sj-fc -rw j" C3 up garni jstonau. r Jill . OREGON: iSttTOitWAY. .MAY 31. IKK) IBSOBD EVERY MORNING. J. F. HAL.LORAN & COMPANY, risWshers ami rroprie!n. iYstouxax )Sni.m:. - (lssSr::Ki:r. Terms orSa!iwIxtiiiii. (wwl lit -"Jim.-. ; r wtK .. IS cts -3afc- Mai . jj.- ti L.jjh r)c:s SdMt Mail. n- v.r 57 w Ti aiwmman cunrauJ I H :ulwr HrM!iiHiH h :Jh- c'4i't' ln.t iiri. orrFvo cJuvty official paper. tartia Oifeu will Iiaw nn auction rif fnniiture at his store at 11 fchok Uis morning. C!e Aft'r Dark oompnny left hero yastaixlny moming on tlit steamship Ongmit for JSnn 1'nincisMi, ami from tltttro iWy reUirn wist. 1jm1rmi iIh nighl k):it make jiiht compbiiui or tohncco fumes in the ninU roams waftoil from a part of the osMh wlmvRiiKtkiiigAlinnlri not he al Umry!. Th rctnftiit of the late .la-. P. IknMiMiii wre yesierlay interred vaiHi PytijiRu honor-. Asior amlPaciiJc liilS- aiiMiritttx tho fnnernl of the "Hh li!y msil mtvicc between this city iumI Softiile. vin Skipanon. is ex pfctad togu into operation ne.t week, jnnI will he a went convenience in owery my. A ilil French coin, attached to a im. 1ms herti found and is in the !Mr40H of the chicl" or the police, wd will eive it to the owner wlio can tiksrril the iroierty. Decoration day was almost univer sally observed in this city yesterday as k Hcml holiday, ail the bank?, public ttSiccs. etc., and a lare nnmber of IwsvtKb; place- beins closed. There will be a Kepnblican mass Miceluur at llo' opera house to-night, m which occasion Hon. Ualeifjh Scott will address the voters on the issues f tle tiny. Everybody is invited. There lcin :io enclosed cricket club gpnnnd at Tacoma. the Astoria cricket clnb will not play the Tacoma club, as IwmI leeit pronoseI. as the expenses would le allowed for solely out of the js4 money. Pacific Lodge Xo. 17. K. or P.. held tHwtr election yesterday of the Tollow ms officers for 1 he ensuing term. G. CT.T. Lnnglierr: V. C.. E. G. Hughes; l V. L. McCreskcy: M. at A., .Tas. Mnoomlter. Ijwjnor is not sold on any of the river twats, lint 4sarsaparilla and iron,"' disiHsed upon excursion boats, has the dosirel effect. It was that which loat such a carmine tinge to the ex enrsum from Portland last Suudav. The two newspaper reporters who accompanied Geo. Fraucis Train from New York to Tacoma, were passengers on yesterday's outgoing steamer. They say the old man is as lively as ever, and a most entertaining traveling com- UtHHNI. Someone will get a S2 suit or clothes for nothiug at Herman "Wise's next Monday. Anyone guessing the successful candidates for comity offi ces and their respective majorities will pet the suit. Every voter is entitled to a guess, The voter's guess should le handed m at his place of business by nine .v. m, next Monday. The one making the closest guess to the cor rect nsmlt gets the suit. Tho "N'eisswasr paper and cellu lose manufacturers have just intro duced into the market, under the names of uni-colored and two-colored water-tight cellulose papers, a cellu lose material that can be applied to the most varied purposes. The cellu lose pniwr can be used Tor book backs, table-cloths and as a temporary cover ing for itKfs. as well as for packing goods. It can be laid on damp walls and a? a coating Tor maps: in short, its applicability is extraordinarily mani fold. This cellulose paper is far cheap er than parchment. tt doe.! not be come sticky through heat, nor does it crack from the cold as is the case with vilclotli. The disagreeable asphalt wlr is not iereeptible- PKK.OXAL MENTION. Orti. W. Hume came up from San Francisco yesterday. A. G. Mackenzie went up to Port land last evening on the steamer, and will return to-morrow morning. Mrs. 1L E. Jackson wife of the missing engineer left for San Fran cisco yesterday. "Where he went is a mystery. Some think he has gone liack to Australia. Miss Jenuic Houghton, sister of Mrs. Harry C. Lord, is spoken of in very complimentary terms by the Seattle paiiers. as one of the sweetest singers in that city. Corns. IlnrioiM ami Warts Hemoved without pain or use of medicine, and all atllictions of the Irnnds or feet treated in a most skillful manner by Prof. Hanna. who is now in Astoria, and will remain for a few days only. Office over Allen's paint store corner -ith and Cass streets. Ninth Saturday Surprise Sale. Percale and calico shirts; two collars and a jvnir of cuffs with each shirt, worth $l.ofl, this Saturday only 75 cents at Hekmak Wise's, In Occident Hotel Building. To let. The two front rooms en the ground :loor of the old Transcript building, corner of Main and Third street. In- oulro at Town Talk office, next door to lwcku-.' gallery. TclcphsHeLodKiHs flOHSe. IJest Ueds in town. Rooms per night SO and 23 cts per week S1J50. New an clean. Private entrance. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. A Fine .Lot Of Gooseberries received by Thomp son & Iloss. Xkcrc Arc Sewc Kice Rooms, Over the Mikado candy store, suitable for offices, for rent Apply to Alex Campbell. Remember the Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. Coffee and cake, CeBtnd Restaurant ten cents, at the MEMORIAL DAT. Services at Fort Stevens and tie Hill Cemeteries. A SUCCIZSSrUL CULVllJtATIOX. l'ull Arronnt of the Evenins Escitihc at the Opera Hone. As if in harmony with the day and its mission, csterday was as delight ful as could jKissibly have been de sired, and there being but little wind, the river was comparatively smooth. At nine o'clock there were assembled some -100 people or more, on the steamer Jlaiizanita, the steamer George II. JTendtU and barge No. 9, which was towed by the latter, and all slaited down the river. On the deck of the capacious barge, the engineer department had erected seats, and these were occupied by forty members of dishing Post, No. 1-i. G. A. li., and visiting comrades, under command of C. A. May, post commander. Co. II. First regiment, O. N. G., under command of Capt. "Wherity, were present in full uniform. The drum corps in full uniform, and the ladies of the YV. K. C. with their badges, as well as many civilians, wero passengers on the barge On the Jlanzanita weie a large number of ladies and gentlemen. The trip to Fort Stevens was delightful and enjoyed by all. The steamsliip Michigan and the steamphip Colum bia were met as they were coming in, and both saluted with whistles and the dipping of Hags, while passengers waved their handkerchiefs, and hats were swung in air. The Manzanita arrived first and landed her passengers at the pier at Fort Stevens previous to the Jlenrfell and barges. After all were safely on the wharf, the line of march was taken up, and to the music of the drum corp3, Company H, the old soldiers, the Y. It O. and several hundred citizens proceeded to the soldiers' cemetery, which is situated in a little opening in the woods, in a sheltered nook, quiet, retired and inviting, an appropriate spot for the slumbers of departed he roes. Grand old fir trees surround it, like giant sentinels guarding the silent camp, while wild flowers and ferns are abundant, and in the distance can be heard the beating of the waves upon the shore, chanting a lasting requiem as a fitting dirge for the brave men whose sleep shall be undisturbed until "the sublime celestial bugler shall ring out the reveille." lteaching the cemetery, three sides of a hollow square were formed, one composed of the militia, one of the veterans and the other of the "W. R. C. with a number of soldiers' graves in the center. The regular ritualistic service of the G. A. K. for use in cemeteries on Me morial day was then presented by Commander May, Chaplain Grannis and Officer of the day Hardesty. Ap propriately introduced was tho glori ous anthem "Nearer My God to Thee," and the patriotic hymn "America," led bv Comrade Winton and joined in by all. Every grave was then covered with llowers, and on returning to the same position, an address was delivered by Comrade Thomas Dealey. He re ferred to those who were buried there, and who, with him had been present in the early days of the settlement of this county, and made a good speech, which was well received. He was followed by a short address by Comrade Edward A. "Weed, who referred to the militia present as a sample or those who enlisted in 18G1 as young men, but are now tho old veterans, to the many cemeteries where graves are being decorated to-day, to the lessons that have been derived from the war, and paid a tribute to woman's help in the dark days, and to the "W. It. C. of the present lime. Company "II" fired three volleys over the graves, and leaving the silent momids over the inanimate heroes, the entire assemblage marched down to the railroad track near the engineer office. Here an agreeable surprise had been provided, for Mr. G. B. Hegardt, the assistant engineer in charge of the jetty work had provided a train of cars and the whole company were treated to a ride on the railroad out to the end of tho jetty, which is now over 18,300 feet, or nearly 3 miles straight out into the ocean It was a grand and exhilarating ride, fully en joj'ed by all, many of the party never having experienced the pleasure be fore, and all were grateful to Mr. Heg ardt and his overseer J. "W. Stoneman, for their kindness shown and personal attendance in conducting the party. To them and Major Haudbury, by whose orders the steamer Jfendell was furnished also the barge, with scats all provided, to Capt W. "W. Rhoadcs of the lighthouse department for the free use of the JIanzaiiita as an escort of honor, to Capt. Richard sou and his officers, to Capt Brown and the others who contributed to the success of the excursion, the entire company are greatly indebted, and will always hold them in grateful remembrance. Returning from the ride to the cud of the jetty the party all embarked on the vessels, the G. A. R , AY. 1L U., Co. H. and the drum corps comiug on the Jfanzanita, and the civilians on the Mendell and the barge arriving at Astoria at 2 r. ix. THE AFTEnXOOX EXERCISES. Taking time enough only for lunch, the veterans and the ladies of the Relief Corps, accompanied by several hundred people went up to the cemetery on the hill at the head of West Ninth, street, and almost filled the enclosure. Here the same exercises were ren dered as in the morning at Fort Ste vens, being the ritualistic service of the G. A. R. as provided in the book of forms, for decorations in cemeteries. Every mound which marks the resting place of a "Union soldier was literally covered with flowers, after which all the visitors and participants returned home. EVENING CEREMONIES. A very large audience was assem cled in the opera house, every seat in the main body being occupied, and the gallery was well filled On the stage were seated the members of the G. A. R, in front of whom a small desk or stand was placed On the base of this were large boquets of flowers, as well as on the top of the desk, and it was covered with flags and adorned with vines. In rear of the stage the elegant sue nag oi uusning pose iormeu an appropriate background for the veter ans. By the side of the flag was a large cross formed of choice flowers, all the work of the fair hands of the W. R. C. They occupied seats in the boxes, on either side of the stage. On a raised platform in front of the stage, which was covered with Brussels carpet and bordered with the national colors, were an organ and a choir of eight gentlemen and five ladies, as follows : Mesdames C. W Fulton, Dr. Fulton, Prael, Warren, Ross, Brice and Pendleton, Messrs. Barker, Thompson, Griffin, Campbell and Harris, with Miss Bitely as organist The exercises opened at 8 p.m., when Commander May called on tho drum corps, who occupied chairs directly in front of the choir, between them and tho audience. "With muffled drums they gave a funeral dirge, and many a veteran present was reminded by it of the times when he had followed com rades to the grave. The choir sang an anthem, and sang it well, after which a fervent and patriotic praver was madebv Chaplain G. "W. Grannis. "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp," was sung by the entire andience, led by Comrade Winton and the choir, followed by the complete public service of the G. A. R. as laid down in the ritual for such gatherings. "Battle Hymn of the Republic" was sung with a fervor which denoted that the audience was decidedly pa triotic Comrade A. G. Hardesty was intro duced as the sneaker of the evening, and delivered the following address. HABDESTr'S ADDRESS. One of the arguments used in favor of the doctrine of man's immortality, is the fact that of all animate creation, only human beings bury their dead Every tribe or race of people from time immemorial, whether savage or civilized, have laid their deceased friends in the tomb, with a hope a belief -that somewhere, at sometime, they would see them and kuow them as they had seen and known them. "Know each other, who will quostion Truths so sacred to tho heart, When its cords are torn and bleeding When its earthly hopes depart? Christian love, how pure and sacred: Who the parting scene could bear, Did not mercy whisper gently, Wo shall know each other there?" In all ages, among all people who have laid any claim to na tional polity, there has ob tained a custom of commemoratiug in some manner tne me or acts or heroism of some of their countrymen. In some instances the glory of a hu man life, (and conversely of its death) becomes the property of a world What man is there whose pulse does not beat faster and whose heart does not go out in sympathy at the fate or Ireland's greatest patriot, Robert Emmet? What an argument for Freedom is the story of his sacrifice! So too the immolation of Jean of Arc, as well as hundreds of others. Costly monuments are erected over the graves of dead heroes. Genera tions tell in song and story the history of their achievements. The story of their lives impresses tho young listeners so that they too as boys, when an emergency arises, when the homes of their sires the hearthstone is endan geredspring to arms and uncon sciously become heroes. My mind recalls to- night, a scene one of thousands of seven boys standing around the chair of a mother born among tho granite hills oE old New England while she poured into their willing ears tho story of how brave General Warren fell. With her they saw John Dawes and Paul Re vere dash by on foaming steed. With her they were transported to the field of Lexington : Marched with tho minute-men up" Breed's Hill: Saw patri otic Putnam desert his pastoral pur suits and volunteer to defend his na tive land. They marched with their forefathers in bare feet bleeding, throuch the snows of Valley Forge. They knelt besidelhe immortal Wash ington as he prayed beneath tho leaf less tree, sighing in the icy night winds. They stood with the band of patriots at Yorktown when Cornwallis surrendered his sword to the one who was "first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his conutrymen." These boys registered a vow that when they reached manhood and their country needed them that they wonld emulate the heroes of the revolution, and give their lives if necessary to preserve inviolate tho priceless heritage of a land of freedom. Little did they then think that the struggle for national life, the greatest war of all history, would be fought in their day and generation. Our forefathers left the land of their birth because of social and religious intoleration. They braved tho dangers of a voyage across the stormy Atlantic; tlioy faced savages for the purpose of establishing a country where all men should be equal before tho law. They believed that "worth makes the man and the want of it, the felon." They established a country where a man could "worship God beneath his own vine and fig tree, none daring to molest or make afraid," with no priestly or kingly sovereignty, save and except a clear conscience, and an honest heart They interpreted ecclesiastical and political government for themselves. In the fatherland they had learned that lords and dukes were fallable human beings. In their new homes they learned that titles could be dis pensed with altogether. Among the first white settlers of this continent there were a few who still clung to the idea that birth, and not worth, made the man that a few were born lords, the many serfs. They settled south of what was afterwards known as Mason and Dixon's line. But as "truth always comes uppermost and ever is justice done," their hopes failed of realization, aud although their sup porters had become legion in 1SG1, their doctrines culminated in treason and rebellion. They inaugurated a war "that seriously affected tho financial and industrial prosperity of tho country at home and abread: that cost four hundred thousand loyal lives; that made three hundred thousand soldiers and sailors cripples for life; and that left more than a million devoted mothers, widows, sisters and orphans to mourn for their loved ones who did not return." In this rebellion more lives were lost than in any war of which we have any record While in the war between France and Germany, began in 1807, only one soldier in every 1,300 engaged, lost his life; yet in our civil war one soldier in every 29 that participated in it, lost his life. Eight of the Southern states alone, lost more men than England lost in all her wars during the last eight centuries, or since the time of William tho Conqueror. Although I was in the army myself for nearly three years, yet I can truthfully say that I never as fully realized what an enormous sacrifice of human life the war of the rebellion caused, until I stood but a fortnight ago with un covered head in National cemetery at Arlington near the city of Washing ton by the graves of nearly 40,000 of my countrymen. Think of it citizens of Astoria, you might take all the men, women and children in tms your beautiful city by the sea, and multiply them five time and you would scarcely have more human beings than repose in this one cemetery alone, and it is but one of many. , Remember, they gave then: lires that you might live in a free country. One of the mottoes placed in this city of the -dead I thought peculiarly appropriate. It was as follews: "YourNown proud land's heroic soil most be your fitter grave, She claims from war his richest spoil, tho ashes of her brave." Ridpath, in his history of the United States, gives five reasons or causes for the rebellion. It is not for us to discuss the causes, but we mny speak of the re sults. The side of oppression presented to the world the bleeding backs and aching hearts of four millions of human beings. It taught tho doc trine that "a negro had no rights that a white man was bound to respect." As early as 1832 it taught the doc trines of nullification and secession. It ordained an aristocracy that taught that "laboring men are the mud sill of society." And their leaders openly de clared that they "would some day call the roll of their slaves at the foot of Bunker hill monument" It brought forth as its leaders such beings as Jeff Davis, Quantrell and Wirz. On the other hand, the loyal people of the na tion said that they knew no north, no south, but one common country. It gradually instilled into tho common heart that labor was honorable and that idleness was dishonorable. They taught that the Declaration of Inde pendence meant just what it said, when it declared that "all men were created free and equal." They gave to tho world that great American trinity, Washington, Lin coln and Grant and in the hours of its country's need they gave three and one-half millions of men and three billions of treasure. The loyal soldiers sprang to arms with a common impulse representing all shades of political and religious belief from all walks of life. They kept tho flag of Washington floating in tho breeze. They returned it bathed in their own blood to their countrymen without a star missing from its azure field. The story of their acts of heroism, comes to us to-day "like the far off chimes of silver bells on a summer uvcuuig. j The private soldier or the union army knew as much of the needs of the hour as did the generals who com manded him. When men do not love their hearths nor reverence their thresholds, it is a sign that they hnve dishonored both." When they were no longer neeueu as j fsamoi KIV cnougI ,S! liraHe of the Cl.t. soldiers thev melted back to citizen-1 htka kkmkhiks. Mvboy when owvcnr ship as rea'dily as they had assumed Ic.fac was so had with eczema that lie Iot ?, - . i.iim. Viv... cjnnn tl.o all of his liulr. IUs.scnlp was covered wilh the warriors helmet. JSecr since the mi,,tIoI1. wll!cI, th. doctors -ahi was call time the morning stars sang to-gether, ht-ul. ami that his hair would ncer jitow has the earth witnessedsnch a scene. :'jrii. Drtspalilntjoracure from physicians, ni .. im- ni.;.i 4i,i tnna f n. I lip:m Hip iwe if Citiccka. Uksikiuks, Ihey left behind them tens of thou- .llMi, . happy to say. Ith thr mo,tper sands of their comrades whose graves , rct micciss. His hair U now splendid, and now dot the hillsides or sleep in the Mlicre Is nor a pimple on him. I recommend it i n. Tr:n,i :.. lhe Cuticuka 1;kmi:iii:s to mothers :i, the yaiicjs uiiuo &uuu suuiu. iulu ; battle killed in ambush starved in prison died in hospitals. From whom did these bravo boys learn the lesson of loyalty? As before in timated it came from the loyal women of America. It was born in them. 3r.Tn n,m lma cn'il tint but two borne one lias said tuat out two women have a direct interest m the welfare of man his mother and his "" . . . , , . , . It was in the home that super - structure of civilized society that the boys grew up patriots. It necessarily follows then that not alone were the boys who wore the blue the only suilerers- "E'er yet her child has drawn its earliest breath, A mother's love- begins, it glows till death. Lives before life; with death dies not but see ins The very substance of immortal dreams." Tjincoln said of his motuer, long i nfter her lovinc heart and wearv hands CUUA oai:ui exquisite i-kin ISeautilier.ex atter ner losing nearc aim wuir nanus tenuniy.spccdily.permanently andeconom hnd crumbled into dust and climbed, jciv cUre every dlse:ic and humor of the to life again amidst forest llowers, all i that I am, or ever expect to lie, I owe. to tho teachings or a (Jhnsiian mother." After Garfield had taken the oath of tho greatest office within the gift of the American people, he bent down and kissed the wrinkled cheek of his gray-haired mother. A comrade once told me that as he was leaving the battle field just at dusk, among the hundreds of dead and J dying, he was attracted by the feeble ( attempts ot a uoy in ome wuo was wounded in both arms, and whose life blood had nearly all ebbed away to gain his recognition. He stopped, and KamuioicwjBuiuuii. xxu diuiu-vu, j.h bending over tho wounded boy, asked him what he could do for him. The boy told him to open his blouse and vest, and on the msido pocket he would find a picture. He did so, and on opening it before the wounded boy, he fixed his failing eyesight on the picture of two women, and said, with a lisping and stammering tougue, "my mother and wife." Do you wonder that an army com posed of such men were invincible? The loyal women not only sympathized with us and prayed for us, but worked for us. The history ot the sanitary commission and the visits of noble women to the fields and hospitals and their loving ministrations there tell of her devotion better than could tho picturesque pen aud an appeile3. And now my comrades, because of tho memories that cluster about the heroic sacrifices of our comrades, because we love to recall their names and their deeds, we shall, as the years go by, and until I we too shall no longer be able to answer to roll call gather at the graves of our comrades aud cover I them over with beautiful llewers: flowers, the alphabet of angels. "Oh, yo hearts that with anguish arc swelling, Ye eyes that are. darkened with fear, For the brave ones yo loved past the telling. Tho fallen that sleep with us here. They have burst now tho fetter that boand them, And high 'mid tho heavens brightest ray, E'en with glories immortal around them, lhey are looking upon U3 to-uay. An anthem was rendered beautifully by the choir, and Comrade Samnel Elmore was called upon for an tiddress, but declined, and stated that he had arranged with Comrade Piatt to ap pear for him, who read finelv Will Carleton's brilliant and soul stirring poem, "Our Army of the Dead" An army song "When you and I were young," was sung by Comrade Winton, the choir joining in the cho rus. Chaplain Grannis was called out and made a brief address, calling as a substitute Comrade Winton, who re sponded promptly, giving reminis cences of the war, including scenes of departure from home. His remarks were very earnest and forcible and elicited considerable applause. He aroused many slumbering recollections of those stirring days by his allusion to the active events of soldier life, and urged grater fraternity among the comrades. Depravity in politics was strongly condemned and the statement made that buying votes is being continuously practiced here for the approaching election. (3omrade G. C. Hall was next upon the programme for a brief address. but stated that he had spoken so many times on simiuar occasions, no wouta call upon one whom many had not heard but whom he had the pleasure ot hearing this morning, and who he was satisfied would be able to enter tain, and that was his friend Major E. A. Weed Comrade Weed deemed it a work of supererogation to attempt to add any thing to the brilliant and eloquent remarks of the speakers of the even ing, for it would be like trying to paint a lily or adorn a rose, and after all the beautiful flowers of the day and the flowery eloquence of the evening 1 it seemed in queer taste to attempt to extract any fragrance or beauty from J a Weed He referred to the peculiar feelings aroused in the breasts of the old soldiers by the celebration of such days, spoke of the G. A. R. which can have no recruits and must soon be obliterated by death, but hoped the celebration of Memorial dav wonld be perpetuated bv the W. R. C. and the loyal youth of the land, now coming forward to fill the places being rapidly jracated by the veterans. Incidents of the war were given and a compliment paid to the bravery of the Confederates, between whbmand the Union veterans there is only the kindest feelings. Loyal women and their noble deeds were praised, and the claims of soldiers strongly presented. The choir and audience joined in singing with hearty zeal "America," then the "Doxology," when the bene diction was pronounced by Comrade Rev. G. C. nail, and the meeting was over. It was a decidedly interesting meet ing, and the entire exercises of the day were remarkably successful, reflecting great credit upon the committee, Com rades Grannis, Elmore, Brodie and Winton, and enhanced wonderfully by the valuable assistance of the W. It O, as well as the cordial aid of Company H and the Drum corps. Comrade Samuel Elmore officiated very credit ably as grand marshal of the day. There were no clouds in the sky, and no jar or hitch in the proceed ings, consequently the day was cele brated in such n' manner as to make it long remembered as one among the pleasant reminiscences hi the lives of its many hundred participants. Not a Pimple on Baby. ll.tliif one year old. Hit it irilh ISczcmit. i iiiii nil tUtne. Srttljt corcrctl jrifi f rriijilions. Curat hi Ctitietirit. llalr 'fjilriiiltil ami not a jiimjilr on hint. Cured by Cuticura Utet Sptcdy. economical and sure cure for all skin diseases of infants aud children. and fepl that every mother w!a lias an atllicted child will thank u:e for s.i doitv'. Mrs. M. I". WOODSl'M. Norway, Me. Fever Sore Eight Years tt l.." - . ..r t..r , t 1..1 1 I nuut extend lo you me thanks or OlIP oi I1IV CIISl0Ilien; who :has UCCI1 ,ured iy usipj; inf. Cuticuua Ki:mkiiks, or an old .sore. c u-?jd by a long spell of sickness or fevir eiuiit years ai;o. lie w:ls so bad he was fear- ful he would have to have his les amputat- .,.,j i,ut jS happy to say he s now entirely well. sound as a 'dollar. He requests mc to I must extend to you the thanks of one of use his name, which i It. II. Casojt, mcr chant. JOHN v. .ui mm:. Druggist, fiainesboro. Teiin. We have been selling our CirricuitA RKMKDIK.S for years, and have the lhst complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. One of the worst cases of scrofula 1 ever saw was cured by them. ! TAYLOR K TA YLOR iranktort, Kail. 1 Cuticura Resolvent, The new Mood and Skin nuriflcraud otirest I and beit of Humor Remedies intcmally.and utrnruitA, the grent &kih t un aim uuti skin, sealp and blood, with lass of hair. whether itching, burning, scaly, pimply, scrofulous or hereditary, when all other remedies fail. Sold everywhere. Price, C'lticuka, S0c ; Soai2."c: esol.vknt,SI. I'rcparcdby the I'OTTKK DltW: AND CHEMICAL. COKI'OKA TION, ltOStOU. ttS"Scnd for '"How to Cure Skin Diseases," Gl pages, Millustmt ions and tco testimonials. nmU'n Skin and scaln preserved and DAD I 0 bcauthled by CirriruK.v Soai. Absolutely pure. EVERY MUSCLE ACHES Sharp Aclits. Uu I IMIns. Strains, and Weaknesses relieved In one minute bv the I'ntieura Anti-Pain ! u . ii&iPr. i He tirst ana oiiiv instantaneous pain-killing strengthening piaster. 25 cents, ' - - - The Way To Do It. Chief Engineer Stockton's requisi tion from the committee on fire aiid water authorizing him to buy a team of horses for Astoria Engino Co. No. One, was yesterday signed He will immediately proceed to procure the team. This is as it should be. Tun AsTOKLVX has directed the attention of the city authorities to this matter and is of the opinion that it is better to buy the horses in that way by city money than to raise the reqnired amount by contributions. The members of Astoria Engine Co. No. One desire a team. Those who have had many a hard pull on the ropes ot the old Silsby will appreciate the improvement. USUFLL. TNTOTtArATION'. Tilbury Fox, M. D., tho eminent medlcd writer, in his woric " Skin Diseases," thus ac counts for tho pimples so common to the face and neck. Eatlns too rich or too greasy food, or too hearty catins vrhilo tho ex cretory organs arc sluggish, causes in most people indigestion or a dyspcpsial condition, yi hfch causes tho blood to movo iluggisbly, and enfeebles tho pores. Tho result is, that tho exuding secretion block in tho pores, which Inflame, each distinct Inflammation being a pimple. Dr. Fox therefore does not prescribe " blood pnriflers" so called, bul a " dyspepsia euro" to be taken, to uso his own words "till the dyspepslal symptoms have disappeared." Tho old idea was, that fac eruptions were caused by a. " humor in thi blood," for which they treated tho blood, giving the mineral, potash. Joy's Vegetabla Barsaparilla follows the modern ideas of Dr. Fox, and aim3 with gentle vegetable altera tives nt tho btomach and dlgestivo organs. Tho reason Is apparent why it cures dyspep sia and Indigestion, and tho pimples and akin eruptions which result therefrom arid Way earsaparillas that use minerals f alL GUESS S25 Suit or of Clianre. And Get a Clothes Free To the person making the closest guess as to who will be the successful candidates .for county offices and the respective majorities they will receive, I will give an elegant 825 suit of clothing free of charge. Every voter in Clatsop county is entitled to only one guess up to Monday, Juno 2, at 9 o'clock A. M. Write on a piece of paper the candi dates you think will win and the majorities you expect them to receive, then hand it in atjnyplace ot business any time before 9 o'clock a. m., Juno 2d, 1890. I have selected two fair and square men as judges, Messrs. J. F. Halloran and Geo. Noland, who will canvass the guesses immediately after the official count is known, and award the suit to the one making the closest guess. Herman Wise, The Reliable Clothier & Hatter, In Occident Hotel Building WciMfcard's Beer. And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. liKa (pw mill I :i vIiiiiiiii Ilk Uvl nit uuii i iiniiiuiimm uuuuu i JTJST RECEXYED-sssEE Parasols. Laces. Ribbons. Embroideries. MC. H. COOPER The Leading ifi S2.95 1IAND-SEWKD, DOUBLE SEAM SHOE. It never rips. It never squeaks. flexible than a hand turn. MORGAN & CO., MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The steamer M icJtigan arrived from Puget sound this morning, and after wards went up the river. The ship Belle of' Bath sailed out on Thursday night, bound for Mel bourne, Australia, with lumber. The steamer Ii. li. Thompson will not come down to-night, as she comes down on Sunday, with the Jewish excursion party. The steamship Columbia arrived from SanFraucisco yesterday morning, having .about 90 tons of freight for this port, and several passengers. The steamer Oregon sailed for San Erancisco yestcaday morning, taking from here 600 bundles of lath, 400 bundles of shooks 10 tons of old iron, and 80 sacks of oysters. The steamer Manzanita on Thurs day took on board part of the new iron lighthouse destined for Destruc tion island, which is situated up the coast 93 miles from here. This morn ing early the steamer goes up to the buoy depot to take on more of the iron sections, aud Monday will go up the coast for the island. That tired feeling, so subtle and yet so overpovcring,is entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which tones and strengthens the system and gives a good appetite. He sure to get Hood's Sarsa parilla. "100 Doses One Dollar' is true only of this peculiar medicine. Originator ! -vs. Imitator. No matter what trade or profession you choose you will-easily detect the men of original ideas; the men who push themselves and the town they live :ji ahead; men who are a credit to their profession and the community they live in: but you arealsosureto find the.- imitators, those who are sit the rear end of- the proces sion, men who never have an original, bright thought or do uu original, bright act. m Tf let alone thfy will exist on what liberal, unsuspecting people permit them-lves tobeTob bed of; but no, sooner does tin' original, witerprising man make a "move, nnd the imitat ing tail-ehder tries to benefit by his superior's genius. Note theweak attempts of the old-styled shops to imitate my Saturday. Surprise Sales. It's enough .to-make ahorse f laugh. For New Goods, Original Styles and Low Prices Look to HermanWise The Live Clothier and Hatter, In the Occident Hotel Bl'd'g. Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria. For Ladies ! KEEN AND Have Choice City and Suburban Property for Sale. Fire and COVERED IN THE Astoria, A Snap in Real Estate. 11 1-2 Acres, Close to River and Street Gar Line, Only $500 Per Acre, for a few Days Only. $5,000 Can be Made on this Wtttgate Siiie Heal ZJstette Brolnerj Odd Fellows' Building, Lots in Case's Astoria Are Sow on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Real Estate Co. PRICES FROM $150 TO $250 EACH. TERMS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. mmmmm aapBWijilMW XoSMSBtSBmSBBSSS wuna Theso SEINES are made true taper andj from an actual scale, and will hjuagtra and draw when hung in to lines, and from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine. fRIGHT AND LEFT HAND LAID PATENT ROPE, 0 thread and larger, soft and free from kinking. SALMON TRAP NETS knit from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine, superior to the medium laid, stronger, more durable and Holds Tar Longer. Letters or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention American Net & Twine G Established 1842. Bostoa, "NT -R. Wo hnva the lareest Nettinc and has lately been added for knitting heavy for tho Alaska salmon jjianenes, ana me moat bjoiuiiiubjp empioyeo. Highest awards atBoston, 1869. Philadelphia. 187S. LondonFishenes Exposltluay FLYNN, KEE?S IN Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styltt He buys lor Cash at Eastern Prices. JHe Guarantees the Best WorknuuMUs an Garment. Call and see for yourself. Barth Block, AWLOtlA,mt: White (foods. Plaid Sashes. Trimmings. and-Buttons. mi Street. f ms r It requires no breaking in. Msre Astoria, Oregon. COOK. Marine. BEST COMPANIES. Oreft Property Within 3 Montfct. ASTORIA, OR Mass. Casital Twine plant. New and cosily Traps for the Colombia river, aasV The Tailor, STOCK THE- v 'V , l - - - tic n