5 V $fo iaitg totimu , ASTORIA, OREGON: SCSTDAY. .... MAY 25. 1830 iSoTJSD EVERY MORNING, (Monday excepted.) F. HALLORAN & COMPANY. Publishers and Proprietors. ASTOKIAX BCILDtNG. - CASSSTKr.Kr. SesaM T Sataiilatk- or. rer weekil-JL lr.eu eocts ,7 JO t aontt.lH. to suteerScit!" Thx'Jwowax xnantieAt rfe aWr tuerj xbe lirgest circulation of any m-v per vuslisBed on Uie Colsanbla n er. CITY AND COUNTY QFmiiU PArcfi Tfee Crease of tke Whole Lot i -, - fjn i j r 1390, the reoogmsea author o ' for American newspapers. publishes ji eparate list of The Best newspaper xn each citv to advertelelinf the.news- paper Uiat gives the advertiser the mot Bon OKCOOS I lace. Albany. Aorii, East Portland, Portland. Paper. Herald, TKESTOinXT Vindicator, Imnlc. P. A, W. 1). &W. W. OrefttMrnm, D. &.W SaJsw, 1 BUteman TheDanes, Times Mot An JMl' 1 Ck-31 . TOmec Mountaineer. W. I So far as Tite AsruuiAX i, eon- f ic'ihdu- oerneu. its proprietors have one s&sd dollars fc substantiate Geo. P. Rowells statements. It will put up that amouHt..to jbsck the asscou Iwre la&de. "the winner to nive the thonsaad dollars won s:ilivlj. publicJibary . - ir -.- 'rtl;a :. n aocx nf nnt tin J'KVVU AJBV&l AU14 MO & VJV Jl 'r !' . orQttitttn. I V i Tliat check adverti-ed for in Fri dav ASTZmmir" the Jiauds of oiVf nfVWKlihWr , chief of b)ic Bartyr A nlat of laTi.l iv; vRsterdar filed in ' tlie cminrf clerk's kifflee "bv Clement J -.i t . -. ta - i- - i.-i uraauury ana wne. At is uesignaieii as Bradbury's second addition to Ocean Grove. Tbi.-Sw-Ri Soi ttazUanby 'will make trips to-day as peradvertisement, giving excuraogkagood oppor tunity tolesve anttTethrn at seasona ble hours. 1, 8 I r r. fLJr - S Is' H?S .. CJ t To-utaras fe-neat-ur there will bn a J iBoas-kMCvbc at tbe opera' house. Col E. W. Xevius, who coma? under the I auspices ox.bBe. Ario emu, wiu uu drcsstke meefeg. ' - There will be a grand exenrsioh to New Astoria to-dav and a match game of base ball between the Astorias-I and Colucibias lor the championsliip. TkkeJRlsfwihereaad trip on the Gcu. (77ibtr only 25 cents. A telegram from Peck & Snyder, New York, lias been received 1)y P. "W. Weeks, vice president of the Athletic association, stating that the-apparatus for the aesosiation will fee shipped from thereftkfejrwi- " 1 Serrioes at Grace church to-day .-u, a-oaL . Tlie iMight Jiet.-B. AVistar ent. In the evening he will adniinister the apostolic rite of , confirmation. Service and confirmation Wt Holy 'In nocents at 330. Out fraarander the olds of Iho ilag, of the German e'mpire, and' out from the ranks of tb subjects of Emperor VflUani. raniM. C pilHngcr stepped yesterday, anoHTenoerortlih is rlag w to brrttic stara and stripes, and heTlTlirQmier5rr.;nYtj ii S. TL Maddocx, president of'theAs- toria cricket clubTTrCeived a letter t rom uie xsooias ciuu veateruay, Bull ing that they "irpolaTdeased to play. Ma? Slorf'iaayiW-legbrt will be made to accommodate the Ta ana enhsSVS U itbncJ Clatsop county's vot.. in 88 was. 2,024. vEveJcoTinVi-il'tte'tat6nw1 sliow an increase'-There has been c6isVmWe'Cikl(&atiu,imto ibis1' county and we nought to rollup 2,500 a weeitrott Momht "-Two'tears ago Hensitod 99 majority Ter Gearinpwonirress. This year hi r&a jorflljMJaHje more. , Yesterda ord by wm ?ssewas filed for ree CXTSnney leases to A.B. Edee for five rears from August i, I raj. me arse or auottom story t above Ibe basement) of the three Btory brick block on the north side of Third street, opposite Rescue engine house. The bnldipg is to be completed r at WfR MMijofcrnlMis and speciocations, andjthe rentes. to be S110 pfcri-tbnth, payable morithly in adv aOBniaoncing August 1, 1890. A wealthy Loudon merchant gives the secret of his business suocess as follows I'lways feerWippy when I am advertising, ror then a Jmov that, w&ku-c or aeepm?? i nave a strong thoagk sDeat orator working for me; one wkJ.aetxrefi, ncyer makes mis takesad w jseriaiK to -enter -the lKmaekolds trem. -which, if at all, my trxdiamstsae-ToJsecure theser vktirtsitaaacSjg8iKaihie shrewd merdMstivferredA. adTertise'm The Astokiax. It is read4j everybody in Astoria. -rt Mf 11 be a special inemorial BrF.-ft. C. HaUisM mora-' ?gatidslChuxcK ite: atb, Mrrn" attend in fildv;Skl all ex-union soldien iHiifiy ilSe late war are invited to aooompanv them, whether mimi tit&m rrailsrinf rant TheyT will aaeet at Ihtii .post -room, corner SeaowHia Ca ibwte, at'10:30 a. m. There 1iriD "be no evening .services at the Qim. MjajifriiiBl fTinwh. nn nnnnnnt of theaJMQS! aaaas aaating of the Y, .". V A. at UN opm nouse. -- rn Miss Flora Batsoo, of New lork,. generally regarded by the press ol the fttesc aeioraa BiBget; I appaarih eonoert Jf HW . - - r ."!?? rr JhmISA asd liffiThe Nashville AK I im .akla r n irhAtQ linnaa "TlilltT1 flgfeC)8 f Her-oioe Jbj as&tezfSlmrmm derfuL It m dear aBdrasnist Texceedingly erjiracuiauon is .tinsjsivitk a freedom iieiyf.txcftititbe: Tae tones of ker voice are powerful and thrilling. It i0tr-"diMUti tian emotionaL Jtgc ammtiom. sast sigat covered an hty and range. Mir.M. fteecSM for his jnoney, the fiev&p.iper -;... ? TaWi-v. Mr"! Ohv. U.jcI. hfcsUMjriarirest "bona ide circuit- ;Coleman,.l.)Catney, It.abamemt, :Here Wthe list W Oregon ;. Dalgii ty1, jJblm&Vc. K Z. tga- v- - A . 1? niton, H. Findlav, Frank serxaosibT in&5F hmm t? QUEEN VIC'S BIRTHDAY. Coiniuemoratiye Dinner at Occident Last Eyenini. tie A n.VASUJlAItTjE OCCA8IOX. I On the trails of the Occident diniag room la?! evening -were the crosswd flajjs of two Batons fhatlbad'roaNd BWOrilb UUt BOW-VWeib 1' aWOj, Mie one was "the flag that for at thosuMad m - i - or an? of Bagsuxl; fclolhfraras Jii Ha that has never known defeat; tut -5U.I and mre.. The spacious apartment was elab ir ately decorated, the occasion being- n 1 banquet by the British residents of ' the city of Astoria" and their invited .(guestsj in IiDnonof the seTenty-first anniversary of the birth of Queen Vic toria. ,. - t luiiu. :tml was h:nulfl Oraqe was said by Ivev. V. b. buorL was an elaborate affair Auiuiik those present and invited, woreR. O. Asllrarv, II. Bell. John lirjce, Wm JjUUiarker, A. b. JJarton, Frwlliarfcer, J. li. A. Bennett, W. T. Clmtter, A. G. Chutter, J. O. (Jarrulh Guuu, W. B. Geary,. E. CHolden. II, W. Ilamblin. .Tohit Hobsou, E. O. Hughes, J. O. JInLUoru, JF.liulloruu, II. F. Lo'niii, C. W. Loughen, Sam'l U M...l,ln 1 ,. 14". ... r-.-.IT - A. T J-L .l4llfUAW4k, J. ,JU lllinpu, m T. AT.wrln,. r H Vnon T? T-, 'Pnrtftr Tims. l' rie." G. "Sbntliara. R. 'TI lu'bb, .1. Headman, Walter ltidehalgh, Chns. A. Richardson. Frank Spittle, b. b. bmitu, w- b.Sbpit, 14. ii jseng, Arthur Tee, S. Il 'Tee, Alfred Tee. C. J. Trenchard, . F. J. Talor, C. F. Upshur, Chas. Van Densen, -tt Stone,--ii. -VViiiifMte honor and projxwed itlie first toast of the evening, The Queen," followed bv 4ha '"gong H3od iiave The Qneen.r uksc -was uwmgij rpoa u by ler Majesty srepresentative Vice; Consul F. Ii. Uherry. The second I j A TlTll-1 11 .S3 1. AoTt. TTAjT oa V7te "?" "tMW"' ftcs- i;ia cm "The Star Spangled Banner" was sung nv lr. l'TanK spittle, ana the toast was responded to by Mayor M. C. Crosby. The tFlagi dt'OWL England," was the next toast followed bv the song "The, Bed, -White and Blue,';.by.1Mr.-S. HMadbck, the toast DMng,-fcBpbiide&Jttf DjMr. E. C. Holdea who aid Kr-nnrMo . Mr. Pkesidknt axd GnxKatMEx: I am called Aipon to rcsAondJ to ' tlie toast JBstroposeav the "lalrof Old England.", Thafc giorieue flag immbr-talized-in ongas""Theflaglhnt braved a thousand years, .the battle, and the lireezeT TJ J Qflt'l The love oT native landls a marked characteristic of the true Englishman. No traelover of the cpuntry which cave hhii-birthf txo atter inr wlt quarter of 'the 'globe that inte'resthig and important event to him may have happened, will deny his fellow-m-in the privilege of, giving expression to that inborn lovp he 'cherishes for latiienanu. "Lives there :r man with soul so . dead, whomever to himself hath said. fPliicf a Tvii Aim mr nnfivn lnnrl V ' i Mr. Presidnt,iio uch'jndividual sur- rounds this board. Th1s gathering is an exemplification of an innate prm- ' ciple common to every man the prin ciple of love for home andjiatiyc land, j. Iapvsure, th8aorc1,tiiatihosQthon orable guests, seated at" this "banquet table, who s are, . native and "to the aaaaor Dorn, win xaKe no ouence, ii we aiipear on this occasiou to give the JjelovedJandof our birth a pre-emi nence over the also beloved land of ouadbption; forward fjre not breth ren? Britannia "the honored mother uf -Golufiabia Columbia-the favored. daughter of Britannia Lillle jcal- sie8jmp:ilisputes.wiR arise it isaiUjt M.lieBtj-egalated'OfifiuiiUiesrbafc. mr. irresiacntjWneneveruiairpreaicieu time shall mattOfJism tlieref Bhall be wars aria'rumdm ot rarsf ananation mitiiafU prophet, I will venture to say that then-75-hH Gog assail mother Jiritannia, Magog attempt ' fo ihvade Tier daughterTOolnrQ.'lrtaaitCJpllfbe found afaj -InSicTi an evLtthbagtlrd, Englaia!rwillvbe paxriedida by jaide protection and the preservation of that glorkms frtedom and liberty each now enjoys, to secure which bravehearts..have jjied so much; pre-i :ious 'blboiL'- Tlie Hag of old England,' emblem or liberty and cmhzation. &he GodSflI&fieOcliastogaze upon the Hag. "England, upon whose lempirJjeunaeFerpetsj Mj;counj try men, a glorious heritage your fathers left you- Thanks tOjtheiii donTite.:!, inripciile.iKVEss, uuswering loyally to duty, anil exalted .patriotism gVtfcsfQfer)nntrymen Avlio in the centuries Dat .and present 'fought ana died (peace to' tlieiKash? 1o mainUiu the honor, .and, perpetua tion of the, "Flag of Old England.? we, who, in the prdvideuce' of t3bd, left our native land to become pipneers to the Tvestern e'fnpfrej me ilot as' refugees from monarchical despotism or from military -tyramira did jnanv; Ethels, less.fortunate aa.to the land of uue;r i Qq wc are Ooubly debtors ito the laud That gave us birth for the privileges wej, Mlientei, iaM oo tae laid pf oardoplioi $r MbaKiy ifcioojblsiginpdnlta idUMJjiporf tunifviraffords us to escape from the overcrowded cities and professions and .occupations of life ia.tiw mother country., Bofn underthe-flagoTold IXingiano, we naiuraiiy recognize every inan'fl richt toj'fHfev libettvi and ike pursnit ofilfcirpmM,", and .neither comniuni3ni or anv other perturbing .element or flocrnne nnas xavprwim . . -vf.'.i TIR. n I suptiose it will'Bofcbexleaiecf itbati pangUsiaiHai lnve Jozgeiy shaped the jaesuny oi i.nis xayoreaAxiuniry. ajet me remiua you,uiax two-unarea ana seventy years ago the Mayflower crossed the stormy Atlantic, reached the New England rocky coast and landed a few Englishmen who founded a' state 'without, a king. God blessed afad'irospered them. The vrincinles oi liberty which they ira-f bibed on-fe Bhores adl under me fiar of pld JEgbSaKand: Vhkh w We ,';' ported to Axaericavaad wiaehJoat xiai. inthe'exportitiop; hyeewftret: tmngs ior wis country xjm lanu enoes of those principles of freedom iwhich were carried 'with that" Map flower across" the oceaa wave 'have shaped the destiny of this great aa tionj and depend tapo4j it, that same old .flag which .is to-day slowly, perhaps, but surely advanc ing to the very outposts of civilization. Trill yet penetrito the fancies of India, the darkest apota of the dark continent of Africa, and many other abodes of beatbeweia, idolatry and cruelly iu the old world, and shape the destiny of other nations the railtoad ... !,, '-;. - Eanrbien done b orsiwne other ji,e elalxato niaaAretilenti Buni'L 1? ATniTrlvlr rrKiV-ffirn-JhiHxM'te -rf as beneficially, thank God, as it has , helped to shape the mighty nation we call the United States of America. i Mr. President, fellow countrymen and American brethren. God bless i the Flag of Old England. "The Army and Navy," was followed by a song, "Rule Brittaunia" by Mr. S. Tee; the toast resijnded to by Lieut Van Deuseu and G. Wingate. "England and America; brothers in speech, and leaders in advancement," preceded a song "The Midsbipmite," by Mr. H. F. h. Logan; the toast eficiting response from Judge F. J. Taylor. Hon. C. W. Fulton responded to the toast "The Bar," after' iibieu Mr. AUred Tee recited two Ipieose. The. toatt'VTbe Press," was responded ftd bv iJ. F. Halloran. A song "Ballyliooiey," was sung by Mr. Samuel Tee, and encored, after which the toast, "Oar Invited Guests," -was responded to by J.0. Hanthornj-preceaedy, songs by Mr. Tee andvMjv OoleBiAa, followed bv "America by W. H. Barker. Tiie toasLlXhe .Ladies.' preceded a song "Queen of My Heart" Jay Mr. H. Bell, and was responded a by Dr. Walker. - - The ' toast "Absent Friendi;itlrttghfc owt tha.BQg "Auld Lang SyueJi. responded to by Mr. F. fOur 11, ri "For Tliey are Jdlly GochI Fellows,'l.and at 1:45 a. m after j three rousing cheers for the" worth- president S. H. Haddock, the company dispersed. ti'luj o i ii The lateness or the hour precludes thebrief9t re faience? to (the feest' of reason aild tlfe flpwfsoul that char acterized the felicitous expressions of the rvarienffispeftkaHiiind .singers. Then, too, it is impossible to correctly portray such, things The cold, hard type, and the imprint of the iron jaws of the press cannot catch the sparkle of wit or the .rippling jest or happy saying that can best be appreciated at the moment and loses its Hnvor when transferred' to paper. JIo-lho..presideiit-aud-.member8 of Iho committee is " due a fine affair, finely carried out, and the, occasion is one that will-long live in the memory of Ihose who participated in the cele bration of Queen Vicloria'rf seventy first birthday. "') , PKIt-JONAL HEKTIOX. Dr. Jiy Tnttle has returned from Portland. He was accompanied by his son, Mr. ArthurC. Turtle, a young man, 22 years of age, who has for sev eral years resided in Mississippi. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The, steamer Edith arrived from BrooldieM,?WaBk.last efocinf, and will retajnrto-aay. : r The steamer Signal sailed up the river yesterday morning, having only a very light freight fromPuget Sound. The ship Belle of Bath has received all her cargo and yesterday was hauled out in the stream, wbJereshe dropped anchor. The steamer Whitelaw went to Fort Stevens yesterday, and brought up 29 tous of old iron, cast imd wronght, which had been purchased by Capt. Whitelaw. It will be landed at the U. P. dock and sent to San Francisco by the regular steamers as freight ' ' f,lkmhl.i. 'Asturfns. , o 'I'lm u(.viiiiai i?.i t'tfiiJtft till t.i..L her dock at 1 T. m. to day for New Astoria, where a match game of base ball will be played for a champion bat The players and positions are as follews: ' -OI.VXltIA:. ASrOKIAS V. U Tuttle Catihfr. .T. Virginia V. A. Noies..- ritflier V. Keliy. r. Cnuit,..... 1st IfcUC... .K. Denny. J. Cramla'l 2nd " G. Buclitcr. F. L..ratlyjr.. ..;nl:rALj-..N.Uraut, W.'fleri.l...8. SMt.Al: Ryaii., J. Uimnt, K. Wftkl. U.feelfy. I. lUllcv u " ..E.t. Foster. S. Hay.:j..r...A..:.V. J The game will be W.QavVey. game will be quite exciting as Ihcre is considerable' rivalry Ietween the two clubs. t An Aecldental Scald. YiislcrdHvatBrookfieldwhile J. G. tiglerjras.clRaning."some. machinery at his cannery? his foot slipped, throw hrg'kim towards a large kettle of hot lye.' Witlrgreat presence of tabid, he saved himself from going in head first by BlungiBg bis left Jiaud and atJDUjt&J'eitie, aad-gnsping a timber with his right hand. Tbe skin all pealed off and "he will have a very sore artjr.'jbufc it is fortunate that he eseaneaT'RS'' wulL Hc"caaia hero nt once on his steamer," llie ??, for medlcaMrcatabmV ' ' There will be, an ooen air meeting of the Y. M. aAllatf ffirtte o'clock this afteraooBJXtfieeYragreu 'only at Rescue hall at 3:30 r.&, pad, mass meeting" in the opera house- at eight o'clock, all or Which 'will be ud-dressed1iy8ipfeakei-dTr'ihi among tl1e.deleffaiesito.ta9 coavention. i mc Jaiia jjic.3illJo2. " Tru 0'raiag,; flijuthe TL E. ehureh .will be sasepsBd'eyrProt. K IL Wsrr, ofPoHld,:h-id, there' wiUaeaerviffia'e: evening; .the cosgrecanst wise-invited to-attewdthe?1K'!lt'J.':A.''irtion7 meeting at 1faix&$m&. T f . Uiii il-jr-t 4yif- n""'! r I ' ipa-eH." -' M The transHkm from long, lingering aaU pulnfa4 :sekBw to irelMMt health vlduaL' Siicli 'Srtj-enaxkable event is treasured in tbe memory and the agency wuerebv the coad beakfe lias been at- taiaedJsKratrfali'r Messed, fieaceiti? Uiat so muekJsaeam in praise of lcc ,trk Bitters."' S9 maay feel they owe nnir ressoraxion to neaica to me use 01 the Great Alterative and Tonic If you are troabiedtwUk .any' disease of tlie Maneys.jjirerQi: .bumiach, 01 long or short standing vou will surely find : lief by ue of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50 c. atidSlperbotfle-atn.I, "W. Conn's TiefrakuJus4artaai Maaae. tist Beds Ox town. .sBJaasa per aighr. ..-juuhw a eaparwaeK-nM. newann clean. IMVatteentraaee. Then A&JHt'mtifMlf ttmmm Over4hteMHM;efdyi:M 'suitable O.UlHllAJU.JtRlj aa. lc rrvi !-: ..:; .':. . ... :; 043eaaadcicilke. tft amta, at the O-TtrW ftastfaai' - y " ' ITonsefo'r rent ki appet' Astoria, ln qaireait this owes. 1 Byvele ofnOarpeaters and'Jouiers' Uniaa Nacabof ,4sloria, passed May 22, Jtirssw-ftriters are requested to keepiway TrbtarChicago, as a strike is thrrein piogicas.- Uyorder jry3i.,CHADWiCK,Bcc. Sec'y. The latest style- of Geats Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. CaOimCTifcrPitAerCtstim Remeraber.the.Austia fibuse at the Seaside Is open the year 'round. COLLATION AND RECEPTION. An Asrcrable Occasion at the V. 31. J". A . Last evening, at 6:30, there was a very interesting time at the Y. M. G A. rooms, where a tublo hod been set in the social hall and bountifully sup plied by the ladies with a substantial repast The delegates to the district conference were the guests, and the leading members hero m were also present An address of welcome on the part of the association, was delivered by Carl A, Hanson, and fittingly re sponded to by the chairman, Noel Jacks, of Portland. On behalf of the churches of this city, the delegates were welcomed in an address by Rev. G. C. Hall, which was responded to by Prof. R. K. War ren, of Portland. On behalf of the business men of Astoria, a welcome was given by W. Hampton Smith, and was responded to by Prof. Robinson, of East Port land. So far as the collation was concerned, when, that was proposed there- was an earnest response participated in by every gentleman at the table, and. that collation is a thing of the past, yet the meal and the pleasant things spoken of nt the table, will long be 'remembered by those who were jfprtnnate enough to be present A HOUSE IN IH'I.N'S. Flrfc" In Upper Antoria ThM Slomin-;. - At 42:45 this morning the fire bell rang, and the engines were ipiickly on ; tue -street, it wns too rar away ror nttmber on to be drawn, but the livery san o-grays soon had number two hauled to 'the fire. It was a dwelling owned by Gns. Haydeiij and occupied by "diaries Eekiund and family. Rob't Wilson was awakened by the crackling of the ilames, which star ted in "the rear of the limine and had KUiucu ou uuuii ucauw.1.1 ui.u 11. umi.u not do extinguished, ana was wholly ; consumed. The steamer soon had a j stream on, and prevented the fire from spreading to the adjoining buildings. I When the alarm was given, the men rooming in the house saved their own eltects, and the neighbors savetl part of the contents of the bousey but some of the furni ture was destroyed. The owner, Gus Haydeu, is in Alaska, but just previous to his de parture, he had the house insured. The fire Was 'accidental, and is said to have originated in the kitchen from the Hue connected with the kitchen stove. Several of the roomers lost part of, their clothing. ' l r i .i " t '., . h n I, .'AfMr Dark. Boucicault's "After Dark" was brought "out last bight at the People's TheatrefoTeah'audiencethat packed the hbuSe to the ceiling. Only once before lias that theatre held such a tremendously large audience. Virtue in distress was well represented bv Wm. A. Brady as "Old Tom." and L-mra Biggar as "Eliza" The former presented a very cleverly drawn char acter sketch, and wa heartily ap plauded for his earnest smd effective work. E. L. Walton's "Dicey Morris" acted well. The scenery by Harley Mprry deserves special praise. The view of Ijondon and the river Thames being nbont ra complete a stage set ting ::: New Yoi k has seen Tor .-omc time. The introduction of Bobby Gnylor was a bright idea, his natural comedy work bringhg down all jiarts of the "house. "After Dark" is on for a rnn.-A. Y. Herald. Keene CI alt 31 ee tins. Rescue Club met at the usual hour last night Dr. 0. B. Estes, tho retir ing .president, introduced the new president, Bov. F. 0- Weeks. Rev. G. W. Graanis moved that the club omit the programme of the evening, with the exception of the music, and give the evening to tho Y. M. C. A. conven tion, which was unanimously carried. Mrs. J. T. .Rosa favored the andience with a "song. The president of the convention was then introduced, who in turn introduced Prof. B.K. Warren, oT Portland, who made a very eloquent addresB.to the young meu. The au dience was'thon favored with a song by Mrs. WallBian, and tho meeting closed. "'" USEFUT. INFORMATION. Tilbury Fox, il. 1)., tho eminent medical writer, la hla work " Skla Diseases," thus nc 1 omits .lor the pimpled so common to the Uoti sad neck. Eating too rich or too greasy lood, or too hearty eating whllo tho ex cretory organs arc clnsslib, causes In most people Indigestion or a dyspepslal condition, which causes the blood to novo aluggishly, aad eiiioeblei'tba pores. 'TIio result Is, that tlwexudln; fee'eretfoa block Iu tho pores, which Inflame, each distinct lnflammatloa being ft-ninrplc. Dr. Fcx tbcrctoro does not p:escrlCf blood putlfler" so-called, but a u dyspcpiU euro" to be taVcn, to use his owa words " till 'pte dyspepslal symptoms have disappeared." Tho old Idea was, that face eruption -trere caused by a " humor In th food," tor which they treated the blood, String the mineral, potash. Joy's Vcgetablo BanapariUft -follows tho modem Ideas of Dr. Fox, and' alms with gentlo vegetable altera Htm at the atomach and digestive organs. The rea-ns Is apparent thy It cures dyspep sia and lndigestlou, and tbe pimples sn skin eruptions which resnlt therelrom soli partBai that two minerals fall. A Cincinnati woman, enraged at her husband, determined to ruin liim financially. She "shopped" all day and piled tip bills to his account to tbe amount of 93,000. Neither tbe north nor the south for gete ite soldiers. There are 101 ex-Union-soldiers in congress to 81 ex eonfederates. Take It"Ure Brekn-N. Tfce great appetizer, tonic and liver regulator. In use for more than 50 years iu England. Positive specific for liver complaint. Bad taste in tbe Mouth oa arising ia the morning, dull pains hi the head and back of the eyes, tlfcfe'd.feelihg, dizziness, langour symp tom, of. Irrer roumaint Remedy Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonic. Re lieves constipation, sharpens the appe tite and tones up the entire system. Get the genuine from your druggist for 81, and take according to directions. The UesTmaa Hsmae Cigar. The La Paloma cigar and other fine brands of cigars: the finest in the city, at Uhar!eytpiWs, aext to C. ji. Cooper. ' -Flaic 1 stlle Wine . Delivaroal60 ceats a gallon, to any '-vuis-. a. line line oi.nnra QaHa.-Kines allow T&rfces. afc-A. Jtzuiger's Cosmopolitan saloon. Rs -ladies' KUttiFiBe Shees: hai!UurBed Freneli Kids. issdiaan's. Meals GaasceA t rsler. Prlvate-roonw for ladles and families: at Central JtesUurant, next to Foard & Stokes. WeiadutrdTs Beer. And Freelm'uch-at the Telenhone Sa-loM,6cents. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. MAY 21 As Filed in The County JternrJer Oflk Yratanl.y. E. A. Nov es ami wife io.lL. W. Hyland. iots 1 and 2. blk 1(, North add. M. J. Kinney et'al. to'WilliahV Marx, lot o, blk 57, New As toria. . M. J. Kinney ct al, to" Fred Marx, lot 7, blk 45, New As toria , , r J. C. Adams and wife . to Charles Olson, lots 11 and 12. blk 5 Riverside. J. 0. Adams and wife to James Olseu, lots 1. 2 und 3, blk 5, Riverside H. R. Henrickson and wife to R. A. Jorgenson,lots 1 and 2, sec 22, and NWK of NW M sec 23, T 7 N; R 9"W;'86 acres nearly t . . wk Previously reported this 2C0 -2,000 year ,$1,&,946 Total to date ;..... Sl,872,623 James C. Knlper, wlrfle crossing'thd Columbia in a skiff", -was drowned last Friday afternoon, opposite" StHelens: He had started from St. Helens ra fev minutes ahead of his father; who "fob lowed in a fishing lioat A little above the mouth of Lowisrivor is 'a power ful eddy. He pulled in a few minutes ahead of his father and went out of sight behind some bruslr, and wre never seen tigain : the boat floated" out bottom up. He wnfc -nineteen! years old. jtnj - i,j"t Vim ilunt know how much better vmi vi I feel if vou take Hood's Sarsaparillai It will overcome that tired feeling.-piiD-tfy jiur blood, give ou ago h.1 appetiu an make you bright, active and strong. Ui' mhv to urt IIrK)d' iars.itiaiijla. Sold by uni-gi-,:.s. . f "; 'J" Manitobaus are mncli 'djsgnrfted with tlie refosal of the I?oininion gov- eminent to give, a subsidy Wtn'cilnti: iiQU jJ:lv railwav 1 1 c T U K-5 :od'S Sars.aparciH.-p !M-tj vreparcilfroiu .SarsoparUU,, ... i, .MandniKe, Dock, Ilpsisspwa, r i: rries, aud otUr well-kiiowu.auii. .U..i -I:i lilevt ;ct:il.le rvucdius.byaiiccullar i- . ! iiu i::u, j rt'iMtrtiuu, and intKes.s.iuv-l i -1 1 Iuhmi's Sn-.i-arili:; iiirati-.e jjywer, ! t 1 -.se,f il by oilier luixiiv'biLf. . Jt .!f. Is re::i:nk:Jle curt . here otliers .lull. E-ood's SarsgparHSa, Iil ebcot Mood purifier., It cures'Scxpfulal 8it Itbciun, Uoils, 1'implcsi all.lluiuur l'yrciMa, Biliousness, Sick -tleadache, Iiul'j'i4 tloa, (Jeneral .Debility, Catarrli I".i ir.iuilisii!, jvWi;i!)i juid J.er tcoui-jl.lM-:; ucr.'ii:ncs That 'Tired J'eeillijjj (roatesanaMKilite, bnildituy tbc'ij-o'qiu. Mood's Sarsapanliai Hi net unparalloil sticcesiat boine Snc'li : iis -1 ularity in Luwell, jrais., whbfc, Il . is !.t:u!e, that Lov.cll triigsil5 ?cU "Q,r.C. of II.mI's Snrsaparillalban alotlacr4sarsapa ril!:i. .r blood puriOers. TliQsh'in(jy;ces3 is ertonding all t$ cr the eoiaibj . '" ,. , Ho&ti's SarsapariUa 1.; 1 ceuliar hi its strength ami economy. It i the only lireparatloa r.f vlilt2i cAn tni.j Lo sabl "100 Djh-s Oao Dohbr".' "A 1h.Ii. of Hood's Sarsai arllla'takea'accortl higiiiHu'elious, wlllJ.'tsta.r.lOntn. ' l Hoti's SarsapariUa'1 Is : 1 f i.Iinr m tb? confidrnde It ;-alns amoijr ..11. . ,1 f icoplb. AViienMtisonceiKCil it 1 11 ..u s a favorite family remedy. Do not lie ii.dueetl o buy other preparations, llo. .sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, food's SarsapariUa .So'.illyInij5ri'tR. f., .rttfirg.'i. lrcparclby IU I. Itooi) .t CO., Ayini.-earlci.tmvBll, Mas3. IOO Doses One-Dollar 'I 'U . Kjfe No matter 'vhat I ratio or lirofcssion .3'oii. choqse.o"!,", will easily detect tho'mei7k)f original ideas; the men, ,1 push themselves and' the town they lives :n ahcail; 'men wji'o arc aereditto their prbfession and the conunuijlty Uie,v live in: hut you are also Imirelarinrl- tho imitafors, thoSe viliW artr at the rear end of .the proces.v.i ston, men who never have all original, bright-thought or do- an original. hrinrht-ne.K Tf Inf , , . ." --1 ' ' aione inoy wiu exis, on wuat , liheral. nnnsnAWtmrr nnorli -iU , if? A I , . y permit iheniselves.jtOjb.e, rob bed of; but no. sooner does'" tlieorigiualj.enterprisingpaij,, make a move, and the-imitat ing tail-ender tries to benefit by his1 superior's sartius; ri Note the wnalt.atlfempfs" of V the old-Htyled shops to imitate my Saturday Sujp'rise'Sales.' ' Its enoujrh to makea horseM laugh. 1 -li it..i r B ll.llflti-. j n:-x For. New Goods, Original Styles and Lqwrice , Look to - ,1 HermanWise The Live Clothier and Halter, In tbe Occident Hotel Brd'ff. irm i - .. -t i'll il jtfti? a ., '''? uinator! ' ' r1 1 ; dtl oi 1 -I, , m 'in l lu 1 1 J 7 " - .' '11. . i Ji '""I, v 'rt.' ' .! j . ' fa.I .1 y'j ' s ' -.' 't'jSitl t i anil " iii LI J I M Ifll Vfl 11.1 r .7! ' ---.: IRA I . .! , . i j - 1 t'l1 i 'Mi' -? 7 1o .'tls Parasols. -". 4tsoo 11 at a -'U.yuH 4caj lc .hcAny : j iti f .11 .oe'e M?3r..j u? tA. ii ii tdiie . iJfrJt' .ll.Ulf JlO'. -ii: Jul -I.- r jlii: -il u. :j" - '. . !i I . i v- v 1 EiAibdiaerieSi -iut , i. J -i i e. it..i tAir. i S til lUM Ij -ul it u .ct 2ziart JytMaQ' .la -i li C: ai id ,:.ji $21ii n uA'e. . 'i jlui t-TUXSHi.... fTwi I a& yu.- ' a l-,y BXi? I (J InIk2lH i-HK J .: J MtiittiiiH. i.i kAtV trjCu r. n.roori:K. ... - . . nun -l j kd odd ' " i-1', ' ' " " - y irANDSEWED,1 DOl'V.!" sJEAM SllOE. MeaGAN;C0.v rrnal tsiiv.tliiilM-utlful, 4daitJou)foriS:Ue. yj raci : c-Ji uou,.uaiance sm per 1 -month. Pbi'Srand'coproraH-- ' i.Rtract furatsbed freeiI ni. i. 1 .". u -lull ti" -": .titi iilj jlf 1 Ji" lll i .' -.Joifi lilxti J o.A lo . ! tb o'lrt&rTotxIis Autt tuoxi Astoria Suburbs ! i 1 V"H nJhr'. In 'jW HI ttmli Uivo AcroTnUUteast of Asloiiii.aid o-dv one zuiilpue JiaUvinUe IrouiCeTTnubla,, . Ri-er'at'$5)J,caeh,r $too 6aS!r l01 V.i balance iwpermoBtn'uJ ) -f. u -in i.i :' yir. 'jvjhi aws$iJ m Keat Estate ilroJ.orv ,,Vfr,8TinAj)I, "T" . iti I ,4.1.' ru m Wjvi. V. Whkkiiyj i ItK'iLuuiJfAiy, 1 9.i "i' j S. A.3Viiiuu:y v ii a.t J, U.-J'UJ I j.-LVutra.iiu 1TT11' ') lo l'l-w jJai'Stun Wnerry & Harry, Real Estate AND SUltVEYINO.V TOWSITf: W)JtIv a spEciAwy.- i, nft . City and Suburban Property Sold on; Com mission. Investments Macfe Tor" . Outside Parties. ui jrj ' li-ltCi,Ei:i?'c'E3' -Xj I. W.'Casc, HanSeft- AlHtlX'." ir.-PageT l t - 1 l. . ft f. St Office .en 'ir.filreet, hJ( Near Court House, - STOTrtAIt.' .- i . i ui.ia eiu uuii' ;u ia conserpieri:e.tKta.xli4.indffai rhoas JwauUI ul joveljtogfeMi-. VaU Warjea-ihas Atijbttihb, lfarlonWIMTEast? ii nq 7 r.J 'Jtii 111 otu T,unn v j k Which wilt bfeilen'owitfand&olU skiMai .If ".a '7'.T31T11ti rwIJp U7J nc wTrLBiftAilittucU3imc4ihTotga the!atat ii, .-. ul JA-u. xlolrajao) Jenll il? i -i fi iit uiqn ha"'qo) daulv tints John KoberapijJftrjNi . A-TejJftrj TiiePaiBffMBCo.' 4i . Tj-t F f ivfr 'zr .c Ha. Heal : atj-rrrerseifalT'PraJjpcrty. i& UjiibW .Silt dllfT &IUIet5 - ,.t 4riit- BestOualitr. LflTresHfMeYs. :') pttiut ileiM tr. -uo zxv u 1 -7!..:.tyiL.aaivJLu::;JI-?:.jCFi JSto nii i Wr Al iilt ia kJ'&.'j ail esw '. '-7zriMLJi&-ssrcucr -(i ADcntm--::- mit9mmlMi, t'i . ujt4.ttnausii nibbcmrv W?MT'4lI s aruTorff '.-ilt AiU Ortll-rs tVelfvefed tq6 bf v.liareountry ,J 'Orders Solicited. -'Thin 3b&t. -'- tiua ,4.iitBexttAfioBae.e4ft8suxi fli'v'iv .r m- ...;! tVT ,jn,'f n "f '' -v j. iais . ! ba d tr THAD O A T Una -. JD- VdLiiilntsa? 4V1 lua'PiV l4Alr4. 4p4k.i74rt4Virt1tfnit'-rtr "1 v"" " soitsoir Hjf baitaoif; .iEearfctate Ajjeiits. E. P. NOONAW i CO. m&WUH&a, -an,: clJEX.7CL&JL, . Jul lli .J' I .rr.Ttr tr 3 1 aincu. Groceries f'Eiidae J-SRSW&t. tr. ,:,- ;;. ., n-;.j ofa - - t iitl v ..'"1 r xnutJ A NElfaLENIEfiEBISE!11' City Express 'Transfer Company. H D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PKOrRIETORS. neatlquartere at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. . A General .Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage is solicited. 1 : . jj HxnKa-ai:HRa-a-a--a-a- Scleflcisiiffloi I ' t i A -. ",.-t ltui 1 iU I t. 1 ' Ur-VHI ut CZif il Ut, j n-' ' -; l-cl 7b fiav t ..I .''Jul Jv'da tx l d iuii.3ll East ;Wrreritoni i'T.i ,l I .- .' ma .1 . . aPwOQEiiir JUST RECEIVED White Goods. Plaid Sashes. :. Trimmings. IT H t r "it f- ? r-Kt.!- !.u ol uH 1 I . r.i LedingDiy' Goods and Clothing House of Astoria. u-' - It never rips.. It never squeaks. flexible ma nan a hand turn. .it. . 1 mim For Ladies! MM &m-$toamBV! ,:";t; y 'Mv - itt . n 1 .i ( The New Model CAN BE HAD IN JAN BE I r R. J J Allent. Call aad Examine It ; You TI11 be 1 V A Buck Patent E9' V I'P.fWl f " V- rflip ip4 1 V.' .,, niA,OTHKRi'ISST fvmitt Wortj. Sleiiir.'FittirtQS, Etc., c-jj.c - a r I i Um in 01! j-t o; ja tt.it troftr ii 1-2 Acres, Close to River and Street i: Oar tine, Only $500 Per Acre, for Bi few Days Only. ' , riti h- . 111" If- 5,000-Can be Made ori this r. zw H-to j iljxsr vac, o qj id' iT.KW B Jlll'I A -v-i 10 nE.&mT irH r. uv ? )ill inn. -fur . cd --a uinq n -' " .. ' " b-hii.' .11 S&kIi tMi,l' (sBsa2y? fftSViBScTaTLVaTaTaaTSsTBi hf.w-J-V, 4J UE3mtCL-te 4 r I. i 4 J hi K l "MOCijf 111 i 1 nt A lid" 1 V TMk J f.l t uVj TJhft in -ffrirtn'n rifllS IRiillSftS JtJtllU xJl"4,UlflJU U n,7 t mi. 4. iaa.' t ' 4 . cl ,V . ii '1 -J 1 Astoria i - in. 1 ! 1 ' AT THE OFFICE OF THE Real ERICES-FROM $150 Ttt $25ft EAGfit:' TERMS -"o'nc-n'a'lf Cash ; the Balance t r..-i. t.l I j'jhi TRe Xieading Tailors. lv !. Gall and See dur !NoDby ! iic . . 1. iiuai arnvcu. u , 1 epniprlses tlle'lahjst gootis in tbe.Biarket, and we offer thesr at prices never uuro iitaru ui in, sioria, ana x .. 1 opm.firtable fittlnj? .It'll Next to.C. H. Coopers 1 .Clp. Upshur, IfpiiMantCemmisMM Merchant " .1. 1 , IXaiB 8t. Wharf. Astoria, Oregon. SPECIALTIES : r Il' '! I nn.; i Cannery Supplies li. -fll Barboufs Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Braad-HalmonTiTine. ' WOODBEBBY Cotton Lines and Tvlnes SEINES and. IfETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory-Prices, 1( rilRC INSURANOE Effected ia Ftot' 'Class Companies, '- RepreseBttoW .IIartrord, Cona ....-..New York, HOJK, Agtmcj PaciSe xjeu aai Walk. Farga A Co. The Oregon Bakery A.' A. CLEYELA'bV.Pref'r. Gooi BpeaurCalBaM Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered In any part of the city. ml if .! and Buttons. l.U tlx TIM Street. requires no breaking law JMsVi Astoria, !mm w jaA ASTOiIA, ONLY OF .Hi. n.uO Pleased. E. K. Uawes Is also Af eat for. Cooking : Stove, CLASS STOVES. - a Specialty. Af uH Stack i h'-ir -BamsiaiBBBi Real Mtei HOT id li ! HI HO.. u 1 ' i- . .Property Wtthin a MffttJit- I- xfju i.k,a jl -lJi i?ui 14 Wlb dii. .1 iM'-e U It ri "" I , 1 4 t 1 iZX 1r, I ipsol&osnsV. - '"Vi ' 1. j .t ii t,--t .' .1 ri'M r. ..I: Astoria Am Now on Sale :1 v jn mu I ll.iSi Ui.- li 1- I .- Jaij-i ffflbf. 'JJyll in Six and TVr elve, JConths. . jiL Ii 1 '. fe w Stock of Spring Goods uiJ!-. jtuaruniee me uest aim most -1 ' - suits in the city. . . Astoria, Orefta Morgan ft 'Sherman GROCERS AadDealeniB Ceiery Suppta! ...am- tuir. 1. Special Attantkn CIvAfitsiFMilJks Of OMlars. nil 4.' A FULL LtM CAftRlSa And s4ipl!'rurHto&el at Saiai-" : PurchaHe) dcJlTcrc fat aay part al tssa ssty Office and: VartiktM-s r In Hume's New Bailalat-aa-Watsr OtusC P. O. Bex lis. Tcleplwisirsy'tr.fc J. B. Wyatt, DBALBB8 IN ,. Hardwire aN $k CliStHT Pure Oil. bright Varnlsa. Btsaela Oti. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twht Lard Oil. Wroortt trsa BtmmT ( Galvanized Cut lalls. AtTlealtiral iMBlMMata. Macklmcs, Palata, Oils, Grooerlos, XBto. Estate f . I 4itk. ' 1 11 1 1 ! Q 't- ? -a . "" J