ipem? j'Qyppmw jj wfiiiii (Kf'3mlielm ww PI hc gattg jtoriatt. ASTORIA, OREGON TGESDAY MAY 20. 1890 iScsUSD EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. F. HAL.LORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors. ASTORIAX BriLDING. - CASS STKEKr. Terms of Subscription. Srred fcr Carrier, ier week 15 cts Sat fer Mall, per month ..... Co cts Sent fey Mail, one year . 7.00 Free f pot3se lo subscribers, Tsnc Astorian cuarantees to Its adx-r users the larcesi circulatioti of any new ! rer published on the Columbia river. CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER The Cream of the "Whole Lot. The American Newspajier Directory for 1S90, the recognized authority on American newspapers, publishes a s-eparato list of Tun Best newspaper in each city to advertise in; the news paper that fjives the advertiser the most for his money, the newspaper that has the largest bona fide circula circula teon: Here is the list for Oregou. oncoox. Place, l'ajycr. Issue. Alb&By. Herald, D. A; V. Astoria, The Astoeian I). A: W. East Portland, Vindicator, W. Portland, Oregonian, 1). & W. Salern, Statesman, D. &.W. The Dalles, Tiines-Mountaineer, W. So far as TnE Astorian is con cerned, its proprietors have one thou sand dollars to substantiate Geo. P. Howell's statements. It will put up that amount to back the assertion here made, the winner to give the thousand dollars won to the railroad subsidy, public library or some other public affair. This is a case of put up or Jiut up. Third and Cass is the present terminus of the street railway. A double seated spring wagon for F. lJartoldes, is on the U. P. dock. A carpenters shop is being built on Jefferson street, comer of Washington, in the rear of the opera house. Yesterday's rain was welcome by those iu the suburbs whose homes were threatened by brush fires. A plat of West Warrentou. contain ing KW lots, was yesterday filed in the county clerk's office by the owner, J I. C Thompson. GnpL Eb. Parker, or the Parker house, has a very painful arm. It was cut or burnt by a rope awhile ago, and now the sore appears to be spreading. A party of ten is being made up in this city to take a two month's trip to the Sandwich Islands and back; the fare to le $70 each for the round trip. Any one having a money order is sued by this county prior to January 25th, 1SSS. can get his money with in terest to date on application to treas urer Dement. A Gray's harbor groom was recently asked, "Wilt thou have- this woman to Ik thy wedded wife?'' and his reply was Imt natural, "What in thunder do you think I'm here for ?' Hon. Juo. P. Wager, editor Pendle ton East Orcgonian, will speak at Ross opera house to-night. Wager is a good speaker and is one of the brightest men in the state. A horse, "whose sands of life had run out,' was floated out from under Wilson A; Fisher's wharf yesterday and started down the river with the ebbing tide, to take a sail on the ocean. The Democratic meeting at the opera house this evening, will be ad dressed "by Robert A. Miller, candidate for congress, and Hon. Johu P. Wager, editor East Orcgonian, of Pendleton. Yesterday, while splitting wood, John Enlerg was uufortunate enough to split a piece off the end of his left index finger, which will give him a sore hand for a while. Dr. Esles dressed the wound. TnE AsTontAX spends more money for associated press dispatches, and prints more than all the other papers in this county put together. It has another thousand dollars to put up on this proposition, also. "What have you for dessert':'' asked the tired boarder of the new girl with spit curls and an avenging smile, Mincepieapplepieraspberryrollandco coannt pudding only the cocoanutpudd ing'salloutandthat'swhalyongetforcom inglatc," replied the sweet thing. Last week somo one stole eight or ten cords of wood from the Gen. Can ity's dock, and now some miscreant has stolen the steamer's chain, with whkh it is shackled of nights; stole it too, in broad daylight, between 8 A. m. and noon, while the boat was making its trip to Hwaco. Next Saturday when Queen Victoria celebrates her birthday anniversary hc will have at least one subject the lees, for yesterday Philip S. Damant renounced his allegiance, and took out his first papers, which five years heuco will allow him to become a voter in this land. A marriage license has been issued to John IL Jones and Miss Barbara Turner, permitting them to embark forlue-long voyage on the ship Family Union, over the sea of lnatri Baonjy. which is sometimes a rough ocean" with many storms. May they find itthe reverse. Uae:Bineer.Barr, of the Albany & Astasia "railroad returned last Sun days x3 is purchasing supplies pre pwnVpiyjto pulling his force at work. Aamg other purchases yesterday was 1,000 pounds of ham, which shows tliat be proposes to feed his engineers and sHnpey ers while en route. Yeferdsy the board of health con denMMxL250 salmon and they were seet4oke oil works. They had been shipped down here but remained un called for until they were in that con- ditioBnWben the perfume from there lido of strength than of fra frair.xvwbuldbe"n good plan if the bcoiaTOaklbe burned. Tteipgtt, e& and their four-footed fMiioy Jfhpwd they make a bear HpjylWiJfWerous audiences yes ttcgVhrfcfeiB the huge cinnamon bear pktona his tricks. The most fan wml irlMKone of the men tried to wraatk with Ute bear, and was thrown, tMJMar wound ins leg i'sttd rolled him around oa'MWC& "Habit' is hard to overcome. If you take oil the first letter it doesn't change "a bit" If you take off an other you have a "bit" left If you take off another the whole of "it" remains. If you remove another it is not "t" totally used up. All of which goes to show that if you wish to be rid of a bad habit you must throw it off altogether. Two and a half miles from here where lots are being laid out and streets cleared, a fir tree six feet in diameter, and 175 feet high, has been sawed cleared off, but will not fall, and the saw is held too tightly to be extricated. The tree was cut off six weeks ago, but refuses to tip over, though it h is moved or slid on the stump over tvo inches. One of the crew of the Clarem-e S. lie me nt, who was recently shipped at Portland, concluded yesterday after noon at 2:30, that he did not care to go to England, so he jumped from the ship as she lay at anchor in tho river, and started to swim ashore. A boat was beside the ship at the time, and men who saw him, put out after him and he was taken in the boat, and brought back to tho ship. A wealthy London merchant gives the secret of his business success as follews: "I always feel happy when I am advertising, for then I know that, waking or sleeping, I have a strong though silent orator working for me; one who never tires, never makes mis takes, and who is certain to enter the households from which, if at all, my trade must come." To secure the ser vices of such an agent as this shrewd merchant referred to. advertise in Tun Astokiax. It is read by everybody iu Astoria. The antlers of about 250 elk were shipped from the Columbia river to England last year. There are pro bably a thousand elk killed in Oregon and Washington every year. The antlers are in demand in England .as ornaments for the old baronial halls, and very handsome they look when furnished with a silver plate inscribed with the date on which they were killed by the prond owners. Some handsome antlers bring a large price, while others do not bring enough to pay freight. Last Saturday night, as the writer momentarily cast his eyes up toward the dark sky, a great gull, with white wings outspread, sailed across his star tled vision, appearing and disappear ing in a second of time. A beam of light from an electric street lamp, shining in space, but not visible, thus made its presence known when the bird crossed its limit, revealing it to the eye below. There is a vein of poetry in this true little incident, if worked up by somebody who has time enough to do it The people of Gray's harbor are cer tain of one railroad. The Hunt railroad is referred to, and the assurance of the expectant people rest upon tho contract entered into by G. W. Hunt, the well known railroad builder, to construct and operate a line to the harbor from "some point on the Northern Pacific." A bonus, aggregating in money and lands to the enormous sum of $1,200, 000 or more, has been subscribed, and will bo assigned to Mr. Hunt when the track is laid. The "point on the Northern Pacific" is Centralia, which donates $100,000 for the railroad and its jnnction with the Northern Pacific The route lias practically tho entire distance on the north side of the Che halis' river, and extends through the towns of Montesano, Aberdeen and Hoquiam, terminating at Gray's Har bor city. THE LATE J. F. WARREN'. His I'linefal Sorviro at Knappa on Sunday. At 10:30 o'clock last S unday morn ing a number of relatives and friends assembled at Wilson & Fisher's wharf to take the steamer Electric, which had been provided by the Pioneer and Historical society for Knappa, to at tend the funeral of tho late J. F. War ren, of that place. Tho boat left As toria at 10:50, and arrived at Knappa at 11:50. Union hall, which had been draped with evergreens, was well filled with the friends and neighbors of the deceased when tho funeral cortege arrived. The beautiful rosewood casket, containing all that was mortal of Mr. Warren, was placed near tho center and at the farther end of tho hall, at the left was a table, on which was a large and beautifnl bouquet of Howers, furnished by kind aud loving hands. To the right were seated the members of the choir. Dr. Garner conducted the services, and delivered an excellent and elo quent address, and eulogy of the departed. The choir sang sweetly and well. The interment was at the Knappa cemetery. The coffin was covered with flowers, which were, at the close, placed on the grave. The steamer left Kuappa at 3:10 jmd arrived at Astoria at 4:45 The sorrowing wife and daughter, to whom the sudden death was such a blow, have the heartfelt sympathy of all their many friends. Our Oregon Rurcliard. Rev. Mr. Le Boy was advertised to speak here to-night, but is not on hand. Some time ago, this gentleman, who is now running for state superin tendent on tho Democratic ticket in a public address in Portland, is reported to have said that there was "nothing but sin and salmon iu Astoria." This is decidedly complimentary to Astoria. Ho ran for county superintendent of public instruction on the Prohibition ticket in this county at the last elec tion, and got 95 votes out of 2,021. He probably wants no help from Astoria, which has nothing In it according to him, but "sin and salmon." Pioneers Passing away. One by one the old pioneers of this country pass rapidly away. Every montliTirn Astoiuax is called upon to chronicle the demise of some man who in the days of his early manhood aided in bnildiug up this common wealth. The latest is J. S. Northrup, the old est man in the county, who died at his residence in the Nehalem last Wed nesday, the 14th, in the eighty-ninth year of his age. The funeral took place on Friday the lGth mid was largely attended. , Itnmarkablc Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plalnfield, HI., makes the statement that she caught cold which settled on her lungs; she was treated a month by her family phy sician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from first dose. She contin ued its use, and after taking ten bottles found herself sound and well, now does her housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this great Discovery at J. W. Conn's Drug'fc-tore, large bottles, 50c and f 1. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Discnssion of Varioas Subjects Of local Importance. FREE IiELIVERT VOST OEl'JCE. The chamber of commerce held its regular session last evening. A re port was submitted by W. Hampton Smith, setting forth at length the po sition, resources, manufactnries, in dustries and general status of the countv. The report was ordered sent to T." S. Lang, at The Dalles, to be transmitted to the secretary of the treasury. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Capt J. H. D. Gray presented the following repert: Astoria, Oregon, May 19, '90. To the President and Members of the Astoria Chamber of Com Cem merce: Gentlemen: We, your committee to whom was referred the matter of improvements of the streets of this city, sent a communication to tho mayor aud common council of As toria in relation to the matter. En closed herewith please find a com munication from the mayor and city attorney containing several very worthy suggestions, which we recom mend "be adopted. But as the season is now at hand, where street work can best be done, we still think our citizens should be aroused from the shiftless and un sightly condition of many of the streets surrounding the residences of our wealthy citizens and some plan should be devised, wehreby uot only the streets in the residence portion of the city should be improved, but that at least two streets running north and south to city limits, and from them to Young's bay, should be improved by grading and planking a roadway 12 or 10 feet wide the entire distance. We therefore recommend that a meeting of the citizens be held at the city hall at an earlv date, say Monday, May 2Gth 1890, at 730, p. M., to consider the best and most expeditious manner in which to accomplish this necessary work. Respectfully submitted. J. H. D. Gray. Chairman Committee. In connection with this the follow ing report was also presented: Astoria, Oregon, May 19, '90. Hon.E. C. lFolden, Secretary Cham ber of Commerce. Dear Sir: At a regular meeting of the common council held May 13th, 1890, the communication from the chamber of commerce relative to co operation in the matter of street and other ueeded improvements in the city, was referred to the mayor and citj attorney with iostructions to fur nish your honorable body with the necessarv information relative to the matter of municipal improvements. The common council have passed ordinances for the improvement of Squemoquc, Water, Madison, Polk and Jackson streets. A uniform system of grades is being established, and as soon as completed will result satisfactory and beneficial to the city in the future. Several streets in the city, now m a dangerous condition, need improving. The council has given the required notice, but the property owners have defeated the improvement by remonstrance. The present city charter is ineffective, which in a measure prevents the city from making many needed improve ments. There is a certain class of property owners in Astoria, abundant ly able to improve streets in front of their property, who take advantage of every technicality to escape street im provements, knowing that any acci dent, resnlting from the dangerous condition of the street or sidewalk, will bo charged to the individual members of the city council, who alono are responsible in an action for damages or los3 of life. With tho limited power now conferred by the charter it is almost im possible to inaugurate a sys tem of municipal improvements very much needed, and material to tho growth and prosperity of the city. Power to bond the city iu any sum not exceeding $500,000 would aid mate rially in the prosperity of the city, and instead of the present generation being compelled to shoulder all the burdens of necessary improvements, it will shift a portion of the responsibility to those who will enjoy the fruits of our labors. I would, therefore, recommend that the Chamber of Commerce appoint a committee to act in conjunction with the mayor, city attorney and common council, to draft a new charter for the city, and that tho committee be ap pointed as soon as convenient, in order that ample time may bo had for the necessary work. Hoping the fore going brief suggestions will meet with your approval, and recognizing the valuable assistance and co-ojieration that is within your power to furnish, I remain your obedieut servant, C. J. Conns, City Atty., City of Astoria. The foregoing statement of facts is a brief sketch of the present condition of affairs in the city, and tho "recom mendations made meet my sanction and approval. Magnus C. Crosby, Mayor, City of Astoria. On motion the reports were received and filed. A communication was read from citizens of Marshfield, saying they were going to start a'board of trade there and wanted a copy of the Astoria chamber of commerce constituion aud by-laws, for a model. The secretary was instructed to comply with the request. A communication was read from J. L. Torrey, of St Louis, Mo., regard ing his national bankrupt law. A communication was received from the Kansas City, Mo., commercial club, asking that the chamber endorse a movement to have amended sections four and five of the inter-state com merce law. The matter was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Gray, Crosby and Thompson. FREE POSTAL DELIVERY. The following communication from Postmaster Bell was read: Hon. J. Q. A. Jiowlby. Dear Sir: Your favor of 6th iust is received and noted. In reply will say that a city containing a population of not less than ten thousand within its corporate limits according to the last general census, or a post office whioh produced a gross revenue for the pre ceding fiscal year of not less than ten thousand dollars, either of which is entitled to a free delivery. Section 623 of postal laws and regulations. I herewith hand you a statement of the gross receipts of the Astoria post- office, for the last four quarters end-1 ing aist Marcn, iyu, as ioiiews: Postage stamps and envel opes sold. S 7,997 65 Percentage on domestic money orders. 322 18 Percentage on international money orders. 252 90 Postalnotes 48 27 Receipts for box rents. 2,021 60 Total $10,642 60 This amount will secure to the city of Astoria a free delivery. Hoping to secure your influence in so important results, and through you of the honorable board of trade of the city of Astoria, in securing a uni versally desired object Respectfully. Johx C. Bell, Postmaster, Astoria. Postmaster Bell's communication was received with applause. The committee on arbitration made report In regard to the Tillamook cable, president Bowlby reported that so soon as suitable pipo was con structed on the rock, the cable would be put into position. the improved channel. President Bowlby also stated that in conversation with Major Handbury last Sunday, he learned from that gen- J tleman that Mr. G. B. Hegardt had I the previous day taken soundings which showed 25 feet of water at low est tide, where 22 feet was shown on the latest government chart, and that Major Handbury said this could bo published officially as showing tho improvement occasioned by the jetty. The jetty work is advancing at tho" rate ot 60 feet per day. If the expected appropriation is available, the work of the remaining 7,000 feet will be completed by the 1st of next i October. Tho matter of street improvements and charter amendments was dis cussed, and a committee consisting of Messrs. Gray, Holden and Tallent delegated to take charge of the pro posed meeting. Regarding the charter amendments a committee consisting or Messrs. Grav, Van Duseu, Kinney, Parker and Halloran, was unpointed to trkc Pm bust night, in broad daylight, delib er After further cxtely ran through the net of a lisher .er. Alter luriucr mnlf lenrinR and otherwise damaging it, charge of the matter. desultorv discussion the meeting adjourned. PKItSOSAL MENTION. -r " t. n it-.,! Dr. O. B. Estes goes up to Eureka, j Wash., to-day. j Judge G. A. McGuirc leaves for' Knappa this morning. C. E. Bennett returned to Portland i on the steamer, Sunday night. Mrs. A. A. Cleveland is quite sick o t, oflice o lh Columbian to with inflammatory rheumatism. ; ,m.e a retraction or denial pnbUsllcd I R L. Jeffroy goes to Victoria, B. C, j its columns, met with but little ' on a business tour this morning. satisfaction, the august representative j Joe Pinschower left yesterday on a of that delectable journal claiming he . business trip to Oysterville and Gray's did not know where the information Harbor. j came from, or how the article got in David Steel, who is building the s th!r paper, now hotel at Tioga, was in the citv I The attempt in the article to take yesterdav. "ie I)ar'- ' a fisherman brought a ! ,r. mV -v . r t m i i smile of contempt to the face of those MissTheralociimfof.PorthindfKijsheRlien w1k reatl it for tbev nlkecitvIvlslt,nSher sister' Mrs-F- universally regard it as anything but a Miss Calhe Muuson is steadily mi-1 Gn a par with their usual local news, proving from her long continued ; -which is geuerallv discredited by the attack of inflammatory rheumatism. fov people who read it Postal Inspector R.B.Munroe, came : One thing about each paper is uui down from Portlaud Sunday and made j versally known and recognized, and an inspection of the oftice here. He that is the reliability of Tnn Astoriax, returned yesterday morning. ! and the lie ab ility of t ho Colum b ian . C. A. Campbell, of San Diego, son of Alex Campbell, of this citv started yesterday for a visit to Portland and - - the cities on the sound. . , The (7a w, a new paper just com- Couuty Clerk Trenchant ami Sheritr I nicnced publication in Portland, savs: Smith returned yesterday morning "It is given up bv all competing lodges from an electioneering tour up the i that Upchurch, "No. 12G, will win the Nehalem and to Westport ! grand master's badge." The Uaccl M. Wise, Miss Jennie Bloom, V. N. evidently forgets Seaside, No. 12, of Green, T. Bercnda, W. H. Wallace, H. ' this city, which is already far ahead, J. Buck and N. Lewis went to San j and expects hi initiate 2" or 30 candi Francisco Sunday, on the steamship dates on Saturday night. The gold Ortgon. ' badge comes to Astoria, and please Mr. and Mrs. D. IL Warren left for ' llon,t cea?c to remember that fact. Oakland, Cat, last Sunday, where I their daughter, Miss Maud Warren, will graduate at a fashionable semin ar', next Thursday. ( Mrs. C. H. Page went to Portland Sunday evening to attend a grand ball I to bo given at the Portland Hotel She will meet Judge Page, who has been to Oregon City, to-day, hi Port laud. J. W. Stengele returned Sunday morning from California by steamer, and yesterday resumed his position in tho county clerk's office. He had a pleasant visit in Los Angeles and vicinity. James Velsor, for many years master mechanic of the Southern Pacitic at Los Angeles, Cat, and a former coun cilman of that city, passed through hero Sunday on the steamer Colum bia, on hU jway to Portland, on a visit Not Exactly Correct. The only two papf rs that we know cf that are being run for fun are the Co lumbian and Astorian, of Astoria. Wo ! are informed by n member of one of tho i companies that both papers aro losing at ! tho rate of $500 per month. That's lots ! of fen. ' L. G. Carpenter, one of the proprie- M'au came in tors of tho Astoria Columbian last Friday evening aud looked around a coupio of days. The above are clipped from the Sea hero several weeks ago from Oregon, Haven Ure.vtm World, of the lGth. j and expected to remain here all sum Wonder who "one of the companies," vacx. Her duty in the Behring seas is, who claims to be so well posted! will be to aid the revenue cutter Hear No one has been over there from this in detecting illegal sealers and over oflice. Who ever it is betrays his ig- hauling stores and outhouses along norance of the facts so far as Tin: As- the coast of Alaska. 6. 1. Chrom ToniAN is concerned. ! c7e, 11. Police Court. Judge Jewett had seven cases yes terday, but not one of the accused appeared, every one having forfeited their baiL Gus Erickson had been arrested for drunkenness, and his deposit of So passed into the city treasury. Isabella Chong and Clarissa Hong, two Mongolian maidens with romantic names, were charged with inhaling the fumes of opium, and 20 from them slid into the city's money box. Ah Sam, Ah Choy, Ah Bah and Ah You were also among the missing, and failed to answer whv thev "hit the pipe," but the $10 they had left an swered tho question very well, and this closed the social, with SG5 to help pay the city expenses. This Shows the Koston Idea. Up Washington street there is a window packed full of cans of Alaska salmon, at 7 cents a can. The In dian squaws who do most of the work in those Alaska canneries are evidently not striking. lioston Tran script. Nearly everbody needs a good medi cine at this season, to purify the blood and build up the system. Hood's Sarsa- fiarilla is the most popular and success ul spring medicine and blood purifier. It cures scrofula, all humors, dyspepsia, sick headache, that tired feeling. WeiHkard's Beer. And Free Lnneh at tin Tniotiiimm Sn- l loon, 5 cents. Tfccrc Arc Some Nice Rooms. Over the Mikado candy store, suitable for offices, for rent Apply to Alex Campbell. Meats CeeiteA to Order. Priyate rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Coffee and cake, u-.n rants, at the Central Restaurant REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. HAY 19. As Filed in The County Hcrnrder's Oflicc YeMenl.iv. ' William and Annie Reidt to E.A.Nved,lot3 13,14, 15 and 1G, blk 19, Rosedale. .S William and Annie Reidt to W. B. Rausou, lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, blk 19, Rosedale.. William .and Annie Reidt to L B. Fisher, lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, blk 19, Rosedale William and Annie Reidt to G. E. Parker, lots 1. 2. :i and blk 4, 19, Rosedale. . . . G. S. Blackmail and wife to Minnie L. Niles, lot 10, blk 25. Columbia Eric Johnson, to W. N. Smith, lot 8, blk 110, Mc Clure's United States to Anton E. Johanson, lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, of section 13. and lot 1 of section 21, T 5 N, R 7 W, 137 acres H. C. Thompson and wife to I. E. Westbostad, lots 23 and 21, blk 2, West War rentou 100 100 100 200 171 100 Previously reiortcd this year 1,310,196 Total to date ....S1,311,0GS IXCOIJKKI'T. AS USUAL Cannot Tell the Truth in Hardly Anything The Columbian of hist Friday moniing contained the follewing: The steamer S. G. Ileal, in going from j the Union l'aciuc dock down to Tansy so that it will require two or three days hard work to gather up aud repair it. 1 The net was in tho middle of the channel, i but there was plenty of room for passage on either side, and those who saw the af- a,r soiae of whom wero passengers on the steamer, denounce it as an outrage upon an honest, hardworking man. Capt Kindred, of the b'. O. Ilntd, says the above is entirely false, that tlml lIe steamer did not even touch any.net.n.Vlchr lef injur1: or "? it- The Hatlae Will Come to Astoria. Tlin QUESTION SETTLED. This is a faithful pic ture of the establish ment of Thomas rrico & Son, at 521 Sacra mcato St., S. F. As the leading chemists of the west, they wcro asked to settle tho question as to what sarsa parillas wcro la fact purely vegetable. "Wo present their report. " U'c have made careful chemical analyses of several veil 1-novn brands of sarsaparilla, and have found them, allicith j the single cxtzplion of Joy's to contain iodide of potassium. As a result ve are enabled to pro nounce Joy's to be the only purely vegetable ', larsaparilla now on the zmrlet, vhich has come ' under our observation." Modern mcdiclno ( has proven that all ordinary lace eruptions , are caused by Indigestion and sluggish, circu J latiou, which call for vcgctablS alteratives, Instead of mineral blood purifiers like Iodide j of potassium. Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla J Is tho first to discard tho old notions and pro j cced under tho modem theory. Its cures arc tho talk of tho hour. The "CorwinV Cruise. The ollicers of the United States j steamer Coricin received ; "Washington yesterday dii orders from directing them to prepare for a five month's cruise to the Bchrmg seas. The Corwin came Hood's Sarsaparilla Is carefully prepared from Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Tipslsscwa, Junior iJerries, and other well-known and valuable vegetable remedies, by a peculiar combination, proportion, and process, giv ing to Hood's Sarsaparilla curative power not possessed by other medicines. It effects remarkable cures where others fail. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 ihcbcst blood purifier. It cures Scrofula, S..U IHieuni, Boils, Pimples, all Humors, l)y:pepsia. Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indigestion, General Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver com plaints; overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an appetite, builds up the system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Ilasmetmiparallcd success at home. Such is its topularity in Lowell, Mass., where it Is made, that Lowell druggists sell more of Howl's Sarsaparilla than all other sarsapa riilas or blood purifiers. The same success Is extending all over the country. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is jieculiar iu its strcngtli and economy. It is the only preparation of which can truly be said " 100 Doses One Dollar." A bottle or Hood's Sarsaparilla taken accord ing to directions, will last a month. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar iu the confidence it gains among all classes cf people. "Where it Is once used it becomes a favorite family remedy. Do not be induced to buy other preparations. Bo sure to get the Tecullar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by druggists. SI; sisforgj. Prcparcdby C I. HOOD & CO.. AiNitlivcarlw. Lowell, 3Ia33 IOO Doses One Dollar House for rent in upper Astoria. In quire at this oflice. Fifty pair roller skates. 73c a pair, worth $1, at Griffin & Reed's. Try our Secretary, Astoria and Co lumbia lead pencils. They are fine. Griffix & Reed. i 'BE9 ffl -m JUST Parasols. Laces. Ribbons. Embroideries. Pythian Bidii The Leading $2.35 The "French Frooess!" HAND-SEWED, DOUBLE SEAM SHOE. MORGAN & CO., Originator ! -VS. Imitator No matter what trade or profession you choose you will easily detect the men of original ideas; the men who push themselves and the town they live in ahead; men who are a credit to their profession and tho community they live in: but you are also sure to find the imitators, those who are at the rear end of the proces sion, men who never have an original, bright thought or do an original, bright act. If let alone they will exist on what liberal, unsuspecting people permit themselves to be rob bed of; but no sooner does the original, enterprising man make a move, and the imitat ing tail-cnder tries to benefit by his superior's genius. Note the weak attempts of the old-styled shops to imitate my Saturday Surprise Sales. It's enough to make a, horse laugh. For New Goods, Original Styles and Low Prices Look to HermanWise The Live Clothier and Hatter. In the Occident Hotel Bl'd'ff. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE! ok Tim Entire Furniture and Fixtures of the Esmond Hotel, PORTLAND. OK. The original cast of the elegant furniture and fixtures ol this hotel was over 32.000, all of which will be sold at auction COHIITIEXCIXG MAY 20tli, At 10 o'clock a. ar., and continuing until all Is sold, together with the finest team and coach in tho state, large steel safe, fine ofhee fixtures, three billiard tables and very fine bar and fixtures, cut glassware, etc. The furniture and fixtures of this hotel consist In part of one fine upright piano, elegant parlor suits, upholstered in suk velvet, spun silk and plush ; pier mirrors, easy chairs and rockers, upholstered in quilted silk and cut plash ; marble top center tables and side boards ; solid walnut, finely carved ward robes, solid walnut oflice tables and chairs, eighty marble top bed-room sets In walnut, rosewood and cherry; fortv ash bedroom sets, over 3,000 yards of Moquette, body Brussels and tapestry carpets ; elegant lace curtains and lambrequins, curled hairspring and top mattresses,featherplllows.blankets, quilts and bed linen, 108 heating stoves ; also chamber crockery, glassware, etc .N.B. Tills sale offers a rase chance to buyers, as there Is no limit or reserve, and the furniture has been well kept and shows very little wear. T. JT. O'CONNOR, Auctioneer. WfflMcfiii! RECEIVED White Goods. Plaid Sashes. . II. COOPER Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria. For Ladies ! It never rips. It never squeaks, flexible than a hand turn. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ASTOltIA, ONLY OF XS. R. HAWES, Agent. Call and Examine It; You Will be Pleased. E.B. nawes Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work. Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Han. A Snap in Real Estate, 11 1-2 Acres, Close to River and Street Car Line, Only $500 Per Acre for a few Days Only. $5,000 Can be Made on this V i il "Ta ( - M 0f Hi Real lEJjstefto Brokers, Odd Fellows' Biiildinj Lots in Case's Astoria Aro Now on Sale AT THE OFFICE OF THE Astoria Eeal Estate Co. PRICES FROM $150 TO 250 EACH. TEUIIIS One-Half Cash; the Balance in Six and Twelve Months. The laeading Tailors. Fiedler : & Call and See Onr Nobby Stock of Spring Goods Just Arrived. It comprises the latest goods in tho market, and we offer them at prices never before heard of in Astoria, and guarantee the best and most comfortable fitting suits in the city. Next to C. H. Cooper's C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Tuain St. Wharf, Astoria. Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine, WOODBERKY Cotton Lines andTwlne3 SEINES and NETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices, FIRE INSURANCE Effected in First Class Companies, Representing S13,O00,OOO rilffiXIX,. HOME,. Hartford, Conn .New York, Agency Pacific Express and Wells. Fargo A Co. The Oregon Bakery vA. A. CLEYELA3D, Frop'r. M Breai, Cake and Pastry Nena but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part ol the city. Trimmings, and Buttons. Third Street. It requires no breaking in. Mort Astoria, Oregon. Property Within 3 Months. ASTORIA, OJR : McDonald. Astoria, Oregon. Morgan & Sherman G-BOCERS And Dealers In ! Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the dry Office and Warehouie In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No, sr. ASTORIA, OKE6tN; J. B. Wyat DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Cliartltry, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Blnaei. OH Cotton Canvaj, Hemp Sail TrSe Lard Oil. Wrought Iron 8iikL ' Galvanized Cut Nails. Agriciltval Imlemeats, Scwtor Orooerlos 121T Cannery Supplies .. -