The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 01, 1890, Image 1

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I ' -.
fuL. XXXI V, itO 12.
" '"
H Gi?es His Views on Questions orPsre"
Uoliniiol Tninni.loiinn .enriched.
iiauuiiui imyuiiaiiuui
.i.wr i v. tt i:. ri.j kiao.v.s visit
Nrdfctt y rhUfornta Associatkii Ikk
WASHiyorox. May '.. Senator Car
lisle lins written a letter to the mem
K f 4 1... I.V,...,...,. Mi;.,.m.. ai .
Iwhmi. llea8: "Your favor stating
von are members of the Farmers Alii
cr of Alabama, and requesting me to
gtw jhv views em the subject of 1 reas
ury !. was duly received.
It is a svstem winch has oppressed
sl despoiled the greatest industrial
interest of the country. They are now
derattndiug that the very policy which
they liereKrore denonueed as unjust
ih( tommmis shall b? applied to them,
r ranker part of" them, Tor no scheme
is yw leen suggested that would
wwite alike upon all fanners.
Ttmt tUej have been oppressed and
d9Kilcd lv unjust legislation mist
1elittl by all who have given any
at$ktii to the subject, and when
lbe see measures favorably reported
to congress to tax them stilly further,
fr tiie imrio- t raising money to
wy snlKidics and I nullities to wealthy
steamship corporations, and lo the
producers tr sugar and silk, which are
aiHg the leat important of our do
raesiac products, it is not at all
tmnge they should become more dis
satisfied Uinu over, and more urgent
in Uieir demands for relief.
But mo evil can be corrected, nu
wnmpcau be righted, by increasing its
magnitude and extending the scope of
its operation-. There is but one oil!
cieat remetlx for the evil, which un
doubtedly cibts.:ind that is to reverse
tli- olic which produced it De
mands made by fanners in some parts
rf Uieconittr have been formulated.
?ui 1 at their request bills have l)een
iwroeitied in congress, which many of
thewt tkiuk will aflord the nrvvssarv
relier. I need not undertake to state
all the demands of these plans, Tor
whatever pitrticuhir provisions or
mo-nuros may be. the whole scheme
la its general form and design is vie
ius in principle, an 1 if adopted
would prove in practice, ruinous to
every intercut it intends t benefit"
1h state that yon have been a
Democrat lift jears. and urn and
tHirasaoriites favor Vtjual justice lo
all ad special favors lo none.' This
i vohjhI Democratic doctrine, and if
it bal Ihhmi strictly adhered to in con
jt5 during the last quarter t a cen
tnrj. IheeviN ir which farmers and
Uier elassis of our people justly com
plain, wnuld have been avoided, and
the whole cunntri would now be pros
Ierous and contented, but unforlun
ahriy. (lie pnicrnal tlieorv of gocrn
7neat, vrliich nvcs its origin in tins
c.mtry to the a Ivoeales of a s'stem
of taxation, and makes unjust discrim
ination against part of the people, for
the purpose or increasing the profits
of another iart, has been so frequently
emlKvlietl in our legislation during the
ja4 twenty-live years that other peo
lle. MiMejutof recognizing the common
interest or the general welfare, have
leeu diklel into warring classes, each
striving to secure for itself some pe
cuniary advantages at the expense or
all tiie others.
The prevailing theory is that the in
dividual citizen must not rely on his
eMorts. in the transaction of his own
private business, but thai he has a
right to appeal to the government for
financial assistance in every emer
gency, forgetting that the govern
ment has not and never can have, any
laonej except what is realized by tax
ation, in some fonn, upon the people
the United States.
The farmers of the country have
Ivor taxed so long for the benefit of
other classes, and seen so much legis
lation for the aggrandizement ot cor
poratio.i5 and syndicates, that their
paliewec i exhausted, and finding it
impvssible for the time being at least
to aKtfih.
The plan to which on allude in your
letter, is to establish sub-treasuries
and erect pnblic warehouse? in every
county m the Limed btnles, which
lewdness and ?-ells annually more than
half a million dollars worth of wheat,
ora. oalh. cotton aud tobacco, and
the owners of these products, whether
farmers or not to deposit them in the
warehouses and receive from the
government, in treasury notes lo be
issued expressh for that purpose,
eighty ier cent of the market value of
the products.
Carlisle then says that the compen
sation or m mauy warehouse sub
treasury officers and appropriations of
many million dollars for buildings
would have to be derived by govern
ment by taxation. The farmers them
selves under the present system would
have to pay much more than their
iJmre. He says not many farmers will
le willing lo iucar the expense of
transporting products to such ware
houses unless they arc in debt and ab
solutely need money, which the gov
ernment is to advance, and ir they arc
in that condition, from what source
will they aHerwards acquire the means
to redeem the products by returning
the money and interest and paying
warehouse charges.
He argues that the plan would incur
the danger of inflation of the currency,
as soon as the farmers deposited their
products but the very moment they
withdraw their prodncts, there would,
Kindred Park.
THIS Fine Tract of Land adjoining New Astoria, is by far the most beautiful
site that has been placed on the market. The lots are large, the streets
wide, and grand, broad avenues run through the entire tract. If you are
seeking a home where health anil beauty are combined, come and buy yourself
follow a dangerous contraction of the
currencv, aud the entire business of
. the couutry would be thrown iuio the
. it would no aouur, tuougu, oe a
great boom to speculators, farmers
cannot combine to keep prices up be
cause they are too widely scattered.
The ''sub committee" plan would be
the longest step taken to consolidate
power into the federal government
It is a cardinal principle that the
least governed are the most prosper
j ous and happy, when left to the free
exercise of their judgment, compatible
with peace aud good order of the com
munity. These are fundamental
propositions of the Democratic part',
which we caunot abandon without re
pudiating the distinction between con
stitutional government and paternal
Oregon Pensioners.
Mn'clal lo Tins AstonianV!
Washington, May 31. Pensions
granted, reissued and increased: Amos
Hill, East Portland, Or.; pension
granted original, IL S. Maloney, Sher
idan: C. Emil, Uaker City; N. J. .Tones,
S:ix:ir and Tobacco Tariff .
Special ioTiik Asiorii
"Washington, lay 31. A California
associated press correspondent learns
rrom good authority that the lmance
committee will likely strike ont the
sugar bounty and reduce the tariiF on
sugar to about half the present rate.
The tobacco schedule will also be
greatly reduced.
Sonic IVotv Post Offices.
Special to T:ik Astokian.
"Washington, May 3L -New post of
fices have been established a3 follows
for Oregon. Mount Hood, "Wasco
county. Oscar Fredenburgh, post
master; Washington Ferry, Lewis
county, Arthur Bridges, postmaster.
A Congressional Kecpss.
Spec :tl ioTinc Astoiiian.)
"Washington, May 31. -In view of
the delay in consideration of the tariff
bill by the senate finance committee,
somellepublican senators favor taking
a recess of congress from July 1st to
October 1st The idea is to give the
committee time during the recess to
get the tariff bill in shape and take it
up in the senate early in October.
TVoi WliaiJy E'ncal't-u for.
Sjn'ci il to Tar. Astok:a
Washington, May 31. -The stile
department lias been advised that the
Turkish government has promulgated
a decree prohibiting the importation
of hides and other remains of animals
unless accompanied by a certificate
showing them to be free from conta
gious diseases.
TVo Sectionalism There.
Special to Tn i: Astokian 1
AVasiiington, May 31. The nat
ional Republican executive commit
tee h;is added two southern members
lo the committee. X. 33. Scott of
West Virginia and Powell Clayton of
'LAKKSO ou.tii.x; imtci:.
To I n vest I gate Hie Needs o the
Special to Tin: tokian i
Washington, May 31. Assistant
postmaster general Clarksou will leave
Washington to-morrow for an official
tour of the far west At DesMoines,
Iowa, he will be joined by his family a private car which has been
placed at his service he will at once
proceed lo Seattle, Washington, from
that point diverging tours will be
made through Washington and
Later he will visit San Francisco and
other leading cities and towns of Cali
fornia. The prime object of the tour
is lo obtain a thorough knowledge of
the postal needs of the Pacific slope.
Mr. Clarkson believes that the far west
is entitled lo bettor facilities, and it is
believed that a western man who is ac
quainted with the peculiarities and
rapidity of western development, is
best able to judge of its postal needs.
On Clarlcson's return to Washington
he will tender to the president his
resignation, to take effect immediately.
His successor has not yet been deter
mined upon.
A AVasiiington I'ostmaster.
Special to Tub Astoi:ian.
Washington, May 31.--L. J. Wiley
has been appointed postmaster at Fort
Simcoe. Yakima county, Wash., vice
Helen W. Coe, resigned.
T!ac Tariff Bill.
Washington, May 3L The Repub
lican members of the senate committee
on finance resumed consideration of
the tariff bill at 1 1 o'clock this morn
ing. No one desired to be heard, and
the committee was enabled to make
considerable progress with the bill.
Schedules A. aud 33., covering chemi
cals, earths, earthenware, potters and
glassware, have been disposed of, and
several pages of schedule C, metals
and manufactures, iron and steet
Changes made from the house bill are
comparatively slight and unimportant j
It is said the duty on lead, as fixed in j
the house bill, will not be changed
materially, if at all.
All tht patent niedcines advert iseu
in tiiis paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc- can
he bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conns drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
A Dream or African Acinirement to
1)6 MfllleL
i-pedal by California Associated I'k ss.
New York, May 31. Within a few
weeks the announcement will be of
ficially made of the purchase by the
British government of the Congo Free
States, the area of which exceeds 1,
200,000 square miles: it has a popula
tion of over thirty millions. The fre
quent trips of King Leopold, of Bel
gium to London during the past few
weeks, and his numerous protracted
interviews with the Marquis of Salis
bury, aud the secretary of state, for
colonies, Lord Knutsford, are due to
the impending sale which the prime
minister intends lo spring upon the
country much m the manner as Lord
Beaconsfield did the purchase of the
r l t 1 Offl
Suez canal shares in 1869,
Salisbury regards the acquisition of
the Congo Free States which is the rich
est district of the African continent, as
the triumph and most enduring act
of his official career. All transactions
in connection with the purchase are
completed and the official announce
ment of the sale is delayed solely by
hesitation on the part of the United
States to give consent to the repeal of
article four of the Berlin Congo treaty
of 1S81, which stipulates that all mer
chandise imported into the Free
States shall remain free from import
or transit dues for twenty years revis
ion. This clause was first mooted at the
anti-slavery congress in the session at
BrusseLs. "Leopold, the Belgian king,
basing his demands for authorization
by the signatory powers of the Berlin
treatv to lew custom dues on all im
ports into the freestateson the ground
that the revenues to be derived there
from were absolutely necessary for
carrying on the administration of the
government In fact both he and his
representative have given the powers
to understand that it would be impos
sible to carry on the administration as
a development of the states without
the pecuniary relief to be derived from
the imiKJsitiou of custom dues on im
ports and that for this purpose means
of this kind are indispensable
in order to avoid defeat in the
Congo budgets Althouglv Stanley has
given reason to discredit these state
ments, by expressly declaring in two
public speechesjlhat Congo Free States
were paying cent per cent on the
money which was invested there, yet
the British government has lent the
full weight of its official support to
Leopold's demands on the subject of
imposition of custom duties.
Although the government has
alreadv decided to offer Stanley the
governor generalship ot their new de
pendency, yet both ministers and Leo
pold are careful to avoid giving the
great explorer any hint ot the negotia
tions which have been going on for
Stanley. Although the famous ex
plorer is utterly lackiug, in either
tact or discretion, the fact is no one
deplores it more deeply than his
friend and admirer Leopold. Al
though there is the highest authority
for the tibove statements, it is impossi
ble to obtain the exact figures with
regard to the price paid for the pur
chase, though it is believed to be be
tween forty and fifty millions of dol
lars. To Leopold the sale is a matter of
vital importance, for he has not only
drawn his enormous wealth, but it is
nimored that he also litis a still more
considerable fortune, which he holds
in trust for his demented sister, ex
empress Carlotta, ot Mexico. In the
Congo enterprises, for years past, he
has been moving heaven and earth to
obtain thesauctionof France aud Eng
land to the Congo lottery loan, with a
view to recouping his losses.
This is all the more urgent, since
conviction has been gaining ground
that it Carlotta recoveres her reason,
that she may demaud from her brother
an accounting of her fortune More
over, as the soverignty of the Congo
Free State is vested in Leopold indi
vidually; Belgium as a state having no
participation in responsibility therein,
tie is bound to make arrange
ments for for the continuation
of the Congo enterprise, after
death, for ho is now an aged man.
Neither his brother, the Count of
Flanders, nor the latter s son, Prince
Baldison, -who is the heir apparent of
the throne, has the slightest taste for
the Congo enterprise, but they have
always discountenanced any move
ment, and deplored Leopold's infatua
tion in the matter.
Tuc ts.mvm.T
For Stablemen and Stockmen.
Cuts. SweHlnfs, Bruises. Sprains, GtHt, Strains,
Lameness, Stiffness, Cracked Heels, Scratches,
Contractions, Flesh Wetma's, StrinwiarL Sere
Throat, Distemper, Celic, WhttleW. PoH Evil.
Fistula, Turners, Splints, Rbtabenes ami Sparta
In their eartj StajsirecUen with each kettle.
Kindred Park.
If you are seeking an investment whereby you can
not fail to buy in Kindred Park. Call early, examine
advance. Lots at present are only $125 and $150.
A Hurflle Racer Breaks the World's
Special bv California associated 1'i:k;s,
Fort Worth, Texas, May 31.
The loss by the burning of the -'Spring
Palace" is" now estimated atS200,000.
Two persons have so far been found
dead, sixteen persons are missing,
and it is feared that they are in the
ruins; fourteen are fatally injured.
Fatal Railroad Collision.
Special to Tn k AsTonuN.
Omaha, May 31.--By a collision
between the Union Pacific fast mail
and a freight train in the yards at
North Platte today.
engineer Cole
man was fatally, and four other train
men seriously injured. The engines
nrn anfirnK )Artwrtrl
S are entirely destroyed.
A mysterious Murder.
Special to Tiik Astomax
Cixcinnatti, O., May 31. Frank
Miller was found dead in his yard last
night with a bullet in his heart. His
wife and John Pierce had been in
company considerable lately.
A Fatal I'ic.
Special to Tiik astokian.
Chicago, May 31. Frank Kuhn, Sr.,
whose entire family were poisoned two
nights ago from eating pie into which
arsenic had been placed, died this
morning. It is the second death from
the effects of the poison, a servant
dying yesterday. The rest of the
family are said to be in a fair way
towards recovery.
Just the Snuic as Elected.
Special toTiiEAsToniAK.l
Birmingham, Ala..Mav31. Colonel
Thos. G. Jones of Montgomery, was
to-day nominated for governor by the
Democrats on the thirty fourth ballot.
Railroad Changes.
Special to The AsiontAN.
Chicago, May 31. John N. Abbott,
late chairman of the Western States
Passenger Association, left for St
Paul to-day, to take the position as
general manager ot the Great North
ern road. W. B. Hnmblin has been
made assistant general freight agent
of the Burlington. A meeting is to
be held in tlm city next Tuesday to
reorganize the Western States Pjis
senger Association. W. K. Gillette,
formerly auditor of disbursements,
will be assistant general auditor of the
Atchison at Topeka.
A Ocvtructivr Fire.
Spc-hi. toTie: AsroRU.l
Philadelphia, May 31. The
Hampden mills were partially de
stroyed by fire. The building "filled
with smoke. Frank MengelstrofF was
suuocaiea. win. lUcuonneii w.os
thrown from a ladder and seriously
injured. Several firemen were over
come by smoke but have recovered.
The loss on the stock and building is
A Wholesale Thief.
Special to I'hk sroiu..
Philadelphia, May 31. The an
nouncement that John C. File, who
embezzled the funds of the Lutherian
Orphans' Home, of which he was trea
surer, is supplemented by the charge
that he robbed the firm ot File, Hauery
& Co., of which ho was until recentlv
the head, or S70,0D0. He was asked
to step ont of the firm on Wednesday.
This makes a total embezzlement of
$103,000. There is no trace of File.
Only Six Copies of the Rook
Were l'riutcd.
Special to Tiik Astouia.v.
Marshall McMahone's memoirs have
been printed but only in six copies, of
which four have been distributed
among the Marshall's family, the
other two having been given to mem
bers of Castrie's family, to which
Madam McMahoue belongs. The
book w;is finished and conies sent out
May 21, which was tho anniversary of
tne iTomnlgation decree, appointing
the Marshall president of thercnublic.
Each of the six persons has taken a
pledge not to communicate the con
tents of the book to anybody, not even
10 uis mmuy.
College Studicw.
Special to The Astokian
New York, May 31. Three collece
and one world records, were smashed
at the inter-collegiate game3, Berkeley
oval this afternoon. Shenll. of Yale
ran 220 yards in 22 1-5 seconds; Will
iams, of Yale, 120 yards over, hurdles
1G 1-5 seconds; Lee of Harvard. 220
over hurdles, in 25 seconds; Welch,
of Columbia, aud Ryder, of Yale, each
vanitea witu a polo ten feet seven.
Lee's record beats the world.
Ratted All Over the Field.
Special lo TnK Astouian.
New Yoke, May 31. Over 2.000
saw the home team batted all over the
field by the Cincinnatis to-day. Score
New York 8, Cincinnati. 12.
Dupont Powder mills Rurncd.
Special to Tiik Astokian.
Louisvn,i,E, Ky., May 31. The Du
pont paper mills were partially des
troyed by fire to-night The loss is
$350,000, fully covered by insurance.
A IVholc Town IVcarly Destroyed
Special to Tar: Astomas.I
Louisville, May 31.- A special
from Middlesborongh, Ky., a town es
tablished by a British syndicate, with
an immense capital, says: "Middles
borough is on fire, five blocks have al
ready been burned up and the lire is
not vet under control. The Coal and
Iron Bank and the entire
two sides of Cnmberlaud av
enue, the principal street, from
Twenty-Second to Nineteenth streets,
are completely burnt. AVe are now
blowing up buildings on the avenue,
so as to try to save what littlo is left
Mr. Arthur Master, private secretary
of Mr. Arthur, was badly burned about
the bauds and arms. Several of the
men were also iujnred, but none
seriouslv. The total losse3 will reach
fully S300,000. Over 2,000 people,
with their all bnrnt up. are homeless,
and tents arc needed."
Marshall Aliems, a fireman, who
was overcome by smoke, was seized
with coughing which caused a fatal
Cheating- by Aid of thcTulcgraph
Special to Tiik Astokian.1
St. Louis, May 31. Wire tappers
got in their woric to-day on the St.
Louis pool room, and lleeced the pro
prietors to the extent of $5,000. A
killing was made in the hist Lalonia
race. Georgetown, winner, was S to
1 in sill Hie local rooms, and such
heavy money was put up on Jiim, that
the pool rooms wiped the race off their
boards. Tho result was unaccount
ably delayed, and book-makers kept
on takiug money. Great sums were
put up on Georgetown, and when the
announcement iiually caran fifteen
minutes later, the pool rooms were
kept busy paying tickets. The con
spirators were caught whacking up the
spoils and further payments were at
once stopped. Some of them had
tapped the wire and held back the
news until the money had been paid,
and then sent in the result
The Money Was Sot Pal up.
Special to The Astok:an.1
New York, May 31. Madden failed
to appear at the time agreed to post
the second deposit for the Siillivan
McAuliffe fight.
The Report Denied.
Special to Tiik Astokian.
Boston, May 31. Reports that the
Atchison people will buy the Chicago
and Alton road, or build between
Kansas City and St. Louis, and thence
north to its Chicago line at Pekiu, and
will talso build into San Francisco
from the terminus of th Atlantic aud
Pacific road in California, are denied
by the officials.
Very Close Cautc.
Special IoTiik AsroniAX 1
PjiiiiUJEririiiA, Mnv 31. The Play
ers' game to-day was close in even
particular and Iho attendance very
poor. Score Philadelphia 4, Chi
cago 5.
Hottest tJsimr for a !oijpr Time.
Special to Tiik Asrom.vx.l
BkookijYx, May 31. it was the hot
test game played to-day than for a
long time. The attendance was about
1,100. which applauded the home
team's work on bases. Score Brook
lyn 2, Cleveland 3.
Plenty o Errors.
Special to The astokian.
BnooKLYX,May31. The local learn
of Nationals defeased Chicago by a
score ot 7 to -1 to-dav. Both teams
made plenty of
dance was 1,500.
The atten-
The Visitors Were Defeated.
Special to The Astokian.
PitrziADEiiPniA, May 31. The Cleve
land team of Nationals played here to
day and met defeat at the hands of
the home team, in a score of S to 3.
Less than 1,000 were present
Waters-pout aud Hailstorm.
Special to Tin: Astoiuax.I
FAYETTEViiiijE, Ark., May 31. A
waterspout burst over tliis place this
morning and the houses in the lower
portion of the city were submerged.
A hailstorm followed, badly damaging
the crops. No lives were lost
Poor Work in the Box.
Special to Tiik AstokiaxJ
Boston, May 31. It was a close
game to-day between Pittsburg and
Boston, though the work in the box
w.os not very good. Score Boston 8.
Pittsburg 9.
Surprised Their Visitors.
Special to Tiik Astoriax.1
Boston, May 31. The home team
ot Players was a surprise to the visit
ors to-day, when they defeated them
by a score or li to u, while the Bnffa
los were running up a column of er
" Playing Miserably.
Special to Tiik Astokian.
PrrTSBURa, May 31. - The home
team played miserably to-day, and
was defeated by the New Yorks. bv a
score ot 19 to 3.
For Sale.
and Ninth streets. l.ots coxioo. all
graded. Inquire of VAN' DUSEX & GO.
double and treble your money in a short time, do
this Property and buy a few lots before the prices
Terms: Half cash, anil balance in three months.
TboiisaiKls of Acres of Standing
Grain SimeiieiL
Special by tho California Associated I'eess.
San Fkaxcisco, May 31 Engineer
Dunn, of the train which was wrecked
yesterday in Oakland reported at rail
road headquarters to-day, and was
closeted with general manager Towno,
for some time. His report of the dis
aster is not made public, but it is un
derstood that tho only explanation
he makes is that he supposed all was
right until too late to check his train.
The latest reduces the list of known
dead to thirteen. The coroners jury
at Oakland viewed the remains to-day
and adjourned the inquest until Mon
day afternoon.
The track has been cleared of wreck
age and the work of getting out the
submerged engiue and car, is rapidly
No Iiives Were Lost.
Special lo Tiik Astokian.
Salt Lake, Utah, May 31. News
reached hero to-day that" a reservoir
five miles long and one and a half
miles wide at Gunnison had burst
through by the breakage of iron pipe
used to convey water. An immense
extent of country is flooded and dam
age to property is very great. Owing
to ample warning, no iive3 were lost.
A Kan Francisco Rlnzc.
Special to Tiik Astokian.
San Fkaxcisco, May 31. A fire
early this morning destroyed three
large barns, two lodging houses and
a blacksmith shop at south San Fran
cisco, total loss S10,000.
Should Be 8200,000,000.
Special to Tub AsroniAN.
San Filvxcisco, May 31.-,Assessor
Nealon lo'day completed the personal
properly assessment roll. It shows a
total valuation of SG6,3GO,000, to 61,
120,000, as compared with last year.
A millionaire's Instate.
Special to Tin: Astokian.
San Fkaxcisco. Mav 31. -Tlin will
of "Wm. P. Fuller, who'was a member of
tho firm of Whiltier, Fuller & Co., was
filed to dav for nrobate. Tho nsfato is
valued at 1,800,000. Half of the en
tire estate is beuueathed tn tlm virlmr
of the deceased, and the other iortion
is to ue (uvmeii among Ins six children.
ncsi::stific' ou.mards.
EScat; the
Special to Tiik Astokian.
Sax Fkaxcisco, Msiy 31. The third
aud last game in tho match between
Schaeffer and McCloery, was played
this evening. Shaeffer took up the
gamawherehelcft off last night, in
the fourth inning, after making two
thousand, and performed until he had
scored another thousand. This beats
tjie world's record of 2,572 made by H.
McKeuna of Boston. Shaeffer's aver
age was 750, and McClecry's five.
Coaa Failures for a Week.
Special to Tiie Astokian.
Sax Fkaxcisco, May 31. lirad
slreeVs monthly report states that
there were seventy-three failures in
the Pacific cdost states and territories
during May, with assets $103,762; lia
bilities, S20S,369, to fifty-five failures
for May last year, with assets S123,18G:
liabilitics, S221,109.
Tho failures in California were 52,
"Washington 12, Oregon G, Arizona 2
and Nevada 1. Twenty-two failures
are due to incompetency, 18 to inade
quate capital and 9 to frand.
litfc Had no Charms for Hi in.
Special toTiiEAsroKiAN.
Ixdepexdexck, Or., May 31.- -Fred
Reed, aged 20, ot King's valley, twenty
miles from here, committed suicide on
Thursday. Cause, disappointed in
Killed in a Quartz Itlill.
Special to Tiik Astokian.
OkoviliiE, Cat, May 31. Leonard,
a son ot Supervisor Anderson, em
ployed in a quartz mill at Forbes
town, was iustan tly killed this morning
by being caught in the cog wheels of
the machinery and crushed.
The weather is tlirearenintr min.
Lots of hay is down.
Sad Suicide of a Woman.
Special to TnK Astokian.
Sackamento, May 31. This after
noon Mrs. "W. E. Dnghtou, widow of
the well known printer, who died yes
terdav. committed suicide bv swallow
ing eighteen morphine pills. She
liau been a victim of intemperance for
several years, and was thought to have
been under the influence of drink
when the act was committed. She
and her husband will be buried to
gether on Mondav. Thev leave five
children, the youngest an infant
Trackman Injured.
Special to The Astokian.
Stockton, May 31. C. B. Cook, a
brakeman to-day had his leg badly
cntby getting caught between the
rail and the pilot of the engine. He
had his injuries dressed and was sent
to his home at Oakland.
Regarding tne Railroad Acci
dent at Oakland.
Special to The Astoriax.I
Sax Fkaxcisco, May 31. An after
noon paper publishes an interview
with General Manager A.N. Towne,
of the Southern Pacific Co., regarding
yesterday's railroad accident at Oak
land. Mr. Towne is reported to have
said: "We have decided to wait until
the coroner's inquest before beginning
any investigation, and whatever evi
dence we have will be placed at the
coroner's disposal. The engineer
was not drowned. He jumped
off the engine which had been
brought to almost a complete stop
just as the brink was reached and
walked off tho bridge over the ties.
He will testify at the coroner's in
quest The engineer saw the danger
and put on the airbrakes a hundred
feet away from the bridge and the
engine was almost at a standstill
when it toppled off, carrying the ten
der and coach with it. He stepped
off before the brink was reached. The
fireman jumped into the water from
the other side of the cab.
The rate was about six miles an
hour. Tho engine was just barely
moving when it toppled off. The
tender and coach followed. He
jumped just as it went over."
Supt Fillmore said the accident was
entirely without excuse. He could
see the bridge a milo off. The engin
eer saw the bridge open but his mind
must have been wandering elsewhere.
Valuable Grain Fields Flooded.
Special to The Astoriax.I
Stockton, Cat, May 31. The levees
on Union island gave way last evening
and the water is now pouring over a
crevasso 300 feet broad, and. 8,000
acre3. all in ffrrrin. nrn flnoflprl. TIia
only land on Union island not flooded
is tne noma piace Known as
the Kidd ranch, containing about
2,500 acres. This ranch is pro
tected by a cross levee, but it
will hardly be able to stand the pres
sure. The Kidd ranch has not been
flooded since 1878. Allncmthr nhnnt
25,000 acres are under water on Union
lsiana. ot wnicn ll.UUU are in cram.
The loss is estimated at S300.000,
which will mainlv fall on "Williams &.
Bixler, all the stacks being removed
irom tne island. Tims far it has cost
about 820,000 to fight tho water.
municipal Election.
Special to The Astoriax.I
Seattle, May 31. An election held
to-day for tho purpose ot electing
fifteen freeholders to form a new city
cuarier, passeci on quieuy. xue vote
was very light and little interest being
manifested; it will not exceed 3,000.
There were two tickets in the field,
the non-partisan and so-called citizens
ticket, in reality tho labor union
ticket The non-partisan ticket 13
elected by fully 400 majority.
Indian Celebration.
Special to The Astoriax.
Sac axd Fox Agexct, Ind. Ter.,
May, 31. The commission has ar
rived here, but has had no conference
with tho Indians. A big dance is in
progress and there will be a pow wow
to-morrow. The reservation con
tains 45,000,000 acres for the Indians,
which number 530.
Remains of a Mastodon.
Special to The Astouiax.
PETAiiUiiA, Cat, May 31. A jaw
bone and tusk of ivory, of a gigantic
mastodon, were discovered to-day a
few miles south of a ranch of Andy
Decker. The jawbono is two feet in
length, 8 inches wide containing two
teeth. One tooth was weighed and
tipped the beam at two pounds. The
jawbone was in a perfect state of pres
ervation. The ivory tusk is three
feet in length and weighs 30 lbs.
Investigation will be resumed and it
is thought the entire animal will be
Spokane Club Victorious.
Special to The Astokiax.
Porttjaxd, May 31. The baseball
game to-day, of Spokane versus Port
land, resulted in 21 to 3 in favor of
Getting at The Facts
Census Enumerator Any children?
Housekeeper One son.
C. E. Male or female?
H. K. Male.
C. E. Age?
H. K Ten months.
C. E. Married or single?
H. K. Single.
C. E. That's all. Thanks.
-Philadelphia Record.
Protect the Sjstera from Malaria.
It is possible to do this even in regions of
country whero miasma is most rife, and
where ilie periodic fevers which it causes
assume their mast formidable upes. The
immense popularity of Hotetter's Stomach
Bitters is very largely attributable to the
fact of its efllcacy as a remedy for chills and
fever, bilious remittents, and as a prevent
ive of the various forms ot malarial disease.
In those portions ot tiie west and south
where complaints of this nature prevail, and
in the tropics, It Is particularly esteemed for
the protective influence which it exerts ; and
it has been very widely adopted as a substi
tute for the dangerous and comparatively
ineffective alkaloid, sulphate of quinine.
Physicians have not been among the last to
concede its merits, and the emphatic pro
fessional indorsements which it has received
have added to the reDUtation it has ob
tained at home and abroad.
the Future Terminus of a Great
ing a fine Deep Water Frontage and good anchorage, is destined to be
come a Great City. Quite a number of houses are being built and otkttc
improvements are under way now, while a
this summer.
His Programme of Pleasure Iiter
rnptei ly a Painfnl Aecileit
Special by The California Associated Pi
Bebiox. May 31. The kaiser will go
to Denmark on the 24th of June, on a
visit to the royal family at Fredricki-
ruhe. Thence he goes to Christiana,
to visit the King of Sweden, and from
there sails for England to accept agais
the hospitality of Queen Victoria. Ha
will witness the regatta of the Bojal
Yacht club at Cowes, in August
A journey to St Petersburg, to be fol
lowed, on the emperor's return to
Berlin, by maneuvres of the guards
and the 16th Army corps. A meeting
with emperor Francis Joseph is ar
ranged to succeed this, then comes tba
great naval review to which all
powers are invited.
Quite Caawmlng-, Yaw Kuw.
Special to The Astorux.
Niagara Famis, May 31. TheDuka
and Duchess of Connaught viewed ths
cataract this afternoon. The duchess
was charmed at the sight
An Emancipation Proclamation
Special to The astoriax.
Loxdox, May 31. The bey, of Tunis,
has decreed that every negro domsstis
in his dominion must be given a certi
ficate of freedom.
Drooped. Dead.
Special to The Astoriax.
Loxdox, May 31. Bev. J. W. Sharp,
vicar of North Leach, Gloucestershire,
dropped dead while batting in a
cricket field.
A Feeble Lair Dead.
Special to The Astoriax.
San Fbancisco, May 31. Mrs. Mary
Vale a feeble lady, 40 years old, died
iu a ui ul ueunum.
What Will It be?
Special to The AstoeiawJ
Loxdox. Mav 31. Stanlev has Av
oided to go to America on a lecturing
tour, unless summoned to Africa. His
bride will accompany him.
JVcariag- the End.
Special to The Astoriax.I
Paris, May 31. Count DeLesseps
is seriously ill, having fainted on tna
street. He is believed to be rapidly
They Propose te Appeal.
Special to The Astoriax.I
Paris, May 31. Secretan ad
Heutsch, the condemned directors of
the Comntoir Deseomntft. have do.
cided to appeal against their sentenos.
nrur j .e.- i j t 1 1
xuia in uuuuujui uuu legu. circles is
considered singular. It is morally
certain that a hicrher court will not
accord them the same clemency
shown by the magistrate.
Hope He Has an Accident Policy
Special to The Astoriax.
Berlin, May 31. Emperor Wfllian
suffers much pain from an injury hs
received in last Sunday's accident it
was supposed to be a sprain but it has.
been ascertained that several small
bones of the ankle are broken and ths
entire leg is contused and he is tin
able to walk vithout a crutch.
A magazine writer says;"Woman is
primarily a being who listens." That
depends. If woman, primarily, over
heard a couple of neighbors in earnest
conversation in the adjoining yard, no
doubt she listened; but if her husband
came home at midnight so weary aud
worn out with overwork that his foot
steps were very uncertain, his neck-tie
awry, and his breath flavored with
clover and other refreshments it is safe
to wager odds that She did'nt listen.
She talked, and talked, and talked, and
the poor man was reluctantly com
pelled to do all the listening.
Absolutely Pur.
This powder never vanes, A marvel of
jtirltv. strength and wholesomeneas. Mara
economical than the ordinary kinds, sod esjr
not be sold in competition with toe atsMP'
tude of low test, short weight, alum or iifces
S hate powders. Sold only in cang. Sotak
akxnq Powder Co. 106 Vall-st.. N, Y.
lewis m. johnsox & uo.. Agents, rat-
land. Oregon.
Transcontinental Railroad, and hay
great many contemplate biildiac
Astoria, Or.
MVf Jl-'