The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 20, 1890, Image 1

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I) c Cloi (
Have Choice City and Suburban Property for Sale.
Fire and
Spring Season 1890.
ivCarriapes. Doll Carmsc. U r.l Os'. I
CTvmiel hots. Hammocks. H.uc Walls 8
and Rats Toot KalK 1
tVlitMC Ta.'s .-. Air :ms Waaons. ricr.i-
awl lMrh Itaskt-ts. !:!! I Skates. He
Irish Flax Threads
HKrKH'HII HHflinwJlHS!111
They re-eived Ihc
Xtondon Fisheries Exhibition 1883.
And have been awarded HIGHER PHIZES at the various
Than the goods of any other
thread aflE-a.wrrja,cTci2s
Quality Cam. Always "be Depended on.
Experiencefl Fisliermen Use bo Oilier.
517 and 519 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO.
TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and
TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices.
ow is Tni: tijii:!
Are read y to niisc and mo e houses. j
Wo arc the lwss at buKdlng streets, side-
walks and bulkheads. Shingling houses a I
specialty. Jack screw -, Wcckhip. rollers ami j
cribs for rent. Shop on Fourth St., bet. Cass '
aad Genevieve. i
Net Racte For Rent.
Tkc conveniently located and commodious
net racks known as the West Coast racking
CoS, can be rented on cry reasonable
terms. For further particulars apply to
Kindred Park.
TGIS Fine Tract of Land adjoining New Astoria, is" by far the most beautiful
gbitc that has been placed on the market. The lots are large, the streets
wide, and grand, brotd avenues tun through the entire tract. If you are
seeking a home where health ami beauty are combined, come and buy yourself
Spring Season 1890.
A Splomli.l Mc'. " 5 "'' l:itionei3'. ltlamk
P.tMiks hdinol Hooks ami biipplie-.
Jitst lticelu-tl.
A i'ull Slock of J'.tijcr Xoels. , ,
1 lANO- AMJ OM. :
&7 REED.
Hustler & Aiken's
Block 26 is Now on Sale.
Lot 50x100 All clear and Level.
Price i ill soon be advanced.
JJuy now ; don't wait.
Odd Fellow's Itmldiiig.
The Senate Believes in Haying An
Efficient Nayy.
Special by Tho raliiornia AsjnmTin 1'kess.
Washington-, May 19. Iu the house,
tliis morning, much interest was mani
fested auil the galleries were crowded,
as it was understood that "Wilson, of
West Virginia, would reply to Camp
bell's letters introduced Saturday by
Bayne. Chairman Grosvenor said the
galleries would be cleared unless the
occupants refrained from any demon
stration. Wilson took tho iloor and
denied the veracity of Campbell's
statement that ho (Wilson) had said
$15 was enough for any workingmau.
Bayne said he had no doubt that
Campbell believed he was correct in his
statements .about Bynum and Wilson.
He (Bayne) had great respect for Wil
son, wuson tuen saut ne w:is content
with the statement and that he hoped
the matter would end here.
The tobacco schedule then came up
and was debated for an hour and a
half. Several amendments were offered
but all were rejected, so the bill in this
respect, stands as reported. The house
adjourned at o:30 p. M.
l.irut. Swift Reported .Short.
Spec! tl toTiiK Avrnni .
Washington. May 19. A court
marshal has been ordered to try Lieut,
J. A. Swift, of the signal corps, for
shortage in his accounts. The charges
against Swift are based on certain
shortages that have been discovered
in some accounts that he submitted to
the department from time to time.
Most of them refer to the period when
Lieut Swift was in charge of a sta
tion in Oregon. He lately, however,
has been stationed at Norfolk. The
amount alleged in the defalcation is a
few hundred dollars.
The President Want Straight
Work or Nolliing.
Special to Thk Astokian' 1
Washington', May 19. - The Mar
to night says it was reported to-day
that President Harrison said in a way
to get it to the ears oC the Republi
cans, that he wonid not sign any bill
for the free coinage of silver, or any
bill u Inch was passed by aid of the
votes of Democrats. Any bill to la a
Republican measure, must have
enough Republican voles to pass it
without counting the Democrats who
alho vote with them. It is understood
that there has been a proposition on
fool for the Democratic senators to
vol. wjth the silver Republicans, in
return for which, the Republican free
coinage men would vole against the
proposed federal election law.
Tim Seizure Wan S.cgnl. to t iik Avroai.Y.v.j
Washington. May 19. -Thesupreme
court has rendered a decision, sustain
ing the validity of the seizure of the
Mormon church property iu Utah.
Lead Ore mid tlieSili'rrQiicstlou.
hpecinl to Thk Astokian 1
Washington, May 19. In the
senate to-day Stewart presented a
memorial for the united lead associa
tion of Nevada, protestiug against the
free importation of lead ores. At 12:40
p.m. Jones' silver bill came up as un
finished business, and Dolpli took the
lloor for a set speech on it
Dolpli spoke until 4. o'clock. He
was of the opinion that international
bi-metalism is desirable. He thought
that the secretary of the treasury's
plan was open to fewer objections
than any yet proposed. Teller spoke
spoke for an hour and restated
his osition, which, he said, was mis
understood by Dolpli.
Mitchell then arose arose and said
he wished it understood that Dolpli
and his views on silver did not accord
with bis own, which reflected the opin
ion of Oregon. After agreeing to take
up tho bill subjecting imported liquors
to the laws of several states
immediately after tho morning hour
to-morrow, the senate went into a
short executive session, and at 5:20
p. m. adjourned.
Sweet Subject for DikcusIan.
Speciil to Thk Astouiaxj
Washington, May 19. The sugar
schedule comes up to-morrow and
McKenna will attack the county
feature. Carlisle speaks "Wednesday
and will likely be accorded all the
times he desires.
To Adjourn July Citli.
Special to Thk Astokian.
Washington, May 19. The plan
now is to adjourn congress July 6th,
and this will likely lie consummated.
Proposed Naval Promotion.
Special to Thk Astokian
Washington, May 19. Naval
commander Allen D. Brown, has been
ordered to appear for examination for
retirement on account of disability.
1 f he should be retired as probably he
will be, a commander will be jumped
over the head of commander McCalla,
who will thus experience the sensa
tion of standing still while the pro
cession moves on, as part of the pen
alty be is paying. The man who will
go over his head is commanderFrench
E. Chadwick, commanding the York
town. t
: :
! i
It Relieves in Having a Xavy.
Special toTns Astokian.
Washington, May 19. In the sen
ate to-day, the naval appropriation
bill was reported back from the com
mittee. The bill contains but a few
amendments, and increases the total
amount abont S300,000. The appro
priation for the increase of the navv is
placed at S3,120,000, being an addition
of $475,000 over the house bill. In
addition to the uew vessels authorized
by the house, the senate committee
adds one swift torpedo cruiser of 730
tons displacement, with a speed of 23
knots per hour, to cost SooO.OtK) and one
torpedo boat to cost $123,000.
Will Kcmuiler Ever Re Shocked?
Special to Thk Astokun.1
Washington May 19. Justice
Fuller announces that the Kcmuiler
argument would be heard to-morrow.
Ciood Suggestion From Fremont.
Special to Thk Ast hi:a.v.
Washington, May 19. General
Fremont has been interviewed. He
consideres holaborquestion the great
est before the people. He thinks also
that immigration should be stopped for
thirty, years, so as to give children of
foreign parentage, time to grow into
Amendment to tltc Bill
Special to Thk Astokian. I
Washington, April 19. Fnnston, of
Kansas, offered an amendment strik
ing out the duty on mixed ores, and it
was debated an hour and a half.
Carter, of Montana, said, "every sir.el
ter in the country will stand by the
committee of this bill, imposing a
duty of from 2' to 3 cents per jwuiul
on mixed ores. " More than -j" or the
lead production comes from Spain,
Germany and Austria We cau pro
duce in ibis country all the mixed ores
we need, and enough to supply all the
smelters in Christendom. It h not
fair to protect the white lead trust and
not protect the men on the mountain
side, who are trying to hew out homes
and fortunes." The vote on the
amendment, slood ayes 110, nays 133.
Biggs voted with the Democrats,
Clunie with the Republicans, while
Butterworth and half a dozen other
Republicans voted with the Demo
crats. Hopkins offered au amend
ment imposing a duty of 1 cents per
pound on mixed orei, a reduction of
one cent. This wa defeated: ayes,
101; nays, 132. All amendment to
change the unties on lead ore-, were
voted down The bill .stand a'. n
ported from th:? c :n:nittc iu t!ii r.
speeh Port Aiipeles IHniimial LI-i?k.
Sp-vi il t Tn AsniKi .n 1
Washing ton, May 19. The folioar
iug named national bank hi-: Ikvmi
authorized to c.mmeiici' bu.-iiit-s:
First national bank of Port Angeles.
Washington, capital,:?! ),0 hi; president.
Benjamin F. Sclr.varl::: cashier, Israel
a.n" ::voKf.i,s:.vr m':ji:stion.
A t.rand I titcrn:i(icm:il ISaiiroad
Special to 1 iik AST i:i S.
Washington, May 19. The prti
dent sent to the senate the letter of the
secretary of state, submitting a plan for
a preliminary survey for a railroad.
The line is "to connect the principal
cities of the American hemisphere, in
accordance with a recommendation
from the Pan-American congress.
The president recommends prompt
action by congress, to enable the gov
ernment to participate in the promo
tion of the enterprise.
Well Bundled Hit and a. (.ood
SjKJcial toTiiK .WroniAX.l
Phihwemmiia, May 19.
fifteen hundred witnessed
game of players. The game was very
interesting. The .'oil team bunched
hits marvelously well and drove the
visitors to the wall. Score, Philadel
phia lGPittsburg 3.
Scut Home without n Kccord. to Thk Astokian.1
Brooklyn, May 19. The Chicago
players were '"sent home" to-day, with
out a record. Only about eight hun
dred witnessed tho defeat of the
visitors. Score Brooklyn H - Chi
cago 0.
Tlic Scau Eatcrv Triumphant.
Special to Thk astori n J
Boston, May 19. Every inniugin
to-day's game at the Players' grounds
was a victory for the home team,
while the visitors run up a score on a
number of errors. Score Boston 14,
Cleveland 3.
Tralu IhCoiuiufr From New York. to Tun AsrouiAN.
New York, May 19. George Francis
Train, who is making a trip around
tho world, and his party, left New
York for Tacoma in a special train.
They will go over the New York
Central, Lake Shore and Union
Pacific to Tacoma.
ZTIcAuliffc Captures Cotliam.
Special to Thk astoriax.1
New York, May 19. Joe McAuliffe
made his bow before a New York audi
jinco at Harry Kennedy's Theatre and
had a friendly set to with McCaffrey.
He made a great hit with the audience.
Kindred Park.
If you are seeking an investment whereby you can double and treble 3'our money in
not fail to buy in Kindred Park. Call early, examine this Property and buy a few lots
advance. Lots at present are only $125 and $150. Terms: Half cash, anil balance
Waiters Will Hate
Boarders fait.'
Special I17 Tho California As30eiTh i'Rs.
NnWjYor.K, May 19. -The Eceniny
Post says that a Wall street man.
who thinks he knows all about the
matter, says the Northern Pacific has
nlready made arrangements with the
Pacific Mail by which Tacoma will be
the terminal point for the Pacific Mail
steamers, the Northern Pacific people
having agreed to pay the amount
equal to the existing subsidy. If
the Huntington people want the Pa
cific Mail connection, they will be
given it at San Frrncisco, on similar
terms. A meeting of the directors of
the Pacific Mail will probably be held
on Wednesday, at which Huntington
expects to give an answer.
Suicide of n Banker.
Special:" I'm: Avrontw.l
McCook. Neb., May 19.-Ora
Richards, junior member of the firm
of Orr & Richard-, bankers at r.ii-c
Centre, suicided there to-day, in his
room in the 13. & M. Eating House, by
taking laudanum. He had filled
several prominent positions u this
011:1' y. i:nd was very jK)fular. No
c ! for the act is given.
S:ill ifjJvcsJiKin America:: v.V.r.i
p;mie.. Special to riiK A-roi:iAV
New York, May 19. -A large block
of the Commercial Cable Company's
stock has been sold to a London syn
dicate, composed of parties interested
in the Canadian Pacific Railway.
Thomas Skinner, of Londen: Sir
Donald A. Smith, W. C. Van Home,
and C. R. Hosmer, of Montreal, were
elected directors to represent this in
terest John W. Mackav is still prin
cipal, as he holds more than half the
capital stock.
A Kail road Official sCcsiiis.
Chicago, May 19. President Man
vel, of the Atchison system, to-day
ollicially accepted the resignation of
President Goddard. The resignation
takes effect June 1st.
Rumor legan to locate Mr. God
dard as general manager or second
vice president of the Burlington, but
nothing could be learned definitely.
Mr. Goddard refuse; to talk on the
subject, and the Bnrl'iiijlon officials
in tiie city profe.-s ignoi-inee of who
will fill foe w.canl offices permanently.
No steps have been taken by tho At
chison to find n.tncecASor for Goddard.
nor does there seem at present any
available timber.
StrikeAuion lintel Waiter.
Special toTiiK A-r.itt N.
Chk'aoo, May 19. -The culinary al
liance has at lost put all its forcei for
ward, in an endeavor to tic up every
hotel and restaurant in this city. To
day the light began in earnest, and
probably Ji;X) waiters arc out on a
strik and will remai.i so until the
prep: 1 -tors recognize the union. The
princip il hotels affected are the Palm
er Hoiuo, where over 100 men arc
out, and the Fremont, which has a
like number out. Several large res
taurants arc running with only Half a
force. The alliance and proprietors
are in for a long struggle. Already
slejis are being taken to fill the
striker's places, by men froin the
east, where several hotel proprietors
have been for the p:ist week, with this
object in view.
Acquitted and Ilisc.iarcd.
Special teTm: Asront vn.1
Greensijurc, Pcnu., May 19. Pow
dcrly was acquitted of the charge of
conspiracy against Callaghan and dis
charged. A Million and a. Half at Stake.
Special to Thk Astokian.)
Madison, Wis., May 19. Action
was brought here to-day by the St.
Croix Land and Lumler company,
against senator Sabin of the Minneapo
lis and Wisconsin Iron company, to
secure a title to tracts of mining lands,
valued at S1,.")00,000. The plaintiff
alleges that the transfer to the defen
dants was fraudulent.
at Rankled in Wis Itrcast.
Special to Thk Astokian.
New York, May 19. Samuel H.
Crook, a noted caterer of this city,
committed snicido because his hotel
license was refused.
Enthusiastic Cranks.
Special to The Astokian. J
Boston, May 19. The national
game was well attended by cranks,
who were enthusiastic. The local
team played a "rotten" gamo and was
nearly closed out of all. Score
Boston 2; Chicago. 7.
ITIany rJascIIlts and Few Errors.
Special to The Astokian.
New York, May 19. An exceed
ingly well contested game, was the
feature at the national grounds to-day.
Verv close plaving by both sides.
resulted in quite a number of base hits
and but fewlerrors. Score New lrorks;
Cleveland, 4.
The Colored Pugilist Wins tbc
Special to The Astoriax.1
Chicago, May 19. Fully five thou
sand people were at Battery D to
night, to witness the glove contest be
tween Peter Jackson and Ed. Smith,
of Denver, for a prize of $500,-8100
going to the loser. From the start, it
was evident Jackson was the best
man and this was correct, for in the
third and last round, Jackson closed
one of Smith's peepers and used his
face for a sand bag until time was
The decision of tho refereo
awarded tho fight to Jackson, mid
was received with applause. At
the close of the bout, Muldoon issued
a challenge on behalf of Smith, to
any fighter in the world barring Sulli
van, Jackson and .loeMcAulifie, for a
finish fight with skin gloves for any
amount from 500 up.
Tlicn Somroody Has Lied.
Spicl il to Tin: Astokian.
Nkw Youk, May 19. Henry Villard
denies that he is co-operating with
Huntington to secure a controlling
interest in the Pacific Mail. Villard
does not own a share of Pacific Mail
stock, and does not intend to buy any.
He has not seen Huntington for many
months, and has had no communica
tion from him on the subject of
Pacific Mail.
IShciu Ulndc it Lively.
Special to Tin: Astokian.
Piiiij vdetvphia, May 19. Tho na
tional game here to-day, was a very
interesting affair, after the fourth in
ning, when Rhein made things lively.
Score Philadelphia G, Cincinnati 9.
Kisrilt Innings Sufficed.
Special to Tin: Astokian.
Brooklyn, May 19. The winners
in to-day's national game were satis
tied with eight iuntngs. The local
team scored run after run in every
inning except the third, wliile the vis
itors figured without scoring in seven
innings. Score Brooklyn IS, Pitts
burg 7.
An Insane Senator.
Special to Tin: Astorun
Detroit, May 19. Charles W.
Jones, ex-senator of Florida, was com
mitted to the St. Joseph retreat as
insane, by the probate court this
Hardest Fought (:ime Vet.
Special to Tii- Astoki.w.I
New York, May 19. Over two
thousand witnessed the game between
the New York and Buffalo teams of
Players to-day, which was the hardest
fought yet bf all that have been
plaved here. Score New York 12,
Entrain 11.
31c2ioriisi Rishop anil I!ditor.
Special t' Tu k Astokian.
St. Louis, May 19. The Methodist
conference this morning elected Rev.
A. G. Haygood, of Shellield, Kansas,
as one of tho two bishops to be chosen.
Dr. O. P. Fitzgerald, of Nashville,
Tenn., is likely to be elected as the
other. Dr. Fitzgerald is editor of the
Nashville Christian Adcocate and is
well known on the Pacific coast.
A (iruin and Stock Exchange
Special to Tun Astori an.
Nnw York, May 19. Tho public
grain and stock "exchange, limited,
said to bo the biggest bucket shop in
the United States, has suspended.
Destitution aui Death Among Tie
Mjecnnions MaHtants.
rnoTEsr ritojrxjnrFo vxdlaxd
Special bv California associated PitEiS.
Havana, Cuba, May 19. The
drought has assumed alarming pro
portions, and the misery and want of
the inhabitants is awful. The tobacco
crop is poor, and the corn crop totally
lost. The country people arc without
food, or mouej. An entire family i n
Yttelta Abaia suicided because of
nothing to eat. Cattle are dying in
great numbers everywhere.
Trot Out Your Light Weights.
Special to The Astokian.1
London, May 19. Jem Carney has
lasted a hundred pounds forfeit, to
light any light weight in the world,
for the championslup at from nine
stone four pounds to nine stone ten.
Will Fight Rather Than Yield.
Special to Tub Astokian.1
Montreai., May 19. The New
foundland delegates addressed the
board of trade, and asked their sup
port in the strnggle against the French
tishing claims. Perreault, the French
Canadian, hotly protested against
Canada interfering. He said Canada
once belonged to France, and was
ceded to England after au unfortnnato
war, bnt l1 ranee would not cede
another inch without a war.
Spanish Strikers Silent.
Special to Thk astokian.
Madrid, May 19. The strikes
throughout Spain are ended.
a short time, do
before the prices
in three months.
All the Union Men at fori Are
CalM Ont.
Special by tho California Associated Puess.
San Francisco, May 19. Traffic
manager, Geo. H. Rice, of the Pacific
Mail company, has gone to Tacoma,
and it is expected that ho will remain
there for a week or ten days. Mr.
Rice's trip is made to enable him to
inspect the terminal facilities offered
by that city for the line of China
Sculling Match. Arranged.
Special to Tnc Astokian.
Sax Francisco, May 19. A sculling
match has been arranged between
Kemp and O'Connor.
He Died for Lorct
Special to TnK Astokian.
Bishop, Cal., May 19. Clinton A.
Meyers, aged 30 years, committed
suicide near here by taking strychnine
yesterday. Tho cause was disappoint
ment in love.
A Bark Wrecked.
Special to The Astokian'.
San Fkanctsco, May 19. The
steamer Karluk arrived in port this
morning 13 days from Kodiak. The
steamer brought information that the
bark Corea, Captain Wheeler, had
gone ashore at Cook's inlet, Alaska,
and was a total loss. No lives were
lost, and no further particulars are
given. The bark left this port on the
27th of last March, for the point off
winch she went ashore. She was dis
patched by the Arctic Fishing com
pany to go to the canneries at Alaska.
A Slight Change in the Situation.
Special to The Astokian.1
Portland, Or., May 19. Another
change in tho strike was caused this
morning by all the union men, who
have been at work during the past
week, being called out in response to
an order from headquarters. A large
number of men havo been working
steadily for nearly ten days, at union
rates and hours, but in consequence of
the refusal of a majority of the mem
bers of the builders exchange, to
accede to tho demand of the strikers,
it was decided to call out all who were
at work, until satisfactory arrange
ments can be made. Two meetings
were held by the league to-day. What
ever steps were taken, are shrouded in
secrecy, 113 the union does not want to
forearm tho builders by warning them.
Mr. Harry Stoughton, president of
the carpenters' union, stated that very
important measures will be taken, and
that the strikers are more favorably
situated than ever before. He also
stated that the new builders' associa
tion will be ready in about ten days to
put 400 men to work, and that by
that time individual contractors can
give work to nearly as many men.
It Was His Last Sleep.
Special to The Astokian.
EiiiiENSBima, Wash., May 19. As a
freight train was rounding a curve
near Thorpe, seven miles north of
here, early Sunday morning, the
engineer saw a man lying on the track,
with his head on his arm as if asleep.
Being unable to stop the engine, it
ran over him, horribly mangling him.
Ho was brought here, and tho city
officials recognized him as a tramp
who was in the chain gang the past
winter. It is not known whether he
was asleep or drunk.
Found Dead in His Room.
Special to Thk Astoria.
Tacoua, Wash., May 19. John H.
Nicholson, late of Spring Valley, Ills.,
who recently came to Tacoma with a
view of locating here, was found dead
in the Pullman Lodging House this
morning. Nicholson returned last
evening in seemingly perfect health,
and this morning, as ho had not arisen
at 1130 o'clock, an attendant knocked
at tho door, and getting no answer,
took a step ladder and saw Nicholson
lying in a cramped position on the
floor. The door was burst open and
Nicholson was found to be dead. His
papers show he was formerly from
Perryvale, Mo., and more lately from
Spring Valley, Ills., where he seems to
have had a fairly lucrative business.
Nicholson had many law briefs in his
valise, and had evidently had cases
from several large houses in the east.
Charged With Parricide.
Special to The Astorux.
Portland, May 29. Frank S.
Phelps is under arrest for shooting
down his aged father last evening.
He claims innocence, but suspicion is
very strong against him.
California For the World's Fair.
Special to The Astokiax.J
San Francisco, May 19. At a meet
ing called to-day, by the chamber of
commerce to arrange for California s
exhibit at tho Chicago world's fair,
it was decided to hold a meeting
Tuesday of next week, at which dele
gates from all the local commercial
and industrial organizations, will be
asked to be present. The purpose of the
meeting well be to arrange for a state
convention to consider tho matter.
EINGr the Future Terminus of a Great
ing a fine Deep Water Frontage and good anchorage, is destined to be
come a Great City. Quite a number of houses arc being built and other
improvements are under way now, while
this summer.
Will nave Three Throafffc Kail
read. Llaes.
Special to The Astohian.1
OiiYMPiA, May 19. The authoriaed
agents of the Northern Pacific who are
meeting the citizens and board of
trade to-night, to consider the propo
sition for a broad gauge, made Decem
ber 1, if $50,000 subsidy, same aa the
two other railroads, right of way
and depot facilities be ten
dered, and are authorized to make
a proposition by the president
of the road in the east. They will
not require the money until the road
be completed to Gray's harbor, except
a right of way and depot faeilitiei.
The value of the construction is f20
000,000 to Olympia. This makes
three broad gauge roads to Olympia.
The committee appointed to sign the
agreement will report to-morrow.
Murder, Promoted by Jealoaay.
Special to The Astoriajt.
San Francisco, May 19. Edward
Hadung, a contractor, killed his wife
with a revolver and attempted suicide
this evening. Jealousy was the canee
of the tragedy.
Apparently iu Self Defease
Special to Tub Astokian.
Pendleton, Or., May 19. Joe
Genevieve, aged 17, a sou of Charles
Genevieve, a well known stockman,
was killed this morning by a sheen
herder, fifty miles south-west of this
place, by being stabbed to death with
a pair of sheep shears. The name of
the herder is not yet known. Joe and
his mother had got the herder in a
corner of tho fence, beating hint with
a club while the father stood by and
exclaimed, "kill him, kill Trim." The
herder finally freed himself, reached
up to the top rail, where a pair of
shears lay, grabbed them and fatally
stabbed the boy. He then turned on
Mrs. Genevieve, inflicting several
severe woundsMr. Genevieve escaped
A Roy Accidentally Killed.
Special to The Astoriax.
The Dalles, Or., May 19. Willie
Dinsmore, aged fourteen years, was
found under a tree dead, four miles
from home, near Mosier, last evening.
He left Saturday morning; consider
able search was made for the boy un
til Sunday evening, when he was
found with the broken branches of a
tree near him. It is supposed he
climbed the tree, when the limb broke,
causing his death. He must have)
been dead some time, as he was cold
when found. His parents are frantio
with grief. He was a bright good
boy, greatly beloved by bis parents.
A Dead Body FoHRd Floating.
Special to TnK Astokian.
Seattle, May 19. This morning a
couple of Indians discovered the body
of a man floating in the water of the
bay. Tho description of the floater
answers to that of August Johnson, a
carpenter, wbo was missed from the
ship lilue J aetiet, about three weeks
Strike In Seattle.
Special to Thk Astorian.1
Seattle, May 19. This morning
the plumbers of this city struck for
eight hours daily work and nine hours.'
pay. Two of the shops have conceded
to their demands, but the others are
holding out;
Olympia Is Happy Now.
Special to The Astokian.
Olymma, Wash., May 19. Charles
Francis Adams, of the Union Pacific,
accompanied byBogue arrived on a
special train, at noon to-day. He was
received by the governor and the
board of trade, at hotel Olympian
where he dined. This party accepted
the railroad proposition, saying the
grandest of roads should enter
Olympia. They left this afternoon for
Unveiling of a Statue.
Special to The Astorian.
London, May 19. The statue of
Chinese "Gordon" was unveiled by
the prince of Wales to-day. There
wa3 a large and distinguished assem
blage present.
Heavy Failure in England.
Special to The Astorian. 1
London, May 19. Sir Alfred Kirby,
owner of the Deptford distillery has
failed. His liabilities exceed the as
sets 161,000.
Samoan Steamship Service ,
Special to The Astorian.
Berlin, May 19. During a discus
sion in the Beichstag of the budget,
committee's report, it was announced
on behalf of the government that
steamship service to Samoa would be
Another Party in France
Special to The Astorian.j
Paris, May 19. The Boulangista.
are preparing to form a new party.
All Quiet in Dahomey.
Special to The Astobtan.!
Paris, May 19. The French mili
tary operations in Dahomey are tem
porarily suspended.
Interesting News on Fourth Page.
ARE YOU MADE miserable by In
digestion, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite,
Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a
positive cure. At J. C. Denient's.
Transcontinental Railroad, and hay
a great many contemplate buildinr
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Astoria, Or.
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