The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 30, 1890, Image 3

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    3) -V
JIic giutjj gtftorian.
.MAY 20. 1800
PnljMvhcrs and Proprietors.
.MVKIA7C i:iriu!N:.
Trnox of Sn!criition.
"--l "'. r : l.'cts
.; -J. - it-...'Ji . fiocts
v-.i h a;l. ihx'K-4' .. ..97.00
hn'iiv Sxn- iil-onlK'rs.
Tdk atoian j-nannleis ;i its atlver
tvTrillanl ircl;ttui. of a n.-wi:i-T-r
mMtstMl mi :!te Colutnlna live.
This beiiiE :i lefjal holiday, the post
office will be closed from 10 A- M. too
r m.
Thi- is a lejral holiday, and the
banks, city, connJy ami federal offices
will le closed.
Several officers and soldiers of the
Fifth artillery were over from Fort
Canny yestor.lay, taking a look around
the city.
Partof the time last evening the
line was down between Portland and
San Fraucisco. mnkiug our press des--tatches
conic i alter late.
The odor arising from the decayed
planks being torn up on Third street
is very unpleasant, especially at night,
and is liable to breed disease.
Tlte commission of J. E. Selig
census enumerator for the first prc
cjnet of Astoria has been received and
lie will commence his duties next
Steamer travel between Portland
and San Francisco is rather light at
present, but ovcrlaud busiuessis brisk,
and passenger trains are well loaded
oven day.
In the police court, yesterday, before
.ludgc JcwetL, two men were arraigned
f.r lighting and the trial resulted in
one lcing discharged, and the other
wa- fined $20.
There have been unmerous visitors
to see the tiny infant described in
Tuesday's Astorian as 'Diminutive
Humanity, which weighed at birth
one pound and two ounces.
Lost night CapL McCarty, and
officers Larsen and Beaslcy brought
in four men, who had evidently been
interviewed by candidates, and had
more "tanglefoot' aboard than was
necessary for correct navigation.
Yesterday artentoou Miss Levings
and another vouug ladv were horse
back riding on West Ninth street, when
the former's horse became unruly and
threw the fair rider. Fortunately she
was not seriously injured, only shaken
up rather too rudely for comfort
The funeral of the infant child of
Fred Oberg took place yesterday af
ternoon from Surpreuaut's undertak
ing iarlors. Mr. Ober has been pecu
liarly afflicted in the death of his little
children, aud the family has the earn
est sympathy of their many friend.
Fooplc going to Fort Stevens litis
morning will bear in mind that they
must be promptly on time, or they
willbolert. The" boats start at 8:30
sharp; the steamer Geo. II. Mendcll
and barges from Flavel's wharf, aud
the steamer Manzanita from foot of
Main street.
In Justice May's court yesterday
Emit Jessien made complaint against
George Brown for robbing him of a
rifle and four salmon, but when the
accused was brought into court, it was
found that he was the wrong man and
not the guilty party. The latter is
being searched for. aud if caught will
be duly tried.
Another man is happy, for he can
stand on United Stales soil and claim
it as his own for Uncle Sam has given
it to him. The man is Charles Oechs
ner. and the land is the west half of
southeast quarter, northeast quarter
of southwest quarter, and southeast
quarterof northwest quarter of section
Ascertain from the street superin
tendent what is the proper number
for your house or place of busiuess,
and" have it put on at once. Free
letter delivery is furnished only in a
city where the houses are numbered,
and this alone should be a sufficient
reason why every building should be
numbered at once.
Another tract of land is now on the
market, the plat having been duly
filed yesterday by Frank Patton,
trustee. It is called "Seal Bock
Beach. aud consists of 4S blocks, con
taining S$7 lots, and is on the beach
about five miles ImjIow Seaside. The
owners are A. 11. Kanaga, II. C.
Thompson and IL "V. Striekler.
Yesterday Patrick Jones and Charles
Alichorn cut loose the tie that has
thus far through life, by the accident
of birth, bound them as subjects of
Queen Victoria. Peter "Wilson severed
the cord that bound him to the King
of Sweden, aud all three signed their
first papers of enrollment in the ranks
of the people of this broad land, over
whom royalty holds no dominion.
One of Astoria's fair young ladies
carries her right hand in a sling, the
result of an accidental slip of a pair
of sharp scissors, which peuetrated
the hand, and will render it inopera
tive for awhile. The accident is not
serious enough to destroy the useful
Bess of the hand or prevent the young
lady from giving it away at some fu
ture time, should she feel so disposed.
The funeral of tlie late James P.
Thompson will be attended from
Sarprenant's undertaking room at 11
o'clock this morning, and half an hour
later, the steamer Electric will leave
"Wilson and Fisher's wharf for Clatsop,
where the interment will take place.
Tbe funeral will be under the auspices
f the Knights of Pythias, as he was a
ember of Pacific Lodge, No. 17. The
-aeeabers of the order, relatives and
intimate friends will go on the boat
At two o'clock yesterday afternoon
a Mongolian was buried from Surpre-
-ftsat's parlors. As is the Chinese
custom, the bedding and personal
effects of the defunct Celestial were
barned after the burial, and around
the grave was deposited the usual
array of tempting viands, including
eooked food and prepared fruits and
confectionery. On the way to the
bvrial place, slips of red paper printed
is Cfciaeee characters, were scattered
fretlv mloBg the road.
.:iirice ! Wfc! HaXWak I
a 11 ttMniwrs of the club are reauested
toke-Bresentattheir hall this Friday
CTeft-ji&atT o'clock. Business of im-
WjcWKX oraer vl me x cojuwui,
Interesting Items from Portland
for Astorian Readers.
ASToitiA. is jtEcoaxizrn xoir. to Tiik Astorian.
PoRTiiAN'D, May 29. Portland's
present attention is largely taken
up with president Adams' visit, the
pending political contest, nn-J Astoria
real estate.
Adani3 and Holcomb have gone
back to Omalia. Nobody succeeded
in getting the reticent president of the
Union Pacific to say where the
terminus of the road would be on the
Sound, bnt men who claim to be on
the inside, say it is Port Angeles.
From the general talk here at
political headquarters, it is considered
certain that the entire Republican
state ticket will be elected by majori
ties varying from 2,700 for Thompton,
to 0,500 for Hermann.
Considerable of the population of
Portland are talking Astoria real es
tate. All agree that it is good proper
ty to buy, and they look for further and
more favorable developments in the
uesj thirty days.
CapL Al. Stream, of South Bend, re
turned from California this morning,
but got no boat. The South Bend
toiES nere taiK or getting S"MJ per
month subsidy for the Qcn. Miles or
some boat at Astoria, to make daily
trips letween Sealand and South
The British bark lien JIacdJtui,
Capt J. C. Todd, sailed out yesterday,
bound for Qacenstown for orders.
The steamer City of Topcka, Capt.
David Wallace arrived yesterdaj from
Port Townsend, having G20 tons of
coal, six barrels of fish oil, a lot of
furs, blankets and bear skins from
The ship Belle of Hath, Capt C.
Curtis, laden with over a million
feet of lumber, as previously described
in these columns, cleared yesterday
for Melbourne, Australia. In her
crew of 14 men, ten nationalities are
represented besides one child of the
waves, for the nativities are as follews:
Germany, Holland, Japan, Switzer
land, Canada, Austria, United States
and at sea, one each, while from Nor
way, England and Ireland are two
S2o Suit or
of Charge.
And Get a
Clothes Free
To the person making the closest
guess as to who will be the successful
candidates for county offices and the
respective majorities they will receive,
I will give an elegant S25 suit of
clothing free of charge. Every voter
iu Clatsop county is entitled to only
one guess up to Monday, Juno 2, at 9
o'clock a. m.
Write on a piece of paper the candi
dates you think will wiu and the
majorities yon expect them to receive,
then hand it iu at my place of business
any time before 9 o'clock a. m., June
2d, 1899. I have selected two fair and
square men as judges, Messrs. J. F.
Halloran and Geo. Noland, who will
canvass the guesses immediately after
the official count is known, and award
the suit to the one making the closest
guess. Herman Wise,
The Reliable Clothier & Hatter,
In Occident Hotel Building.
Astoria's Steamer Fleet.
Customs inspectors Thomas Lin
ville and J. H. Kearney are engaged
in inspecting steamers and reporting
the names of all which in accordance
with the now law requiring steamers
to carry a fog bell, have, or have not,
complied with tho regulation. A111
must have bells before Juno 1st
The names of those steamers, each
one of whom carries a bell are as
follews: Geo. H.Mendell, Gen. Canby,
City of Astoria, Astoria, Suomi,
Electric, C. JJ. Rich, Occident,
Eclipse, Edith, Wenona, O. K.,
Fisher, Ii. P. Elmore, Volga, Rival.
Several others are not yet thus
equipped, but probably will be before
the close of this month.
Across the River.
Last evenuig a number of members
of Seaside Lodge. No. 12, A. O. U. W.,
chartered the steamer Eclipse, and
with their lady friends wont across
the river to Knappton, where they had
a social dance. Music was furnished
by Prof. Francis, and a royal good
time was had by all. The water was
smooth and the trip very delightful.
Several applications were received for
Seaside Lodge, and Dr. Jay Tuttle
made the medical examinations over
Attention, Knights.
The members of Astor Lodge, No.
6, K. P., are requested to meet at
Pythian castle this (Friday) morning
at 11 o'clock, to attend the funeral of
our late brother, James Thompson, of
Pacific Lodge. By order,
C. Even-son, C. C.
D. R. Blount, K. of R. & S.
Fimcral Xotice.
The members of Pacific Lodge. No,
17, K.of P., will assemble at their cas
tle hall at 11 o'clock a. m. to-day, to at
tend the funeral of our late brother,
James P. Thompson. By order of C.
C. W. A. Shebman,
K. of R. and S.
Saturday Surprise Sale. Percale
and calico sliirts; two collars and a
pair of cuffs "with, each shirt, worth
$1.50, this Saturday otdy 75 cents at
Hekxian "Wise's,
In Occident Hotel Building.
Take II Before Breakfast.
The great appetizer, tonic and liver
regulator. In use for more than 50
years in England. Positive specific for
liver complaint. Bad taste in the
mouth on arising in the morning, dull
nains in the head and hack of the eyes,
tired feeling, dizziness, laugour symp
toms ot liver compiamc Kemeay JJr.
Henley's English Dandelion Tonic Re
lieves constipation, sharpens the appe
tite and tones up the entire system. Get
the genuine from your druggist for 1,
and talce according to directions.
TelcphaeloUriaK Jtase.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
so and 25 cts per week SL50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J; Goodmas's.
Read This and Find Where You Vote Xext
There are five voting precincts iu
this, city and the following is the au
thentic list and boundaries of each, as
well as the location of the pells:
rOLMN'O place no. L
Commence at north end of Lafay
ette street in city of Astoria; south on
said street; thenco south on a direct
lino to Lewis and Clarke precinct and
all west thereof in Astoria shall be
known as polling place No. L
Polling place: Liberty halt
Shall embrace all the land lying be
tween Lafayette street, extended south
to Lewis and Clark precinct and the
west line of Genevieve street, extended
Polling place: Court house.
Shall embrace all the land lying be
tween Genevieve street extended
south, and West Sixth street extended
Polling place: Building west of Mr.
Shall embrace all the land lying
between West 6th street extended
south, and the claim line between
John Adair and J. M. Shively.
Polling place: Pacific Union Pack
ing Company.
Shall embrace all the land lying
between the claim lino of John Adair
extended south on the west side, and
by the west boundary of John Day's
precinct on the east side.
Polling place: Cannerv of S. D.
Adair or W. D. Smith.
Capt. Al Harris, of the Fort Canby
life saving station was in the city
Andrew-Taylor arrived last evening
from Ohio on a visit to his brother,
Col. James Taylor, and family. Ho
was in California in 1819, and returned
in 1851, and has not been on the
Pacific coast since then.
J. W. Olney, of Wadhams & Olney,
proprietors of the Spokane oat meal
mills, has been here two days, and
goes to San Francisco to-day on the
steamship Oregon. He will visit Los
Angeles and San Diego also, and stop
awhile at Hotel del Coronado.
Incoming Passengers.
The following passengers are due to
arrive here this morning from San
Francisco, on the steamer Columbia :
V. M. Deslike, F. C. Behrenak, J. G.
Ross, D. King. Mrs. J. J. Brown, Miss
M. Springle, Miss E. Muffley, H. W.
Adrian, Miss Annie Schilling, Miss
Nagle,Mrs. H. N. Brown and child,
Mrs. Geo. Helm, E. Helm, Thomas
Howell, George Hyde, G. W. Hume
and son, Geo. Myler.Geo. Brogan, R.
A. Wilson, A. J. Desoyk, A. E. Lerm
well, E. M. Buckner. A. G. Salmon, T.
P. Nichols, A. J. Potter, C. C. King.R.
A. Foster, M. E. MandelL F. Dobel
bower, J. T. Fox, Capt J. A. Brown
and son, Miss M. Fuller, Miss H. L.
Adriech, Miss Newman, A. D. Pelt
man, T. P. Cannon.
An Electricil Rat
A young electrician of Omaha has a
very ingenius way of killing rats. Tho
rodent is canght in an ordinary oval
trap, the bottom of which is covered
with tin. One wire, connected with a
dynamo, is fastened to the tin lining of
the trap and another is thrust into the
prisoner's celL The well known pro
pensity of a caged rat to do battle as
serts itself and he seizes the wire be
tween his teeth. In doing so he makes
the mistake ofjlm life. The circuit is
completed, his jaws close on tho wire
with a death grip, and without a
squeak, and almost without a quiver,
he passes into a state of eternal des
uetude. Dyspepsia, indigestion, sick headache
and that tired teeling are cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, winch tones the
stomach, promotes healthy digestion,
creates an appetite, cures sick headache
and builds up the whole system. Sold
by all druggists. 100 Doses One Dollar.
Ben Young is just down fromFraser
river. It will be remembered that
Mr. Young left this city for England
last March, in connection with his
salmon business, and after making
satisfactory arrangements returned.
He reports somo dissatisfac
tion among English dealers
in consequence of alleged bad
condition of some parcels of salmon
from various sources, principally owing
to weakness of contracts for delivery.
The result is that nearly
every parcel is turned over to
arbitrators, who often make awards
favoring the purchaser. Mr. Young
thinks the packers of this coast should
see that they havo representatives
there to look after their interests,
otherwise they will be often losers.
Tilbury Fox, H. D., tao eminent satdlet)
writer. In hU work" SkinD'ima-,"ral
counts for th pimples so common to t&t
f ace and neck- Xatlnr too T1C& Ot too CltMt
food, er too hearty eating while th
cretory organs are sluggish, causes ta m
people Indiiestloa or a dyspepslal conditio,
which causes the blood to move Blascisfcljr,
aid caieebles the pores. The result is, thai
tha exuding secretion block ia the pot))
which Inflame, each distinct nfls-nnnaitflU
being a pimple. Dr. Fox therefor dees -ate
prescribe "Wood purifiers"' so called, b-slsj
" dyspepsia cure" to be taken, to us his ots
words " till the dyspeptiql aymftomt AJM
disappeared." The old Idea was, that fata
eruptions irere caused by a " numor in tat
blood," for whleh they treated th TslosjO,
flying the mirkeral, potash. Joy's VfUV
Eaiseparilla follows tho modem ideas el Df.
Fox, and aims with gentle Tefotasle altatsr
tires at the stomach and digestlre Off.
The reason lsappareatwhyit cures dyim
sia and indigestion, and the piaflM sji
akin eruptions which result theretrcraa asi
wy sarsaparillas that use xalaerals fafi.
AttcHtlea Co. II."
All mjembers of this company are
hereby notified to appear at their arm
ory fully uniformed and equipped on
Friday morning, May 33th, at 8 o'clock,
to act as an escort to the 6. A. IL, in
accordance with General Orders No. 10,
issued from Regimental Headquarters.
By order of Capt H. J. "WHEBixy.
F. J. Cakney, 1st Serg'L
A Fiae .Lot
Of Gooseberries received by Thomp
son & Ross.
A first-class blacksmith machinist.
Apply at this office.
Tkere Are Some Rice Rooms,
Over the Mikado candy store, suitable
for offices, for rent Apply to Alex
Remember the Austin bouse at the
Seaside is open toe year 'round.
At 8:30 a. sl, on Friday, May 30th,
the members of Cashing Post No. 14,
Department of Oregon, Grand Army
of the Bepublic, with all visiting com
rades of the G. A. B. and all soldiers
and sailors of the Army of the Union
are cordially invited to assemble at
the G. A. B. hall in this city, from
there to march in a body to the steamer
Mendell, and proceed to Fort Stevens
to hold memorial services and to
decorate the graves of our comrades
who "Have fallen asleep." Short ad
dresses will be delivered by comrades
Weed and Dealey:
At 3 o'clock p. m. all comrades and
soldiers and sailors of the late war
will assemble at the G. A. R hall and
with the citizens will proceed to the
Hill cemetery and there decorate the
graves of those who in the days of the
civil war offered their lives that the
coming generations might enjoy the
freedom they fought to preserve:
At 7:30 p. m. there will be public
services held in the opera heuse: The
order of exercises will be as follews:
1st Dirge by the dram corps.
2nd. Anthem.
3rd. Prayer by Comrade G. W.
4th. Song, "Tramp, Tramp, the
Boys Are Marching."
5th. Memorial services of the G.
Gth. Song, "Battle Hymn of the
7th. Address by Comrade A. G.
8th. Anthem.
9th, Short addresses by Comrades
Elmore, Grannis and Hall.
10th. Hymn, "Mv Country, 'Tis of
11th. Doxology.
The audience is cordially invited
to join in singing the songs named in
the programme.
The members of the committee re
spectfully request that all places of
business in the city, including saloons,
be closed from the honr of 10 a. m.
till G p. m. on Friday, May 30th; and
that the flags on all vessels in the
harbor and on tho Hag staffs in the
city be placed at half mast.
Tho Woman's Relief Corps and dish
ing Post No. 14, G. A. R., of this city,
respectfully request that the school
children and all other patriotic citizens
will bring flowers to the G. A. R. hall,
over Carnahan's & Co.'s store on
Thursday. May 29, between the hours
of 3 and 6 p.m.
G. "W. Grannis, Committee
S. Elmohe, j on
E. H. Bbodie,
F. D. Winton,
I Services.
Veterans of the Civil War.
As a part of the census of the people
to bo taken during the month of June
Bpecial provision has been made by
congress for ascertaining the names
of surviving soldiers, sailors, and
marines who were mustered into the
service of the United States during
the war of the rebellion, aud of the
widows of soldiers, sailors, and marines
who havo died. In connection with
this special census of veterans the
organization or vessel in which they
served, tho term of service in each
case, and present residence will bo
taken by the census enumerators. In
the case of widows, information re
garding the service of their deceased
husbands is also required.
Tho importance of accurate state
ments concerning tho military record
of each participant m tho late war
should not bo underestimated. It
should bo tho duty moreover of every
veteran soldier or sailor to see that the
enumerator is placed in possession of
the necsssary information concerning
his own service. If he cannot bo at
home when the enumerator calls he
should leave a proper memorandum
in tha hands of his wife or other mem
ber of his household, so that the work
of tho census may not be delayed, and
also that there may be no doubt as to
the accuracy of tho statement concern
ing his service which may be given to
the census enumerator. That there
may be no question as to the points to
be covered by this memorandum,
it may be well to state that
the special inquiries to bo mado
concerning veterans of the civil war
include the name, the company, and
the regiment or vessel in which they
served, their late rank, the dates of
enlistment and discharge, the length
of service in years, months, and days,
and their present post-office address.
Where a soldier or sailor re-enlisted or
served in more than ono organization
or vessel, ho should be very careful to
givo tho term of service in each in
stance, and to cover each enlistment
In giving the organization care should
be taken to distinguish the arm of tho
service, as infantry, cavalry, etc, and
if a person served under an assumed
name, his statement should be made
to cover both the name under which
he served and tho true name by which
hois now known.
Veterans of the war generally will
recognize and appreciate the value of
this special census to them, and they
should aid tho census enumerators in
getting true statements in every way
possible. Without their co-operation
correct results cannot be reached.
This personal appeal is made to them,
therefore, iu the hope that their atten
tion may be specially directed to the
importance ot this work and tho neces
sary information may be promptly
supplied to tho census enumerator
when he calls somo time during the
month of June.
Wcintaard'a Brer.
And Free Lnnch nt the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Meal Coakcd te Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next l Foard &
Tho Hoffman Houfee Cigar.
The La Paloma cigar and other fine
brands of cigars; the finest in the city,
at Charley Olsen's, next to C. U. Cooper.
Fine Tabic Wise
Delivered at GO cents a gallon, to any
Eartofthe city. A fine line of pure
alifornia wines at low prices, at A.
W. Utzinger's Cosmopolitan saloon.
Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shees:
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman's.
Chilirei Cr jftrPitcker's Castoria
For Rent.
Astoria, within one street of street car
line. Inquire of VAN DOSEN& CO.
, hare bought a half Interest in the Fa
vorite Saloon on Concomly street. I will not
he responsible for any accounts with the
saloon contracted prior to the 1st of May,
For Sale.
n, WJJjer3ey cows for sale after June 1st,
at Goodwla's fano, BUpanon, Clatsop Co.
Ak FiSed in The County Recorder's Office
Maxwell Young and wife to
J. Langrave and G. H.
Judge, lots 34, 35, 3G, 37
and 33, block 5, xUder
brook .'. 400
Maxwell Young and wife to
Mary Nast, lots 39, 40, 41
and 42, block 5, Alderbrook 320
M. J. Kinnev et aL to Ethel
Graves, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk
69, New Astoria 450
H. W. Striekler to A. B. Kan
aga, undiv third interest in
NEK of NEK andlots 1,2,3
and 4, sec 19, T 5 N, R 10 W,
148 acres 5
H. W. Striekler to H. C.
Thompson, undiv third in
terest in same property .... 5
A. R. Kanaga et al to Frank
Patton, same property 5
L W. Case to J. W. Douglass
lots 14 and 15, tract 2, Case's
subdiv blk 21, McClure's . . 2c0
E. P. Thompson to I. A.
Peters, lot, blk 19, Warren
ton 130
J. O. Hanthorn et al to A. B.
Steinbach, lots 1 and 2, blk
15, Hanthorn's 335
W. H. Wood and wife to
MadsKnntsen, an undivi
ded 1-5 interest in tract 2,
Chelsea 150
Previously reported this
year 1,400,884
Total to date 81,402,934
An Interesting Play Ably Rendered.
A large and fashionable audience
last eveuiug at the opera house,
greeted W. A. Brady and his excellent
company iu the presentation of
Boucicault's five-act drama ot "After
The company brought with them
their own scenery which was appro
priate, but the tank scene was below
the average of that class. Tho cast
was good and while all did well,
especial praise is due to Brady as
"Old Tom," and Miss Laura Biggar
as "Eliza." The unpopnlar part of
villain was well rendered by Frank
Richardson, while J. S. Marble as
"Dicey Morris," his ''junior partner,"
was also good.
The railroad liutnel scene in the
fourth act was uncommonly good and
realistic. The entire performance was
well worthy of the liberal patronage it
The transition from long, lingering
and painful sickness to robust health
marks an t-ocli in the life of the indi
vidual. Such a remarkable event is
treasured in the memory and the agency
whereby the good health has been at
tained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is
that so much is heard in pr.iise of Elec
tric Bitters. So many feel they owe
their restoration to health to the. use of
the Great Alterative and Tonic. If you
are troubled with any disease of the
50 c, and Si per bottle at .1, "V. Conn's
Drug store.
A good smart boy. Apply at Martin
Coilee and cake, tmi ms. at the
Central llestaurant.
Strawberries, Strawberries.
Not stale wool-grown berries from
Califoria, but fresh, delicious Oregon
fruit from the, gardens of Mt. Tabor, in
good supply daily by
Thompson' & Ross.
Originator !
No matter what trade or
profession you choose you
will easily detect the men o
original ideas; the men who
push themselves and the town
they live in ahead; men who
are a credit to their profession
and the community they live
in: but you arc also sure to find
the imitators, those who are
at the rear end of the proces
sion, men who never have an
original, bright thought or do
an original, bright act. Tflet
alone they will exist on what
liberal, unsuspecting people
permit themselves to be rob
bed of; but no SMoner does
the original, enterprising man
make a move, and the imitat
ing tail-ender tries to benefit
by his superior's genius.
Note the weak attempts of
the old-styled shops to imitate
my Saturday Surprise Sales.
It's enough to make a horse
For New Goods, Original
Styles and Low Prices
Look to
The Live Clothier and Hatter,
In the Occident Hotel Bl'd'g.
wme. H. COOPER
The .Leading
Lets iu thus Beautiful Addition for sale at
SCO eacii ; S20 down, balance $10 per
mouth. Pla's and copy of ab
stract furnished free.
Astoria Suburbs !
Five Acre Tracts east of Astoria and only
one and one-half mllo from Columbia
Kiver at 300 each ; S100 cash,
balance SM per month.
Real Estate Broker,
W'3i. W. WlIKKKV,
Richard IIarev,
Civil Engineer.
Wherry & Harry,
Real Estate
City ami Suburban rroperty Sold on Com
mission. Investments Made for
Outside Parties.
V. Case, Banker. Judge C. H. Page.
Office on
Near Court House,
Third Street,
in consequence of the demand for those
beautiful level lots. Mr. P. C. Warren has
been Induced to platnlncty-sixlots
Adjoining Warrenton on the East.
Yt'hich will be known .""il sold as
East Warrenton I
THE RAILROAD runs through the plat,
which is only 200 yards from tho Warrenton
depot. For further information call at
once on the
John Hoberson, Pre.
A. T. Brake, Mur.
Notary Public.
The Pacific Real Estate Co.
Incorporated March 20, 1S90.
Real : and : Personal : Property
nought and Sold on Commission.
Ofllce on Third St., near the Central Hotel.
Correspondence Solicited,
Astoria, ... Orcgou
Best Quality. Lowest Prices.
fo I :
Orders delivered Free of Charge. Country
Orders Solicited. Third atreet,
next to rioueer office.
(Successors to)
E. Hynes,
Groceries Produce.
Water Street, Astoria, Oregon.
TELEPHONE SO. 7. - P. O. BOX 090
City Express Transfer Company.
H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller,
Headquarters at Main Street wharf .
A General Express and Delivery Business
Your patronage Is solicited.
A Safe Investment.
X soclation has now entered upon its
fourth year, under the most favorable cir
cumstances, and for a person of limited
means, especially those who are wage work
ers, it offers a splendid investment. Tho
seventh series of stock will be opened June
1st. Those wishing to subscribe will please
call on V7. L. ROBB, Secretary.
m.n1 iiininjiiiiinaaaaMij
Sctact's Ml!
White Goods.
Plaid Sashes.
Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria.
For Ladies !
It never rips. It never squeaks,
flexible than a hand tunn
Prooess !"
Have Choice City and Suburban Property for Sale.
Fire and
A Snap in Real Estate.
11 1-2 Acres, Close to River and Street
Gar Line, Only $500 Per Acre,
for a few Days Only.
$5,000 Can be Made on this
Wimif afe m tt0!i
Real E3jSttte
Odd Fellows' Building,
Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on
Astoria Real Estate Co.
TERMS One-Half Cash; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
These SEINES are made true taper and; from an actnal scale, and will hang tnw
and draw when hung in to lines, and from the
Cold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine.
9 thread and larger, soft and free from Irinlrinf-.
SALMON TRAP NETS knit from the Gold Medal
1-2 Patent Twine, superior to the medium laid,
stronger, more durable and Holds Tar Longer.
Letters or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention
American Net & Twine Co
Established 1842. Boston,
N. B. We have the larceat Nettine and
has lately been added for knitting heavy
lor the AiasKa oaimon riauenes, miu we mii uuuiui ueip empiqyea
Highest awards atBoston. 1869. Philadelphia. 187& London Fisheries Expoaltie,lBa
Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. Ail the Latest Styltt
He hays for Gash at Eastern Prices. JHe Guarantees the Best Workraaaahfe ' m
Garments. Call and see for yourself. Barth Block, ABTOWaToS.
and Buttons.
Thirl tat.
It requires no breaking in. Mora
Astoria, Oregon.
Property Within 3 Months.
Mass. Capital,
Twine plant. New and costly a
Traps for the Colombia river, and
The Tailor,