Special to The Astorian.1
Portland. June, 2. The state
polled 75,000 votes to-dav: Multno
mah county polled 13,000. The re
turns coming in slewly: both parties
claim governor.
Tkc Same Governor.
LiNKviLLE, June 2. Pennoyer ma
jority is 60.
Kindred Park.
THIS Fine Tract of Land adjoining New Astoria, is by far the most beautiful
site that has been placed on the market. The lots are large, tbe streets
wide, and grand, broad avenues run through the entire tract. If you are
seeking a home where health and beauty are combined, come and buy yourself
Jtlauy Scratched. Tickets. to TnE Astorian.1
Portland, June 2. Never in the
history of Oregon has the day of elec
tion passed so quietly. There was a
light vote polled here and a great deal
of scratching was indulged in. Pen
noyer ran ahead of his ticket in almost
every precinct, the Democrats vot
ing solidly for their candidate while
the Republicans openly knifed their
candidate. The returns are coming
in slowly and both parties claim the
Special to Thk Astokian.
Brownsville, Juue 2. Hermann,
59; Miller 3G; Thompson, 52; Pennoy
er, 38.
Clackamas Couuty.
Special to Thk Astokian. J
Oregon City, Juue 2. Oregon
Citv, ward 3, 92 vetes: Herman, 48;
Miller, 20; Bruce, 24; Simpson, 42;
Penuover. -19; McBride. 48; Town
send, 21; Pierce, 23; Metschan,28;
Walker, 23; Bonham, 21; McElroy, 47;
LeRoy, 22; Baker, 4S; O'Brien, 44;
McBride, 52; Brockenbrough. 21;
legislative ticket, Republicans 25
meager Return.
Special to The Astokian.J
Baker Crrv, Or.. June 2. In this
county the majorities are Miller 13,
Pennoyer 18, Townsend 15, O'Brien 12,
Ilenton Co. Returns.
Special to Tin: Asroiti vn.
Corvallls, June 2. Of G35 votes
cist 200 are counted, Thompson, 84,
Pennover 120; Hermann 103. Miller 97.
Returns from Pendleton.
Special to Thk Astokian.
Pendleton, June 2. Full returns
are not yet in. Pennoyer for governor
will carry the couuty by a majority ot
400. Webb for treasurer by 300.
The balance of the ticket is close in
favor of the Democrats. Hermann
for congressman may carry theconnty.
Almost I'nnniiiious. to Thk Astorux.
Ellensburg, June 2, The city to
day voted on the proposition to issue
$200,000 bonds, tho measuro was car
ried by a vote of 156 to 6.
From Union County.
La Grande, Juue 2. There were
988 votes cast in this city. They are
slow in counting; some cutting of
Thompsen: the other precincts show
an increase of about 5 per cent. The
vote on governor will be close, Her
mann will have 400 majority. One
precinct gives Miller 24, Hermann 16,
Pennoyer 2G, Thompson 14, Town
send 21, McBride 16.
In Yamhill County.
Special to Thk Astorian.1
Lafayette, June 2. Of 101 votes
counted, Thompson 52, Pennoyer 52;
the total vote for this precinct is 146.
Washington County.
Special to Thk Astorian.1
Hillsboro, June. Of 3G5 votes cast,
155 are ceunted: Thompson 83, Pen
noyer 72. At Cornelius it stands, Pen
noyer 95, Thompson 45.
From Eugene.
Special t.Tm: A.sro::i.vN.
Eugene, June 2. Tho total number
of votes cast m Eugene City to-day
was 1,002 against 829 at the last state
and county election in 1888. There is
a great amount of scratching among
the Republicans, which will make it
probable that a part of the Republi
can county ticket i3 defeated.
Walker, Republican, is almost cer
tainly elected county clerk and per
haps a part of tho Republican legis
lature and county ticket Indications
are that the county is Republican for
congressman and Democratic on gov
ernor. From Marion County.
Special to Thk Astokian.1
Salem, Or., June 2.--Thompson's
majority in north, south and east
Salem and Salem will probably reach
450; more than double Hermann's
majority of two years ago.
From Southern Oregon.
Special to The astokian.
Roseburg, June 2. One hundred
and twenty-five votes are counted in
this city: Hermann 64, Miller 52;
Thompson 58, Pennoyer 66. No news
from outside precincts.
Empire, Sumner and Newport.
Special to Thk Astoria.'
Marshfield, Or., June 3. Empire
precinct gives Hermann 6, Pennoyer
11, Crook 8. and Garfield 19 majority.
Labor party cast four votes. Sumner
precinct gives Hermann -1 majority;
Newport gives 68 majority for Siglin
and the Union-Labor ticket
Marshfield Is Republican.
Special to rtlKAHTOKlAN.J
Marshfield, Or., Juno 3. One
hundred and fourteen votes counted
out of 396 votes, gives the state ticket
48 Republican majority.
In Union County.
Special to Thk Astokian 1
La Grand, June 2. Union county,
Pennoyer carries the county by a
small majority; the balance of the
state ticket is Republican.
Thompson Ahead.
Salem, Or., June 2. Thompson's
majority in Salem will probably run
up to 450, wbilo Cornelius' majority
four years ago was only 135.
Claimed Mostly Republican
Specli :o The Astokian.
La Grand, June 2. Total vote
polled, 993. against 513, in the presi
dential election in 1838. Indications
are 500 majority for Pennoyer.
North Salem precinct concedes Re
publicans 50 majority. Careful esti
mates at Republican headquarters
gives number of votes cast in the state
Multnomah ceunty: Portland 13,
000. Salem, total vote cast, 2,000, und
Thompson will probably have 200 ma
jority. Union county indicates a small ma
jority for Pennoyer, whilst Hermann,
Republican, will receive about 200 ma
jority, and the balance of the ticket
probably a small majority.
Baker Crrv, June 2. All votes
cast for Thompson were scratched con
siderably. Salem precinct will give Thompson
a good majority, now estimated at
Independence reports 400 cast,
about even for Thompsou and Pen
noyer. Umatilla county returns indicate
for Pennoyer a majority of 400.
Astoria 1,800 votes cast; counted
144; Thompson G2, Pennoyer 82.
From the Falls.
Oregon Crrr, Juue 2. Ward 3
92 votes. Pennoyer 49, Thompson 42.
The legislative ticket, Republican, are
25 ahead.
Pennoyer and, Hermann.
Cobvallis, June 2. Six hundred
and thirty-five votes were cast, and
200 counted. Thompson 84, Pennoyer
120; Hermann 105, Miller 67.
Republican Majorities.
St. Helens, June 2. 154 votes
counted. Thompson, 12; Herman, 30,
and McBride 83 majority.
Good for Thompson.
Portland, June 2. Court house
precinct in this city gives Thompson
138, Pennoyer 56. From all precincts
in this city except four south and 7
north partial returns give Thompson
1126, Pennoyer 1176.
About 2.000 votes have been cast
against 1426 in 1888. Thompson will
now have a majority, according to in
Will Keep the Old.
Albany, June 2. Chitwood precinct
gives Pennoyer a majority or 13.
From Yamhill County.
Special to The astorian.
McMinnville, Or., June 3. Re
turns from various parts of Yamhill
county indicate that Pennoyer has
run 250 ahead of his ticket, giving him
possibly a majority in the county.
The congressional Democratic ticket
will be defeated by abont 200. The
representative ticket is conceded to
the Republicans by the usual majority
of about 250.
Republican Legislature.
Special to Thk Awiokian.
Rosebdrg, June 2. Hermann, (Re
publican) leads Miller for congress by
200 majority. Pennoyer is slightly
ahead of Thompson in this city, but
the county will give Thompson a
small majority. A Republican legis
lature will be elected by at least 150
majority. Complete returns are not
in but the estimate is within bounds.
Two ta One.
Portland, June 3. In Holladay's
addition 301 votes were cast, and so
far as counted, give two for Thompson
to every one for Pennoyer.
In the Third ward, so far as counted,
36 for Thompson, 18 for Pennoyer.
Thompson and nermann.
Ashland, June 2. Total votes 603,
206 counted. Majority, Thompson 82,
Hermann 53.
A New Governor.
Dayton, June 2. 215 votes cast,
and 85 counted, give Thompson 6
Jnst About Even
Independence, June 2. About 400
votes cast, 10 counted. Almost even
for Pennoyer and Thompson.
Better Than Expected.
Marion county gives Thompson 400
majority. Expected only 300.
State Claimed by Republicans
Portland, June 2. Republicans
concede a majority ot less man a
thousand to Pennoyer in Portland.
The state will be close, but Republi
cans claim a short majority.
Mero From the Falls.
Oregon City, Juue 2. Eight hun
dred and fifty votes cast, a gain of 499.
Thompson 41, Pennoyer 49, balance
Republican state ticket ahead.
Solid for Pennoyer.
Portland, June 2. Umatilla
county goes solid Democratic Pen
noyer's majority will be not less than
Want Hint ta Remain.
Medford, June 2. Total vote cast
gives Pennoyer a majority of 21.
Slightly In the Lead.
La Grande, June 2. Nine hundred
and eighty-eight votes polled. The
count is alow, with Pennoyer slightly
in the lead.
3 I If you are
Nothing Definite Known.
Special to The astorian.
Portland, June 3. Returns re
ceived up to 2 a. sr., are indefinite. A
great deal of scratching makes it im
possible to tell the result In Port
land Thompson's majority will fall
less than a thousand. The Republi
can headquarters is deserted, but oth
cials there maintain a brave front, and
declare the result to-morrow will show
Thompson away ahead. At headquar
ters no information can be ascer
tained. News from the outside is coming in
slowly. Thompson retired, late, but
Republican leaders sat up until they
were disgusted with the slowness of
the returns, when they took leave, and
at 1:30 the streets are deserted. The
total number of votes cast in Portland
is 8,283. Returns show Thompson
1,108, Pennoyer 1,023. Tho vote of
this city is nine thousand les3 than
was expected.
It will require all day to-morrow to
count the votes in this city and upon
Portland hinge3 the result of the gu
bernatorial contest
In South Portland.
Special to The astokian.
South Portland, June 2. One
hundred aud seventy votes are
counted; Republican, 135, Democrat,
The College Buildings Besmeared
Willi Paint.
Special by California associated I'kkss.
Buffalo, June 2. Murderer
Kemmler's case will come before the
general terms court to-morrow. Ar
guments will be waived so that the
case may speedily come before the
court of appeals.
The Young Lady Takes it C?5ily.
Special to The Astokian.
Louisville, June 2. Thomas Over
ley and Robert Sanders fought a regu
lar duel last night in the St Louis
Catholic cemetery over Miss Lenor an
Indiana young lady. Four shots were
exchanged. Sanders was mortally
wounded, Overley escaped unhurt
The young lady takes it coolly.
The Usual Result.
Special to Thk Astorian.
Denver, Juue 2. ADuraugo, Colo.,
special to tho News says: "Mrs.
Robert Morrow yesterday attempted
to light a fire with kerosene. An ex
plosion occurred which set fire to tho
clothes of the woman, her four-year-old
son and a young baby. They were
all three cremated in the house which
burned above them before any assist
ance could be had.
Too Much Paint Makes Trouble.
Special to The Asro..iAN.
Boston, June 2.- -Fully a thousand
under graduates gathered in and
around the hall of Harvard to night,
to denounce in a mass meeting the
outrages by paint vandals. Resolu
tions were" adopted denouncing the
outrages and appealing to the public
not to imputo the offenses to the col
lege as a whole. They are arranging
for a popular subscription among the
students to raise money to defray tho
expense of repairs. A doteetivc was
also employed to ferret cut the
offenders, and the faculty was appealed
to in future, to allow all celebrations
and festivities to be put under abso
lute control of the athletic committee.
A hundred mechanics to-day are at
work trying to efliace the paint
Bought Louisville's Street Cars.
Special to The Astorun.
Louisville, June 2. A deal by
which New York and Philadelphia
capitalists purchase the entire street
car system of Louisville is abont com
pleted. The price paid is S2,900,000.
They Quarreled Over a Her.
Special to The Astorian.
Brownsville Tenn., Juno 2. A
sensational semi-duel took place here
last night The principals were Thos.
J. Harbert, a prosperous young farmer
of high connection, and Jame3 Boyd,
son of Attorney Boyd. Harbert now
lies in a critical condition and it is
feared a hopeless case as tho result of
the conflict They had quarreled
about Boyd shooting a hog belonging
to a relative of Harbert, and they car
ried guns for each other. Both
attended church last night and
afterwards were about to meet Boyd
saw Herbert coming. He felt that Ids
pursuer had a gun, and commenced to
race for life. His future depended on
his steed's outfleeting the horse of
Herbert There was a race for life
and Boyd won, then he equipped him
self better and returned to his foe.
They met in the light, and there began
a duel iu earnest, and four shots were
fired with the above result
A Heavy Storm.
Special to The Astoria.
Lamab, Ark., June 2. A heavy
storm nnssed over this nlace this after
noon. The masonio hall and school
house was destroyed.
Kindred Park.
seeking an investment whereby you
not fail to buy in Kindred Park. Call early, examine this Property and buy a few lots
advance. Lots at present are only $125 and $150. Terms: Half cash, and balance
To Bind American ReinMics By
Closer Commercial Ties.
Spocial by Tho California Associated Peess.
Washington, June 2. In the senate
to-day Merrill, of Vermont, took the
floor on the silver question. Merrill
spoke one hour on tho conference
report of the army appropriation bill.
Time was then taken up by a long dis
cussion on the canteen system. The
conference report prohibits the intro
duction or sale of canteens containing
liquor in prohibition states. Senator
Allison, of Iowa, who pro-ented the
report, spoke in its defense.
Tired of Slit Job.
Special to The Astorian.
Washington, .Tune 2. It is rumored
that Secretary of the Iuterior Noble
will resign his cabinet position to
accept the attorneyship of :i western
Clarksou's Probable Successor.
Snecia! to The astokian.
Washington, June 2. Gen. Clark
son will probably be succeeded in the
post office department by another
member of the Republican executive
committee. Sam Fcssenden of Connec
ticut, a member ot tho executive com
mittee, it is said will le recom
mended for appointmeut He ha3 a
possible rival in L. I. Micheuor of In
diana. Is Mot Tired of His Job.
Special to The astokian I
Washington, Juue 2. Secretary
Nobledenies the rumor that he intends
to accept a position ha attorney for
the leading western road. He stated
that there was no foundation what
ever, for the rumor, and that if he in
tended to resign it would not be to ac
cept any posiaion that a railroad com
pany could oiler him. He added that
ho had been fighting railroads all his
life, aud it was rather late to accept
such a position a3 he had earlier iu
life refused several flattering offers.
Ho said that he is well satisfied with
his present position, aud had uo
thought of leaving it.
Right of Way (iruutcd. to Thk Aroui w 5
Washington, June 2. The House
passed the bill granting the Portland
& Puget Sound R. R. Co. tho right of
way through the Puyallup Indian res
ervation. Lind, of Minnesota, intro
duced a bill placing all express com
panies under interstate commerce
Cold und Silver Coinage
Special to "Tinr-AsTo'ittA'M f
Washington, June 2. The direc
tor ot the mint's statement issued this
afternoon, shows tho coinage of tho
mints during Ma v, valued as follews:
Gold double eagles, 81,488,000; silver
standard dollars, S2.900,000; silver
dimes, 20,000; five cent pieces, S9o,
700; one ceut pieces, S38,000; total.
1,501,500. The stock of gold and sil
ver coin held bv the director, June- 1,
is placed as follews: Gold, 028,030,
714; silver, J43,311,G93; total, $10,723,-75-1.07.
This is an increase of 23,604,
115 siuce January.
Debating the Tariff.
Social to The Astorian.
Washington, Juno 2. Two hours
were spent by the Republican mem
bers of the senate finance committee
this morning in consideration of the
tiriff bill. The time was devoted to a
schedule of wood and manufacturers
thereof. Progress was necessarily
slow, considerable difference of opinion
being shown over the rate3 of duty on
timber. :
The debate was qnite lively. The
conference roport was finally agreed to
by a vote of 35 to 8. Senator Harris
then took the floor on the silver ques
tion. At the close of his speech the
senate went into executive session. .
The senate confirmed the nomina
tion of G. H. Wallace, consnl-general
at Melbourne, and Ronnceville Wild
man, consul-general at Singapore.
Adjourned at 5:45.
Indian Appropriations.
Special to The Astoutan.
Washington, Juno 2. The Indian
appropriation committee reported
tMlay. Tho report makes few
changes from the regular appropria
tions of last year, the only changes
appointing to Pacific agencies aro as
For the pay of the Colville, Wash,
agent 1,G00 instead of 1,500; for tho
support and civilization of Yakima In
dians including employees, pay 12,000
instead of 10,000; for Uintah and
Couray agency, in Utah, 8,000 is ap
propriated instead of 10,000.
Twenty-five thousand is appropri
ated for the Indian school at Carson
City, Nov., and 70,750 for tho Salem.
Oregon school.
Agreement on Pension Bill.
Special to The AsTontAN.j
Washington, June 2. A Republi
can caucus held to-night, decided that
the House conferees should insist upon
all the house amendments to the Mor
ris pension bill and that the lowest
pension to be granted should be 6
per month.
Nothing was done about
the federal bill or the silver bill
can double and treble your money
Good Suggestions y secretary
Special to The Astorian.
Washington, June 2. The presi
dent to-day sent to congress a com
munication from secretary Blaine, rel
ative to the questions considered by
the pan-American conference. The
president enumerates tho suggestions
submitted and says, ''Their impor
tance is fully set forth in the secre
tary of state's letter."
Blaine in his letter called
attention to the following
object 'The establishment of a uni
form system of customs regulation."
In this respect Blaine says the serious
difficulty has been a lack of uniform
ity in the nomenclature of articles
proposed by the conference. His
proposition is to publish a code of
common nomenclature in English,
Portuguese and Spanish. The Pan
American conference of commercial
bureau ot American republics, to be
printed in English, Spanish and Por
tuguese, the expenses of such bureau
to be shared by the several American
republics proportionable to their pop
ulation. Blaine recommends the establish
ment or a Latin-American memorial
library, commemorative of the pan
American conference. The library- to
be established by contributions from
all the governments represented at the
conference. The library to be dedi
cated -at the fourth centennial of the
discover of America.
Blaine requests an appropriation of
2oO,lXX) for a building to be used as a
bureau of, information and library,
said building to contam an assembly
hall for such conference as may bo
held in the future.
He also recommended the organiza
tion of an 'International Union ot the
American Republics," for the prompt
collection and distribution of commer
cialinformation. This union is to be
represented at Washington by a
bureau called the "Commercial Bureau
of American Republics," and it is to
have an organ called tho "Bulletin."
A Sarins; Forgery.
Special to The Astorian.J
Washington, Juno 2. The collec
tor of customs at San Francisco has
advised the secretary' of the treasury
that a consular invoice covering 6,000
pine apples imported by Goldberg,
Brown Sr Co had been altered or
forged so as to reduce their value from
nine to eight cents, each. Acting sec
retary Tichenor advised the collec
tor to consult the district attorney if
he deemed it advisable to prosecute
the parties who perpetrated the for
gery. National Bank for Albany.
Washington, June 2. The comp
troller of the currency has author
ized the Linn county National bank
at Albany to commence business on
100,000 "capital with the following
efficers: Jamed L. Cowan president,
Geo. R. Chamberlain cashier.
Result of too mucli Drink.
Special to The Astorux.
KnoxvuiIiB, June 2. While return
ing from the soldiers reunion at Jelli
co, United States marshal Bud Lind
sey and friends stopped at the distil
lery of James Kiltz, Lindsey wanted to
pay for the drinks for the crowd, A
war of words failed to settle the differ
ences between Lindsey and Kiltz. The
men became angered and when a
small son of Kiltz struck Lindsey in
the head with a stone, the latter fired
two shots at Kiltz, both taking effect
and causing death.
Fatally Injured.
Special to Thk Astouian.
Rochester, June 2. Cyrus Cook
er's planning mill burned to-night.
Loss 15,000. Frank Jaynes, a fire
mau, was badly burned also two
making Little Progress.
Special to The Astokian.1
Litt-jeRock, Ark., June 2. Advices
from Indian territory say that the
Cherokee commission is making little
progress in negotiating with the Sac
and Fox Indians for their surplus-
lands. The Indians have held a coun
cil, which was not harmonious; both
tribes divided, on the question of the
salo of the lands.
A Fatal Fire.
Special to The Astorian.
St. Louis, June 2. The tenement
house on Franklin avenue took fire
early this morning. Part of the sec
ond floor was occupied by George
Schlothman and family. Schlothman
and wife and their two children were
badly burned; Schlothman's father,
aged GO, was asphyxiated. Tho wife
of Chas. Hauss wits badly burned and
her child rendered unconscious. Sev
eral were injured and may die. The
los3 by fire is small. George Hyde,
lessee, has been arrested on suspicion
of having fired the building.
I Bound t Fight.
Special to TnE Astorian .
New York, June 2. Billy Madden,
McAuliffe's manager, stated that he
had posted o,000 to back the Pacific
coast pugilist against any heavy
weight. The following was sent by
Madden to Slavin: "McAuliffe will
fight for a purse of 4,000 and the
championship. Send 500 for ex
penses. We leave as soon as fthe
money arrives."
in. a short time, do
before the prices
in three months.
Gnilty ofManslanfliter for Crimiial
Neglect of Dnty.
Special by California Associated Press.
San Francisco, June 2. Antone
Mendoza, who was convicted last week
of manslaughter in killing his wife,
was sentenced to-day to eight years in
Folsom prison.
Hydraulic mining.
Special to The Astokian.
Sacramento, June 2. Hydraulic
mining is being conducted at Iowa
HOI, where monitors are daily run
ning. Passengers along the Central
Pacific are daily regaled with the
sight of three mighty streams directed
against a bank of earth at Iowa Hill.
The mountains are being dismantled
and it is said that preparations are
being made for the full season's work
among the hydraulickers.
The Coroner's Jury
Special roTiJK ASTOBIAN.l
Fixes the
Oakland, Cal., June 2. The inquest
over the bodies of the persons killed
in the railroad catastrophe terminated
wis evening, ana me louowing is tne
verdict, after reciting the names of the
deceased, it closes with: "We find
that he came to his death by drowning
on May 3Uta, iw, at Webster street
drawbridge, Alameda county, caused
by criminal negligence on the part of
S. Dunn, engineer ot the Oakland
local narrow gauge train on the
Southern Pacific Coast Railway Co.,
by running his engine and one car off
the bridge into the estuary, and we
find said S. Dunn guilty of man
slaughter. We also find that the railroad com
pany does not take sufficient precau
tion to signal trains, when approach
ing the aforesaid drawbridge."
A warrant was immediately signed
by the coroner and placed in the
hands of the sheriff who was present
and started for Alameda, to arrest
Dunn. A telegram was sent to the
chiefs of police at Santa Cruz and
San Francisco for Dunn's arrest. It
is believed that Dunn does not intend
to be taken, and has left Alameda
intending to get out of the state.
The Steamer "Emily."
Special to The Astorian.
San Francisco, June 2. Some un
easiness has been manifested for the
safety of the steamer Emily bound to
this port from Coos bay by way of
Eureka. The steamer is now several
days overdue. She left in a leaking
condition. The steamer Trticcee ar
rived from Port Orford this morning
bringing the news that the Emily put
into some port south of Orford for re
pairs and would proceed to San Fran
cisco in a few days.
Weather Report.
Special to The Astorian.
San- Francisco. June 2. The
monthly report for May, of the sig
nal servicesays "weather during May
has been generally favorable to grow
ing crops in the Pacific coast states,
light rains at the end of the month in
Oregon and Washington being partic
ularly beneficial."
President Sara Small.
Special to The astorian.
Ogden, June 2, Rev. Sam Small
was yesterday elected president of
Utah university of the Methodist
Episcopal church at Ogden. He has
announced his acceptance and will
drop his candidacy for the Georgia
Murder at Kingston.
Special to The Astorian.
Spokane Faiths, June 2. A Wal
lace, Idaho, special says: Ed. Har
rington shot and killed Charles
Keiteritz at Kingston last night, the
result of a quarrel. Keiteritz was a
butcher at Osborne, and on a visit to
Pranks of a Drunken Fiend..
3pecial to The Astortan.1
Grass Vaecet, CaL, June 2.
Joseph Rodda, a habitual drunkard
and wife beater drovo his family from
the house last Sunday. He then dis
charged a loaded shot gun in the direc
tion of two men, when the weapon was
taken away and broken over his back.
Half an hour afterwards the house
was discovered in flames and with its
contents was totally destroyed. Rod-
da was the only person on the prem
ises when the fire was discovered, and
circumstances indicate that he fired
the torch. Rodda is in jail pending
Killed His Man.
GiiOCKSBima, Cal., June 2. Geo,
Davis shot and killed Geo. Whetton
this morning.
A rtlmrderer Disposed Of.
Special to The Astorian.
Little Rock, Ark., June 2. Robert
jrarrenc was snot irom an amousn in
Scott county, near Green Ridge, last
night Parrent was whipped by
masked men a year ago, and left the
county, but had recently returned.
He was charged with murder.
BEING the Future Terminus of a Great
ing a fine Deep Water Frontage and
tumo vkicbi. vibjr. vunc uuiuuoi
improvements are under way now, while
this summer.
He is AM to Be Beatei or His
Kaitfi AitiL ,
Special by The California. AawcuTio
London, June 2. Parhaauai
assembled to-day. In the Taovm
commons Sir Jaa. Ferguson,
mentary secretary for foreign.
declined to lay on the table to
relative to negotiations witk
United States concerning the '.
sea trouble until the questioa ii ast-
tled. Sir James also stated thai
neither the French nor the Bbbbb
governments had received aajr .imfac
mationof landing from the Remrsa
war ship of officers and me est tsa)
coast of Newfoundland, who CKdeNA
Newfoundland flshennea toressere
their nets, and upon their rafvsl to
do so removed them themselves, vet
government has every reasom tt be
lieve that all these alarmists report
concerning the situation of sJaks M
Newfoundland are incorrect.
A Tanng Matricide.
Special to The
Bkbun, June 2. A 16-year oil flan
named Schulz crushed her imi)Ijjmb'
head with a hatchet to-day, beeaaaa
Bhe refused her money to attasm a
dancing party.
Will Try ta Suppress
TRnr TV Tnna O rpt A.wor.a
informed Bismarck that if he does
stop his press utterings, the resal
do serious.
Net on the Rocks.
Victoria, June 2. Captain Mia
of the Sardonyx, on arrivmgja
port read of the stranding j
uosmopolis on the rocks at' Baam
Bella. On the way np he saw the
Cosmopolis laying at anchor tecs
ana on tne down trip made
at the island, but did not leark
she or any other boat had
Rich Strike effSUrev: ,
Victobia, B. C, June 2. Caaautfi-. .
in the north will not start raaaiact aV
fore June 15th. A large strike efl el
ver has been made at Bella Osokv
TroaMe 1st German Baemlrel
London, June 2. The Chr&nkjfy:
Paris correspondenco learns thai
number of officials at the minor Ger
man courts, are threatened -with dis
missal for entrigueing, at thinsapB
tion of Count Herbert Biemsreii, fir
obstruct the emperor's policy.
Bad far tne Wmmilw
Special to Thk Astorian.
Ottawa, June 2. 0. J. Pes i
gathered roots to dootor a sick smsv
gave the roots also to am amltT
family, while ignorant of their ma4sm
Four ohildren are dead and thins
other members of the fsaHx aft
dangerously ill. "'
Village Destroyed y lire.
Montreal. June 2. The village af
St. Jacques, 45 miles distaaee, is
almost destroyed by fire, twaahjr
eigne residences naving Dees,
sumed, and 2U0 people are J
Important Witness laKllleSl,
Special to The Astokian. -
Windsor, Ont, June 2. 1
Hayes, who was killed on the
Trunk By. by falling beneath a am
was the most important witness hi fm
Benwell murder case, being the i
who identified Uurohell as taei
seen walking with Benwell
the spot where the latter was
waras round aeao.
A Brooklyn Strike.
Special to The AstobiaH'.
New York, June 2. The tia
ers nave struck tor eight
Should an attempt be made ta
non-union men, the other house
ing trades will also go ont ;
Strike at PlttaTsmra;,
Special to The Astorian
PriTSBimo, June 2. Severn
dred atone cutters struck
for an advance in wages.
Union and Hon-Unlon a
Special to The Astoria.
CrNdNNATL June i The
ter's strike agreed upon yesterday
accomplished to-day. JiUeTammi
men stopped work. Both
non-union men are a unit in thaurasv
A ntecelrer Appointed.
Special to The AbtorianJ
Chicago, June 2. Geo. B. TTajhv
the Cook county treasurer and a wS
known politican was to-day f
upon by the attorneys and anfomhm
by judge Collins, receiver of ah
Chicago gas trust
Heavy Gale in Mlsse
Special to The Astosiah.
Kansas Crrr, June 2. A
gale swept over the southeesssuar
tionofthis state tonight, iisimasns
houses and way layins; taiessMl
poles. The damage w4UJbe hesfjia
most places.
An exchange has struck it alTiaaV
It says: -'The rolling stone sjatsMai a
moss, but it knocks ont all onaosiaism
at the bottom of the MIL1
Transcontinental Railroad, aod aa
good anchorage, is destined te W
wi uuusci aro ueing OUllt aJial
a great many contemplate b
Astoria, Or.
- V5E.-