The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 29, 1890, Image 3

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Wht gUg Syrian. '
, .HAY . 18-M) I
J. F.
PaWMiers and Proprietors.
ATToax x IlnuitM:,
Tcrast of SulivrriiitL'is.
wrd 1 rarrlr, jht ui' Lie's
sc h Mai:, per taoiith . ... GOc;
S?tjlt M.iU.onejMi .$7 00
Frrc of HiHXf m MHiscrSitfrs,
Thk Atrxan sunnutlerN to H :iIt r
timers s he l.irssi oirouhuittu ofam n-'W-pu-
perpuoitopit tin the Co'.r.miiia hut.
- i
"After Dark
At Ross's opera house.
Full of Sensational effect.
Overcoat, are in demand nights and
The SiWy engine will fill the tank
M the theater this morning.
Reserved seat for "After Dark" at
the Xew York Novelty Store.
The infant son of Fred Oberg died
Tuesday, on his first birthday anni
xvrary. A. AY. Utzinger has a handsome new
ng, and is delivering bottled beer in
all tarts of the city.
The body of I. Martin Thompson
lias cot yet been found. His effects
wrerc yesterday taken to the sheriffs
Cathlamet real estate is looking up.
A man named Harrington recently
boaght the John Docker place for
The detachment of fifteen men at
Fort Canby which had been there till
the arrival of the 5th artillery, returned
last evening to Vancouver.
Ladies and children are requested
to bring ilowers for Decoration Day
to the rooms or the Woman's Relief
Corps, arter 1:30 r. jr., to day.
The kingdom on which ''the sun
uever sets' lost one subject yesterday,
when John Chisholni took out his first
papers of American citizenship.
1 is a great inconvenience to business
to have Third street torn up, but every
body is patient, because it will be so
much better when it is completed.
Candidates are very sociable now,
"but have only four days to do their
talking in. and after thatsomoof them
will hardly feel as well pleased as they
do now.
The engine house of Astoria, No. 1.
-will be moved forward twenty feet and
stalls erected for the fine span of black
horses which are to be purchased to
lraw the hteamer.
The pleasant weather and sunny
lays of the past two or three weeks,
were succeeded yesterday by frequent
showers or rain, continuing at inter
vals through the night
The sidewalk now building in front
of Tin: Astokiax building is the
fourth built there in the last dozen
years. The remains of two of the
former ones are visible.
Every candidate for county office
seems to be confident of election. Next
Taesday some of them will have dis
covered that they "were "neither proph
ets nor sons ot prophets.'
Yesterday in the circuit court a suit
was commenced by Edward B. Wildes
against H. A. Shorey to recover on
three promissory notes, amounting in
all to $310.93, and costs of conrt
Yesterday the MaJi-anilla brought
brought down to Cathlamet fifty tons
of salmon to Warren's cannery from
the Cascades. Fishermen calculated
that there were 6,000 salmon in the
Returning Astoriaus from California
say much interest is manifested in San
Francisco aud elsewhere regarding As
toria property, even-body realizing that
our seaside city is destined to have a
splendid future.
On the 16th instant in this citv,
Harry B. Hall and Miss Clara B.
Mills, of San Francisco, were united
in marriage. They are boardiug at a
hotel now, but propose soon to com
mence housekeeping.
Suit was brought in the circuit court
vestcrday by Patrick O'Hara against
H. B. Parker, to recover possession of
lot 6, section 24. township 8 north,
r&age 9 west, which was bought by the
defendant on a tax title September 29,
There seems to be no law breakers
here, for the police make no arrests.
When Officer Beasley was asked by a
reporter last evening what he was
doing replied: "Nothing, only polish
iag the nail-heads in the plank side
walks." Postmaster Hare's official bonds
have been made out and forwarded to
Washington. His bondsmen are W.
I Bobb, Jno. Fox, Jas. W. Welch, W.
E. Warren, W. A. Sherman and A. S.
Sherman, each ot whom qualified in
the sum of $4,000.
There were far more passengers
vent up on the JL R. Thompson last
Right than could be accommodated
with berths. It appears as ifthoTJ.
P. irerald find it profitable to increase
the trips between hero aud Portland,
for travel is steadily increasing.
Ed. Frarer, chief carpenter, and two
assistants arrived yesterday with all
the scenery ot the "After Dark" corn
Bear, including the 2.000-gallon tank,
which was put in position and will be
filled at 10 o'clock this morning. The
pkv k a fine one, fall of interest and
excttesent, and the company is one of
rare merit.
The body found near Westport last
Taesday proved to be that of James P.
Tkonpeon, who was drowned from the
oteamrr R.R. Thompson in thatvi
oiaikv last December, while coming
froa Portland to this city. Coroner
Strpcesaat brought the remains to
tk city yesterday, where they will be
gives interment.
The postmaster general issued an
order Jaal Taesday ordering a daily
m service between this city and Sea
aiieTO Skipwon. This takes effect
at oaoe, asd in a short time we will
here this OKvewenoe which is a long
step ia alTinrr Congressman Her
sjm 4ssrVeB thanks for his success
ful aSirtB iavtkk as in other respects.
The Slioalwater Bay Life Saying
lir.noisM or THi: Lin: chew.
The following extracts from a letter
by Col. W. S. Bracketb to the Sports
man's Journal -will be of interest:
Perhaps the most interesting feature
of being storm-boiind at North cove the opporhmity it gave me io be-
I come familiar -with the United States
life saving station theie and its gallant
ciew. This latter is composed of Can-
tain .lohu Brown and six men, all
trie,d ad experienced sailor?,, used to
surf and coast work. There is a boat
house containing the life boat, ''beach
wagon ' (as it is called) and the life
saving apparatus. Above the boat
house is a second story, where the
crew is quartered. Captain and crew
are chosen generally from men who
have lived from childhood within
sound of the surf. A lifetime of ex
perience on the beache3 and adjacent
water inures them to the penis and
hardships which obtain along the
coast, and makes them familiar with
coast currents, tides and places of
danger. They are necessarily skilled
surf boatmen :is well as familiar with
navigation and seamanship.
But deep-water sailors arc seldom
chosen for this work, because your
deep water sailor is always panic
stricken by breakers, shoals and lash
ing surf. Like a soldier, the life-saving
crew is always on watch and guard
the whole year around. The 21 hours
of the day are divided into six watches
of four hours each, so that each man
patrols the beach and maintains a
steady vigil of four hours out of every
21, watching for vessels in distress.
Each man carries a Coston signal
which, when exploded by percussion
emits a red flame that can beseeo
many miles and thus assures the ship
wrecked vessel that help is close at
hand. When a wreck is discovered
the man on guard burjis his Coston
signal if it be dark, and then rushes to
the lighthouse and fires a small signal
cannon. This gives warning to the
rest of the crew back at the lifeboat
station. Every man then springs to
his place in the boat house, all their
actions and movements being governed
by an exact, and defined and studied
drill, the captain taking post near by,
trumpet in hand.
The Shoal water bay crew has
rendered mankind and their country
most gallant service. They are often
in summer called upon to go to tlie
relief of becalmed vessels drifting into
breakers aud dangerous- shoals. In
such cases with their surf boat they
tow the endangered craft back to deep
water. They have saved many lives
from wreclcs on the treacherous shoals
of that part of the coast, and their
deeds of bravery are worthy of being
written in letters of gold on the page
of their country's history forever.
I deem it but justice to these brave
men, as modest as they are brave, to
tell here in a few brief words the
thrilling story ot their last great
achievement, the rescue of the crew of
the bark Grace Roberts, in wlrich the
spleudid disciplin and rapid work of
the Shoalwater bay crew was most
conspicuously manifested. The Grace
Robtrts, a large bark from San Fran
cisco, went ashore in December in a
fierce southwest gale, fifteen miles
south of the Shoalwater bay station.
It was early in the evening when she
struck, and the vessel was not seen
until next morning at 9 o'clock, when
John Hansen, (No. 1 of crew), being
on watch, saw the distant wreck dim
ly through the mist, but only for an
instant Hansen's remarkable vigil
ance and keen vision was the salvation
of nine human lives, and his name
deserves most honorable mention.
Hansen gave the alarm and the
beach wagon was manned and on the
march for the shore. Captain Brown,
ascertaining the position of the wreck,
and seeing that it was quicker and
best to go fifteen miles south by water
ou Shoalwater bay, and then across a
narrow sand spit four miles to the
ocean, immediately secured the tug
Hunter, Capt A. T. Stream, com
manding, who made ready with all
haste to enter on the perilous and
stormy trip across the bay. Captain
Stream had been Captain Brown's
predecessor in charge of the life-saving
station at Shoalwater, and entered
upon this work with all the energy
aud vim which has made him famous
in saving human lives on the sea.
The beach apparatus wa3 taken
aboard the tug and the light cedar
surf boat belonging to the station was
towed through the raging sea, with all
the crew at their posts in the surf
boat and Captain Brown at the steer
ing oar.
It was deemed proper to take the
surf boat along as the wreck might lie
to far out to use the gun and lines. It
was deemed a point of honor and
duty with Captain Brown that he and
his crew should ride in the surf boat
rather than on the tug. so every man
sat at his post, cased in his cork
jacket, oar in hand, the boat shipping
water at every plunge of the heavily
steam tug. Captain Stream put on
all steam the tug would stand, and in
about one hour landed the life saving
crew on the south shore, four miles
from the wreck, having towed them 15
miles and fairly driving the tug
through the raging seas. Here Cap
tain Brown was luckily able to hire
four horses with which he hauled the
beach wagon and apparatus on the
run across the sands to the ocean
beach, having traveled 19 miles from
his station to tho scene of the wreck.
The Grace Roberts lay broadside on
to the shore, full of water and her hull
nearly submerged. Bulwarks and
housings were all washed away, and
the crew were aloft in the mizzen rig
ging, to which as many as were able
had lashed themselves. Every sea
broke clean over the vessel's hull, and
the cold spray dashed constantly over
the exhausted and benumbed crew. It
was early in December, and the waters
were icy cold. Captain Brown cal
culated the wreck to be about 400
yards from the shore. At his first shot
he succeeded in throwing the projec
tile over the bark's rigging between
the fore and main masts. A strong
southward-flowing current carried the
slack of the rocket line almost at once
within the grasp of the imperiled crew.
According to instructions they at
once made the tail block fast on the
mizzen mast just below the mizzen
top. There was considerable delay in
making fast the hawser which had
been rapidly whipped out to them,
because the poor fellows were bo ex
hausted and benumbed by the cold
they could hardly accomplish the
otherwise simple and easy task. The
time from firing the shot until the
hawser was made fast was 90 minutes.
Then the breeches buoy went out to
the Grace Roberts with a rush and
Captain Brown soon shouted out the
welcome cemmands: "Man tho lee
whip!" "Haul ashore!"
Eight exhausted and nearly frozen
men were hauled to land in safety, and
the ninth trip brought Captain liar
sen, the last man to leave his ship
Ever' life was saved, and then the en
ergies of the life savers were directed
to administering brandy and other re
storatives to the rescued men from the
little medicine chest which is always
oarried on the beach wagon. Just as
Captain Larsen was lifted out of the
breeches buoy onshore up came the
life saving crew from Cape Disapoint
ment having galloped 20 miles with
four horses attached to their beach
wagon from their station at the mouth
of the Columbia river. They were too
late to take part in the rescue, but
gave three cheers for the gallant crew
from Shoalwater bay, in which the
nine rescued men joined feebly, but
with all the strength they had.
For cool, good judgment, accurate
aud rapid work, and swift comiDg
upon the scene when nineteen miles
away from the wreck, this feat of the
Shoalwater bay crew remains un
equaled in the annals of the service.
I could tell of other incidents of
greater interest in their noble service,
but space forbids. What they do, and
have done, is modestly recorded in an
official record kept by the captain, and
when published by the goverment in
its annual report of the United States
Life Saving service, it attracts about
as much attention from the world as
the contents of a patent office report
What should bo dons is this: A law
should be passed in congress for pen
sioning these men in old age, and car
iug for their widows andorphanswhen
the men lose their lives in this noble
service. It does not stimulate a man's
bravery when in the raging surf in a
lifeboat, striving to save othera from
death, to think of his possible widow
and orphans at home deprived of their
daily bread. It is but scant jnstice
that theso men should have the benefit
of tho pension laws. Soldiers and
sailors who servo their country de
stroying human life are pensioned,
and" their service loaded with honors.
The seamen of the life-saving ser
vice are always on guard; they are
brave soldiers" enlisted in their coun
try's service, not to destroy, but to
save human life, at the peril of their
own. Which is the more honorable
service? I say, make tho life-saving
service of the United States as hon
orable and distinguished as possible,
according due distinction and reward
to such brave fellows as the Shoal
water bay crew, whom I am proud to
number among my friends. Old Cap
tain John Brown, of Ossawatomie,
whose "soul goes marching on," finds
a namesake that he might well
be proud of in Captain Brown, of
Shoalwater bay.
The same might be said of Capt
Stream, Brown's predecessor, When
keeper of tho station, he saved with a
lifeboat and volunteer crew, at great
est peril to himself and men, the
captain and fourteen men all hands
of tho British ship Lammerlaio,
Avrecked off Shoalwater bay. Three
times Capt Stream had to turn back
from the raging sea, and most men
would have abandoned the attempt
But he persisted, like the undaunted
hero he is, and saved fifteen live.
For this Queen Victoria bestowed on
him a beautiful medal of honor, and
decreed him a life pension. When I
think of the cold neglect in my own
country in recognizing services like
these, the truth of the old saving that
"republics are ungrateful" comes home
to me with crushing force.
Bidding good-by to Captain Brown, I
noticed the photograph of a handsome
youth, with a medal on his breast,
hanging on the wall of the modest par
lor of the keeper's home. It was his
eldest son. The gallant youth was
drowned several years ago while en
gaged in the rescue of shipwrecked
men ou Shoalwater bay. It seemed
indeed hard to thus take the life of the
first born and best beloved son of him
who had saved so many human lives,
and as I looked into the keepers hon
est face, into which since his son's
death a look of fixed sadness had come,
I thought the ways of Providence were
indeed past finding out
"For unto him that hath shall bo given.
And unto him that hath not, shall be
taken away even that which ho hath."
A G. Mackenzie, formerly of
Dululh, Minnesota, and late treasurer
of the Newmarket opera house in Ivan
sag Cit, arrived here last evening.
M.D. Egbert, president of the South
Bend board of trade, passed through
the city yesterday on his way to Walla
Walla He reports things booming on
the Willapa.
Miss Alice Wood, daughter of Capt
Wood, the well known pilot, returned
on Sunday morning's steamer having
graduated with high honors at Snell's
Seminary in Oakland.
Again United in Death.
The Astoriax, last week, announced
the death of J. S.Northrup,of Vesper,
the oldest man in tho county, who de
parted this life on the 14th, in the 89th
year of his age. Eignt days after, on the
22nd inst, his aged wife, Mrs. Louisi
ana Northrup, breathed her last, sur
viving her husband but little more
than a week.
Deceased was in the 78th year of her
age. The estate will be divided among
the children. Charles H. Miller is the
Elcrtion of Ofllcer.
Astor Lodge, Xo. G, Knights of
Pythias, held their semi-annual elec
tion of officers last evening, resulting
as follews: A. W. Utzinger, chancellor
commander; Martin Olsen, vice chan
cellor; J. E. Boyer, prelate; J. A. John
son, master-at-arms; August Kipetz,
inside guard; Herman "Wise, outside
guard; Chris. Evenson, past chancellor;
D. R. Blount, representative to the
grand lodge.
The memorial sermon last Sunday
morning by Rev. G. C. Hall on "Moral
Heroism" was a brilliant effort,
listened to with eager interest, and
thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated
as a thoughtful and eloquent discourse.
A good appetite is essential to good
health, and loss of appetite indicates
something wrong. Hood's Saraparilla
creates and sharpens the appetite, as
sists the digestive organs and regulates
the kidneys aud liver. Take Hood's
Sarsaparilla this season. Sold by all
. - i
AttCHtieH Co. --I1.'
All members of this company are
hereby notified to appear at their arnv
ory fully uniformed and equipped on
Friday morning. May 3Dlh, at 8 o'clock,
to act as an escort to the G. A. It., in
accordance with General Orders No. 10,
issued from Regimental Headquarters.
Bv order of Capt. II. J. Whebitv.
F. J. Carney, 1st Serg't.
A Fine f,et
Of Gooseberries received by Thomp
son & Ross.
A first-class blacksmith machinist.
Apply at tilts office.
Tfcerc Arc Saiae Mice Rem9,
Over the Mikado candy store, suitable
for offices, for rent. Apply to Alex
Will Give the Full Election Retnrns.
Fred Grosbauer returned from Port
land yesterday morning. He went
up Sunday night to get the best slere
optican that money could buy. He
bought an S1S0 one, and brought it
down yesterday morning. He will
have a screen on the building oppo
site his saloon, and on the night of the
election The Astortax election dis
patches giving full and complete re
turns will be thrown ou this illumin
ated screen.
This is the first time anything of the
kind has ever been attempted in As
toria, and arrangements are now be
ing made to insure complete success.
If the street in front of Grosbauers
& Brach's isn't finished by Monday
night another site will be chosen, of
which due notice will be given.
Editor Asteriax: I am informed
that Pennoyerites in the Nehalem val
ley are claiming that "Governor Pen
noyer stood by Gray and other friends
of the road bills," passed in tho legis
lature of January and February, 1889,
which has opened up their valley.
This is far from the trntb, and if
Governor Pennoyer could have had
his way no road appropriations would
have been made, and the thonsands of
honest settlers in isolated valleys all
over this state would still be compelled
to pack tho necessaries of life to
support themselves and their
families. "He stated in Albany
a few days ago that he was
sorry he did "not veto tho road bills."
In order that the people may judge for
themselves I will give a short history
of tho road bills and the way they
were engineered through tho legisla
ture. When the friends or the road
measures learned that Governor Pen
noyer "was opposed to and intended
to "veto bills from Coos, Douglas and
Clatsop (Republican) counties, we de
cided to hold these bills and advance
tho bill introduced by Senator Raley,
of Umatilla, (a close Democratic coun
ty) and place that bill before the gov
ernor, and if he allowed that bill to be
come a law without his signature
(which he did) the other road bills
would become laws also.
I do not believe there is the least
doubt in the minds or any of the
friends of the road bills that had I or
either of the Republican senators from
Coos or Douglas counties placed our
bills beforo the governor first he
would have vetoed them, and he will
veto all such bills offered at the
coming session, no matter how
meritorious. It does not seem pos
sible for the governor to comprehend
that the additional taxes collected this
year from the section of our connty
through which this road passes will
more than pay the interest ou twice
S9,000, the amount given to Clatsop
county, and I venture to say that the
state will be fnlly reimbursed within
four years for every dollar that was
allowed us.
There h;is been complaint about the
way tho money was expended that I
had nothing to do with. Some of Gov
ernor Pennoyer's friends are claiming
that he would have vetoed the pilot
bill if myself aud the Clatsop delega
tion would staud by his vetoes of the
Portland water bill. He never told me
anything of the kind, and did say that
heconld not afford to fight Portland in
everything. Regarding my support of
the Portland water bill last session of
the legislature, I claim that I only did
for Portland what Clatsop county's
delegation should ask for Astoria the
coming legislature, the right to
issue S500.000 seawall bonds and
200,000 water bonds for Astoria,
and if we are allowed to have them
exempted from taxation Astoria will
save at least 10 per cent discount on
the bonds, or the sum of $70,000,
added to per cent premium or
S35,000,wiU make a total of $103,000.
Should such a bill pass the legisla
ture, and GoveniorPenuoyervetoes it,
Astorians who vote for him on June
2d can charge against them
selves the additional tax to
make up the S103.003. And
tho mechanic or laborer who
is seeking employment upon munici
pal work should oppose anyone who
obstructs or imposes such restrictions
or tax as will defeat or delay such im
provements when enacted by the legis
lature for the welfare of the state.
J. H. D. Gray.
A Timely Levnn.
Some time ago tho teacher of a
Riverside, Cal., school instructed, her
clas3 how to act incase of emergencies
such as drowning, gunshot accidents,
etc A day or so after the lesson a lad
named. Haight went home, and found
his baby sister given up for dead after
being picked up out of a canaL There
was no doctor to be had, and young
Haight went to work to apply his les
son, and in a few minutes the baby
was restored to life.
Tilbury Fox, 31. D., tho eminent medical
writer, la his worlc" Skin Diseases," thus ac
counts for the pimples so common to the
f aco and neck. Eating too rich or too greasy
food, or too hearty catinjj whllo tho ex
cretory organs aro sluggish, causes la most
people Indigestion or a dyspepslal condition,
which causes tho blood to inovo sluggishly,
and enfeebles tho pores. Tho result is, that
the exuding secretion bloclc iu tho pores,
which inflame, each distinct inflammatloa
being a pimple Dr. Tox therefore docs not
prescribe "blood purifiers" so called, but
" dyspepsia cure" to be taken, to uso his ow
words "till Ike dyspepslal vjmplona have
disappeared." Tho old Idea was, that fact
eruptlom were caused by a " humor in tht
blood," for whldi they treated the blood,
giving the mineral, potash. Joy's Vegctabli
Sarsaparilla folloivs tho modem ideas of Dr.
Fox, and aims with gentle vcgetablo altera
tives at tho stomach and dlgcstlvo organs.
Tho reason is apparent why it cures dyspep
ala and indigestion, and the pimples and
akin eruptions which result therefrom and
Why BarsaparUlas that use minerals fail
Pilutless in the Sea.
Last Monday as Charles Shull was
crossing the Okanogan river on Cum
mings' fern boat, the current became
so strong that it broke the cable and
carried the boat down stream. After
going about eight miles and being
unable to effect a landing Charlie
swam ashore, leaving the boat to
pursue its course, pilotless, to the sea.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at p. J. Goodman's.
Meals Ceekc te Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
The Herman lie use Cigar.
The La Paloma cigar and other fine
brands of cif-ars: the finest in the city,
at Charley Olsen s, next to C. II. Cooper.
Kemember the Austin house at the
Seaside is open tho year 'round.
CUllr ei CrTftrFitcker's Gastorit
As Filed in The Connty Recorder's ODirc
T. H. Leiuenweber and F. J.
Goodenough to W. A.
Shaw, lot 4, blk 9, Powers' ST0
H. C. Thompson et al to
William Gross, lots 7, 8
and 15, blk 1, West War
renton 220
L W. Case, trustee, to Emma
Habersham, lots b and ,
tract 1, Case's subdiv. of
blk23,01nev's 5
C. J. Curtis and wife to C. H.
Stockton, EK of SWK,
sec 3,T 5N,"R10 W,80
acres, also undiv $ inter
est in blksl, 2, 7, 8 and 9,
and lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in
blk 6, lots 3 to 13 inclusive
in blk 5, lots 1, 4: to 12 in
clusive in blk 4, lots 3, 4, 5,
13 to 22 inclusive in blk 3,
Holcombaddn 2,200
W. L. Robb and wife to K.
Osburn, lot 11, blk 7, East
Astoria SO
I. W. Case, trustee, to E. A.
Robinson, lots 6 and 7,
tract 1, subdiv 2S, Olney's. 250
Previously reported this year 1,398,079
Total to date $1,400,834
Passengers to Portland.
The following is the list of passen
gers who went up the river last night
on the steamer R. R. Thompsen:
S. S. Dyer, H. Harrod, H. Morris, L.
Schranz, G. Nathan, J. H. Hastkins, J.
H. D. Gray, C. W. Kuowles, J. F. Hal
loran, Miss F. Caniahan, Theo. Good
man. S. S. McEwan. Sergt. Morris,
Miss Barrow, Miss Simmons, F. E.
Habersham, S. Rinaldo, Miss Line
berg, B. Ingster, W. Anderson, J. Mc
Intirc and wife, R. G. Wallace,
Miss Gussie Grav L. Morris,
J. J. Taylor. J. W. Casey, It G. Wal
lace, Mr. Rvau, T. H. Liencnweber,
H. R. Larson, J. G. Wetmore, J. M.
Bower, E. G.Rogers, R. E. Howes and
wife, Mrs. E. G. Stoop, Mrs. F.D.
Wiuton and daughter, Mrs. F. J.
Taylor, H. Miller, H. Stienback, T.
Grant, E. Hunter, H. P. Nicholas. II.
Boone, W. Crown, W. C. Noon, W. E.
Waters, Lilwin beal, A. J. Urownlie,
S. R. Fairchild and wife, John Hunter,
M. D. Egbert, D. H. Welch, II. Rowelk
The 2 munition from long, lingering
and painful Hckncsb to robust health
marks an -poch in the life of the indi
vidual. Such a remarkable event is
treasured in the memory and the agency
whereby the good health has been at
tained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is
that so much is heard in praise of Elec
tric Bitters. So many feel they owe
their restoration to health to the. use of
the Great Alterative and Tonic. 1 f j ou
are troubled with any di?ease of 'the
Kidneys, Liver or .Stomach, of long or
short landing jou will surely find re
lief by u-e of Electric JJitters Sold at
50 c and Si per bottle at ,J, W. Conn's
Drug store.
A good smart hoy.
at Martin
Telephone liOli;iM:r House.
IJet IJudb in town. Itooms per night
50 and 2" cts., per week 1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Wcinltartr.s iSrer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, ."i cents.
Coffee and cake.
Central ItestauranL.
ten i-iMjts. at the
Strawberries. Strait !errie.s.
Xot stale wool-srown herries from
Califoria, hut fresh, delicious Oregon
fruit from the gardens of Mt. Tabor, in
good supply daily by
Thompson & Ros?.
Originator !
No matter what trade or
profession you choose you
will easily detect the men of
original ideas; the men who
push themselves and the town
they live :n ahead; men who
are a credit to their profession
aud tho community they live
in: hut you are also sure to find
the imitators, those who are
at the rear end of the proces
sion, men who never have an
original, bright thought or do
an original, bright act. If let
alone they will exist on what
liberal, unsuspecting people
permit tluMiiselves io be rob
bed of; but no s uuier does
the original, entei pricing man
make a move, and the imitat
ing tail-pnder tries to benefit
by his superior's genius.
Note the weak attempts of
the old-styled shops to imitate
my Saturday Surprise Sales.
It's enough to make a horse
For New Goods, Original
Styles and Low Prices
Look to
The Live Clothier and Hatter,
In the Occident Hotel BIM'j
The Leading
I r,
The "French Process!
Lots in this lSeauttful Addition for sale at
SCO each ; 20 down, balance S10 per
month. Pla s aud copy of ab
stract fiiuusiicd"trcc.
Astoria Suburbs I
Five Acre Tracts past of Astori.i and only
one and one-half mile from Columbia
Hiver at 300 each ; 100 cash,
balance 50 per month.
Ilea! Estate Broker,
W.M. AV. Vhki:i:v.
S. A.ViinKKV.
ClU Knghieer.
Wherry & Harry,
Real Estate
City and Suburban Property Sold on Com
mission. Investments Made Tor
Outside Parties.
I. V. Case, Banker. Judge C. II. Page.
Office ou Third. Street,
Near Court House.
In consequence of the demand for those
beautiful level lots, Sir. P. C. Warren has
been induced to plat ninety-six lots
Adjoining Warrenton on the East.
Winch will be know n and sold as
East Warrenton !
THE RAILROAD runs through the plat,
which is only 200 yards from the Warrenton
depot. For further information call at
once ou the
John Robcrcon, Pra.
A. T. Brake, Jf(r.
Notary Public.
The Pacific Beal Estate Co.
Incorporated March 0, 1S90.
Real : and : Personal : Property
Bought and Sold on Commission.
Ofllce on Third St, near the Central Hotel.
Correspondence Solicited,
Astoria, ... - Oregon
Best Oajriltj-. Lowest Prices.
C50 Ti
Orders i'clivvred Free or Charge. Country
Orders Solicited. Third street.
next to Pioneer ofllce.
(Successors to)
Groceries Produce.
"Water Street, Astoria, Oregon.
TELEPHONE 50. 7. -P. O. BOX 3D0
City Express Transfer Company.
H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller,
Headquarters at Main Street wharf.
A General Express and Delivery Business
Your patronage is solicited.
A Safe Investment.
sociation has now entered upon its
lonrth year, under the most -favorable cir
cumstances, and for a person of limited
means, especially those who are wage work
ers. It offers a splendid Investment. The
seventh series of stock will be opened June
1st. 'ihose wishing to subscribe will please
call on W. L. ROBB, Secretary.
"" ' i -- i-rmrrrr i ti
Setoffs Audition.
White Goods.
Plaid Sashes.
Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria.
For Ladies !
It never rips. It never squeaks,
flexible than a hand turn.
Have Choice City and Suburban Property for Sale.
Fire and
A Snap in Real Estate.
11 1-2 Acres, Close to River and Street
Car Line, Only $500 Per Acre,
for a few Days Only.
$5,000 Can be Made on this
Real ZE2sttt
Odd Fellows' Building,
Winiraie m H tone.
Lois in Case's Astoria Are low on Sale
Astoria Real Estate Co.
TERMS One-Ilalf Casli ; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months.
Theso SEINES are made trne taper andl from an actual scale, and will hang true
and draw when hung in to lines, and from the
Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Tiffin.
9 thread and larcer, soft and free from kinking.
SALMON TRAP NETS knit from the Gold Medal
1-2 Patent Twine, superior to the medium laid,
stronger, more durable and Holds Tar Longer.
Letters or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention
American Net & Twine Co
Established 1843. Boston, Mass. Capital, $35999.
N. B. "We have the largest Netting and Twine plant. New and costly machinery
has lately been added for knitting heavy Traps for the Columbia river, and Seines
for the Alaska Salmon Fisheries, and the most skillful help employed.
Highest awards atBoston.lSCD. Philadelphia. 1S76. LondonFisheriesExposition.lSSh.
FLYNN, The Tailor,
Finest Wooten Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styles
He buys for Cash at Eastern Prices. He Guarantees the Best Workmanship on all
Garments. Call and see for yourself. Barth Block, ASTORIA, OR.
and Buttons.
TIM Street.
It requires no bieaking in. More
Astoria, Oregon.
Property Within. 3 Months.
-- a
-r t-3 b
- - ,